Firs SI?! inwciii.'j: ,; 'i .i-ft- wmmmmsmm 1.7, ' .1 f ; P.ffJ-'. Gentlemen's Chiforobe The. most usefu Kiltlp1 -'-ftiniitiire if -ji' in uif hour' lor i lie I 10 ffr.ri ' 1 f.w;o ii;iI'ua,1'tlAi,,"'-pf0' IM v. ', .'J 'j ii evervr nil" a n ( mxMilM everything always i!i Everything the Big Stove, from a Bird Cage to an lee Cream Freezer. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street - - - - - - - Raleigh, N. C. rand At The Theatre RALEIGH'S THEATRE BEAUTIFUL. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. Joe Weston's Comedy Success, LAST DAY AT SCHOOL No. 23. Just a Laughing, Singing, and Dancing Show. Coming A RALEIGH STAR-Next Week. PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME. Three Performances Daily, 3:30, 8:15, and 9:30 p. m. PRICES: Matinee, 5 and 10c. Night, 10 and 15c. START j FACTOR Gty Mast Increase the Weekly Payroll Mr. J. S. Wynne Suggests a Plan to Promote the City's Interests Would Raise Fund to lie Invested in Furniture, or Trousers Factory, or Some Other Industry. CARRYING FISH of the best quality is our specialty the. freshest procurable, from ocean, bike and river. on can always de pond upon the sweetness and flavor ol our Fish because we take narticu hir pains in the selection of it. If you are not dealing here, and not satisfied with the Fish you are now netting it will pay you to buy here and note the difference. WADE'S, "Where Quality Counts." F r All the News From Everywhere, all the time read Reconstruction Suit Sale 20 Per Ce ni . Off All Men's, and Boys' Suits included. ' This sale is an incident to the reconstruction of our front, which will'take'place next month. As handsome a lot of Summer Suits as you'll find anywhere. J. ROSENGARTEN CO. Telephone "Best in Ready-mades.'' 214 Fayetteville St. J To the Editor of tne Times: Concerning a suggestion which made brietly at the mass-meeting at the auditorium yesterday, 1 wish to say 1 did not go fully into the mat ter, because of the time occupied by the gentlemen who spoke, in setting before the great audience some of the many things which Raleigh has done is doing, and Is going to do. 1 de cided to merely mention the matter and then let it be handled at the next regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce if possible. My sugges lion is this: Start a popular subscription to raise $50,000 to $100,000, to be in vested in some sort of factories, to make such articles as furniture, rouners, overalls, shirts, wooden ware, or whatever may be found to offer the largest opportunity. Let the snares of stock be put at a lis ure so low as to enable any person o take one. We have in Raleigh at east seven furniture dealers who buv bv the carload, and no doubt all hese will be glad to take stock in a furniture factory and handle its pro. ducts. It will be well to have as many members of the Chamber of Commerce as possible to become stockholders, and to have as many otners as we can get. I may mention he fact that Hie Raleigh Cotton Mills, so successful from 'the start. began with 2M5 stockholders; all home people. Wnen you ask a man o subscribe for stock in such an en- rprise he generally wants to know vho is going to manage . Lie business. suggest that it would be uiuler- tood that the new officers and di rectors of the Chamber of Commerce hall be the managers for the first ear. 1 Let it he strictly a movement onducted by the Chamber of Com- uerce, with a view to increasing t:ie aturdaj pav-rolls of our growing lty. We must have more industries. Nothing will go further to strengthen Jaleigh. For one I am ready to take lock in a factory and leave the nian- geinent entirely to the Chamber of omnierce. Let us adopt the sug- estion of Governor Woodrow Wilson and take up this matter with Lie steadfast purpose to help the city end with no selfish feeling whatever. Bv adopting the 'plan I have sug gested there would be no salaried of licers except those who look alter Lie mechanical, part, ot the business. J. S. WYNNE. Lightning Kills Few. In 1906 lightning killed only 1(5!) people' in this whole country. One's c!tanc3 of death by lightning are less than two in a million. The chances of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not if 'Klectric Bitters be used, as Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, la., proved. Four doctors gave him up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yel low jaundice. He was then com pletely cured by Electric Bitters. They're the best stomach, liver; nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c at King Crowell Drug Co;' METHODIST LAYMEN . '" PAY VISIT TO RALEIGH. Messrs. John R. Pepper, of Mem phis, Geo. R. Stuart, of Cleveland, Tenn., and Rev. Jas. Cannon, of Richmond, Va., were in the city last evening for the purpose of confer ring with the local Methodists in the interest of the chautaugua or assem bly that the Southern Methodist Episcopal church proposes to estab lish at Waynesville. Raleigh Metho dists displayed an Interest in the movement, which is an assured fact, end a number of subscriptions were made. This is the 29th city visited by the committee. A. F. & A. M. A regular communication of Ral eigh Lodge, No. 500, will be held this evening at 8:00 o'clock. All visiting brethren Invited. E. E. CULBRETH. W. M. N. L. WALKER, Sec. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscu lar or chronic rheumatism. All that Is needed le a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Revenue Collections. Revenue collections in the eastern district for the month of May as re ported by Col. Jas. H. Young, ("mounted to $325,573.71, ft Blight increase over the same month last year.. ',, ,: , Whooping Cough la not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex pectoration easy by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It baa been used in1 many epidemics of this dis ease with perfect success. For sale by all dealers. . jj- ' HAMS F. V. Hams .... . . 25c. Busy Bee Hams . . . . . . 20c. Star Hams .... ..... . 20c. Phone us your order. We will do the rest. Both Phones. RUDY & BUFFALOE," 108 E. Hargett Street GET FIFTY CONVICTS FOR HAfJiROAD PROJECT. Mr. I, L. Council, of Waynesville, was in the city ttday to see Super intendent Laughing:iouse, of the pen itentiary with reference to the fifty convicts promised promoters of the Transcontinental Railroad Company by the council of slate several days ago. Mr. Council said that every thing is in readiness for the convicts and they will probably be forwarded next week. The Transcontinental people propose to build a line from Knoxville, Tenn., to Southport, N. I C, making the most important line in the state. Work has already be gun. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO, BOYLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. Printed Lam s - Wins WILL DETERMINE SITE FOR Y. M. C. A. lillLDINtJ. The executive committee of the Y. M. C. A. will hold a meeting in the office of Mr. Carey J. Hunter, chair-, on Tuesdav afternoon for the purpose of determining on a site for the association building. It is be lieved that a location will be chosen i lit that time. First payments on i subscriptions to the building fund are now due and are being received y tne treasurer. The woman of today who has good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion. he result of correct living and good ngestion, wins the admiration of the lorld. If your digestion is faulty 'hamberlain's Stomach and Liver 'ablets will correct it. . For sale by 1! dealers Children's llav exercises will be eld at. Edenton Street Sunday school Sunday. Whew! Some Hot Why not lie poled off by par taking of a .drink ut our Salu tary Fountain? Drinks miide to "tickle" the palate and " .'',"'. please the most fastidious. J. C. BRANTLEY, Masonic Temple. Phone 15. NOTICE! Ladies, we make a Sherbert that is the best you ever ate. 25c Quart Beits' Ice Cream An Enjoyable Evening Can be spent In. your home these delightful nights if you have a phonograph. Sit on the porch and enjoy the delightful ; breezes while the phonograph does "the work". We sell both the, Edison and Victor Machines. All the lat est records, as veil as all sup plies. ' V " .',. D. A. GASKE 812 West Mala St, New Five Points, DURHAM, H. 0. . A Want Ad. In The Raleigh Dally .. .Times Will Work Wonders (or " ',' your lluAlneM. ' $ Sheer. Cotton Fabrics, each year, unfold a new and greater note of beauty.. The varied and abundant show-1' ing of Foulards, Dimities, Organdies, Batistes, and Lawns, in soft shadowy daintiness or sheer blossom strewn fields of Roses are greater than ever. , Foulard Mirage and Ribbon Stripe Dimities in Spray and Flower patterns. . .. .... .. 25c." Organdies, French Patterns, large Floral designs . . 20c. Bordered Lawns, Polka ring dots. with neat and effective liorders ........ . . . . 18c. Dublin Dimities, in a wilderness of small flower effects, 15c. Clareniount Batiste, in rim;s, dots, dashes; neat stvles, 'I2i2c. Rose Batiste and Solid Color Lawns, plain shades and fancy figure . . .... . ..... . 10c. Tissues, Voiles, Marquisettes, Plain, Embroidered, Stripes and Plaids. EVERY WANTED THING IN WHITE. "We are amply prepared for your mid-summer needs, with all kinds of Hot Weather Materials. Luna Lawns, Batistes, Sheer. Linens, Madras, Persian, Flaxon, Dimities, Lace, Satin Stripes and Barred Muslins, Kilkenny, Blarney and Killarney Linen, I2V2C, 15c, 20c, and 25c. EMBROIDERED ROBE SUITS. Dress Patterns, in boxes Blue and white, embroidered with lace inserts on Sheer Muslin. Special Price, $2.98 Dress Patterns, silk embroidered, rich designs on white, pink, blue and tan . . Extra Special, $4.98 EXTRAORDINARY DRESS SPECIALS. Real. Pure Linen Embroidered Linen Dresses in blue, white, pink, and natural. Others in Marquisettes, Voiles, and Batiste; plain colors, black and white stripes and plaids. . . . . . . . $3.98 LONG FABRIC GLOVES. Sixteen-button Super-Berlin Gloves, white or black, 50c. BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY (r TOILET SETS 10 IV. Sets, $2.l).t') 5.50 12 IV. Sets, $5.00 to $15.00 WATER COOLERS 1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, :).nO LAWN SWINGS 2 Passenger . . . . $4.50 4 Passenger . ... $0.00 HAMMOCKS $1. 00 to $5.00. LIQUID VENEER For Dusting', 25 and 50c. IlottWw. i THE J. D. RIGGAN CO., 1S2 FayettevUle Street. A Want Ad. In The Raleigh Daily Times Will Work Wonders for ; Tour Business. Vacation Comfort in Regals TANS AND BLACKS Every step you take gives you pleasant anticipations of the genuine pleasure of the next :: You can h-a-r d-l-y duplicate Regals for .wear. They last "like a good name". $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, and $5.00. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Fayetteville Street - - - - - - . Raleigh, N. C. r PRICES MAY COME AND GO QUALITY REMAINS THE SAME OUR VALUE SPECIAL We sell "quality clothes". They have to be made up to the"??. & L." standard, or we don't handle them. .These $2(3 Suits are abso lutely guaranteed to hold their shape and' to give the wearer perfect satisfaction. They are made up in beautiful patterns. Get wise and wear a "C. & L' $20 Suit. ' GROSS- & L.!EHAS3 CO FAYETTEVILLE STREET r

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