Saturday, CEBKtn3aErfJtetTgfVn&e3 AprU 22 . T i SATURDAY and MONDAY 4- , SPECIAL RUGS 4 $01 10 WILTON VELVET. fcA1 Cfi tyAl.Dy- Retail Value,"PT:OV CI 1 71 AXMINSTER. f)cnA 1 0" Retail Valuef $1 'J: HEAVY BRUSSELS. flOO Cfi $14.)0-- Retail Value,""?4.:)U CIA CQ TAPESTRY. $1Q Cfi Slv" Retail Value Hundreds of Choice Rugs are in our Special Sale at Sensational Prices. The above four Rugs are for the first comers only four sold at the prices named above. Weathers Furniture Co. RALEIGH, N. C. 18,000 CASES-TREATED! THE POLICE COURT Quarterly Report of Dr. Ferrell On Hookworm In N. C Over Five Hundred Active ' Physi cians, According to Director, Act ively Kiijiti'cit in Exterminating Disease A Broad Campaign. ITT OX A GOOD PRO XT and you cannot help but do so if yon send your Dress and other Shirts to us to bo laundered. We go to infinite pains to please onr patrons by giving them mom excellent work especially in the Kellini; up of fine linen. We have an up-to-date equipment and make it a practice to turn out only the best work, yet our prices attract attention because, of their extreme . moderation. PKOI'LKS TiAl'NDHY (Tnc.) riioni' 71. WE SECURE "'(Ml T"n""ts aml Collect Rents on City Property. THE BEST ,ji''"' Virc Occident, and I'xindin;; Companies are represented in our office. Let us make jour ItF.AL KSTATK deals anil you will be pleased tvitli the RESULTS. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. RALEIGH, X. C. SKI.MN'ti ;i:.TS CAMKROX I'ARK HKH'I IRTV. J TYPEWRITER RIBBON GUARANTEED IP XOT SATISFACTORY AVE WILL RKI'LACE SAME GRATIS. XX Grade, $ .73 earli, or $7.00 per doz. Wcuicbest, $ l.ito each, or $0,440 per doz. CARBON PAPER RanKliiK I" Price, from $1.00 to $ 1.(10 per box. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMES -K. TIIIKM, Manaer. CO. riione No. HUK Daily Times Building. The quarterly reiiort rt D. .To-in A Ferrell, thestate director ot the hook worm campaign for the three montus ending March 81, shows that up to date the piiyslrlans of tae suite have reported treating 18,000 cases of aookworm disease, and that more than 500 of the active physicians ol ihe state are treating the disease. Moreover, it shows that the labora tory of hygiene has examined since ihe work began 17,000 specimens ol feces for the eggs of the hookworm wiiich indicate the infection. i"o prevent the further spread ot hookworm diseases, typhoid lever and other diseases similarly spread u waive for belter sanitary conditions is rapidly spreading. "I lean-up Week" and t lie compulsory use ot sanitary toilets are measures being inaugurated in many towns and vil luges. Qnlle a number of county and ily boards of education have ordered ue installation of sanitary toilets at the schools. During tiie last twelve months there have been disinlniled npproxl mately 200,00(1 pieces of stock liter- ituio on the subject which include leaflet on hookworm disease and and illustrated pamphlet on plans and specifications for sani tary toilets. These are sen! free on request to the Hookworm I'omnils- slon. North Carolina Hoard ot Health. Raleigh. N. ('. l he campaign in a broad sense, is oue for betier sanitary conditions in tae south, an aggressive warfare, not against one. but against many dis eases. "The success of the cam paigu," says Win. H. Gleason, Hi the April South Atlantic Quarterly "must lessen the heavy burden of sickness, bring new vigor to great numbers of people, and accomplish the saving of thousands ol lives." Only a few minutes was consumed I in trying the three eases in the police court this morning. 11 was perhaps thp last court Judge iStronnch will hold as he leaves tonight for a vaca tion. Mr. Joseph P. Cheshire being appointed .by . Mayor Wynne as tem porary Judge until the election when Mr. Thomas Badger.' will wear the ermine, as he will he elected In May. Tun Mangum. was called out and he preferred lo allow his bond to be for feited rather than appear. E. X.. Ni.'oles, colored, was .before ins honor' for being drunk, it was his first . offense and he was let on" with the cost $2-7.1 Bertha Lee. a nnmnouj colored street walker was caught in the net. She was up before Ills honor for statutory vagrancy. She submitted to the charge and was lined $10.00 and I taxed with the cost .$2.75.-. pring. fiflocJI'clh' Is Needed Now, and the Best is Hood's Sarsaparilra Which purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood as no other does. 40,366 testimonials of cures, in two years. Oet it in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. THE R. VI C. 4'OXVEXTIOX. A Km ham Itanki-iipl. An involunlarv petition in bank ruptcy was filed in Ihe federal court today by Richmond, Va., creditors iigainst A. S. Greenluii'g. a '.merchant in Durham:" The first meeting of the creditors will be held in Durham on May ;t, before Mr. Victor H. Hoyden, ralerce in bankruptcy. Safe Medicine For Children. Foley's - Honey -and Tar Compound Is a sale and effective medicine for chil dren as it does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Ik in a yel low package. King-Crowell iJrug I company. A man is ten times as pleased with a I et hi' wins as h is With tell'.' times as much that he earns. Successful Session Held ill Statesville. Closetl Thursday Evening. The state n. Y. P. 1'. convention which was held in Statesville, closed rhursdny evening and the Raleigh delegates reached home last night. They report the convention a great success in every wav. one of the best and most interesting ever held. The convention opened Tuesday evening, Dr. W, It. Ciillum conduct ing the devotional service: Dr V. I Potent mndo an address on "The Ap peal of the Kingdom to Christian Heroism". Ho was followed by Mr. ' P. l.cnvell. of Oxford. Miss., the il. V. -p, (,. secretary of the south who spoke, on the airs and objects of tiie union. The remainder of the fir .-I session was taken up with the enrollment of deb-gales, etc. i weanesoav mornings session .Mr. l.eavell spoke on ' Two II. Y. P I . .Matters . Ho began - by asking who could giVe li iin the best motto for the It. Y. P. 1 . Someone said. Hiiry Your Poor I ncle," another. Fie Your PaRtor's 1'ndcitaker". Itut it was decided thai the host motto is fill llaiilisl Young People lUilized". He said the union should 'use all young people as otteu as possible. Mr. -Lea veil was followed hv Dr. A. T Robertsons of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. This was -'ollowed hv a P.fl-minutes open conference, at which business was transacted and suggestions made lor the good of the movement. Youth a Critical Period," was the subject of an address hv Prof. R. A. Merrill. At the afternoon service' the nieeling-was opened with a song service led by Professor Highsniith, of Wake Forest. The weekly meet ing and other subjects were dis cussed. The reception to the delegates was most pleasant feature and was highly enjoyed bv all. The closing address was made 1 " Dr. Vines, ol Asheville. The RM- eigh delegates speak enthusiastically ol the hospitality of the people of statesville anil thev sav from a social standpoint as well as from l lint ::' the more serious work of the union they never enjoyed n. meeting nu-re. PERFECTIOJ1 CO for Social Arrangements HPHE informal invitation which comes over the telephone is generally the most welcome. ....'.. Our extensive service makes it possible to arrange delightful social affairs at the last moment. It does away with suspense and uncertainty provides, the in stantaneous reply. . v- i Almost all the leading homes and progressive offices in Raleigh are connected with our system and are deriving unequalled advatages from the service. Are you a subscriber? CAPITAL CITY TELEPHONE CO. EIVE II XItTEIiS TtUlAV. Oxford Has lllectric Llulit ComiMinv aiid Waterworks Compaiiy. charter was issued today to the Hoke Itealty Loan and Insurance Company ot Raeford. The author ized capital is $-50,000, with $5, 000 subscribed by .lohn W. Moore, Rae ford; Greensboro Securities Company. Clreensboro: W. J. Upchurrh, Rae ford, and others. i ne wxiora water company re ceived a cnarter today. The corpo ration proposes to purchase and ope rate waterworks and to sell its prod uct to persons and corporations, etc The authorized capital is $15,000, of which amount. $300 has been sub scribed by Richard C. M. Culvert Chas. F. Nesbit, and A. H. Powell. These same gentlemen propose to carry on the business of an electric light company and have formed a corporation under the name of Ox ford Electric Company. The capital Is $15,000, with $S00 subscribed. The Elmore Mercantile Company, at Elmore, Scotland county, received a, charter -today. The total author ized capital is $100,000, with $:',,000 subscribed hv Hector McLean, A. P. Oibsoa, and E. C. McCall. The Rose Club Company, a social and literary organization, will make its home in Salisbury.' The author ized capital is $2,500, but the com pany has the privilege of beginning operation when $.100 shall have been subscribed. 0. V.r Stacy, D. B Burke, and W W. Poole are the in corporators. Must Construct Shletruck. The Durham & Southern Railway Company was ordered by the corpo ration commission today to construct a sidetrack at the sawmill of T. C. Stewart, near Turlington, Harnett county. REASONABLE RATES. Annual Reunion United Confederate Veterans, Little nock. Ark., May 15-18. , For this occasion the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad has authorized special low rates. May 13, 14 and 15, limited until May 23. Ticket can be deposited at Little Rock and upon payment of a fee of fifty cents at time of deposit limit ot ticket can be extended to and Including June 14. For rates and information apply to nearest agent or Tf jO, White, gen OK WITH GAS! It is the Best and Cheapest Way. Ranges sold at cost on easy payments. Set free along our line of mains. Booklet "Cook With Gas" mailed on request. Standard Gas & Electric Co. Phones 228. 107 S. Wilmington St. BASKETS ' ' -v i f K. 7 Clothes Halnpcrs. Lnuiulry Baskets. Mavkot'Baskets. Flower Baskets -Liuifli Baskets. Office Baskets. Work Baskets. Collection Baskets. Bassinetts. TIIE T Which Do You Use?,1' J. D. RIGGAN CO., 132 Fayetteville Etreet. WE HAVE I JUST RECEIVED Klnck Panama Skirts nt W.rM mid $."i.00. While Mnene Skirts nt $1.25 and .$2.00. Lingerie Waists nnd Middio Mouses, Dresses in Ijinli, Ilatiste, and Foulai-d. STOCK OF MILLIXF.RY AND DKY fJOODS COMFLF.TK. I. ROSENTHAL. MONEY TO LEND. In Wake County Only. Ob Either Heal or Personal Security. cu aoomt 18.10 pollen Building, City. nn : la) Bucxeed when everything elte falls. In nervous prostration and female weakness they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine erer told over a druggist's counter. ' Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation," and Nearly Every body Reads The Ealeitfh Dailv Timer KOTICE BY ADMINISTRATOR. Having quallDed as administrator C. T. A. upon the estate of Giles Ed gar Leacb, deceased, late of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, this is o notify all persons having claims against the estate of Bald Leach to exhibit the same to mfl"on or before the 4th day of April, 1912, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said Leach are hereby notified to make prompt payment to me. This April 1st, 1911. LEO D. HEARTT, Administrator C. T. A. of Giles Ed gar Leach, deceased. ' ERNEST HAYWOOD, Attorney, o. a. w. 6w. ''Clothes Beautiful" f ," - ..,..'...:....' -' ' Models for every form and figure. So moderately priced that they are within Ihe reach of every one that wants to dress as a. Gentleman should. Gentlemen Naturally DRESS UP more for Spring than any other time. All nature puts on new apparel. . ' , WE are showing the latest weaves, the newest colorings and handsomely tailored. " Spring Suits i. 2 $15 to $35 CROSS & UNEHAN CO . THE QUALITY. ' UNIVERSAL SERVICE. i eral passenger agent, . Wilmington,

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