altigh'Hailg limes Published Every Afternoon t (Except Sunday) By THE VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY. , ( J. V. SIMMS, President and Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (By Mail) Dally ... .1 Yr. . 6 Mo. S Mo. $3.50 91.25 .75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (By Carrier) tXr. 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. 1 Wk. 93.00 92.50 91-23 9 .45 9 .10 All subscriptions must be paid in advance. No attention will be paid to anony mous contributions, and no communi cations to the editor will be printed except over tbe name of the writer. Manuscripts offered for publication will be returned if unavailable, but stamps should be sent with the manu script for that purpose. .. Al) communications intended for this newspaper, . should be addressed to THE RALEIGU DAILY TIMES. Publication Office: THE TIMES BUILDING ,12-14 East Hargett Streeet, Raleigh, N. C. Associated Press. Entered at the postofflce at Ral eigh, N. C, as second-lass matter. We have stated that Cleve- land;, O., has a surplus of $9,0(10,00 in the city treasury. Why don't they lower the taxes? We bet both Mr. W. C. Dowd an the Charlotte Observer do not thin much of the North Carolina edition of the National Magazine. Under a cut of Mr. Dowd the magazine print ed these words: "W. C. Dowd, editor of the Charlotte Observer." A doctor has said that 37 per cent of the criminals could have been di rected to honest and useful lives by an operation upon their skulls. It might be proper to suggest to the doctor that the slipper, applied in the usual place, has been known to prove effective. The republican senate thought that by playing the waiting game it could embarrass the democratic house. The senate thought that when the democrats came to the wool schedule they would split up into factions and be their own undoing. But the democrats fooled them, and, having gotten the woolen schedule out of the way, are turning to other things And it is the republican senate that is embarrassed and not the demo cratic house. The senate thought and hoped that a democratic split on the wool tariff would mean adjourn ment. The split didn't materialize and the democratic leaders have an nounced their intention of staying there all summer unless the senate aoes soinetning. The senators are said to be In a very disquiet state of mind, afraid not to move and afraid to move. -The democrats have out- . generaled them and they see it and don't know which way to turn. As usual they are having a hot political fight in Norfolk county For years the county has been under the domination of a gang of fusion , Ists, republicans and hybrid demo crats. These men have formed an office-holders trust that it seeems al most impossible to break up, though , Norfolk papers claim that it would go to pieces in two minutes did It not receive aid and encouragement from the-'-state democratic machine, the machine by the way of which Senator Martin is the head. The present ' campaign has reached the circular - stage and is warming up. We hope tbe good people of Norfolk will be able to overturn this gang and drive them out.; Under their ' regime tbe county bas acquired an 'unsavory political reputation. Elec tion frauds have been common and the ' will of the people has been thwarted. The county . has a big democratic majority and It is hard to understand why It has permitted this , condition of affairs to go on so long. Tbe very fact that It bas lasted so long would indicate that something war not right somewhere.. . Let the food, democrats,, who ave a big ma- jorlty, turn those rascals out and take . charge themselves. If they can't do that let them turn It over to the republicans and get out of it. CLEAR8 THE ATMOSPHERE. The following Is' from the Greens boro Record: This Is statesmanship, but under the circumstances as we . see them from this distance, it is mighty hard to do. Newspa per men have many trials and tribulations, but the man who lets his personal feeling influence him Is too little to last long. He is not representing himself; he is depended on to enlighten the people; to give the facts regard less of what he may think or how he may feel. To even 'color" a report to suit his feel ings is not to be tolerated. i The Record was talking about the treatment of the Blease administra tion by the Columbia Stute and ex pressed the opinion that the Staff' treatment of Blease could not be crit icised, 'that it had handled him justly But it Is not of the State or Blease that we started to write, but of the sentiment of the quoted paragraph We believe the most of the papers in this state are In hearty accord with this sentiment. In fact we believe all of them are, except one. But we have one editor who recently boasted of the fact that his paper secured the news to suit the views of the editor that is gave but one side of a story only, and who openly sought to justify such a course. The most of us knew all the time that his paper followed that course, but we never expected to see him acknowledge it much less claim that it was the proper course for a newspaper to fol low. The opinion of Uncle Joe Reece, quoted above, coming after that, deliverance, is refreshing and clarifies the polluted atmosphere. Press Comment New Vork's Ouii Law. Under a law just enacted by the New York legislature, it is now a mis demeanor in that state to carry a dead ly weapon, concealed or unconcealed, without a written license issued by the proper authorities of . the city town, or village where the person own ing the weapon resides. It is made -a misdemeanor to have ; a. revolver, blackjack, sandbag, or any other such weapon in one's home or office with out the prescribed license. The new law, which has just been signed by Gov. Dix, provides that any retail dealer, pawnbroker, or other per son before selling any firearms of a size that may be concealed on the person, must enter the time anil date (if sale and the name, age, and occu pation of the buyer, with the make and manufacturer's number of such weapon in a special register, which is to be subject to inspection by peace off! cers. He must also demand the pro duction by the purchaser of his permit to have such a weapon, and the date and number of his permit must also register. The law, of course, does not apply to wholesale dealers. The New York law is said to be the most drastic on the statute books. It was fought bitterly -"by the manufac turers of firearms, and the section for bidding the possession of weapons whether carried on the person or mere ly kept at home, was asserted to be unconstitutional under the provision giving all citizens the right to bear arms. . Probably it is Just as well that the manufacturers have determined to carry the Issue to the courts, even to the supreme court of the United States. decree by the court will be bene ficial in showing other communities ust how far they can go in restricting the use of weapons. The carrying of weapons Is the most dangerous cus toms that have survived the barbaric period. Enlightened communities everywhere are striving to do away with this menace to human life. The authorities of all cities should follow the lead of the New York leg- slature and make the restrictions as strong as possible. Let the test be made in the courts, but let the offi cials whose duty It is to protect human life use every possible method to keep firearms out of the hands of Irrespon sible persons. Washington Post. Kings, Kisses and Cousins. The French country cousins of King George won't get any tickets to the coronation.) They don't stand well enough, although they were regarded as having blood in them worth recog nizing. These cousins live at La Rochelle. We are glad we are not a cousin of the king, at least a country cousin, or as one writer puts It, the common or garden variety, like you or me." '. We. feel a streak of self-satisfaction again. During a period of about fif teen minutes immediately after the crown is fitted on the restless head of the king he Is to be kissed, merciless ly and Incessantly until the favored list has been exhausted. The arch bishop of Canterbury will "lead off,' says a writer. He will be followed by number of other bishops, premiers. peers, peeresses, and a few others with varied shades of blood. Old King William IV kicked over the traces on this ancient custom and only now It Is being revived. William said he would "see himself Jolly well damned" before he would stand for a lot of rough-faced men to dip his face in tobacco Juice, If they chewed to-J bacco lu those days. We fiotlco that men do all thu kissing at these euro nations. No wonder the custom was frowned down upon from the time of William until today when George Is to get a smack of the pest. We are right with King William who showed more backbone than wi knew a king had. : He may be gon himself, but Ms spirit lingers still We certainly feel for George and offer this suggestion: If, about the time Is crowned and the kissing bugs are" lined up, he could only remember tha the baby Is sick and needed his med cine, he should get out of this dread ful situation, and leave the men with the ; long shawls unklsseil. Montgoni ory Advertiser. HERO PIKKMAN. While Answering Fire Alarm Lutie Oroom Crashes Horses Into Pole to Save Mother and Child Serious Cutting Affair Comes to Light. (Special to The Times.) Wilmington, Julie 10 The -.coolness of Fireman Lutie (.'room, of the Wil mington fire" department. while spondlng to an alarm of fire' early yesterday afternoon saved a lady and her Infant from instant deuui. Mr. t'lonii was driving one of the lug hook and ladder trucks tint t'astle street He noticed that the street, at the In tersection was block"-"! on account of sickness. He therefore.' turned the horses sharply Into Seventh street Just as the animals made the turn Mr. Croon became aware that a lady carrying an infant in her arms, had stepped from the curb to go to the other side. The galloping horses were almost on the lady and child and Mr ('room with 'lightning.- like rapidity and with no' thought of himself, sent the horses-crashing Into the pole hole ing up a shed of a store at the corner. Mr. doom was .thrown tor ward boililv into "the shed and : sus tained, bud lacerations over the eye gashes on his arms, and a badly Drained hip. However his coolness undoubtedly saved the lady and child Crooin today is regarded as the lien of one. of the most thrilling and spec tacular Incidents Which has ever oe- urred in Wilmington since the paid fire department was installed 12 years tgo. Mr. Croon will be.' confined some ys as a result of the injuries lie sus tained in the .-accident.-.' A serious cutting affair whuch. oc curred Wednesday night of last week came to light yesterday afternoon when Mr. James Moore, a solicitor for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany, a brother of Councilman IS. C Moore, uf the department of public safety, appeared before Magistrate George Harrlss , and stated that he wanted to give himself up for cutting John Exum, a negro. Mr. Moore stated to Justice Harrlss that he on derstood that the matter was being Investigated in -magisterial circles and herefore he had decided to surrender himself. - It was stated yesterday that the cut ting occurred last Wednesday night in front of Exum's house in the north ern part of the city and that the affair resulted from a controversy relative to an insurance policy, which is being carried by Exum's wife. It is stated that the wrangle gnally resulted in the using of a knife by .Mr. Moore and hat the knif missed the negro's jug ular vein by less than half an inch The case will be tried Saturday. Foley's Kidney Remedy. Is particularly recommended for chronic cases of kidney and bladder trouble. It tends to regulate and control the kidney and bladder ac tion and is healing, strengthening and bracing. King Crowell Drug Co, SCOTLAND XKCK NEWS. )rs. Clark and Kitchin Install Avy oline Machine Reward Offered for Murderer Fight at Depot. ( Special to The Times.) Scotland Neck, N. C, June 10 Drs. Clark and Kitchin have recent- instated in their offices an axy- line machine to generate pure ozone Numbers of our citizens have visit ed the offices of Drs. Clark and Kitchin this week and have been given test treatments by this won derful machine, and without a sin gle exception they declare they feel better after having Inhaled the pure air (ozone). It is claimed that pa tients suffering with incipient tuber culosis can be cured by being treat ed for thirty or sixty days, and pul monary tuberculosis can be greatl benefitted and frequently cured. The machine purifies the blood and will cure patients suffering from any dis ease arising from impure blood. The first annual stockholders meet- ng of "the Merchants Grocery Com pany was held a few days ago. The company was organized just a little over, a year ago with a paid in capi tal of 5,000 and at the recent an- ual meeting the pald in capital was increased to, $8,000. The first year State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County 88. ', Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the flrm-of J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Tolede, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) . Notary Public. ; ' Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of. the system. Send for testimonials' free. F. J. CHENEY A CO..N Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hull's Family PIIIh tnr cnn. stlpatlon. HAS f.'O SU3STITUTE n Absolute! Pure Tha only baking powder made from Royal Grapo Craam of Tartar HQ ALUM.KQ LIME PHOSPHATE of the. company's existence it dividend of 2(i per cenfn was declared, and the first quarter of the second year a 4 per centn dividend was declared. Mr. T. F, Whitley is the manager of the company and it is through iiis energy and enterprise that this magnificent showing is made possible. Since the organization of the company they have occupied a small office-in the hotel building,, but they are now en gaged in moving their slock to the store recently vacated by .Mrs. .1, W, Madry, where they '-will have" more room and be better prepared to look liter I heir large and constantly grow ing -.wholesale business. The county commissioners, at their Mine meeting offered a reward of $100 for the apprehension of Wil- liaw Lawrence, colored, who is charged with the murder of his wile near Wi'ldoti recently. Lawrence was arrested as soon as the crime was discovered, but-escaped from the officers who had him in charge. Mr. J. tY Hartley, ..editor of the commonwealth, received the sad in telligence'. Thursday that iiis father. who lives near Littleton, this coun ty, was critically 111 and )pft on-tlM night train for his old home. A colored man was at the Coasi Line depot some time ago, having business with the Southern Express agent, and while on the premises be came Involved in a difficulty with ome young men and was given a good thrashing. And now we hear that he has entered suit for dam- ages against both the r.i'lroad and express companies,1'' because he was given a licking on their property, Your Neighbor's Experience. How you may profit by it. Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. Whit ing, 30 Willow St., Akron, O., says: For some time I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and" I suffered with backaches and dizzy headaches. I had specks floating before my eyes and I felt all tired out and miser able. I saw "Foley Kidney Pills adver tised and got a bottle and took them according to directions and results showed almost at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye sight became clear and today I can say I am a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney Pills." King Crowell Drug Co. - . For all the News from Everywhere all the time, read The. Rulelgb Daily Time. Hard cash Is so called because It is hard to get along without It. . U. S. ttamUM UOUUltl wuiin, ""r "--J i niiliTimni fiml.i STj" 4.. rim Rear. niiiDM nniiin ua, m mumut of JUNE 10 Forecast-r-For 9 alelgh and Vicinity: Fair tonight and h Carolina: Fair tonight, warmer in the Interior; Sunday fair; light North Weather Conditions Showers of the last 24 hours were mostly confined to the Dakotas, Minnesota, north ern Michigan and southern Florida, the weather being generally fair elsewhere. The warm wave has spread eastward to Alabama, Tennessee, Ohio valley and the southern portion of . the Lake region. Temperature reached 98 In Chicago yesterday, 100 at points in Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Texas, and 102 in Oklahoma. Warmer weather .is indicated for North Carolina during the next two days. :," MOTH Elf pi'liS SONS. .,- ' '"" ' ' '.' '-t Action Started In Court by Mrs. Har- y rell to , Recover Property Now In Hands of Son -Vehicle and Har- nt ss Association Ends. (Special to The Times.) -Wilmington, June 10 An litrestlng action was started In superior court Thursday afternoon when claim and delivery proceedings were brought by Mrs. Henrietta Harrell, widow of the late Mr. 'George Harrell, who died here last Sunday, against her sons Messrs. W. A. and Augustus Harrell,- for the recovery of the store and foods at corner of Sixth and Queen streetR. household and kitchin furniture, one horse, buggy, wagons, etc. The pa pers were served by Deputy Cox and the property was placed In charge of Mr. W. H. Howe. It is stated that the sons took possession of the ef fects as soon as their father died ad l:mt the mother, who had not been living with their father for some time, qualified as administratrix and then ook the proceedings of Tiiursd ty. Tneie Is . a probability that the sons llay regain possession of the effect.' by giving replevy bond in the next day ' - tv o. ' '. : ' ' '1'iie Vehicle and Harness Dcnlers ,. socii tlon of the Carolliias closed a meeting ...-Thursday - afternoon at I he Sei.sliore Hotel on Wrights! Hie Beach. This was the second annual session and there were anumher of dealers In rtt.lndanre. Officers were elected as follows-: President, W. A. Calvert. Ashevllle, S. C.: first and second vice presidents, M. (5. Newell, Greensboro, and L. L. Hutchison, Charlotte, N. C; secretary and treasurer, J. A. Cook, Anderson, a.- c An invitation was accepted from Mr, O.C Hammond, to hold the next annual meeting with him t (iieen wood, S. V., the first Wednesday in August 1!U2. At that time a big bar becue will be held. Any dealer who may desire to become a member of the association may do so by com municating1 with Mr. J. A. Cook, A n- ilei'son, S. C. Saved His Wife's Life. "My wife would have been In her grave today," writes O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala,, "if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful Cough. I got her a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and she soon began to mend, and was well in a short time." Infallible for coughs and colds. Its the most reliable rem edy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, lagrippe, asth ma, hay fever, croup and whopping cough. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by King Crowell Drug Co. t FARMERS CLUBBING OFFER One year's subscription to each of the following papers and magazines: Woman's World. i Progressive Fanner. National Poultry Journal. The Kaleigh Daily Times. ; ALL FOR $2.95 This Is the greatest clubbing offer ever made to the farmers by any newspaper In North Carolina. Address '-;.';..;:.:';; jJ;v Raleigh Daily Times Raleigh, North Carolina. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU WILLIS L. MOORE. CbiaC ., 1 r . KODAKS AND SUPPLIES n I : t 1 n K II ' Iff! ' Mlh ' ' Hand 'f t?' : H"- Sn f' I HP" -i W.a ' Falran IK ' : mtmjmm: kP 'Lir. 1 I CV" F1 ! t 1 INSIST I ', m ':.!- hp - i& .ijf HUM I witwii; '- mL , m - I HUNWd ?n ll!:r yau4 ()WUMiWD kVAIUBTlESp STATIONERY. OFFICE SUPPLIES. The Office Stationery Co. C. C. Phono 84 IF. Times Dldg. We can furnish you with anything you may wish in the Toilet Ar ticles, Powders Puff, Brushes, Soap, and Peiv fmnery. HENRY T. HICKS CO. Both Phones, 107. Night Clerk in Rear of Store. jr HAMS F. F. V. Hams .. .. .. 25c. Busy Bee Hams . . . . . . 20c. Star Hams. . .. .... . . 20c. Phone usjrour order. We will do the rest. Both Phones. RUDY & BUFFALOE, 108 E. Hargett Street. BALK OF VALUABLE CITY PKOPKHTY. By virtue of a decree of the Sup rlor Court of Wake County, N. C. entered on tht 10th day of May, 1911, in the Special Proceeding No 1751, entitled "Ed. V. Denton and wife vs, Cleo Denton et al", on the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, at the County Court House door Id tbe City of Raleigh, N. ., on Monday, Juue 12, 1911, at 12 o'clock m., the lot of land known as No. 17 Exchange Place In the City of Raleigh, N. C, bounded on tbe west by lot of S. T. Smith, on the North by lot of the late A. B Strouacb, on the East. by tbe dowel lot of Mrs. M. K. Denton, and on South by Exchange Place. ARMIHTEAD JONES, Commissioner. Ifav 1. 1911 td.s Sunday, warmer tonight. For variable winds. ' Is the Bride's Present Present ? Courtesy demands response. Respond with a piece of our. hunfisome Cut Class or Etched Glass. Regardless of what "they' receive this Is always appro priate, i Our Water . Sets, ' Nappies, and odd pieces will be pleasing to your eye. " Weathers & Perry, ART DEPARTMENT KALKIOH, H. O Enjoy Good Music Let us place a Phonograph in your homo and you can en joy all the latest and popular songs, monologues, and musi cal numbers of the best solo ists, comedians, and bands. We sell both the Edison and Victor Machines and have all the latest records. Drop us a card. II. A. GASKLVS, 813 West Main St., Neai- Five Polnte, DURHAM, N. O. OLD STYLE FLAT IRONS. MRS. POTTS' IRONS. GASOLENE IRONS. Thos. II. Rriggs & Sons ' RALEIGH, N. C. The Big Hardware Men. LOT S A L E Lots of desirable building lots. Lots cheaper than yon can buy lots later. Fine lots adjoining my residence. Lot In Boylan Heights. Fine lots o Peace Street, Glen wood. Ral eigh dirt will soon take a spirt and If you buy uick you will not le hurt. See me. JAS. A.' SANDERS. Raleigh, N. C. err ufl' Much " Mm IT SOUNDS WELL to get the telephone messages we do about the excellence of our Laundry work. It Is a tribute to our hard and careful work, but the phone messages we get are few In comparison to tha personal praises given us by callers. We do Laundry work as It should be none, inn.n p nnrrnno vnnur ir taii can save money and get the best work here. PEOPLES LAUNDRY. ' " ':"-.,.,!,,:. THE BEST-., -;,:.: 107 FajetteTllle U .. Fbon 4. r