99c. Balls and Bats-Value $1.25 BOYLAN-PEARCE CO, BOYLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO Weathers VICTOR BASE BALL SUPPLIES The kind that win pennants. PRICES CUT 30 to 40 per cent. Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street - - - - - - - Raleigh, N. C. LET US LAUNDER YOUR CURTAINS Your courtnins need laundering this Spring. The usage they have received and the dust iliev have absorbed during 1 1 n winter, makes tnem unlit to hang the entire sunnner. Send your curtains to us when you take them down and you'll be pleasantly surprised bv their appearance when we return them. We wash them clean, without damaging them; we starch them Just stiff enough to drape right and hold their shape; and we dry them per fectly square, even and the exact size as when sent us. You'll like our work. Try it. PEOPLES LAUNDRY, THE HEST. "KODAKS" Office Supplies and Specialties. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens. "Everything For the Office." THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMES E. THIEM, Manager. O. C. Phone No. 844F. Daily Times Building. "A LIVE AM) KICKING" if the squirming of a fish can be called kicking. We daily carry a fresh stock of fine fresh fish in "sea son, and we warrant its flavor and line eating quilities. We are solicit ing family and restaurant trade and promise vou perfect satisfaction with our supplies of fresh and salt water Fish. We receive daily consignments from lake, river or oceiin. WADE'S FISH MARKET City Market lloth Phones "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation,' and Nearly Every body Reads The Raleigh Daily Time. If You Have a Kuppenheimer Suit You Know You Have Style and Quality That is why wo sell the "Kuppenheimer" clothes.. Every suit gives, the wearer that indi vidual appearance that is so much desired by the "better dresser". Straw and Panama Hats The leaders in head wear; Every hat we have in our store is of the latest spring model, made especially for us by some of the, best hat ters in the country. Look at our display of straw and Panama bats. Prices to fit the purse as well as sizes to fit the head. t J. ROSENGARTEN CO. ' . FAYETTEVILLE STREET 1 Capital Cltjr Fboa. RALEIGH, N. 0. "Blue Monday" was a tiresome af fair In the police court this morning. Cases that could hnve been tried In a few minutes consumed hours on ac- count of the legal talent attached to them. There were several eases of some little importance. Hobert Williams, white, appeared be fore his honor with the charge aguin.ifl him of selling whiskey, but the case was not ready for trial and it was con tinued until Tuesdav, May 16, a bond of $50 being required of the defendant. George Lane, a colored undertaker, was charged with removing a body without the removal permit of the local registrar. Mr. CV M." Walters, city unnltnrv in specter, said that the body of Lewis West was taken and shipped to Fay- otteville bv Lane without the neces sary penult, .No certificate of deaih was even filed by Lane. He said Lane had been sick . for . several, days and Leltner was doing the work for him. The 'doctor's certificate showing cause of death was tucked on box containing corpse, but the removal permit was nt gotten; Dr. T. M. Jordan, prison pnvsicinn. lid he gave the death certificate' -to Leitner. partner of Lane, and the next he heard was that the body had been shipped without the removal .permit.' He gave the certificate to Leltner with in fifteen minutes alter the elecrocii firm. ' Lane said that he had been sick sev eral days and Leitner was attending lo his work. ''Came to Mr. Walters antl said he had been unwell and wanted Leaner to tlx everything- and lie did not know anymore until Leltner said th:it everything was alright.. 'ami the next he knew the officer had served warrant on linn. A tine of tn.iiu anil cost was imposed. An appeal was taken and the bond was fixed at J1U0. Hen Cook, - colored: 'laced the court barged with being drunk. lie was fined $"ul and cost. Minor Jones; colored, was up for be ing drunk , and was fined. $.7.00 and costs. Will Uashford. was called out and upon failure to appear, his bond was forfeited. . John Jones, colored, was charged Ith running his hack without lights. He claimed that one of his lights went out and when he found the oil none. poured some from one lump to the tiler and both went out. He asked for a 'ma teh from the policeman aiid lit them up and went on home: The was continued as the officer was not present, aiid tils, honor did not care to, decide the case without , the police man. . William Hill, colored. w charged with larceny. Mr. J. F. Sprague uld that he had been suspecting the theft of goods from W. H. King Dnig Com pany, and thev decided to search Hill and found some pills etc., on his per son, declaring that he found them In the waste basket. Chief Stell said he searched Hill and found the pills on his person. Mr. Roberson said the pills were received during the dav and checked up and carried down to the cabinets. Chief Stell was recalled and stated that Hill said he found the pill down in the corner of the basement. Holeman. a colored drayman, paid that Hill's general character Is good. James H. Young said he was a good man. as he was in his regiment In lXStH. Mayor Johnson said that Hill used to work for him and he caught him stealing several times. The charge was chanced to trespass ind lie was fined $u.o and cost. , Joe Hicks, colored, was charged with larceny from W. H. King Drug Com pany.. Mr. Sprague said he was hid in the basement and saw Hicks take some bottles, wash them and tilled them wltn nine liquid. Raid 1 licks refused to tell what he did with the bottles. Mr. Itoberson said lie was on the third tory hid and heard the conversation about taking the liquid. Did. not order Hicks to go to the basement. Mr. Julian White said Hicks is supposed lo be oft' work .at' .-ix o clock and this took place a: ti :'!. (lave him no In go In the '".basement a that AGENTS FOR THE PAMOV9 LA GnECQCT! AND KADO CORSKTS. . - ' 1 1... ' i i i i , v The Great White Show of Summer Milli LARGE, MEDIUM AND SMALL HATS. The initial display of the season. i.i lined to .trespass liu ,llid coMs. i.ioied. was silso city of goods from i 'oinpany. The iiespass and lie si; ei d. was before di unit and was thefi order tune. : . ' The charge was anil he was lined Marvin Hunt, charged with the larci V, 11. ICing Drug charge was changed I was fined Slum and i Hubert Debman. co his honor for benot let olT with the cost. Jack Hattlc, colored. mlttlug an assault upon lit and was given the cost len Cook, -colored. was i assault- upon Tom ...Mitcln fined Sl'i and cost, , .'..: Jack llatlle, colored. 'aU charge of assault upon 1 and ., was fined $10 anil cost. Jesse Harvey and . Will Davis, col incd. were before his honor charged with gambling and .were tined $10 and cost each was uii for com- ttie Mitchell narged with I 11 and -wtrs FLOWER AND PICTURE HATS. LINGERIE AND TAILOR HATS . LACE AND NET HATS. Your first glimpse at the new Milans, Lciiiorns, Hemp and Rough Straw Braids. There's the charm of Summer, the alluvcment of spring, ilowers, the sweep of Willow Plumes, the deftly-tied' Ribbon Bows, perfectly poised on well-balanced Hats, the -enchantment of loveliness, youth, and beautv. All this week. Come. SPRING SUIT SALE. The Clearing Sale of the light weight Spring Woolen Tailor-made Suits is now going on. , The most stylish-models of newest material;-; from llic best American Tailors are included in this sale. . Values nil to sfe-.M.OO for $15.00 Values up lo J5.(H) for O.OO Values up to $5.00 for . ....... . . $25.00 The $30.00 and $:35.00 Black Satiu Suits to go for $18.50 and $25.00 faced n Miti the hell MIL (JliKXX SIK.AKS. Koriner (Jovernor Adili-cAes I,arie Audience in Presbyterian Chijrcli. former Governor R. B. Glenn, of Winston-Salem, delivered an interest ing address at the First Presbyterian church yesterday nt the morning ser vice under the auspices of t:ie .Men s Society tor Christian Work. An un usually large congregation was pres ent to hear the speaker, whose resi dence In Raleigh for four years and intimate connection with the Presby terian church gave hundreds the op portunity to hear him often. Mr. Glenn nas been delivering temper ance lectures in Pennsylvania tind other northern states. His numer ous friends in Raleigh were not only glad of the opportunity to hear him, but pleased to see him again. He has lost none of his vigor as an orator ad those who heard him yesierdav have every reason to congratulate tnemselves. LOCAL BRIEFS Starts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of constipation would result in severe indigestion, yellow Jaundice or viru ent liver trouble, they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end it. Its the only safe way. Best for biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c. at King Crow ell Drug Co. : HONORS AKK KVKX. Pullen Literary Society Debaters Win Debate Leazer Likewise Wins. Messrs. J. H. Brown and F. T. Peden, members of the Pullen ILter ary Society, were successful in their debate wtili Messrs. J. M. Beall and Ueorge R. Ross, of the Leazer Soviet Saturday nigat on the question, "Re solved, That the United States gov ernment should establish a general parcels post." Messrs. Brown and Peden upheld the affirmative side. Mr. George R. Ross, however, won the medal for the best argument. The commencement exercises, at hnaw I'liivei.sity begun today: A mass meeting wijl . be held in Raleigh oh Thursday ;to launch the. campaign for a farm : life school in Wake county. Friends of.. Mr.;. Harry Liittn. chief clerk of the Varborough, will be glad to learn that he is recovering' from an illness of. several, days. . There will be no Epworth I.eauue meeting this evening nor prayer mect inu Wednesday' evening at Kdenton sti;eet; church owing to the Woman's Home Mission Conference, which will be held there. Raleigh Cnuhcil No. Sal, Royal Arcanum metis tonight at 8 o'clock. Representatives -to .the Grand Council will make an interesting report, of their till) and other matters of Importance will be considered CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Saved From Death. W. L. Mock, from Mock, Ark., be lieves be has saved many lives in his 25 years Of experience in the drug business. "What I always like to do," be writes, "is to recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs .hard colds, hoarseness, obsti nate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well today because they took my advice to use it. . I honest ly believe Its the best throat and lung mediclue that's made." Easy to prove he's right. Get a trial bottle free, or regular 50c or 1.00 bottle. Guaranteed by King-Crowell Drug Co. 3B -Office Deputies J. T. Sharp and R. JW. Wade have gone,-. Jo WllBon to, aN tenu feaerac count. unaea iaie Marshall Dockery went flown i Frfifay. KEEP1 YOUR PROMISE "John Anderson, my Joe' John, When lntit you married UM', Vou promised me a cottage home, Yl'liero e should happy he. The years are passing quickly, John, And we are growing old; Let's buy a home in Cameron Park, John Anderson, my Joe." (Apologies to Burns.) The CAMKKOX PARK PltOP KRTV is the llnest residence prop erty in the State of North Carolina. The Parker-Hunter Really Conipany KKLLl.XG AGENTS. HOTEL ST. BROADWAY and II Ml T. H f NEW YORK MTV WtthiiTcMy ww of aranr point pi irt- MU. Half block from WananukorV Irivo minute walk of ShoatwM NOTED FOR: EiedUnca of IcomfoftabU appointmeata, e a rlaosa amca antl Komaliko mmmiuift I Rooms $1.09 per lay ani if Mflh at faatf $1.60 per slay and a V EUftOftAM, PLAN TaMa fM fSraakte . WM.TAVLOR A COM, ha. TELL IT TO YOUR NEIGHBORS BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY r BRASS GOODS At Popular Prices l inliivlla Stands, IW.OH. Jiirdliiieres, 8-in. openings. $f.H. Fern Dishes, 7-in., with lin- liiK, 70c. Small llniigin Fern Dishes. Flower Vases. Candle Sticks. Spittoons. Trays, Ktc. A line that will interest and stive you DOLLAHS. THE J. D. RIGGAN CO. 132 Fayettevllle' Street. Popular Songs Humorous Sayings, Modern Music Are all combined in the Rec ords of the Victor and Edison Machines, and you can seloct the best of the land and bring it In your home for small cost. VICTOR MACHINES and EDISON MACHINES embrace all - In the Talking Machine business, and you can upply your wants by consult ing ; H. A. GASKIN8, 812 West Main St, Near Five Points, DURHAM, NY C. Up Aaainst the Wall You see the thing that makes or mars the appearance of your home the Wall Paper. It plays an important part. Drop in our store and see some of the new patterns, and you will realize as never before the significance of this statement. No real high prices attached to our hightone display of Wall designs. -. Weathers & Perry, Interior Decorator, XALKK.H, H. O. I Gross & Linehan Co. I KNOWN AS THE BEST CLOTHIERS. S '' aWft'VaT'Vaf d mm. v IIWILLfAYYuulu Come and See this New Line $911 flfh of "C. & L." Spring Suits at tPU.UU , .All the latest nnd SmnrtiSpring MNlels in the Best Tailored Suits for .i 1 men nnd young men. 1 " v ' ' ' , . - , When you buy a "C. & L." $20 Suit you get a Coat that is guaranteed to-absolutely keep its shape. , i . r 1 ' ' ' ".',-.- . ' ' - Among these Suits yon will And the most sought-for patterns. Your ' , ... i ....':...... i'.: . size la among them. We urge you to examine and try on these. Suits. ' i . w- . ' r - i ' . -. .-.."' ,'" - '. cross Lineman co Known as the Best Clothiers