He '75? - I (to Associated Press ' Service MsoctiUd ,Pr$& Service Vol, LXX. No. 56. The Weather SHOWERS. RALEIGH, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1911. LAST EDITION PRICE nVE CEUTS Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in Raleigh of any Other Newspaper ft' tv LW EXPECTS TO BE I y Henry Beattie Says He Feels His Story Impressed the Jury and That He Will Be Freed NO COURT HELD TODAY The Accused Mini Says He Believe the July Will ;ivo IMiu a Squuro and That He Will lie Home ... Sunday- All the Evidence In Vc terdny the Judge Adjourned Court Until Tomorrow to Give the Law jern an 0Hrtunity to (Set Their Argument Together Defense Fx. HH'ts to Make its Strongest Tlea on the Dangers of Accepting: Cir. t-iiiiistaiitiiil Evidence. Chesterflold, Va., Sept. 6 "I cx pect to be home Sunday. I feel my story impressed the jury and believe they will give me a -square deal, Henry Clay Beattie, Jr., indicted for murdering his wife, made this confi dent remark, seated in his cell gaz. lug in retrospect at eleven days of evidence, taking which was brought to a close last night. Uneasiness or nervousness were not visible in his countenance or manner. He pos sessed the same outward calm ex hibited sinco the trial began. The court house was clothed in quiet today, Judge Watson having adjourned court until tomorrow The jury has heard all the evidence. It now remains for counsel on both sides to knit together the relevancy of various bits of testimony to con sistent argument. The defense ex pects to make its strongest plea on the danger qI -'accepting circumstan tial ' evidence. , The prosecution's main broadside will : be delivered along the same lines as characterized its, rigid, cross-examination of the prisoner and will predicate the one question of how did the same gun Paul fioattle bought for his cousin Henry, Saturday. July 15th,.- come Into the hands of the, alleged high waynian on Midlothian Turnpike Tuesday night, July 18th. The defense has attempted to puncture the, story of Paul, who not only described the purchase of the gun, but testified about Henry's al leged confession of killing his younj wife. . . '.': : Will Release Blnfoid Girl.' Richmond, Va., Sept. ft Judge Watson declared ' unless something unforseen developed he would issue an order for Beulah Binford s re lease tomorrow. The girl received the newB Joyously.1 When asked if she know anv reason why Bhe ha'l not been' allowed to testify she guess ed they found out enough through other witnesses, "ff Henry Beattie is guilty," she Bald as she leaned over a banister In the jail and talked with several newspaper men, "I should like to soe him punished. I'd say that about any man whether I loved (Continued on Page Five.) Ml HOSIERY 111 FOR HIGH POINT A charter -was issued today to the Ebony Mills Company of High Point, the objects of the corporation being to manufacture, buy, sell or ot.her w'&e dsal in all kinds ' of hosiery. knit goods, yarns, fabrics, etc. The HE SiD nutborlsod capital is $125,000, but (ho corporation may organize and ' begin business when $10,000 is sub . serbod. Tho incorporators are J.'lillip T. Goodwin, J. H. Adams ana ' - Samuel B. Keen, New Orleans, La., and J. E. Mills, High Point. Court to Settle Contest for Office. Denver, Colo., Sept. 6. The con test between Frank S. Hoag and F. S. Kendall for the office of State railway commissioner of Colorado, came up for trial today before Judge Shattuck. Kendall contends that he should have'tbe office because of his election last November, selected for the place by the people of. Colorado. Hoag claims he Is entitled to tt by reason of an appointment by Gov ernor Shafroth under a, law passed by the last legislature making all members of the commission appoint ive. 1 Very few women can take their figures in swimming with them. URGE FARMERS ii 10 ACI WISELY Officers of Wake County Branch of Farmers Union Strong Circular - Letter to Members HOLD COTTON FOR REPORT Producers I rued to Await the De cember He-port ' of Glnners Hclore Rushing Staple to .Market to Feed Hungry Maw of Gamblers Hears Have Contracted for Cotton at II Cents and Farmers Are Warned of This. I'nder date of September 4 Dr. .1. M. Tcmpleton, president, and Mr. T. N. Ivey, secretary of the Wake county branch of the Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America are sending out circular letters urg ing In strong terms the farmers not to sell their cotton- for the low price offered and scoring the July crop re port issued by the government. The tenor of the letter is to save the profits the gamblers expect to make. The circular is as follows: Farmers listen! Wo want to call your attention to what you already know as well as we, not for purposes of Information, but to suggest thought and action. 1 no cotton harvest Is upon us. In few weeks the fiendish market will be Seeking to fill Its great maw. The bears have gained much vantage and are hllarous with the anticipated carnival of low prices. The July crop report, fictitious and unfair to the farmer, served the bear specu-' lators and spinners a good turn. They at onco Inaugurated the strongest campaign of thclrMivcs and are de termined to buy this crop for much less than Its valuo. In twenty days they boat "down the price of cotton nearly $20 per bale. It Is'wcll known they havo sold cotton on the New York Exchange for future delivery for 11c, this they expect to buy for (Continued on Pace Five.) IN INTERESTOF COOKE Greensboro Gentlemen See Governor Kitchin Delegation Presses Claims of (.'nil ford's Cundiiltc All Four Men Well Qualified and Appiiinment of Any .Could not lie HadThe Ap plicants. Another delegation from Greens boro camo to Raleigh today to press the claims of Mr. A. Wayland Cooko to succeed Hon. J. Chawford Biggs who reigned as judge of the ninth Judicial district. Mr. David Stern Baw Governor Kltchln yesterday. The delegation today was composed of Messrs. C. A. Hlnes S. Glenn Brown, W. B. Merrimon and W. H. Swift. Governor Kitchin was told that Mr. Cooke was well Qualified for the honor, that Guilford was tho most. prominent county in the ninth judi cial district and that it did right nobly by him in his contest for gov. ernor. Of the six counties In the district, Guilford produced nearly 4,000 votes, which was nearly one- third of Mr. Kitchln's strength in the district. In addition to this the governor was assured that the Greensboro lawyer's support wdb Bttll strong. Governor Kitchin Is up against strong arguments from tho friends of each of the four candidates and he Is necessarily having a hard time in selecting a judge out of such splendid material. The other appli cants are Messrs. Jacob A. Long, of Graham; . Howard A. Foushee, of Durham, and A. A. Hicks, of Oxford. . Swain the English Channel. London, Sejt. 6 William Bur gess, of Yorkshire swam the English channel from Dover to Cape Grisner. The swimmer landed at Cape C.rls- noz at 10:30 this morning, exactly twenty-four hours after leaving Dover. Another Death From Mushrooms. New York, Sept. 6 Poisonous mushrooms caused another death, making ia total of ten victims since the first of the month. The recent heavy grains brought out an Immense crop of mushrooms, both edible and poisonous, , ;. PLAN FOR FOE SAdE HOMES Sage Foundation Has Broken Silence About Its Plans For model Village IS NOT A CHARITY Homes Will be loi ..People o! AI'Mler ale Means ml ' In -Not a liarity Scheme Rents Will lie Moderate Fiit.Slillirieiil to Make the -Village Sol f-Kiistii'iiing -Homes Will. --he lor People Who Have - t' Choose llctwccn n ( iy A'iai tment and a It. (me I' ins in the Su hiii I.s. New York, Sept. 0 The Sage Foundation has at lust broken its silence regarding lis plans and 'uir Pobcs for the Forest Hills Gardens land development in -Queens, a few miles from Ijong Island City. John M. Glenn, secretary of the Inundation gave out today the first statement on the subject coming from anv one-'connected officially with the Sace Foun dation and having inside iiifornuinoi of lis plans. Mr. GlennStates emphatically Hint tho Sage Company is not in the h-asr decree a charity. Ho savs that it vill not. he conducted as a charity or-even for people, of the .laboring class. It. will bo the home of people of moderate - means who want a ro:.l home and have now, he savs, :o choose between a cit.v apartment or a frame house m a suburb. Mr.- Glenn explains that ..tho ..Satin Foundat ion -and the Sage Foundation (Continued on Pare Five.) Surg x I5 , .-i "' AMdf-v. ."f ...... :. : $&mmmimmt Slix. Hussell Sage, nidow of the tanioiis niillicniaire, who has hern (hrei lum llie application til' the "Sage Foundation" ,f $ 10,01)0,000 iiimI views of the mixlel viMaie, (he latest priijeet fiii.-uii i! Iiv l!ie "I'liundatioii." Itelow is a photogrnph ol a row of houses mill f (oii-l'iictiiiii in the "model village antl a!iove it a skettli ol the tower of the central building of the coiiiiniinifv. I he model building is ilesi'Mii'd to lie a .suburb of Ni-w oi k that will perfectly fill all the demands and nerds ol the average l.-iiuilv. (lie ap'.ii iincnls rent iiiu us low as can be arranged and get a small pn)llt to (he "foundation" which was set aside lor (!ie hriiclil o hiiiiiaiulv without resorting to charity. POLICE AFTER BLACK HARD WITH NEW LAW New York, Sept. C With a well dressed young Italian, believed to be one of the country's master crimi nals, In their clutches, the police are spreading nets for a gang of bomb throwers, blackmailers and kidnap pers who have terrorized the Ital ian settlement here for the past four years. Giuseppi Cnstabilo, who was arrested with a dynaniite bomb se creted under his coat, will be ar raigned today under the new " law, making the mere possession of u deadly weapon a felony. . Retirement of Colonel Taylor. Washington, D. C, Sept. ti Alter torty-four years' service, Col. Syd ney W. Taylor, of the Second Field Artillery, was placed on the retired list today on his own application, Col. Taylor is a native of tho District of Columbia, but was appointed to the army trom New York in 15f7. With tho exception of tliioe years' service in the adjutant general's de partment, his entire service of near ly forty'-flvB years has been In the artillery army. His last command was that of the Department of the Columbia at Vancouver barracks, Washington. - , - ;:'- ill k:tfJ&$F JUL H & ZEPPELIN DIRIGIBLE ON ANOTHER TRIP Ihiden-lliidrn, Germany, Kept. (" The - Zeppelin- dirigible balloon SchwaliDii h'H with seven pnssenge .tins morning on an air vovime.to Berlin. - -The d'snuice ol the promis ed flight i.s three hundred and hltv miles. s s s $ s s :.ci ksiox mucca. AX Among the many points from which excursions have come to llalelult din ing the present sea son ure Slalesvillc, High Point, Graham, Durham, Pntshei'o. Frnnkliiitoii, I.onisbiiru, Ham let, ( lay Ion, V, endell. I.illiiiv'inn, niinpivillr. Wake Forest. San ford, Apev, llillslioro, lliii-liug. ton, Jlet'iillers, (irrens'ioro, lny etteville, ( haljiieate, Middlesex, L'Csville, llrnderson, YAHdoii Oxford, Wilson, and others... 4 Killed in Auto Wreck. Lexington. -Ky., Sept. Riiling ot high "speed in an automobile, which struck n telephone oole, Glenn Elkin was killed,, and three ntlier members ot tao party seriously in jured, '.. ' ' r "S' iMBSWSM.?I .- fa ks x - . ss3ef ;ir" c seaesK-? Him -.'-:.0;-V II ..... jli U W i- ! BAILEY HILL NOT BE E Caiiiesville, Tex.,.. Sept. I! T i:itod .Stales Senator Joseph ' W. ..Bailey1 con finned the announcement' last nifht thai he would not be a candidal-; f:r re-eiect ion 10 the I ni'od Stales t.en Mis term expires March 1!tl3. I'ch- persons knew ol I he seuatirs deierminauon until lodav. It is "aid Halli v Ko to New ork Cll.v to prawice law. 'Announcement of Senator ('.alley's retirement, to. private ''life foree'asls an -usiporlaiit poliliral . el.tiiiKe . in Texas. Bailey s successor will lie tchirled at the .1 ii I v pninaiy. Inwe nien-tsontd- as eaiidulalos nirlade Gov. CoHjuitt, I'onner Governor Canijibell, Colonel Jake Woltcis, lender of the anti-iirohlhltionh tt Th tunas.-. 'Mall, leaders ol tne . 'di vs !, v'onressniaa .KanTiell, ("one 'Johnson' and .1 udge William Poiadexter'.. The latter two were randidate;- for governor at tho last election. . Ajtfd Preui her Dt'ad, Hudson, Mich., Sept. 0 Rev Don ald II. Sliier, of Latidrum, S. C, w-ns found dead in bed at a friend's home here. Shier was 70 years of age. He was a member ot the . Methodist Kpiscopal coiUorcucc for many year$, . F Commissioners Say They Will Listen tc Compromise From County Board of Health THE MATTER DISCUSSED l.isoliKions Pas-ill Iiv J'oavd ot lie. ill ?: Not Presented Ti'd-iV, lint liisleail Mr, Jurtd Anpeareil as ( Kieir a ml Asked il Frzhl Could Xol lie I ii.'ii'd oniiiiissioiiers . V.av llereive lniposMi'iu. : If the Wake county board of health has a definite, proposition' to submit to the.. Wake. county board ot commis sioners. Jet n. bring the propositions lorward; - otherwise, there is little to lie expected. This in brief-was the situation this aMeriidon wnh reg-"-l to the fight being waged between - the , commis sioners and health board over the mtuler ol a count v -superintendent of lu.-alih. The resolutions passed at Hie meeting of the board of health yesterday were not presented today, Mr. 7.. V. Jiidd, superintendent of public instruction, coming belore the coin niissioners and asking if there was not sonic ground on which a compromise satisfactory td ail parties could be affected. . ('oiiiniiMsioncr Ilrewer suggested that two members l'rcjin each-board meet and' work out. a - compromise.. As for himself he thought. StiOO v;u; enough to liay the county physician, hut for : the sake ':;of. harmony, lie "vouiil lie aide to go a little bit more."- Mr. 13. ('. Beckwttli. county at torney, suggested that the two boards might have a sort, of Portsmouth peace conference, except in this case that, tile .members, meet, as patriotic citi zens and not in their Official Capacity. Then if any forward steps were taken i Cont inued on Page Slx.1 Colored Bellboy Plays With Loaded Pistol Waller Saunders,' Colored. Presses Trigger m Kxpcrt .'Mai.ner, lint Weapon Discharges Hull Into His leg as .Native ol ( lavton. Waller Saunders, colore-,!'. ..'bellboy at . the Kaleigii Hotel, Was deiiion sirating his prowess with a pistol Sunday morning... lie would pre. :; the trigger . just,, enough to cause, t:ie liLiininer to sti'iliii,. the can . oi the cariridge wilhoiil . liriiig the bullet. Walter did this several . t iiues, : and nil the time the weapon was pointing at his leit leg. At. the Ihs!. demon stration .the bullet, fired. ' l:c ball en t (M ing ".lis. left ieg just betow , t lie straddle and Walter was carried to St. 'Ascnc "Hospital to be trealed. Ai il ; i;ii. ii'clocl; last ''night Waller Saui'iti'ers (lied as the result' of lils wound, heiiibrriiage .causing. deal h. Karly in tiie nflenioon . he . Was thought to be dohg well, but his -'condition, crew worse as night came cli and at tr.n the end cam". 'Walter was a native o' laMon, Johnston county and came here trom New Hern, where his people live. He was about "1 'years-old. 1 ho body-was taien to' Clayton this at ternoon. for burial. l:i:.l) AI Tllll TFX-D.VY Sl.l'.liP, FPorls to Waken Singer Futile and 'Irance Proves l.'atal. Chicago. Sent. f Alter a ten-day sleep, trom which physicians were unable to arouse her, Josephine Cor bel known on the stage as Genevieve de Forrest.-'died yesterday. For three vears Hie swiger had suf fered trom ulcer oi the siotuach. Ten davs njro. while suffering much pain, Miss de Forres! tell into a deep slumber. At lust this was thought to Jio a good sign. Hour ntler hour passed, however, and she continued to Bleep. Efforts were made by nurses to awaken her. Physicians were called, -but 'every ef fort proved futilo. Young man, beware of sweethearts ORTH i TERMS with sour dispositions, FOR II Entertainment Committee Met This Morning and -Began Preparations ; Opening Ceremonies BUILDING ABOUT READY Fntei'laiiiineiit Committee Met This Morning' and Itegail Outline of Plans for Fitting Observation of the Opening of tho New Municipal Itiiil(iiig--PIaiis are for Most Kiab orate I'liiicdonsChalrninn Prawn ol Commit tee, IKsirons of Receiv ing' Suggx"' ions From Anyone That Might Help Them in Their Work HiiildliiK Will lie Heady. Chairman.' Wade It. Brown, of the entertainment committee of the chamber of commerce, speaking this morning .of the dedication ceremonies and festivities attending the open ing of Raleigh's magnificent audi torium, said that tho committee met at 11 o'clock this morning and be gan active work, preparing plans for the most elaborate functions ever undertaken in Raleigh. Serving on the entertainment committee with Mr. Brown is Col. J. E. Pogue and W. II. Bagley. This committee has been vested by the municipal build ing commission and tho board of aldermen and chamber of commerce with lull authority to take charge ot and -prepare' for both ceremonies at tending the dedication of tho state's greatest auditorium and entertain ments of magnitude for the opening week. '.'Chairman Brown announces that the .committee is desirous of receiv ing suggestions in wrltng Irom any one believing that thoy have an lda that, will aid in making the week a greater success. At the, chamber of commerce rooms tho committee has opened headquarters, and will active ly push the publicity work ns eoon ai; details are formulated. The con tract for the seats was awarded An' gust. !Cth and a guarantee was given by the state representatives of the manufacturer that the seats would be in position in the auditorium by October 1st. The auditorium Con tractors advise that the building is practically in readiness, the only ad ditional work necessary,, preparatory to the opening is tho completion of the wiring, and additional coat of slain on a portion of the '. wool work. The municipal building commission was created by the state legislature and is composed of Col. C. E. John son, chairman; Messrs. Josephus Daniels, Jos. 0. Brown, John C Preivry and Albert 1,. Cox. Tho com mittee on the part, of the board of aldermen, representing the city In building matters, Is composed of Mayor Jas. I. Johnson, Aldermen, W. A. Cooper, C. A. Johnson and Jos. C. Ellington. The auditorium will ac commodate 5,000 people. ADVERTISE RALEIGH AND WAKE COUNTY Secretary Olds of the chamber ot commerce has sent to Mr. M. V. Richards, the widely known land ii nil industrial agent of the1 Southern Hallway a very lino collection of photographs illustrating Raleigh and Wake county. These will be used in making stereoptican viewtf to be shown at the groat' exposition at Madison Square Garden, Now York City, and afterwards In many other cities in the county. Secretary Olds has made up two sots of photo graphs which will be , used In tbe same way in tho west and south west. Raleigh Is certainly being well advertised. To Start Ii Follctte IJoom. Minneapolis Minn., Sent. 6. Pro gressive Republicans of Minnesota ar0 expected to assemble in force here ..tomorrow, for the State meet ing and banquet designed as a send- off lor Ux Follette boom tor Presi dent, pearly all of the Republican governors, senators' and representa tives of tbiq section of tile country" Who have aligned themselves with the progressive win of. their oartv have been Invitd to attend the earn. ering and number of them haV ac cepted Invitations' to speak at tha banquet, r 1 r i 7' tr j i

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