, ,t ,.,...,.,.. ...',, .. . . ........ , 'i.,.' . , ' .' 1 1 ..' 1 BOYLAN-PEARCE CO, j BOYLAN-PEARCE CO BPYUN-PURCE CO. CLEAMNG .A SALE SMITH'S SUPERB RUGS! Greatest Cut Ever Put on in Raleigh. This givat manufacturer has made a . great cut in prices and our buying an immense lot, which has just arrived, gives you the Cream at Sensational Prices. See the name stamped on the back of each JJug, every one .perfect and fully guaranteed. Large Room-size Bugs, 9x12 feet. $40.00 Imperial Smyrnas. .. . . . . . . . . Cut to $24.67 $35.00 Smith's Wilton Velvet, seamless . . Cut to $21.13 $25.00 Smith's Colonial Velvet, seamless . Cut to $17.34 $25.00 Smith's Axminster . . . . ; . . . . . . . Cut to $14.83 $15.00 Smith's Nepperhan Brussels, seamless, Cut to $10.99 $25.00 Smith's Phil. Brussels, seamless. $25.00 Manhattan Axminster . . . . . $12.50 Tapestry. Brussels, 3 seams. . . . SMALL RUGS. $100 Manhattan Axminsters 3(5x72 in. $3.00 Manhattan Axminsters 27x(!0 in. $3.00 Velvets, high grade 3(5x72 in. $2.00 Velvets, high grade 27x51 in. . . . . . . . . $1.10 , There are,. several-hundred -Rugs- in this Clearance Sale. No Rugs will be charged or sent out on approval at these prices. Better hurry for a choice pattern. A fair-sized crowd saw the dally matinee in police court this morning, I The court dragged along with just an I ordinary program, the card containing no actors of any note, nor acts of I special Importance. Judge Harris main talned the high rank, given him by those who have watched the proceed intra since Judge Badger left. While he pushes the cases along as fast as possible, yet he weighs both sides well and "gives 'em whats coming to 'em." -' '. iH, Blake, colored, plead guilty to .the charge of being drunk, and was given the costs to pay. Ollie Ball, a small colored lad, ap peared before his honor charged wun stealing a gold watch and pocket-book, also three pounds of butter. He plead fiullty and was bound over to superior ct urt under bonds of $r0 in each case. V. H. Moore, white, faced his honor with the charge of creating a nuisance or his place by 'cursing and drinking, but upon the advice of the chief of police and city attorney, a h'ol. pros, ! was taken. Charles Trice, colored, was registered on the police blotter under the charge of running's disorderly house. C. H.. Card testified that he lived about 20 steps from Trice and that he has seen nennle BO to his place to drink. The rear of his store Is divided off and the men gather In there to sing, pick the banjo and dance late Into the night. , Has heard a great deal or cursinsr there on Sundays. Men and women congregate around the place. Mr. J. H. Worlds said he lived about 40 feet from Trice's place, and the dis turbance Is usually on Sunday's. Curs ing and drunkenness is there generally every dav and night. Mrs. Worlds said the crowds gather there at nights and on Sundays, and hears cursing going on. Other witnesses trstllled to the gen eral dlsordiness of 1 he place.1 George Thomas said that crowds gather at the place on Sunday but he has heard very little cursing. Trice said he sold cold drinks, Ice cream etc.. and never allows any cursing and whiskey drinking inside the place. Works at the Tin ker Building Pharm acy In the day. Oerlared that if any cursing begins inside, he always asks hem out. A fine of J5.00 and costs was given him and he was also notified that policemen will visit the plnce regularly o keep down the noise. tir Annua UNO Sales Cut to $14.04 Cut to $13.99 Cut to $ 8.24 .. .. .. $2.45 $1.50 $1.99 MATTAMlShVF.F.T RAlMtOAO XOW SKKMS CKKTAIXTY. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street - - - - - - - Raleigh, N. C. "YOU BANK THE DIFFERENCE." A proposition to construct the M;it- tanmskeet Railroad 'from 'Lake 'Mat.-, tainuskeet to Belhaven and on to Washington was submitted at'a meetr ing of the council of state last even ing and the road will bo built if the people of that section arc in earnest. The length of the road would be 105 miles and would erftend through a rich section of country. Northern cap italists arc .behind- the movement. The state has considerable interest m the property. The matter was presented to the council of state by Mr. Oilhert H. Oil hert, of New York, and his attorney, Mr. ' Charles L. : Abernathy, of Beau. fort, and Mr. E. L,. Travis, of Halifax, Present at the conference were also Mr. S. S. Mann of Swan Quarter (.'apt. George O. Studdert, of Washing ton, N. : Mr. Joseph F. Tayloe. of Washington, president of the road; Mr, Surry Parker, of Plnetown ; Mr. R. N Xcal, Mr. A. M. Duinay and Mr. Dempsey Grimes, of Washington. -. L1TTLK .IOSF.PH KRWIV'V (irauilHon of Chief Justice Walter Clark lirl lit Mortranton This Morning. Little Joseph, ille Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. -.Joseph. K. Krwln, of Morgan- ton, died there this morning at the age of one vear. The sad news of the little one's death came to his grandfather, Chief justice Walter Clark, of this city. The funer al will be held tomorrow afternoon. Chief Justice Clark. Mr. Walter Clark, Jr., Misses Eugenia and Sallle Clark will go to attend the. funeral service.- $17.85 Raleigh to New York City AND RETURN Via SEABOARD AIR LINE Tickets on s;ile, all 'trains .lime 15th. (Jood to return any day unt il June 25th,. Special Sleeper open 9:00 p. rn. June lltli. Klcctric liighted Train, livery Comfort.. Fast Schedule. Quick Trip. CYB. Ryan, G.P.A. H. S. LEARD, D.P.A. ASKS FOIl 910,000 DAMAf.FS FOIl AIU'SK OF PIKK KSS. Suit has been entered In Wake su perior court by J. H, Eason, of Zeb ulon against J, C. Jeffreys, also of Zebulon, and damages in the sum of $10,000 will be asked. The complaint has not been filed, but Eason will al lege abuse of process, claiming that Jeffreys had him arrested at Zebulon for failure to pay a board bill, when matter of fact the arrest was made on this charge in order to hold the plaintiff until a warrant could he served oh him from Johnson county in another case. The first warrant, It Is claimed, was withdrawn as soon as the second had been served. Mr, t'has. IT. Harris. Of Raleigh and Mr. L, H. Allred, of Johnston, are attorneys for Eason. . '.""'' TAK HF.FLS ATTKXO KIR SIXDAV SCHOOL Ml ;i:riNo. .0 Slashing, Smashing Discount Sale SLASH Everything practically cut iu two. Biggest sale ever on record in this establishment. SMASH go the prices..' We have marked all our goods down 20 per cent, especially for this sale. DASH to our shop before the Big Rush that's bound to come. However, every one will be taken care of courteously. A busy day doesn't fuss us up at all. We love it. CASH can be saved if you'll come in and see our won derful bargains. You are welcome at 'the Slashing, Smashing, Dashing Sale, beginning June 6,-1911, at the Busy Place of. . A. C. HINTON, , North Carolina's Foremost Tailor. . Merchants National Bank Building, Faycttcviiic St. - - - Raleigh, N.G The North Carolina -delegation to the International Sunday School Con vention, to be held in San Francisco rrom June 20 to "27, left yesterday af leioon. Mr. N. B. Broughton of Ral- eigh Is a member of the executive committee and Is on the program. Ex Oov. R. B. Glenn also being on the program. The other North Carolinians who will attend the convention are Messrs, J. Van Carter and F. B. Phil lips, of Raleigh, Messrs. J. W. and Hugh Thompson, of Goldsboro, Rev. A. O. Dixon, of Hlsh Point and Rev. Lewis Collins, of Ashevilie. , Foley Kidney Pills contain just the ingredients necessary to regulate and strengthen the action of the kidneys I and bladder. Try them yourself. King Crpwell Drug Co. , Edenton Street Sunday School. AXXI'AL P1CXIC KXllRSIOY TO LAKKVIKW, X. C. Tuesday, June I39 1911 SF.AKOAIW AIR LIXi BY, HOrXIKTIUP KATKS: Adults ..,'.... . . . . . .$1.00 CliiMmi . . . ...... .$ .SO Train l'aves Raleiuli 8 a. m. Returnlnj; Ijeovos Iiakeview ;', ': .' - p. m. .'. TICKETS OX SALE J. I. Ri)riui CimMny, Thiem Ai Hinlsouif, T. A. Partln Company, and Union Station. Great Values in Women's Linen Dresses Values up to $16.50 for $9.90 Values up to $30.00 fpr $16.50 The first to get to this lot of Pure Linen Dresses will not only secure the npick of the pile", but the benefit of the highest values at the lowest prices ever named by this store this early in the season. LADIES SUMMER DRESSES Oue-pipco, all Linen Drosses, of line finality, superb workmanship. Low neck, short sleeves, prettv pipings and button-trim; worth $13.50. Oth ei's with Kimona sleeves, skirts tucked and embroidered; worth 15.00. And again, swell styles in high neck, short sleeves, Irish lace and embroidery elaborately used in the embellishment of these $16.50 values. All colors to choose from. Choose while they last at the . June Sale Price, $9.90 Other styles of beautifully-made one-piece Linen Dresses, elaborately trimmed with buttons, embroidery, laces and pipings. White, with black and natural linen, with garnet and light blue trimmings. Ideal for morning service. Value $15.50. June Sale Price, $11.50 These $17.50 and $18.50 one-piece Linen Dresses come in all good colors, and are triinmed with Irish crochet, hand-embroideiy, and Clunv Laces. Our most, stylish gannent. June Sale Price, $12.50 $22.50 Linen Dresses in white and natural colors, with Dutch Collars, open front, short sleeves, Bulgarian embroidery.--: The snappiest of the Bummer styles and richly worth our regular price. June Sale Price, $14.75 $25.00 and $30.00 superb creations for female adornment. We are lost in the "Labyrinth of Wonder and Amazement" in our attempt to describe the beauty of these artistic models. The very top-notch of American styles. Just 31 of these dresses in white, natural, and as sorted shades. June Sale Price, $16.50 This sale of Linen Dresses will long be remembered for years to come. Don't Miss Your Chances. BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY RANI) WANTS STANDS IX RALEIGH'S TWO PARKS The Third Regiment Band, for which the board of aldermen recent ly authorized the construction of band stands in Nash and Moore squares, Is ready to give free con certs twice a week. Mayor Johnson said today that he would call the matter of building the stands to the committee having it in hand, with the Idea of early concerts. A reek Into His Pocket. would show the box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve that E. S. Loper, a car penter, of Marllla, N. Y always car ries." I have never had a cut, wound, bruise, or sore It would not soon heal," he writes. Greatest healer of burns, bolls, scalds, chapped hands and Hps, fever sores, skin eruptions, eczema, corns and piles. 25c at King Crowell Drug Co. NORFOLK-SOUTHERN Puts on Broiler Parlor Cars Between Norfolk and Raleigh First Car From Raleigh Monday, June 12th. Beginning with first car leaving Raleigh on Train 12,. June 12th, Broiler Parlor Car, service will be inaugurated between Raleigh and Norfolk on trains' 1-3 and 2-12 via Wilson, Greenville, Washington, and Elizabeth City. This service will enable passengers to take breakfast and lunch en route to Norfolk and take lunch and din ner en route to Raleigh. .-' t20 Miss Louise Bruce Right Eaton. daughter of Mrs. Henrietta Ertton died yesterday morning at 8:40 and wtJi be ' burled from First. Baptist church Sunday tf.au . . Robt. E. Lee says: "When to the intelligence of Southern men we have added the wholesome instinct of sav ing money no race will equal 7 its."-. ,'. , ; " :. - The best way'to save money is to. buy Real Estate in a good part of your home town, where it will increase in Value with the process of the years. There is no property on the market that will equal what we are offering In CAMERON V' PARK. .;..;: :' '';t": ' The Parker-Dunter Realty Company . SELLING AGENTS. TOILET SETS 10 Pc. Sets, 93.08 to S.50 12 Pc. Seta, $5.00 to $15.00 WATER COOLERS - $1.50, 2, 92-50, 93, 93.50 LAWN SWINGS 2 Passenger . . .. . 94.50 4 Passenger . ... 90-00 HAMMOCKS 91. OO to fS.OO. , i '. ( LIQUID VENEER For Dusting, . 25 and 50c. Bottles. the J.D.RIS6MC0. ' lt4 Farettevffla Street WHEN YOU ARE ILL you want the host pre scription work. Pre scriptions filled by com petent and accurate druggists, men who have had experience. Our prescription de partment is In charge of registered druggists. J. C. BRANTLEY, Masonic Temple. Phone 15. HONEY TO LEND. Id Wake County Ontf. t O Hither Real or Personal Securltf. 18-11 Fullea Balldlax, Ottf. At The RALEIGH'S THEATRE BEAUTIFUL. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. In CARR TRIO. New Songs and Dances. ERNEST LINWOOD. The Party From the South A Few Minutes In Coo oology. KINCAID & LESTER. A Singing and Dancing Sister Team. COMING. A HIGH CLASS SINGING ACT. PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME. Three Performances Daily, 3';3(i $,15, and, d:30 p. m. PRICES: Matinee, 5 and 10c. Night, 10 and 15c. Special Suit Values 8.50 and The quality of "C, & L. jCo.V' Suits is too well established to need com mendation. In our $1&.50 and $20.00 Suits we are giving honest values, our aim being to supply in each suit the best that can be made for the 'price. NV They are uniformly made, they give "dollar for dollar" value to the man that wears them. 1 ' -.-'-. $1 $20 CROSS & LINEHAW CO KNOWN A3 USE BEST CLOTHIEES iff. tt. ha, r