Thursday, QlCiKanii June 22 P 11 mm t l Mission Dining Suit We only show four pieces In the cut, but we have the head and side chairs to match. Drop down and take a look. The PRICE '.will com pel you to buy. , y allien ffimututfe m E . Marti n St. RALEI G H ;i N X. White Skirts and Shirt Waists. We wash, starch mid iron with the greatest cure and return to promptly in an iiiwiiiiiuhite condition which we feel will MP you. We will lie most appreciative of your patronage and do our best to merit It. i OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 117 West Harnett St. - KALF.IGH, N, C. . : Both 1 hones, 87. tmm At The Grand Tlucatre RALEIGH'S THEATRE BEAUTIFUL. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. Til 10 RUST ACT OI ITS KIND IX T1IF. SOI TH. " THE TORLEYS CliiOnpioii Trick and l-ancy Hirycle Riders. JOHN YEAGER Some Kccciitnc Daneer. ---0- . its snow 'w.w .itori-: ' Tin-: avi;rgi;. PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME. Three Performances Daily, 4:30, 8:15, and 9:30 p. m. PRICES: Matinee, 5 and 10c. Night, 10 and 15c. "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation," and Nearly Every Wrtv Beads Th Raleurb Dailv Tim ?'' Every Pattern in the Shop Included in the 20 per cent Discount Sale A successful sale in every way has been our Smashing, Dashing, Discount, Sale, at which we have offered every pattern in our Tailor Shop at a reduc tion of 20' ..; ., of the regular values. While, we have many choice patterns left it ..... ..... 1 ....... would he well for you to make us a hurried visit, as they are selling fast. Make your selection from some of the neatest Suiting Patterns of the season. ;.vv " ' ". '. ' "A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT" A. C. HINTON, North Carolini's Foremost Tailor. Merchants National Bank Building, Fayettcvillc St. - - - Raleigh, N. C The matinee opened up this morning In Judge Harris' court with a trio of "little ones" playing- a comic act from "Lost Babes in the Woods" or "Babes in Toyland" and using a theft case as their model. They were entirely too small tor a court room, and some one remarked that when they were put Into the "Black Maria" that atrolman Wyatt pushed them in through the wire netting without the trouble of opening the door. A whipping post seems needed for such eases. The oilier members ol Oils morning's troupe were only ordinary. Frank Jones, Krank Wall and Z'lch ariah lilies, lluee negro "Babes In rovl.iiid," giving their ages as nhnut 9. ML ami 11, were charged with break ing into the -house of Mr. George Fowler, and taking some braces, clock, etc. They plead guilty to the charge Hid on aiciHint ot i heir lender ages tvere turned over to their molh'-rs for ei rectum, with the understanding that Mr. Fowler be remunerated for his loss. Charles Crabtree, white, plead guilty to the charge' of being drunk. On ac count of his being an inmate of the county home, judgment was suspend ed. Will Stephens, colored, was up for committing an assault upon Will Hinton. Hlnton said that Stephens was cursing him in front of Bowdon's store, but did not know whether he had a knife or not. V Mr. Ernest Haines said that Stephen was In the store looking al some knives and lllnton came In and had some words. Later thev met on the sidewalk, but do not know whether they went together or not. A fine of $.". and cost was given him. Mary Vincent, colored, was charged with stealing a shirt-waist from (."nrn. ella Hlnton. but was dismissed. Mollle Mini and Aduexii Mlal, both colored, were before his honor charged with statutniv vagrancy; but upon recommendni ion of the cllv attorney a nol pross w;is taken. . MISS J. H. 1MRKF.R DKAD. llaiiuliter-iii-laH of Mr. ami Mrs. T it. I'arker I'nsscs in New lti-ii. Mr and Mrs. T. B. I'arker left to day tor Now Hern to attend the bur ial of (heir daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. II. Parker, nee Miss lClizabcth Bur- rus, who died in that city this morn ing.. ' Miss Burrus and Mr. Parker were married November 30, last, and made Jacksonville, Fla., their home. Mrs. Parker returned to New Bern to visit her parents a few weeks ago tnd was taken sick two weeks ago. She was thought to be improving, much so that Mr. Parker wrote to his parents Tuesday Inst that his wito was out of danger and thai he would conic to Raleigh in a few days ind return to Jacksonville the hist ol- tlm week. A telegram last night announced a relapse and a rapid sinking, which was followed hy an other telegram this morning an nouncing her death at 6:00 o'clock. Mrs. Parker was well known in Raleigh, being a frequent visitor to this city. Her death is a shock to her many friends throughout the state. She leaves a husband, father. mother, and several half-brothers and sisters, and innumerable friends, to mourn her untimely demise. PERSONALS GREATEST BARGAIN OPPORTUNITIES OF THE YEAR. " Silk Dresses, Linen Dresses, Tailored Suits. Greatly Reduced Below Original Prices. PRESSING SACQUES AND KIMONAS. Sheer White Lawn Sacques, beau tifully made and trimmed. Special values .... , . . . . . (l.OO to 93.50 Long Klmonas, every wanted style from Challles, Sheer Lawns, to Chene SiLks. All prices .. $1.00 to 915.00 GOING TO THK SEASHORE? Ladies' Bathing Suits, $3.50 to $8.50 Misses' Bathing Suits ...... 93.00 Children's Bathing Suits. . .. $1.25 Ladies' Caps and Chocs, 25c. to 50c. ill-. K. today. Mr. W. I he cltv. Mr. K. D. in the city. Mr. R. (-. from Wilson Mr. is In W. n k. of .Selma. was here V. liriggs. ol Wilson, is in r-'ssier, of O reensljoro, is Will a re, was here today James the cl: A. Bear. Jr., of Charlotte Mr. (5. G: Piirhiim. of (.'harlolte,- was In the city toil.iy, . Mr. Guy I. Huell, or Spring Hope was in the cilv last night. Mr. John V. Kvans, of Pilot Mountain.- is registered at Hotel Raleigh. VIOLATKI) ( 'ATTLK LAW. Warren County Man l-'med for Violn- lation of the Law. Tae stale department of agricul ture has taken much .interest in a use tried in Warren county court last week. VV. A. Connell. of that unity,-paid no attention to the cat- lie nrntrantinc but moved cattle in ind out at will. He was indicted nd lined $-'01 and costs by Judge Carter, ot the superior court. In lamping out the lever tick the de partment of agriculture, aided by the I'nited States department is do ing one of the most important things it. can do for the people of the state. I hey should have the hearty co-oper ation of all farmers, for the farmer is directly benefitted. The Warren case is an object lesson for those Who ill not. obey the law. Wake county, thanks to the efforts of the depart ment experts, is out of I he quaran tine district now. A Leading California Druggist. Pasadena, Co,!.; March. 9, 1911. toley and Co., Gentlemen: We have sold and recommended Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for years. e helieve it. to he one of the most efficient expectorants on the market. Containing no opiates or nareotjes it an he given trcely to children. Enough of the remedy ran bo taken to relieve a cold, as it has no naus- attng results, and does not inter fere with digestion. Yours very uly, C. II. Ward Drug Co., C. L. arsons, sec v and I reas. Out the original Foley's Honey and Tar nm pound in the yellow package. King Crowell Drug Co. Your Neighbor's Experience. How you mav profit by it. Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. K. G. Whit ing, 360 Willow St. Akron, O., says; For some tune I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and I suffered with backaches and dizzy headaches. I had specks floating before my eyes and I felt all tired out and miser able. I saw Foley Kidney Pills adver tised and got a bottle and took them according to directions and results showed almost at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye sight became clear and today 1 can say I am a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney Pills." King Crowell Drug Co. -Mr: J. i. Ball and son. Master George, havp- gone to Meiidcrsonvllle, to '.attend the -Merchants'' meeting. Fl'NKKAL THIS AFTERNOON. . Ill-mains of Miss May Willimns to lie Interred In Oakwood. Miss May Williams died last night Rex Hospital after an Illness of three weeks with pellagra. She was forty-three years old and was the daughter of Mrs. Susie Williams. 514 west Morgan street. Miss Williams was a member of the Tabernacle Bap- st church. She Is survived by her mother, one sister and three brothers Mrs. F. F. Brown, of Raleigh; Mr. R. Williams, of Raleigh, N. C; Mr. C. P. Williams, of Norfolk, and Wade Williams, of New York. The funeral services will be con ducted from the residence of Mr. F. Brown, 410 west Morgan street. this afternoon at 5 o'clock by Rot. C. Richardson, assistant pastor the Tabernacle Baptist church. Interment will be In Oakwood ceme tery.' i Foley Kidney Pills contain Just the ingredients necessary tn regulate and strengthen the action of tho kidneys and bladder. Try them yourself. King Crowell Drug Co. A man never has as much fnonoy In the 'hearing of his family as of other people. ". .. 26-plere Rogers Silver Rot im fine Oak Caw for oly S5.55 and SO rnnnoma Robl. E. Lee says: "When to the intelligence of Southern men we have 'added the wholesome Instinct of sav ing money, no race will equal -. us." ' The best way to save money is to buy Real Estate in a good part of your home town, where it will Increase In value with the process of the years. There Is no property on the market that will equal what we are offering in CAMHItON PARK. -" The Parker-Hunter Realty Company SELLING AGENTS. Mr. W. of Middle Aged and Elderly People. Use Foley. Kidney Pills for quick and permanent results In all cases of kid ney and bladder troubles, and for painful and annoying irregularities. One Dollar The Special Casserole 7 inches round Brass Nickel plated frame THE J. D. RIGGAN CO. , JSfl FarotfrrUle fttnwt. YOUR BEST CHANCES RIGHT NOW. The highest grades of Dresses in Foulard Silks, Liu en, Marquisette mid. Voiles with a heautifulVoinhhiation of Laces and Kmbrokleries that is attractiiive, pleasing, . . .. i.jiii t i'i 1 I .inn tn-iiiiiu l him iMitim omnium iiuu-r nxiu-t rink and Blue Kmbroidered on lliatelv priced. 1 While Lawn, with Lace Inserted, and tlS.fJrt art - 1 FX I 1W.. vw,- O OA .mi value .. .... .. ...... 1.9M $17.50 and $20.00 Linen Dresses arc now . . ... . $12-50 $22.50 and $25.00 Silk Dresses are now. ... . . . . $13.50 $25.00 and $30.00 Silk Dresses arc now. . $16.50 ALL THE WHITE SERGE SUITS that were $20.00, $27.50, $30.00, $32.50, $35.00 and $37.00 are now $10.00, $13.75, $15.00, $16.25, $17.50 and $18.75 LINGKHIK DRKSSKS. Great variety of good Btyles, Cot ton Voiles, Marquisettes and Em broidered. White Linen, Natural Linen, and Zephyr Cloths in stripes and plaids. Batistes in best colors. Striped Voils, etc. Kmbroidcry and Lace trimmings. $5.00, $ti.00, and $6. 50 values ...... . . . Here are 36 Dresses, two and three of a kind. Linen, Batiste, Dot Swiss, and French Lawns, and worth JT.aO to $10.00., While they last . . . . ... . . . . . .... 18 LIN F.N COATS AND COAT SUITS. Natural Linen Coat Suits of great est comfort to travelers. $8.50 values for . . . , . . .... . . ip,"S.O Auto Coats of Natural Linen, large buttons, stylishly . made. Worth $7.50 .. .. .. ?0.00 LI NG KRI K SHI RTWAISTS. Special clearing sale of all and $2.50 Lingerie Waists at.. $2.00 $1.18 WASH PKTTICOAT SAIiK. Regulation Seersucker stripo under-Skirts. Good values. BM-., 7."c, and $l.(0 ROK10 DRKSSKS.. Mercerized Silk Embroidered Robe Dresses. Hello, Tan, Whlto, and Blue. Worth $G. 00. Special, $3.48 Sl'MMKR SILK SPKCIAIiS. 25c. and ar.c. Wash Silk and Fou lards' . . . . . . , . . . 21c. 75c. and 85c;, Rajahs and Satins, 48c. $1.00 and $1.25 Taffeta and Satin Foulards . . 59c. $1.50 and $2.00 Bordure Silks, 73c. HAM BURG KMBROIDKRIKS. Edging and Insertions 3 to 6 In. wide; 10c. and 15c. values . . 7c. Fine Cambric Embroideries, 4 to 9 Inches wide; 15c. and 20c. values, for i . . ; . . . . . . . . . . ... 10c. WIIITH GOODS SI'KCT.VLS. Kilkenny Linen, just one case and all this season. Per yard .. 8 1-:U: 25c. Irish Poplins and Basket Cloth for . . ...... . .- . .:. W5t-. 15-in. Bevlderc Swiss Lawns. 50c, values 25c. White Cotton Voiles, good values, 25c., 5c, 40c., and .'50c. LADIKS' L1SLK KNIT UNDKRWKAR. Cotton-ribbed vests, 10, 15, 25, ,15c. Pants to match. . . . . . 25 and' BAc. Union Suits. . .... 50c, 75c., $ 1.00 LADIKS" LAWN CORSKT COVERS. Fine Cambric and Sheer Lawn 'Cor set Covers. Lace and Embroidery trim .. .. .. .. 25c, nnd SOc. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. "HOTEL RAIEIGH " ItALKIGIl, N. C. (A House "Worth While) DO WELL COBB. We Sell and Recommend the Hotel Astor Coffee lib Tin, $ .35 31b Tin, 1.00 Phone Us Your Order. Both Phones. RUDY & BUFFAL0E, 108 E. Hargett Street WAKE COUNTY MAP TU latcal and best ever Issued. Time raad ara get these map whlla tkay laal for to Mnta. Superba Neckwear Regal Footwear Pongee Shirts The -'Big Three". We are showing big assort ment in these, and you will think so, if you'll pay us a visit. Superba Neckwear costs no more than the-com-monplafje, but is the really dressy stuff. SOc. and $1. Ask the fellow who has worn a. pair of Regals. The Regal Shoe is sold on its merit. $3.50, $t.00, $1.50. and $5.00. Always Shirts a plenty in colors and white. Those cool soft white Collars we have them EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, 1 FURNISHINGS FOR MEN FayetteVilloBtreet - - - - - - lUleigh, N. 0. ... "THE EMI" Guaranteed Shirt I- The "Emery" $1.50 Shirt is gxiaranteed by the man ufacturer to be correct in cut and fit and of such mate rial and workmanship as will ensure good service, and to be absolutely fast color, if properly washed., A NEW SHIRT FREE IF THIS SHIRT FAILS IN ANY OF THESE RE SPECTS . ' SEE WINDOW DISPLAY s CROSS & LINEMAN CO KNOWN AS TIIE BEST CLOTHIERS King Crgwe'll Drug Co.