Cine. eiflE pax Associated Press Service Associated Press Service He X to Vol. LXX. No. 9 The Weather SHOWERS. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1911. LAST EDITION PRICE FIVE CEIfT Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in Raleigh of any Other Newspaper ' ....... ' ' ' ' - - -. -. . - : ' . '-..'' ' " ' I ... DAMAGES OF $60,000 AWARDED Jury Reaches Verdict In Suit! ot Ware-Kramer Against . American Tobacco Co. Counsel for Itcloiiilanls on Allegation ol Six I.itois Asks for Now Trial Judge Connor Denies .Moiidii'anil Iv.xecplion is I.ntered Phiinlilf I neoilnin its to What it Will ho Infect ot Verdict Is to .Make lie fondants I'll)' All Costs mill loos of Hamuli's Counsel Jury Hail Dilhciillv in Wenching; Acrdlct Judge Connor I hunks Jiii'ors lor 'J hen- Patience mill Conscientious Work. WHAT VliliKKTMHAXS, 1 he cllect ot the verdict ol the jury today in awarding dam llKus III the 8(1 m: 'Of $20,00(1 . In to give plaintiff $ijU,0(in, to tax dolendants with costs in the ac tion u ml to iiiiiKe defendants pay attorneys fees l,or plauititl. J lie l ost to defendants, m.t they agreed to the verdict, would approximate $100,01)0, to say not lung of remuneration lor their own counsel and stenog raphers. . Answering holli Issues in favor ot the plaintiff, the jury in the case ot l ho arc-Kramer Tobacco t:oiina:iy aninsl (he American Tobacco Com pany hied into court at . !):i.0 todav and returned a verdict lor damages in the till in ol $20,000. 1 he jury had been out since yesterday al 1:1"), and .'.immediately niter being discharged by J u due C onnor at 10 o clock hl xl out ol the court room. A recess was then taken for an hour wuen motions were heard bv tnu court. The plain tiff had asked lor $1,200,000. I nder the h.icrinan anti-trust law, where damages are sustained, the plaintilt is entitled to three limes Hie verdict ol I ho jury. In the nresent Instance, the damages would amount to $00,000. I he delendanis si alio pay all court costs and lees ol counsel tor plaintilt. Judge Connor will later determine the amount ol lees counsel for plaint ill m e cnlil to. ' Million l or New Trial. Immediately after the reconven ing of court at 1 1 o'clock. Mr. ..lun ius Parker tor doleudanls, moved for a new trial, alleging six errors committed by Judge Connor In the (Continued on Page Two. ) NO TIDINGS YET FROM El Washington, July 1:!. senator Over-' man, of North Carolina,, who regards himself as sponsor lor Lusigri Robert K Young Jr., of Concord. ' N. (.'.. who disappeared .Tuesday night from the Host rover Perkins at the New Yolk navy yard, leaving an ote threaten ing to commit suicide, called at the navy'' department today. The senator nominated oung to Hie Naval Aca demy. He naturally feels a deep In terest In bis welfare. The navy de partment people arc unable to supply any information beyond that contain er! In the telegram fronr the navy yard. The senator, speaking from a close acquaintance with Young, ex pressed the opinion that ho did not commit suicide. Lieutenant Way'land Dismissed. Washington, July 1.1. President Taft has approved the dismissal from the army of second lieutenant Jumps P. Wayland, of Virginia, an officer of the 9th (cavalry, convicted of financial Irregularities. Charles H. Pontoon Dead. New York, July 13 Charles H. DcniBon, Inventor cf the marginal in dex system, died today of heart fail ure. Induced by heat prostration, aged seventy-nine yearSt PLAINTIFF AFTER LUIER TRUST Government Will Make In quiry Into Methods Until Criminal and Civil Proccediugs Started nml the (.oycrniiiont l)e- tcrinincil to Make a Thorough In vest igal ion riir National Assoi in tiou to be Investigated. Washington, ' July : .13. 'Following closely upon the criminal action against the Itclail Lumber Drains As.soebilinn .of the w es t ami civil an il. trust action against Hie retailers of the east, the government has iletcnn inod upon a thorough ni'iuirv into the methods ol ninnulart iiring anil whole saling lumber. . The Xatioiml, Lutobcr Manufuelui- ers Association, ol . which hilwiird limes, of Chicago, is past president mid director., will probably be one of the first ergniii'fatintis It lias been represented on behalf of lh' retail dealers who have been under lire hv Ibe government that manulne tiirers were maintaining a gcremonls lo '.Curtail the manufacture of lumber, sit as to increase the demand and rices, that there bave been aleuipls 10 iiiiiiinpiili7.e the supply of eeriaiu kinds hi' lumber, in certain sections . of the country, and. that In some . sections a uniform price has been maintained, which resulted In increasing the prices iwenly per cent in the last two years in Ibe face of decreasing de mand,' "" Attorney- Oonoral Wiekersliain. it is 'iuo. intends lo pnsli Ibe invcstiKutiiv.t ot retailing and wholesaling methods, while tiie. civil iiit, against. .the east ern slates retail; lumber dealers asso- lali'iiis and criminal indictments against as maiiv retailers ol the west are pemluig. . Twelve constituent said to control. 'largely I lire ol lumber., h um organizations, tile; inaiiufac- logs. compose Manulacluicrs the National .Lumber Association; . Lumbermen from ten western anil sout hern, slates, comprise the baig ill.-, reclors and governors. SKYKKK STOII.M AT MLMILKSON. Severn I People 1 n 1 1 )-'-Sleeplo A reckcil. -Cliurcli (Sp.eial to The Times.) Henderson. N. r '.. Julv 1;!.-Ilendeiv son had grand rains yesterday and crops are saved, bill m the aflerno'n I he- electric storm was terrilic. It battered tile 1 'resliyterlan : cinireh teeole and eaote iiimi- killimr twit inen Wui-kitiL'' lii't-- 11 sevei'i'lv slinek- er Mrs. Al. L. W.oilhaiu. of liicbmoiid. visiting lure and slightly .shocked Mrs. Iliad II. Maiiiiing. Ilutli lailies bave lecovered. 11 sbatiereil Mr. A. t Zob liciiftei s meter board. Henderson . will have ' a larire auto- nioblle factory, as Jllio.rico lias ben sub scribed, and $60.0011 iiaid KAIN FOLLOWS PI.IOA I OK IT. Showers Fall Alter (lovernor Mann Asks Prayer That Dry Spell l;nrl. Richmond, Va., July 1 J Much concerned beeitusc of the losses the people of Virginia were sustaining on account of tho extreme heat and unprecedented drought, Governor Mann Issued a proclamation urging the-people to pray lor nun. Within IS minutes after ho signed the document there was a heavy downpour of rain with indications of continued showers throughout to night and tomorrow. I LOSH OF SKK CASK. Final Arrangements in the Case Mnilo Today Kooin Crowded With Women. Chicago, July 13 Closing arguments In the trial of livelvn Arlliur See, the founder of the Absolute Life Cult, was delivered today. Attorney Caiitwell concluded the defuse argument be fore noon, followed . by the Federal prosecutor, who demanded that : See be punished with a penitentiary sen tence. The courtroom was thronged with curious women, who heard the revolting details in connection with the alleged abductor's career. President Oil Old Turnpike. Washington, D. C, July 13 Pres ident Taft will travel over the old turnpike used by thousands of de feated federals in' their flight lo Washington after the lrst battle ol Mantissas. The president will attend the reunion of blue and gray and speak to, the veterans when fluty meet at Manassas July 'il, - Principals in the r .... i . I ' 1 .' ( IlK I;,- ' - i fe , ; i 4 v - : It' I RFTS W VF RnNTHS ; K "-:"'M m PffllCF ilF Wl FS Henry Jernigan of Wendell Re- cieves Long Sentence, Oilio Hall A Small Negro, l it lor Stealing ; atr li, PocUetbook and lluttei Oilier Cases in Wake Su perior ( ourt. Henry .lei'iiigau, U while nun. of the Wendell section, was. IomuiI guiltv in superior court todav to lar ceny and was sentenced lo the roads lor t welve inonl lis. Ollie linll, a tliiili mil ivc negro bov of eleven years, pleaded gtnllv to Hie larceny ol a gold waleh and a pucli'i book from. Mrs. It. I). I !a n i . s n I some biiller Ircm .Mr. All. I lioinpsun. Judge Peebles looked at the young ster and decided to have the bovp ia- tlicr siiiiiiiioned belore passing Juds incnt. Wash Durham, an old negro man, was I on ml giiills of nn assault Wifn ii deadly weapon on the person of Rev. .1. M. Ililliard. Noali Wall and Leoni.las Perry, while, were tried on the charge of iniiirv to stock ii n (1 cruelty to ani mals. Wall was loiind guilty, but Perry was acriuilied. Will ('niter, colored, was lo'ind giullv ot larceny and sentenced to six months. Oscar C'havis. rolored. was .found guilty of larcenv and sentenced to six months. Oscar Cliavis. W illie Kohertsou and Willis Kohertsou. tlirre iii'im boys, were tried on the charge ol larceny. Thev entered u plea ol nolo contendere. Tho judge, intimated thai that if thev would pay for the ar ticles stolen, judgment might he sus pended on payment of costs.' ItKFOKM POLITICIAN' IILATION. I:. A. Itillisoly Attackril by Norfolk I'lisioiilsts at School liuiuii v. Norfolk, Va., ,luiv 1:1. Kunene A. Itjlhsoly. reform leader and one of the straigbtout lawyers, was kiiocked down and beaten until Ins face was swollen almost - beyond recognition in two fistic battles with tusloinsts. Ibe encounter occurred at a meeting of the county school board, which was hearing charges against Principal fleorge Peck, of the Port Norfolk High School. Kllllsoly wal represent ing some of the patrons of the school, who were flihtlng the reappointment of Perk. Preacher's Hon Kills His Father. Carthage, Miss.. July 13 Rev. If. P. Itushlngs. llabe and Klisha Cock loft were killed by the preacher s son, Irving KushlngH, following a quarrel last night. Young Rustlings esoaiieil. It Is believed he killed his father ac- cidvully,. j . . Sensational Stokes I: mm i .U". I Iftf Snapshots ol the iliiel iigiiii's in liie scii'.tl loual stokes sIiooIiiik rase in Aew 1 orli.' Ilelow Is W . I Mokes,, millionaire Motel mall, till' victim rd Ibe shooting. Above Irion lei I to righl, arc Miss l.lliel ( oinnil, one ol tiie girls who bi'i'il at Slokes rliirnig the alliiir in their apartment. Miss Graham, who rushed across v Allan-, lie to assist her sislriv inul LiIIiimi C.rabam. the ally ol Miss ( oiirad. l.lliel (oiiiail inul Lillian t.ialiaui wi re held in sr.,0H0 liail lor Hie praiiil iim j. WATER SITUATION IMPROVES SLOWLY 'The water''' situati'iii in : . Kaleigh. many Of Hie cioisuniei s, is iiuproviug A gain rif three feel was iii'ide .in Hie reseryoir lasl night, a li if only one inch had been lost up up ;l:"ii this aflernnuii, so. It is seen Ilial Hie"' supply, when - everybody is ei omnui.iug. is: 'almost lo Hie demanili' The ..Water company is still urging- "ii llii'ii consumers tile heees siy fnr using i'!i.' wafer spiirinkly'. The rain lust, -night tell below Ibe watei' shcil f-.; liie must pari, but today the intake pipe I l ion the cl erk was almost full.; Not a galloii of: Water is alliiwed to esi-a:e. . ;i:n. HiNtiiiAM oi t oi'oi i ici;. New : York. A. Iliiigliuin. I fioin Hi, iWu the bureau of July IX- (!en, Theodoi-p ". S, A., retired, resigned e i f chief engineer of highways',': of. -which, .he became iiieinnbent m piiinl ment of .'Moron i May -Itli, by ap ,'h i'ri.sidciit .Mi- A lien v. lien, iiingliain gave as MiiS reasons thai Ids methods did noti oiuciile 'with those of the -'''borough,, president. , . lion. Ulngliam was removed as poller commissioner bv Mayor Meridian on the coniphilnl of Mhvdi' Ciavnnr, then a judge. . The mayor did not. object' lo his appoloiitmeut to the ofllce of chief engineer. !en. lilnehani still has a tlOU.000 llhol suit pending Bjlnst the nuiyw, ' - I' I K. T.'. -""7 -If. ?:..--.' .. .-Ju , - c$ , tjm MAW MlH Shooting Affair Investiture Took Place Today At Carnarvon One ol Hie Inlelesl ing erenioiiies ol tin' ( oi'i nation l.ieiils I lie l ir'-i l.nglisli I'llneeol Wales anil How lie W as Naineil. Cai'liarvon. Wales. .Inly 1 :: ;: Trie lliosl inli't'esl ing eii.iit. I'lisuing on :(o corona Hon ir I ,i occur . July" 1 namely, ''.Mio' invest il ui e of t he yo'iiig I'i'iner id' V'ali's, amid iiiaint. W'clsii. .sHrroiiiidii'igs and at the very birt li place of. " I In; . lir I Knglis.i I'rince of Wales; Ivlwa rd. son. of King Kd wal'd I . and liuiTa llli anor. Trailii i'lii eoiuieeied : w it-h the ;.: i ii iii . 'i Isli l astie of t-'n rmirom, w liei e I iic i t reinony is to -take place. kins Ilia! alter Kdward I lie l'irsl's i oiopa- 1 ol Wales I lie Wcisiiineii fi lmed to obey any prince '-appointed Ii.'. tne king as regent of : i ho priiici jialil.y unless lie. was born on 'it's . o'i. Utieeii lOlcanor slioi'lly a I 'ii'i'wia'tts Have birth to a son in I ho'' caslle id ( arnarvon, and t.H'reupoii I he king, lalliiig tiie .'chiefs- of the .-.Welsh t'a-li-pn , toyriiicr, aslo-1 iliciii whet nor Ihi v would obey a prince, nominated by Ii i in, as he was .compel fed l o leave the country. They replied in al lirniit.ftve on cotuiition tlial i lie prili'-e Was a Welsliliian. . I'M w ard. I 'ion uanied his own son, horn only a few days before, and the Welshmen were satislied. ."..The- prince . was afterward shown to i lie nation, or as nianv ol llieni as could get near enough to see lion. Ironi what is known as Oioon hJean br's gateway.. Il is from this ga'i' ivav ul the castle., winch had he'll prepared lor the purpose, that Hie new Prince ol Wales, alter Ills inves liture today, slibws hi nisei f to his subjects, wlio are to - gather, lo number ol 1."i.(mki or 20.000 in VIClllll V. 1 ho king it ltd queen, wil h i ho 'Ik. the young qu ince, are to travel lroin Ire land to llolvhead in Lie roval vacht. and ulterward by special trniii to a small station .two miles Ironi Ibis city, where they nltglit. There a number ol stale carnages are to be waiting them and a procession, es corted lo the city hv cavalrv. lornis Haitering the walled1 cilv by the north road they pass through the main street to the great cnnile square, wnero tho mayor and civic officials receive them and present loyal addresses. 'lhe royal party then separate, the Prinre ot. Wales preceding his par ents to the castle bv a few minutes and enters the ancient fortess by the water gate. A ho passes into the iContlaued, iqu Page Tiree.). DR. WILEY FIRED FROM SfciTICE mm MS GOOD QUE Census Report On Manufac tures In Raleigh hicleasc ill Kaleigb Intimated al till Per Ceni. I'lesulenl ! inlev '..!. Iiciialcs ( bomber ot ( omiiiei i e. Some I iuiiits. Tlii- ceiisus 1 in rein t's tent al ive siiiit ninry for ! loo.! of Jbi. trmi i h or in;in lifactures in, llu- principal: r iiies ill -North Carolina coM'iv , Ashe ille. -('liiirlntie-. Jialeimi, ntui Wilmington. so ": 'far as: ;e! . iiunoiiiieed. . Raleiuli and . 'W'ilmiii-.triii rim .very elnse l i go; her.-;' Fir i.xii-mpl.c.-.-'ilK'V.f: 'ilr-f at ItaieKHi ii,".. nianui aet iiring I'slaldisli iiient.s:. at. Wilniiimiiui. li I-:', t lie i api lai al Uiiiejsh lo iiiu : $2. i'i.7, ono. an increase- of :l r.2 rent . ' in five a' W'ii- ol' 1 i ier. ((in . liiilcicli ." t ' a .: I of s I per cell I . . hero w as. a di- ili-.i'e I lie -value. ; 1..10.0. jin ih .. h;h' in W'il- ivus only three ve aw niiligtruu lilt ineiease Tiie salaries paid: at $."i."iS.n in, an -iuerease wliile at W'ilhiiiigton -('I'e.-isi. of' I '.I i;i'r i. en l . of . prod nets w as $2-,: r-'ri'iis'; of .1 I '.' per ei'iil niiti-tot! the :m lea .pei rent.. '"1'lie value, added '.by ujanu fact tired- pr.oitiicts here, a i ier deduct ing the cosl of Inalerials. w as $ I . 1 iin.onii, ati im rease of ! 1 per' cent., while in Wilmington There' was a de crease of 7 per cent . -The' number of salaried officials and.-clerks, in ninuu- liicioriftt in Raleluh 's mid ol Wngi'-caniers I .:''., an increase i)f i"V per ecu I . (hn i lrtf r- showed, products of total value nf . $ 10. 1 i;o,ono. l ox establish m en Is. wit lr $!. i 7, ,.oiio cai : .eniplnved. v Asheviib' showed y n I nr. of products $ :: ; o 1 1.. ii (in , ntini-, lierrif esi a hi isli inenl s caiital r.ili plo.vod $l'.xl' 7 ' A bo for from I'resideti; V. W- l''in iev, ol lire Son! (.iiii Railway, !o !'..( ehaiiilier of .ii.oiifiiic"i;co heii' says1: ;i "i.ooliiiig nver tin: ci'iiMis hiillelin covering liale.igh niaiitifaet nres for I loiji,: as compared t'r.i -I !'M,'; I . am iinii.ti graliljed lo noli, Hie splendid showing w Iiii li I hey. niake. Tiie in crease . of iiiaiin fact ui'cd products from $ 1 . is 7. ooi i in I M 1 1 1, to .$ i.',;: 7 O, oiiii in iloi'i. or- I !i per cent , indi Vales a yen sat isf ad i ir grow lb (lur ing lhe live e,ii-. ('ompariug lhe Ii mi res for I ;oi'.( w it Ii t hose fur i ii'.tK I'lind '.that the increase ill lhe .annual value of n a '. a lad a i id products in I lie o -years, has been 1 .'.li per eonl: I idngral iilale. lhe peojde "of Raleigli in osi In M ( ily oil this, excellent, rec ord, and hope your prosperity may eonl in ui and t he nel census -show iiii ;cveii uionr ra pid gi owlli I ban in t he past live e.'i : s : The eliaiiiber of commerce w ill spare . no effort to In inc. about an even greater developnienl . ,of indus tries hero; for . .Raleigh needs., a far larger v c. K , ;.;i-roH. leweliv Store Kobbeil. .Ni'W '.-York, ..lui.y .1 ,-- (lems -v, u i ll fitiiiv lliousaiid dollars were. .. Ilileri last -night', by- clever . burglarizing ci lhe safe of .losepli Fass, an 'I'll -Is) " jewcle!'. Kill ranee, w as eflocied by. n. rut -in Hie Avail: of an adjoining liaiiier sliop; 'I'lii. work was doncj'.v expcrl sale' crackers. I- ine ( otton Slalk. Mr. '.I'ohn-' A . Mills, pi-eshl-iil of liie RaJciylr and - S.,u! Ii e ! i . (inniuhl . italcigh last iiighf a line s of a coil. in 'plalll..' uiiiclr' ire jailicil I roll'l a- lic'lil, lieai- i.illii'iKiV'ii." , The ".-I'allv Av.i's' ab' waist liinh and i iiulaoij -.'I . ahout lil ly bolls anil lilo..iin.-.'M i. . M i Its sa ys the. plant . he brought v 1 1 1 1 loin .here w as' nn .Iii'lfi-ii thaii l.lie'' nilicr' iilaiits in the large lehl;: :; Iniiireil Itv Limb. Mr. .Knelt Williams, -of; ;-, win' Kus. Iti.itircil iii Hie back several days ag'v by Hie falling of a linili. . 'was lil'iinkht:. In Hex Ibispital to, uiideigii Ireiitineul. It was said at lhe hospilal that his. Injuries arc nol serli'iis anil that, he will lie out in several days. Hal note Prospering. Mr. H. 0.' Stewart, ol Lillingfon, couniv assessor tor Harnett, was in Kaleigh todav aud reported to the corporation com mission that a gain of 40 per cent, would Tie made in val uations in his county this year. Nearly all beautitul things are ex Pensive, Including woujen, T? BE Committee That Has Examined Into the Office Recom mended His Removal HE VIOLATED THE LAW Coiinniitee on Personnel of tlic De piiKiiient of Agriculture Kwoni- mis That lr. Wiley "lie Per. milted to Itesign", and Attorney. general Wicltei'sliain Joins in th KecniiiinendatiOii Joined With Others in His Department in lo lining Hie Law liy Paying An Kin plove More Than the Law Allows. All lo be Removed. Washington. .Iitlv l;l Dr. Harvey W W iiev. pure (ood expert and chief of the bureau or r'ltrniislry depart ineiii of auricitlt tire, line of the most w idely , know n .officials. in' the govern-, men: service, has been condemned by a ( riiiimmec .on the personnel of the depiirnneiii ol ai-'ricnlt ure. with the recoinniendai ion Hi President Taft that he "be. permuted to resign". At toriiov-gciioial W lckershum. In an opinion on Hie case, submitted to Hie presideii;. recommends, the ap proval of the committee's action. It is ( hari-'ed against Dr. W iley that, he Inriiiitted an arrangement to he inade wnh Hr. II. II Rusliy. a recog nizcil phiirmacognoKist, of Columbia I iiivcrsitv ol New York, for compen sation in excess of l hat allowed !y law. It is churned that the arrange ment was to put Husbv nn the depart ment pav-mll at $ I .'nit) annually as an employee of Hie bureau of chem istry, lhe agreement being made with hint that lie should be called upon to perloi'tn rmlv such services , as this salary would compensate Inr at the rale ol $-U per day for laboratory In vest maiion and $.iO lor attendance in court. : '' ' . Mr. ickersliam held that the law permitted tlii! pavilion) ot only $0 a alav. this sum later being increased to SI!. Along 'Willi the suggestion 1hat. Dr. W iley. because ol alleged irreg ularities in Hit! employment of Rus bv. be permitted to resign the . com initli'e nn personnel and lhe attorney-. general recommended the dismissal of Ititshv and lhe reduction of Dr. I.. F. -Keillor, duel ol the division ot drugs, tlepaiiment nf. agriculture. The eoiuinittee.: further recommend? . thai Dr. W. 1 1. Riglow. assistant chief ot tiie bureau ol chemistry be givoil an "opportunity to resign. I'resideiit ...Taft ' lias not indicated: what- action he will lake on tho case. I lie latter has -become public only now, alt hough t lie invesl igation. was begun lasl Ma r-c'h. 'Alr;: W'ickei'sham's recoiiiiiiendaiions in the case hear the dale ol May I:;. Humming up the situation Mr. W ii'kei'sham said the (CouLlr.ued on I'age Two.) BULLET OUT OE BREAST fine nf the : ninst: reniarkabli" Inel ilcius known lo the medical profession in cured this iimrning . at St. Agnes 1 1'lspi.tal, when Jas. Logan coughed up :i tin Ib-'l and soil 11 out of his moutb--i lr is i eiUetiiliercil that Logan W'as shot in the house .,r IMIlrv Macknoy, by Li e lltll. nn W edriesibiv night. July nth,. 'during; what is thought to have been a regular "rough 'house.!' The two Memoes were pr-ent at a "party" nf some kind and for reasons yet un known.' became engaged-' In a difficult !y. Hill fin illy pulling his pistol and ' liiirrg i nti-i-.' Logan's breast. : The. ball ; entcnil just above the right breast. He was 1 1 u I ' k I v curried to HI. Agnes Hospital, with no hope at all f.or re.-' covi'i v. I he' man. lias been lingering lew ever since, uiitil.thls morning, when be was taken with a coughing spell and by sonic menus loosened trie build, w Inch vas near his lungs, and coughed it up In his mouth which tie threw out on the floor. The physicians declare that with the, removal of the bullet there is now no (lunger ot Ids dying. As yet Lee IIUl has not been cap tured. Saloon Keeper a Suicide. Toledo, Ohio, July W.-Wm. Teator. age tblrty-ulne, a saloon-keeer. tied a twrnty-poiind concrete block around his neck and jumped Into Maumee Itivcr. Texter wag unmarried. Th cause of his act s unlujowjit ,

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