'V Mo, The iBilyfimeQ- fs- Mi m Li i FARU SCHM EXHIBITS Hall Runners KtEcnctuciu- , 1 1 Ill: ' ; r;:i m W n If r V: '4 fL ? i , ;. V !' , twCrsai Walls of Troy Toucan get this famous pattern in any length. Watch for, the announcement of thq greatest Rug Sale ever held in Raleigh We will open your eyes wide with the surprising values in Rugs. I'l llll II I III IIIIIIIIM 11 ' i 121 E.Martin Stv RALEIGff,iK:.C'.f Meet Your Friends With a Smile A ROELOF'S "SMILE" HAT ROECOFS MAVTS V The Hat of quality for.; men of quality. The now Fall shies arc just in. We invite vim to inspect the best line of hats made. GET UNDER A ROELOFS AND "SMILE." J. HEALTH AN D HAPPINE S S. .Happiness is. i;on(Iit Imn.'d oil heailli. The. -physical conditions of Cameron Pari; an; inost liislily ('i)ii(lm'ive .Io.booiI health; Our excellent dvuinuge admits no standing' water' to .breed mosquitoes and malaria. . Own a homein .('; run Park and lie healthful and happy. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. Si:i,l,IN(i AGKNTS. Letter Addressed to Schools By Superindent Judd SuMriiiteii(lent Judd Writes to All Farm Schools Calling Attention to Fair Week -KnoouraKes Them t Have Kxhlbitg at Fair Valuable Premiums Offered. County Superintendent Z. V. Judd lias addressed the following letter to the school tarn) superintendents: The state fair will be held dur trig the week October 16-20. All the school farms of Wake county are cordially Invited to make exhibits, Note the list of valuable premiums offered. Observe that the three cash prizes offered by the State Agricultural Society are for exhibits showing the best methods of agriculture. In order to complete for these prizes it is necesary to furnish with your ex hibit a written statement descrip tive of your methods. The points to be covered are ns follows: 1. In what was your school farm planted last year? 2. What kind of fertilizer was used last year? and how much? 3. What kind of cover crop lust winer? (!lve date of method of sow Ing, and depth of breaking land. 4. -What was-the method of plant ing and cultivating this year's crop? filve dates. 5. What kind of quantity of fer lllzer was used? Give dates and methods of application. All exhibits should be at the fair grounds by 12 o'clock Monday, October lfith. List of I'l'eiiiiiiins. 1. For the exhibit from a pub ic school in North Carolina show ng the best agricultural methods, irst premium $25, second premium $15, third premium $lu. For the largest yield on two acres in cotton, planted in Simp kin's Prolific, first premium $f0 In gold, second premium $35 in gold, third premium $15 in gold. .1. For the best composition on any one or the following subjects: (a). The value of having a good school farm or why every school in the county should have a good school arm. ib). Wliut a wide-awake school lletterinent Assoiiat ion will do for he school and the community. tel.. How mothers can help the Season's Most Fashionable Suits NEy, SMART, EXCLUSIVE COSTUMES, TAILORED SUITS, STREET AND EVENING DRESSES. The fascinating influence of fashion, from the trim, chic street gown to the most ex quisite of eVening grace and elegance, is to be seen at every turn. The wonderful variety of materials and make-ups, all kinds and colorings are here represented in the true style of art-craft. Some very elegant and dressy, others plainer, of the more practical kinds; some of the Simplest models are quite dressy and effective in their graceful outlines. NOVEL' AND ORIGINAL MILLINERY The. new things in Millinery incites woman's highest interests at the present moment. They are ingeniously fashioned for fall and winter wear, with an irresistible charm and ef fective comeliness. That you will wear them is a question already delightfully settled. BQYLAM-PEARCE COMPANY. WHITE BOY ARRESTED FOR ROBBING STORE "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation," andNearly Every body Reads The Raleigh Daily Times. Open Tuesday Specializing Furnishings and Shoes This is the season for the new things in Kur nishiiiys. Young men Jcniaihl the very stnart- ter.cher in building up a strong school. (d). How pupils can help and inder the school. I e) . The profit and loss of a lay s absence from school. (fl. How long a term the school.') of Wake county should have. First premium one ton of high grade fertilizer, by the Caraleigh and lFertilizer Works, second premium one-half ton of high grade fertilizer, by the Caraleigh Phosphate and Fer tilizer Works. These prizes will go to the school and not to the individual. it is understood that teachers get as many pupils as possible to write on one of these subjects. The best composition will be printed In North Carolina Education. Pupils are al lowed to get help from any source possible. Teachers will select the best com positions 8Ubmittedby pupils of their schools and send them to the county superintendent. He will have a com mute to judge them. All papers should be sent in on or before October 16th. All compositions must be written In Ink, on large paper, and only on one Bide of the paper. I shall be glad to help In any way that I can with your exhibits. Feel free to write for further Information.-... . . .:': i est to he had. We have such a uniUe line of every desirable article that we want to especially invite you to see it while it is right fresh. Our Crosseft line of Fall Footwear is just from the factory. The quality of this Shoe is, well worth your taking a chance on the price H00. "Tlioy make life's walk easy." J. ROSENGARTEN CO. ' -r "Best in Ready-madefi." Saved His Mother's Life. "Four doctors had given me up," writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., "and my children' and all my friends were looking for me to die, when my son insisted that I Use Electric Bitters. I did so, and they have done tue a world of good." I will always praise them!" Electric Bitters is a priceless blessing to women troubled with fainting and dizzy spells, backache, headache, weakness, debility, constipation or kidney disorders. Use them and gain new health, strength and Vigor. They're guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded. Only 50c. at iKng Crowell Drug Co. Callie Francis, u" white boy 18 ears old, will he Kiven a .preliminary learlng tomorrow afternoon on the charge of breaking into and robbing the Ulenwood Pharmacy, owned bv Mr. O. G. King, and of entering and rifling Berry Canter's barber shop. Francis was caught by Officer (. li. Barbour with the goods on. Friday night he sold Mrs. Williams in Glen wood a bottle of cologne for 41) cents, but she' did not have the change and Francis said he would call later. Chief of Police Stell was rocined and h placed Mr. Barbour In the house and when Francis call ed Saturday night at 7 o'clock he was arrested. 'On him at the time was: Mr. King' watch, a ra?.or and stick pin. A lot of tools taken from Hunter's shop were recovered yes terday. Francis has been on the roadb ; a number of Hmes and has been a criminal 'for years. ' Raleigh and SQUthport Rail way Company. TI.MK TABLK. ' Kffectjve May Ba, 1911. StJitions Southliound Daily. .o.80 No. 81 No. 4ii Leave Italeigh . . 8.00 1.15 ti.35 " Varina .. . 9.04 2.05 7.:tu " Fuquay S. 9.14 2.12 7.45 " Lilliugton. 10.00 2.53 8.2 Arrive KVyetiev'le 11.10 4. JO 9.35 StatioiiH N"itlilKunl Oaily. ' Xo. 38 Xo. 811 No. 42 l.v. Fnyettevllle. 8.00 1.00 5.10 " Linden . ... 8.45 1.43 5.54 " Lilllngton' 9.11 2.08 6.20 " Fuquav S . 9.50 ' 2.45 7.05 " Varina 10.QO 2.52 7.14 Ar. Raleigh 10.60 3.4a 8.20 JN'U, A. MILLS, II. 1). Bl'Xt'H, re. and Gen. Mgr. Sol. Piikm. Agt. Ruleigh X. C. Uiint Places tolNtore Furniture. Secretary Olds of the chamber of commerce desires to know whether there are any places In Raleigh where storage rooms N for furniture can be rented. He hag several in- LADII-X COMMITTKK V . FOB S.UIXHtS' 1HXXKR. The following ' ladies who have been appointed chairman of the sub committee for the dinner to the sail ors of the 1'. S. S. Franklin are re quested to meet with Mrs. T. P. Harrison at the Woman's club room. at ten o'clock tomorrow, Tuesday morninng; Mrs. V. C. Royster,, Mrs, Swindell. Mrs. L. P. Duncan, Miss Bessie Bates, Mtss 'Emily Walker. Mrs. Elias. Mrs. "Paul Lee, Mrs. LItchford, .Mrs. Dowell, Mrs. R. W. Winston, Miss Rosa. BrougBton and Miss Daisy Denton. PLANS OF SUNDAY SCHtKU, AND PARISH OF CHURCH. In the vestibule of Christ church there was put on view yesterday the plan of architects Counable & Up john of New York for the proposed parish house and Sunday school building, on the north side of the church, 'this to be of stone, conform ing torthe architecture of the present building.' The architect of the latter was Mr. Upjohn, grandfather of the present architect y- : TO Bi:iLI ANOqtHKK Jt'K I'liANT IX UAI.KICJH. Messrs. Johnson & Johnson, dela ers In coal, wood and Ice, etc., have announced that they will lnsctall another Ice factory next spring. The new plant will have a capacity of 25 tons a day. The factory will-be located on West Cabarrus street. Another Art Store. 'Mr. Henry J. Perry, who waa formerly associated In the .art store firm, of Weathers and Perry, an nounces that he will establish an art store In the Walters' building. Mr. Thus. R. Workman will be decora' tor. The case of Arthur G. Olmstead, charged with attempting to burn a house, was continued from 18 o'clock today until 4 this afternoofi. The preliminary was, begun Friday. A pretty girl always things the men'aie trying to fllrt.WUb, hfR-and h .thiokl' right, . -'tp- y FAMOUS MARSHA-;,: M:- WASHINGTON CANtlY.--" - First shtpmentiuat arrived. If you wanftb Joiake yodr wife and children nappy Jirst take them a box 6t Martha Wash ington'. It is Just the thing for the kids and old folks, too. It is pure and will not hurt them. ' Price, BOc pound. Dlt?GGIST, Masonic Temple. Phones No. IS j. NEW RECORDS FOR THE VICTOR AND EDISON TALK ING MACHINES. Wo are keeping In stock all of the very latest Phonograph Records. If you have a Phono graph drop m i card end let ns post yon on the new rec ords. If you haven't a Phono graph then let us talk to yon - about one. . 't ' D. A, GAS&1S, IS We Mai N, Hear FIto JPotets, DUBHAJC, H. a quiries along tins line and is In cor respondence with various persons in regard to coming to Raleigh, dur ing the winter or for permanent resi dence. Lieutenant Col. E. W. Hub bard, U: S. A., retired, will spend the winter at least here, bringing Mrs. Hubbard and other members of the family. He recently retired from active service. Want to Rent Hotels. Secretary Olds has received from Canada and Boston requests for In formation as to whether any first class hotels are for rent in Raleigh. He has replied that there are none, and a letter to him from Boston to day expressed regret that no build ing of this class can be had. BILL POSTERS WILL MEET III RALEIGH Mr. J. Snerwood Uoc.mrch infprms Secretary Olds, of ' the Chamber ot Commerce, that he has secured the holding here next July of the annual convention of the Middle States As sociation of Billposters, and that, about fifty members of this organi zation will attend. This' Is. an im portant, line of business. Of the. 300 billposters who attended the national association meeting at Asbury.- Park, no fewer than twenty-two' Were "mil lionaires. ' v, - 1 "7 Hollingsworth Llusic: VFUI Clifton Corner, Loulsburg, N. C. . The best Pianos on earth are The Starr and v Marshall & Wendell, These for the monc are the more reas"oriaTjl9 and ; more beautiful than all others, we are anxious to talk it over yith you.,. Our terms : and prices appeal. . ' ' ' 1 "We take in exchange Organs, old PianosCatUe.' Wood, Lumber, Automobiles, or anything , you?" featii '. ' . V ' M ". v .''.-.... Write us, we have several Agencies in North,; Carolina. We sell direct from, factory . v J. W. H0LLINGSW0RTH, iigfc, i Fi ii i i 1 use, we can use. The Whole Family Reads The Raleigh Dafly Times. TWO DARKIES attempted to rob a eliickefi pop in the dead of night, were detected by the owner and fir- I - ' ,.- . '..vv-- : ed upon with a rifle. Two black streaks flew down the turnpike and a half a mile below they stopped. "LOOK HERE, NIGGER," said one, "pid ypu hear that bullet whW": VHear it? Man I dm ied TWICE. The fust time, was when it passed me de second time was when I passed it." ' a ii '. That's going some, but not. much ahead .' .of' the." speed" with which most every young man would go. after - our Fall Suits i they only knew their real value as to style and quality . There is no hocus-pocus about this thing no bluff no exaggeration . We have c'erlajjjly- got the. classiest lot of Young Men's Suits ever shown in Raleigh. And it's iip,tp the Young Men . We're here with the goods. ACQUIRE THE BULLET J'V - ; ' SPEED HABIT It.'.. (& LINEMAN C 'THE YOUNG MEN'S STORE.' . W ; '. i 1 1 . . 9 "- -.' ) - u;tl,.