f sports ; z WAKE FOKEST WINS. Opening (iamo an Overwhelming Victory for Old (Void and Muck. Wake Fcrest, Oct. 2..- The War- renton high school football team. which generally furnishes an excel- lent practice game for the varsity, was overwhelmingly defeated Satur day in the. first football game of the reason by the score of 61 to 0. Hut three times did the visitors make a ilrst down, and on each occasion t!ie gains were tho result ot lorward passes. Wake Forest was noticeably weak in the defense of this, which was Warrpnton's greatest ground gainer. Only once was Wake Forest licld for downs and this on the 1 yard line. This is tho tourth season that Wake Forest has played tills 'team, and the score today was three times as large as any before. Coach Thompson sent twenty men In to bat tle against the preps and all did well. 'Several of the best men were not used, among them being Utley, the most reliable ground-gainer on the team. R. L. Holding was the star ot the game, making consistent, gains whenever lie received the hall and tackling hard on all occasions. Joy nrr was strong in recovering punts. Captain Betts was used at quarter and ran his team well. ... Touchdowns: Joyncr 4; Savage 1; V. Faucettc, ::; Singleberry, 1 ; Cates, 1; Parker, 1. Goals: Harris, 7. Hefcrce, Broughton. Umpire, Ow.ler. Field Judge, Dowd. Time ol quarters, 10 mintes. SATl'KDAY'S GAME.V f'-' ' 1 '-.''...'',. ' 'f American IjCntjiie. Detroit 2; Washington 3. St. Louis !": New York 4. Second game, St. Louis New ork 7. , (,'nicago 9; Boston 1. Second game, Chicago 4; Morton 2. Cleveland I; Pailadelphia (i. Sec ond game, Cleveland 4: Philadelphia J. . ' . National Pailadelphia 2: lieajtne. Pittxhiirs;- ti. se; ond game, Philadelphia 7; Pitts burg ii. , :,Nev York 8; Chicago 1. Ticston ;. Cincinnati 2. Second game, Boston 1; Cincinnati 4. Brooklyn B; St. Louis (!. Called end lllh, darkness. . American. Association. Toledo 4 ; Columbus II. Second game, Columbus 1; Toledo U. Milwaukee 7; St. Paul 2. Second game, Milwaukee 0. St. Paul 2. Indianapolis 3; Louisville 2. . Kansas City 5; Minneapolis tf. Second game, Postponed, on account oi wet grounds. HTAXDING OF THE OMIJS. American League. Cluhs. Won. Irfist. p.C. Philadelphia. . . . !)S 4S .671 Detroit. . . i . . 7 60 .lilX Cleveland. ..... 07 70 .621 New York. . . . . 76 71 .61 7 Chicago. . . . . . 7: 73 .60(1 Boston. , . . . 7H 74 .41(7 Washington.. . 2 SO .till St. Louis, . . . .11 lOH .2X1 National League. Clubs. Won. Lost. P.O. New York. . , '.. . 91 51 .641 Chicago. ... . . . . S7 5!t . r U U Pittsburg. . : . . SI 66 .Mil) Philadelphia. . . . 7S 66 .542 St. Loui:: . . . . 71! 70 .51 1 Cincinnati... . . . (is h .456 Brooklyn. . . . . (iO 82 ..423 Boston. . ... . :!X 10." .266 Never Out of Work. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill Is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain fag into mentaf power; curing Con stipation, Headache, Chills, Dyspep sia, Malaria. Only 25c. at King Crowell Drug Co. A woman makes, up her mi ml be fore attempting to makeup her complexion. DRIVES OUT MALARIAL POISONING Malaria is a disease which gradually destroys the strong, nourish ing elements of the blood. When the malarial poison begins to absorb the rich, red corpuscles of the circulation, we see pale, sallow com plexions and a general impairment oEheallh.. As the blood becomes weaker the appetite fails, digestion is disturbed, chills and slight fevec,are, frequent, and in aggravated cases boils-ond eruptions break out oh the flesh. Malaria is blood poverty, and the only way to cure the trouble is to enrich and purify the circulation. Nothing is equal to S.S.S. as a blood purifier, and it is especially adapted to the cure of malarial troubles because it contains no harm r.ul minerals, and while ridding the system of the malarial germs, S.S.S. builds up the entire constitutor! by its fine tonic effects. It you are suffering witn Malaria begin the use of 5. S. S. and rid yourself of this weakening disease. Book on the blood and any medical advice desired sent tree to all who write and request it. S. S.S. is sold at drug stores. 77 SK'tfT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. THE ALMO Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En tire Change of Programme Daily. i TODAY. A VITAGrRAPH. "SUBDUING OP MRS. NAG." If You Want to Treat Yoiirselt to a Smile and ti Good Laugh, Here Tliey Arc a Ituncli of Mttle Kiniles and 111k liiuighs. A LUBIN. An Indiun'HaAppreriation. A Good Western. A Sclig. THE WAY OF THE ESKIMO. EXTUA GOOD ItlMj. . EiKVIN'N ORCHESTRA VhAYS HERE EVERY NIGHT. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. A SINGING, JUGGLING SHOW The Three Troubadours . . X-fcws Feature Act in Popular nd Operatic Hong and MuhIc. FLO LA MONTE Singing Comedienne. . H0LDEN & HARR0N, The Messenber Boy und the Show Girl. Its an extra good bill. Wo recommend it. v ARONSON & BROWNE Managers. FIRS F GAME SAIUROJiy," Sufferers Squander Millions A. and Tackles Sailor Eleven Saiurday Afternoon Time I i-n w i ciii1 fur ()iniii(r of Koolbiill .i-asuii Sailors Tiu'KIc Akj-Ios 011 Atlil'Mic Meld Siiturdny Fii-ITC Strimlc Mxiicitcd Couch (iiwn at nl(. Tlio time if ni;ii(l!v d av. i 11 nnar for tin; In-.st iiaim: ol l.iodiall In Hal' cili lor tin' season ol I '.111. '1 ho A ,'trnl Jl. College and Krunh iin teamii will oiio :i: oar: a .otner next TAIi ST U'KOIU). ("iiptain and Oiiiii'li'ihacli of A. M Eleven. . Sntnrdav as a kihimm- 01 t;ip winter game. I'roni the wnv the :-ailor team lias heen iei'loi'iunr-r this year, they have a erv last team. An the coming line will lie A. and ll.'s Inst game it is hard to will do. lli.t rll what tae tanners there will he one of 1 5TI A. DAVE IIOKERTSOX & M.'h lushiiiii llallliuek. the hardcHt hallles ever tought when these two elevens meet. Saturday alternoon Coach Green had a regular game lor liractitc. the varsity and bciuIis were the main performers, but tae varsity was by lar the leading li;;lil. The game was very (iiiappy, every one seemed to . .in, " "" "DUTCH Y" SEIEERT Fast Ielt End of Afjuie Eleven. be full of ginger and it was a good practice game for the varsity. The scrubs were lighter, but they stnek gallantly to their post, and did the befit tfiey could. The stars on the scrubs were few. Burner, Sumner, Rollins and Harper were the, bl lights, yu tUo vanity In Search of Kclici. The world is lull ot disordered stomachs and l)U per cent of the money spent upon physicians and drugs goes in an attempt to cure the stomach. People are made to believe that in order to -gam health they must: doctor their stomachs and use cath aitics. Bo tho doctor g;-ls his Ice for tho stomach treatment and the drug gist tor tne pnysic, until the sav ings of a lifetime are exhausted and yet 110 cure. Let's be-' reasonable. 1 ne kick stomai ii is in every easo the result .of over-eating, hurried mas-ticaUon and nnproiier choice of foods. Tho .mucous lining all tho way down the tuoci tract, loses its setmitiveneHS, and when food is toned down the muscles tail to re spoiled. They do not churn the food as they should. The glaniiu no longer give out gastric -juice -to dis solve the iood and render it capable of .assimilation.' The man has be come a dyspeptic. There is one sure wav .and only one to bring positive relict. Tut in to that stomach of yours the very elements that It lacks to pet that food Into liquid lonn. It takes pep sin, diastase, golden seal ond other lernients to accomplish this. The healthy stomach: contains these ele ments. The dyspeptic stomach lacks part or all of them. Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablet is made up of Just what the dyspeptic stomach lacks Nature's digestives. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are tiot a medicine, not a drug, not a cathar tic. They do not. cure anybody of anything but Dyspepsia and Indi gestion and such ailments as arise from poorly digested food. ..While they digest the food the stomach' recuperates. The mucous membrane is coming out or its stupor, the gastric juice is coming to the surface, the muscles are re gaining their power. Kvery organ of the body takes on new life, the skin gains color, and the eyes are no longer tinged, with yellow. You live. Why doctor and why drug your- sell? Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will take cave o! your food while Nature cures you. Try a box' at. your druggist's, 50c cents. Or,, if you prefer a free trial package before buying, send your name and address today. V. A. Stuart Co.. 150 Stuart Bldg., Mar shall, Mich. every one was as brignt as could bo. No matter where or how thev got the hall, the next thing vns to kick the goal. .Couch llrecn has been holdlng tuesu games every Saturilav, but last Saturday t.iey reached a climax. as 110:11 now on tne varsity will be playing games .that dnv, Imt a . I '-'stew ' ' '. '" I ' ' 9 ' , liOXXIE DIXX One of the l-'a liners' Husky Guards. 4 . slight fcrlmmage will be held every illernoon. Mr. S. M. Smith, oducational di rector ot tile Navy Y. M. C. A., at Norfolk, Vu will deliver a lecture In the Metropolitan hall next Friday night. His subject will he about the life of an American sailor, and it is hoped that. both the A, and M. and lVanHlIn teams will be present. The and M. band will furnish music, and the public is invited. The en tertainment will 8 tart at 8:30 p. m. Foot tm 1 1 (James Played Saturday, At Princeton: Stevens 0; Prince ton 37. At Cambridge: Harvard 15; Dates 0." . ' At Carlisle: Carlisle Indians 17; Dickinson 0. At Ithaca: Cornell Rr Colgate 0. . At New Ilnven: Yale 2H; Holy Cros-s 0. At Columbia, S. (V. I'ntversity of South, Carolina vs, tieorgia Medical College, called off on- account of lll- ne.s of Georgia manager. At Philadelphia: Pennsylvania fi; (Jettysburg College II. At Williamston; Williams 0; Kens selaer 0. At Hanover: Dartmoutii 22; Mas sachusetts Agricultural College 11. At Eastan: LaFayette a; I'rsisus 0. ;. '.1- At South Bethlehem: LehigbT 11; Western Maryland 5. At State College: Pennsylvania State 57; Ooneva 0. At Northropheld, Minn.; Minneso ta .1 ; Ames 0. At Klchmoiid: Richmond College 0; Maryland AgricuMural College . At Nashville: Vaiiderbilt -H;. Bir mingham College 0. At Davidson, N. C; Davidson "J 5; Catawba 0. At University or Alabama: l.m vcisity of Alabama 17; Howard U. At Athens, Ga.; liniversity ot Georgia 51; Alabama Presbyterian College 0. ' At Macon, Ga.; Mercer 12; Gor don 0. SINKAVS i AMES. Aiiiericun league. Deti'oit-St. Louis, rain. Clevelan-t.'hicago, rain. National League. New York -r; Chicago II. Boston-Cincinnati, rain. Brooklyn-St. Louis, rain. American Association. Indianapolis 5; Louisville 4, Sec ond game, Louisville 2; Indianapolis 1. ' ' . ' ' Kansas. City 7; Minneapolis 10. Second game, Kansas City 4; Minne apolis ;:. Called end 5th, darkness. Milwaukee 4; St. Paul ;i. Toledo-Columbus, rain. CP To Help the Weak. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 2 mane treatment '.of children and inn is will be discussed bv men women from all '.parts ol '.the II11-ani-and coun try at the thirty-filth annual con vention of the American Humane Association, -which meets at the St. Francis Hotel lor three days this week, beginning tomorrow. Among I he delegates are some of the most prominent workers In the cause of child and animal protection in the world. One of the most, notable fea tures prepared for the entertainment of the visitors will be an elaborate baiKiuct to bo given in .their honor by the Chinese merchants of the city. A man is as young as he and a woman, too, but she always look it. feels doesn't Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Railroad of the South Ramifies the "NatlonV Garden Spot" throughout the States of VMKilXIA, NORTH CAItOMNA, 'SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA. Four Famous Trains: "XKW YORK AXI) FLORIDA SPECIAL." (Jauary to April.) FLORIDA AND WEST INDIAN LIMITED, TALMETTO LIM ITED, COAST LINE. FLORIDA MAIL." Dining Cars a la carte service. All year round through car ser vice from New York to both Port Tampa and Knights Key, connect ing with steamships to and from Havana For- beautifully lllustraud booklets and copy ot the "Purple Folder" address W. J. CRAIO, T. C. WHITE, Traffic Man. Gen. Pans. Agent. Wilmington, N. O. Merchants National Bank Fayctteville Street . ., . . ,. . . . BALEIOH, N. 0. OUK INTEREST QUARTER BEGINS OCTOBER FIRST. . AVc ;iy -I' interest, coiiipotHKlcd (Quarterly. Make yoiii' (It'jiosits on or Jicfoiv October 3rd. Both large and small accounts received and appreciated. Merchants National Bank O. DI'NCAN, ITMideat. f mm. n. WILLIAMSON, V-P. W. . DRAKB, Jr., OMhler. W. F. IITLKY, 2mI Y.V. B. J. IUNSDALB, AbU CmH. IIH88 Clias. E. Johnson, President. F. H. Bi-lgg, Cashier. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND -BANKING. An Honorable Record For Nearly Half a Century. BANKING Commercial Savings Certificates Think of What is Back of Your Savings? With capital and surplus $100,000.00 Stockholders' liability 300,000.00 Total $700,000.00. A new quarter begins October. first. Open a Savings account on or before close of business October 3rd, 1911 The Commercial National Bank RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. Accident and Health, Fire, Lite Employers Liability, SURETY BONDS, Plate Glass, Elevator, Steam Boiler, Automobiles. UNITED STATES FID ELITY AND GUARANTY OO. A. M. MAUPIN. GENERAL INSURANCE. Capital City riiono No. Sffff. . Office No. 8 milen Building. I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. FOUR DOLLARS OrpoMted in Thin Having Bniik each ftoek Will 8e Io With Two Hundred Dollar Anrwl Oo Tir Pronr Today. Yon Will Hend It If Yon lo Nm deitoslt it. Try Having Your Money Honey to Loan on Approved Collateral. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. COLLEGE LINEN 2!c. per pound. COLLEGE POST CARDS AND PICTURES. -. ' '1 Waterman's Ideal Fountaia Pens. CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES "Everything For the Oilice." " 1 THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, ' ? JAMES K. THIEM, Manaecr. Times Huililiiif:. . . . . C. C. 'Phono 81-JF . . . . ItaleiRh N. C. "HOTEL RALEIGH" KALKIGH, If. O. (A Nona "Worth MfMla) HOWELL COBB. HOTEL ST. DENIS'S U BBA1IHMV anil lllh IT. NEW YORK CITY Witliin""M of every point af !'. : terrst. Half block from Wirnaker. Five minutn' walk of Shoppira OiMnd.' NOTED FOR: Excellence of cuiwne. comfortable appointment, cotorteoua ervice and homelike eurroundinfe. Rooms 51.00 Btrdayand Bp' With privHeg el Bath $ 1 .50 par day and ia' 1 CUROKAtt PLAN Yabla al'Mala BnwMaal 0 WM.TAYLOR SON, laa. "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation." andNearly Every body Reads The Raleigh Daily Times. . ' OOK-WITH'GA UND MJEEP AN HOUR LATES Ranges Sold at Cost and Cofinsctedi Free on our Line of Mains. , CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY rhoa .Jgf-Represeutotiyu Will QU , Qtm W. Krtl tt; 8