THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1911. 7 flt o in iYc lirtmctnli comes from food which has fermented. , UUS ID llie OlUmaCn rid of m!l badIy digested matter aa quickly as possible if you would avoid a bilious attack. SIMMONS RED Z .:: LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) Is a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It is a liver tonic first of all and the liver is always effected when the stomach goes wrong. It puts life in a torpid liver, hel os digestion, sweeten j the breath, clears the complexion of sallowness, relaxes the bowels and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. Sold h Dealers. Price, Large Packanc. Sl.OO. Alk for the fenuine with the Red Z on the label. If yon rannoj fret it. remit to us, we will tend It by nail pontpatd. Simmons TJrer Regulator Is pat op also In liquid form for those who prefer 11 Price jH.OO per bottle. Look for the Red 2 label. I. H. ZEILIiN & CO., Proprietors, St. Louis. Missouri We Carry a Complete Line, and are the exclusive Agents for the See Our Window Display. SPECIAL OFFER CLOSED WELL Last Night a Busy One, Lodges Benifitted By Special Offer T AT Three Murder Trials to Be Heard CONTEST CLOSES OCT. 2 Contest Will Close October Hijil, Not September 30th, ns Whs First TlioiigliU-ReHwins Interest Great on SpeclHl Oft'ei Tlic Stumling. Judge Peebles Presiding and Solid tor Herliert E. Norris Prosecuting A Crowded ; llocket Big Crowd in Attendance. DINNER FORJETERANS Durham Soldiers Given Bar becue and Brunswick Stew GET YOUR NEMO and THOMPSONS Glove Fitting Corsets At our store? Now Models . Greatest Corset values on the market today. Perfect comfort and style for every figure. Prices "raugo. from K.00 to 50c. Full stock of Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Cases, Comforts, Quilts, Curtain Goods and wearables for the schoolboy or girl. HUNTER-RAND COMPLY NEW FALL PICTORIAL PATTERNS. WATCHES WHERE ABSOLUTE PRE CISION IS REQUIRED MAH LER'S SPECIAL IS PRK FERRE!). . ' FOR A CJOOD, ACCURATE TIME KEEPER, OUR 20 YEAR GOIiWj-FILLED, 7 JEWEL WALTHAM WATCH FILLS THE BILL. $10.00. H. MAHLER'S SONS OPTICIANS English AUover Hats for Fancy Fall Dress Only $3.00 "We are the exelusive on this make of these Hats in Ealeigh. y They are fine for Fall wear; soft and eapy-wear-ing, yet as durable as a Regal Shoe (we sell Regals.) This assortment has just been placed for selling. Don't wrait until it has been picked to pieces. THE EXCLUSIVE FURNISHING SHOP. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON. r,v ' v . FURNISHINqS FOR MEN. FayettevUle Street . - . ...... Raleigh, N. C. It has been suggested, and wisely, that the contest close at eight o'clock Monday night, October i'nil, :ind it has been decided to do so, aa this will give you the opportunity of se curing Saturday's receipts, also Sat urday night is a busy night for some of the leaders, and so they could not well devote Hie" time it will lake up to the final count. The contest will therefore close Monday night, eight o'clock, sharp, October 2nd.. Last night at nine o'clock the great opportunity of the lodge con test closed, with a flourish, and it's conclusion causes the management to get an idea that some lodges think the piano can and will be won by coupons clipped from the paper, or that there is no use for the little ones to run as the big lodges have the advantage. Every Lodge the Same. Every lodge has the same opportunity.-. The piano is not going to be bought. To help boost and give the smaller lodges the opportunity "to. catch "P and pass the larger ones, we are going to put on another and better special offer starting Monday, and ending Tnui's'lay, September 2Tth, just three days before the final close. Now it these smaller lodges .will get receipt books, read Satur day's announcement : and line up in preparation for this great battle, of ten days, there is no reason why some cue of them may not win the prize. It only needs systematic work ing among your friends by your members. Watch Thursday's Paper. Saturday (tomorrow) Times will give you full particulii is of this spe cial offer, so be sure to get a copy" and see that your friends get one. The schedule of votes, now is the same as before the special offer, and so one opportunity of securing votes has been lost by those who did not take advantage of it. How They Stand. The following Is the standing of the lodges up to 5 p. m. last nightr. Household of Ruth, No. 116, O. U. O. O. F. ... . . .41.5SO Hope for All, G, U. Q. O. K. .;!2,S2U Tent Sisters . . . i, . 30,400 Eastern Star, Masons . . .. 2 D.Xi o 0 Richard Allen Lodge, K. of P.17,700 Good Samaritan , . . . . .16,300 Widows' Sons, No, 4, Masons. 15, 790 Knights of King David . . .15,570 Jerusalem, No. 6. ' . . , ; . I3,fl00 Knights of Gideon . . . ,12,500 Oak City Lodge", Masons . ,11,500 Excelsior Lodge, No. 21, Ma- .. (By Staff Correspondence.) Smithfield, N.-.C., Se)t. 15 Crim inal .term of Johnston superior court Is in session here, liisllng probably two weeks, the docket being exceed Ingly crowded. With Judge R. B Peebles on the beiK'li and Solicitor Herbert Ev Norrls on duly, cases are being put off the reel ;is fast as pos sihle to finish the docket in due time A tremendous crowd Is here in nt tendance upon court ;md the little ground surrounding the small court house is full of people. Three murder trials are on docket One scheduled for Saturday morn ing. one for Monday and the third Tuesday. One of these has some in tercst around Raleigh, the deed hav ing, been committed near there, and the readers hf the Raleigh papers are probably familiar with the facts. A A. Jernigan is charged with the mm der ot Albert Todd, on the night of July 1st. hear Wendt li. They had been to a fish fry with a crowd and were returning, when a dispute arose between Jernigan and Todd, and ended with Jernigan stabbing Todd with a knife In the breast, near the heart. He lingered along for several days and died. Jernigan escaping. The country round about w as thor oughly searched by officers. Final ly a reward was offered for his cap ture, Some time later Jernigan was captured near Bunn, : in Franklin county, and brought hero, where ho was lodged in jail. The grand jury has returned a true bill against, him and Saturday morning begins the fight for his life. He claims he kill ed Todd in self-defense. Solicitor H. E. Norris is assisted by Attor ney- Edward Smith, of Lillington. in the prosecution, while Jernigan is de fended by Ray and Harris, and Able and Ward. A spirited legal battle is expected, as both sides are represent ed by able attorneys. ucner cases on.. me - docket are without any peculiar interest to the public In general. The grand jury has returned true bills against several for selling cigar ettes to minors. Lawyers are in attendance from Raleigh; Solma, Dunn, Benson, Ken ly and other places. : sons , . . , . . : . Virtu Lodge, G. U. O. O. F. King Sojpmon. k; of P. . True Reformers. . Stark's Lodge, K. of P. . Sunbeam of the East .. . .10,500 .10,500 . 9,210 , 3,210 . 4,850 , 3,900 Army of the Potoinnc. Providence, R. I., Sept.' 15.-Many distinguished veterans of the civil war are in Providence participat ing in the annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Potomac. This faorning was given up to the business of the meeting, but tonight and tomorrow the visitors -will enjoy entertainment provided for them by the city and, citizen.?. , Digestion and Assimilation, It Is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and as similated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigor ate the stomach and liver and en able them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by all dealers. Pdverty hath its own reward. A poor man Isn't asked tn contribute to ai campaign fund. A Fierce Night Alarm. is the hoarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester, O., (R. R. No. 2) for their four children were greatly sub jected to croup. . "Sometimes in se vere attacks," he wrote "we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Vr King's New Discovery is, we have no fear.- We rely on It for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you. .' Asthma, Hay fever, La Grippe, Whooping Cough, Hemorrhages fly before it. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by King-Crowell Drug Company. Mexican Celebration Abandoned. City of Mexico. Sepr. 15. Today marked the beginning of ttie annual celebration of Mexican Independence uay. ai me instigation of the-, au thorities the customary celebration throughout the republic were modi fied or abandoned altogether, i wing to the present disturbed conditions and also to the fact that in previous years the holiday has included the birthday celebration in honor of President Diaz. The La-Fos Way. If you had a medicine that would strengthen the liver, the stomach, the kidneys, and the bowels, and at the same time make you strong with a systematic tonic, don't you believe you would soon be well? That '8 "The Lax-Fos Way.". We ask you to buy the first bottle on the money-back plan, and you will ask your druggist to sell you the second,-.-.- It keeps your whole Insldes right. There Is nothing else made like Lax-Fos. '. Remember the name LAX-FOS. It is so easy for a girl to make her hair seem to curl that it would be mock modesty for her not to say it does It. naturally. ; GOOD FO R 10 V O T E S I N THE Tl M ES C0NTE ST FOR COLORED LODGES Xante of Lodge . . . ,......,.....,..... ... ...... , . .' . . SetTftory ... . ........... ... MAV UK TURNED IN BV ANYONE. NOT GOOD AFTER SEP VV TEMBKR 2:1. Dinner Also for the Women of the Old Ladies Home I'lcnty lo lOat For Everybody and Lots Lett Oca Hi of a Little Child ISojs Didn't Go to Circus. (Special to The Times.) Durham, Sept. 15 Two notable dinners yesterday, given by the King's Daughters to the ladies of the old ladles home, and by the United Daughters of the Confedaracy, the Julian S. Carr chapter, to the veter ans, made Lakewood Park the most attractive place in the county. Published announcement had been made of the big barbecue and hruns wiek stew to the soldiers. The ex tending of the invitation to all of the ' ly all "of the Carolina men being back and in fair shape. Leo, who pitched the entire season with out a loss, winning about nine, of his games with an aggregate score not exceeding 7 runs, will be in the box for Chapel Hill. Swink will catch him and Bull Hasty, Edwards, and perhaps two more University men, will play. Rube Howard will pitch for the hosiery mill and Ben nett will catch. The game will bo called at four o'clock in the afternoon and it ought to be one of the best of a good sea son. After these games have been played, Manager Tom tfoss, will ar range a series with Trinity College. There will lie playing as long as the National and American League are at work. -. Mrs. Lora Lvon Ferguson left yes terday -.morning for 'Washington, N. ('., ana New Hern, between which places she will alternate in the teaching ''of. domestic, science. Mrs. Ferguson has been specially trained for this .work and h;s bad (lie advantage of practical experi ence in it. She is giltcd with 1111 doubted ability to teach and sb m'd make the two schools one of their most valuable teachers. Khe will old fighters In the rnnntrv hrmipht many from the rural precincts and ' 0,";'in wol k ,ne "f nn!tt wt"k they enjoyed it as they have been pleased with few things since they came home from the war. Tables forming almost a square, were made and benches were placed by them so that the soldiers might enjoy the dinner in comfort. As handsome a service as could be given them, was theirs and they ate a dish that they have rarely tasted before. All of the veterans were appro priately tagged when they went out. and a great, display of badges was made. Both young and younger daughters of the confederacy, be stowed these and heightened the pleasure of the moment by accepting them from tho daughters of their comrades in war. There was music, there was dancing, there were speech es and a little of everything to make it a happy incident in tho lives of the old men. General Carr was with them but had to fill a down town engagement, so that the programme was shortened by his going away. Later in the afternoon, the King's Daughters had as guests, all the resi dents In the old ladies home. Unfortunately for both the old ladies and old gentlemen, the joint dinner had not been thought of un til the second was in progress. There was almost a wail then. There was quite enough to have taken care of them all, the dinner to the ladies be ing less than one fourth consumed. Nobody ever sat down to a more im posing meal. There must have been a fried chicken to each person, and ham, deviled eggs, beaten biscuit, olives, pickles, cake, lemonade, cheese straw, everything 'conceivable for a picnic dinner, was there in more than abundance. Helen Louise, the twenty months od daughter of Mr. James R. Weath crspoon, died yesterday afternoon at six o'clock at the home of Mr. Weatherspoon on Burch avenue. The child had been ill all the sum mer. More than a year ago, the mother was lost and (lie second year of its life had been full of pain. A complication of troubles was the cause of death. Tho funeral ser vices will he held this afternoon at four o'clock from the home, Rev. E. R. Leyburn of the First Presby terian church officiating. The record for the high school work was established yesterday when the only twe boys, who had asked for permits to go to the circus, re turned later and asked them back. Since the public schools began work, there has been no time when a circus did not in some measure demoralize things. A striking thing about the school throughout, tho town was that very few asked to bo excused on account of tho show. Yes terday's show wasn't a giant concern, but. smaller ones have come before and taken a large percentage of the boys and girls. The teachers are pleased to be lieve that it is the great interest in the schools that it holding the chil dren there, tho high school teachers having expressed the belief that thev are doing the best work that haB ever ben done there. The fact that there was nither. a truant nor an excused pupil yesterday in the high school. would Indicate that record lias been established that will last a few years. The fans are to see the Chapel Hill team tomorrow against tho Dur ham Hosiery mill, winners of the pennant two years in succession and big Interest is manifested in It. In the event of an even split in the first two games, there will bo three, but otherwise, there will be but t wo, both played here onS the local diamond at tho DurhimAthlctlo As sociation's park In Ealst Durham. The games will in reality bo between the University and tho hosiery mill, near- and goes early to arrange for the be ginning. Will Inspect Mililm v Posts. Washington.!)! -., Sept.. . riei' retary of War Sl iiiistin ; ,a'ii . '.Ion. Leonard Wood. ;rhief- of slaif "f the army, '-arc- busily engaged clearing up tile work of the "War Department prenaiatory to leaving. Washington early next week lor an extensive tour of inspection of the military posts anil ilelcnses in the south and southwest. As a man grows -older, lit" sees something In. himself .every day that is calculated to make him a little less conceited. BLAZING WOM.IN IN STREET. KiinIich Through PlenHantville, N..J.. Planned to' Kill Herself. Atlantic City, Sopt. 14--Quiet Pleasantvllle was stirrod Into frenzy of excltemont early tonight when a Woman wrapped In ames from head to foot rann shrieking into tho street from the home of William Goff, a prominent real estate dealer in the off-shore town. t Nearly 200 residents of the bor ough were assembeld at a publk. meeting in Redmcn's Hall, but a Bhort distance from the Goff home on Georgia avenue, and as the van guard of this throng reached the blazing figure of the woman, they Immediately set about beating out the flames. By tho light of hastily procured lanterns the torribly scarred woman was identified as Mary Eqort, a domestic employed at the Goff home, and In a dosperatte effort to save her life, she was rushed at re cord breaking speed to the Atlantic City Hospital in an automobile. The woman had come to Pleasant ville from Baltimore, Md., three months ago and had' at that time en tered the Goff home as a domestic. During the past few days she had shown signs of a religious mania. Both Mr. and Mrs. Goff left the bouse early tonight leaving the ser vant alone. Shortly before 8 o'clock J i 111 Schoppoy saw flames issuing Irom the kitchen window. He burst into the house to make an Investiga tion and the blazing woman ran shrieking past him. That she had contemplated de stroying herself by fire shown by the fact that, she had sewed large quan tities of cotton about her clothing and al'tersaturating it with oil, she had set fire to her clothing at dif ferent places. She will die. - Restaurants may come and restau rants may go, but the political pie counter always has plenty of patrons. REMOVES ALL HUMORS FROM THE BLOOD The cause of all skin diseases can be traced to some humor in the blood, and therefore the cure of any skin trouble can come only through a thorough cleansing of this vital fluid. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., relieve sonic of the itching and discomfort, help to reduce inflammation, or aid in keeping the cuticl clean, but such treatment does not reach the blood, and of course can have no real curative effect. S. S. S. cures Skin Diseases of every kind because it purifies the blood. It is an internal remedy for an internal trouble, and works on the only reasonable and certain method of cure. S.S.S. removes all acids and .rumors from the circulation and leaves the blood stream rich, healthy and nourishing in order that it. may supply the cuticle with the necessary properties to restore it to its smooth, normal con dition. Then a cure results because the old exciting cause has been disposed of. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice sent free to all who write. S. S. S. is sold at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. O White Button loots KvV W V I & 11 :,..'."' :''ss.'s!m Are correct for early fall wear. NEW LINE JUST RECEIVED POOL & CROCKER, "WE FIT THE FEET." '105 Furetlevllle Street . ... .... Raleigh, N. O. fr Accident and Health, Fire, Life KmploycTs Liability, SURETY BONDS, Plate Glass, Klcvnloi', Sloam Hoiler, Automobiles. CNITKI STATUS I'lU EMTY AN1 GUARANTY CO. A. M. MAUPIN, GKNKRAIi INSHRANCK. Capital City Phono No. Jjflfl. . Ofttre No. H Tullen Building. I ItHSPIOCTFl'IjIiY SOMCIT YOUR lU'SINESS, OK WITH GA AND SLEEP AN HOUR LATEX Ranges Sold at Cist aid Csinsctsd Free on our Line of Mains. CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY 1 Phono 223 Representative Will Call