i t THE EALEIGH DAILY TIMES: THURSDAY, JUNE 22, iSU . (TOU CAN'T CUT TOUESLLH deed, uhfque, and - was moit chat'm' Insly conducted by Mrs.'j. Al'len Mor 3 S' , h I 2? 9 3, 'A i: r r 1 1 1 E1- '. r -' f '-:-' L1STICOB SAFETY t REMOVER. , . ... I? gives Install? relief; it takes, youx coins -joi3 f jaJlous way in a minute, andTseijpS them awaj loxwex. Get Dne now; arid use it when'yWget hom. . - : ONLY $1.00. . MONEY BACK IF YOU T7ANT IT. I . KING-CEOWELL DRUG COMPANY, f - -society! & 'ill Jf "fcTV ' x - si lli .iSi-J - ' - f .s Jf 111 ' ' ' ' "1 Willi i Vrlf ii -1 r -i'.' A JMCTl'KK HAT IX TKl ;. lliis clmriniii;; hut is mado of rose frills of pleated lace which fall over (lie brim In bcl.o lashlou, iiinkiiij' a pretty jiIumIo over the face. Aiimud the crown which it will lie noted is rather nisli Is it wreath of pink roses and ki-ccii leaves, lints ol this sort are delightful with light summer the graceful fichu, of tine batiste anil picturesque eltect. TUB HEAKT OK A FKIKXD. A heart that is glad when your heart Is gay, 7 And true in the time Of cares: That halves the trials of a. fretful i day And doubtless the joys that it shares. A heart that can cheer your heart with its song. . And comfort your hour of need: A heart that is brave and faitnlul and strong, . 'Wherever- misfortune - may lend. A heart that will hear no ill of . you, But is ever quick to defend. A heart that is uhvavs truu. stool true - Such is the heart (if .1 friend; kxciiang". - ,' Mrs. cure. T. On has gone to Mcui- Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Ciiffm and ul dren have gone to High I'oint.- '. - Mrs.. W. A. .Meaclvin. of .Pnrls mouth, Is visiting Mis. J. II. .Vleaehani Mi-s. Kate - Phillips and dain-'hler. Miss Katherine. of P.orkv.', Mminl. aif Visiting Mrs. J. J'. Arrlngfon: Mrs. W. N'owlin. of Lakewoml. . N. J is .visiting In-r mother. Mrs. Sal lie Underwood oil- l-.lk Worid MVeliue. Mr. V. H.. TTervcv has returned from a ten days visit to -Mnrehead c'itv. Mrs. Hervey anil .son. I'hailes: will re main for the season. .Mr. Hewev re ports fishing fine. Is a oattlnie;ing r tHeMt'lrOyind;!: girl' to b titte with;; We take exceptional pains' to see that the thildren get shoes that fit their tender feet and that are going to be; comfortable. ;It is perfectly safe.to. let ) the children ' come alone. We will fit them as 'vvell as though their parents were along.' PCOt & CRO0ERi 161 Fayetteville Street CORN ABB CALL073 MIDSIIMKH STVLi:. pink straw brawl covered with (rocks ol a lingerie character, and lace, or ol pirated net completes the Miss Katlieiine '-Smith left todav for a visit to. Uoeky . Mount. . Miss Helen I'lee. of Littleton, -IK vi iting. Mis llarci lile Lyon.. ' ... ... -. - : Mrs. T. If. Calvert and children r turned today from I'lttsboro. .. '. . Miss Annie Jones lelt today to. visit Mrs; Joseph lieli ai Henderson. Mrs, T... T.I inward left todav for Visit to Ho!nlersunami ilxturd. Miss Kt.hel Armentiout. of High I'oint. -.passed through the eitv todav going to Wilson. -.- .- ..'' Mrs. i. 1. ( haniblee and sou. Travli of tfxlonl. are the guests- of Mr. and -Mrs. (.'. I!.' Kduards. ' . Mrs. i . t McIJunald reiuiiied todav rroni Duiliain whore she attended the 'larreir- iruv wedding. -Mrs;. J. f.. Williann e.-l, .tv-tui'lii-d todav l 1 I M I 1 ll-S . Uli V of Wake I' le.eompnhled 1 v M nil her. . ....'".. .Mi.-:- Mary 'I iniberlake. of - Youngs iil.ii;. who lias been, visiting Miss Aii nie Jones, relumed home -todav.' '...' Master . (.'Iiatles Mills of (ioldsboro. wh'i-. has been visiting . . Master Kd-ward- I row.. .-returned home todav: ". Mi-s ..Viiirne Hay. has returned to tin- eitv fioin ( "olumliia. s. c. where she lias been the guest or relatives. '.Miss-Lulie iJiekson. of Wake Forest. left today for Asheville. after spend ing the night -.with -Miss Louise Peed. .-v'.BALPGH, H. O. MILLINEilY Graceful Garnitures of Flow ers and Sheer Lace on Large Picturesque Hats. SPECIAL DESIGNS IS ' SMALL HATS. Mrs. Frank Bedford, 13 Went Harnett Phone et&L Alrs. John M. Womble Kltzauelh. visit .Mrs. and little have gone Womble s (laughter. .VI iss to Uolilston to sister. Misses Ethel and MarcelLle rvtn have returned trom Littleton where the McCord- llllani.s tne vatti'iidiii wedding. Mrs. J. S. Hardawav and littl I daughter. Anna . of Newman, (ia., are visiting at the home ol Mr. and Mrs, c ,). Hunter. rapt. (.'. (!. Hall, of the sth IT It'avulrv. is visiting his uncle. ('... Whiting..- Mr. Hall Is accompanied bv I hi-- will', son ami little dauiillli r St. Luke's Circle. Lukes Circle of The St Kings John I Daughter. s will meet with ; Mrs tomorrow atteiiioon E. Pav at 'clock. .Yliss l'.veljn .tiickson Honoi-ed About sixty guests t-njoved the lliospitaliiv iM Miss Kdith I'ou last I evening when she entertained at pro Igresslve hearts In honor of her gues Miss Kvelvn Jackson, ol Richmond The prizes were won bv Miss Julia West and Mr. lvey lllddick. Ihe guests were trom the younger M-ial set ol the city and the affair was among the most delightful of the summer months. Heautiful music was furnished during the evening bv an I orchestra. .The lawn, decorated with Japanese I lanterns was most Inviting, refresh uieuts being served here. .- Musicale Tomorrow Mght. The musicale and lawn party to' be given Friday evening bv the Junior League and other young people of FZdcnion street Methodist church, is to put screens in the dining room and kitrdien of the Methodist Orphanage. The basement of the auditorium of the new sundav school building is delight fully cool and the best talent will render the musicale. which will be ful lowed by an Indoor lawn party. The hour for the children Is trom six nil seven. A silver offering at the door Program. Klowers Awake. Warner. Miss Piitli Hughes. When Love is (lone. Haw lev The -Mission, of a Pose. l'ow sunshine. Carv Jacobs liond Ml.sa Kl- len Durham. Violin duet. Miss Frances Johnson and Mr. Kunbrough Jones. Peadmg. Miss Petifrow. sappisehe Ode (Sapphic ( de- Urahms Sans Tol (without thee) llardelot: Miss Julia U. . Culbreih. .. V oolan bee--Franco I'onie. All Through 'the .Night-. Miss Lucile Anderson. ' Solo-Holy ( ti v. Mr. C'oolcy. Violin Solu-MIss Helen VVhltaker. solo -Selected. Miss Annie Lee W'vniu Solo-Selected. Miss Proctor: Slunv-IVdM'rts. (Special to The Times.) Washington, N. C. June .22-Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Huberts of this eitv announce- the marriage of their daugh ter Janle Deborah to Mr. Lyndon Young Shaw, on the morning of Jun M, at seven-thirty o clock. First Meth. odlst church Washington. N. C. '.'. Credle-Swimlell. (Special to The Times.) Washington, N. C, June Ti At the home of Mrs. Sallle Swindell, about ten miles fiim this cltv a very prettv wedding waB solemnized this morning when Mr. Clement Credle of Swanl'llt'on he was exiled to the'robf gar Quarter has happily married to Miss Mary Swindell, of Mauls Point. The Ceremony was pronounced by Ree. C. R. Canip, of the Methodist church al Aurora in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives Edith Simmons was maid of honor and Mr. H. M. Jacobs, of Oriental was best man. The bride was given in mar riage by her brother, Mr. H. A. Swin deli. Little Misses Ruby Swindell and Edna Swindell were flower girls. The bride wore a handsome going away gown of tan with hat and gloves to match artd carried a shower touquet of brides roses. Immediately after the wedding the bride and groom came to this city- by boat and left on the Nor folk-Southern train for Charlottesville, Va., where they will spend the sum mer. .. Linen Shower for Brlde-elect, (Special to The Times.) Slier City, June 22 On Tuesday af- temoon . from Ave till Seven- o'clock, Mrs. D-I.-Boste entertained a num. ... uiriiu oi ner uuHuiiuuie nome, i vv.v,,,cMU, .."., "" -iaitt. ireiiu i """. " o" -unv fin oeepmes me bride of Rev. Ell Baxter Craven, the I uiuanuu. using a unen -Bnower.v--, i in Th. frtleata . .-I. ...J 1... , I . " - nnc iclbi,cu )V .ues- I damps Fred. -. W. f Hadleir ahd .W. A. lot JT , L , , - - I " "u unnereu llliu ine norm parlor, at which.-place, they, were --rei Lall celved by ' the .hostess 'aad', presentedf to the rlde-to-be, Miss Clafa Jrerte; M hi ih ha.odi, 'oi. J.rr 'J .. j . t, 1' . . j Z.Z-r' .. vurraiKy.f;. ' " ' """J. mains, unmen TnB cdnteat which folloWea was In4 The mone, sackvwa jl'ed ,oi(trclt Menaelteohri's , Wedding March :' ' ' .' ..:'' ' '' , ' - ( v; !' ' fli'i "i'.":'i t 'y''- I -:' ' 1. '' ... : - , - i' : -':!,'! :-, , :, ... , , -, . " ' '. - f- - . k:.'-'' '' ,!.-...- A il' '.- -.j-'-A. .- - ..V.'iA i '" .r; ..s-,;&- A iH-i1?' -T'-i.lV-.'-i,. . - ,,' ' . -''..' .:'.. ! ; '-'.''..;.-' :..' '.,':. .i'"' ' -: :-.,: Khaped. card upon which appeared the names of the eligible "rnaJTiagabie" men of the tuwn, each guest being required to drwa profile of the man namea on ner afdon the BiacKDoai-q. The prize was a warded to Miss Kath erine Vestal, wJ)Q In well chosen and appropriate Word presented the same to. the gueet of honoi'. - ' ' ; .After this contest trie bild-to-be. Miss Lam be, waa blind-folded and placed In the centre of the room, where upon numerous packages of handsome' linen, tied with pink satin, waa show ered upon her. The guests-then repaired to the dln Ing room, which was tastefully decor atea, tne ooior; scheme being pink anu whtlle, and amid much nienlment cut the cake to ,a-ertain whb would be the next bHde, The ring was cutt by4 Miss Klma Jordan, whereupon she wus-j) declared to be the next brUle: theB second belngfMtss Mary."'-Moor$ Dor-n Delightful refreshments wei'e served. As the guests, passed throughS,,the iall they . were : s.eryd witl( luilfi;, .'tlieM puncn 'Dow i oeing graietuiijt uresinea over by the il'i Pad! H. Kjkltlft tVi'illr: appropriate toaat aruiik tq the' hap-, plness of the .bride the KU'ts made th departure.-. Xeuton-Gurrard Wedding.' tspeclal to The Times.) Durham, June 22 The marriage last. night of Miss Myrtle New ton and Mr V'ernie Clifton Uarranl. both of this city! was attended by an overwhelm ingly large crowd 'of .deeply Interested people. . The ceremony was pel formed at nine o'clock nt the home ol the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Newton, and Hev. R. C Craven ofliclated. He lore the wedding hour the neighbors had filled the house and when It be gan therevas no possible way for an other to see the couple as tbe.V stood for the admonition of the inlnlster. Pieceeding the ceremony Miss Uuby Elliott rendered "Melody in F Minor' by Anton Rubensteln niid as the pianist began , playln Mendesshon's Wedding March, the Couple entered the parlor unattended The room was gorgeously decorated In evergreens and the chandelier giving the light by which-' the room was so handsomely set off, was entwined with ivy. great palms and ferns were set at all por tions of the room, the yellow: and green, daisies and ferns being in evl deuce- In all of the rooms. The bride was dressed in simple nnd beautiful white: and carried bride's roses. The -.ring ceremony was used and Immediately after the vows were said, during which, time Miss Klltott was playing "Flower Song," the couple .stood and received congratulations. Following this thej- drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs, -Robert F.. . Perry, where they . will temporarily board. They received many lovely presents, especially in glass, china and silver. l'he gift room was well-filled with them, . - ' The bride among her best frioirds has reached a state of admiration that amount : almost to Idealizutlon Never a finer giiL lived, : was a pop tilar way of sayipg It last night and ine seniunent was laKen up anu muiiy times echoed. SflB Is not limited to lieina- known the; cltv over. Slie IS -the daughter of a wall-known tobacconist of the city. No fortune can be too good for her. Mr. Garrard has lived nearly all 'of his life in Durham county and has spent several years in the city. He Is In the government service and before' thi moving of the export business of the Vmericnn Tobacco .Company- to Peters burg, Va was with the compan In th revenue service. He went to Halelgh a short time and returned to Durham. He is the son of the late Samuel Gar rard and a young man of tried char acter. He has had no day so lucky as his wedding day. WITH THK NATlTtK FAKRKS. Drunkard Cat Starts Life Anew and Snake Knt.s China KgK. Prince Bismarck Is on the "water wagon, He has left New York in an depress car for Helena, Mont., where he is to make his future home: He oc cupies a basket consigned, to Gov. Ed win Norris. Homeless, ''half starved, and a slave to drink, Prince Bismarck was rescued on the east side three years ago by wealthy woman, who carried him to the Waldorf-Astoria. For- more than two years the big black cat of un known lineage lived on the fat of the land. Longing for the old life In the Bowery. Prince Bismarck yielded to the temptation last February, when he found a broken bottle of French wine of the vintage of 1863 in the .wine cellar of the Waldorf-Astoria. He imbibed too freely, and his spree continued, for ten days. In this con- den, and m Sunday, - March 5 last. he leaped from the roof. His attempt at suicide, however, was a failure. Prince Bismarck, repentant.. was taken hack to the basement of the hotel. Touched by the story of Prince Bis marck's attend to end his nlhe: 'lives, a wealthy Montana man became In- teresf'd Jn the cat's desire; to-reform. He visited, the .outcasts and found a new nome lor him. 'Yes, I am through," said frlnce Bismarck, as a bellboy departed with him to the Grand .Central. "Never an other drop for me. ... . My,, conduct is going ' to be such tha the state of Montana will be proud that I was chosen Its official mouse - Phaser." From the New York. Heralds ' NATION'S WEALTH NOW JUNK. Tons of Korean Money, on a . New ' : York Dock. . With 1.400 fnna nf tfrtranM mnnav on I I board as part of the carrot he steam- Ishln Senaen nf th cion.i, r cr.m. nanv'a neet. arrived nt ih. Rnik Arwbn I Brooklyn. The tons and tons Of money I are only part or what is to come, From I time to time other vessels will arrive the. Jiext. month or two from Korea , . - . W. DrinKlnflr tons Of mnnav nnOI a Inla SO.000 tnn hat iw.n i.vni.&t.t t tr, I . , - - ' 1 HHI" rmmll-K 1 Tknl lli,Hi. of -thr nuuii,vn,. .j Japan! annexed;ihat country lansdeJlatnglng' of "Because I Love You," by cd.d .that Korean money. hoil bt re Miss Kathleen Turrentlne, Promptly 1J1 " ' I. . -v .. i , " - i'" -K--;,v '.- ' . - t I i- ' : 'i---- :'j.- MiLflsHnini - J - J An excolloiit lot of Muslin Underwear at groat 1 v reduced prices. This is one of the best lots of Underwear we have had and every garlnerit, in cluding Skirts, Clowns, Princess Slips, (Vmibinations, (Wsct Covers aiid Drawers, are made from the best materials. .. - ; : We are not going into full details, for it is genera I lv. known that when we offer. special prices the articles are unusual bargains. Don't miss this sale, for it will be a, great loss to you. I 203-205 Fayctteville St. tle docks. -There are no special police, men guarding with lilies what was once a nations wealth, as the coins ire merely valued as so much old metal now. Kach of the. coins, which were known as "cash" In Korea, and which, like Chinese mouev, were made round, but having a square cut In tne center, has been cut in two pieces. Soon ufter the Japanese government decided to replace the "Korean "cash with Japanese currency a group of Americans formed a syndicate nnd bought up all the discarded money. As fast us It arrives In this country the money will be taken to the smelling mills of the .United States Metals Ke nning Company, at Chrome, N. J., nnd melted up. - The various metal extract ed trom the coins will be remodeled into bars and sold In commerce. Con siderable copper and silver will be ob tained from the coins, which are most, ly alloys of those metuls. The Seneca picked up the coins at Hong-kong after It haU brought a cargo of oil to European and Asiatic ports. From the New York Herald. . . . .. DItKHS CHANGKI HF.IJ MIM. Itride Itefuscd to lie Married In Pink Dress Hut Dark Itlue Suit Itrouglit Her Around. What part different colors or styles if dresses may play In Influencing a young woman's mind toward matri mony night offer an Interesting sub ject of study. There s a more to the subject than might appear at first thought as- the little bride could no doubt testify who while she wore a pink frock had no mind for matrimony, firmly refusing to be married after the license hud been bought, the friends assembled, the minister waiting, and a long drive had been taken through the country from her home to a neitrhborlne: town. So firm was she In her decision not to be married in the dress she was wearing that the disappointed groom who-had-cxpected-tojbe put her back in the automobile and drove her back home. All this happened in Plttsboro yes terday afternoon. On the return trip the young man no doubt used ail of his powers of persuasion to get the young lady to change her dress and Inci dentally her mind. A stylish blue traveling suit evl dently had the desired effect and i seconu attempt at matrunnnv was mane going tms time to Moncure But their troubles were not over, a min isier couia not oe secured and one had to be sent for from Sanford, their home town. The young man was doubtless all the time In distress afraid that the young lady would change her mind again. The dark blue suit seem ed. to have a staying effect however and . all ended happily at about 2:30 this morning when the inlnlster ar riving the knot was tied fast and firm Mr. W. G. Weller and his bride, who was Miss Allie Wilcox Dotn of sanford. arrived In the city this morning, the bride wearing the dark blue traveling suit, both look ing smiling and happy and only a conscious air proclaiming the fact that they were bride nnd groom.' "Just married at 2:30 this morning" the groom told the reporter while his bride blushed and laughed and murmured So much more romantic!' It Is to be hoped for the peace of mina ot the groom that she will not wear that. pink, dress again. ' Garrett-Troy. . (Special to The Times.) tmrham, June, 28 The marriage of Miss Louise . Caldwell Troy and Mr. rtaurord , M. Garrett yesterday after. nobn at ft ' Sfl lit t.ho httn4 if l,n v. i lotl Mahgiim street was attended by I all the frlnrf nt ramiit, ik ..i. wno ootiu finil ronm i ih. o . tne nome. wo invitations had been Issued In town but it In no wise diminished the attendance. From nVlnek '(! . . line nQUr. E M.jlrlv .traani n ,n COO I d tiA en An tha Wov , .-, thn kn.,.. --" - - J VF ,IIC UUUH lllll lh. luuriua. f lh. Ibevlnnlnr u h.nM j .1.. . ... . '" - - " ..;','"':'-.!.'"' ,ii '. -. : , . ;. - - ';.;- '!.-.. K- V : . , '.:r;, ;-::-'. ' i- . f .:; i - '.j. '-' " . ' Umideirwear and the bride-' apprimcheil the- nltni with her bridesmaid, Mss Louise Glass. Miss Trov was attired 111 white silk trimmed 111 duchess laee and cav iled bride's roses. Miss Glass wore a lace dress and bore American Beauties. The groom met them before the min ister. Rev. IS, C. Craven, and was ac companied by Mr. . George. Garrett, best man. . The Methodist ceremony with the ring was' used. Shortly after the ceremony, the couple look an automobile and drove to Raleigh, where they boarded the Seaboard train for a trip of ten davs They will visit Washington, Balti more, New York nnd other places and upon their return will live on Duke street, beginning housekeeping at once. ... They received some beautiful gifts particulnrlv udjpted to the home, some of the handsomest things received bv any bride -of Durham be ing given them. For the past week Durham has been greatly interested lu this Wed ding and few brides have been so much entertained by her friends and fellow members of her "club. Until yesterday morning there' hlM- fteeit 'no let up in these. The members of the club vied with each other In that de sire to do . her honor and a lovelier string of parties has never been the lot of any bride here. Miss Troy Is among the best known of the young women of tin; city and none Is liked better. She Is of Ihe pretty brunette typiv petite -ami bright. She is the daughter of Rev. J. C. Troy who Is known well over ,1 he state, especially as a newspaper con tributor and .u ' minister of the Meth odist cnurcti. since reaching voting womanhood she has been a favorite and w ill always be. She weds a young man but two years a resident of the city. He Is with the .American Tobacco Company and the popularity that he has gam ed there by meritorious work Is shar ed generally by the. city. One of the pleasing phases of the wedding Is that they retain their citizenship itji Dur hum and remain as much to the town as they havte always been. Mr. J. M. Hroughton left today for Philadelphia to attend the Baptist World Alliance. Ho was joined here by Dr. Len G. Broughton, of Atlanta. Help Andrew Carnegie once suggested as an epitaph for his own tombstone what he said was the secret of his success: ""Here lies a man who surrounded himself with men bier than himself." ( Many able people are working for you, identuts, inventors, inuiifacruren, all trying to make something you war Do you use their braini and their effort 'surround yourielf with thera"--or do you plod along by yourself, yesn behind the times ? " Take Vour own home. Have you yoiif share of modern im- provements there money-saying, labor-saving, health-promoting? One a J''yonf of i New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. ' . A New Pcriectiaa tUm nerer orerbesta kachen. . It urn your strength, h fuel sad time. Wkh tk N PLm wk k nl.. A. ... fo on with your uooing or soy othar work, -1 rv - ; . OillCcoli-iiitsid - . , J f , , .:'.'" - -r :."'' ..V;i';iS;V''4 ,-'jKr -1 : trump? C. C. Phone 799 BIG BLOCKADE STILL TWO MILES PITTSBORO Deputy Collector K. W. Merrllt re-, tinned to Raleigh today from chat ham county, where he and Deputy 1 Marshall W. J.SSIoan destroyed a lar-e blockade still. The plant was located near 11 : saw mill and a church and was wllldii two mtles of I'lttsboro All appearances seemed to indicate that the plant had been In operation for several ' months.. The still had a capacity, of , gallons and was calcu lated to make twenty galloM.s of llijuor a day, Ihe operator was not canluieil. lie having felt u sudden call of the wild, and the lust seen of him he was tramping down the undergrowth of the woods, ... NO MOKK COMMUNICATIONS ON BOOKS AKTKK Jl'LY I The following resolution wns .yjiuuiniuugly., flawed at a joint sos- . slon of the text-book-commission and the suh-eoimnission: Resolved, That titter July ilrst no communications of any sort, oral or written, from any person rotating to text-books, or the question of ihe adoption of text-hooks Jn the stale of North Carolina will-be read, heard or considered by any member of I ho text -hook .. commission or ' Hub tett- Jmok commission." MILD LiyilD ('THUS KCZUMA. Skin Suircrsr Urop Creasy Salves and Nasty Medicine. 'lliat mild, soothing liquid, l. i). I). Prescription stops the awful Itcli with the first drops. A prescription of 'acknowledged value . Oct u trial bottle at :'5c. It will take away the Itch right away and you will sleep soundly. We asiiro you personally of the merits or this remedy; for we KNOW. Henry T. IMcks Co. nnd Tucker lluildinit Pharmacy. '; for All swi toll be utre it glues fhs joint ii , Mxk Mi I, 2 mi i Wmiw'ik loac. turquoM Utw mMled chmum. HiMsomerr imbed throughout. Tk 2- ukI 3 -bunMT MfN c ba had witV mt without cabitMt km. which it tied with op ihehnc iowI racks, tc Dcalm wTwhefB; or wriai lor oV 7xr 1 arcukr to tto mm. tiirr Standard Oil Companj - (IiicorponttO . -to ;' ..','; .' :"-. '.j; ':,':" ,".vH ".''.; ( A