Wednesday,' The Raleigh Dily TimeS Augustl6. 'MMs TRADE This famous Rug known he world over for the porch jr any room in the house. w vi';.ii:jn:jlll.jirijj n ? v' 121 e.MartinStv RALEIGHV.N)fcf.r 25 per cent Off K u!ar -prices this week. I o s c them is to buy BOYLAN-PEARCE C0V BOYLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. GENERAL PREPARATIONS AUK BEING MAIE FOR A LARGE INCREASE OP OUR BUSINESS. ALLOXf ORDS AT COST For next 15 days we offer our entire .-stock: of high grade Oxfords at cost, in cluding the..-. "Stetson"-.-line the best Ox ford made. East M', East Marfin ' T" Martin Street Jffmm Stt A Kood sized crowd attended the matinee held ly Judge Watson In the police court yesterday after noon. cunositv seeUeri were tuere Inrpcly to see iind hear thouxh a huge number of witnesses were. in attendance. .William, Finch, colored, faced the court wit li the chaw of helot; delink Iti th cil.v -market-. Utlicer Mcltniv told ol orderinK him e-i: of i!:e city inui'liet and when he refused, not Ol ll(;r ' WvuU to hei lii in cany him down to the .sta tion house. $.",.ni and cost was his. hill. Floyd Koers, white. ili-;i J guilty to the .clmrjje -of heiuK, drunii and was. ;(iued -. mi iind cosl: ' loll II Kelly. colored,, paid the cost $-.-'!."i. tor leaving hi- horse and rar rin.e alone ;it, the union station. . ' Winder Wolliari,, colored,. ". was ciia'i-Hei vii h :slioofiiiK: lloli tiieen t .lohiisloii s treet,, hhi uu account of I ho . .a h.M'iice ol lit loriieys, J lie' case wa.. continued until Tuesday aticr iii.on. . ;' Cornelia . Haves, colored,, faced t he c'..Mii:f; w ii h tlie charge liisolalei' I y con duct anil loud iind liciistermis cui'sinn on I lie street. - Alex Farriniston was fined $!(" for not .being present at a witness in this rase. i Eulah Terrell told of liearinu l.or- nella cnrHinn and saw her healing her daughter at I iie house and after the child got; into the street,, shefol lowed curmiiK and raising a racket. I'hought Cornelia Was a little dratn- niy." Denied em phat n ail v that she had enticed Nellie II avi s, Cornelias daughter, to her ;, lor immoral purposes. Cornelia -Terrell-told ol Cornelia Hayes beating ami cursing lierl daughter at her mother s house, and of the cursing out on the street,. A story jvas i old )v t he .' del'eiidiint- of liow her child liiul.'-heeh enticed to I Terrell liomi" w -1 1 1 n has a verv bad reputation ami .when: she got there found her ::n I. and w as so mud slapped her t Ii ! ee t i uies, ' ' Nellie lluje, iul)) ii! her mother heat iii'fj her and .euisiiig her'.: Han from her lieiaiise siii'':iii afraid o'l her. The case . Was ; d i -uiisseil, the . ol : licer who wa- a w n ni'ss . nd uiadc he arrest was not present, and the vidence of the , in iJI children-, could hardlv he . ta uen It Pays to be Prompt LOCAL BRIEFS. -. ' Mr..,. X. (i.. ; Whitfield vonlipnes (iiiie ill a I hi:: heme on , hMenton .-t 1 eel. - - - - ... .- ,':.:' !': iet;.l id .Mr. V.' K Fai-'i'ii will'.-re't to .learn I hat le ::.:; .,:i-r- i.oiiMl y. ii I nt : his iioiiie on Kayette v i 1 If - i reel. An HI.-HI ynnntlan Homo Sicliool. I'repartory nd Colli-RHto Conned Art. l-.xr-nminn. Phyalcnl Cullurr, Pod,iK'ny. Uiwlmm. Dnmrslio Soioncc. Muslol lllKb .jtiin.liird nminUlned by Inrao atnff of experlcncod. collnm-tralni-d in atnirturs. iako only one hundred tionrdirn and toiii-hi'S thu Individual. Unmu piuwd hoidth rocord. Bridle lllldincs. 8u.ra- b.'at. Kxeellont lal.lo. Una, .vm. mwhiin., l'iirk.lkocampua. ;CoiK'i.rl., Ira-turn, tennia, basketball. Wrlto lor out OHtaluir buloruanluclliiK the oolli-xe for your daueiitir. . MN' JEROME STOCKARD, President, Ralegh. N. C. MEREDITH COLLEGE One of I lie few omen's Collegi-s in the Soulli wliuli otTerS an 1) gree reprcsenl mg lour years lit genuine oollege work. Itelieved to lie llu- cheapest Woman's College of it grade in the Som Ii. I i i lli'iit Mdiools -rf Music, . li t, and l-.locution. MEREDITH ACADEMY AND GRADED SCHOOL l ull A 1,1, .K Mil- S. Itovs iidiinCcil I-, tin- lust eight grades'. otiipcleiit, f'arrful tcacli r. Keiison.ilile rales. Next session opens September, I ;5. Aildresn Proudonl R. T. VANN Raleigh, N. C. Tailored-to-Measure Clothing Patterns now on display for early fall wear Willi ;m i'icit iii.'in ill t lie Ik -in I ol' 1 liis !) ;i ! -iiu-iil. ami wit Ii ;i c!I m IitIciI line , i if new wooli'iis, iiii-liidniu.' llw i'aiii'ilcs of Ion-ion niaiiuracliin-. we inilc y. hi In raimi!r 1 lie dis day licl'mr vuit place mir I'ltlrr I'm!' vniii- j-'all Siiil . There is a sense if sat isl'ael imi, I'min n I'liinleri alile niint ol' iew, l 'sal linns its y-oal only .in the (ailoivd-lo-ineasiire .ariiU'iit. Past eNperieiire has all to do with whet her you H'el ihe aeiiie ol' this rnmlorl. Our nianan'cr hail experience t hat is wotili soinet liin to yon. J. ROSENGARTEN CO. "Best in Ready-mades." Teleplwine . - 214 FyettevUIe Bt. . liids for furiiishiiig ihe new a-.i,l- it i i ii iij will, he opened Seiteiu lier 1 , end it is exjiecteil to haVe Ihe build ing- rei-dj' ,1'or use hv. ()i. io).'i. 1 . . !:' T M .1,0 dan. -ie. i-'usi- ciaii, w ill meei i he children of I he Wiley School: at tile hiiildillg 'I'liTirs d.iA i'rom 1 I to 1 lor I he, iii rpiise of evil in iniiig t he . Viiicituil ion scars. .','.:. 'I'li.e siate print ing com mission lias awarded ihe printing this y -ar to -K. : A. I'z.ell ( 'onipatiy and to Kd wiii jis ,v Itiaeighton. ' t.lie ilivisioti be inu a. ne.-i ly equal as j ossible. Mr W. K. .lolinson :-eiir,-s,.iil-tpine.iioin county in 'he last legi.-ilat lire, is attending Ihe grand ei.ica ni. iineti t (if .()(l(l: .'eloW'V in Ral eigh. Mr. .ioltiison. is one of Ihe bjg gos; democrats in the : slaie. lie weighs , j mi pounds. Fl Mill.ll, dl' Mit. WV.ATT. Will Ite Held I'rom I'jrsl llaplNI Chilrcli Ibis Altcinoon at Siv loK. The luneral services nl Mr. Job. IV Wyatt. will be lield from the First ist cli urch th is after noon at six o'clock conducted by the pastor. Rev. I , . (I Ki-Hv, who was called home troui (leorgai to conduct the riineral. and Ite v.- W. (Y Tyree, ol High : Point, ...-former pastor -'of - Mr. 'Vyattv , .,. ':.'.. ."..-.:":'- . The rnti.'niVenf. will be in Oak wood cemetery . 'v The pall bearers will be: Active I. M. I'roctor. It. 10. I,. Yates. .11). Itriggs. W. K. Dewar. I'h.l Tl-.iin. o '.Hay. W. H. id'ake. ,lr . A. . l. Johnson. ''.'. Ilonorarv Deacons ol First Hap- lisr churidi and K. C. Duncan, J. A. Hrtggs, A. II. (;reen, (!en M. Moore, F. W. Whil man, ol Halt nnore. .Mr. AVvntt passed awav yesterday morning at .11:45 at his home on North Dawson street,,, surrounded by his wite and his children, Mrs. Carl I'. Norris. ol Diirhani, alid Messrs. William, liobei-t and Marion Wyatt, ol this citv all ol whim have been with him itiul nursed Hini faithfully during, his illness. . . ' The deepest svmpathv f many Iriends goes out to them in their bej raveiuent, lor the loss ol Mr. Wyatt is universally telt throughout the city as he was one of llaleigh's most prominent and enteprlsing . citizens, highly respected and liked by all. High I'oint Company ( bartered. A charier was issued bv the secre larv ol stale todav to "the Round, Knob 1'ark Comianv. or High Point. I'ne ohects ol the corporation are to develop and deal in real estate. The authorized capital is $ 1 00.000. witli $:;". 000 subscribed bv .1. M. Manpin, J. V. Tonilinson, CI. T. 1'erry and others. NTItlCKKX I i ll I' IK ., VMS. Son i I Rev. 1 1 . . Ilnilov. l'astor cf l.oiusliurg Raplil ( bun Ii. Mi li k en. ; I he news ha i--a- le d the. city thai Robert Haihn l .,, i,n ul l;, It W tiailey;. pastor ui I He lia il ist clnicch at. I.oiiisliurr:, was ,ii'e ken Wit h pii . ralysi;f on Jas: S,it.;irday.;. The vouii!- man is ' in. a sei inus condit ion, and the niaii) friends of t he ininlster w ill regret to ijeac i.i.. I'ae illne.-'i of his son, . and wish, lor litiii a speedy .re covery ..' ' M It. .IOII. . CLARK IS ill with Ari'i:ii( ins. .Mr. John W ( la.j.l., assi .;'iaiU is ii lierlntendent . of : t he. Krw in .cotton mills at Durham,. in liroiight toda to. the iioi-ie of his latiier. C.iiil lustice Wal;er .:i,-1i:;-.,,siift'eriug with I' I w as a.ecohipanied from,-; Durham by -liis. brotner,: 'Mr, Walter Clark, ..IK;' and .Dr.. II. A, iiov.-ter. . .Mr. I'lail-: was a great deal bete;:- ti-day ,-:;d liends ot rhe laiui- lyj w ill hope for him a. rapid and corn plete recovery. Shrewil shoppers never sland liack whenever and wlicrovcr attractive of l'erint;s are lcavie. Tlicy answer the call and heinu; first on the spot, iisuallv make i lie niosl prolitahle in vestineiits, to the envy of others. LADIES' LINEN DRESSES. ' Not -so many, hut it is the extraordinary allies offered, that we wish to emphasize. True, thev are left o crs of a prosperous season, hut every one is ri-hl up -in th- mark fl.r style. : Were 1D.iKl, .fl.).0(t, .fl.OO ami .f L'..(. Take choice ot an v an I all for . ! $5.00 WHITE LINGERIE WAISTS. Daintv., W'ah W'aisl s of t lie present iopular si vies. 'orth 1 fl.oO lor . ". 98c. I Iiu'Ik r I'i'aile W'jnsls. m a tempi mu' variety, Lace and Kinhroidcrv Irinim- 1 .1. Woilh up 1o l.V lor ' $1.48 SILK AND SATIN PETTICOATS. .1 ust a hi He lot 1o close, a clean, clear saving of ")() jier cent, heretofore our leading line for SLW nmv , . ..... ... .... .... ..... .... .... ... . $1.98 SOFT FRENCH FELT HATS. Soft Kelt Hats in While and 'delicate colors a re all the ratt- for the inid-season- becoming to most any face, and not loo liiili priced. They are .at once read sellers. A 11 v where from ...... ...... ................ . .$3 00 to $6.50 SCOTCH PLAID AND PERSIAN SILKS. Shirt AVaist Silks in pleasing Persian design and highland Scotch effet-ts in the darker shades for earh Fall will doiild less prove attract ive to A'our likiiia-. alues 1.00, !el.2" an, I sj-' for. ... . . . ...... . ..... . .89c. and $1.00 WOMEN'S WHITE WASH SKIRTS. I In nd reds of I hese popular priced Skirts are sold.lirst j'heeausetliey arean -every day ut dity dress: and. secondly, that the price is within reach of all. Anv size larye or small for . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . .... . . . . . . .98c. 'ROUND ABOUT THE STORE. H la n icy Linen for 1 his week . . , ... . ... . . . , ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . .90. K'lhlion St ripe and Dimit y ( 'heck M us! ins' for . ........... ..... . . . . . , . . . .10c. White 'ot ton I'oplin, t wo weiyhls 15c. (Quarter Mercerized Hal ist c ...... . . . ............. . . .................. .18c. fancy Dress Lawns up to l-V . . . , .... , . . ... ..... . . . , . . . . , . ... . ..... . . . lOc. Dunitii's. .-Orirandies and Foulards to 2u: . . . . ... .............. . . . .-. .15c. ( 'orset ( 'overs Lace and Linhroidercd ..... ... . . . . . ..... ............. .25c. Kiniona Waists ..... ... . ; . . .... .49c. BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY 4 ROSES AM) ( I T FLOW MRS. Wedding and 1'loral Designs of 1 liiii-acter. The m st coin plete slock 111 the enure Soulli. C. A. LYLE & CO. Jones Mreet and Seawcll Ave. Ilav I'lione, -tv C.. :. Mght Phone, C. C. Tt'lTt. This is the way we do it. In -) iiiimiles, ivhile you wail. Ask our Many ciisloincls If II isn't the best. close our PRICES POUCH SWIXtiS. .".00 Ui-giilili- ( lose-out S.L75 i.awx swix;s. .00 r our-pa.sscnger So.OO SL" rwo-iiiissi-nger $l.2." 'lliese are the best ol (heir kind THE Tortured for 15 Years. by a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors, and resisted all remedies he tried, John W. Modders, of Moddersville, Mich., seemed doom ed. He had to sell his farm and givo up work. His neighbors said, he can't live much longer." "What ever I ate distressed me," he wrote, till I tried Electric Hitters, wnicn worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. Its surely a grand remedy for stomach trouble." Just as good for the liver and kldneyB. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60c at King Crowcll Drug Company. I OUTSOLf VJ J. D. RIGGAN CO., CHINA- AND TOY STOUN lta Fayettevllto Streat. CLAUDE B. DENSON ATTOHXKY AT LAW 1'robnte Priictlee a Spedalty. ()flice in Cnpitiil Club ISldg, 'Phono 807K. Hollingsworth IVIusic Co. 118 EAST 'MARTIN STREET, RALEIGH, N. 0. AT HOBBY BROS. & RANKS, Starr Pianos Made in Fifty Styles nad Pricea. Starr, Richmond, Trayser, Remington, Weiler, and Player PIANOS. hi un liigli ciuu Our Terms are more ponu- useful thun ninny oth er, our prices are un low be hud, consistent with liigli ciuulity. Workmanship, Tone, Scale, Finish, Touch will suit you, aa well as our terms and prices. Wo will lie tclml to talk with you alHtut your Piano purclinse und give you what information we can command. - Write or phone us. Send for Catalog. Due both phone. HOLLINGSWORTH MUSIC COMPANY, At Hobby & Banks Furniture Store - . - RALEIGH. N. O. The Whole Family Reads The Raleigh Daily Times. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP, 11. I PAYNE, Prop., TIMES II I' I LI) I NO. Garbage Cans at $1.25, $1.75, $3.25 Best Quality r . . 1 Carolina Hardware Co., Wilmington Street. "HOTEL RALEIGH" RAIiEIGH, N. O. (A House "Worth WhlU) DOWELL COBB. ' Manhattan Shirts Reduced i Our entire stock ot Manhattan Shirts in Fancy Patterns reduced, i $1.50 Values now $1.15 $2.00 Values now $1.40 $2.50 and $3 Values now $1.90 V . .-- ... ' -; .... CROSS & LINEMAN CO J A Want Ad. In The Raleigh Daily KNOWN: AS THE BEST CLOTHIERS. TIukw Will Work Wonder for - l'our 13ulne8,

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