THE ftALEIGH DAILY TIMES? SATUttDAYJTINE" 24, 1911 I SidewalkSulkies Just the thing for the childrt n these fine days. Keeps them out in the fresh air, and at the same time it affords them a great deal of pleasure. 1 These Sulkies are constructed on strong and substantial lines; seats are roomy, with high oval steel railing; supplied with an anti-tip rear extension. We have them at from $1.00 to $5.00. WE CAN HELP YOU TO SEE If your EYE trouble can be corrected by glasses. That can be quickly determined by an examination. If you need to see an occullst or physician, we will send you to a good one. OUR LENSES are ground to fit each individual case. H. MAHLER'S SONS opticians ong Silk ioves 16 BUTTONS Colors White, Black, and Tan. Price $1.00. Short Silk and Lisle Gloves, 50 and 25c. New Stock of Summer Neckwear, consisting of Dutch Collars, Lace Jabots, Stocks, and Linen Collars with "V" Neck. HUNTER-RAND COMP'Y AGENTS FICTORIAJj REVIEW PATTERNS Say Mister! Gel One of These Labor-Saving "Buttnsewers For your wife, sister or mother. She will appreciate It unl it will ail to her work and worry. Fits any Hewing machine. Sows buttons with four holes or two. Sews hooks and eyes and works on ny fabric. The cost is just a i trifle. Want one? A stul will get it. Riley R. Galley, State 206-7 Shepherd Uuildlng Raleigh, N. C. GOOD TERRITORY FOR GOOD AGENTS. .Ire You Going Pic-nic-ing? i Oilr large Moving Vans are just the wagons to carry the crowd out on a good qld-time pic-nic, or Vf f - a moon-light ride. Good heavy teams just for such work, as well as competent drivers. Jy , PLUMMER'S STABLES. . THE HOMB OF THE MOVING VAN. 4 I , U Dm Morgaa 81 . . . . RALEIGH, N. O. Agent, Raleigh, N. C. WRIGHT J TROUBLE Before Court For Assaulting Newspaper Reporter Traction Magnate Struck Durham Sun Reporter on Court House 8t eps Representative Citizen, 8. M. Holton, Dies After Brief Illness Iieading Republican Lawy . Death of R. A. Horner. Times Bureau, Herald Building, W. T. BOST. Durham, N. C, June 24 Col. Dick Wright, president of the Trac tion Company, was defendant this morning before Judge Sykes on a charge of assaulting city editor Ru fus Isenhour, of the Durham Sun, tne author of the article that gave the traction man such offense as to start a suit against the paper. Mr. Wright yesterday made an at tempt to strike Mr. Isenhour as Mr. Wright was going to court to make answer in the usury suit against him. He met Mr. Isenhour and asked if he were the "dn scoundrel who had' written that article?" and the city editor pleaded guilty. There upon Mr. Wright hit at the newspa perman but barely touched his arm. Friends Interferred. This morning there was nothing before Judge Sykes but an attempt at assault and he Imposed a small fln. This fight, journalistically, has had considerable Interest here and the paper, though threatened with suit, appears to be in no shape to make amends. Everybody Is anxiotis to see what It is going to do. Samuel M. Holton, Esq., known well over North Carolina, died last night between the hours of 9 and 10 at his home on Watts street. This man of large and peculiar tal ents had been missed from the streets but a short time because it seemed less than a week since he was up town and in his office. But it was more than that. He has been declin ing as he knew through a period of (iiteen or eighteen months, but It was an insidious malady that waited for the opportunity to strike and when It did few were expecting It. The announcement of his death will come not only as a surprise but as a shock to all Durham people. He was such an original and enter taining man and his lurid and pic turesque speech, expressed candidly upon every matter of law or politics that came up, will never be heard again because there is none like him. Mr. Holton went to his room about five weeks ago but did not confine himself to his bed entirely. He had once before that time been forced to stay at home, but returned cheer fully and asked that' it be said that he had recovered from a reported ill ness of gravity. , He went to his of fice, but he was never able to do much work. Samuel Holton was born in Guil ford county fifty-four years ago. His parents were Rev. Quentin Holton and Miss Harriet Holland. The fa ther was a Protestant Methodist moderator and taugh this boy all that he learned in his books before be ginning the study of law. The firstj practice of Mr. Holton was in Guil ford and he moved from that county to Durham seventeen years ago. He practiced law throughout these years and was always more or less active in republican politics. Though born into that faith and considered a bit ter partisan, he probably voted for as many democratic friends as any man in JDurham, He was a great ad mirer of Judge Walter Clark and al ways pointed to his vote for Hon. James S. Manning in 1896 as patriot ism above partisanship. Of late years he had not pretended to be of the HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Them in Raleigh, and Good Reason For It. Wouldn't any woman be happy, After years of backache suffering, Days of misery, nights of unrest, The distress of urinary troubles, She finds relief and cure? No reason why any Raleigh reader Should suffer in the face of evi dence like this: Mrs, G. W. ..Pat-tin, 504 Oakwood avenue, Raleigh, N. C, says: "It gives me pleasure to confirm all I said about Doan'a Kidney Pills when I publicly recommended them in January, 1908. I still use this remedy occasionally, when my kid neys .bother me, and It never fails to have the desired effect. Kidney com plaint kept me in misery for a long time. There was a dull ache across the small of my back and I had pains in my loins when I stooped or straightened. When I read of Doan's Kidney Pills I Immediately got a box from the Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company and before I bad fin ished Half the contents my kidneys were normal. After that the back ache and pains left me and my con dition improved in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo,! New York, sole agents for the United I States. : ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. . . "The Liver Pilb act So Naturally and Easily." Such a statement, coming from the cashier of a bank, ahowi hat confidence responsible people have in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: 1 have used Dr. MUm' Nerve and Liver Plus and also your.. Anti-Pain FMa. on nytalf. with good results. The Liver Pills act so naturally end so easily that I scarcely know that I have tak.n . pill. Frequently twins troubled with headache I take en ntl-Faln Fill and get immediate relief in every case." A. L. Wilson, Sparta. III. Mr. Wilson wee for a number of years cashier of the First National Bank, et Sparta. ; Dr. MUm Nerve and Liver Pills are different from others. Many kinds of liver pills are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy, natural way, with out griping or undue irritation. They are not habit forming. If the first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return the price. Ask him. MIUES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. county political machine and did as he pleased. In 1887 Mr. Holton married Miss Aura Chafin, of Mocksvllle. Eight children came of that union, six of whom now live, Four sons and two dughters with the mother of the fam ily remain, besides two brothers, Dis trict Attorney A. E. Holton, of Winston-Salem, and Rufus E. Holton, of Yadkin, and one sister. Miss Laura Holton ,of Black Mountain. No man was a friendlier father and his children were his particu lar pride. He had the satisfaction of seeing two sons In college and his joy must have been great in their ac. complishments. He was Intensely af fectionate and when often expressing sorrow over a shortcoming, his face was illumined by the reilection of his children's brightness and goodness. Mr. Holton. was a man of unques tioned ability, an order that came hear genius. In the use of quaint and cutting speech, he was a master. Some of bis sentences have taken legs and traveled the state. At home they will be remembered through genera tions. His jury speeches weta filled wit hthese bright utterunces and his private conversation often reached the point of real eloquence. His criticisms of his own party often lit erally took the skin off, and they were strangely enough enjoyed by those who suffered the torture of .his biting words. As strong as his brother. District Attorney Holton Is, It is to be doubted If the noted pros ecutor was more able naturally than his very unpretentious brother. ; The funeral services will be held this afternoon from the home on Watts street at i o'clock, Bisiiop John C. Kilgo and Rev. M. Bradshaw will officiate . The pall-bearers will be Messrs. W. D. Carmichael, J. J. Thaxton, C. W. .Massey, Dr. W. 1. Cranford, Professor R. L. flowers and Prof. K. C. Brooks. Mr. R. A. Horner, of West Dur ham, died yesterday afternoon about 6:30 after an illness of several weeks with typhoid fever. " Mr. Horner was working in the mills when he was forced to abandon his duties and go to bed. From the first hope was small. At the meeting of the crisis, he took a decided turn for the worse and there had been no chance for him since. m He leaves father, J, K. Horner, and a step-mother, one. .brother, Arthur Horner, three sisters Mrs; ' Jennie Rigsbee, and Misses Lessie and Fan nie Horner. He was twenty years of age, a member of the Junior Order and of the Baptist churcii and an ex cellent young man. The funeral ser vices will be held Sunday afternoon, conducted by the General Lee Coun cil of West Durham. Lightning Kills 'two. In 1906 lightning killed only 169 people in this whole country. One's chances of death by lightning are less than two in a million. The chances of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble Is vastly greater, but not If Electric Bitters be used, as Robert Madaen, of West Burlffigton, la., proved. Four doctors gave him up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yel low jaundice. He was then com pletely cured by Electric Bitters. They're the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 60c at King Crowell Drug Co. ,;' .' v Some persons would ratner fail to reach their .destination In a taxicaD than get there on foot. A woman cad never understand why her husband Isn't more appre elated in his office.; Many a true word Is spoken by mistake. HALF TIMBER AND ".V . j 7 " 1 he size of tins Bungalow design is 41 feet C inches breadth and 21 feet depth. It is designed in Mie lialt timber and cement stvle that is verv appropriate lor a one-story bunga low. The neiglit of outside studs is 10 feet, with double sills and plates. The first floor is set up only 2 feet above the grade, thus keeping the low appearance so 'much desired. There is space on the second floor for finishing a good room or two and leave storage space. The estimat ed cost, exclusive of heating and plumbing is placed at $2,500. This figure does not Include any finishing on second floor. ,'.'; The plan calls for a good sized liv ing room, dining room and kitchen and two bedrooms, with a convenient bathroom. v At at left-hand corner is a wide, liberal entrance piazza. This can be screened in if desired and also glazed in during the winter months, making a fine sun parlor. The exterior treatment is designed to be with half timbers and cement between on metal lath, put on wtih a pebble dash. The cement may be stained with waterproof wash green, brown or light buff, and the roof shingles stained red, brown or green WsPills will save the dyspeptic from many daysof misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated.. Take No Substitute. ;Does;;';y Advertising Pay? Everything that goes : into print with an imprint isn't ad vertising. Imagine yourself these scorching hot days trying to get Into your system stale meats, or anyt hing I hut be longs to the inner man . You are asking no .'more or less of your prospect when you poke and poke and r-e-p-o-k-e the same old "dish" nt liini. Wake up, man. Yes, it pays to advertise if you know how. Raleigh Ad. & Letter-writing Co. K. It. CARROLL, M-r., 200JS Fayettevllle Street. Succeed when everything else faiN In nervous prostration end female weaknesses tbey are the supreme remedy, at thousands have testified FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE b to the best medicine evci wf.'j "Over a druggist's counter. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of the late Jesse M. Adams, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the 6th day ot May, 1912, or this notice will be plead In bar of re covery. All persons Indebted to the estate will please settle with me with out further demand. ALONZO BRINKLEY, Exec. Jesse M. Adams, Dec'd. May 9, 1911 oaw-6w in.. i Hi 11 J1- l.UI CEMENT BUNGALOW, COSTING $2,500 DESIGNED BY CHAS. 8. SNIKJWICK, ARC a, in 4' Hrttl 'r" fJLJ 1 RPAMO 1 im Hurnmn -.aiar-ii Hi, AM, XW .vs. -t .y, : . . . i x Vj; JLJJfcUunJK r,- ytL5....fc.1i ,. Wlj ,Jt elaiiimr w tftriininssiiii to suit, Tile makes the handsomest and best roof, but the expense is much greater. Washington llr may be used for finish and also for floors and stained brown or dark mission with very pretty effect. The mantel w.u look best and be most appro priate laid up in rough sewer or.. vitrified- brick or of -field stone, using KITCHEN, " BED RM. : ilYIHGKM. 11 U U PIXZ-ZA. a MMMJM, "KODAKS" and SUPPLIES Orders Talien For Developing and Printing. "ST A TIONERY" Everything For the Office. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMKtt E. THIEM, Manager. -.' . C. C. riione No. S44V. llly Times Building. THE MODERN LAUNDRY, like the modern bathroom, should be as clean, dainty, and inviting as sanitary science can make it. W m Porcelain enameled laundry trays are the ideal fix-? tures for the up-to-date laundry. Their smooth, hard surface absolutely prevents absorption of the wash water. Though possess ing the strength and durability of iron, they are as easily cleaned as your table china. And they are made complete with wringer holders and every device to make the laundry work easier and more pleasant. A "tandanT laundry tray will solve your laundry problems jt i manentlv. A -i: u o- ' W. L. BROWN PLUMBING COMPANY, 131 East .Martin Street. C. C. For All the News From Everywhere, all the time read The Raleigh Daily Time. THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES ji nk at, No. 246 HOUSEHOLD I'KEMR'M COt'I'ON This coupon, signed with the name and address of a reader of THE TIMES will be honored on any of our Household Prem iums. . AMreee ''". . . . . . "'.. . . City NOTICE A complete set consists of thirty (30) coupons of consecutive dates oniy one coupon oi each date will be accepted in each set Hold Your Coupons Until You Have the Foil Set. Remember, the thirty (30) coupons must be consecutively dated. You can start with any date. HITECT. both large and small. The walls will be best in rough . plaster-and tinted in browns. The woodwork to be very simple, doors made low and on line with the windows and a wide plate rail carried around all of tae lirst story. Clinging vines and fol iage close around the outside will add much to the beauty. I'lione 556. . . ...... .. n1 '

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