fie T lilies Associated Press Service Associated Press Service Vol. LXX. No. 6 The Weather SHOWERS. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY, JULY 10, 1911. LAST EDITION PRICE FIVE CENTS Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in Raleigh of any Othe Newspaper E Flti L 'U WAKE CUV BIG GAIN If 0 P GOVERNOR MM PASSES AWAY COUNTRY CLUB Property Valuations Will Show In crease of Six Million Dollars Over Last Year ' BOARD MET HERE TODAY County Hoard of Kqualizatiou Will (Jive Assessors More Time Ut Make l'l Rooks Before Unssing on Mn( ters -Heal Kstate Riggest Factor .. in Increase. After being in session over two hours, the county board of eipializa tion, wliic;h in composed of the board of county commissioners and tit county assessor, adjourned this nf teraoon to meet again July 24th. . resolution to appoint a commute consisting- of Chairman Johnson County Attorney .Betckwith, Audito Holding and Assessor Gowan to go inlo the differences of the various assessors and hear complaints as to the assessments, was withdrawn at ler the proposition had been fought by Commissioner Brewer. The en tire boafcl will meet Saturday, July 24th, and in the meantime the conn ty assessor and his assistants will prepare the books. for the board. Several persons ' appeared before the board today in the matter of tiie increased valuation of their property Wake County will show an increase of approximately $0,000,000 over the last assessment and the taxes that will be added to the treasury will be about $75,000. The taxable pro perty last year amounted to $ 22,000 000, including real estate, railroad property and personal property, and the increase over this is about thirty per cent. The increase will be most ly in real estate, a large part of this being in Raleigh township. Out side of Raleigh township the valua Hons will Increase from $l.:jo to $4.00 an acre. Although all the books have not been made up yet, it is safe to say that the sheriff will have on his books the sum o,f $350,000 for collection The board of equalization, which is composed of the county coinniis- sdonen and Mr. R. T. Gowan, co.unty asse jor, may reduce a good many of the valuations, but it was believed today thatithe Increase in all pro perty values would not be under $6,000,000. It is thought that Wake's increase will be greater than that of any other county in the State. ARGl'MKXT IX SKK CASK. Assigned ns u Profligate and Hypo crite by District Attorney. Chicago, June 10. Evelyn Arthur See,- was accused of hiding behind women's skirts in the opening argu ment of the evidence begun In Judge Honore's , court today. Assistant State's attorney Burnliam pointed out that four women had been called to the witness stand, and two of them admitted writing what the proceeu tion considers the most daugerous portions of "The Book of Truth." He declared the testimony had been of a nature which probably would not be heard again in, many years. Defendant's Attorney Cant well made a motion to take the case from the jury but was overruled Burnham's arraignment of the de fendant as a hypocrite and profligate veiling his misdeeds with the cloak of religion was scathing. PRESIDENT AND PARTY "Washington, D. C, July 10 The president's yacht, Mayflower, with the prestdent and a party of guests, including democrats and republicans, arrived at the navy yard here this morning at 7 o'clock .ending a two day's cruise which began at? Phila delphia and extended down the coast, through Hampton and up the Potomac. Russia's Big, New Battleship. St. Petersburg, July 10. The Pol tava, the second of four battleships of the dreadnought type laid down in June, 1909, was launched at the Admiral Ty dock. The vessel is 23, 000 tons, and in displacement the dimensions are similar, to the Sevas topol, launched June 29th.. W gjj W rift ,!,r' NifSis- ' I jMSS5' ' b w loiin . (.ales (aoovc), the prom incut American uiilliiiiiaii'i', who seriously ill nl Hie Motel Maurice, Puns, ami Ins son, Charles !. Ontes. who is rushing lo Ins lut Iter's bedside HE STOLE His Career Cut Short By In vokiog the Law ' ' . I -- .- Oil ward nlentine Lee M lio Robbed Safe of Balllosliip Georgia Will be Tried .Tomorrow -He Spent (In Money With Lavish Prodigality, lames I own. i., July: to After meteoric, career, whose lavisii expen- d i hires rivalled (lie fabled prodigal it v ol ' ( oul Oil Johniiv , hdvvurd Valentine Leo. erstwhile pavmiister i clerk on hoard the I . S. . S fioorgia will face the juifge mid jury tomor row who are lo determine: the amount of time ho must spend in federal prison to atone tor his self- oiilossed theft of $-h;,noi) from the pavniaster s safe ol the Georgia while she, lav at (Iniintnnaino ltav His niiilt! ol a lew weeks will be at his side. Lee's career ns a spendthrift has few parallels in rnminalogv. Scarce- had he looted the cruiser s sale on February 17th and disappeared from the Meet, before a mysterious indi vidual by the name ol A. V. Car miehael commenced a nietioric ca- eer as " prince ot spenders" In the ities of the southern Atlantic sea- oard. : 1 his seeming millionaire en deared liimsell to the heart, of hotel waitresses, hellliovs and chauffeurs bv passing out' $luil lulls as though thev wore cigar coupons. NoTTiIng wa stoo good lor lnni: not lung too expensive, and at every iiirn ot the hand he was rondv with a huge bankroll to reward the favors lie asked ol others. rtnrlv in his wanderings he turn ed up In Atlaiiln, where m a few short davs he distributed siithcient money to make li mi known through out the continent.. He presented a lady manicure wjilh $ I. mid bank note for the pleasure of her company during a taxi cab rule and tipped the chauffeur with (he comparatively moderate sum of $100 The waiter who served his table received $"0 after each meal, as an incentive to prompt service. A hellbov, with a jug of ice water invariably drew a $20 bank note for his trip .upstairs. The publicity that his lavisliness brought him made a quirk move ne cessary, and young with the gov ernment detectives one jump in the rear, changed his quarters success fully to Washington, New York, Phil adelphia and several southern cities, becoming acquainted en route with a Miss Auarey Kelsoy, who consented to share the, young spendthrift's for tune. . In March they went to Europe, where lie was easily trailed bv the readiness with which he dispensed his spoils. On June Sth he sailed for Quebec, there he and his compan ion spent several davs In Rlglit-soe-Ing. Little later Miss Kelsev evlnc- ( Continued on Page Five. II I 1 i t 1L John B. Carlyle Dies at Home In Walie Forest After Long Illness THE FUNERAL TOMORROW ns lor 'I weiil v-'l luce 1 ears I'l-otes. . sol- (it Latin lit like I (ii'cst Col lege; Served 'I vo ears as Presi dent ol llnptisl Mute (invent ion (.live His Life to Mis College Sur vived bv W ile and I wo llovs- The Storv ot nit Active Lilc. 1):'. .lohn li. ( ai lvle. lor iwenlv lliroe ve-irs prolessoi- nl Latin at Wake 1' orest. College,, lor two years president ol tlie stale Con vention mid prohablv J lie In st known member ot the lacultv ot Wake For est College, died tins nioriiini; at 2::;!0 at his home at Wake l-xi'est. He was flltv-thn-e vears old. He liad been ill since last lull, ami his dea:h Jins been expected lor several weeks. No man in Ins generation did more for ediicalion than he and the whole Mate is called upon to mourn the passing ol a man who stood for the best in everyt lung. 1 he Mineral services . will he held tomorrow atttrnoon at . I: in. con ducted by Rev. J. A. Campbell, ol lluie s Creek. Southbound M-alxianl train, No. 4.!, will slop at ..'Wake Forest at 5:l.Vit was announced to day to take on passengers' wao might want to return to Raleigh that al ternoon. Dr. Cailvle was married to Misi Dunn, of 'I ennessee, about twenty years ago. She was a granddaughter of the lute Alex Dunn, a well-known and substantial citizen of Wake ( ountv. Ol this union two sons were horn, Irving, aged 15, and Jack, aged 11, who with their mother sur vive. . ' Dr. Carlyle was active until his health tailed last. tall. He was a bril- lia.n student, a forcelul speaker and iiideliitigalile worker. He was largely responsible for raising the funds for Lie Alumni liuildiiig. which was erected In 1904-05, at a cost ol Jlli.OOO; he secured $!U)l)0 lor the college' and his crowning work was the raising of $1 17,000 to the endowment fund of the college, which was reported at the last com mencement. In April Dr. Carlvle was carried to Illack Mountain. His health did not improve and two weeks ago he was brought back to the scenes ne loved so well. His lite, which he gave to humanity, was ended among Iriends and loved ones. Story of His 'Lite. John Hethune Carlyle was horn in IN5S, near the town of Liimberton, in Robeson County, North Carolina. I ho county ot Robeson has been pt"- curliarly rich in her output ot able ind ii .sot ul men and has retained a singular hold upon their aflections even when they have lett her hands. Professor - Carlvle- was no exception to this devotion to his native heaih. Next to his Mother College he loved and honored his mother county. Ills' ancestors on both sides were of Scotch extraction exhibiting in their lives tor nianv generations the haraeterlstlcs which lie Inhereited in such rich measure: sturdy fidelity (Continued on Page Four.) Marion, N. C, Jnlv 10 The C. C. O. railroad station at . Marion Junction was wrecked by burglars this morning about 1:10 o'clock. The safe was blown open by an ex plosive and the building was wreck- A small amount of cash was secured. Bloodhounds have been or dered. Tlilore Is no clew. A reward will be offered. All But Two Pussengers Accounted '"- For.-"-San Francisco, July 10. All but two passengers have been accounted for out of over two hundred on the steamer Santa Rosa, which foundered at Point Arguela, according to Pa cific Coast steamship officials. ?-' j DR. I. It. C.IKLVLK BIG BALLOON RAC Six Monster Gas Bags Saile This Afternoon National liuiiipsionsJiip . Rallni Hare (In .".0.1,110 People Witney me .iiari inner Will lake Par in liileriiiition.-il Meet. Kansas (itv. .mo., .n.iv i ii --s: monster gas bugs, nillaled ainl lit led to stand a sis-il;n- voyage ar lugging at -their rope-t -ready lo 1. released this allerno.ui. when th crack ol the-starter -s pu-tol srgmli inai mi1 .National I'.alloon Kace is o.i I ntil late last nigh' the aeroiiau labored about tlie lia.eis lhat will carry them across lai' conuneiii and loaded in the provision. mid ballasts. , The inllatioil was i:-gun a; .i ciocu yesieruay , nionnng .with gas piped, lo the .grounds Irom the cit tanks, and all (lay: tiiei-e - was bustl iinu -activity aoo-it the eiirnalitic con course., while tin: Sunday, crowd of several thousand iinmifd iibont. eag er io ciiich giinii's of the ianioii pilots at their Work. By evening i was decliired t hat. all wits in readi ness, for tiie start. of the race, except ing the (in is jiiiig of putting suiiplic and nieteroiologipal instruments' int the iiirs of the big euroSlnts,. anil this . will not lie compleied until lew r.n e The minutes before the start of tin at lour o clock tins altornoiiu first balloon will lie released at that low hour, and l ho ol Iters will tol one nl a time at live minute intervals.. I he winners of first and second prizes in tins great race will be a corded tne honor of representing America in the international rue also I ro m Kansas Citv, on October 9th. (ierninnv. fiance, and Ameri ca each will enter three balloons' the third ol the American repre- senttaives being piloted bv Augustus Post and Alan R. Halev, who won the trophy lor America last year America lias won the international cup twice in succession, counting the victory fll Kdgar Mix two years ago and should it win this year tne ctip win remain in tins country perman ently. So the contestants in today race hold a double' responsibility.' I he men who will strive tor honors in the race, their balloons and the lull .they represent are as follows 'Jopekii II.; entered b.V: ! Western Aero Association,- Frank M. llaco pilot. '. . St. Louis IV,, entered bv Aero Club ol St. Loins. Lieut. Frank I. Liilin S., pilot. Sophia, Aeio Club ot St. Loins W m. T. Assinan. pilot. Million Population Club. Aero Club ol St. Louis, ("apt. John Merry, pilot Unekeve. ( leveland Aero Club, . I II. Wade, Jr., pilot. Kansas City. Kansas City Aero Club, H. K. Honeywell, pilot. A grand stand and seats have been erected to accommodate S, 000 per sons as spectators of the start ot the race, and practically every seat has been sold. It is expected that, counting these who will, crowd about the lences of. the enclosure and those who will watch the race from house tops, over titty tholisaud will view the start ot the race. PI.KAI) NOT (Jl lll'V. Wire Miiiiiiluetiircrs Secure Delay I lit II September 1st, In Order to Muter Demurrers. New York, July 10. highty-tliree wire manufacturers, indicted under the anti-trust law on charges of re straining trade in wire products be gan their light against the govern ment bv entering plas of not guilty and securing delav until September 1st, lo enngle Uiem to .file demurrers. Euan man s bail was fixed at $1,000. Delegations Visit Raleigh In Interest Corporation Commissioner CLAIMS OF MR. HARRIS Messrs. Siiiiiiis, liroiigliiiiii anil Pcarie l.iuig I'.iiiloi'seiiiciits or I'.ali igli Man ( apt. I. . -Mason's I i iciiils in .( il v I com Norl liliamp tun Mime Other ( aiiiliilaii s are Senator Iravis anil K-Jmlte irn liaiii t-Riisv Day I. ir .Mr. Ritrliui. ; I lovei'iior K ilchin's lirs t tlay n his ollice (in his l'i'ti:rn 1 loin I'.-iiiideii t'oiintv as a busy 'one! During prae tiiallv all nl' Lo- enlire day Ii was liusy ineei iin (bdeeai i s. who pr.V.p-. ' I 1 in- ( la I 111 s o f 1 heir Ii : -lei:: . for -eorjioraliiih coiiimissiouei- lo' sun i-eecl Hie I. ile lleniv ( lav lirown. No ap lioiiit iik ill was announced today, and it not likely tliat'tlie Vacaiiev; will lie. filled lor several days. A (b-legaiioii iieadd by Air. I!. S. Lav. saw lue governor m the inleresi of ('apt. 'I'. W'. Mason, of Mori .ha mp loii t 'on nly. Another .delegation,-.! on-' sisting ol Messrs. .I.- V. Siiiiiiis. Kdgar K. llroiiglitou and .1. li. Pean e. pre sented the 'claims of Mr, I-.'. I.. Harris, ol Italeigh, secretary- ol the North Carolina Merchants' Association.. Mr. Harris has the endorsenieiit: 'of this association, to sax nolhing. Of -J lie endorspiueiits ol' individuals-.' in ail parts of the State. With Senator K. I.. Travis, ol Hali fax. ex-Judge A. V; (irahain- of (Iran ville, aiid about Vhirty-five other citi zens' in a. receptive mood, the gover nor will In; able to find a man for the position -.: .Among ot her KCn nil idates , fuent ton ed today were a. Rom Suiitli, Ofi-Ran--doTp.h : Pr. I!. I.. ( 'urr, ul' Liu pi in, aiid Miij, If. .: l.ondoii, - of Chat 'ham' county, ; Hi'; J. (Jeorge llaiinah, .Tr., of . Hiler CiM , had an audience today wit h I lie governor in t ho inti-i esl tit the 'Chatham couti'v editor. i;sc.pi;s IIY LKAP TO .W TO. St nib lit on liii vele Show s Rare ( ool- uess and Saves His Lite. Aliddleton. N. Y.. Julv III. While riding a bicycle (lovvn a hill here .to day. Raymond C. Render ot New ork, a st iident at Columbia I ni- vei'sitv. came into collision with an intoniohile and narrowly escaped death. 1 he automobile was driven liv I. A. W idler, and as the lucvcle ind auto came together at W ickhain ivenue and North si reel. .Render. with -'.remarkable presence of mind, threw liimsell upon tin; front of the auto, vvliile his wheel went under tlie car and was crushed to pieces. W ben the auto was brought to a stop it was at first 'thought Render had been' killed,-.hut. he was found to be unharmed,1' except for- ii few- bniis('.-s Mr. Weller Is not censured lor Hie ollision. . ' . Stennier sunk, Sault St..- .Marie,-. M fi,-, luly lft-,- ain-'i" Imili :s io rhi'ce lives were Lis vvheii ih im 'Mili'lH'll vv-is sunk iii fid with, the ,' steamer- AV... II. .Mack. Mitchell was 43) l'eet I. nig, 52.'r-l.' tt.-el vessel, gross ; liumage'-N. Illlll, .Mai-k; !t feet . long til-ion: enkiiis Steamslilp I'limiiany, .Cl.-ye-Hid. E BIG DAMAGE SUIT Mr. T. S 'Fuller, speaking for the defendants, resumed his argument this afternoon when Judge Connor econvened the I lilted States court, in which is being tried the issue sbe tween the AVnre-Kramer Tobacco Company and the American Tobac co Company and others. After Mr. 'iiller com littles later today, he will be followed bv Mr. F. S. Spruill lor the plaintiff. Former Governor Av cock will speak for the defendants tomorrow, his argument winding up the speechmaking. The case should go to the Jury Wednesday. The Cnhlled Steel Tonnage. New York, July 10 The United States Steel corporation announced unfilled tonnage on its books, June 0th, totalled 3.;!li 1 ,0,riS tons against ,113,187 tons Way 31st. v."''' -:VV ':';' ''--:f:: h-,- m im .MlSS ( 0s;(-(. atlllelic pl'.ivess Seal-, (, P.osloll, lent In her long Warren, of Miss rival Ml r.lciiiior vv ho nilileil u in-it lit of uii(iie :le- eoiiiplisliiiii-ul-. when she helped Hie lire depart ineiil ol evioii, C I., extoigliisli a lilae which I hre.'ilelieil lo destroy one o die most lieaiitilul cotl.-iges in Ihc laslmiiinlili. resort, I-li st she cboppeir a bole in I be wood en wall Willi an ave she bail Miali-lieil li'Mii a ' to-e liiilily.'' and lie u led (lie Hose siiiad Ilia) sIiok.,1 tin led through (lie aperture and put (nil the lil-e.. . . lit SIMMONS' SPEECH Plea For Amendments to Canadian Pact ole o:i I lie .siiiiinons and ( uiiiuiiiis AineuiliiienlK Will be 'laken l.ale IimIij Sliort Speeeli by ( uiiiuiiiis, Long Mue bv Simmons. : W'asliiiigion, H. I'. ing . im- ilio Cmiiiniii! iriu.endi.iie'nts- to. the: lirocit y bill was. ihe day's session of the si agreement for a vow ..Inly . 1 ii Vot " and minims Canadian i-eci-. feature of io nale, under I he on .i hose iiro- visions mi' "legislat i ve day,'' Simmons, of M'ortl'i Carnlina Seliator made a lengthy speech in ''support of his amendment .and those of Senator Cnniniins. .who also made a jew re marks. .Votes (in. t lie Cum in ins and Simmons' a in end men ;s. enlarging the' list of Canadian . iirodiicls lo bp ad inilted free, will be taken late today and iiinnieMionalily will be defeated. .".' ftnsiiiess. before the .senate: when ii met was vote on the .('iinnnins free flour aiiiendiueni , but ; ai-cording to previous iigri'emenr the 'right of. way. Was given to 'Simmon-- lor a Sjieei h against reciprocity-..-.' lie .intended I liat. even ,wii h n duel, on- upon t'a nadian iiianufai-t urod proilui ts given in ah' agreement, : nianu factoring in- dusn-ies (if the,.. I'nited States, would still .lie "more adeiiiiiiielv nroipcteil gainst Caiiadian comiiotition tbvn gainst, ciimiietition oi' (',-(. it Prit-: ain. Fiance and lielgiiinK . S. n-noas exH'esseii ihe he.ljef that i ho ; ice oi.' t'iii'iii- jirodiViMs. : would he (lilr'ed - under the operation - of "itie ": .ma.iiv.ii .agreement , ihaf the effect , oul I not be. IO benefit the cousuiueri- he ; lieii elit: .brokers, ; liiillei-M, mam, la- Hirers of cereal products, and -aii arrahge iiienl. iMiuilalile to fanner should, in cliide ''material reduction .nf dmit-s oir manufactured ni'odiicls used -li the.-farmer... Simmons 'endorsed liic Railei aiuendinent which propose- a part ol the fanners live lisl lull as an amendment to the rei-ij.i..,-ii measure. The house is not in session. tiksi: Missive li:tti:i:s. (iirls Who slioi stokes Say Thev Would Show the Shooting Juslilj iible. New ork. Julv In. Police todav redoubled efforts fo solve the mystery ot Ihe lost lot i ors in the Stokes shoot ing case. 1 oniorrow the court will .receive the last evidence as to whether or not Lillian urahani and Ethel Conrad will be held for Lie grand utrv on the charge ol trying to murder W . H. I). Siokes, millionaire hotel man. The girls admit shooting Stokes, in their apartment, but declare Hie cir cumstances and these letters would show Ihe shooting justifiable. The more promises' a man make the lewer. he can keep. can One Hundred and Fifty Acres to Placed On Market For Villas CLUB OPENS TOMORROW . ' : .. .1 ( lieaiitilul (.rounds Will lie Thrown Open lo Meinliers ruesday, Regular Opening on Wednesday- Street ( in- Line lo He l-.xtcinled anil Pub lic Park of I OO Acres Will Be Opened in I' all- Plans on Coot for l.ii cciioii id Modern Hotel at the ( . i on nils. .-Miuiei hini.' new in Raleigh a rapid piocress is "happening every day. Be line tin. coiniiletiun ol anv one of the mipoi taut ibiiiP.s in progress recently launched others come lorward The ial(-:,i i:; the completion ol arrange-lio-ins liv winch the entire plans and purpoi.e o line Raleigh Country Club in- to lie culiiimated at an early date. I he lieaiitilul clubhouse has been coinpleied and will be open to mem bers oi the ( lub on -tomorrow.' 1 he -gull course, said one of ihe iinest in tlie count rv, is ready tor the players. Ihe lake and the tennis court and numerous other at tractions .ire completed and today a contract wan entered into between the club mid the .Carolina Power and Light ( ompanv lor the extension of the trolley line through the club grounds,, and into a hundred-acre park, which is to be beautified by the electric .railway people tor their pa t rons and the while public genera-.' ally.:'-'- l ine ilia Sites. Another contract has been made I e! VV l-l'll the i-ttltt liinnnir.JiiiHnt QnA -. Ml D.n ileii ol Hit Raleigi I Hea'-. I'.state and Trust Conipunv for the 'Immediate development of 150 acres. -oi tne club laud into villa sites. These villa sites will be beautifully located m a -short distance ot Hie park, lake and goll course, will contain from three to ten acres each, and are to lie ollered for sale to select purcha"" ers, A landsi ape engmwr, an exp botanist and other experts have engaged to direct the work qv veyin.- and beautifying thjj nal plot, wi'ich is already endov;ed bv lalure iiself elf. do, ing streets. 'avenues, liok concrete walks, etc on loot lor tne erei to-date hoicl to be lo. residential section lmnieuiate. lacent to ihe get links ami other attractions. It vas in the beginning the pur "ise i the -members and managers ul 'he ( outrv Club to make this si .eiulld suburb ol Raleigh T-e real i nier ol the social life of the St.t'e and i In v seem .determined' t'O l'r 1 . Relieved I roiii NoiK'lk Navy Vard. Washington ,.lul in Captain C. ( , Rogn-s has iieeii relieved from diitv as Capliiiii of the -Norfolk Navy Yard and ordorld to duty as Com? inainlaiiL of the 'Portsmouth.,' N. H., yard, relieving .',Cii.pia'iu F. A. 'WRner,; 1 retired and ordered '.'.home. i.eneral strike ol Leather Workers. New .ork, July lo- tieneral strike of '.leather workers, involving six ihous.'ind men. is pending. It will be i lleclive W illi in a week ll the wage schedule is not accepted. E T Pal nek J. O Rnen, a merchant ot Durham, filed a voluntary petition in. bankruptcy with the clerk of the I niled States court today. The lia bilities are placed at $10,33S 65 and the assets at VI. 1 0.1.74. The stock ol goods is included in the assets. President to Isit Hull Run. Washington, I. C, July 10. Re presentative Carlin, of Virginia, call ed al the W'lnte House and completed arrangements for the President's trifi to Manassas, Va., July 21st, to at tend tlie blue and gray reunion on occasion of the 15th aunivesary ot the battle of Bull Run. ' People who talk a have few real frelnds.