6 ' TIES RALEIGn DILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1911.' V rMonftnpii Gmn&v Ala Pf: .' ftanahm. kmltlifnl Mfraahlnv nnnvlahln PrfiDarad from a ataad. .(TArmgla ylf.k pun Ginger root extract and the celebrate MECKXiEXBURO FAMOUS WATEB For Bale in Raleigh by EEKG-CROWELL DRUG COMPAKY, THB QUALITY DRUG OTOIUL ' ' ' - ; f SOCIETY"! & srcasss ob r.viLrnK. . (Written for The Times.) . Called you say? By what meter pray .f)o you count success? Failed? In what? He has his Brother's Pate or Fume at heart ArlY has failed in whose heart Hod lias put the less. Failed you sav? Ilecause Ins will Refused to bend your way? . .Failed because your will did tun With' his' hold sway? Kay, no failure Is compile: For mayhap yet. fiod nee ti: 'To place him higher. To lift him up from 0111 v.hm pit. Every man has failed And. yet has won gut-ces. EAch mind his own goal to win, Mayhap his was not of your net-ess. ' . ; Mayhap you could . not. understand The riches lying secret in his soul ; Mayhap you but measin d him other Which were even lower than His goal. Samuel 1. Unintt li v . Irs. J. M. Moore, of Wendell, w t'thf city today. . '' .- Miss Pearl Fleming, of Maiison. VJfllttng- Mrs. C. H. Hi ckhatn. Miss Mnry Timbcrlake. villc, Is visiting friends n of Youtigs i the citv. brother,, left today . for Va., their future home. FabMimli n. liagwoll ami Mi,ss Maude ft todav for dariur. ..... (i F Met ice. of We ndell, was city today going 'in Frnuklinton, Mi s. .1, W. Hicks and Miss Elhel ftuflaloe niv visit Itin" Mrs. i ail P. Mor ris, at I in: hum. Mr 11. Bagwell I M l-M. in the Miss Chamberlain's Hecltair Therp will be a-$lno recital in ft, I Mary's auditorium-' tomorrow evening I from 8 tQ' 9 o'crbck" bv Miss Marv Mitchell Chamberlain, to which the I amber ornaments.' acjved tut. -you-ttv- ful matron of honor, Tlioimis J. tfher rlll. of Norfolk, i brot her of the bride. was the besr man. Darin- 49 eere mnny MIss.KlfltberJy. played softly an: TVubllc is cordially Invited. Miss t'ham- appropHtt.iMJip4. . ' Theyiiiipresslve herlnn will tin nsuisto.l i. iho ..lini-na ring servicer- wrta .used, ,. l tits jfiecemonv - - " .'..:.,'. I was concluf(f. with' tlie-i Mendelsohn wedding march. An Informnl recep tlnn and the 'sorvins of tha: weidlns brcakfasi followed. Thei'W'Prtf'about 10 guests In attendance. Mrs.; J. It. Sherrlll,.; raotha of the hVltlo. wjire a hand.embroldwtd ponijee .'frown. Miss Vera - Parsons;- of Jacksonville. Fin.; win a white lace over pink, ud- Mi.ss Mury Bpotswood, of Jaeksonvftle. Flu., was radiant In pink niessallne The presents ycre numerous ami unusually bcaubfitl.'.yiqdlbdlng manv exiiulslte pieces of 'cut Jrlass. imen. silver and china. Mr: and Mrs. Hatcnum left this afternoon for a northern weildin? journey, and returiiliii;. will ! at home U Je. Montfcird nveiiue. ' Ma Hei rliiK. of riinton. ve- 'ifltr vlsilliiK litT' In-oilier, Daiiy. jti id.. ol' lliaherfordtnii. VIsitiiiK -Mis. .1. i. llai waid. for 1 days 'left loday I'or Kii l'ord. . ' Mai-y . IJindon ('ivwan. who -litis the idlest ''I Mrs. It. It. Kancv. i-turned to her home. '.in Onelik.i, ; Mrs. I 'aval turned, todiy .Mr. Mii after a. tV Mi licen nas i Ala, Mrs. L. C. - Wntkms. or Winston iSalera, is visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. W. J. Woodward. or mlhgton, is visiting- Mrs. A. F. I Jn!fWest Jtahdgh. Wil- . 11 Wiliiiieis retuihcd from .Mrs. and Mrs. A ahd! little son have trip to naltliuoie. 'Mrs. Mack Herndon.ot nurham. was. Inthe- cltv today retnniiiia from a Vlsjt to-tnurlnbiirg. . ,.( , ViSlIss IjUla Edmtindson. ol Hoiision, VAL arrived . todaj. to visit -hT ister JFtsT Joseph 'Terrell. Misses Maude and Hattie Arnne tort attended' the funeral of '.Mr. J. n. Powers at . Greensboro. . ..f'r'"'".',' -. ' ! . Sjlss Annie Plumnier Nicholson, of Wishinfton. X. ('.. is vlsitini; nt the home of Chief Justice ( lark. f .;4Mrs. .J. O. deltoulhac Hamilston. . of Chiipel Hill,' Is visiting her iiaiciits, Mr! and Mrs. A. A. Thompson. liMiss: .-Nannie Hay. has . smw for ,.v.8le'eral .-weeks' visit to ridativcS in .'Columbia and other polnis in, Soiiili cifdlln.i. ." Mrs. J. N. At water, of ''on Hill. 6.-iC, left, vesterdav itfii-rnoon lor . 9irHngton,; after . visiting Mrs. J, V Jetlklns. . . ' ; . ' ftev. and Mrs. (!. T". S i .in i 1 1 an. I . dAughter, of Cameron, s c mi, a Stopping . over in tlii' citv with his Miss Annie f'iummer Micholsnn, aif WashlnKtnn, N. (,, uim lias, been vis- inriK Miss Kiiscina A 'lark. lert tootiy for Wilsiin. l'he Rescue V-iii-le pf KillK'a Datlgb- ler. will meet With .Mrs: t ., c. .Mc Donald Thursday afternoon at . 4 clock. A lull attendance is request -.'d as business or iiniuu'tiinee will be transacted. Autonnilu ' al'rty. An automobile party ' consisting, of the following parties left New Bern this morning in a touring ear for a weeks visit in several towns up the state. Thev are Mr. and Mrs. . Munger, Miss Maud Manser add Miss A.dalia .Myeis. The party intends to vlsif'ltt l!ale:ah; Dm ham.- ISreensboii and seveial oilier towns New Mern Min. ' - - . ' Hecilal At. Peace. . Miss Huth ... Mieholson, . piano, of Littleton, will give uating recital at Thursday, evening at Nichoison .has been ing of -Miss ; pnmais years; The public vit" I. '."-', inezzo-so-her grail- I'eaee Institute S:3U I' l loik. Miss under, the train for the past two is cprd tally in- Inler-Society Debate, The annual ".imer-sWlety senior, de bate between., the Pullen anil leazai Literay " Societies w ill he held in -.PuH N-ii Hall at the A. ,V St. I'oilege Sat urday night.. May i. at s. p. in. Public invited. .:. Query': Ucsolved: . That Hie rnited .State should establish a gener.il par cels post. V Annative Pulleii lliown anil T. 1 Society: O. read a paper on "Slevensons Poetry and Pi-avers." A large number nf club members were present and the social r.!do of the meeting wns much enjoved. ' The Kenntness llook riuh, 1 : hio- The Ucnntness Honk ( lub held a delightful meeting with Mrs. W. W Itonards vesterd.tv alternoon. pursuing tneir study of the rules of the world Miss Mirah Cheshire read a paper op "Leopold ami his attitude to the iingn Free Slate." ''The New (loveril- nii-nt ui .orwav anil Sweden was th subjeet" of an luierestliiK paper . by Mrs, Albert: ..Kallmann! who also gavi reading from "The Midnight Sun r.esides the club members the lo.- lowing quests were present: Misses Maysie llaker. nf Baltimore: Hena lark, of Tai'horo: Mrs. i.'hnrles Kooi. Mrs. Iteiit'lian Cameron. Airs, chir enee Johnson. Mrs. II. M. Wilson, of Taylors villi': .Mi's. Hessie s. ..ak and Mrs. Joseph Blount Cheshire. (.rnilualnitf Song lleeitul, .' Miss Alice Meweotnli, eonti'altO, pupil ol Miss Helen Day. 'at .Meroiluli College, gave her graduate recital In too auditorium, vesterdav afternoon She was assisted hv Mr. Jam Thomas, violinist, and Mr. I'harh'S tl-ioduo, flutist. , . : The audience was highly delighted with the program rendered which was a varied and versatile one. shnwin admiruhlv tin1 depth and power ol her voice,- so well ftdnpted both t the ..lighter,, capricious hpanlsh songs and to tho broader 'arid innre digni fied measures. Hindu Slumber sonic. Ware. (a) Venetian Love Ming. h) Mat tlimta. (c) La Serentn: Tolstl. Aria My Heart at 'fay Sweet Von (Sjiii.sou and Ilelilali), Saliit Saeiis. (ai Minor Chord. Magee: lb) the Summer Sea (filgolli ta). Verdi (c) i ibstinaiioii. Fontenailles: id) Hal ernara Hartnent. Ibzet: ( i Invictus. Hiihu. ' ili-aven lla'.li shed a Tear. Kucken Flue and violin obllgaio. Mlss Dnv at the piano. ji:HSimc oi'kki:tta. Kalolgh Scliuol riiililren to Present lletl Rilling Hood's llescue. Those who fitness Hie presentation d the Juvoiilli operetta "Ited Killing- hood s Iteseue" next Fi lda v evening nt ihe lira ml will bff nmilv lepaul for time Hid nioneyr AO 'more charming music for children's voices was ever writ ten, and trie. cn refill drill work of the vocal teacher. Miss rliira M. Impel will be much In evidence. Miss Slalnhuek's class from the Wllev mol will be heard when the curtain n-es. . .Miss Jane Ray will lake ibe'imit of tin: .mother on account ol the illness ot Miss Kathleen liei n.-nil. Her voire arrles. well and will he thoroughly en joyed. 1 he Dine Hells chorus of little girls nine and ten years ol, I is a most ut- traei ve leature-, The l Ostumes tor the wolf have been ordered from rtal- timore. . , .'. l'"ioni the way tickets are selling. I here w ill be 8 full house. No writs will he reserved. ', ; - . IIHCKIKS-PK A Its A I.L. Popular Seaboard Ijinineer Weds Clinton (iirl llus Morning. Leazar Heal. : Society: J. H. Pedm. Nestallve: !. I toss and .1. M. loi-tniglilly I Keviciv Club. m i ugly H. Kenncy i-liariuingly en erianied the Fortnightly Keva-w club esterday . afternoon and the meeting was a ...most interesting one. liohcrt liouis Stevenson, being the subject. Mrs. Margaret Rusbee Shipp. read "St paper bv -Mrs. 1. 1'. Harrison on 'Mc- vinson as a Critic" Mrs Hubert Royster interesthigly sketched the life of Stephenson, Mrs. James It. luting Kateiuau-Slienill. The. following .account - ot lh- mar riage of Miss Lottie SherriU. of Ashe- villi-, taken Irom the Asheville ilazett .News, will be of Interest to her friends hero, she was one of the bridesmauls at the inariage of Miss Kthel Hogei s anil .Mr. J: J. liatitt In Februiu V : "The spacious rooms of the Rherlill home on Montford avenue were beuu tltullv adorned today in color lones of gn'en ami white, to do honor to tile mairiage nl Miss Lottie sherrill and Walter Carstarphen Uateiiuni. which was solemnized at 1 o clock. In the pal lor a llora.1 altar of palms and lnoicd plants concealed tnc. fireplace, and lilifs. heavy with fragrance, were used in deeoiating. The hall was in green. with the punch bowl ami service and the souvenir boxes of ..wedding cake placed . upon the table, of honor. In tin dining room the massive t:0)le. Willi Its lace cloth, was garlanded from thi chandelier with white tulle and trailing smijax. The w-cddim? cake, urentlieil with orange blossoms, formed the cen ter piece. It nas surmounted bv immature bridal pan repeating their vows under a silver wedding bell. At the appointed hour Miss Marv Klm herlv played the Wagner wedding chorus from Lohengrin.. The hi Ide and bridegroom entered the parlor and took their ' places before Dr. W. .M. V ine standing facing the Moral altar. T! bride wore her going away suit of grav cloth with gloves and shoes to match, and a grav bat trimmed with a superb willow plume, .with delicate touches of. lavender. She wore: as her only imminent,'-a' pearl and diamond pendant, the gift of the bridegroom, Her sister. Mrs. Hernard Wood, of At lanta, in a lace gown over yellow, with t Ladies Tailor-Made Waist F6r All Occasions Wo liavo a groat variety of tailor-mriclc -waists for the ladies, in Marquisette, Chiffon, over Silk, Lingerie,- Silk' and ALessaline, .in all this season's .popular shades. Many of the waisfs are made" with the low neck and kiniona sleeve effect, while the other styles arc in keep iiig with the latest, models for this spring and summer. A waist made of tine Lingerie, nicely trimmed, and one that is a great feature for ihe price $1.00. We also have the dollar waist in Linen tailor. . . ....'':......-: This waist I' very one them. is one of the best bargains we have had is well made and from i lie hest materials. for some time. Ask to see . i . i . f i. 203-205 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. iMMMBMMMHMmBHs M MlliMHI, ii wj 4 A Dainly Lot of Parasols for the Ladies, Misses and Children These Parasols are new, having just reached us. Every one is made in some color that adds much to its beauty and will make them popular among the better dressers. The colors are in white, white and 'black, white with colors, plaids, checks, and brocades. For the ladies' the prices run from loo. to $5, while those for the misses and children are from 25c. to $1.50. We are agents for the famous Gossard Corset, Laces in front and highly recommended by physicians. P. X. Corsets, with Cork protecting-Hasp." and the G. H. a la Spirite. TO, A. PAMTO CO. Wies Furnchings and Novelties. - - 131 Fayetteville St ALWAYS SOMETHING. NEW. pretty home weddms wns cele brate.! this mornlni; at 11:3ft when Mr. Xichie !.-. Hrooka. of this citv. and Miss Klizii Howard TVnrsnll. of clln- on. JM'ri" united in mariiaite at the mine of Mrs. Tov. let I-:ist North street. : The ceremony was performed bv Itev. V. McC.- VVhlle. pastor of the First I'rosbyteruiu church and there was present a number of li lends of the bride and groom. I.ohenprm's Wedding March was played bv Miss Florrie Jones, who ilso softly played ' Hearts and Flowers' durliifi- the ceremony. The bride's onlv attendant was the lame of honor. Mrs. M. J). .Muse, who wore light blue Slk. Mr. Muse acted as host man. ... The bride was attractively attired In a travelng suit of tan pongee trimmed in toMblles of blutv her hat and gloves matching. She carried a bomiuct of bride s joses. She. is the laughter of Mr. ml Mrs, J. J. Peur- sall, ol Clinton, and has lust completed course In Kings business College here, she has made manv Iricnds In Ihe city and is an attractive and pop ular young woman. The groom is tin engineer in the em ploy or the fiearioard Air Line, is i equally popular awd Is highly esteem ed by all his friends. , A number of railroad men were present at the cere mony among them being, Mr. W ilium 11a vis. mayor-elect of Hamlet, and Mr. J. C. ItrittitiKham. also of Hamlet. l'he young couple left on titi fur a wedding trip to Washington, l'liiladel- ) I'll la. New ork and other northern cities of interest. They are certainly rich in tile good wishes of their friends if they may be judged from the iiian tities of nee that were showered upon them. The little incident and the in terest always cn-uied by a bilde and groom furnished amusement during the weary wait between trains lor a num ber of travelers at the station. on their return Mr. and Mrs. liruoks will be a home at 104 East .North sired. TH K STATU FEDERATION. Many Social Kvents In Honor ot Club Women This Week. (special to The Times.) Ashevillo, N. C. May 3. The meet ings of the State Federation of Wo men's Clubs, which Is In session here hw week, will be full of interest and will Include reports and discussions covering a wide range of educational, civic, economic and reformatory sub jects. Prececding the bpening session Mrs. William J. Cocke, atate chairman of the conservation department, en tertained with a luncheon at her 'homo on Brench llroad avenue for the board of directors. The opening session was held Tuesday at 8:35- o'clock at the Battery Park hotel,' the headquarters of the r-oventiun. where a number-of distinguished visitors ars staying. The ardUress of welcome was made- by It. R. -Williams. Mrs. Zebulon Vance, rep resenting the AshevUe' clubs; offeiied greetings and the sister organisations, V. T. C. and D. A. R- were represent ed,, respectively, by Mm Eugeni a. Olenn and Miss Graca McH Jones, lin short speeches of welcome. The ad dress of Mrs. Eugene RelllV, president of the state federation wjfi also glvn. Several musical numbers. ' Including the "Federation Bong ' with words by Mrs. Cotton and music by Mrs. E.- C. Duncan, and . the "Vintage . Chorus" rom King Itene s Daughter, sung by i members of the Saturday Music club, enlivened the program. A bril liant reception, tendered the clubs by Jmaes L. Alexander f the Battery Park hotel, concluded the evening, The morning sessions beglh at 9:30 and continue until I o'clock when luncheon will be served at the private dining roomv Wednesday. Thursday and Fri day by the Friday Book Club, the Woman s club'und Current . Literature club In the order named. Wednesday afternoon the delegated will attend an organ recital given In their honor, by F. Harker at. All Souls' church. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clot:k at the ...in iiuwi nut krv - jmv- m a evening" witu a aellghUl ItterWrj" and e musical program. Miss Mav Kimberly has ehnrge of the music and will play a "Halliid" by Mrs. II. H. A. Beach, and Mrs. Silvio von Ituek will sing "O Don Fatale' from erdl s ppera "Don 'Carlos. Tlnirsdav afternoon the visitors, through the courtesy 01 the Rnatd ol 'trade. will be given a drive over the Hlltmore estate. Thursday evening, bv the courtesy, of Ihe Ashevllle club, the visiting dele gates will be entertained at the open ing perlorniance of the l!en (Jreit Flayers -at the Auditorium, when 'V Midsummer Nignls Dream will he picseiilcd w ith Mendelssohn s music. Hit; l-niilend I'.y Tolincco Coinpanv. Now York, Mav !!. The American Tobacco Coinpanv declared an extra dividend of seven and one-half per cent in addition to tho regular quar terly dividend of two and one-half per rent. hats nncwn ins mn,s. (government Experts I'leciiiK Xotei Tonetlier to Determine Va lie. (Prom the 1'hllndolplila Itecord.) ' CheweU to small bits bv rats, bundle ol bank notes was so badly mutilated that when the bills were .presented for redemption at the Cnlted scutes siib-treiisurv yesterday the of ficials were unable to determine the denomination, and had to send, them to Washington, where the government experts will examine them and fix their value. Henrv H. Kiouse, who keeps a stall in the Oxford Market, presented the bills. He said be had kept them In a drawer In his desk at the market and did not know how much he had nut in. He placed the bills in the drawer as a nest 'Kg to draw upon them when be needed money urgenilv. Yesterdav the occasion rose and Krouse went after his wad. When ho opened tho drawer, a heap of green bits of paper met his gaze. At first he imagined he hail been robbed, but closer Investiga tion revealed the fact that the notes had been chewed to pieces, and that the rats had built a nest of thorn. All the bits were carefully gathered up and taken to the pub-trcasiirv. The officials endeavored to fit them to gether, but were unable to form a whole note out of the lot. It Is ex pected, however, that the experts at Washington will meet with greiter suc cess. Meanwhile Krouse must wait for his money. Killed by Mve Wire. Wilkesbarre, Pa.( May 3 Albert Struck-, a hotel keeper, aged forty eight years, and John Waronek, aged twelve, were electrocuted by a live wire blown down by a storm at Du pont. ." DO NOT - Forget that Qualify Counts Every merchant has a line of 25c, 39c, 50c. Gauze Hose, but there isa difference. We wouldlike you to examine our lines of these three prices of Hosiery. .'' '"; '.'.'' '.' -,'':--"-. :.'. "' '"':-:'- .:'.';.'-''..'.'- -"'' ''.'' ''''. -'-t' They are great and the outcome of many years of ex perience. Our 50c, $1.19 and $1 39 Silk Hose are the famous Esco Brand. They are not mercerized or silk finished but are made of silk, except the foot and knee, and they are linen. We received a few days ago a case of Ladies Summer t Union Suits to retail for 25c. and 50c. each. They are the coolest and most comfortable garment made for summer service. Ueelleoffs Dnr.'Ms t OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Sr. i"v, " - Jtrr- (r, j .rt,i.'t ) 1 tl),II i ' K J. - , ' , k 1 ' I. u ,1