'- - 'V .v. . ' '...,:. '. ,,' IMetafe He Times Associated Press Service Associated Press Service PRICE FIVE CENTS Vol. LXX. No. 39. The Weather FAIR. RALEIGH, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1911. LAST EDITION Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in R.aleigh of any Other Newspaper pwm LEGAL C01ST FOR CHILDREN Habeas Corpus Proceedings Well lin ger Way Before Chief Justice Clark RESPONDENT NAMES .MEN Mr. Perry 11. I' Icmiiig Charges Im proer Conduct ol His Wife M. . Tyii'f iiikI .loli it Winder, Jr., Two Persons Named Colored Nurse Points Out Mini in Audience, Furnishing Most Di'iiiiuitio Inci dent of Untire lay W lint Wit nesses Sny. Naming M. WV 1 vice and John Winder, Jr., as persons with whom Mrs. Hollo Claire Fleming is alleged to have had '.improper conduct, Mr. Percy B. MciiiIiik. the respondent 111 the action begun yesterday by Mrs. Homing for the possession of the two little children ..complied wrfh the orders of the court and set about, giving details in a tragedy that has lieen shaking this family, according to both sides, lor at least two years, hcenes were enacted in the supreme court room today that caused the many persons present to blanch and at other tunes to laugh. I he matter is being heard botoie Chief Justice Waller Clark. The most dramatic moment (ol the entire nearing was when Judge ( lark interrupted the cross-examination of u witness. Helen Wright, the former colored nurse of tho Flem ings, and asked her if she could ''identity the man who she said was at i lie homo ol Mr. Fleming one afternoon when bo was at nis olliee. Helen thought she could. Hie arose, began scanning the crowd from right to lelt. As the colored woman s eves traveled over the room, the eves ot every iKirson in the building followed. Helen s eves hnallv rested on the face of a man leaning over it no table in front of I ho bench where Iho justices sit. "That s him. she said, positively, and pointed to a man, who did not .show bv sign or expression that the witness bad singled him out. No Delay Today. The parties to the controversy did not delay mutters at all today At 10 o'clock' sharp Chief .Justice Clark and the counsel were In their places. 1 lie petition of Mrs. Memlng was first read this was printed in this paper Tuesday- and tho answer of the respondent, thereto. . Mr. Fleming admitted having been addicted to drinking liquor, but said he felt sure he had overcome the de iire for the stuff. He did not leave petitioner, without cause, denied that petitioner loves children better than her lite and is the proper person to take care of them. His intoxication, he said, was caused hi' her conduct; he was not excessively jealous, though her acta of familiarity with other men and assaults on himself wore enough to drive any reasonable man insane. Ho warned her to mend her wavs or he would take the chil dren awav and remonstrated with her nhout her conduct. Dr. A. H. Fleming and his wlfo are anxious and will ing to give the proper caro to the (Continued on Page Two.) RALEIGH TO HAVE ' Washington, U. C. Aug. 17 Ral eigh' is to have the first postal sav ings bank for first class postofnecs in North Carolina . This was the infor mation given Senator Overman yes terday by Postmaster General Hitch cock. Mr. Hitchcock told the jun ior senator that a postal savings bank will be opened in Raleigh and ready to receive deposits not later than Uie last of September. It is possible that tho hank will he opened much earlier, but certainly not later than the last of next month. . . i New Circuit Judge. Atlanta, Aug. 17. Judge K. J. Hawkins,' of the city court of Dup lin, will probably bo appointed by Governor Smith to serve as Judge of the auperlor court of the new Duplin circuit. The appointment has be recommended by all the sena tors and representatives from ; the counties making up that district, i TWO PARDONS TODAY John McNair and Henry Bryant Given Freedon John McNair of Scotland County, Whs Convicted of Murder in See ond Degree Henry llrvmit, ol Durham County, Whs Convicted ot liiirceny Moth Pardons Condi tiniial. (iovernor kitcliin todav issued the following pardons: John McNair, Scotland county. term, June 190ti, crime, murder second degree. Sentence, twelve years in states prison. Pardoned, conditionally. Reasons lor pardon: Counting his commutation for good behavior prisoner has completed over seven years of his term. He was defended by two young and inexperienced attorneys who had practically no time to prepare their case, having been assigned bv the court to defend prisoner just before the trial. Neither the judge nor tho solicitor has now anv recollection of the case, but the attorney who assisted the .solicitor recommends pardon, saving the state had no direct testimony : and that. there was no evidence tending to sup port prisoner s contention that, the shooting was accidental. There seems to be strong doubt as to his guilt. Tlie. clerk ot the superior court, register of deeds, sheriff and many other officials and citizens recom mend pardon. Prisoner has a good prison record. I tlierelore pardon prisoner on condition that he 'remain law-abiding and of good behavior. Henry Bryant, Durham county. Term, December lfllO. C rime, lar ceny.. Sentence, ten months on roads. Pardoned, conditionally. Reasons for pardon: Prisoner has both legs cut oft at knees. He was convicted of receiving stolen chickens and has sorvod about eight, of a ten months sentence. On account, of his phvslcal condition the board of county commissioners, the solicitor, the superintendent of the county homo,', where prisoner is now con fined, and others recommend pardon. I therefore pardon prisoner on con dition that he remain law-abiding and of good behavior, WOMAN' FIXKD A.S S.Ml GtiUii; Baltimore Itesident Pavs $ on I n declared Wearing Apparel. Raltimore, Aug. 17 Mrs. Hruche Sohapira, of 112 A isqui 111 street, was found. 'guilty of smuggling by 'Col lector Stone yesterday and fined $450. "The woman had just returned from a trip to Knrope. arriving here Friday last on the Neckar. 1 he goods, said to have been smuggled, were articles of wearing apparel for a woman and children. Mrs. Schapira sought to show that the goods had boon purchased In this country by exhibiting photo graphs of them, taken from her homo. The customs officials charged that' the iphotographs were taken abroad and sent hero in advance of her arrival. The goods were valued at $163 and she was assessed three times this amount In accordance with the provisions of the revenue laws. Hydrophobia After I-'ivc lours. Now York. Aug, 17 Mrs Amanda Irwin was admitted to Polleviie Hos pital today, suffering from hydro phobia, contracted from a dog bite (ley years ago. She was found in her home suffering agonies. The dis ease had not heretofore manifested Itself. Pontiff Still Improving. Rome. Aug. 17 Physicians found Pope Pius with normal tcmpcrnt.nro and otherwise improved this morn ing. The physicians, for tho first time since his Illness, caused anxiety, permitted the pontiff to depart from a liquid diet. Theodore Roosevelt a Grandfather. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 17 Theodore -Roosevelt is now a grandfa ther. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodoro Roosevelt, Jr., at 2:"0 this morning. The mother and child s condition is satisfactory. Young Roosevelt is In business here. Hall Player Killed by Thrown Jtall. Davison. Mich., Aug. 17 Law rence Burton, a Davison ball player, was killed yesterday running from third to homo, when a ball thrown bv the third baseman struck him at the base of the skull. Atwood's Flight. Toledo. Auk. 17 Harry Atwood left in bis aeroplane this morning for Sandusky and Cleveland, con- Uniting his St. Louis to Boston flight I 'lit "-'fe Mi-s l.ota Itobinson. tlic lialli more beauty villi; was reported to be engaged to iiinnv I rank A. Miui-m-v, the well Iv"(im, j p ii I 1 1 1 1-1'. Slate nieiils Iroiii .Miss lioluiisoii in llalli more and Ale. Miiiim'v Iroiii abroad have both denied thill '.either bad any intentions ot marrying. PRESIDENT WILL VETO ALL TARIFF MEASURES Washington. Aug. 17- Following the t-pecial cabinet meeting -.the last remaining '"'doubt- of . Tuft's attitude on tho wool bill was swept awav. It vvt s'tated lalt's veto message might, go to tho house late todav. One or two cabinet -officers- 'who hereto t'.ie have hold" the opinion that it might he wiser tor the president to sign the wool bill, were said to have been entirely won over to 'lalt s views at todays-session-.' Hie presi dent will also veto the cotton bill. U-vtiK indicated the tariff revision bill at this session would he vetoed. AKltlO MAII, SKKVK i:. Pierre ediines Proving the lulity of Such a Scheme. Possi- Pans. Aug. 17 Pierre "Vndrinos, winner ol Hie. Pnns-to-Madrid race, ii (-coin pi is bed todav the tea Rights in iended to prove .(he- possibility of an aero, niiiil service. lie lelt Issv-los-Molineaiix at . : 07 and reached Danville, which is near , 1 rouville and 1 1 i '' utiles i'roiu , Issy, at C :.')'; . . !'' It takes express iniins three hours and twelve minutes to make fho dist ance. I'jiiroute cilruies dropped messages; at-. Mil til Wti r'Sei-n'o,' . -Ky-reux and l.isieux. He received if.itH) lor tile flight. KlUiF.D ovi:r uiim. Many to W liom Itabv Had Keen Loan ed Killed Its Parenls YV.-ii ihey 'look it Hack. New York. Aim. 1 7 -- John Ribls is under arrest in Midoklvn. 'charged wit h double murder 1 1 o shot and killed Mr. and Mrs. . Rosco Debasco. and wounded their l!i-voar-old son The shooting was over the two-voar-old child .)f Dehasco. which had been loaned the Rilus. who were child less. Dobuscos wanted the bahv liack and took it bv force. Ribls learned of tins, got a revolver and did the shooting. I'TM'.'ltAlj OF MISS. YVOMDLK. WV" lti Held From Presf lyterlnii Church at ."::!) Mils Alleriiooii. The funeral service ot Mrs. Louis I). Womblo, who passed awav at her homo on Morgan street yesterday morning, will be neld from the Pres byterian church this atlernoon at r:;!0 o'clock. She will be laid to rest In Oakwood coineterv. The palllienrers will lie: 1). 1). H. Hill. Messrs. 12. Ii. Crow. James K. Jordan, l.oo I). Ileartt. Henry Car ver and Carey K. Durley. Oriint Dotvsn't Ik-lleve Spy .Story. New Y'ork, Aug. 17 Major Gen eral Fred. D. Grant, commanding tho department of the east, savs he be lieves that Private George Petr, whom a girl charges he confessed he was an Austrian spy upon the American forts, is no spy but a good soldier . Ho favors Tetr's retention in the army. Funeral of Christian Woman Was Held Yesterday Seivices Held Ijite iestcrday Aller iiooii, Toiiducled liv Her Pastor hvcrv llusiiiess House ( loseil As Mark ol Love and l.stcein J.arge ( oncoiirse ol People. (Special to Tile Tinics. ) Mcoilaiid Neck. N. ( .. Aug. 17. 1 lie luneral seivices held -over llie "remains: of -. Mis. .Marin. Arrington Kilchin, who (Mod i.er.' cariy 'I'ues dny - morning, were ciiiKlucicd yester day, alteriioon by Imt -pastor. Itev; O. 1.. Powers, and was largi'ly' atjended, being . among the loiigesl ..tiinerel pro cession that ever '.f of lowed. -. a'-..corpse. to the ceineteiy. As a mark of i.iie greaf. love and high esteem for Mrs. Kitcliin. stores were closed at five o'HovU. and re niniiied closed during the Mineral hour, .This marl; ;f respei-t lias only been shown two or.-.'j'h ree. . iiluoiig them being her- iiuK'Vam.l.' Captain Charlie Dunn who was murdered -Charlie Drum, who was murdered here last year, There has l.ieeii; ni'.i'-li -.-.grief ex, pre.ss(d and I lie prulimildcst syin palhy .shown the bereaved family '-by our people, .''everybody , in t liis. .coin h i unity being' great; admirers -'i.r-M);i: Is. i (ill in : 'The pallbearers wen- her own sous, who... were assisted .-by K..' T. V bitcliead .. J. A.; Pi I t.UKi'li , . 1 1.1 Mc Dowell ;.. H. Johnson. .1. h. how its. and Dr. A. C. I.ivermaii. , Lalliier in (ueliec. . Montreal,' Aug. 17. Sir Wit: rid J. a urier opened his .Quebec ta-mpaigii t oday - at Three Rivers.'- wbere lie ad dressed a great demonstration of l.ilirals. -tomorrow lie will go to the citv of Quebec, ret in ning -thence to Montreal. Tin. 1'roniier - altaclies iniicli .liriporfani'o to the Ciiiiipai.-a in this Province, owing In the wide pre valence here ol the Nationalist senn tuent. whicii is regarded a.s. one of th'c. most' disturbing' oleiucnt' wjiti which ..the,' l.ilicrals iiave. l.i cope in the present . light..''; Weds Army Lieutenant. Charles' Town. W. Va.. Aug, li. -Zion Protestant Kpiscnpal churc.i ol this city .was:tlie scene of a. brilliant gathering today for the marriage of Miss Cecilia Davenport, -'daughter .ol Mr-Arthur Davenport, and Lieuten ant Paul A. I.arneil 1 . . A., sou of tin: late .('oliiiiel , l;.rneil, who lor tnnnv vears dean ol the I nil ed States Military Acadciuv at West Point, Kdiiors Meet at Sionv ( il.v. Sioux ( H v. la., Aug. 1 7." hat promises to be one ol Hie most suc cessful meetings in the history of tfio I Plier lies Mi u lies liidi tonal A.ssh ciaiion began here today with a large attendance o! the members' and their families. Htisiness and pleas ure conibiiicd will keep the editors busy lor two days. Aiili-I.obbyiiig Hill. Atlanta, : Aug, 7 The White or Screven ant i-!ohh.ving bill lias passed tiie house and will probably be inaite a law at. this session, it provides that all lobbyists' register, iind that thev sliiill accent no contingent lees. CONSUL TO ARENAS (Special to The Times.) Washington. D. C, Aug. .17. Charles L. I.atliani, of North Caro- lina. wa.s nominated today to bo consul at, i'uiila Arenas, Chile. Schooner Stranded Oil llalteriis. Washington. !)-.(.'., Aug. 17 The three-masted schooner. Willio 11. Child. is stranded on tho North Caro lina coast, near dull Shoal Idle Sav ing Station, about fifteen miles north of Capo Hatleras. Lite savers are standing bv. Tho vessel Is not en dangered. The Child left New York August !). bound for Jacksonville to load lumber for Poston. Sixty Soldiers ( bolero. Suspects. Paris, Aug. 17 The Paris Midi is authority for a sensational report that sixty soldiers at the Marseilles garrison have been placed in a hos pital as cholera suspects, tlx -v s- 3t Y l.alesl plioti'graplt m l:ciil.ili liiulord. i nu-rd -specially hrllns paper I llie sc( ciilceii-.vear. old in !. -wi-'iiii u" in l..c -ensa! nui::l I'cittie nilirilei case vt bii Ii Hill be called tor trial al ijicliniiuul. -neM Monday. Ibis picture presents the nnir,- vtoiiuiii senliiiu a- slie-wu-- being illicit icwcd li.v a. special CTi-i Npiiiu'eiii. Mis liiinniii . bnigbcil ami wki'il Willi ibe liewsptiperiiieii lliroiiuht.ui -llie time (l :-v Mere in Iter room in (be little jail wberc s!1(, is liciiiL. hem pi is'Miev as a w .it lies . L STRIKE HAS BEEN DECLARED - I.tindon, An-; . 7 The I i u ; . 1 i ;ni of twcniy-.luiii- limns uiiliiVi' ftbicli tile I'iiii.w ay ,;i-ii 'ii cli-'ni arid t'd 11, u I- t tn.-t'r eiupli'v its ' agree lo ' uiisidi : j In ir gricyani-es; '-xpireil 'l..' v it'i h.;'i: I 'lis -V ilU e -. ..--'i l'u-.v-d ;: roL e' of paralysis lii'irning, lint I lie I lirea lined ;( iiei al . las! Novinii:'!-. since. ; w hii'li ' tinie IK' strilie on the I'nitiMl . Iiiii;duiiis;... f.iil.. h;2. Iie.-n an inv alid- lie : Wiis (inc . (it roads, tailed u niiiiei ia 1 i .( . . ( '.oufej- i.,; i-oiitn uin.s! proiniiieiit. and - in dices may side Jbc dil'liruiiv Trai- :1 iien : i.i 1 ril !.:-. and Mad a large. lie iroi-eedi'd as utual. Indiisti ial ar Declared. l.ondoM. . A ug. I',"..- Inilusirial war lias beeii deilarcd. T!:e. cl-iiployes on all Hie rail way lilies .,.,. "i lio' l'nitei.1 'Kingdom will lie called oui ai iiiic.i'. Till: ST.VI'MIH MID Hill.. ' President Would Accept liill Willi Recall l-catuie l.elt Out- Washing) m. I i. IV. A ug 1 7- - Al llioiiglr u 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 -t J see- l'ressid.;nt Tat't, Cliairman ,Smii!i. nl; i lie senate icrri tiiri.es coiuinii ice. ai'i or talking w.iih Secretary ,. i lilies,; deelared ibal flie.l.- -ioint resoluljoil in I rod need .. in .the senate Tuesday, provfd i' . ibe ad- mission of . .M'izoua and NVw' Mexico Into t'le iiniuti wiib ihe :( -,,: I judges el. !!..( i liiiiiiialvd i r 'iti co I Ari'onii eons' i' ill ion, w ould i ai - j (eptiible 10 Mr. Tai't,: ' ;;; " - Agreenienl Keacbeil. ! : Wasliiiiglon, Aug',,. I 7.: Senate ami boiifii: ton IVirees 'on llie :ial I'liond I ' .tiv-ie,...-, ,- In-i ug .c'u.iliiried.' liv "liev. si'liation reaclied a coiiiid. li agree-1, ' i. I .. I'ow ei . ; ol . ilie S,-dilaiid Neck incut to eliminate ih judicial recall I i I . i ; i 'ist - cltul'-.i-ii. -. - Mr." I.'iuii.i -. leaves feature of llie .Arizona coiistiiut ion j iivi" i'ni'r.' ;H:e yon-iigi.-st ol w lioi.n is Jl ii el provide, for ; ma king , tlie . Xevv only. ' I-;; vi-ars of age, th'e' oldest be- Mexico . consiitiiiiob 'easier' ij iti i----n i'.i"in- . iuuciidtucnt... This agicciiicii t . i; i- " .M- -s'-s. ...i ' 1 1. 'and I'. W. Ka;. . ta- said conforms Jo Tali's wishes.. I n- j eall-Vi . to VVjiiiaiiistun -. ; -yestorda-j doubtedly it '.means .statehood, lor Uie . iiiOiliiii- lii be : pi useiii at (lie burial two tei ritories; lit l liis session. . . oi: ii'eiv iroilier-iii-law.'Ali'i It. A'. . '.':.'- i i,,:.- i .li.-i; i -poli"e'..-'who was sliot , .," .,"'. -.. ': ' 'I lTi.iii-f'-uiin'is-h Tcesday nig'ul .ftnd dl'ed W ill Investigate ( aims o Stale. . : a sliui't . t iiiie. l.ne.i'ealici'. ; it is. saul Atlanta, Aug. 1 7. - 1 esii!e t be iv-j I lia: -;'!;'- asasiii 'bred a load ol'lmck 1'iisal of the house to pass a, special sle d : a; ,M i';. A'b ite as lie was mi bis resolution am liori.ing' it, lire slate j aj. Jioiui- aiHi'ii !i ,,'( loe... lour )!' tlie will investigate liill-y. tlie claims oi , .ball:--.passing. li,ruiig:.i. bis: bodv and the Ccorgia Power' Company; iii eiu'- vcii iviiia -i,i d' ju 'l'lie body.: ; lain lands lying adjacent to '('alliillab .;.;..-: I-alls, which li has been said arc I suit,,.' ,,f .lellersoii Davis. state property, (iovernor smith Ii instructed iiltorney (iencral l-'i-ld to do tlie work. Reunion ol (be "Irilie of .lacob.' :' AslK-vill, N. ('., Aug.- I 7.-- i . "Tribe of Jacob," coniiri.sing the d cendanls of .lae.oh .: Weaver wito set - tied In N.iV'l ! f 'si I i.i.. ..i.,,:.. it,.,,, ., century ago, Was held today at The home ol 1). (i. Weaver, near Ucaver ville, this county..- -.Members of tiie family from far and : near at fciided the gathering. ( abinct in session. Wasblnton, Aug.) 17,. President lalt summoned the cabinet in spe cial session at the W lute House soon as he brealasted. I be veto message on th wool bill was reviewed. This Is the cabintt s tourtli meeting this week. -J. :YJMmmmi I V i V f mi;. . . wim i: in: ad. ( iiiili ileiaic i i i. in anil Splendid iti.en Ansueis Last I (oil all Mr. P. i, Culdii I; Oilier News. ' '('Special to Tlie Times.) .'.'' : i:;n.i i k, X. ('.. -Aug. :.) 7.; . .(r. A. A. While died a: tile aome itis. soli:. :Mr, . A, II. While,' about, five, iiiifi's ''rnni Hiind "Xe'c'k, some t iUo .-ii.t; .iid"!iliiit 7 .!'. year.-.-, Ml. ei i i l(. 'if l'l ieiius b( re and elsewlieve.; i 1 : s.vrvcil tire eon ui y. . on . t.ie Jioaril of cr-iniy !i-oiiiiiiis-io'iiers .. sv-verai .M ai's ago atui piTlornii d iiis ditlies we'll and tail lifiiH.v. ' '-.'-'. : 'Mi 'lii;(;.' 'served. v',Ti is; ' coiinti'y t.lU'oiigliouiyUii; civil .war and w as n.'ir ol i be. Soul h;.-.. in, ist brav e anil gall;Ult ' "soldiers.-'-; lb- Vias.aii enlbli siasi i - ill i -i i: I ' i- (il I Un U ... .-Kitcliin-('.iiiii'i.: l-' ;.V":,:-- ati (1- al ways t tool; Iiiucli i'n:ercsi ,iir ihe lu-eet i.ngs of t.ie camp, ; Tin by : K. ni i i c'- .-ev i i . ilii iai sei'V ii-'.:s; wen; conducted -, ''li" . ,f Miiiii-e.- and 'the-. Ve-:n..'i'e-r :ii.il i-i'iv ( 1 1- -; cinn-cb; in : ies i rojii low ii.. i lie de? iea v i - '-.fp.:ir ' .i.'li i lil i-t ti , : si 1 1 (':.-ido':- a iiohi ui' ot tier, ri'la- I i-ea.si ii m-ow it j.,,, :, . ,, ,: Keldi-H.: died at tin- bonie .i-i'.; Mr;";l.. ;T. i;idd.ick, at . : ...sVijtie di-iv ....- ago,- a iter ii only a I v d iv s. 'i.ie I " ;.i.iroiigln here and in -lie f ! .-i .t i I i st i-i -! m H 1 .v 1 lie Spi il,;g:;'l t; ii 1 1 -lViiic.-'s: I'oiliai!!.-.- v ! erred .in ; Kr.iiikiiTi,' K-y.. Aug." 17. -.The l.i'ii I'sriii Da v i-i - I ioipe; ; ; Association s; planning- tiie erect ion of a statue d tlie ti-i-i-n. r irr-sid'-nl in 'llie.Coll- U-dei ale ,-lao s ni all enu iience in I i'o-ild . coi:iii;.-iiv crlool, ing- t lie park ' vvliicb iiV', (. marks ..tlie site of ..the ' ' :; lH-'Nt K l! is; led that the i;y legislai lire will be asked to iiii'kv an aiiroiriiiliun for lip purj.o.-c. iii,. a.-fociat ion also is v'v(ii-,:in:; on a I'daii for a memorial bigbw ay tt ' i-onnei - I 'ibe Davis and tlie l.iiu-oln iioiiii-sli ads.; ( ni nival al oniaiichc. Coniiiiirlie," Okui.- Ang. 1 7. The n i ml i annual cavriiynl of Comanche opened today, w ith aeroplane 'flights, baseball games, band contests and numerous other attractions as fea tures ol the three days' program. The town is rapidly tilling with visitors, KM MAY BE ONE FIRED His Charges Against Dr. Wiley Likely to Prove His Own Undoing LETTER NEVER RECIEVED Main ( barge Against Dr. Wiley Ws liascd oil a l.elter Flint He Never Keceived and Which Was Never sent Ibis l.etler Too Was Gar bled Ity Ibe Personnel Hoard licprcselitativc Doiigbloil 1 binks soineliodv should lie Di.sinisscd loin Pence Going to Kuroiie. (Spi'cial to Tho Times.) Was.iington. Aug. 17. Dr; H.-.W; ilev. tiie pure food expert, added ani.-'.iet' sensation to tiie ; Mouse ,ln-; (iiiiy into, tlie agricultural ,: depart nieiil a flairs when be declared that a ruling adverse to the so-called "corn 'syrup" .maiiii I'acturing interests ;.i-i.-niii!..aled by the bureau chem istrv. lood and d rug inspection board, and Secretary Wilson himself, had siiddeii.lv changed into a favorable opinion ....'without being, .referred to him or his associates. Hiiev charged that tlie manufac turers of this., product had offered nio'iev to prominent, commercial cl eiiusis or the T inted States to se cure opinions supporting their con tention that corn svrup was tho proper name tor glucose. The food and drug inspection board, endorsing the bureau of . chemistry, found that 'corn svrup was ,ln illegal label on glucose. ''All tlie board joined in the decision.': Wiley said, ' and tho de cision was .approved bv tho secre tarv. 'ibis '-decision went to the printing office. was set p and proofs taken, but it wis never sent out. Later an exactly contrary de cision w;is published bv three mem bers of the cabinet, vested with Juris diction in siicb matters, as a pure food decision under the; food . and drugs act. :..--" ' : Yin ibe interval between tho prep aration of our decision and the pub lication, of tin? ruling by the three secretaries 1 know that the Corn Products '.Company vvas very busy. - 'Thev tried to get certificates from . chemists, one of whom later became a member of the pure food releree board, to show that corn svrup was the proper term for glu cose. In one case a chemist inform ed me he -'had- been offered money for such an opinion, but refused it. "When I learned this. I wrote all ibe slate chemists in tlie country, charged -w it b en forcing t be pure food laws,- and put it up to them, - to say whether this was a proper lahel. 'T.vorv one answered in the nega tive and Ihev were not oflered any iliouey liy .ine or any one." ;. Wiley said the president of the ''(irii I'roiliicts Company protested to ibe board ot three cabinet officers, declaring Wiley's appeal to state : ebeniisis was unfair. -. 'Wiley was asked by Secretary W ilsou to slate w hat he had done and he ..supplied Secretary Wilson with bis: letter to. the chemists and wiih a brief to show "corn syrup", was a n illegal .label.'- - , "I bat brief was furnished to the i urn Products ( ompanv. ' said W iley, bill lb'. I'.inery. food c.oni J Continued on Page Two.) 10 THE WOOL BILL Washington, Aug. 17. 'Micro was aii , unexpected move in the Senate When tlie iron and steel amendment; to ibe .cotton bill, offered by Senator liacoii. ol iioorgia. a democrat, was adopted by.voie 2S to Tho Itae.on ' ainendnient is exactly, similar to the Cummins '..amendment'. . .. D generallv hail been supposed the .V-iisilo would adopt the ljaKollette iiniciidnienl. II is 1 1 kel v tins ainend nient will be ottered later as a sub-f-iiiute lor tiie llacon amendment. Ihe amendment bv Simmons, of North Carolina, reducing the duty on certain kinds ol cotton machinery to ,iU per cent ad valorem was car ried Llti 10 22. Togo ltnnqucted Too Much. Rosfon, Mass., Aug. 17 Admiral Togo, suffering an attack of acute in digestion, cancelled all engagements for today. t