fcj-Uta - ... Rug Specials High Grade Axminsters 36x72 in. $ 3.05 27x60 in. , 1.62 9x12 ft. 16.93 You Save 30 to 40 Per Cent. CHAIR and STEP 01 OK LADDER combinedOI-W For Thursday The most useful thing in the home; everv kdv should have one. Light and strong, just the-thing for nanguig curtains and pictures Weathers Furniture Co. OFFICE OUTFITTERS. T. P. fl.'S HERE Fl Some of Best Fellows la World to Gather In Raleigh Uaibecue at Fair Grounds nt O'clock iu the Afternoon Mayor Johnson to Welcome Boys OH! ccrs to be Chosen. EVERVTHIXG FOR THE OFFICE. Kodaks and Supplies. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMES E. THIEM, Manager. O. C. Phone No. 844F. Daily Times Building. Is the Best Footwear Too Good for Your Feet? ifs Regal" The Uegal stands for all that is good and comfortable in Shoe Building. AVe know them. AVe sell them every day to men and youngsters who have gone through the experimental stage with them. You don't know a thing until yyu have tried it. You will never know what is best in Footwear until vou trv Regal. $;U3n, .(i(),"s 1.50, and $3.00. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Fayetteville Street - ... - . - Raleigh, If. C. The Whole Family Reads The Raleigh Daily Times. If You Have a Kuppentieimer Suit You Know You Have Style and Quality That is why we sell the "Kitppenheimer" clothes. Every suit gives the wearer that indi vidual appearance that is so much desired by the "better dresser". Straw and Panama Cats The leaders in head wear.- Every hat we have in our store is of the latest spring model, made especially for us by .some of the best hat ters in the country. Look at our display of straw and Panama hats. Prices to fit the purse as well as sizes to fit. the head. J. ROSENGARTEN CO. FAYETTEVILLE STREET Capital City Phone. RALEIGH, N. O. Mr. Burrell H. Marsh, of Winston Salem, chairman ot the press com mlttee of the North Carolina divis ion of the Travelers' Protective As sociation, has given out the following with regard to the meeting of eleven posts in this city on Friday: "Delegates from eleven posts in the" state will attend the annual con vention of North Carolina division Travelers' Protective Association o America, at Raleigh on Friday of this week, and headquarters will be at the Raleigh, fo-nierly the Park, Ho tel. "Mayor-elect Jas. I. Johnson will welcome the delegates In behalf of the cltv. and the response will be made by Mr. Charles F. Tomlinson, national director, of High Point. "Convention will be called to or der at 10:30 a. m. T:io Raleigh Post has arranged a barbecue, which will be served at 1 p. - m. at the fnir grounds, and tae preparations have been made for 150 plates. "Important matters pertaining to the travelling men under the head of railroad mileage, hotels, etc., w ill be thorough)- discussed. "The North Carolina division of tiie-T. P. A. has a large membership in the state, over 800, which will en title a representation of eleven dele gates to be sent to t.ie national con vention, which meets in the city ol Philadelphia the week of June 12. "Officers for the ensuing year will be elected at Raleigh, and Mr. Wal ter S. Dorr of this city, has been spoken of very Iiighy as a. logical man along with Mr. Eugene W. Mc Nalry, of Urec-nsboro. , "Greensboro is anxious for the next state convention. Mount Airy would also like to entertain tae T. V. A'.t." CHRISTIAN CHURCH REVIVAL. Great) Congregation at the Church Last Night. Evangelist Miller and Charles But ler, the singer, are drawing a multi tude of people to tne Christian church every night. The services last night were Interesting and high ly attractive " In every way The music -by Mr, and Mrs. Butler was a special feature. Rev. Miller, the evangelist, preach ed a great sermon on the "Two Kinds of Cnrlstlans the Carnal, the Spir itual." v He gave many- oxcellent Bible citations to make clear his claim. His talk was stralghtforwrd and convincing. He is a clear and forcefl in all he speaks. Christian men and women are earnestly Invited to do all the per tonal work possible looking for and praying for the salvation of sinners and. the deepening ot the spiritual life of Christians. Tae party is stopping w ith Rev. L. Johns ;n, 410 W. Kdenton street Any who desire to call for Christian instruction are welcome. Services tula p. m. at 3 o'clock Services tonight at N o'clock. Pub lic cordially invited lo all the ser vices. Yesterday afternoon at !) o'clock Rev. Miller started a series of ser mons on 'The Plan of the Ages t'he series promises to be highly in teresting and instructive. He will preach every day at 2 o'clock. All who ere interested in a better lite are invited to hear ail the sermons in the series. The people are request ed to attend tho meetings and pray for t.ie revival. Any who desire prayer or special conference with the workers arc requested to report to the pastor, who will arrange for the workers to see and speak to any ho are interested. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO, B0YLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLANf-PEARCE CO. Mil.- WKMS TAKES CHARGE. DRAMATIC FESTIVAL. 0m-ii Air Piuys of ShakCKM-Hi-e by the Hon CJreot Players. The inien air plavs of Shakesiveitve as given bv the Hen Greet Woodland Players, whose engagement In Raleigh is announced for Monday and Tues day. May Sill and -9th, illustrate In an iinexneered wjiv the dnitmitie from used by the great ' English poet. That Is to Siiy the continuous character' of I'M' performance is nreserved in pre cisclv the same lorm as In the days of Klizabeth. It is a matter ot .common knowledge that Shakespeare used no scenery in his presentations; and, therefore could not effect a change of scene. As a result the whole play was given without Intermission and as one might savin one act. The same cir cumstance occurs in the open ulr nlavs. Ah similar nhvsical conditions arc encountered on the outdoor stage as In the theatre of the Elizabethans. the plavs are necessarily presented in their original form as they were wriitcn. ' The seat sale for the Hon (ircit Open Air plays Is now open, and, judging from the great demand for seats it-.-is -safe to predict an unusual ly large attendance at the plays. The comedies of Shakespeare, as given bv the Woodland Players art wondrously attractive, and It is no wonder that so much interest has been displayed In this engagement. The following ploys will be given: Monday night "The Tempest," Tuesday afternoon, "Twelfth' Night." Tuesday evonmg-"Sliv .stoops to Conquer." On the lawn ot the governor's man sion, . ' Hen tlrvet will be seen this year in his well-known roles. HcmI Cross Hcceiptt;. Tae following additional receipts for contributions made to Joseph G. Brown, treasurer, in behalf of the Chinese famine sufferers: Previously reported . . ..$1,9,14.35 cash (additional) thro Mil ton Tlddy, editor of Lin coln County News, Lin- colnton, N. C. . . .... Cedar Creek church thro J. M. Faircloth, Jessie, N. C Cash thro Miss Pauline Wade, Dunn, N. C. . . Cash taro Mr. W. C. Merritt, Mount Olive, N. C, . . . . Casii thro Mr. Roy C. Roit- zel, Liberty, N. C. . . 1.50 a. 14 3.00 14.90 1.00 Starts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of constipation would result in severe indigestion, yellow Jaundice or vlru ent liver trouble, they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end it. Its the only safe way. Best for biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c. at Klng Crowell Drug Co.- For Secretary R'.elgh Association. Mr. W. L. Duncan, of "Baltimore, was yesterday -called as general sec retary of the Ralelgh.Y. M. C.A. by the young men's building committee of the local association. Mr. Duncan was recommended by Interstate Sec retary Huntington. He relumed to, Baltimore last night and Will indicate hls'r&tentionVsoon. - w( I Machinery of Wake County Turn. I ed Over to RhI Supervisor. Road Supervisor W. 1.. Wiggs met illi Commissioner I!. 1.. Frankin nd County Attjrney B. C. Beckwlth In the court house today and went i over the inventory of county proper ty -with Mr. V. K. Si insou, former upervlsor, for the pn rpose of taking I omplote caarge of.all macninery of the county. Mr. Stinson was retain ed by t.ie board of commissioners un til Mr. Wiggs could become acquaint ed with the various roads and ot.ier affairs. The supervisor assumed full charge today. Linen and Cotton Dross Fabrics Beautifiul Colored Co'tton Dress Goods. Sheer, dainty fabrics for cool, airy dress. Linens and Lawns, suited for Waists and Skirts, iu' white and colors. '.Other specials for this week's selling Neckwear, Parasols, Towels and Bed Linens. v '. . YARD WIDE LINENS. Pine White Lawns and Irish Linens in three weights, for Waists, Skirts and .Suits. Extra good values. Can 't be beat 25c ;; EXTRA QUALITY WHITE SKIRTINGS Liuene, Linonette, and Stalaseo Linen, yard to 40 inches wide, 10, 12 1-2 and 15t:ents. . SOFT FINISH CHECKED DIMITIES These for feather-weight underwear forboth sexes. Gowns, Pajamas, etc., men, women and children; full .'5(5 inches. .... .... .12 1-2 and 15 cents PURE LINEN SUITINGS Lustrous Linen Suitings ill plain stripes from a straw to pencil widths, -on solid colors of the. most fashionable shades. Va lues all along 25e. to 40c. Todav . 18c BEAUTIFUL BORDERED BATISTES . Forty-iueh Bordered Batiste in splendid new patterns and spring color ings, until now 25c. Todav . 18c; ' THE ROSE BATISTE These fine,, fast color Lawns are shown in Horal effects, dots and scroll work. Thev are eool, refreshing and inviting. Special .10c . COLORED COB-WEB VOILES Plain and Woven Colored Voiles in Stripes, Checks and Solid Shades; 35c. values for . .............. . . ......... . . . . . . ..... . ; ......... .25c NEW NECK FIXINGS Xace and Embroidered Collars, Ties, Jabots, Yokings, Ruching, 10c, 25c, 50C up. , LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PARASOLS The assortment of fancy and-staple style Parasols and Sun Shades is large and the prices run For Children 50c to $1.50 For Ladies $1.00 to $5.00 TURKISH TOWELS AND BATH MATS Special showing of Towels ........ 10 to 50c Bath Mats T 50c to $1.50 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Last but not least, for this is one of our splendid bargains. Quality better than you would expect to find at 'these 'prices. Full Bleached Sheets, torn and hemmed; size 72x90 inches i. ..... . . . .... . . .... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 54c Size 81x00 inches 59c Pillow Cases to match ..... ..14 add 15c BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY Funeral of Mr". illougliby. From the residence, corner Jones and West streets, was held this morning the funural of Mrs. Henriet ta Matida Wlllougliby, wife of Mr. J. W. W'illoughby. Dr. T. W. O'Kelly, pastor 'of' the- First Baptist church. assisted by Rev. H. M. North, pastor I of Kdenton Street Methodist church, conducted the services. Interment followed in Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. Willoughby, w'honwas a member ot the First Baptist church, was seventy years old and was a splendid type of Christian woman. iood. With her at t.ie time of her death were : her nieces, Mrs. J. W. Cooper, of Ports mouth, Va., and Mrs.. Sallle I'nder- I wood, of RalelKli. - If in the Market for Fish jr Saturday Special- 29 Cents Whlto China Covered Dish. A most excellent vaiue at THE J. D. RIGGAN CO. 132 Fayetti-villc Strct-t. il you will find this the safest place to deal, because we have all kinds fresh daily, and our prices are the most treasonable. But it is the excep tionally fine flavor and splendid eat ing qualities of our Fish that makes the best advertisement for us. The best families hereabouts deal witn us because they know they cannot get better Fish elsewhere, no mat ter what they pay for it. WADE 'S FISH MARKET A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Daily Times Will Work Wonders for Your Business. Does a Well Furnished Room Appeal to You? What's better? What looks nicer? No matter how nice the furniture poor. 'wall deco rations will destroy the ap pearance, We have room outfits to harmonize with different suits and sets of furniture. While our wall patterns represents the very latest pro ductions they are conservative in appearance. We are now displaying some exceptionally pretty patterns. Whether you wish to buy or not, come to sec them. Weathers & Perry, Interior Decorator. MAJUUGH, !. Ci. Popular Songs Humorous Sayings, Modern Music Are all combined in the Rec ords of the Victor and Edison Machines, and you can select the best of the land and bring It in your home for small cost, - VICTOR MACHINES and EDISON MACHINES embrace all In the Talking Machine business, and you can supply your wants by consult ing . V '.'.-"..' H. A. GASKINS, 812 West Mala St., Near Five Points, DURHAM, N. O. The Whole Family Heads Tho Italcigli Daily Times. 26-plece Rogers Silver Set la fine Oak Case for only $3.55 and 30 coupons. i I City Market Both Hioneo THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE 'is what they all say after eating oar delicious Strawberry Ice Cream. That Is because we know bow' to make ' .' cream. ..'' Ask fortC , Cross & Linehan Co. "0. & L" Clothes for HENRY T. HICKS CO. Both Phones, 1T. Critical Men. ''C. & h." Clothes are quality garment! hundreds of Ifcih'igh men know, but do you know tliut in onr lurge stocks, In addition to getting high-class merchandise, you get models that are DIFFERENT, patterns that are DIFFERENT? Von get EXCLUSIVENESS. , . -i ( - - And you pay no more tlinn you do for commonplace ready-for-service garments. ... '; ' ' '; '.' "-'.' ' . "'-"" ' In selecting Your Suit for Spring or Summer, study the hund-tail-ored "C. & L." Clothes. Note the natural shoulder, the new and pretty patterns in soft Oiays, Tans the clever pencil stripes. f . PRICES; ' $15, $18, filO, $23; all tlie way to $i3. CROSS & UWEHAN CO Known as the Best Clothiers