77ir2r " Press Strike Vol MOC. No. 64. The WeatherFAEfc. t RALEIGH,' N. Q.,FBg)AY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1911. LAST EDITION PRICE FIVE CjETO Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in Raleigh of ariy Other Newspaper BLAMES NOT WILEY Which One Will Win the Fifty Thousand 'Dollars? Pure Food Expert Will Not Bel Med to Resign From the Government Service "SQUARES" THE BOARD Recommendation of Personnel Hoard and Attorney General Wlckersliain Overruled by tli President and He Gives Praisc Instcnd of Criticism to Dr. U'ilcy He "Squares" the Board However, by Intimating that They Did Not Know that Dr. Wiley Vcrtluni, France, Sept. 15Th machine of M. Niuport. aviator, whs caught in a gust of wind as the air man rose for a flight and capsized The aeroplane was smashed. Nie port was unconscious when taken from the wreckage. Italian Caught With Honib. New York, Sept. 15 Another young Italian was caught with linillh n lila nniono.lAn thn ttnll.i Ilushy Matter Hints of General aged eighteen, had applied a match Sliakc-l'p In Department Next to the sputtering fuse, but the de- Winter. . tectives extinguished it. Beverly, -Mass., Sept. 15.- The re signation of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chemistry bureau chief and the gov ernmcnt's bost known pure food ex port, will not be asked . by President Hurt in Auto .Vcident. Ponghkeepsle, N. Y., Sept. 16 I Two are dying and two others sen ously hurt, as the result of an auto mobile accident last night. A six fyllndcr touring car crashed into Taft, despite the recommendations ot a treo running thirty miles an hour. the agricultural department person nel board and endorsed by Attorney Ooncral Wlckershaw. The President's opinion, in a let ter to Secretary Wilson, made pub " lie today, sets aside the recommen dation of the board and gives praise instead of criticism to Dr. Wiley. He "squares" the attorney general and board, however, by expressing tho belief that the veport would have been dilflferent if all the facts had been known ' WJJsy was. charged with conspir ing with Dr. Kebler, drug laboratory chief and Dr. Bigelovr, assistant chemistry bureau chief, to employ Dr. H. H. Rusby, a prominent New York pharmacognosy, at sixteen hun dred dollars yearly salary, with the distinct understanding that Rusby should give the bureau only service that would be compensated for at the rate of twenty dollars a day for laboratory work and llfty dollars for court attendance. Tho law limits the pay if scientific InveHtlg'ators to nine dollars a day. Dr. Wiley had no op portunity to answer the charges un- . til the case went to the President Then ho specifically denied know ledge of the Rusby secret under standing. The President linds that this is a fact and- that Rusby wa: ignorant of tho legal restriction. Ho finds Kebler guilty of "disln genuous conduct" on account of let ters to Rusby suggesting willingness to "resort to evasion," and directs a reprimand for him. secretary Wilson Is directed to reprimand BigeJow, too, for "over- zealousness." The personnel board and . the attorney general rocom mended the dismissal of tltisby and Bigelow and the reduction of Keb ler, but the President declares a pre cedent for the employ of exports not giving their whole time to the gov- iTho car was smashed into kindling. Earthquake At Iquique. Iqiiique, Chile, Sept. 15 An earthquake was felt here today: The walls of many buildings were crack ed and several persons were injured PASS THROUGH RALEIGH New York Woman and Two Children On Long Tour Left New York Ten Days Ago for St Petersburg, Flu., to Spend Winter Arc Delighted With Trip Through South A Short Stop Here. Mrs. F. E. Van Mcerbeko and. two children, of Now York City, accom panied by her brother-in-law, Mr. F. H. Van Mecrbeke, passed through Raleigh today in an Overland auto mobile en" route to St. Petersburg, Fla., whore.Uhey will spend the win ter.. They left the metropolis ton days ago and are making the jour ney at easy stages, time not being an object with them. Tho Automo bile route was used on account of Mrs. Van Meorbeke's health. ... Mr. Van Mecrbeke said today that the trip hud been thoroughly enjoy ed by the entire party. The automo bilo is equipped with two chairs, which are strapped on the mud guard, and carries ail useful articles fo ra trip of this kind. The party spent lust night at Wake Forest and were well pleased with their stop there. - I ':-A'-V('itrfif;'" :.:.t vt"". S Jiliimy Wind, the yoiil hf ul contest- ? nut for the $."(), OOO ci-oss-coiitiiiint J prize, who .stinted Irom .New lurk hi 5 $ liis biplane on Wednesday (.V;il. i i ill) lor his trip to 1am Angeles ami S $ San Fruni iseo by way of Chinigo. i l .-..Aviator Fouler, .who started Tues- f day, ScplfiiibiT t'2, on his evoss-i-on- 5 i 1 1 licit t Ihlit i 1 0111 San l-'raiieiseo lo J J Neiv oi-k. lor tile Hearst prize of $ $o(,(HI(. I 5 GOV. HARMON COMING Ohio Executive Will Speak Here During Fair Week Due of Two Presidential Proba bilities Speak ut roiiiids -on Wednosdiiy, October IKth Has J!cen a (.'rent Force in His State '...... HI;; C'ruwdH to HlW Him. The weather has been ideal for an erriment at annual salaries was jset ajitomobile tour and every member in the creation of the Remson board or tn party has improved en route. of pure food experts. The machine made 115 miles yester- The President says specifically day. Mr. Van Meerbcke said that he that this decision dos not dispose of dla not know when they would rench tho broad question "develoiied in the lorida. They are well pleased to jog along. The tourists were greeted here by a large number ' of persons. - The machine was stopped In front of the postofflce on Martin street, Mrs. Van Meerbeke and the children did some 1 shopping and the uncle mailed a score of postal cards of North Caro lina scenes. . congressional investigation and hints at a general shake-un in agricultural department next winter." The" bread questions" Involve the bitter tued (Continued on Page Five.) THIS THE PRESIDENT'S 54TH ANNIVERSARY Beverly, Mass., Sept. 15 This was President Taft'B 64th birthday. The president played golf at Myopia. Representative Nicholas Longworth was a luncheon guest. .. , The president leaves tonight on his ot self-protection Is expected In Ran- Kice Famine In Philippines, Manila, Sept. 15. A rice famine threatens the Philippines. The staple price is already . above previous records. It Is advancing by leans. The supply on hand now is limited. The likelihood of a famine led Indo china and Slam to prohibit- the ex portation of rice. Similar measures western trip. Congratulatory messages poured into the executive offices from all 1 over the world, One from King Ctorge V. of England, read: "Bal moral Castle, President of the United States: "I have great pleasure in ending you most hearty cougratu- goon. Lieutenant Smith Will Resign. Washington, D. C. Sept. 15- Lleutonant Roy C. Smith, recontly at tached to the. Saratoga flagship of Rear Admiral Murdock, of Asiatic lations on the anniversary of your fleet, against whom serious charges birthday, and trust the friendly re- have been preferred, Is expected to latlonfe exiting between . our two reach San Francisco tomorrow. It countries may ever continue.''' is expected he wll Iresign immediate ly. ) Navy , officials decline to dis- Vhere a woman Is so often right is I cuss the charges, which, It Is said, pever acting on Judgment, ar very Brave, , a Col. Joseph E. Pogre, secretary ot the North Carolina State Fair, 'an nounced last night that Gov. Judson Harmon of Ohio, had accepted an 1 invitation to speak at. the lai grounds Wednesday, October Uth. :he Ohio executive is at present looming up as a most conspicuous candidate lor the presidency on H10 Democratic ticket and what lie will have to say hare will be received with nusual interest, lie and Gov. Wood- row Wilson are the only two men considered seriously tor first place on the national ticket. Although the Ohio governor has not talked as much as somo gover nors his record has nevertheless. been a brilliant one. The greatest re form accomplished during Ms ad ministration, so political writers say, h&8 been the equalisation of taxes a feat tnat should he do nothing else, would carry his name into his tory as ono of the greatest conbtruc tive statesmen of the age. At pres ent Governor Harmon is attending the house of governors at Spring Lake, N. J, , His presence here will undoubted ly attract a large crowd and thou sands of North Carolinians will he present to hear him. DAN IS Judge Peebles Declares That Mrs. Fleming Is Not Guilty of Immoral Conduct CUSTODY OF CHILDREN STOLYPiN WILL SURVIVE HIS WOUNDS Vlev, Russia, Sept. 15 There ap pears grounds for hope that Premier Stolpln would for the third time sur vive an assassin's attack. He' was fired upon at close range by Lawyer Begrof as he sat defenseless In the municipal theatre .last night. The premier escaped With two wounds, neither of which, it Is said, is ne cessarily fatal. The surgeons deem ed an operation unnecessary. After Spirited Legal ISnltli', Kveiy Inch of (iroiind lieing liotlv Con tested by Attorney- on Itolli Sides, Sirs. I'leniliin Wins Not .-Only Her Children, lint p. Complete ii-dira-tion of the Clmrjjes Aguiust Her Sensation Marked Second Ninlifs llattle Telegram' lieceiveil Saving N. It. Sandy Was Coin k led ol Larceny and Served Four .Months. 5- j $ -s ' $ $ ? -i '-' . '' ' . .ii - .'We are still "in the. ilrht," declared. Mr. W. C. Douglass, of counsel for Percy R. Fleming, today, when seen on his return irom Sinitlifield, where last nighl. the - Fleming - matter was " passed upon by Judge Peebles. The attorneys for the husband will appeal to the supreme '? court, niid the case will come up. if the records are finished, p. when the appeals from the sixth district are heard in Oc- tolier. Mr. Fleming will enter. a cross-action for divorce, but this cannot be done until the s-' statutory limit, which is six months, is complied with. J $ $ ? Q $ $ $ .$ $ TO MEETJMIIGHMOID Governors' Conference In Virginia Next Year w Middle Atlantic Meet. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 15 Many star athletes are In Philadelphia to participate in the annual outdoor championships of the Middle Atlan tic Association of the Amntner Ath letic tin Ion, which will take place here tomorrow, (Dy Staff Correspondence.) Smithfiold. N. C, Sep't. 15 In room 14 of the Smithfiold hotel last night was -seen a Bight that was never before witnessed in the little hotel. There, gathered to gether were Mrs. Fleming, her sisler. Miss Pauline Crouch, her attorneys Herbert E. Norrls and Col. John W. Hinsdale, a happy group for they had just won the suit for the pos session Of the children. Col. John Hinsdale was singing, Solicitor Nor rls wanted to dance. The occauio;i was an unusual one. Thesecond night's battle In the fight of Mrs. Nelle Claire Fleming to regain her two children, George Mortimer and Nelle Bryan before Judge Peebles and- alimony pending the suit tor CCviiUfeued on Pg Two.) Next Annual' onlei ence m die Soiillnin City December ;l, !M'J Coiiinullcc to M;il,e I'lea lo l-'el-rial Supreme odrt lipids Meetnm (iovcrnoc llai'inoii's iews. .Si-ling Lake. X. .1.. !-V;i:. 1 Th,. newly ai))Ointeil eoniinHvee .of" 'three governors- to pr e-ii, on i.elialf of i went y-lour slates :i i lea to the led cral supreme court Tpi the protect ipn of states ris.Hs . met . in executive session toiliiy. Governoi- Harmon, cliairniaii, . de cided to map out :ii. (inee a line ol procedure. lie iv.is e-iporiailv de sirous of conterring itli In.; collea guns, Govei-iinrs 1 iatllt?.' ami Alilneh, bol'ord his departure !'or KnoxvHle. "The iiropositioa is a inatter of fact pne,v. he 'said.' ' ' Tile .slates arc vitally interested, i'lictv is nothing radical or revolutionary ;n tlieir tai ing their plea beioie the supremo. court. ''As to the method in . which will bo done, J cannot see that it snoniil cause surprise. I ne iiovcrnor is certainly, representative ot the en tire stale and by Irtue ol Ills olllce is enrrusled with the. duty, of see ing that the st ate's Interests .are pro tected. : "Seme lolks may .s-iv that 1 have lieconie radical but as a matter ot fact, I am simplv pursuing the policy I have advocated tor years, protec tion for stale's rights.' The governors In executive sotston today decided to hold their next an nual ccnterence at Hk iimoiid. V11., December :!, 1912. SECO ND INQUEST M s. " ' OS MYSTERY USI cm 11 ' The oldest building in Unlelgli, tht home -of Joel Lane, who in 17!)t sold to the suite the land on wlucli Kill eij;li stands, is being removed iron lliivlan .Avenue lo west Harnett street, not far away. The exact date of the building Is not known, but . it wits built long belore the War ot the Kcnolution. Some vears apo the hit" N. (!. Manila! made a vei-v fine etching ol 11. 'I lie building site was koIcL las! summer and. a liaiidsonie dwelling is to lie eref-ted on if. It is very grutilying that the old litiilding is to be preserved It is beliig'inoved in two sei nous and will lie card ill- Iv rt'slore l. Hf. - -.interior is: -. vcrv fpiaint. i.l---si-iV . fi:r a fenl.i'.i-y . the lipviie of some of the well Known Boylnn fai'hUy, long so i.ro;iiinet in the life of R:ileieh. .Tile flrrf- court house of tins countv stood In the fear ol the old house. Diehard Olney T( A ears Old. l-'almor.ih, Mass., Set it. 1 .". The Don. Iticliard Olnev, who was at torney general aii-1 liter s-eeretarv of state under President Cleveland, I odav celebrated his seveiity-ixth birthday, anniversary at. his summer home hero. T Believed That The Ictjuiry Be gun Today Will Fa the Efeme For Young Grfs Death AFFAIR ABOUT SOLVFD Bank In British Columbia Cleaned Out Three Men Knlered Die Dank, Ulcw Open the milt anil Took 'Most ol the Cash Lett .S2, ( Where -They Piled Their Loot and Other WKH.HOO ill Vault. GREAT PROPERTY LOSS FROM ANGRY VOLCANO Catania, Sicily, Sept. 15 Clouds of smoke from Mt. Etna made the nt.mostphere intolerable. The vol cano continued to throw out lava, cinder and ashes from the craters and a hundred new fissures The river of lava flowing to the north separated into four main streams. Tho largest stream is moving towards Alcantara. It is estimated the present erup tion has caused a property loss of $20,000,000. Thiiiy.Five Missionaries Sail. Boston, Sept. 15 Thirty-five mis sionaries, the largest, party ever sent to foreign fields by American Bap tist Foreign Missionary Societies left this morning for foreign lands, New Westminister, R. C, Sept. 15 - . Three hundred and . twenty thousand dollars 111 cash were stolen from the Hank of Montreal early today. The robbers escaped. Three men entered the bank by an un protected rear windoWj dug through the brick wall into Hie vault, wrecked the cage door, blew open the sa(3 riul took approximately $320,0110 in gold and currency. They left $20, O0i) In gold on Ihe bed where they piled their loot-, and $80,000 more unmolested in the safe. The Chinese ca-etaker n;ipeared and gave the iHarin, alter working loose from the bo'uls with which lie was tied. Chief of I once Uradsliaw .hurried to the scene. All available ol beers were pressed into service. From the thor oughness of the job and tho tolls with which the work was done, the of ficers believe the same gang which lias been at work in Vancouver did the work here. It Is impossible to t ,v when (be men effected an. en trance in to the bank. It. is pre sumed it was about 4 o'clock tins morning. When the Chinese janitor arrived lie found the robbers. Tie was sandbagged, gagged and tied lo n tlialr. Then the robbers proceeded to col loci:. ..the gold and bills in the vault and left the building taking more tl'.in a quarter million and leaving about $10(1,000 in the vault behind. I snallv there is ft watchman 011 the premises, but he was on a vacation. It is evident the robbers knew this. Iilailkets from his bed were used to deaden the noise of the explosion. After a survey bv the bank officials it was officially stated the robbers stole at least $320,000. i Known How the I'nfortnnate i oung Girl Met Her Duutii and it Is lielieved the Oflieers Know Who the Principals Wero in Her Undo ing and that Arrests Will Follow the Investigation Tody Every, body Who Possibly May Know Something of tile Case JJeimg Examined. , ltovnig Hoiils on Program. New York, Sept. Ki. With the conclusion of tonmht'E contest be tween Carl Morris. Oklahoma's slant and Jim Flynu. the P112I1I0 heavy weight, boxing fans will turn to the bout between "Abe Attell, feather weight champion snil Matt Wells, English lightweight title holder. scheduled for Thursday night. Cow Clot Drunk on Sour Apples, Campvllle, Conn., Sept. 15 An unusual case of Intoxication has been presented to the authorities. The victim is a blue-ribbon cow owned by a local farmer. The cow was dis covered staggering along the road. The cow's spree was due to over indulgence in sour apple. Hendersonville, N. C, Sept. 15 Solicitor Hail Johnson and Detective Uradlord announce the case of the state is complete and startling de velopments will be made at coroner's second inquest this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the mysterious murder case of Myrtle Hawkins. The body will not be exhumed. - . Arrests are expected to follow im mediately. The town is much ex cited. Officers are busy serving subpoenas. Many wild rumors are atloat. The theory of murder being worked upon is that Miss Hawkins was criminally operated on by a mid wife Thursday night in a home near Osceola Lake. Death resulted from an anesthetic and the dead body was taken to the woods. Three days later It was thrown into the quiet lake where It was" found Sunday morning. Evidence is at hand to show con clusively where Myrtle Hawkins spent Thursday. The most important witnesses at the inquest will be C.eorge Bradley, an intimate friend of Myrtle's who was married several months ago, Mrs. Beatrice McCall, a lite long friend, Ab McCall her husband and Dan McCall, a brother. The woman who is suspected of com mitting the criminal operation may not testify. Story From Asheville. Asheville, N. C, Sept. 1 5. The second Inquest into the murder of Myrtle Hawkins ot lat Rock, began this' atternoon about three o'clock. and is expected to disclose many things suspected by oflieers and the general public. It appears the mys tery is virtually solved in that it is now known how she met death and tlie authorities uave strong suspi cions as to who are principally im plicated, although no names have been made public. It occasioned 10 surprise when it practically was determined that woman is directly responsible for tho crime, that a man is Implicated and others'-may be drawn info the ailair. Hearing weightily on fhe case Is the statement of Iowi-3 Ander, who heard a top buggy near the place where it is thought the body was placed, for. a time about 3 . o'clock Thursday morning. He heard the toji racking the branches of trees. 1 ho authorities are seeking informa tion from all in the vicinity and thought George Bradley, who with his wile, lives near- Kd.. McCall and wile, inuy have important knowledge bearing directly on the (Continued on Pare FlveO ARE STILL Cf lira VOTES L'l TllE Portland, Malno, Sept. 15 Unoffi cial returns of Monday election In dicate a majority in favor ot the re tention of the prohibition clause in the constitution of 361 votes, with seven towns in dispute, as compared with returns now being compiled Augusta. The vote rrom these towns, it is said will be sufficient to over throw the majority of 134 in faVor of tho repeal as sjiown by the. sec retary or staters figures. It how ,rs jnains only tor 'the govefndr ad council to canvaBS their returns which are the only absolutely offi cial figures. " . ' v : : i- u ' ,. .-.j .- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M.' FerrH. who have been visltina; Mr. FerrelPa parents, have gone to Albany, 04.',, where Mr. Ferrell wilt practice -law,