THE RALjEIGH DAILY TIMES: FRIDAY, JtfN$ 2, 1911; sir . ..- STOCKS ; COTTON STRENGTH IN STOCKS. ' Highest Level of the Year in a Num.- sence of rain. This is not yet sa ber of Stocks, jsumed any important influence, but , , " (By Associated Press.) . ' , , . , New York,. June 2 Pronounced . . ' , .. : ZTr 7rA . u "'" H$l stocks... The general list was active with a number of substantial gains. (Advances in the first hour ran be- tween one and two points in many of the principal stocks. A number of stocks wer carrlml to the hlehest level nf fh v, thu morning In an 'unwarrf movpmfint,average, coupled with substantial in which embraced all the Important B oni t,ioh k unusual vlor. Th fM..r of movement, regarded as significant, was that from Its beginning Wednes day the lead has been held by rail road. Issues. . Industrials so nroml- nent recently, had dropped to the'age was rather 8ma,ler than looked background of the market. The mar ket showed less evidence of manip ulation and seemed to reflect a more confident spirit. Further weakness in American Tobacco, securities had no effect upon the general list. The government's cotton report furnished more ammunition for the bulls and was directly reflected In the southern group of stocks, Louis ville and Nashville, Atlantic Coast Line, Chesapeake and Ohio, and Illi nois Central made advances of 1 to 2 points. Renewed interest, was shown in the copper issues. Amalga mated Copper, Ameircan Smelting and Tennessee Copper gained 1 and Natoinal Lead .2 Vi-, The market toot an Immense amount of realizing during the morning, but Us ability to digest all offerings, and .the varied character of the demand was highly gratifying to tiie bull leaders. Certain stocks responded to Inde pendent movements but the bulk of the list scarcely moved in the latter part of the day, professionals being ' apparently content to let the market rest for a while. Closing Stock Quotation. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) . American Cotton Oil ...... Atchison .. .. .. .. .. .. Atlantic Coast Line .. .. . Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. Balto. & Ohio .. .. .. Chesapeake. A -Ohio Erie .. .. Consolidated Gas .. .. .. .. Great Northern, pfj. .. .. ., Interborough R. T. .. New York Central .. .. .. Missiurl, Kansas & Texas Missouri Pacific .. .. .. .. Norfolk A Western .. .. .. Pennsylvania .. r .. Louisville A Nashville Rock Island . .. .. .. .. .. Reading .. .. .. .. .. Southern Pacific ..t .. .. Southern Railway .. ., .. St. Paul .. ... Union Pacific - United States Steel .. .. .. Virginia-Carolina Chemical . Western Union .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 ..115 ...129T4 ....8114 ..107M, ... 85'A . . 34 ..145 ..134 . . 18 ..109 ..3614 .. 50 .. 43 ..124 ..150 '.. 33 ..120 .. 68 ..126 ..186 ..77 ., 58 .. 81 Chicago Grain. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, June 2. Wheat Open. High. Close. Dec. . . .90 .91 .90 July . . . .91) .92 . .91 Sep. . . .88 .89 .88. Corn - Dec. . . .53 .53 .52 July . . .54 .53 .54 Sep. . . .54 .55 .54 Oat ' Dec. . . .37 .37 .37 July . . .36 .36 .36 Sep. . , .36 .36 .36 Pork Sep. . . 14.32 14.35 14.15 July . . 14.75 14.75 14.60 Lard ' Sep. . ., ... . 8.20 8.15 July . . 8.10 8.10 8.05 Ribs j , July . ... . ... . 7.85 Sep. . . 7.85 7.87 7.80 ' New York Cotton 1jetterv ( By Leased Wire to The Times. ) New York, June 2 The govern ment report showed a higher condi tion than expected hut a Bmaller acreage, and proved to be without any material influence. Naturally with the crop getting such a good sUtrt on such a large acreage, the present prospect polnta to a very large yield with favorable growing conditions. Nevertheless the report dops not par, t,o ,.haev .inspired much selllDli;i6vThort' account. Its real effect in trade circles is still to' of tne First Baptist church of Kin be determined. So far the talk of a. VBB ti hv th. tu big crop next season has been offset by the possibility of an unfavorable growing season and by tUe necesjlty rf f, :Jrad6 buylnSchecJt- ed the decline this afternoon, and as soon as the market began to steady i following . break of about 13 points there;, wa. covering by local sellers. Thl cagsed a rally to a little over the ' close of last night during the early afternoon, . but bulls, were not , ag- gresslve and later eased again.) If the government report does not make . i i .v.- j , v any change In tba attitude of the trade or of remaining apot holders In sight, the market bids fair to j fluctuate in accordance with dally i GRAIN PBO VISIONS , weather reports, and at present there seems to oe some anxiety over ab (should dry weather continue througn tne week it might create some uneasi ... . , ... . ness on the part of near month In- i. .terests shorts. In our opinion any rp advance would make a good selling basis. . ' . ' " ' " " New York Cotton Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, June 2 The first gov ernment report of the season on the 'coming cotton crop, while It showed condition far above the ten year - crease ,n acreage, it was without any material effect on prices. Condition h.r 87,8 per cent was higher than ex- pected, comparing with 82 last year, 79.7 In the big crop year of 1908 and 80.9 per cent, ten year average. On the other hand the increase in acre' for, the official figures being 4.7 per cent, as compared with last year, or 35,004,000 acres, and while the condition figures inspired consider able speculative liquidation or sell Ine under which the market broke to a net loss of about 6 to 14 points prices were steadied by the trade buying at the decline and price's with in half hour of the publication of the report were not more than a point or two under the closing figures yester day on new crop months. The market late in the afternoon was quiet. While July held 5 or points under the closing figures of yesterday later positions ruled about 2 to 3 points net higher on covering and trade buying encouraged by ex pectation of bullish "'visible: supply statement and by failure of high condition figures to create a more Important selling movement. Open. High. Low. Close June 15,57 July 15.75 15.15 13.66 13.20. 13.14 13.13 15.75 15.20 13.67 13.26 13.06 13.19 13.16 15.60 15.05 13.57 1.313 13.06 13.05 13.04 15.67 i Aug. 15.12 Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 13.60 13.19 13. 1Q 13.10 13.08 1320 13.25 13.14 13.18 Market closed quiet and steady. 'Spot Cotton. " "(By Leased Wire to The Times) New York June 2 Spot cotton un changed. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New Orleans, June 2 Thei govern ment's cotton report were big surprise in the cotton market. The report on acreage was as big a surprise as the report on condition. One was as bul lish as the other was bearish. They about balanced one another. After the ring got over its first shock the mar ket was wonderfully strong. Eleven o'clock figures on condition announced there were 87.8 or almost three points higher than the average expected. The ring was crowded twenty deep with brokers, the floor filled with visitors from all parts of the cotton belt. . Liverpool Cotton. (JBy Leased Wire to The Times) ; Liverpool, June 2 Opened quiet, unchanged, from 1 to 1 lower; spot cotton, dull unchanged;, mid dling, 8.33; sales 5,000, American 4,000; imports 5,000, American, 1.000. May-June . . ... 8.07 7.96 7.91 June-July , ... . . . . July-August , . ... August-Sept. .... 7.61 Sept.-Oct. . . . .. . . Oct.-Nov. ....... 7.21 6.03 6.97 6.9S 695 6.95 6.96 Nov.-Doc.. . . :, .. .. . . Dec-Jan. . . . . . . Jan.-Feb. . . . . . . . . Feb.-March . . . ... March-April . . . . i . Port Receipts. ; , (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, June 2 5,500 esti mated for today; 7,306 this day last week; 3.485 this day last year; 14 304 this day two years ago. Baleigh Cotton Market. (Roported Daily by Caw. B. John son It Sos.V Good middling, 15 7-Sc. f ' Strict middling, 16 3-4 c' ' Middling, 15 l-2c. , V ; Mrs. Vpchnrch Dead, 0, nl8 mother Mra Upctmrch wnlch occu near ApeJt. Rev. A. N. simms, D.D., of RaleigWlll oCcu- py Mr. Upchureh'6 pulpit at Klnston on aunday. '""''.' Norfolk Motorra.n Killed, ' (B Ag80c,ate(i Press) ,' Norfolk, Va.. June 2-lchard W. Swain, a motorman was killed and three others Injured when a Berkley street railway electric car . from Moneypolnt,, Jumped the track round- Ing a curve and turned over. .. .. 7 ' , pot all the News from Everywhere u the time, read The Haleigh! - Daily Tlmea. .-r. m- INCREASE SHOWN IN THE COTTON ACREAGE (By Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, June 2 The department of agriculture's first cot ton report of the season shows the area planted to be 35,004,000 acres; Increase 4.7 per. cent or 1,586,000 acres, compared with 33,418,000 acres revised estimate of last year's area. ';;. The -condition of the' crop on May 25th was 8,7.8 per cent., of normal compared with 80.2 last year and 80.9 ten years average. The, acreage planted this year and the condition of the crop by states follows: Con Per Cent. 109 105, 103 103 106 105 101 104 105 103 105 112 116 123 State. Acreage. 37.000 1.5S7.000 2,105,000 5,119,000 284.000 3,815,000 3,454,000 1,118.000 10,868,000 2,446,000 : 822,000 115.000 2,622,000 12,000 Virginia N. Carolina. .93 . .8.1 Carolina. .80 .92 .95 Georgia , . Florida . . Alabama . . .91 Mississippi . ,86 Louisiana . .91 Texas . . . : .88 .87 Arkansas . . Tennessee . .83 .86 .87 .95 Missouri , Oklahoma . California .' VOR MEDICAL CONKKRKNCK. Surgeon General Battle in Confer ence With (ieneral Leinster Vac clnation of Soldiers Main Topic. ; (Special to The Times.) Ashevilln, N, C, June 2 Surgeon General K. Weslray Battle left this morning for a conference with the Idjiitlrit? general at Raleigh in re gard to tthe medical department of the North Carolina National Guard It is the purpose of the surgeon gen. era! to get the sanitary troops of the state in close touch with the medical department of the national govern ment. There seems to be a steady progress in , preventive medicine in the medical department of both the state and national troops. Iij annual report to the adjutant general Sur geon General Battle calls attention to his report upon anti-typhoid vac cination wheih he made last year. He states that immunizing, against typhoid fever is going on in all the armies of the world; that last year he expressed the belief that typhoid ver, the scourge of the military camp, had had its day and mat tne mortality therefrom would In the i.ear future be all but a negligible factor. He states that the harmful- ness of the procedure had been es- ablisbed and that the war depart ments of many nations are requiring it as a routine measure; that out of over 11,000 persons in the army who have voluntarily submitted to the treatment there have been three :ases recorder as typhoid with con siderable doubt as to the correctness of the diagnosis in two cases and no deaths. He recommends the treat ment or procedure to the officers and men. . BUTT GOES FREE. Former Cashier of Defonct Bank Ac quitted of Larceny Charge, Norfolk, Va., June 2 A. B. Butt, former caBhler to the defunct Peo ple's Bank, whose speculations ex ceeded half a million, will, after serving three years, go free. He was acquitted of the charge of larceny of 110,000 from the bank, the Jury re turning the verdict after dellberat-ing"-for -one hour and fifteen min utes. The case was submitted with- out-argirtuent by the attorneys, after two days spent in the hearing. When the verdict was announced Judge Bain asked Commonwealth At torney Bland If there were any more charges on which to hold the pris oner, and was informed that the com monwealth had no further charges to prosecute. ; , The court then informed the ex- cashler that unless Governor Mann remits the fine of $7,000 imposed at the time of Butt's conviction three years ago, he would have to serve three months In jail in satisfaction of the fine. Application has been made to the governor to have the lino remitted, but no decision has been reached on the application. The attorneys for Butt assured the court that thelr"client would hold himself in readiness to report to the court whenever wanted. At the re quest of -Commonwealth's Attorney Bland today, In the Court of Hust ings, Judge Bain entered an order nolle prossing the eighteen old in dictments against Butt. DIRECT NOMINATIONS GAIN STEP Massachusetts Senate Committee Unanimously In Favor of Bill. ' Boston, June 2 Another step in the fight, for direct nominations was won today, ihen the ways and means committee of the senate reported unanimously In favor of the direct nominations bill, passed by the house. Friends of the measure had expected that it would come from the committee with a referendum at tached. 1 4 The bill provides for -the direct nominations of all. state and county of fleers.. COXSC1EXCK FUND. ..'; Unknown Party Sends Money to Bus iness Man Reasons for Sending Money Apparently Unknown. . (Special to The Times.) Asheville, N. C, June 2 A certain business man of Asheville, who for obvious reasons, does not want his name made known, has a conscience fund which promises to grow indefi nitely. Just four months ago he received a letter, containing a ten, dollar bill, accompanied by a slip of paper on which was written with a typewriter the following: "This is conscience money and I owe you a great deal morel" There was no "name signed and the gentleman stated that he had no Idea who it might be who was sending the money, The letter was mailed on a train. One mohtli later he received an other letter . containing the same amount of currency, the slip of type written paper containing about the same wording as the first. On the first of the third month he received still another ten dollars containing the statement that it was conscience money. These letter, too, were mail ed on trains and both indicated that more money might be forthcoming. Tli is morning hn received the fourth letter, which differed from the others in that it was mulled In sheville and it contained the state ment that the 'recipient would never know where the money came from until it was all paid. The gentleman says that he now hns a faint idea as to who the sender might be and that be would not speak of !he matter except that the sender of the money might see this story and if he would decide to make him self known, he would like to express his niipreriutlon of the action and ivould give flic sender any aid in his power It seems as though the man might be working on salary and that he sends an Installment at the end of every month. " . Enjoy two days and a night at the Beach. June 8-9. Fare $3.J0. It J' We can furnish you with anything you may wish in the Toilet Ar ticles, Powders Puff, Brushes, S6ap, and Per fumery. SC HENRY T. KECKS CO. Both Phones, 107. Night Clerk in Rear of ,. . Store. WALL PAPER Don't forget to inspect our line of Papers and get our prices before placing your ord ers. .: Our showing of dainty stripes ' and florals, cliambrays and cretonnes with "cut-out" borders can't be beat. . ELLINGTON'S ART STORE, Raleigh, N. O. EOecMe Succeed when everything else hits. In nervous ptostration and female weakness they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified- FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE U In the' best medicine, tret o! wtr a druggist's coantet, NOTICE. The annual meeting of The North Carolina Children's Home Society, Inc.. will be hold in the society's of fice in Greensboro. N. C., at 8:00 p. m., Thursday, June 8, 1911. Con tributors are members of the society and all contributors are invited to be present.''; ; .,: Rogers Knives and Porks (or 80 Cravenetted Blue Serge A customer who bought one of our Cravenetted Blue Serge Suits about ten days ago told us this week that it is the lightest and coolest suit he has ever worn. And so they are. Dressy, too, and rain repellent, be cause the goods is cravenetted. . i - ' Other patterns, too, in neat stripes, checks, herring-bone weaves, plaids, etc. Colors are grays, tans, blues, blacks. Prices, $20.00, $22.50, $25. 00. All sizes, 33 to 50 regulars, slims, stouts. One-fourth the weight of any other fabric, which makes it a truly tropical suit. -1 PLENTY FURNISHINGS ; . , to keep you cool and comfprtable these hot days. Soft shirts with collars attached and detacliedV plain or T.. 1. tie- . ,r , 1 Lj i. n.CL rl , 1 .1.1. mi n,.nK .. l.n.l. anhVil.Qta ' ) .- . im'oiicii cuiib; gauzy, u jiuurwear auu docks; ouil uuiiam wilu xics 10 inatuu, ui uulu ocy; i-v . v ' yf UNDERWEAR, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.30 to $2.00. UNION SUITS, $1.00, $1.50, $3.00, NAINSOOK AND LINEN. SOCKS, 35c; Sl'ECJAL LINK MILK SOCKS, 50c. LOOK- AND WEAR LIKE TRE $1 STRAW HATS, $1.00 to $4.00; PANAMAS, $5.50 to $8.50 all the new styles, including the new "Cr.. eiu-ttoU" Straws. - fc When you arc ready for your summer trip cull and be fitted you lose no time und save money, "t S. BERWANGER. The One-Price Clothier , FOR SALE Horse, buggy, and har ness. Apply 114 V. South St. " i-rt FOR RENT Six room house, 211! W. Davie St.; Jls.iin. u. (;. Prince. ' .. ; " .. 2-2t HO V, 1 5 V E A US OLD, WHO WILL enter High School next session, would like position during vaca tion, in store or office. M. B., 315 E. Martin St. PRICES BASED UPON THE QUAL- ity of Fish. Twenty-five years ex perience I donote gratis. You run no risk In placing your ord ers with me. C. D. Arthur.' 31-3t MACKEREL, I5UTTER FISH AND in fact everything in season, C, D. Arthur. 31-3t EVER USE RllJUER STAMPS? Swindell makes the best. : 107 Fayetteville St. . l-26t WANTED Bright, Intelligent boy in towns of Goldsboro, Youngs ville, Selma, Hamlet, Franklinton, Graham and Wilson to act as local agent for The Times, Raleigh, N. C. Write for information. tf FOX STANDARD VIKlliLE TYPE. writer. Lightest touch and run ning machine made. Speed un limited. Phone S4-M. ' It THE BEST TO BE HAD IN FISH The freshest because I get tho most. C. D. Arthur. 31-3t THIS FINEST PASTURE IN WAKE County for Cows or Horses; 50 acres; plenty shade and fresh wa ter. Personal attention given: to stock. Call Diist.i's Stock Farm, Raleigh 'phone. l-2t ton KENT Nice 8-room house with stable, 702 E. Hargett street. Apply Staudt, bakery. 20-t. f. LOST Gold locket, monogram H. C. I. Plain gold bracelet with full name of owner. Finder will re turn to this office. it FOUND Ladies hand hag. Owner can get same by describing and paying for' adv. Apply Times of fice. , .... 30 PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE FLOUR Made for those housekeepers who always want the best. . Patapsco is guaranteed to 'please you. 121b Sack, 40c. 24 lb Sack, 80c. 06Tb Sack, $2.90 481b Sack, $1.50 Phone 28. v H. J. JOHNSON, Successor to . D. T. JOHNSON A SON. 16, B. Hargeti'Sti, RALEIGH, ST. C. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. Wo canvassing. Be your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock, A 5262 Lockport, N. Y. FOR SALE chair. J. -One Mahogany rocking V. Parrish. It THE MARTIN HOSIERY MILLS wants knitters, toppers, and loop ers. Steady work. Tne., Thurs., Sat. tf PATENT YOUR IDEAS AND MAKE money. : Send for my new book, 'How to Uet Them." Best serv ice. Joshua R. II. Potts, Lawyer, Washington, D. C, Chicago and Philadelphia. 10-29-8t LOST Terrier pup, white with pale liver spots; holds ears erect; ans wers to Jenks. Reward if re turned to 805 New Bern Avenue. ; l-2t AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Ford Runabout; 3 passenger; 15 horse power, A bargain. Address, 'Automobile", cafe Times. 2-2t FOR SALE Owijpg to the owner having bought an automobile he is offering for sale a nice chestnut sorrell saddle mare. She has taken the blue ribbon every time exhib ited, and can do so again at any time called upon. Has all the gaits and can be shifted from one to another at will of rider She is gentle, sound, and an ideal ladies' saddler. Kentucky bred. This el- , egant mare can be seen and shown to prospective buyers at Plunv , mer's Stables. 22-tf RU BBER STAMPS MADE RIGHT. Deep cut. Artistic. Satisfying. Try us. Swindell Co., 107, Fy. etteville. l-26t FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND rooms. -"The '.Fayette", 417 Fay etteville St. ; it WHEN YOU HAVE A LEISURE hour take a trip out to Lassiter's Mill, adjoining Country Club, and see where and how Lassiter's Water-ground Meal and Flour is made. , : 20-tf ALL SEASONABLE ceived twice a day. 31-3t FISH RE- C. D. Arthur. PIANO TUNING Livingston A. Jef fries (colored). Tuning at half price, v Results absolutely correct. Drop me a card. 113 N. Swain Street. 30-4t FOR SALE Few g(jod Rliude Inland Reds. Phone SiW-F. l-2t REMEMBER THE ELECTRIC SHOP Best, quickest, neatest and cheap- est work. C. C. phone 764, 14 E. Hargett street, Times Build ing, B. F, Payne, Proprietor. " 22-iot. :'.-.: EstabUshed 24 Years. We Make a Specialty of Made-toxnr- der Suits at $15.00 and Up. Levine Clothing Company will sell you Anything In the line of Clothing, Shoes, Hate, Gents' Furnishings, Trunks and Bags, also Ladies' Waists, Skirts and other U Merchandise too numerous to men tlon. , v' 1 LEVINE CLOTHING OOMPANT, 31-6oati WuilngtOn Street, Suits LOST One Gold Cuff Link, engrav-, ed B. M., at Pullen Park yester day evening. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. 2-1t TWO CENTS EACH, SALTS AND Peppers, "Toyland" tomorrow. . 2-1 1 ' For all the News from Everywhere all the time, read The Raleigh Dally Times. MORN land' DISHES, s;$ tomorrow. CENTS, "TOY'" 2-lt H1LLSBORO STREET LOTS FOB sale. Two lots 52 feet front, next to Julius Lewis. Address for information. S. A. Ashe. 10-Wed. & Sal. St HITY-N1NE CENTS GALVANIZED 'tubs, "Toyland" tomorrow It WANTED Experienced dairy mam at Raleigh Creamery. 31-2-4-6-8 Display Your Best Taste in Giving Cut Glass and Etched Glass are always "top-notchers" on wedding occasions, and close, to them comes Hand-decorated China.-.- - You will not find elsewhere the equal of our superb line of these goods. Weathers & Perry, CUT GLASS KALEIGH, H. C SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Wake County, N. C, entered on the 10th day of May, 1911, in the Special Proceeding No. 1761, entitled "Ed. V. Denton and wife vs. Cleo Denton et al", on the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, I will offer for sale at publlo outcry to the highest bidder for cash, at the County Court House door In the City of Raleigh, N. C, on Monday, June 12, 1911, at 12 o'clock m., the lot f land known as No. 17 Exchange Place In the City of Raleigh, N. C, bounded on the west by lot of S. T. Smith, on the North by lot of the late A. B. Stronach, on the East by the dower lot of Mrs. M. K. Denton, and on South by Exchange Place. ARMISTEAD JONES. , Commissioner. V May 10. 1911 t.d.s. MONEY TO LEND. Ia Wake County Only. On Either Real or Personal Security, 9, 9iHmca - Room 18-ia Fullea BaOdlnc, Cltyi ft WANTED! ; General Agent .for National. Life Insurance Company of Vt at Raleigh.? Attrabtlv,propoSi tioii for right man. ,. Address . H. M. HUMPHREY, v : General Manager, Box 3S3, Goldsboro, N. O. ; HUBBARD BROS. & CO HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton' Exchange, New Orleans Cotton' Exchange, Associate Members Llv. erpool Cotton Association. ORDERS' SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of Cotton for future 1 , delivery. Cprresponjjence Invited ':''f;.'