r THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1911. 5v 1 "iss pi Special" Sale Beginning Monday Morning at 9 o'clock, we will sell, as long as they last, these WEATHERED OAK TABOURETTES No telephone or mail orders received. None sold before Mon day morning. v 1 'V.ra Jl iSztwiJ? . At. 34 GLASSES THAT FIT It is Mime satisfaction to know you run no risk when you conic to us to have your KYKS examined. If you NKKO Glasses will tell you. If yon IK) NOT NKKD Glasses We will tell you. H. MAHLER'S SONS ' OPTICIANS OT1CE ! Our Ladies', Misses', and Children's Fancy Parasols have 'arrived and they are by far the nicest assortment we have ever had. Prices range from $2.50 to 2f We are si ill selling .$1.00 Silks at 73c; 50 and '75c. Silks at 39c.; 35 and 40c. Silks at 25c. v Yours to please, HUNTER-RAND COMP'Y AGENTS PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS , HAVE YOU SEEN The Uoldaway "Butlnsewer" ... Sew Buttons, Hooks and Eyes on your Own Machine? tm-i " i x i If you haven't and want to see how pretty it does the work, drop us a postal. Wo will arrange for you to s it work on YOUR OWN SEWING MACHINE. It sews all sizes of Buttons with two holes or four' holes. All sizes and kinds of Hooks and Eyes on " "any fabric. ' Riley R. GuIIey, State Agent, Raleigh, N.C. 2O0.7 Shepherd Building Raleigh, N. C. "' ' GOOD AGENTS CAN GET A GOOD CONTRACT. Are Yoii Going Pic-nic-ing? Our large Moving Vans are just the wagons to carry the crowd out on a good old-time pic-nic, or ' a moon-light ride. Good heavy teams just for such work, as well as competent diivers. PLUMMER'S STABLES. ,V THE HOME OPs THE NMOYlNG VAN. THE TAX PROSECUTIONS Durham May Enter Suit Against Tax Payers Failure to l.lst Taxes by Klg Tax Pay ers May Cause Iroseeutions County Comnil!Miouers in Quan dary Over Site Parish Property and Chapel Hill Street Property In Times Bureau, Herald Building, W. T. BOST. Durham, N. C, June 10 Prosecu tions of big tax iiajers, charged with failure to give in their property in the past, have been intimated by the city and county authorities and the remaining days of listing will be watched. v Though the talk of tax-dodging lias been charged with a deal of rath er loose talk on many occasions, not until this summer has thore been any official body to take the matter up, for serious discussion. While It does not appear to have been made a spe cial order, it comes with perfect re liability that there will be Instituted proceedings against some of the large property holders on the ground that they have persistently failed to give In their goods. This thing came near taking this shape three years ago, when city of ficers began to inquire of other offi cers if men paid taxes. It is under stood that the county commissioners have ordered that such cases as these be examined. If the property is not listed, the logical procedure will take place. The tax listers are daily at the court house and receiving the payers every hour hi the day. A good num ber to this date has shown interest in the duty. Perhaps no former year has developed more early patriots than this. According to the popular under standing of it, there will be proced ure against the alleged dodgers at the next meeting of the board of commissioners in the event they fail to giev in property. 'There are not a few citizens who own property part ty here and elsewhere. It has been accused that some decline to pay here on the ground that they pay in other cities, whereas an examina tion of the books there will show dodging in both places. At this writ ing the officials do not give names, but they wink' and smile knowingly. It has always been said of Durham people that they give in property with the greatest liberality and that de spite the fact that they have It they do not often take short cuts on the great government. There has been little cause In the past for action against many. There are ten more days of listing, the entl being on the twentieth of June as the law is made this year. It Is a change that will have to be observed. ; " . Though the county commissioners Indicated yesterday that they have settled the court house proposition, there is lusty kicking today and many express the hope that since they have not irrevocably committed themselves to the Parrlsh Warehouse site, they will make a change. The two sites, Parrish Warehouse and Chapel Hilltreet, have furnish ed delay several weeks. It is said now that the building will begin in a few weeks and that the quarter million wll make the 'handsomest house in this city of fine buildings. EVER WATCHFUL A Little Care Will Save Many Raleigh Readers Future Trouble. '. Watch the kidney secretions. See, that they have the amber hjie of health; , , The discharges not excessive or in frequent; Contain no 'brick-dust like" sedi ment. Doan's Kidney Pills are for disord ered kidneys. They strengthen weak kidneys and cure them when they're sick. Mrs. D. T. Moore, 311 S. Person St., Raleigh, N. C, says : "My back ached intensely and I had pains through my loins. I was restless at night and I had a great deal of trouble from the kidney se cretions. When a friend recommend ed Doan's Kidney Pills to me I got a supply from tho Bobbltt-Wyne Drug Company and used them according to directions. ... They gave me relief at once and continued use im proved my condition in every way." (Statement given January 30, 1908.) Confirmed Proof. Mrs. Moore was interviewed on December 2, 1910, and she said: "I value Doan's Kidney Pills as highly as ever and can still recom mend them. I have had no need of a kidney medicine during the past three years." - For sals by all dealers. Prtc SO oenta. Foster-Jlllburn Co Buffalo, New York, sole agents1 for the. United States. Remember the name Doan's and taka nn nthr. SHE BELIEVES SAVED LIFE Lady In Tecumseh, Okla., tins Strong Faith in the Benefit She Obtained From Cartful, the Woman's Tonic, ; 'Tecumseh',-'Okla, "I do believe," says Mrs. Eliza Epperson, of this place, "that If It hadn't been for Cardui I wouldn't have been living today. "I am so glad that I began using Cardui, when I did. Before I began to use it I was in bad health and suf fered considerable pain in head, shoulders, back, side, limbs, and lower part of my body. "Cardui helped me more thai, any thing I ever did take, and I am In better health, since, taxing it, than I have been in for four (4) years." You are not giving yourself "a square deal" unless -you laUo Cardui when you feel that you need a tonic. You uon't need a doctor to tell you when you do need a tonic. Only common-sense. When you feel tired, dull, lack en ergy .-and vitality, and 'are-nervous, cross and Irritable, It's not because of the weather, it's because you need a tonic. , If a woman, no two thoughts are necessary, , The first thought is enough: Take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Nobody can deny that the best tonic for a woman to take is a tonic for women CARDUI. N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64 -page book, "Home Treatment for Women." wat tn plnln rftTTr An iaii' DEATH OF MRS. O. F. IlKOWN. Former Durham Lady Dies in ("un cord -Negro Injured by Train Carried to Hospital. (Special to The Times.) Durham, N. C; June 10 -Mrs. W. L. Morgan left this morning on the 3:45 train for Concord in response to a telegram announcing the death of her sister, Mrs. G. Frank Brown, nee Miss Connie Irwin, who died at that place yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock. .. ''' '' - Mrs. Brown was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Irwin, of this city, and leaves a husband and two sis ters, three brothers and other rela tives. The brothers are Messrs. C. B. and C. N. Irwin, of Durham, and W. B. Irwin, of San Francisco; the two sisters . being Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Sam F. Harris, of Spencer. The funeral will take place this afternoon and Mrs. Morgan will re turn tomorrow or next day. -- Alex Marrow, a young negro of Orange, was brought here yesterday morning on the 11:37 train and taken to Lincoln Hospital, where he is being treated for an injury under the train yesterday. Marrow was trying to board the eastbound and fell under the wheels, having his left leg cut off a few inches below the knee. An opera tion was performed after he reached the hospital.; Whether he meant to ride without pay could not be gotten from those who brought him here. Mrs. Albert Robbins Wynn and Miss Daisy Robbins leave today for New York City to study under Mr. Rafael Joseffy, the gretat pianist of New York. . They will be gone all the summer and upon coming here they hope to add to their vocal and instrumental course, a violin department. The Durham school of music will re open in September. The teachers, who spend their vacations always in study, find their summers, pleasant and come back yearly Improved. Lightning Kills Few. In 1906 lightning kllied only 169 people in this whole country. One's chances of death by lightning are less than two ; fn a million. The chances of death fmm liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not if Electric Bitters be used, as Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, la., proved. : Four doctors gave hlra lip after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yel low jaundice. He was then .com pletely cured by Electric Bifcters. They're the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c at King Crowoll Drug Co. INVITES PRKHIIIKNT?8 SON. v .'': '.- - ' . - . V Industrial Bureau Asks H. A. Tart to Take Bar lOxainliiation in Nash ville. . ' Nashville, Totin.. June 10 The Nash ville Industrial - Bureau today tele graphed Robert A. Taft, son of Presi dent Taft, to come to Nashville, take the state bar1 examination and estab lish himself here for practice. Young Taft was dented examination In Ohio because he had not registered when he bejrun 'to study law. He must wait two years before taking the stata examination there. X-plece Rogers Silver Set hi fine Oak Gu for f&M and 80 COODOaa. Middle Aged and Klderly People. Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick and permanent results in all caees of kid ney and bladder troubles, and for painful and annoying Irregularities. King Crowell Drug Co. Most girls look upon marriage as a lifelong honeymoon. ; A PICTURESQUE COTTAGE, COSTING $2,500. DESIGNKI) 11V CHAS. S. SKIXiWK'K, ARCHITECT. il y x r '1rT Hp I HAL1"' ttli 0 - X -rH-fei f I 1T-"'"11' I chamber, tzl y lIVtHBRM. VS. I III This illusliatioii is that of rt coi-tage- ih feet 6 inches wide unit ".a f'i-,-1 ' ey l ie nrst story - is S I ti inches in height. . The miiin oiilsiih stiuls are II feet in height, the iimf is low pltchcil with v.i.le inoiecteil eaves (mil Hie ralleis -showing. Tie exterior is 'desighH' to lie coyere 1 Willi cement stucco in the lirsl . story ami Hhingles above, stimieil. Cost esuiiiatfcl at mridu. Tile Moor airaiienient is peculiar, but very eonvenienl anl commodious for a small cottage. The entrance is Willi a small recessed porch at the right-hand' corner with a cobblestone pier and heavy 'timber column, giving a very pretty effect. The piazza Is located diagonally at the left-hand corner and has a floor space of 7 feet by 12 feet and the same space for sleeping porch. The mam living room across the front has a group of four windows and center French window. There Is one main chimney, centrally local nil and afford ing a wide lircplave in living room and line lor heater In tia-scment and kitchen.- ' ' ;....' Tile diniiig room on tlie left opens Willi the living room with wide arch way and connects with:' the kitchn through a convenient pantry. There is a food full basement, three rooms and bathroom on the second floor, also the sleeping porch. This eoltage is. -small and economie.il to -build, but it has the., appearance'" of a larger house and is well adapted to either city or country and would make a, very pretty summer home. TAFT AND WHITE CONFER. President and Chief Justice Discuss Federal Court Procedure. Washington Juno 10 President Taft worked until an early hour this morn ing in conference with Chief Justice White, of the supreme court, on the reform of the euuity procedure of fed eral courts. The chief justice had din ner with, the; president. Chief Justice White. : together with Justices liurton '.and Van Deyanler, have been appointed a commission to investigate the question'.' Thie last revision that the rules have' become antiquated. President Taft is deeply interested In the reforms, and has given a great dual" of "..attention to it. The .justice in a few days leave this eilwy on their Vacation, and the president was anx ious to go over the situation with the chief justice before he departed..;'' . This popular remedy never fails c effectually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sid Headache, Biliousness And Al L DISEASES arising from Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural result Is good appetite and solid flesh. Dose small; elegant ly sugar coated and easy to swallov Take No Substitute. - PUBLICATION OF SI MMONS. North Carolina, Walie County. In the -Superior Court, before the Clerk: Mary F. Young, admr. of perry Young, deceased, and Mary F. Young, individually, vs. Edward Tescud Young and Bliza Young his wife: Berry Young a rcl Ivlilli Young hit wire; Anne tiorliani and A.. L. fiorbam. her husband: Siisaii llorton (widow of K T. llorton, deceased); Burncy Young and Kmelia Young his wife; Krt Young a child of Btirney Young; (Him . rrry and Mamie Perry, his wife;. ' Joshua Perry and I.nna Perry, his wife: J.: A. Perry; ' William A. Perry; W. tl P.ogers and Josephine Rogers 111! wife; I.oitis Itogers anil Siddy Hogers bis wife; flarland lingers and Mary Rogers, his wife.; Chrislopher Pogers and Martha Rogers' his wife; Mary A. Price and A; T. Price her husband; Marks E. Ivey and Hurke Ivcy her husband; Lennlo' Jones and Maryland Jones her husband; heirs at law of Berry Young, (colored), deceased. The defendant above named, Berry Young and Kdlth Young, his wife; Joshua Perry and Lena Perry, his wife; Burney Young " and Amelia Young his wife; and Ed Young will take notico that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Wake county, the purposo of which Is to sell the timber upon two certain tracts of land situ ated in Little River township, Wake County, North'. Carolina,- and formerly belonging to Berry Young, deceased, to make assets to pay the debts and costs of administration of the said estate, and to divide the said land Itself among tine plaintiff and the de fendants in this action, who ate the heirs at law of the said Berry Young, deceased; and the said above named defendants will further : take notice that they aro required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina, al his office In the court-house in the City of Raleigh, on I the 5th day of July, 1911, and answer or demur to the complaint, or petition, of the plaintiff herein. This 2nd day of June, 1911. MILLARD MIAL, Clerk Sueerlor Court Wake County. 'o.a.w. twits. EXCURSION Richmond, Va., ''", VIA r SOUTHERN RAILWAY FIRST EXCURSION OF THE SEASON. 14th JUNE 14th. On Wednesday, June 14th, the Southern Rail way will operate its first Annual Excursion of the season to Richmond, Va, SPECIAL TRAIN. Leave (loldsboro Leave Selina . . Leave Raleigh . Leave Durham . Leave Oxford . . 6:00 a.m. Round Trip, $.1.50 ' (:50 a. in. Round Trip, $3.50 8:00 a. in. Round Trip, 3.00 9:00 a. in. Round Trip,- 3.00 10:10 a. in. Round Trip, $2.50 Rates on same basis from all other stations. Returning Special Train will leave Richmond at 8:00 p. in.; Thursday, June 15th, 1911. One whole day and nighl in Richmond. Separate cars for Colored People. Don't miss this first opportunity of the season to visit the Historic Capital of Dixie. For all information a?k nearest a sent, or writ the undersigned. J O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. White Ski Waists. ; We uflsh, starch and iron with the errntest rare and return to you promptly in an Immaculate condition which we feel will please you, Wo will be most appreciative of your .patronage and do our Ik-M to merit it. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 117 West Harnett St. - HALKltill, N. C. - Both I'liiines, 87. A N idoul Christian Home Rrhoot. Preparatory and CnllnirtnfA Ooiirw. Art. X Expreaslon, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Biifltnnm, Domestic Srlenen, Music. Hlghstandard maintatned by largo ntaff of eiporteoond, oollflge-t rained In Btruotora. Takea only one hundred boarders and teaches tlm Individual. Unsur passed health rnoord. Brick hull dings, Steam heat. Kxoellent table. Large gym nasium. Park-like oampus. Concerts, lectures, tnnnls, basketball. Write for our oatatog before seleoMng t he college for your daughter HENRY JEROME STOCKARO. President. Rleili. N. C. TH"G RALEIGH DAILY TIMES jtxK 10, 1911 No. 234 HOl'SEHOIil) PltEMIUM CXHTON This coupon, signed with the name and address of a render of THE TIMES will be houored on eny If our Household Prem iums. . Name ..... . . . . .... . . .' Oltj NOTICE A complete set consists of thirty (30) coupons of consecutive dates only one coupon o. each data will be accepted In each set . Hold Your Coupons Until You Have the Full Set, Remember, the thirty (30) coupon must be consecutively dated. You can start with any date.