iaito Associated n A I ' I tf Associated Press Service i .. Vol. LXIX. No. 135 WEATHER Unsettled. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1911. LAST EDITION PRICE FIVE CENTS Double the Wtimber of Paid Subscribers in R.aleigh of any Other Newspaper RAIU10ADS FAIL If EY COMMISSION Florida Trait Growers Again Come Before the Interstate Commerce Commission FAILURE TO AGREE Commission Ordired a Reduction of Interstate 1 jilt's The Itnilrouds Could Not Agree VlM,n tne Division of the Kates and the Commission is Asked to Make the Division lteal Stumbling Itlork in Southern Controversy. (By Associated Press.) Washington, June 7 Failure by the Atlantic Coast Line and various other southern railroads to comply with the Interstate commerce commission order fixing rates on citrus fruits and vege tables from Florida polnte to north ern distillations, resulted In a supple mental hearing before Commissioner Frouly today. It has developed that the fallUrP substantailly was 'due to the fact that the carriers participating in through rales could not agree upon the divi sion of them. This is the first tlino under the new law, that the commls sion has been askel to arrange a dlvi sion of through rates. The case was brought to the commission bv the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Shippers Protective Association, of Jackson ville, which demands a positive order that the reduced rates fixed by the commission shall go into effect. ...;" Southern Controversy. Washington, June 7 The real stuin bllng block in the controiersy between tile Southern Railroad and Us firemen in tht! question . of a twenty percent Increase in wages will be reached ut ' Ike- fifth consecutive meeting between the mediators under the Erdman act and the firemen which began here to day. Hefore the session acting Vice President Teal, for the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen said the wage question undoubtedly would be taken up. He reiterated the firemen would accept nothing less than a twenty per. cent Incnmse. Eurthquake Kills Soldiers. (By Associated Press. ) Mexico City, June 7 Earthquake at 4 o'clock this morning wrecked, several buildings, Including the ar tillery quarters, where seventy sol diers lay buried in the ruins. The dead and wounded estimated between fifty and seventy. ;'; liroussard For Senate. (By Associated Press.) New Orleans, La., June 7- Con gressman Robert F. Broussard has announced his candidacy ,; for ,. tie United Slates senate, coming Define the democratic primary this summer His opponents are Governor Sanders and Congressman Pujo. Ordered to Norfolk. (By Associated Press) Washington, June 7 Captain Robert M. Doylei, in the navigation bureau of the navy department, was ordered to duty as captain of the Norfolk navy yard. He Is a native of Tennessee. FOUR FREIGHT TRAINS PILE UP IN WRECK (By Associated Press.) Fairfield, Conn., June 7 Five persons ere dead, and several seriously injured as the result of ft. collision of four freight trains at midnight on the Naw York, New Haveh & Hartford rail road. " The wreckage was strewn over four tracks. There was a pile of cars thirty-five' feet high, on top of whih rested one of the engines. ) The trains In the wreck were three extras and the regular New York fast' freight. One fit the extra's Jumped the eastbound track, crashing Into the second train which was passing on the westbound truck. ' Trains running close behind the extras crashed into wreckage almost Immediately. . Crash followed crash, two. boilers ex ploded simultaneously. The wreckage caught fire. ' The reason a girl can dance all night without getting tired is she couldn't handle, a broom for ten minutes with' put breaking down, - . TO SELECJJITE TODAY Foil Oimniittee of Y. EC. A, Will Hold Meeting Executive Committee Reports Selec tion of Location Meeting in the Chandler of Commerce at '..":. '10 This Afternoon. The Y. M. C. A. building site will be selected tbls afternoon at ::, the executive committee .having-; .an nounced todays that it was ready to report. The -meeting, thin'' afternoon will be held in the chamber of, com merce and every member of : the large : committee, whose names a' e herewith giveu, are urged to be pres ent: Carey j. Hunter, chairman; N. B. Broughton, Jos. G. Brown, W. A. Cooper, E. R. Carroll, Albert. L. Cox, K. B. Crow. Joseph us' Daniels, Carey K. Durfey, L. N. Johnson, Jus. 1. Johnson, W. N. Jones, Z. V. Judd, V. J. Lee, Dr. R. H. Lewis,.' VV. B. Mann B. Y. Montague,.' K. A. Olds, W. H Pace, Juo. A. Park. Jnb. T. Pullen, M. Rosenthal, Dr. H. A. Royster, J. V. Slmins, A. A. Thompson, Joe ii. Weathers, W. II. Williamson, M. VV. Woodard, J. S. Wynne and .1. It. Young. "'.. v' . CHILDREN KlfX THEMSELVES. Hardly a Week Pusses Without Some Child Attempting Suicide. (By Associated Press.) Vienna, June 7 - Hardly a week passes in Vienna without the record of an attempt at suicide by some child of tender years. Sometimes a pitiful scrawl is left recording t!io state of mind that led to the resolve to put an end to the troubles of 'Hie; more often parents or schoolmaster;) are left to draw their own conclus ions. Yesterday a child of twelve, the daughter of a worker in a Vienna factory, lost a half-penny, and Loins; afraid ot punishment, she went up stairs, took down. Iter father's gnu: and shot herself. Fortunately this child was not" fatally injured. Last week a school boy of nine in Vienna broke the strap of his school satchel. He bolted himself in a small room and iianged himself out 'of the win dow through chagrin at the accident. The boys of a secondary school in a small, provincial town . caused a panic among the staff of teachers on April ), by hanging a dummy, dress ed to resemble a school boy in the usual uniform and a school cap, to the top of a high tree in the play ground. At the foot of the tree a pa per was pinned, "1 was forced to do this, as 1 was not put up a class at. the end of the term," As the dummy. was a fair imitation of a small boy, and hung far above the heads of the assembled teachers, It caused a Considerable scare until the carpenter had flung it down when everybody remembered it was the first of April. -. - '. -' BAIKI) HAS RESIGNED. Resignation Follows Announcement of the Appointment of Col, W. II. Hodman. (By Associated Press.) Norfolk, Va., June 7 Edward R. Baird, Jr., has resigned as general solicitor of the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company and John L. Roper Lumber Company, the Norfolk South ern's largest subsidiary. The resig nation followed the announcement of the appointment of Col. y. B. Rod man, of Charlotte, N. C, as assistt ant general solicitor for railroad and for general solicitor for the Roper Company. Rodman was division counsel for the Southern Railway in North Carolina. WHJL MANUFACTURE FUEL. Solution of Problem of Furnishing Sudan With Oieap Fuel. , (By Associated Press.) Khartum, June 7 A factory erect ed here for the manufacture qf fuel from the Nile sudd has been official ly opened. A complete demonstra tion of the process of manufacture was given, with unqualified success. The solution of the problem of providing the Sudan with cheap fuel is generally regarded as marking an immense step forward in the eco nomic development of the country. The new fues Is to be known as suri-dite,- ' :';-::".'. ,.;"' ""; Strike of Garment Workers. (By Associated Press.) i Cleveland, O., June 7 Six thou sand garment workers went o nstrlke today. The Btrlke is an exact dupli cate of the one in New York a year ago. Recognition of the union is the principal mutter involved. I 1 ' ' . . ' j: u 'AT f.eneral ltersnlrdo Reyes, ('oiisiiIi-i'-cd lv man V close to the situation as the most likely caiiilidate for (lie Mexican presidency. Genera Iteycs has fust I'l'turiied tn Mcmki from l;u roM, lwic lie staved diuiiin all iIk trouble lieliveeu the Madci isls and Ilia. suppoi'N'i's. : Me looms up .is n poiverlul presKleiilial pissibilit v hfrgcly l:ecausc of his popularity with (lie armv mid because he is not an e ticinist in either direction radical or conservative. He occupies the the place bet worn and will doubtless get votes I iiini each end ot the line. lule (.encral Reyes has not dwiav ed his candidacy Hi public, it is kuown lie is in a receptive mood and Unit his friend urn working for him with his consent. : ;' - ,; (Bv Associated Press.): Mexico City, Juno 7 Amid tlip wildest enthusiasm Francisco T, Mail- ero, Jr., entered, the scat ot govern ment which ho.'.overturneii.'.' The dem onstration was . the'. greatest the capital has known in a generation. Business was suspended. Thu streets through which the revolutionary lead er made ins triumphal entry were gay with lings';':' bun ting Shouts of "Viva Mailer.) and .llowi'rs; swilcd to .1 plots-, aga inst ' Antonio VII- grea t choi'us. Rumors., of M adorn: s life were rile lacencia. loriner chief ot police taken into custody. was KNOX KKI'OIti: COMMITTEE. Explains More About ( iiiiailinii lici i pnicilv. (By Associated Press.) Washington, 1). C, June 7 In re sponse tos tile urgent request, tsecrfl- tary ot State, Knox, appeared belore the senate finance cotuniittee to ex plain further the Canadian reciproc ity agreement. The committee hopes to be able to lake the final vote on the measure toduv." An opinion Irom Knox, about the eflect ot Root and other amendments, was sought. I lie committee met in executive session. CORNER IN WHEAT . (By Associated Press.) Chicago. June 7 The recent corner In wheat Is unller investigation by United "States District Attorney Sims, according to report among broken. It Is said certain "short Interest who defaulted to the extent of two hun dred thousand bushels on contracts when the May deal closed appealed to the federal authorities for a full In vestigation of the thods of the bull clique whereby they were able to ac- umulate fifteen million . bushels , of actual wheaf. 1 Measles on Liner. V (By Associated Press) New York, June 7 Flfty cases of measles arrived here aboard the steamer Carpathla, from Trieste, Naples, and other Mediterranean ports. As a result . 292 cabin and 1,101 steerage passengers ore .de tained at Quarantine. The afflicted' were transferred to Hoffman Islund for treatment. LONGER BEST TEAM OF ALL Lumber Bridge Wins Rifle Shoot Match On Score of 1,169 IS ( apltal City I'ovs, ninci-s -.1 )u pont Irophy, Posted in ( liniiipiou shlp Shoot Here by former ( 1 ut in pious kwo Aslioville .Men Make Best Individual Scores Oli.cial .Aiinoiiiiccmeiil of Result Made '1 day. " . Litiaber; Ilridgo "carried ; o If Hie horiiirs in tlto tar;.'ot s.t.iotiiiK. at luf Iluleigli . rille range; yesterday a lid todav and won over Kaloigh and Ashevtllu. 1 he score was I.I till. Not only .did I he teiini Irom t'oin panv L, Second Inlantrv wni over the local team, hut it beat the recur I made by Kalelgh at .the., former shoot by ; 79 "points'; .' 'Tiie liighest. iinlividital score was made bv !. W. h airiliild. a nii'iiincr otlhc team tnim ( onipnuv K. I-list Infantrv, Arlievtllo. Ins score r'U-i lit I. Private .1. II. Brown, also ol Aslievitle. came second with : 1J;r. Capt. J. B. Malloy, of Liimber Bridge, tied with Priyute ,1. H. Wrinli', ol Asiicviile,. for (tiirtl pHicc, cac'i. i-ink-ing 1 -'u points. Onlv one prize is to be awarded, the Dnpont tTop.iv, which was won bv Haleigh bo p time ago. Captain Atocdv ti.'.o.tt! it n acNuid to decide the slate . chunipionsiiip at a coiupotl tivo shoot. The scores; this wool; wore: .Liinir ber Bfidso, 1,1 (!9 ; Aslieviilo, i , Hi 7 ; Ruleigh.. 1.111. I hi? loriner recon;s were: Halclgh. 1,0'JO: Aslievilio. !. (Hit;: '-Lumber Bridge, 1.0.S0. Milk Plant Rums. ...(By Associated Press.) , Watertown, N,. Y June 7 'I . Ip? nianiitiol ii milk receiving and. spro .til ing plant ol ,1. M. Hoston ( onipnny at Kichville. was destroyed by lire todav with loss of $50,000. Cotton Seed Crushers Hear Him Speak Says Business Men Should (.ft in Pol itics and ( ontrol Countrv Needs Their (iood, Hard Sense. (liv Associated Press) New oi k. June 7 Welcoming live hundred delegates to the llfteenin annual convention of the iiuci.oaie cotton, seed '-crushers convention. Mayor Qaynor ilcclaivd the politics : of tne country shmtld be controlled bv. liiisi ness men. 1 lie mayor told the dele gates, 'Vo have 100,000 voles o? south ern people who now live her.1. I.ei me tell you they are the best -voles we have. Ihcy have rought with them the pure political senlimems ef the south. 1 hey vote right every time, in local affairs to put the rascals-out.?' Mayor tiavuor. speaking of the busi ness mini, in politics said, ' You men should look at the polities of the com munities in which you live and put business men into otfiee. "lou should put business men into the t inted Mates senate. We need them there mightv bail. That is If you can. Law yers are very good in their place. I have been u lawyer and a Judge. 1 can sav lo you from experience, law yers and judges don't know every thing. What we need Is the good hard business sense of business men In the government of this country." R. L. Merlin, of Sherman, Texas, vice president of the association spoke at length on matters pertaining to the growth of cotton seed products indus trials. After the preliminary .speech es of welcome,. President B. F. Taylor formally opened the convention wltB the annual report. This was followed by the report of other officials of the association and the address of Henry F. Towe. president of the Manufac turers Association on, "Industrial Man agement In Organization." In the af ternoon a Hip was taken by the dele gates to Brooklyn aud Coney Island by automobiles, . GAYNOR GIVES WELCOME .Mis. va Willing Aslor, foi'incr w lie ol Colonel John Jacob A stop, who has written her revolal ives in I'hiladeliiliia that she will ilesert London shortly (o iclllin anil "have .1 little of the old life." .1. . Ihiiton Willing, her lirother, has given orders that (lie old Willing lioiiiesienil in South Bioail street, I'hiladelpliia, lie reopened, rciinviilcil and prepared lor the arrival ol Mrs. Astor. ' I ;iin sick mid tired 01 I'.nglish socielv, ' Sirs. Astor is !( -! as writinn'. " I he women ol the on-sent Knglish court so dislike American women Arid everything Ainoric.ni (lijit tliiie is Hbsoliitely no en fovmciil tlwre." At a mceiiiig iil" 1 1 1 ( directors of the KlklnM Ail.-Khiiiic.v ftnilroa'd. a't- felkln. o.il.iy. Mr. -John A. .Mills oi'. liaicigli, already pl-i-sidi-ni of the. ''Knletgh-' South port. . was' elected, president and general Homager: Mr. II- 1 'hathain, formerly'.' .president; of: the voad, "was elected vice 'president.' and Alex. 'hat ham, ,lr.. was clcciod secretary and treasure r. I Kails will lie laid, at -once on the twelve miles : Dial have lifen gi'iidi'd aivd that : pai t of the road from : Klkiii to tile foot of tiie : inon nl n ins will be in opeijitiiiii fn six months. Nortliern capital is behind the '.road, 'President mills being the representative of north ern interests. ABOUT TO (;i!EE OX- PLAN'S I'OK Bl'l LDINti. ;. The state . buHiling commission, ill session ..today eliminated all ut... two 0 the plans. Submitted . by arcliitect s, ind before - adjoin nment - today it is i-x. peeled that final plans, will lie accept ed.': Vessel Allie. (Bv Associated Press) KluRhlng. ' -Eng., June 7--A--large Hleumer is afire olf Warden. The vessel has tour insists ami a vellow tunnel. It is rcporltHl lo he the Lev laud liner, Oxonian. JUDGE GARY AGAIN BEFORE COMMITTEE (B.v Associated Press) "Washington. June 7 Judge K. H. Gary, the democratic head of the I lilted States Steel Corporation, was a witness again today before the Stanley committee, investigating the steel trust. Garv was interrogated further by Representative Littleton oh the absorption of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company, by the steel corporation. Will Marry At Alexandria. (Special to The Times.) Washington, D. C, June 7-r-Edwlird Finley, son of J. E. Fin ley, a wealthy banker of Wilkesboro, will marry Miss Smoot, daughter-of C. C. Smoot, part owner In the tannery at "North Wllkes- jboro, at Alexandria, Va., this evening it (iiiiti. A large parly of Tar Heels are ticre to witness the ceremony, T Man Arrested Here Is Ordered Charged Suit Instituted Auni. v,. S. Nowliu lor .Malicious Prose. 4 'i t ase llearil in LreeushoiMi sf. o In. II. p. MaelMiiyiit. of Southern Pioi-s. who- 'was: ai-rested by ''l he sheriff ut'.. Wake :en!oiiy. one d;iy l;i.si week, ii niti ! fin -.orili-i; of: arrest froi'n t iie elei li lit' the suieriof . ciiiirt of . ,( tiiill'ord county,- and c.m-ied to i toil Cor. 1 i-iuity. and imin lsoni.il ; 'under"" ii-'-VharKe. of obiaining io,(i I under false :nel t'l.'mdii-.-ni represeiiiat ions from A. S. .Viovlin. of "Lynchburg. Va.. ami lo . .1. . SykeS, el' Ui eeiislioni, 'who., n as under iiriest at I'lie.'ii.slKiro umli-r the same charge, had a hearing lief the eliok of the superior .court-' yes.i'e'riuiy : on mot.iiHi iiiiule .by. them to y.-u;afe orijers of arrest alul, for iliseli . -the ll'ge tioni cusiody; Hoth sides Introduced evidence' in the form of ailiilavils, as Will . as oral testimony. At the conclusion: of the cvideiiee. iind the argument'-'' of counsel, the clerk iif I lie superior court of liuil foiil, jiis. Forliis, lendered bis judgment declaring'-' that neither .YlaeKuiKlit nor Syhes liad ; liee'ri guilty of any fi iilnl or inisi'i-preseiitiittiins lii the piitelnise of .'the coal, or in. connect 'on Willi their Iransaeiions. with A. '. Nowliu: and adjudged' - licit the .-.orders; of arrest igainsi, both .. Mac Knight and Sykes be vacated iind -that .".they- be discharged I'lum i-usiody. . and : I'urtlier adjudged that; the . plaintiff, A. .S. N'owlin. pay the costs of said proceedings in arrest and bail.": .."' Imiueilliiiely; ii ill judgment. ;. 1 n : the lomlition of til .MacKiiiglit and ictiunS. against A. superior court ot' Sykes' instituted Nowlin . in the s (iuilt'ord coutit v . I'oi1 iialicious prose- UllllllOllS S('- iiit.ou and 1 1 . i . 1 ved iin him Islore lie could return to Virginia, where he lives.. It. was learned that later proSeeUr tioii w ill be. cumiiienced. against: A. S. N'owlin for the crime , of iierjury al leged to have been Committed by huh in: swearing out the aflidavit in the irresL and ball- proceeding, .:. Hr. H. P. MacKiiiglit and lir. J. W. Sykes were represented bv Messrs. 1 loiiRlass. Him i lioug.a.ss. of tnis illy, and Mr. A. Wayiaud I'ooke. of (treeiisboro. . A. . .owlln was ri'iire- seniei! .'by.' .Messrs. Jusllc'e' ,v Miiia'd huisi, uf (ireensboro. ' . liESIIHSXT (iOES TO BltOOKLVV. Will I'm in a Busy I ivc Hours in the - ' City.'., (liv Associated Press.) -Washington,' D. C. June 7 Presi dent. Tti ft goes to Brooklyn tomor row to be tiie guest, of Representative ('alder. . The president will he :n Brooklyn five hours. He will review the parade ol Brooklyn school chil dren irom lour different- reviewing stands, hold a reception at Hanover ( liib anil I inon League club, end witness the Lacrosse game at (ris- ceut Athletic Club. The president speaks toiiiiirrow night at, the .ban quet -'Of the National Cotton Seed ( rnsiiers Association. He leaves lor Washington at midnight. PROMENADE I-'OU WOMEN'. Ladies ot the South Honored in eu ' Voik. "',."" (By '-.Associated Press.) Xcw ; York,, jane 7-ln honor of tiie ladies of the south who came here with Hieir. Iinsbiimls, fathers and brothers for the convention of the interstate (toil seed crushers' association, the lug hall of the New V ork produce ex- iinge will be used for a social func tion for the -first time in twenty-seven years. . The convention began today. Tiie .closing event v ill he aprninenaile i-oncert on the produce, exchange floor Friday night. - .'-,' john" bk;i:low, A(;i:d wi, ill. Highland Falls... -N; Y., June 7 The venerable - John P.igelow. author and former minister to Franco, is seri ously, ill at his home. The 'Squirrel, lure. Dr. Howell, of New York, Who is iii .attendance, declined '.tonight to express an opinion, but intimated that the aged patient .'-.'might not recover, Dr. Bigelow is In Ins ninetv-fiuirlh year, and returned only last month from a trip abroad. Marines Sent -North. (Bv Associated Press.) '--Washington, D. ( . June 7 I wo thousand murines, nssenibl"d at Ciitantanamo. Cuba, when the Mexi can situation assumed a cnticrl phase, nave been ordered northward. They embark on the Dixie, Soiace and Tennessee and will be - trans ported to various navy yards. Hear Admiral Ruble I Mid. (By Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, June 7 Rear Admiral Edward D. Robie, retired, died at his home here this morning. Robie Is a native of Florida. He served jn the navy during the C'VU War. He was a member of the old engineer corps with the rank or r clalei engineer. BOARD HEARS SEVERAL ABOUT BIG MATTER 9 Question of Employing Health Officer to Devote Entire Time NO ACTION IS TAKEN ( oiinty Board ol Health, istatei Board ot Health, ;slat .Superintendent Joynei-, and Dactors mid Otlieri l-avir Plan l or Paying Superin tendent $i,r(H) a 1 oar Comnils sioiiers Would Define Duties and I iv Salary of Ollicer Farm-life Scliol Kleclioii AugiLSt 3, Alter-hearing a delegation in favor of - paying the county physician ..".mi a year and having him devote his -entire tune to the school inter es. os ol the county, the board of county- commissioners adjourned for dinner l his atteriioon without taking iiction..- lite board may agree to do is. the county board of health recom mends, but it is not believed that it will. Yesterday the commissioners ei it. bo known that they had ideas ibout the. duties of the health officer ind a resolution was introduced de fining those mid ilxing his salary at $(i(in a year. '1 ne slate board of health urges, the appointment of a physician to gnu his entire time to he county-. H was -derided todav to call the election for ii larm-life school On August .; . m the same, time as .that for good roads. Two registrations will he ieiiineil and the road men und school men will get together .and select, fhetr registrars. : I'oi- l'ariu-lite .School. . Proi. . V. Judd. as spokesman for the executive committee of the farm life school, presented the matter of in election tor such a school. A joint meeting of the comniitteee was hold today, Mr. Judd said, and de cided to tusk lor Hub election. Mr- Judd asked that the election be called on August .!i, tiie same date as the election tor good roads. Mr: Judd said he did not believe the county would have to spend a cent for equip ment, since the Kilts of the several townships will probably raise the o(iiipiiH'iit to the amount of $25,000. Ilie $i,."itiil lor maintenance is a special, tax. ;.: Mr. Judd suggested that the com missioners allow, the road men and school men io n.niio the registrars, etc., for fhe election. There was no objection. Two registration books were desired, the commissioners de ciding to wail until July to determ ine this .quest ion. . 'I lie board .indicated that it was in favor of railing tin election on the proposition, and this will be done at the July meeting. The Boiiril of HeultJi. Mr. Z. V. Judd, as spokesman of the .county hoard of health, said the health hoard - had debated the ques tion ot having the plivsiciatl devote Ins entire tune lo the work. Dr. It. IT. Lewis declared that ' we cannot iiromess unless we pay for (Continued on Page Five.) E RALEIGH ODD FELLOWS Memorial exercises in honor of the dead will be held by Kalelgh Odd Fel lows in tin' tiiand Theatre Sunday af lei uoon -at 4 o'clock. Mr. s W. O. Brlggs, past grand, will preside' over (lie meeting.; , and . tlfe principal ad--f dress will lie. delivered bv Governor Kiti'hln. Mr. Joseph U. Brown will d nver the eulogy. Praver will be of fered by Itev.H. M. North, pastor of F.donton street Methodist church. A special musical program has been arranged by Miss Ellen . Durham, as- 1 slsted by the best talent in the city., : -Kalelgh Odd Fellows have lost foiir' brothers during the past year, all of these having been members of Manteo Lodge, .No. 8. None of, the member of Seaton Oales Lodge, No. 64 hV' died. The dead are W. H. Caudle, W.; M. Buss, C. F. Lumsden and A. -'A.'i Wood. The public cgrdlally Invited., ' At the First Preshylerlan -.rhursh'-' the subject for (be prayer meetlhy will be "Home Missions." A full fttwi ItuUance, ia uauvdi ' . A'W-t';:- i;.;; , i'