rffct'i .liitit ..W- vj.s4rJL"Wft. 1 3 tint TV: . if J, '."i y.-r'"."' -t t:T'i:":'W 't: fn jryf j-tf'f.v r.'Ji-V'- :::-' V "' ?' if OHrt OUND TALCUM POWDER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS i-' IThls an elegant ankseplic loilef pomler, put up in a Hue rinkle-top can and perfumed with1 yiolets, iFine for tne nurseicxi. , i j j . KING-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY. i:,f" ran qtjajjtt drug stom, s OCIAL EVENTS By Miss Susan Iden. Li rHK HOUSE BY THE SIDE OF , i THE ROAD." There are the hermit souls that live withdrawn In the peace of self-content; There are souls, like stars, that dwell . apart In a fellowless firmament; There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths . Where highways never ran, But let me live by the side of the road And be a friend to man. Let me live in a house by the side of .the road ' Where the race of men go by i The men who are good and men who ., , are bad, I As 'good and as bad as I. j f would not stt In the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban, Let me live in a house by the side of the road I And be a friend to man. Nor live In my house by the side of the road Like a man who dwells alone. Let me live in a house by the side of the road Where the race of men go by They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong. Wise, toolish so am I. Then why should I sit in the seorn- er's seat. Or hurl the cynic's ban? Let me live In my house by the side of the road And be a trieud to man. Sam Walter Foss. (r MILLINERY OPENING Thursday, Friday, Sept. 28 and 29 t :: ; ' Everybody Invited, rj Mrs. Frank Redford, 13 W'st Hal gett Stiwt. y Telephone fl.'W WCKEV-ELLIOTT. Mr. and Mrs. gone to Clayton. E. L. (julley have Mrs. W. E. Stone, of Boardman, N. (, is spending a tew days in the i c ity the guest of Mrs. A. J. Maxwell. Mrs. Blanche Ashby Lambert, of Washington, D. C, who has been vis iting her son, Mr. Ashby Lambert, on North Person street has gone to Culpepper, Va. KKXXTXKSS HOOK CLVH. . Mrs. visiting Neill. C. L, Wilson, of Dunn, is her sister, Mrs. T. U, Me- Miss Annie Gardner has gone to Beaufort friends here. of Macon, afterVisiting I see from my house by the side of the road I u . ' -L ., ' 1 1 Miss Swanuanoa Home, of Clayton, , By the side of the highway of life , . , . ... . . . ' , who has been visiting in the city The men who press with the ardor . , . , . . has returned home, of hope, M '. . ' The men who are faint with the strife. But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tears- ; Both parts of an infinite plan Let me live in my house by the side ' , of the road . 'And be a friend to man. I , know .; there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead , And mountains of wearisome height; That the road passes on through the long afternoon And stretches away to the night. But still I rejoice when the travelers , " , rejoice, f Ana weep witn the strangers that moan, ;', Miss Maude Satferfield lias re turned to Roxboro. after a Visit to the governor's mansion. Mrs. Gustav Hagedorn, who has been visiting her parents at Wil mington, has returned home. Miss Annie Lacy has returned from Wake Forest,; accompanied by Mrs. James Wood and Mrs. G. D. Allen.- '. Friends of Miss Florence Telfair will be glad to know that she is able to return to her home on Hillsboro street after being at Rex Hospital since her accident on the street car, some time ago, ' ; CI&CIJS IS XOMING But it will be Fair Week before yoii soc tho siio Come to our store any time and we will show you a beautiful show of Toilet Perfumes, Camels Brushes, Face Powders, ct our showcases. ' "GIVE US A SHOW." TOE WAKE DRUG STORF, V.'.';.1 ' I'HOXKS 'sliow," Articles, in Misses Sialic nnd .May Johnson Kn tertnin Club at First .Meeting of Season. .Missus Sudie and May , Johnson entertained ; the Kenntness Book Club . yesterday afternoon at their home on North Person street. This was the first meeting of the season, a kind of reunion after the suuimer vacation. The program of the winter, a study of the cities of Europe, was discussed. . Mrs. William Royall, who had been elected president of the crib for the coining season, sent Ja resignation, Miss "May . Johnson "bJ ing elected in her -place. Mrs. " K M. Winfree was elected in her plafcbi With Mr. anil Mi's. lU-rgthoUrf i Last night at theiriliome in Caw eron Park. Mr. . and Mre-. J. Wt Bergthold entertained the member of the cabinet of the Young Men's Christian Association of A. & M. College and a number of young la dies at a delishtfuk porch party at their home in Cameron Park. Rugs, sofa pillows and comfortable rocking chairs made the porch a most inviting gathering place. In truly hospitable southern fashion Mr. and Mrs. "Bergthold received their guests on the steps. Punch was served by Mrs. Berb- thold'from a punch bowl decorated in vines and bunches of grapes. The guests were: Misses Luclle Johns. Gladys Yates,. Christine Gower, May Montague, Naomi Al ford, Pauline Hill, Henritetta Schwartz, Frances Park, Miss Brown, Miss Cooper, Miss Emily Walker Miss .Bass, of Ralegh, and Miss Jenkins of New Bern ; Messrs Graham Parrish, Nichols, Robertson Sloan, Trotter, . W. I. Smith, J. M, Smith, Cruse, Cloyd, Sumner, Kirby. Mwrrlrtge Celebrated in Beautiful Home Ceremony. (Special to Tne Times.) Durham, N. ; C, Sept. 27. The marriage yesterday morning of Miss Margaret Cortes Elliott ' andt Mr. David Thomat Dickey, both of tills city, was a beautiful home ceremon ial, performed by Rev. T. M. Grant, of the Maugum Street Methodist church and celebrated at the resi dence or the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Braxton Elliott, at &10 .VlcMannon street. ' . ;Tue houije wjs prettily decorated ill' golden rod ahd terns wlin a color shceme of yellow tand white. At the hour or u(ne, afci; Miss Bessie Whit ted had 'dellglitfully sung "Becauso J Love You,;' Miss l.oiaine Proctor accompanying her on the piano, Men delssohn's wedding inarch was sound ed, and the bridal party entered the parlor. First came the ribbon bear ers. Misses Mozelle Newton and Kula' Kosemond, carrying the while satin I with which they formed an aisle, j down which th party inarched. Mas ter Mantel Vlekers bore the ring, and from t;ie dining room came Miss Hattie Klllott, sister, nnd maid or honor; Tne groom entered with Prof. H. E. Speuce, his host n. an, anu MisseB nutn njiiiun a:iu ..tiargue-1 rite Jourdan, the second pair ol rib- ' bon girls, brought up the ribbon as the party hailed. During tlie cere mony, the pianist played "The Flow- ' er Song." Tne bride was dressed in a golng away gown of brown, with ever.vt.1ln3 to match. She carried bride's rosej for a bridal bouquet. The maid of honor was dressed in white, .serge, with large picture hat and yellow chrysanthemums for a bouquet. Mas ter Vickers wore a white serge suit. They received a large number ot uandsome presents. The bride is well known to Dur ham, liked greatly for the goodness and is an attractive young woman. She weds a splendid young man, one of the leading salesmen in the city. They will spend a lew days on tlielr wedding trip ahd returning will live with Mr. and jUra. M. R. Vickers. i,. HpOKKK-t'OltHKTT. .1,' lit slits The Feature Just Now With Us. , Mr. J. H. Harris has gone to Phil adelphia, where he will enter Jeffer son Medical School, as a third-year student. ... .. BEGINNING TIIORSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TII Ah interesting and instructive demonstration of the latest models in GOSSARD CORSETS will be conducted in our Corset Department by (VI I S S E. B. WELLS (Sraduate corsetiere of the H. W. Gossard Gbmpany, fchicago, who will be glad to give bur customers the benefit of heir expert advice. You are respectfully invited. ;f. A. PAPTHM.iC" Ladies Furnishings and Novelties. " l?l FayetiefiiSe " . Next to Masonic Temple. Inyitotions, Out to Murriiige of l'opu v lur Couple. (Special to The Times.) Durham, N. C, Sept.- 27.- Invita tions were Issued vesterday announ cing the marriage Wednesday morn ing, October .11th, of Miss Annie Mae Corbett, of tais city, and" Dr. L. S. Booker, also of Durham. The engagement" of this young couple was announced several weeks ago. The marriage will be celebrat ed at ten o'clock In the morning. The couple will take a bridal tour, a portion of which will include a visit to Dr. Booker's home iu Rich mond, from which place he came taree years ago. This is to be a marriage in which Durham will be greatly interested. Henderson Socials. (Special to The Times.) Henderson, N. C, Sept. 27.Mrs. B. Frank Harris gave a beautiful card party to the Bridge Junior Club at her home on Cnurch street, yes terday morning at 10:30 (Wclock. The parlor and hall were beauti fully decorated for the occasion with ferns and flowers. There were two tables and artistic Bcore cards. Elegant refreshments were served in courses. t ( Those present were: Mrs. Harris, hostess; .Mrs; Watson, Misses Julia Cooper; - nevieve. hooper, Mary Perky Maria Tucker, Jessie Harris nd Helen Lamb. ' . Misses ..Hattie Cooper and Bessie Watklns, oY Henderson, and Miss Wright, of Durham, left yesterday to attend school at Converse College, South Carolina. Miss Fannie Cooper, of Henderson, left some days ago for St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. Miss Mary Hufham, daughter of the beloved Dr, J. D. Hufham, pass ed through Henderson on her way to Converse College,. $3. C, where she hag been a teacher several years, In fact, sine her graduation there, She is a favorite here and a very Intellectual young .lady. She has Just takei a degree at-Columbia Universi ty. New York. , WITH PHOTOGRAPHERS. Session Today Given Over to Manu facturers for Demonstrations. (Special to The Times.) Asheville, N. C, Sept. 27. Little business transacted at the morning session of the convention of the Vlr-1 gin-ia-Carollna Photographers Associ ation. Theesslon wa given to the manu facturers represented at the conven tion for plate demonstrations, Which were the Central Dry Plate, Cramer Dry Plate, Seed Dry Plate, and Ham mer Dry .Plate , companies and the same.',, The Easimn Kodak and Ans-J co companies, maae paper aemonstra-i Hons There wa,re, flashlight demon-j tratlos by" the T6wles Schofield Co. j AU last nig'.it 'a Session a' number .of , I ? com municatlona were 'read , and the 'FommlttMa on nomination, meetlnc ri1nM '. nf nrtnlnmniit. nnd reflnlntlons ..... : '(trii n .fi . .,. iVl !t i V.r-r. ,, "i.iN- '..,'.' 'M1'"',. H,yf"i,(f : '';' :"r:;.'"-"- 'L..f 203 205 FAYETTfiVILLE' STREET. m m m BOTH PHONES 48! SHOT DKAI) IN CROWD. Dr. Pettlt .Murdered !y Farmer - Xelglilxir at Lovingston, Va., : Through Old Grudge. Ixvlngston, Va., Sept. 27. In front of the Virginia hotel, here la full view of hundreds of country folks. Dr. James T. Pettit, a promi nent pnysician of Homeland and a member of Gov. Mann's staff was shot this afternon by Benjamin Hub bard, sen of Col. James L. Hubbard, a wealthy Virginia landowner. . Approaching Pettit from behind. Hubbard' shot him in the head, and then walked to hig victim and tired five more shots from an automatic gun. Five of the six shots took ef-. feet in the head. Any one of them would have caused instant death. Judge Gordon summoned a special grand Jury and within three hours Hubbnrd was indicted and secretly hurried out of the county. His trial was set for October tith. Hubburd is fifty years old. He is a nephew of R. T. Hubbard of Buck ingham county and a cousin of Ed mund Hubbard, commonwealth's at torney of that county. . Dr. Pettit was forty-five years old nnd had for years been practising near Hubbard's plantation, ten ralles from Lovingston. He was immensely popular. The 'cause of the shooting cannot be ascertained. MaJ. R. T. Daniel of Weldon was in the city today. First we wish for rain, wish it would stop. then we Tremendous Force of Explosion. Toulon, France, Sept. 2T1 The tremendous force of explosions which destroyed the battleship Llbefte Monday was again indicated today when a piece of the Llberte's armor plate was drifted from the side of, the battleship Republique upon which It fell. The broken plate weighed thirty-seven tons and was hurled 225 yards. . w America to See Noted Kugltah. Actor. London, Sept. 27. Lewis Waller, who for years has been regarded as the finest romantic actor on the En glish stage, sailed today for his first visit to America. Mr. Waller has been engaged" to play at leading role In Robert Hlchen's "Garden of Al lah," on its production in New York next month by llebler and Co. R fl TT Tn m Ji.li inrirTti us. THIS IS THE COAT NUMBER OF JITS That we have left out of the enormous lot that we put on sale last Monday morning There are a lot of good suits in the lot in fact they are all "good and if you are even thinking of gfettirig a suit we advise you to see them. ' The pijees hge from $13.50 to $17.50 anil they arC'worth double the money. SEE THESIS 1 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. II ( if "V"

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