THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1911 SidewalkSulkies Just the thing for the cbi'dren these fine days. Keeps them out in the fresh air, and at the same time it affords Jhem a great deal of pleasure. These Sulkies are c onstructed on strong, aad substantial lines; seats are roomy, with high oval steel railing; supplied with an an ti -tip rear extension. We have them at from $1.00 to $5.00. WE CAN HELP YOU TO SEE If your EYE trouble can be corrected by glasses. That can be quickly determined by an examination. If you need to see an occullst or physician, we will send you to a good one. " ; OUR LENSES k are ground to lit each individual case. H. MAHLER'S SONS . OPTICIANS Long Silk Glovts 16 BUTTONS Colors White, Black, and Tan. Price $1.00. Short Silk and Lisle Gloves, 50 and 25c. New Stock of Summer Neckwear, consisting of Dutch Collars, Lace Jabots, Stocks, and Linen Collars with "V" Neck. HUNTER-RAND COMFY AGENTS PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Say Mister! Get One of These Labor-Saving "Bultnsewcrs" For your wife, sister or mother. She will appreciate it and it will save her work and worry.'' Fits any sewing muchine. Sews buttons with four holes or two. Sews hooks and eyes and works on any fabric. The cost is Just a trifle. Want one? A postal will get it . , ' ' Riley R. Gullcy, Stale 206-7 Shepherd Building Raleigh, N. O. GOOD TERRITORY FOR GOOD AGENTS. Arn Vnn Pninnr Din.nin.innr 9 ' mu I uu uunig j iu mu nig . Our large Moving Vans are just the wagons to carry the crowd out on a good old-time pic-nic, or a moon-light ride. Good heavy teams just for such work, as well as competent drivers. , PLUMPER'S STABLES. THE BOMB OF THE MOVING VAN. " .1 115 East Morgaa St , 7TB-I " Agent, Raleigh, N. C. - RALEIGH, H. OL j M!LLIONAIREIS SUED Case of Usury Is Started Against R.H. Wright I. E. Owens - Bering Warm Case That Will be lWly Contested Edgar 8. Thompson 111 at Home work of Prof. R. G. Anderson--Colored Methodist Conference in ' Session. ' . . Times Bureau, Herald Building, ; W. T. BOST. Durham, N. C, June 22 The at torneys for R. H. Wright, who has been sued for unury by J.: E. Owens, are preparing his answer to the com plaint and it promises much when the matter is tried. The case was instituted a few days ago and J. E. Owens asked that a re straining order be Issued enjoining Mr. Wright from selling his house which is mortgaged to Mr; Wright on alleged debt. The facts are many but It is said that Mr. Owens two years ago borrowed $4,000 from Mi", Wright and owed $1,500 yet. He claims that Mr. Wright charged the usual 6 per cent which was $240 and a bonus of $300 more, making it $540. He therefore sues for $1,0S0 There are so many phases of the matter to go Into that one must wait for courtB. It is said that the fight will be as hot as anything ever heard here. - Mr. Wright is one of the rioh est men of Durham, being several times a millionaire. Mr. Edgar E. Thompson, one of the well known commission merchants of the city, is seriously (11 at his honie in North Durham with a partial par alysis of the left side. ' : Though Mr. Thompson has not been well In weeks, he did not tajce his bed until Tuesday of June 13. So gradual was the encroachment of the illness that the date of the paralysis is not known. He has moments of consciousness but Is not rational of ten and his condition, while not con sldered Immediately dangerous, is quite critical. Mr. Thompson's children, who had been out to Bahama visiting, have been called home. His family and their neighbors are hopeful though the natural uneasiness of such an illness. Though a partial stroke, he Is rendered practically helpless by It, Prof. R. G. Anderson, of Trinity College, Is at work now on a pamph let of about sixty pages, whose proof he is reading during the present week or two, after which time he will leave for the summer. Prof. Anderson, who Is professor of law at Trinity, has gotten out this latest work on pleading for the school course and has spent a great amount of time oh It. When he has finished the little "volume he will take a trip for the summer. that. will e dnabout the time of the re-open ing of school. This is the latest of several vol umes that he has prepared. The work with Dean S. F. Mordecai of preparing these treaties has caused the most flattering comment from the lawyers all over the country. The volume will be out before he returns to the city. : The Washington district of the North Carolina Annual Conference yesterday began in King's Chapel on Cobb and Matthews streets, a con vention with Rev. Dr. J. C. Stanton presiding. The colored Methodist Episcopal church people began their services TESTED AND PROVEN There is a Heap of Solace in Doing Able to Depend Upon a Weil Earned Reputation. For months Raleigh readers have seen the constant i expression of praise for Doan's Kidney Pills, and read about the good work they have done In this locality. Not another remedy ever produced such convinc ing proof of merit.1 N. A. Spence, Sr., 423 S. Wilming ton St., Raleigh, N, C, says: .For- years kidney trouble caused me to suffer intensely. I had bad at tacks of backache and pains through my loins and I noticed that the kid ney secretions deposited sediment. When I -read about Doan's Kidney Pills I got a box at Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company and began their use. In a short time I passed several grav el stones, some' as large as a good- sized pea, and I then improved! The kidney secretions became natural and the backache and pain disap peared.' I strongly urge other kid ney sufferers to try Doan's Kidney Pills." (Statement-' given January 30, 1908.) . A Second Endorsement. 1 Mr. Spence was Interviewed on De cember S, 1910, and he said: "I am always glad to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, for I know that they act Just as represented. I still use them occasionally when in need of a kidney medicine, and they al ways act promptly and effectively." For sale by alt dealers. Prlcf 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. - -j. ..;' . 1 Remember the name Doan's and take no other. . . - - ,' . ' SEBCO IXHAN8I ON AUCHDDS m ; Mfgdbyth Star Extension Bolt Co. U are used everywhere by elec tricians for screwing; LIGHTS FANS SWITCHES METERS and other apparatus to brick, stone, mar ble, concrete or any masonry walls. Come and sq our linm of Stbco Product Carolina Electrical Company. with hymn No. 24, "God Moves In a Mysterious Way," and after prayer Dr. Stanton made a brief address based on the nineteenth Psalm. ,. -' Committees "on prohibition, educa tion, missions and quarterly confer ence journals were appointed and the work was In full swing, ti will run through today and tomorrow. Some of the best ministers in the denomination are here and will take part in the deliberations. Rev. R. .1 Johnson, rector of the colored Epis copal church will deliver the address of welcome today. The Church street hotel property, which was taken over sometimes ago by Col. S. W. Minor, was yesterday transferred by Mr. Minor to Messrs. M. Shevel, B. Enoch and Mrs. : Bes sie Gladstein. T-bo purchase price was $17,000 This property was formerly owned by W. M. Yearby.. It contains not only the hotel but - several places with a rental value that, runs high. The new owners have not indicated what they will do with it. Mrs. Lillian C. Marks, a trained nurse who formerly studied at Watts Hospital, has been called to Durham to the bedside of the young son of Mr. L. S. Christian, who is quite ill with typhoid fever. . Mrs. Marks will not only nurse Mr. Christian through this Illness but contemplates locating in Durham for the practice of her profession. In that work she stands high and has had the best training that the Insti tutions can give. It would give pleasure to her friends to have her locate here permanently. ; Dr. Joseph Graham lias purchased the C. F. Lawrence place on Dillard street' and at some future date will move-lnto It after having made some repairs and added some touches to it. The residence Is one of the most desirable ones in the city, stands upon one of the handsomest lots of its size. It Is In an ideal community the best residential section, More- head Hill excepted, of course, and for convenience, it has that gieat spot distanced badly, The property ad joins that of Dr, J. M. Manning and is near a number of splendid resi dences on Holloway street, The purchase was made originally by the Durham Loan and Trust Com pany and resold to the young physi cian. Dr. Graham had. secured op tion upon a place elsewhere in the tlty -and thought of building tl.'me. but chose this one for its special adaptation to his work. Misses Mattie T. Booth and Helen Atkinson, nurses at the Watts Hos pital, left yesterday afternoon for Philadelphia, from which place they set sail Saturday morning for a trip of eight weeks In the old world. Misses Booth and Atkinson will take the steamer Merlon out from Phil adelphia at 10 o'clock Saturday morning and will land at Plymouth, England. They will tour that coun try, going from there to France, Hol land, Belgium, Switzerland, italy and ending at Gibraltar. The trip across will take about ten days and independent of the voyage, they will be gone about six weeks, returning here about September lst.f- They will join a large party in Philadelphia. The nurses go purely upon a pleasure trip and will make short excursions through the several countries. Returning they will re sume work at the hospital. A Teelc Into His Pocket. would show the box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve that E. S. Loper, a car penter, of Marilla, N. Y., always car ries." I have never had a cut, wound, bruise, or sore It would not soon heal." he writes. Greatest healer of burns, boils, scalds, chapped hands and lips, fever sores, skin eruptions, eczema, corns and piles. 25c at King Crowell Drug Co. Lots of women would rather see their best friends safely divorced than safely married. F. S. Rexford, 615 New York Life Bdg.y Kansas City, Mo., says: "1 had a severe attack of a cold which settled In my back and kidneys and was In great pain from my trouble. A friend recommended Foley Kidney Pills and I used two bottles of them and they have 'done me a world of good." King Crowell Drug Co. - ..Second love la Ilk second child hood skim milk affair, at best. SCOTLAND NECK NEWS. Town in Good Financial Condition, Having Balance of $2,400.1)0 in Treasury People Satisfied With Present Streets, v (Special to The Times.) Scotland Neck, N.' C., Juno 22 A financial statement of the town ot Scotland Neck, just published, shows that the town has received from all sources during the year ending 'May 31st, a total of $7,335.39, and it cost $4,923.49 to pay the expenses of the town, exclusive of the light plant and the graded school, which ac counts are kept separate. A balance Is left In the treasury of $2,409.90. This, with a balance to the credit of the light plant, 1 shows that the town's financial condition is in pret ty good shape. There was a small deficit 'in the Bchool report, which, with the report of the light plant, was published last week. This de ficit is partly due to the fact that just before the close of the school term the school building was burned together with practically all the fur niture, and the trustees were put to some extra expense in order that the school should continue until the reg ular time of closing. It was suggested some time ago to use this balance to the town's credit Jn improving the streets. At the town primary : the question was brought up and put before the' meet ing, the Incoming board Bf commis sioners desiring to get an expression of the people in regard to the mat ter. Aftor some discussion pro and con, the matter was put to a vote, and it was voted down. Since then there has been but little talk of street improvement and but little' ef fort along that line, the citizens in a meeting declaring that they were sat isfied with the present condition of the streets, notwithstanding the fact that when a heavy rain falls they have to pick places to cross from one side to the other, and in real dry weather the dust Is almost unbear able. But the people said, "No," and the streets will remain as they are. Mr. J. C. Hardy, editor of the Commonwealth, who was called to Littleton Monday because of the death of his father, returned yes terday, after attending the burial of his parent, who was a faithful mem ber of the Bethseda Methodist Pro testant church, and was a brave Con federate soldier, serving the Confed eracy through the entire struggle of four years. Mr. Hardy says the crops in the other end of the county are In a good condition, but there has not been but little rain for some time. Mrs. Fannie Stern and daughter, Kredia, of Greensboro, are here on a visit to the family of Mr. G. Hoff man.' Mrs. Stern was formerly a resident of Scotland Neck and her friends here are glad to see her and her charming daughter. Miss Annie Hancock is at home from Rocky Mount, where she has been engaged during the past season as milliner for one of the big milli nery firms there. Lightning Kills Two. In 1906 lightning killed only 169 people in this whole country. One's chances of death by lightning are less than two in a million. The chances of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not if Electric Bitters be used, as Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, la., proved. Four doctors gave him up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yel low jaundice. He was then com pletely cured by Electric Bitters. They're the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood puritter on earth. Only 50c at King Crowell Drug Co. " A successful politician is one who malfes the people think they want what he gives them. Query At what age does an un married woman cease to be roniaptic? A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With impure blood there can not be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. revivify thetorpld LIVER and restore It natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood. Pure blood means health. Health means happiness. Take no Substitute All Druggists. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator upon the estates of Mrs. Carrie Au gusta Waldorflate of Raleigh. N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said deceased to file them with me before the 12th day of May, 1912, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make prompt payment to me. ; 1 This Ma 11, 1911. Win. B. WRIGHT, . Admr, Carrie Augusta Waldorf. It. Ashbyl Lambert, Atty, oaw-6w MsPis m ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT- AVcgelablePrcparafionrorAs similalingilicfbodaniJRcgula ling (lie Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DiSeslionf htt rfi ness and Rest.Coulain s nciifcr Opuuii.Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC. jttc&rfoHikSAML'arnuiEm flmptir $rrJ jUx.Sam flvptftntit - BiCBfkoakS$ia garitirit S'gttr 'wfttymu fiaw. AnRrfeftRemcdv forConsIina linn . Snur Sloniach.Dtarrliwa Worras.ConvulsioHs.l'fvcrisli ness andLoss of Sleek Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. ins MSI: 1 HT. L' ' 'JM 11 THE MODERN LAUNDRY, liko the modern bathroom, should be as clean, dainty, and inviting Porcelain enameled laundry tr.iys are the ideal fix tures for the up-to-date laundry. Their smooth, hard surfaco absolutely prevents cbsorption of the wash water. Though possess ing tho strength and durability of iron, they are as easily cleaned as your table china. And thoy are made complcto with wringer holders and every devlco to make the laundry work easier and more pleasant. " A "Standard" laundry tray will solve your laundry problems per manently. Af k u.i for primps. W. L. BROWN PLUMBING COMPANY, 131 East Mill-tin Street, ('. C. Phono 550. GOING TO THE SEASHORE The ATLANTIC N.C., offers superior attractions, unexcelled Iaccomrrodations, tha largest varisty of amusements, and guasts hera anjoy tha most invigorating and haalthful climato oit tha Atlantic Coast. Ideal Surf Bathing Beach Finast Fishing in tha World Safo Sailing on Inlnnd Waters or tha Atlantic Ocean Largest Ball Room in tha South Convention Hall Tan nia Courts Bowling Alleys Pool BMiards. SPLENDID CUISINE SOUTHERN COOKING A FEATURE Tho Summer Homa for Mother and Baby Cool Sea Airthe besttonio. Special Ratasforfamllies Low Rata SEASON, TEN-DAY and WEEK-END GOLDSBORO rtilltnnn and Parlor Car Service. NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. Hotel Rates, $12.50 to $21.00 per week. T. ALEX. BAXTER, Mgr. Formerly Manager ( Greenbrier Whlto THE RALEIGH DAILY TIKES jine 22, mu No. 214 HOUSEHOLD PREMIUM COUPON This coupon, signed with the name and address of a raader of THE TIMES will be honorad on cny of our Household Pram' lams. - . i ' 1 ARIfJ cm ! in a Address . . . . . .. . , Olty .'. NOTICE! A complete sot consists of thirty (80) coupons of consecutive dates only one coupon oi each date will be accepted In each set Hold. Your Conpons Until yoC Hsve (he Pail Bet. Remember, tho thirty (30) coupons must be consecutively dated. You can start with any date. .' ' For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA THE OrNTAUR laMHNT, NEW V OITT as sanitary science can make it. HOTEL, at Morahaad City, MoreheadCity, N.C. Salphur Springs, W. Vs. I. a a a i i a .. id Si : v.

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