VolLXX. Ho. 78. The Weather RAIN. RALEIGfi, N. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1911. LAST EDITION PRICE FIVE CENTS. IE OTTERS - COME TO TOWf) A Hcidred and Eight Live i Wires From the Old Dcminion GOT A ROYAL WELCOME Met at V"' Station by iMrge i(e. gation of Citizens and (jivfii an " Automobile Klde Assembled In New Auditorium 'Where Short Ad dresses Wore Made by the Two Mayors A Solid Hour of Hospital ity. Arriving this morning at 10:4 0 on a specially chartered solid Pullman train, a hundred and eight live boost ers from the'capttol of the Old Po minion took possession of Raleigh for an hour. They were met with open ' arms at union depot by a large dele gation of Raleigh citizens and a sure enough whole-souled welcome waB given to them. The party,' led by the Third Regi ment Band and the Richmond Blues' " Band, marched to the new auditor ium, amidst vigorous cheers en route, and were addressed by Mayor John son. Tins was the first time that a crowd had ever assembled In the auditorium and it was a happy, good natured bunch of folks both hosts . and guests. Mayor James I. Johnson stated In his short address of welcome .that although the maps show a geograph ical boundary line between the states of Virginia and North Carolina., there is poiuiMui, bouuauf-y between the two stales ,tles of blood exist, created While the iwo stood as brothers to- mttttaM tl H ( 1 1 .1 in . .... 1 ,1 n . 1. a baltleflelds, and strengthened since by commercial, and frienuly inter course. "Gentlemen," 'continued 'Mayor Johnson, "you have come to see us and We feel honored in having you. We want you to feel that you have friends. It Is our aim to make your brief stay here just us pleasant and just as profitable as we possiblv can." The applause which followed these remarks was almost deafen ing. The boosters, led by their bund, then sang a catchy ulr that the Rul y eigh people took up with enthusiasm: "They say old Raleigh ain't got any style She's style al Ithe white, all the while." : Mayor David C. Richardson, of Richmond .responded to Mayor John HEBREWS OBSERVE Ml K1PPUR TODAY i New York, Oct. 2 The Jewish people throughout the world today celebrated Yom Kippur, in the Pie brew calendar. This fust day is con sidered the most Important of . all the' Mosaic holy days. With its ob servance the penitential season which began with the new year comes to an end, and the Jews then look for ward with joyful anticipation to the celebration of Succoth, of the Feast of Tabernacles,- the harvest festival of the ancient Israelites. Among the orthodox Jews Yom KlppuV Is ,kept as a solemn fast, and for twenty-four hours no food or drink fftr nourishment of 'any kind 1b allowed to pass the 1lps of the under age,, very old people whose health would be affected by absten tion from nourishment and nursing mother. 'The reformed Jews join with the orthodox in the celebration of Yob Kippur,', but as a rule they do not fast, nor are the services In the reform- tetmplee continuous on the day of celebration. ' v . ' Dosen Vessels Ashore. ' Sydney, C. B,, Oct. 2 Nearly one 'doftin . vessels arc ashore, at differ ent points on the Cape Briton coast, result of hurricane that swept over this section 'yesterday. One girl was killed and another fatally injured by llva wires. , ... , Beginning today, October 2nd, tb banks of the city will 'observe the usual', Winter hours, which are from1 9 until 3 o'clock. son's address of welcome. "We realize," said , Mayor Ricnardson, "that there Is no real boundary line between Virginia and North Cava- Una you are our popple and we are yours. We feel that we are at home among you. We rejoice with you In your prosperity, and come to offer you our help in anv w:iv that you can use us We want you to reciprocate with us we want to make our two states the best and the- moRt glor ious in the union. May the ties that hold us together never be broken and may we nwavs march forward and prosper." The visitors were then taken tor an automobile ride about the cll.v, passing various points of Interest quickly, as the time was short and a very rapid tour was in order. It goes without saying." that the boosters enjoved themselves thev showed It without doubt. The time was all too short and as the special train pulled out at 1 1 :40 the hun dred and eight visitors realized that old Raleigh Is -"style all the while" to her friends. Following is a list of the firms represented on the booster special, giving names of the gentlemen in the party: American Dread and Hakim; Co., Everett Ferkinson: American Locomotive Co., T. W. Gentry. (Continued on Page Two.) . . HALILET WRECK CASES Begins In Durban Superior CouitThis 'Week Suierior Court With Judge Allen Presiding, Metritis Toduy With ta Crowderf Docket Hamlet Cases Vp Trinity to Observe Ileneliic tors' Dny Memoirs of V . W, Holden. -"-(Special to The Times.) Durham, Oct. 2. Superior Court opened here this morning for a term ot two weeks, Judge Oliver H. Allen, presiding. This is the first civil term that has been held here since May, when Judge Prank Daniels presided. Since that time the docket has been grow Ing until it is a tremendously crowd ed one. The July wreck at Hamlet added about-seventy-live cases to the docket, an'd though a great many of these have been compromised, Were are many more to be tried, 'the Seaboard has had its agents here and they have been settling many of those put on the calendar, but halt a dozen death claims will be prose cuted unless there Is something done and theer are many smaller acci dents. .. i These actions in the aggregate amounted to something like $100,, 000, and if tried would take all the time that the courts will have until t lie middle of the century. There is not a chance In a million to catch up with the docket In Its present state without extra terms of court. There will be no criminal court until December, and like the civil term, it will bo crowded. The May court ended m .mid-week, the first time in many years that such a thing was ever accomplished. But there came the great blind tiger raid and the docket was cnawded. It Is that state now, and every convicted whis key retailer appeals, not so much in hope of . acquittal as in delay and final wearing out. It is expected that there will he an extra criminal term In a few das. The Southern Power Company Saturday gave Its current a test by turning it on in the transforming station, -though it has not been sent to the factories yet. This will be done sometime this week, and about 7,600 horsepower will be used by the four sub-stations at Pearl mill. Golden Belt mill, Dur ham Cotton .Manufacturing Company and Erwln Cotton Mills. The locution of other stations will soon be done and 10,000 supplied. The. Triinty College people will observe benefactors' day tomorrow, when the gifts for the past year will be announced. The larger number of these,' those that attract the attention of the country, are given to th public at (Continued on Page Five.) , ;V - I ': &i I.IOl'l, I! R IU-. Cniitbrlde. ( .let. l2-l,Kinel f)e Jer sey fl ii rv aril, or Great Ilritaln, a de scendant .oi John harvard, 'to whom the tounda.ioii of Harvard College has been uftribuled, entered thecul lege the other duv -and has itlreixly entered upon-his studies. He suvs he will probably become an, Ameri can ci Izen on reaching his majority, three yours hence. He will special ize in, English literature. : A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE Master Eppie Wiggs Thrown Into Air I1u:ig t iwai-d Distance of Twenty Keel and KuIIk lit . round Jiv Way Of l',ii!im lfiihuit Mule Thrown Sity l eet. Hut ;els yt mid Ite (ui ns to Die. Master .Kppie .WiKgs, the ten-year-old son ol Mr. W. I,, - Wiggs, road supervisor, had a narrow escape from death Saturday afternoon when he was thrown twenty feet in the air from a wagon and landed on a railroad engine that killed the young fellow's mule and split tile wagon in halves. The accident occurred pear the boy's home at Zebulon. He was returning home from a saw null with a load of blocks and was crossing the railroad when a n engine struck his outfit. The mule was knocked a distance ot 60 leet, the bov went up in the air a distance ol :!() fcet and the wagon was torn in half. Strange us it mav seem, the uiule, after falling to the ground, walked to the place of the accident, and there fell dead. Master Wiggs touched the engine boiler in his fie scent and received only a lew bruises. He walked home from the depot after seeing a doctor. California Labor Kcderulioii. Uakerslield, Cnl., Oct.' 2 Bakers field was today the mecca for 'repre sentatives of organized labor throughout California ,oi the- occa sion of the opening of the twelfth annual convention of the Slate Ked etralon of Labor. Discussion of the McNaniara (leleuso ami other sub jects of interest, to the labor world will keep the delegates busy until the end of the week. Chortuws to ml I p Tribe. Tuskuhoma, Okla., Oct. 2 A special session In the Chickasaw mid Choctaw Council assembled here to day to make recommendation as to the disposition of tribal property and to wind up affairs of the tribe. The disposition of the scgragated lund presents a complicated problem, owing, to the valuable mineral de posits. 1 , Investigating Senator Stephenson Milwaukee, Oct. 2 The United States senate sub-committee on priv ileges and elections, formally began Its session today 'Investigating the charges that Senator Isaac Stephen ton, secured his election to the sen ate on March 4, 1909 by bribery and other corrupt use of money. Stephen son was summoned as the first wit ness. - Only the heroine in a novel can read a love letter and curl her hair at the same time. , v Si Lawyers Began Summary ol Evidence , !n Famous Ride; Case Shortly Afe 10 O'clock UTI'IE TESTIMONY TODAY! ltiii-n:f,e I loscd Ml ! - li.timhit i d i : n(i :l(l;.-t I illirr '!.",. Ulicii Slut , I V. linc'K-ev t I I'Kl 1 Jtll v -r I !i -.- asm SlHtuld ( lo Jury by l ive Tlu . Wei nitiiii Mik Ii Spceiilni ion A 1. 1 Whether tirlViid.i.Ml Will i: Conl tcd ol ( rune ol. IturriM Op ns lor Slate and .solic iinr nr IK Will Close dav. -1 he I-. 1 1 1-ii i 1.. .!, 'Nurrfs v i 1 1 in; loiiMil i i - : guilty t.ilii altt-riiiioii ol -'Hie niu'rdt.-r of '.lv li. liissct.t-, hhK-hs the jury fail:; to avj-ii-. Tin is no middle, groiind in . 'this ciue ':ie jiii;. in list liiiil iiiui S giiilty. or niiir.lV-r . in. the '..firs'; (S derive,:, wiiii-h , (ilea us ' (U.'al ti i'n the eb-otric 'isliiiir. oi: : lr:ii) iiiui 0. loose. This lane: will lie done. O u is nenerallv . agreed en r.ie H outsi.-'p. Four !.ti:numviUs were 5? made :iefoiel adjoHi iniient . i,sp ( the lioon i-.m -i.-s t .lose (if Iff. J. C. Iv HarvN iijiii r;i,is; & V. Harris. Sir: V. ( '. ! laid - and 1.3 Man : :M.: .','('fa'iv.iir..f '; istiit-i.i j-. $ Herbi rt K. .Von is vii ;e(;.je tire O .arguments Ij:s '--nior-n : ir! O Judge I'ceiili'.-i " i" deliver liis J charge. The inr ,, n :, i ,, -- get.the case be -i ::;. t - ' -V -Argninents .. : f :'S'; be,.ni;i 1 o-lay shortly after 10 o'clock in the case of 1.. J. Morris .charged wit ii live murder of J. 11, Bissett'on Saiurdav night, August 1. nhe defense rest ed its case at ! : 4 5 and the prosecu tion 'introduced three other witness es and recalled Ada Verhv tor the purpose of contiadictiiiK evidence lor the defense. The court, convened uroiiiid ly at 9 o'clock . Avith most of. I lie evideni'tv out of the wav, a niglir session Sat urday, having... .'accomplished much' towards endniK ilie case, it was ex pected that Hie arguments would be concluded bv i o'clock tins niter noon when Juil's'i! I'ecbles will charge the jury and leave the case in their hands, : There is much .speculation us to the result oi the trial, some -contending that Nor ris will be.aoiiuit ted, others holding that the jurv will not (Continued on Page Two. ) New link, Oct. 2 Kear Admiral YXinlield Scott Sell ley dropped dead mar the coiner of -I I 1 1 1 street and l ittli Avenue while on the way down I own. I lie ailin.riil died lie I ore med ical aid reached liim. f . Schley bail been out of town over Sunday. On Ins leliirn lu re he had gone lo Hie New ork uclil ( lub. After ii short slay lit the club HhiiiI niiral lei l l lie i lull house anil started to walk nloiig I lilt HtrO't town ids I'lllh Avenue nhen taken suddenly ill. A hiiiry cull wits xriit for a phv sieiaii ami an ambiilaiice but Im-Ioic aid cached him (lie admiral died. JUDSON HARMON Ohio's (Jroat (Joum--nor is finning--all the way from the ltiickeye State to moot you at XShQ GREAT STATE FAIR at Kalciuli oji Wfdiios day, October 18. JU sui't' to ho tlim and grasp his hand, He, conies a long way to see von and to talk to vou. mm mm Nothing Has Been Done Yet j At Tripoli Italian l.aii.-line. ilelaved lly I'ad Al eallii'i sultan I'leuscd .Willi (erinaiiy's Answer to Appeal t"r Intel velilion Iwo !'oji., Ilejiorled . siieu. : . I.binlnt!, del .: 2 , :?U'iei !t ii wri.!iljt is kr-f; jpfl.t.ln'-'.wwM'' i!!U.i'ell u 1!r.'!i iil'. the 'Ti-'isr'-iiey nvs:-' re-n;i I'd i ii k - ;!:. even! s :' Mei'itei'raneiin- K-iiini' titily. iisjdf, Triiinii-: c.n'i-1 ili-v seas .v!-et-,. i:u. 1 1 a T i : ; is opera! inu; i cinllii'l iiig repoi n tiavy ;s enii- I iniie. ' One eabl''pra in ..'iniloHiieed ili'Jinite ly. 'Tripoli was !ioiii!iai';ed and occu pied. .Another said no . uttaek or tlie city was made. Ouiy one ili.iiig is cei'tain, arid tbaf is, . the . .! talians hail, not ;ittii,(:ke.d she. town rp lo.ni.id nlght Satiintay: .Toi; had i ii v dene so their .nan., win:! I !'-ve been luai'd. on the sleaiiier Vitle'iarlli, wiiii li lel'r Tripoli; sliortly iicjni'u. tiia; libur and arrived at -..Malta . ibis morning: v lie port s1. about the situat ion ;it 1'resev.i, 1 1 a 'y .: a're coiilli' i.ini;.; --Turkish ofli cials eontinii a dispatch sain;; the I'oris have been 'dest roved and J ii,V 0l troops landed, wbift'. Ita! ciws chiiihii j iy di'iiial id' the rei'ort , s'ay-iii'g tlie Italian gpveriiinp.ii't has no jnteii tion of resorting' to ael.s as'ains! Hie leri'iiorial siaius id'Tiirkes- in Kit rope, II is Ii'.'lieveil what aetua'ly oaiipened ;.:.'! -, .the - TiirKisii vesse ls were sealleied and the furls riestni) ed to pveveni. . raids iiiuin llaliati (oast s!iiiii:i;! - Onceaijie. k.i.vs ilie teleiira idi o;,. alors tb'sel ti'if . I h. place -f.rain as i lie b)iii!iarilnii'iii emu niiMieed. ; '- , Hurone wis: i reatiy relieved over the in' xv s lliat 'f nrliey has. assiireil tlreeee - she ,'ias no iti t t iiiti of at -flicking her as rumored. The siieces of the llalian hloek ade extetiilinu from 1 ui'is to Kgvpt and her siiennur of the setis Is shown in the -arrival, or.txx-.o.-captu.red Tiirldsli tfiinsMorts.iif. Tavanio and Hrindl-or ripspeetfyely. The imiires-. sion prevails- i Kat; jioBtili-jes will, he of brief (iitrntioii, l! Is believed . Tur key, finding.. 'herself unable to de siiatch troops lo Tripoli, xx lll aei opt (lermanv s mediation. Story I- com He I'll n. , Berlin, Oct. 2 According to of ficial intorination landing at Tripoli has been delayed bv bad weather.- The Ciornian ambassador at Consliintt- nople -yesterday presented-' t he em peror s 'telegraphic answer to the Sultan's nfipeal for intervention. Re yond the statement tl'at. the Sultan was pleased, no details ot his majes ty's response has been ascertained. It Is believed to contaiu assurances that Oermany, will continue her ef forts at. meditation al Home. It is semi-otflclally-annouticcd that Ger (Contlnued on Page Five.) e I &SVV , S .'ff'iffS! :.:'"":::rf.-:-v:. . O . . wtmTjSffis: : T'-''.''''"i,:'-' ''' i'rM:kY: of. ii..-. .11 ,:. .-. .;. 'Cfear'' a '' ' lil:Mi,,, !'':'Mn;-..biii.,':,ted w .. W.gaS'Sgfifl . f1 . ,.yafi: -.j,,, ,,,ys;ed -." :l.li,.j. the s-llr .; ' Mrs. (;;s -Itul!:-;-.'.; ,'i-ril-".. u-re' ,cv: ' ' .)''vuiii.. :i!i'4-u-; oilxii-ii- 'i.o ii.'-! hi- ':o. ..:-.i'n'.rhito irtwvui ;-Vii: V.Wii-t.-'-ivh". -.;.:I-v-' "it.-V.'iV- ' .. . bef'leH. '. .1 yveul x: "vici ims ''.-lr-i v:- : - " - :,:u: . Shy--'V hit ,';;. , f ; .-. !to,,.u,.; r --iipi .ii vi r el j d;-1 t, linldLii!! id. n ;:;,-d de.id: niin, j., ! vp.-u-i In'; a:i(! v !; li'iy eJiibil ions in .li'.o's.i' . i-iil'eful I it e; a' w vvli Ci-y .' . ..ix-'i.-iiii- ioi- !,;.-) U'ii-ve Ilia:: niofe ii v i ,.,. ,- ei: .-,! ':,-;i-;iii-j Jtv.rit-.lu-d. Tlieiv. is ,;.;:( .-.! :e,-. -'. i- :';e ,.i,:ve,- . Toe : lu ''liudA-.-. .i :! .i;. , :,l ,.:.,,' o.-. i 'h-': I'-ni ,;. toi (.!-' :. ;.:., i (iii-;. siin;. The : si., ;.. tied I ei ' i.u -Hfi'-i,. of siViny i.mi':.!)!' : au1jivry-: (-iiKi:iHe:-K. ' tin- i I'.iiii; -...ii.M io:e. '. '..' - ( t'oil' iu'iuiil iiu ?ilMB!1.8 15 i Is'lOTfil OllfllifO I nu :0,lii? Bill 1 (!Rfn(?VnPFPT pi v-.-LiiiLn!vi,;'nui:LU.i Aast.n. Cac'silo and the Valley Be yond Picturis ol UKcr DLsolatioa LOSS i:iii!i ::s 1,1 Ir.medy U Inch I htliler- Jlle.j n . lliiff-i-sH.d t poll Sill-. V l ill's-- I u-i'iily ii-liiiis I'birl'il ill I i-iiipoi.irs Mei-mie Loss ol l,;c ill Not l.. i . d Two Hundred, Hl'l- i'i'M'i-ly l.o-s is I'Alifiiii-iv llea .v jilli'v sweut Clean to I eili ' lv lor More Tlian it .Mile Imni'i Ai l' I'n l ui es ol Itesolu- ar- iii'iE ; m, lull U-r. i .'."le. The Ugiiuii's lo not tail f iVo tnilidred a liosisibiiit v, . it ;! and ; !i ti v, xvil! l ing- ( onilitions t e CUj:;;i ! abclary, liealt Ii officers ' I'a 'I'vvo): CALiEo i the his Press Men and Boosters Make A visit I hey M alkeil Itilit in. Tin ned Around ami Walked High! Out Asiiuii Cut lliev (;( the (ibid iliiinl. . licarii'il byMr. St. (ieo. llrvan, .Major Hemphill and ' Horace F. Smith of tlie Times -Dispatch, ii dele gation of Ilposters from Richmond, tUiKinehted by- a tttinibei' of -Associated, I 'ress representatives, burst into The Times -building' -this-, morning to say, -"Howdy do" and fiialce. They lusiied throiigh ihe olnces and over th,-1 plant xxithout losing anv time, just slopping .long enough to wish the toil r xveli and rushing back to catch tlie special train. Their visit was ar-i-yei-in'cd ; !: )!-o-.'r.:iv even though it v': s short, nii'd they were told to ;dbi')nie iuore'' ulieii they had time to' sbare.' . ,' i ii.iMi ci:i;i:i,.M.. dkaii. Hied in Saiiitoriuni mill limlr Will lie Shipped to lligli Point. New 1 ork, Oct. 2 h'ratik Creel man, vice president of t he Ulue 'Cress Lumber tVimpaiiyi (lied today in a safii'ariuin after a short illness, The body will be shipped to his home, High Point, N". ('., for burial.: .'' --.- ; I .,' To Slioxx Moxx Nexv ork is Htm, Nexv Vorl:. Oct. 1! -V oi l; K Second hud: vliiell opened ; today linue until the eiid isiiors lo New :el exposition, and will , on of', the: moiilli, liiay learn froiii the' niiiiierons i-liarts and "il,.f.ii4i4 rations ' lii-n n y-. interest ing thin.es '..i(:ii-.i in , tlie liieiropjilis. ''or iiii-talic'e, the IVg tires sfiinV that in Nexv York fit y there is a ldrth eyei'.y four minutes, a death every seven minutes, and a inarriaire every eleven. '' Moving" pictures illusiraf'" the. .work of various eii-y dejiartnie1 ,s and show, lio.w is spell! the. iiT!';mui.so sum of.$174,iMiir.iMi(i lliat i. veiU;M'i to run. the city iiM' oiie jear, : Han i,u t Ht Hastings, as(ings, NcK,r Oct.; 2---Has i gs has put on her best bib and tucker in honor of I i-eIJ'.Mt Taft. who is scheduled for a foui -'our visit here this eveiing. Five hundred guests among them many of the most prom inent men of. Nebraska, have been invited to attend the banquet, in Fra ternity hall, which is to be, the chief teature of the programme. Mills ltesiiiiKi 0K'rations. v Anderson, : S. C, Oct. 2 The Riverside and Coxoxvay cotton mills of this city, which are among the largest In South Carolina, resumed operations on full time today after having bt-en idle since the first of May. '..',':. 'EIGHT MILLION mora Mr. E. E. Sams, Native Carolinian, Returns Home to Become Chief Clerk For Mr, Joyner ' A MAN OF EXPERIENCE (.iiidiiate ol I niveislly, He Taught at .Marion and I'Vanklintoi Iie Itire Ooing to (ieorglu as Supei'ili leiidenl ol Schools of fitzerald- Has I'liisiied Studies ut Columbia I tnversiiy--.Hr. Ilai ivnk Him one liiligcnl and Successful Work us ( llief ( lerk in l)eiui'lment of Kdu ciiiion Will Trm-tiee Iiaw at New ton. Mr. A. J. Karwick, who has been duet .dork in the office of the state stipc-ruitcndcnt ot public instruction since ISiOT, has resigned.' and left Tast night lor his home in Newton, where -has has located for the prac tice of law, Mr. Barwick's resigna tion was tendered to the state su perintendent last June, to take ef lect October 1. Tlie state superintendent of pub lic instruction and all connected with tne state department of education greatly regret tlie loss of Mr. Bftr wick, and wish him much success m his new home. He has made a most faithful, conscientious and ef ficient officer. In addition to his cielical work and chief clerk, he rend ered valuable service to the pre paring and editing a number of ex cellent bulletins on educational sub jects. He also rendered very valu able services as secretary of the state board of examiners, His entrance into the profession ot. law is a distinct loss to the pro fession of teaching In this state. He .has. made many friends among th teachers in all sections of the state, who. will join with his coworkers In the state department of publio -Instruction in regretting his withdraw al from the educational ranks and in wishing him deserved success In his newly chosen profession. t Trof. K. K. Sams, superintendent of the city schools of Fitzgerald, Oa , bus Accepted : the position of chief clerk in the otdce of the state su perintendent of public instruction, and secretary of the state board !of examiners, and will enter upon the duties of this position a soon as the board of trustees of the Fitzgerald schools can satisfactory-, ar bls successor .as rangemeni KiVnerinten - "rof. Kiil Mad , graduate Carolina i (Cou .1 He..,-;-'. ' ' t h native of Mars t mnty, N. C, and a i n i varsity of North la 'is of 1898. He is r, Page Five.) At hint. Han ini.r the Cent cording Internali i.inilhs. biliiy of a shoi'f I. plnyivs. slicing': 1 i present ; belief d V lilac ,ii. t a : 2 - -Strike on 't ' y extend 'uiit ' ''gia ralliiVtr' .: nt Kliu''i',rf-' .rliooi . . B' k- h '' " I ")';-'. a lit within .llltl ,ee of, m- .'. t.y 'orday. 'ao- pport la tbo i ' expressed tHa. the Harit hwt lived;: '.. HI v tn Otnaluw (l in ah filled i ict. 2 Omaha ' la - i st'of i lot the annua fall -kno-n as. the Ak-Sar-'Bei v i The programme pro'vi.aeav t isi m ofii atreet pageanU f . sUvltfes, ioclnijMng 4 ' carnival festiviti. for a h i and ot! Mng d i st,rt brMk.at" .- - i ' great ii ' unw parade , to muscat the vai y or extent of Nebraska: nianufa 1in Boon : niiiil co bnivoi-f here ti from a ceedint irot I" f lies m JitoCoivpnoo. 1'. , pvt. 8-s-A Joint 'ftn- . ' venuon of i,he Unitarian and ;!t r. cliOTOh .ot lOWft met V with dlpgate pteBeulv ' Dxtr tne i stat. -The DroJ a ... r, . . m- Continue .over tomor- A roxv at .... :. .. . ' -l'. '' ' 1 . I )ud-e Connor In City. Judp' I) 0. Connor of Witsoa opened a special term "pf.UKed States court ,here today for th' pur-' pose of diHposing oteilty cases and--iixiyg the civil calendar lor the