fir A fine Gold-filled Watch (a the one thing you have been hoping to get. We have the proposition (or you and we have the watches. Write n today and got In the game for one of these elegant Watches. THE WATCH. No. 2t ucuUeiiwo'l 12 si, open-face watch, thin model, handsome ' assorted straight Hue engraving, screw cane, gold tilled, warranted to wear 10 years. American jew eled, straight line lever move ment, dumiiKkecned plates. Enamel dial. Any Subscriber who will do a few minutes work will Iw awarded one of lhee liuntlsoiiie gold-lilled 10 yer Batches. Ask u. Raleigh Daily Times Ititleluh North Carolina. 4 V Mr. VV. G. Wyatt, Durham, Wins. Mondnv, of (his week, we of fered 500 Circular Typewritten Letters or 20U Personal Let ters to the first person answer our , nd. advising that they reud it. i It was impossible for all to win. So, Mr. Reader, don't give up. Another will appear Boon. Keep vour eyes on the folks : who guarantee to increase vnir hiiiiiness. Advertising evervthini; that does It. Raleigh Ad. & Letter-writing Co. K. II. CAKKOfifj, Mgr., ...SOOli l'uyetteville Street. Sale of Standard fins & Electric Com pany's Slock and llonds. As executor of W. M. Page, I will ecll ut public auction for cash at the Court House Door ia Raleigh, North Carolina, on Wednesday, July 12th, 1UI1. at 1 2o'clock M., twenty shares of Standard Gas & Electric Company Flock, also three bonds of said com pany of the par vane of $1,000 each. This June 12th, 1911. W. L. PAGE, Executor.' AYCOCK & WINSTON. Attorneys. v MONEY TO LEND In Wake County Only. On Kiffitrr Heal or Personal Security. Itivoins 18-10 ullen Uuilding, Clly. THE ALMO JTORMERLY THE REVELRY. OP COUItSB YOU'VE NOTIcTjiThOW(W)LNI) (JOMKOIMTAItLE OUR THKATKIS IS "The Troublesome Secretaries." Another Vitagraph Fonny Film, .'... : It is Hard to Tell About This Comedy Without Laughing. . You Will Agree to This ivhen You See It. Don't Miss It. "Caught With the Goods." . . - . . ' A Rapid-fire Farce 'With Laughs. . "Robert, the Silent.-" A Pathe Drama, Beautifully Colored.- KEATIKK TOMOKHOW. THE SPANISH GYPSY, . - A BIOGIlAPH MASTKRI'IKCK. I'KOPESSOK LEVIN'S ORCHESTRA PLAYS HERE EVERY NIGHT m AHON80N ft BROWNE f , 11 " , Y sp;obts & ROBERTSON STILL FREE Sensational A. and M. Pitcher - Not With Detroit ''liitli-i-lnK Offer Alarie. by Tigers Not Accepted Fine Work Willi Klixiu beth 'lly Some '-ll-known Iloys in Faster Company Story About Cbli v Mr. payo Robertson, who pitched such sensational bull for the A. & M. College team last spring, and who lias been more than equaling his college record with the Klizabeth Citv team in the Tidewater League, has not signed with ihe Detroit Tigers, reports to the contrary not withstanding.'' Mr. Robertson ' nulled Mr. H. H. Merritt. sniduate manager of .athletics,, over the long distance last. -evening and informed him that he had not accepted the offer made by the. Tigers. Mr. Robertson said that the offer was a flattering one jnd that it was hard to. resist, but indicated that lie would hot take any action this week. He will decide the matter early next week. Mr. Tal Stafford, another A. & M. pitcher, and a Raleigh bov, is also playing the game for Klizabelh Cilv. These boys have pulled the Carolina team from next to last place to lirst position and have won every game except one. They have proved sen sat ions at lOliziiheth City. Mr. liill Lindsay, a Madison boy, who pin veil short for Guilford Col lege several years ngo, and later played with Wliiston-Suloin. going from there to Memphis, and then to New Orleans, has made his debut in major league societv. Those who know bill are confident that he will make Rood. There is not a better in-fielder in tlie country, and if' lie can bat well lie will cinch a place with tho Naps. Clarence Walker, whose two sea sons with Spartanburg proved his right to essay to higher company, continues to play field with the Washington Americans. "Pink," as he is called, has been swatting the ball to all corners of the lot, and, seems destined 'to hold his own in' real societv. Tyrus Raymond Cobb, the great est baseball plaver who ever donned uniform, has decided to be an actor man and this winter will take the leading part In '-College Widow", re vised enough to give Ty prominence without, making too great demand on Ins histrionic talents. A lot of folks think baseball players should stick to the giime. but if any of them are en titled to a little showing-off -for the money there is in it, the Detroit marvel is . the man. The mlghtv Mans Wagner, Tris Speaker, Joe Jnrksnn, Napoleon Lajole, Hal Chase, and any others you might name, ore as minors compared to tho all-round playing of the Georgia bov. He is In a class to himself. , Speaking of Cobb, it is interesting to recall that several years ago an afternoon paper in Atlanta received a special from a little Georgia town informing tho waiting world that Ty Cobb was practicing up to join the big leagues . That message cunie about 4:00 o'clock In the afternoon and tlie correspondent who sent it got called down. In three years, Jiowever, T.vrus was leading the American league in butting and had become the sensation of the veur. His work with Augusta was of the sort that, nssured him quick promo tion.. . , Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite. The Old Stnndard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC. . drives out malarhi and builds up the system. For grown people and children. 60c. A woman's idea of a mddel hus band is one who docs just as lie pleases. XZanagers YKSTEROAV'S GAMES. Carolina Association. ' At ' Spartanburg:. Anderson. 1: Spar tanburg. (!. At Charlotte: ' Charlotte, 1: Greens boro. 0. (1J Innings.) At Greenville: (licenvll'r-. 6: Win Rton-Halem. 8. irginin League. , At Lynchburg: Lynchburg. 7: I'clcrs; burg. S. A t-ujivllle: Danville. 7; Roanoke, 2 Americun League. At Philadelphia : First game: Wash higti'in, 1: lJhlliideliiiln. ,.- Second game; Wushlnxtnii, l: Philadelphia.' . At New York: Koston. It; New.- Vork, 3." . . At IJetroli: I'lcvchiinl. 3: Detroit, 5. At St. Louis: ChlcaMO, 4:-St., Ltuila 2. " ', ' National League. At lii-noklvii: 'Philadelphia; 2: Biook lyn.' 1.-.: '',-',' ' At Koston:- New York. 4: Koston. 0 A ilii'iniinti: St. Louis, fi; Cimln iiati. 2. At Chicago: Pittsburg. 1; dik-ago. 14. .'...":.",...''.. American Association. At Toledo: Kansas City, U Toledo. 6. ' .' At Imllan.ipolls: Minneapolis, i: In dlaiuiolls, 4. At Louisville: Milwaukee, 0: Louis vllle. 111. At Columbus: St. Paul. 7: Columbus. ii. :' Hastern League. At. Jersey Cilv: First game: Roch ester. 4: Jersey Citv. 1. Second g:inie: Rochester. 10: Jersey City. 4. At Hiiltiniore: Buffalo. U: Baltimore. 7. .:.''"':.-''. ' At ; Newark: Toronto. Ill: Newark. 11. Southern League. At New Orleans: New .Orleans Memphis, rain. At Hn mlnghnm: TUrmlngham-Chat-lanooga. rain. At Montgomerv: Montgomery. 3: At. lanta. 1 -At Mobile: Mobile, 0; Nashville. 4. South Atlantic League. At Augusta: First game: Augusta. 3: Columbia, 4. Second game: Augusta J; Columbia, 4. At Albany: Albanv-Macon. ram. At Savannah: First gjime: Suvan nah, i: Charleston, 2. Second game. Savannah, 3: Charleston, 1. At Columbus: Columbus. fi; Jack sonville .!. Tidewater League. Elizabeth Citv, 11: Old Point. 0. Suffolk. IS: Norfolk, 2. Portsmouth, 3; Newport News, 2. Appalachian League. At Bristol: Johnson Citv, 3; Bris tol, .2. At Knoxvlllc: Knoxvlllii, 11: Ashe, vile. 3 College Games. At Philadelphia: Cornell, 4: ITnlver sltv, of Pennsylvania, 2. STANDING OK CLUBS. Carolina League. Clubs. Won. Ixst. P.O. Winston-Salem .... 30 la .(iii7 Greensboro .. .. .. .. 2!) IS .017 Greenville .. .. .... 22 i .4(iS charlotte .. .. .. .. 21 2(i .447 Spartanburg-..'".. .. 20 2.V .444 Anderson .. .. .. .. .. 17 3D .3li2 Americun League. Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. Detroit .. .... ...... 41 18 .CSfi Philadelphia .. ... 38 18 .B67 New York .. .... 2! 24 .r,47 I Chicago .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 24 .r,38 ! Boston .. .. 30 26 .r.3C Cleveland .. .. 23 33 .411 Washington .. .. .... 20 37 .3.r.l St. Louis 17 40 .298 National League. Clubs. Won. liOst. P. C. Chicago .. .. .. .. .. 3 20 .643 New York-.. .. 31! 21 .032 Philadelphia. .. .. .... 34 24 .r.8(i Pittsburg .. .. .. .... 32 24 .r,71 St. Louis .. .. .. 31 2."i ..if4 Cincinnati 2.'. 32 .439 Brooklyn .. .. .. .. .. 20 32 .38.r. Boston .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 44 .241 Southern league. Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. New Orleans .. .. .... 38 20 ,65S Montgomery .. 32 . -.25 .501 I Birmingham .. .. 30 29 .MS I Chattanooga .. .. .. .. 28 29 .491 Memphis .. .. .. .. .. 28 32 .407 Nashville .. .. .. 27 32 .4..S Atlanta .. .. .. .. .... 24 31 .436 Mobile .. .. .. .. .. 20 3.1 .420 South Atlantic League. Clubs. Columbus Columbia . Savannah Won. .. 3 Lost. 0 0 1 t 1 3 3 P. C. 1,000 1,0110- .r.tio .500 .000 .ooo .000 Albany .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 M aeon .... 1 Augusta .. .. .. .. .. 0 Jacksonville .. .. .... 0 Charleston .. .. .. .... 0 Virginia League. Clulis. Won. Lost. P. C, Norfolk .. .. .. .. .. 32 19 .627 Roanoke .. .. .; 89 21 .i86 Richmond ..27 22 .561 Petersburg .. .. .. .. 23 27 .400 Lynchburg .. .. .. .. 21 29 . 420 Danvllle .. .. .. .. ;. 19 33 " .365 Tidewater IiCngue. Clubs. Won. Lost. P.C. .648 .615 .685 .481 . .449 .212 Elisabeth City 3S Portsmouth .. .. ,. SS Norfolk .. .. .. .. .... 31 SufTolk .. .. .. .. .... 26 Nownnrt News 22 19 20 22 2 27 41 fold Point ..11 TyjCobh to Be Actor. Detroit. June 22 Vaughn Glaser, a well-known stock actor and manager, Is planning to star Ty Cobb next win ter, and probably will put him out In George Ade's "Cbllege Wldow.'f re vamped to give Cobb a part that will give him prominence without making too great demand on him as a hlstiinn. Glaser his been a personal friend of. the plaver for years, and has had ev oral tulka with him about the project.! NO TROUBLE BREWING' r , IN SOUTHEASTERN "LEAGUE. Annlfton, Ala., June 22 A , special from Gadsden says President Bailey, of the Gadsden club, has made em phatic denial of the report sent out to the effect that he. will prefer charges against the Auniston club of the Southeastern League at a meeting to be held In that citv subject to the call of President O'Neill. President. Bailey expresses the . ut most friendliness for this city, where, he says, the Gadsden players have al ways been treated with the uninost consideration; lii ROSTON KKI $OX PLAN TO TRY OUT YOUNGSTERS. 4 Boston, MaSBj. June 22--Tracv Jlaker, the young college player from .the Uni versity Pf Washington, will be. given a chanc to show what he can do at the first base corner with the Red Sox team this Wiek,. Anolher "'new Inflelder will- also re port tomorrow, Ed Donahue, wh) has starred as a member of the .Manhat tan College team, of New York, dur ing the present season. TWO CLUBS MtOPPKD FJIOM THE CONXECTHTT. Hartford, Conn., June .22 -The ill rectors ol the Coiinectli.'iit Baseball League have dropped the Northamp ton and Holvoke teams from the lea gue, and the. season will be llnislu'd wllh six teams. J he two teams were hopelessly In debt. Players on the teams have been declared live agents. Lindsay Likes the Big Cities. Washington, June 22 Bill Lindsay, of the Naps, Is enjoying his trip around the eastern circuit very much. It is his first' opportunity -to look over the big towns In the huiiiIso section of the league and Bill Is looking them over all right. He is a young man who believes that there Is no such thing as too much knowledge of general In formation. So It i.s that instead of getting up at 11 o clock and sitting idly about the hotel until game time Bill Is up at early breakfast tlmf and alter his .toast, eggs and coffee, starts out on a long hike to see the sights. .'Chances are Lindsay : right now could tell you more about the wonders of New York. Washington and Bos ton than could certain ball players on certain teams who have been coming here for the past in veins. Anil thev do say that Lindsav can play ball loo. He basn t hail a chance to show Manager sstovall vet. "Whipped Clerk; Manager Held. Washington, June 22-Roger P. Hres nahan, manager of the ht. Louis Na tional league baseball club, and Joseph C. Wheatley,. night clerk at the Buck ingham hotel, St. Louis, were arrested yesterday for staging an Impromptu battle according to the police, In the lobbv of the big west end hostelry, Bresnahan, with his wife, resides at the Buckingham, and, according to the police, tried to mop up the floor of the lobby with Wheatley at 1 a. m. Friday when the clerk 'talked back' after Bresnahan had registered a protest against pract-k-ul- jwkera being allowed to call him on the telephone at un seemly hours of the early morning. The police say the two men were ar rested and taken to the station house, where thev shook bands and Wheatley said he would not prosecute. They were then released.' With the Ball Tossers James Murphy, brother of President Murphv. ol the Chicago club, is scout ing in the southern states for ' future greats.' A left-handed pitcher is the object Scout Murphy has in view. . President Lynch on June 1 Indicted a $25 tine upon Manager Dahlen. of Brooklyn, for delaying the New York- Brooklvn game on the morning of Memorial day. ..'. Pitcher Charles A. Picket!, who was returned to the St. Louis club. ry Minneapolis, has now been suspended bv the former club for failure to keep in condition. During the lay-off of Shortstop Her- of Boston, with a sprained leg, Jack Spnttt. Ihe peppery Virginia col lege bov. subbed most eftectlvclv In the position. President Murphy, of the Chicago club, is taking a popular vote on the question whether to return the opening time for games at 3:00 o clock or to advance It to: 2:30. ." " Kllis Ferguson, farmer, father of Cecil Ferguson, Boston club pitcher. was kicked -over the heart bv a horse on .Tunc 0 and will die. His home Is it Terra Haute. Ind. . . i It required some time for tin Pitts burg management to learn that the club possessed a star catcher in Young Simon, who has embraced his first chance bv making good with a vengeance. , ..-..'.... The spurt of the St. Louis Cardinals Is one of the surprises of the present baseball season. Roger Tiresnahan, when he started the season, had a team which no one figured could do more than have a fight for last place. President Murphy, of the Cubs, last week announced the purchase of Pitcher Krnle Oviti, last year with Peoria. Ovitz. formerly a northwest ern star, belongs to Topeka. of the Western League, but has been playing with the semi-pro teams all spring while winding up his studies. The Brooklyn club has sent Third Baseman McKlveen to the Montgomery club, of the Southern League, for Outfielder Daley, who Is to report to Manager Dahlen In September. .' With one of two' exceptions all of McGraw's youngsters are doing right well whereever he placed them. A McGraw recommendation cSrries a young player a long ways, and Tes reau, Ernie Lush, Fulleton, ForsyUie. and the rest seem to be living Up to his boosts with their present man agers. " . MRS. TAFT THANKS SENATORS. -l - ,' -. y ... ... ,' - t y "'. Acknowledges Receipt of Silver Tea Service Given- by Them, - Washington, D. 'Ci June 22 A letter of thanks was read in the sen-;, ate yesterduv from. Mrs. Ta-ft lh ac knowledgement of the silver wedding present sent by senators. Tue letter addressed to Vice President .Sher man, follows: "The beautiful silver service which the members of the senato have so kindly sent its in remembrance of our twenty-iltth aniversary has Just arrived, and I hasten to express to you and 'through you to the sena tors our deep appreciation of their courtesy. '. "In convoying our sincere thanks will you klndlv add that, we shall value the exquisite gift more espe cially as a souvenir of the kindness and courtesy of the distinguished body of men from whom it. comes. "In sending our cordial thanks, be lieve me, with kind regards, lioni tho president and myself, "Very sincerely yours, "HELEN H. TAKT." Delayed telegrams and .cable mes sages, to the president and .Mrs. expressing congratulations on Hie anniversary of their silver wedding, which was celebrated Monday night, continued to reach tue white house yesterday. . Fully 1,000 telegrams were receiv ed from Jewish cities, dignitaries ol the Catholic clinrcn, religious con ventions, military organizations, and many public! men. Congratulations from Governor Dix and Mayor Gay nor, of New York; John 1). Rocke feller, Jr., Governor Asborn of Mich igan; James .1. Hill, mid many oth ers were in the number. Saved Ills Wife's Life. "My wile would have been in her grave today," writes O. 11. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., "if it had not been for Dr. King's New Hiscovery. bhe was dowu in her bed, not able to get up without- help. She had a severe bronchial, trouble and a dreudlul cough. I got her a bottle of Dr. King s New Discovery, and she soon began to mend, and was well in a short. time." Infallible for coughs and colils, its the most reliable rejn ody on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, lagrlppe, asth ma, hay lever, croup and whopping cough. 50c, J 1.00.' Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by King Crowell Drug Co. HRIDE Sl'ES FOR HI SRAM). Charges Rich I'allier anil Pastor Are Keeping Him From Her. Wheeling', W. Va., June 22 Alleg ing tuat her husband, David A. Mc Kee, is being illegally detained by his father, bam B. MeKee, the biggest retail grocer m this city, and the Rev. J. H. Littell, pastor ol the fashion able Second United Presbyterian church, Mrs. Eva V. McKee this morning filed a petition belore Judge H. C. llervey, ol the circuit court, asking tor a writ ot habeas corpus directing that the younger McKee be produced. The woman in her petition alleges tnat tho couple were married .May JO, and that when ihoy. went to visit the honie.ot her lather-in-law, her husband was admitted and that is the last she has, seep of him. bhe savs that the Rev. -,M.jv LittelJ for cibly ejected her lroiu the premises and told her that her husband did not want anything whatever to do with her. She loruicrly. conducted a beauty parlor in Pittsburg, Pa., and was once divorced. She Js ten years older than her latest husband, : Foley's Kidney Remedy. Is particularly recommended for chronic cases of kidney and bladder trouble. It tends to regulate and control the kidney and bladder ac tion and is healing, strengthening and bracing. King Crowell Drug Co. SHOOTS SELF AS GIRL PLAYS. .Musician, Fearing lllindniss, Fires Three Shots Into His liiain. Pittsburg, Pa., June 22 Asking his blind daughter to play a selection from "111 Travntore ' on the violin, Bernardo Ciinterino, aged f0, a musi cian, today attempted to end his Hie by tiring three shots into his brain. He is now dying. Canterino, who has written many compositions, has for months entertained the tear that he was going blind like his 20-yeur-old daughter, Mary. Severul days ago lie quarreled with his wife and she . let t him. Today he became Respondent, and remark ing that he felt, that he was rapidly losing his sight, he loaded a revolver. Then he asked his blind daughter to play a favorite piece, and as the Ranges Sold at Cost and Connected Free on our Line of Mains. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 228 Representative 0 Cash and Cupid ,'ivo very good frientK Often when Cash leaves, so does Cupid. At aJiy rate pro- vidiiifi; for your wife and children is a duty. "Resides, pleasure can come to yon and your family in greater number if, as yon journey through life, you spend less than you niale and hank the. balance for future need. Kvery man, woman and child ....should have a bank account and the time to start it is now. Don't wail until tomorrow,". hut, si art it today. In after years you will be saying: "I wish 1 had put my money in the Manic when 1 bad plenly." We pay 4' compounded quarterly. ' MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Fayetteville Street .. .. rr RALEIGH The busiest Cify in Ihe Stale. Mori! building going on here lhan elsewhere, in North- Carolina. We are extending accommodations every day to "live ones" who . -ire building lip the city. "We art; ready, willing, and anxious to ren der assistance to others who will do likewise. , The Citizens National Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. JOSUril G. RKOWV. I'res. II. K. UTCHFOllI), Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. i,. KKSOUltCKS. ; Loans and Discounts .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. .'. . .$1,048.284.8,4 Overdrafts., .. ...... .... ,. .... ., .... , 1,350.27 Bonds ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..-...' .. 102,500.00 Banking House and Fixtures . . . . . . .... ..... . . ... 05,000,00 5 Redemption Iund-. ; ......... .......... 5,00000 Cash and Due from Banks.. .... ........ .L .. .. 325,344.50 l,5:i7.485.61 LlAIMlilTIIOS. Capital Stock .......'......;.... ...... .. .. n 00,000.00 Surplus and Profits .. .. .. .. .. .. .............. 1 10,127 0 Circulation ..'... .. .. .. 100,000.00 Ke-dlscounts .. .. .. .. .. .. .....' .. .. 33.000.09 DeposiU i. .,....,..,... i .. .i .. 904,358.32 ' ;, '.. ; , . ' ' I $1,537,485 61 B. 8. JERMAX, Pres. E. B. CIIOW, Cashier. - ; Chaa. E. Johnson, President. wm ' F. H. BIUGGS, Cashier. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. ';': Stands For: RELIABLE SOUND-BANKING. Aa honorable Record For Nearly Half Century. last note died out he lired three shots into his hrain. Canterino lelt a note, which read: .' 1 cannot hear to lie deprived ol my sicht. I love the hcaiitics of the earth, luve to, read -uuil to-look upon my tnetids. 'Ihe verv IIiiiukIH haw driven in e mail. 1 must end all now." WKKK KM lt.ATKS. KalclcJi, . ('., to I'ertsiiioiitli.Ndr. folk, Va., via Sealionrd Air Line Kail way. $4.75 round trip M.75. Tickets on sale for trains Nos. S2 and 3 St, Saturday, June 17tli, 24th, July 1st and July Mli, and for train No. 32 Sunday, Juno lStli, 25th, July 2nd and 9th. ' Tickets good returning on any train up to and Including train No. 93 Monday following date of sale. Phone Seahoard ticket uHice. Either phone 117. H. S. Heard. OK with AND SLEEP AN HOUR LATER Will Call. Temporary I .. .. RALEIGH, tf. C. "Little and Oiten is What Fills the Purse. Anyone with the liicliiiallon to save should come lo this Itiuik mid start uii account. , ?.' We Teach You to Save.-. We Make it Easy to Save. , We Lend Encouragement. 1 We Pay' You to Save. We allow 4 Interest o saving and compute the interest four time a year. ' Money deKsiteI om or before tlh 3rd day of the month Is entitled to the full month's Interest. MECHANls SAVINGS- BANK Office 107 S. Wilmington St- , .. .....: v V, .. i ... "' ' f u -: .. .v ". ?! ;;'.( iftt V .!!. r-c ; l-? t i. ' -.-oil "ci iL-.r.J. : .L TDITD TTVT1T

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