A l-Y r THE RALEH3H DAILY TIMES: FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911. wo -sii .i YOU CAN'T CUT Y0UE3ELE jr., T With The , "I REMOVER. K gives !nstant relief; it takes your corns an . callous away in a minute, and keeps them away forever Get one now, and use it when you get home. ONLY $1.00. MONEY BACK IP YOU WANT IT. CHD QCALITI DRCQ STOKB. ff SOCIETY 1 1 & 1 Vv y Iden I ,, ' J y Y 1 fcj , ; ? f' x f TL r r s 'i'J llliiii' litis . h Si f vl v - fi yisiilililit Vf- I 1.' - ' W I i 1 x y f 1 ' ' "f''r ' ' '' I Hit Sli&i: THIS VKAK'S li.THlX(J SI IT HAS A KNnTKI TOP. This swiniiiilnK jtn-Kt'jr is all tin' fnil now mid very c(nifoi'talili as V'eU as trig ami attractive is the dummy; yet iromy knitted Karmeiit. Th jersey is worn over a skii t of sat hi or liioliair made in the ordinary manner and beneath the skirt are knitted tight which come to the knee, this Suit has a skirt of Mite mohair trimmed with Persian printed silk in fj lades f red and blue and there is a J'ersian sillt sailor collar with'knott Vt tie which turns back over the top of the blue jersey. THE VOYA(iK. Bjn sailing on, I'm failing nri. ItFor better or for worst-; The whirling world is my good ship, . The sea's the universe. . Tomorrow lies before. Fierce tempest along the way. But golden is the shore! . I'm .sailing on, I'm sitlling nii, From infancy to age, And toll's the cargo that I hritig ; To win my heritage. The waves of trouble buffet ine, ' The seas of sorrow roll. Yet no disheurtenineiu sh:ill, lie. To keep me from the goal. . I'm sailing on, I'm sailing on. ' .. Through mist, and storm, and iMin. Fhir skies and cloudy alternate In days of joy and pain. Where lies . the port toward which I sail- I know not. lieai- ir far, Yet of its winning I'll not fall. For Love's by guiding star! " . John '". Kendiek ;Hangs in Ainslee's. :. Miss Lue- Itiley. has 'returned, t" her In ime at -San ford, ".'a Her' visiting Miss Maude Nmvell. ' . . .. Misses Flora aild bli-ll Hui han.- "f Manly, have returned home after vis iting Miss Ella Gill. V Mrs. H, P. ICubanks has gimp to Sanl'ord. aci-onipanied . by her father. Hey. I'. H. Purnei!. Mrs. II. V. Waitt, Who spent . the winter find spring with , her son in l.iiuisiana anil with her daughter at Marion, N. (.'., has returned lo the clty.AnA-ls. at her hom on West Har; gett street.1 Mrs. Stacey W. Wade left today for Morehead City. lirn. W. C. Martin, of Duke, was in the city today. Misses Cleve and Ruth Barnes: of Clayton, were In the city todaj". i Miss Prudence Belvln. of Durham, arrived today to visit Miss Mary Horton. - Miss Klizabeth Lamb, of Fayettevllle, Is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. O. Guthrie.- Mrs. M. M. Harris, of Elizabeth City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. O. Guthrie. . ... . Mrs M. n: Sieohenson. of Norfolk. who has been visiting here, returned home today. Mr and Mrs. A. Ij. Baker, and little son have gorte to .swepsonvllle to spend (he summer. Miss Helen Waildill. ot Danville, -Va., passed through tile city today going to Lnulsnurg. Miss Susie Metiee Marks left, to dav to visit Miss Elizabeth Jones at Wrlghtsville- Beach. . - ' Miss Marlon Fielder, of Atlanta, (ia., is in the cilv today the guest of Miss Lotila McDonald. Miss Marv Shepard Bryan has gone to Dothan. Ala., to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles Pearson. ' Miss Helena McArthur. of Wlnslon- Salem. has relurned home after vis iting Miss CJrizelle Hinton. - Mrs J. V. Stanley, or ( Inlilsboio. returned homo today alter visiting her niece. Mrs. Ilight C. Moore. "" Miss Millie Reard, of the music faculty of Peace Institute left today for her home at Harrisonburg, Va. ' .':- Miss Iola FSledsoe returned today from Greensboro, where she has been attending the State Normal College. . Miss Helen Williams, of Brooklyn, N Y.. who has been visiting M.'. Ashlev Lambert, returned home today. Miss Grace ftansom of the Johnson Willis Santiarium. of Richmond. Va., Is visiting her aunt, Miss Flora Creech. '...-.-.. Miss Cameron, who has been at tending Kings Business College, re lumed to - her home at Castle llayne today. Miss -Carolina Sherman, of Washing ton. D. -C, who has been the guest of Mrs. F: -t; Stephens, has returned home.. I i- "Ti .'..' MisS Margaret Ballatd. of Wept End. a., wljo has been visiting Mrs. F. L. Stevens, in . West Kule'igh, ;has returned honnf.. ; "' ;.-'i-4 ;-;'t.'v -; :'--:V:-'. Miss 'A'lTiie Smith and- Miss aud Bagm ell, f of McCuIlers, kperft yester day In Cary the guests of Mrs, J1. R. Walker. ; .'' ' ;', ".' ''.-'"' ;. '."'.'". Miss Margaret Mizelle. of Coldsboi. was In the city today returning from Franklinton, where she attended ;the Banks- Mltehlner wedding. " : , .. '-.-' Miss Margaret Renn. ot Norfolk,' 'Who has been attending A. & M. com meneemeiit and visiting relalives in the city relurned home today. :. Miss Alice Edmuntlson. of Willow Springs,' was in the city today to meet her sister, Mrs. G. W. Stroud who was returning from Chapel Hill. : ' Miss Mary Shannon Smith, of tlie faculty of Meredith College, left to day fur her home in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. During the summer Miss Smith win do graduate work in history at Columbia L'nlver- f Our Weekly Specials Are Great Wiiners Ea'hAVcvk.Ave.liavo .been offoririR-wnue real attractive values that have been good seller, for every one lias been a bargain. This week we have .two 'interesting values. . (Yash Toweling, 17 inches wide. A great 10c. value. For this week's leader Hie jii iee will lie ic - Side I'.atwl Lawns, 8.1-3 to 12 1-2 cents. ' . Side Uantl Printed Maxons at lo cents. Wffl!MEEEZ2L Watch our wceklv announcements. v 4 a ft TITOS. A. pamto ca Oossard Corsets lace in fronts Highly recommended by physicians. 0. B. a 'la Spirit : Both Celebrated makes. - Wo are agents for these famous' Corsets. ft ' ji.ty.Herjrrlends wllljb.e glad toknow that she(Xwf)TTeturft A. Meredith; in the rail. , . ; : . 2." :.. ' - .i';ii.u Miss Katie Byrd. of Mt. .Qlve,,,who has been - vfeltlng he brolu W1 the cltv. left todav for Laurliiburg , to visit her sister, Mrs. (3. "Y. Jones. Miss L-uclle 'Arthur.-' wnn' grafltiated at Meredith .College, left today for her home at Morehead City, accompanied by Masters ,G.(b .and Charles , Arthur, of this city. . l( ....... Mrs. Augustus M. Burns, of Rox- boro, Masters Robert and Merrlmon and little Miss Jean Gilbert arrived- todav to. spend' sometime ' with--Mrs. Herbert E. Norris.- ... , Mr. and Mrs. Mabry B. Hart,. Miss Sarah Congdon and Miss Helen Han cock, of New Bern are visiting Mr and Mrs. Claud Barbee at their country home near the city. Thev came through the country in an automobile from New Born. ... I'ndcrwcHMl-lVmlHMtHn. The following Invitations nave Veen received bv friends In the Hty: Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Peniberlon invite you to be present at the innrrlage of .their .daughter CaroJIne Glbbouey . to,' - Mr. (Jeorge Badger I nderwood on S ednesdav. the loui teenlh ot June nineteen hundred and eleven at hlsh noon Saint John s church Fayettevllle, North Carolina. '".. An Enjoyable l east. (.special to The Times.) . akellold. June 2 Last evening the veung people of Uie ftar.ua and Plnl- ilhea classes oT the Zchulon Baptist 'huieh drove out ahnut four miles to K. W. Philips' mill pond and there under the stately old oaks i ot Mr. Philips' lawn they thoroughly enjoy ed .a supper that bad been prepared for the occasion. Among the good things lo eat "was the lord of all good picnic dishesold tunc barbecue. After supper wa ovor ice cream was served. The crowd was loathe to bid fare well to this place of beautv. The in viting coolness of the lawn that sloped to the waters edge, the smooth sur lace of the pond where silver moon beams vied . each - other in . majestic playfulness: the hearty laughter of groups out rowing, these would; stav the hurry of most voung people. But th time came When all rmisctflke their leave and so they none the less em. joyed their moonlight hayrliie back home. . - S.MlTii-SIM.S. Announcement of Marriage of Popu lar CoujUe .Made. (Special to The Times.) Nashville. June 2-Many friends in this section of the state will be Interested to know that invitations have been Is sued to the marriage of Miss-Pattle Smih and Mr. James Nicholson Sills. both of this placeTha marriage will take place at the Methodist church on-. the morning of June 14th. Miss Smith Is tlie datrgflterdf Mrs. H. A. Smith, and Is ' isrrfmlnerttly- connected throughout the cout)f. She ts-an at tractive young woman, and. a . social favorite at Nashville. .Mr. Sills Is the son of Clerk of Court T. 'A. Sills, and Is himself Deputy..Clerk-, There Is not a more popular young man. in Nash c ounty. . ;' -' . .-: . ... ,u , ... ,. . -'..; "'.', - f' 3 . JEXKIXS-SXYDEK. ;. Quiet Home Wedding of Popular Young Couple. .. (Special to The Timet.) : ' ' .. Nashville, Juno-'2iA- 'pretty, homm wedding took place near here "Wed-' nesday when Mis L'pdlna, Jenkins bo came, the .bride jif.1.1MJrr..JJjuhn ; Alex ander Snyder. The ceremony took place at the . home ' of ' tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs! ! H. Tl.'lfchktns. and was witnessed by a -number of relatives and friend of-.- the- young people. Little Miss - Lela Botlilie: -of Nashville, was the ; ring bearer, and carried the ring on a magnolia. The hride was most becomingly attired ln a travelling suit of tan, with hat and gloves to match. The ring terembny. of the Episcopal church "was used.' tlie' words being spoken by the Rev. It.- B. Owens, of Rocky Mount, anithc pntitor. of the two young people. . Directly after the ceremony M,r. and Mrs. Snyder drove lo Rocky Mount, w;l)ere they took the train to' W'rlghtsvdle, where they will spend some days. On their return ihey will -he 'at home at Mr. Snyder's farm some miles from Nashville. , . .. ' The bride. Mrs. Snyder,. Is a beau tiful and attractive young woman, and being possessed of a sunny, likeable disposition, her friends are numbered only by the number of her acquaint ances. She attended the: State Normal at Greensboro, and . for a number of years has been one of the. most popular of the teachers of Nash county, she will he missed In School circles Mr. Snyder Is a native of north, hut has been south for a mnn :ber ' of years. Hi lived IrC IbH-ky Mount for some years, and last year purchased, a farm near .Nashville,: add Is , now among - the pronHnant -youpg farmers of the country-r' young nian who mixes brain with splL arid, njaks,' a success of farmingV1 6bth tne young! people have hundred's'of f lehds'ln tHISj section of the state, wh'Slli thetn! every happiness. . . . . .. -;. ;.i . : y. J f 'TV- -i5;,:-'3.. C''' -: 'a4 -HKty Beautiful and" ItpresslT', Wedding , 8oleni94. stir . , . (Special to.3,Tl(Dl4 ;:;V Washington, N. C'., June. 2 A very beautiful and impressive .spring wedding-was solemnised h tHe First Pres bytarla ehurdi of 4W eltJyCTteraay, morning when Miss .Hannah- Bonner Shaw became the bride f Mr. R. A. Q. parnes of . this ,clty.-t Th tlptoflw .pf the... church .was begqtlf ujlyj-deeprtedj In evergreens, llllles of thetiva(ey..nd' spring flowers and presented' ', k (Vf.ry pretty and pleaslns1 effect: 'lim' be fore the1 1 appointed honf; !eri-thlrry o'clock, the .church was' .rtetf :'rtth friends, .and . acquaintances, all eweif 9, i w'tpess the JolRlng ;o. ;tw: yowg Ji'Mitfi . t': ?!. lm-(''f !'-'?-i;fff,wsiiit !'? I i"''K Cut Prices Iiicidfeiit to Enlarging l: ' i ' ..." . : . .-..,1 ..' Affects High-Grade Dresses aiid Goat Suite Former Prices Up to $35. v 4U'' I ilnNI'Vl . .!.' '.' ' ' 1 ' BusiiiossJijuiMHwdy yond our dreams. . ' - - i n' 'u,. We nrc jjoinir to cijlarfjp this dcpartnitMit. v 1 J "V. , We want, to lirst clear it of all high grade. Suits and-Dressed.- ' AVc ha vp .vvpral f these representing the handsomest of the handsome. The price, style and quality will please you. . . 20:5-120.") FayclteviHe jrtt.'' ' ' -1 "". C. 0. Phone 700'' lives A very attractive musical upro- grim was rendered by Mrs. Frank C. Kugler a the organ, previous) . to itne entrance of the bridal party. Thc guests ot honor. .Misses fella Bridge- man. May Stvron. Ella MalllsOn, An nie fox. Jennie Cox. Lot lie Bonner. Mlnta Bonner. Janie Roberts and Mrs. Paul Sparrow entered and were shown seats of honor reserved for them. Then to the strains of Lohengrin s wedding inarch the bridal party en tered as Tollows: First the ushers, Mr. H. H. Mac Lean and L. Y. Shaw, who passed up the aisles, assuming their respective places near the pulr pit. FolLnwIng then were the brides-. lids. Misses Marv K. Thomas and Kiden' S;iaw, wearing wlfite, batiste dresses, with white hats and gloves and carrying pink sweet peas. The dame of honor. Mrs. Charles Law rence, entered alone. .She wore a cre ation 'of white embroidered marqui sette with black hat and gloves and carried pink sweet peas. The bride entered leaning 0:1 the arm of her maid of honor and sister. Miss Mary Shaw, fhe was handsomely gowned In a dark blue suit with hat and gloves to match, and carrying a bomiuet of sweet peas. Her maid of honor wore While batiste- with while hut and gloves and carried white sweet peas. .-Arriving at Ihe altar the bride was met bv the groom and Ins best man, .Mr F.' W. f'ox. and together 'thev stood before ltev. H. B. Seal-light and took the solemn vows making them man and wlfr. During the ceremony the soft strains of Schubert s serenade was played bv Mrs. Kugler. Imme diately after the ceremony and to the strains of Mendelssohn a wedding march and the merry peal of wedding bells the bridal partj left the church and went to the A. C. L. depot leaving on the morning train for a wedding tour north. The bride is one of Wash ington's most charming and attractive young ladles and has hosts ot friends here. The groom is the soliciting freight agent of the A. C. L. well known and liked bv all in this cltv. Many handsome presents were receiv. ed by the happv couple attesting the high esteem in which thev arc held bv. their -many friends. The out of town guests at the edr ding were: Messrs. W. S. Godwin, of (ioldshoro. K. B. Barnes, or Rocky Mt.; 11. H. Mexican, of Fa-rmvllle. (5. (1. Bonner. Misses- tOtlie and-"Mmta Bonner of Aurora: Mrs. Foul Sparrow, of Aurora and Mrs. Charles Lawrence, of 'Scotland Ncck. N. C. ; ," 8:00 o'clock is the hour and Thurs day, June 8, is the date of the Tab ernacle Sunday school excursion to Norfolk, and the beach. Fare ?3. U After 11 girl is married it seems to be up to the neighbors to let out re marks to the effect that she . illiln t marry, the man of her choice. WASH SHUTS (SAMPLES) We got in by express this morning sixty samples of Wash Skirts, all good styles aqd well made. The most of them are white but there are a few colored ones in the lot We have priced them just a little lower than the wholesale prices and they are real bargains. Prices are 98c.! $1.19, $1.39, $159, $1.79 and $1.98. I . -lf! . ' I I Now Get One. , You will findlfcomc of them slightly soiled from beiug on the road, but they will come out perfectly fresh in the laundry. . ' V! Don't Forget That we are showing the very best 50c. Silk Stocking ever made for the price. . Blacks and Tans. In ll sizes from 8 to 9 1-2. In.'.- ! i iy,U ! ",':1"- These are selling fast so donJt wait too long bforef '.t .l.i ."' , ';'; :' '': .."'.';. .: ' you see tnem. lir' : '... : :.'v ; ! -" . ;. ji',; . .. :.,.,' : ' 'ij ' k:- '. '.. J . '."'.. . ... ..:'.'.' Siiliife IHoirfe OPPOSITE POST 6FFICE. v-H 1 1 o4. . as "on ''.., -i'l. ''uviwif; tot ., inT ' 'I .oil f'ffi n".'-' J i!y tfl tt r "' -..-Y, ' . 'Vv -' V s

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