THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1911. Y SPORTSl SAILORSATURDAY Entire. Batallion Will Follow Their Team Here The Entire llntallion anl Ilmul or Ilattlcslilp Franklin to Cheer Their . Eleven on to ictory Saturday Carolina Anies Hind at Work on New Plays. The Franklin football team, band and batallion consisting of Bix hun dred sailors will arrive in KuIcIkIi Saturday to play the Red and white football team of the A. & M. Col loKe. The Tars liavo played two games o far this season, winning one and Ill.'lVintr tho nthm in a 4 1f Tlwup ' are somewhat of a strong aggrega tion of pig skin pushers. The navy boys are- in tho pink of condition and a great game is expected as coach Eddie Green has his bevy of farmers to the top notch. He is putting them through a bunch of now plays that aro without an equal and ho ex pects to launch some startling ones on the blue jackets. The sailoi'3 upon arriving in the city will march to Worth Bagley's monument In the capitol square where a short ceremony will be held and the monument decorated. Then taps will be sounded by one of the best, bugle artists in the U. 3. navy after which they will march to Nash Square and the batallion will be en tertained by the chamber of com merce. After luncheon the batallion will be dismissed and the sailors will then go to the cars which will be stand ing in front of the post office to take them to the A. & vM. park where the football game will bo played and various yells of the A. & M. cadets and blue jackets will urge their team to victory. "Life in the Navy" will be clearly demonstrated by Mr. S. Jr. Smith of the Norfolk Navy Y. M. C. A. in the Metropolitan Hall here Friday Octo ber 6th at 8:30 p. m.. Admission will be free and the public cordially invited to spend a pleasant evening as a guest of the speaker, Mr. Smith, who was formerly a relative of "Wide-A-Wake Raleigh." The lec ture will be very impressive and en tertaining as he will bring with him steroptican views to demonstrate his speech. As a side issue music will I be furnished by the A. & M. band A. and M. Football Schedule Uelow is given the 1911 football schedule, he lirst game will not be ; plyed until Octohor 7th, one month after the opening ol college, giving the men ample time to get in (nst- AMUSEMENTS. THE AL Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En ' tire Change of Programme Daily. MEMORIES OF THE PAST. A .Sweetly Pntbetic Sloiy of a Losst Love, THE SWITCHMAN'S TOWER. A I Irii mu of liiiiliiuiil Life. FROLICSOME CARRIE. A Comedy. JIMMY AS A PHILANTHROPIST. Come:Iy Drama. :';.';-,:':'.:, .-HI LEVIN'S ORCHRSmiA PLAYS HERE EVERT NIGOT. (Grand Hueatire MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. A SINGING, JUGGLING SHOW The Three Troubadours Claan Feature Act in Popular and Operatic Song and Music. FLO LA MONTE Ringing Comedienne. HOLDEN & HARRON, Tho MesNcnlier Hoy und the Show Girl. Its an extra good bill. . . w ARONSON & BROWNE class condition for the opening game. Oct. 7 U. S. S. Franklin, at Raleigh. .Oct. 14 V. M. I., at Lexington, Va Oct. 19 Bucknell University of rcnnBjivania, nt Raleigh. (Thurs day of Fair week.) Oct. 2C University of Tenncssco, at Raleigh. Nov. 4 U. S. Naval Academy, at Annapolis. Nov. 11 Washington & Lee Uni versity, at Raleigh. Nov. 13 Wake Forest, at Wake Forest. Nov. 30 V. P. I. at Norfolk, Va. (Thanksgiving.) (lames with three colleges never before plavod by A. &. M. In foot ball, aro on the schedule this year, viz.; Huckncll University of Penn sylvania, the University of Tennes see, and the U. S. Naval Academy. It is expected that the game with tho Naval Academy will be one of the very hardest ever played by A & M., as the Academy teams have always ranked with the biggest elevens in the country, such as Yale, Pennsylvania, Princeton, etc. Washington and Lop will ho play ed this season for the first time in Raleigh. Tho U. S. S. Franklin team will give A. & M. a hard tussle, ns they were only defeated 5 to 0 after a very hard game two years ago. The Thanksgiving game will, as usual be played in Norfolk, Va., with A. & M.s' greatest rival for championship honors the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and should be one of tho greatest football contests played in the south this fall, as this game will decide the winner of a bo rios of three games, A. & M. having won last Thanksgiving, and V. P. 1., the year before. WAT (1AU RAO. V EST E RDA Y'8 GAMK8. National League. 'Ar Philadelphia: Boston, 3; Phil- adelphia, b. At Pittsburg: New York, 3; Pitts burg, 0 At St. Louis: St. Louis-Chicago, postponed' on account of wet grounds. At Cincinnati:' Cincinnati-Brook lyn, no game scheduled. American League At Washington: Washington-Plul-adclDhin. nostooned on account of wet grounds. At New York: New York-Boston wet grounds. At Chicago: St. Louts-Chicago, wet grounds. At 'Cleveland: Detroit, 4; Cleve land, 1. Aftor expo 'lire, and wiien you feel a cold coming on, take Koley s llonev and Tar Coniuoflnd. It cnecks iiul relieves.. Use no substitute. Ih gonuiiie in a yellow package al- wnvs.- King-Crewell Drug Co. AMUSEMENTS. We recommend it. - Managers. MO 1 yrxw ,k &w I Joe linker, the liit-t little .short- stop of I Sip Chicago Cubs, wlm is one Carlisle Indians. ot the toromoht .swllt-r in the a-1 Eddie Cochems for years star of lioiuil Lcimlie lied is smne !ciiisls . tho Wisconsin eleven, and last sea to Ihcdiants rrurk pitching Muff. I SOn coach at the University of St. Tinker likes to gel the "goat" of Louis, has abandoned football ' for such crack s;e.tlipaws as I'eerlecs politics. .Matlliowsou, .Mnriiiiird nnd ( randiill, I Lieut. F. -D. Barrlen, who coached lining out tlii'lr best I'lhii lN nil over the In-Ill. STAXIHXO OK TIIK tl1'IIS. American leai;ne. Clubs. Won. Lost. 1'. C. Philadelphia . . . . 79 66 .545 Detroit ... .:;.. 87 61 .588 Cleveland . . . . . 78 70 .527 Now York . . . . 7 : 71 .517 Chicago . . . . . . 74 72 .507 Boston . . . . . . . 72 75 .4!0 Washington ... . . 63 85 426 St. Louis . . , . . . 41 105 281 National League. Clubs. Won. Lost. T. C. New York . . . . . 93 60 .650 Chicago ; . . . . . 87 CO .7U2 Pittsburg . . . . . 84 67 .556 Pliiladelhiii . . . . 79 66 .545 St.. Louis . . . . . . 73 70 .511 Cincinnati . . . . . 68 81 .45(1 Brooklyn . . . . . 60 82 ,423 Boston ... . . . 38 106 .264 FOOTBALL AT C.UtOLIX.A. Sviison Opens Saturday With tiaine : With Wake Koret Tenni Ilaid at Work. . (Spocinl to The Times.) ... Chapel Mill. N. C, Oct. 3 Willi the idea that on next Katurdav, the 7th ot October. 1'ie University foot ball season will open 'with .a game with Wake !re;.t. excitement is at a fever heat, (.rea: crowds go out on the side lines evorv afternoon to watch tlio pr. it ice and to cheer the men when a i.larer stars. There is ii much enthiisiasm on die side llnis as there is ,c!i the field- ( a thins-that Carolina has -needed lor nianv vcars) and tliut is saving a rjroa'. deal for ( oavli and ( aiilaln Winston are full ol tne spin, that moans vie torv and tuev are fas; iiiKlilling it into the men who arc Irving for (he team. In the pusr tew years the coach has .been ha vine' -scrim musics and the licit men ale bc'inning to show their U aihers. Xearlv every one that '..started oil f, at .the begin- iiiiig is sticking to ihe practice, and tins iuean.-i a good deal. A sniri whuh will allow no one to walk away with an easv viclnrv. As yet no definite' team has been picked and will not lie until a few minutes bolero the game, but some of the moil who arc doing excellent work and are showing up well in the scrinnnages are: Ends. .Applewhite, Venable. Man ning. Guards: Abernathy, L, L. lloss feldt. . Tackles: Ahernethv J. Small. Halfbacks: Wakelv, Winston. Chambers, Strange, Krwin. Fullbacks: lielk. Nich.'dxon (-enters: Cretchfield, Deans. Qitartors:. Collin Tlllett. The team that, will play In the game Saturday against Wake Forest will probably come troni the above. It is expected, too, that when the gave Is over the white and blue will wave tniimpliantlv. BASEBALL NEWS. The Lob Angeles team is carrying the banner in the Pacific Coast lea gue parado. Fred Lakn is being talked of to iiccoed Bobby Wallace as manager of tho St. Louis Browns. Catcher Cotter, of the Quakers, Is but nineteen years old. Me 't a Man hattan College boy and was secured from the York, Pa., club. Mike Donlin says that he has quit play-acting for good, and in the future will give all his tinio to ball playing. Jim McAleer figures that Mather- son will be lemon meringue pie for the Athletics while Marquard may prove to be the troublesome child. WITH THE BOXERS. v Billy Nixon says that he was hand ed a-lot of rough stuff by Battling Nelson In their recent bout in. Bos ton. '''" Danny Morgan, manager of K. O. Brown, has offered Champion Ad, Wolgast a guarantee of $12,000 to meet Brown In New York. Johnny Conlon, the bantam cham- plon who has been out of tho ring slnce the death of his father, will soon return t,o he game, 1 . FOOTBALL NEWS George Brooke, Pcnn's great kicker, is again coaching Swarth more. . former Yale stars aro phowing up at New Haven to give a hand in coaching the Eli squad.. . , I , (ieorge O'Niel, who played left end on the University of Maine eleven last fall has entered Yale. After the daily practice at Penn sylvania a basket ball gome is play ed, the play lasting for 20 minutes. "The Harvard schedule calls for all the games to be played in 'Cam bridge with the exception of the game with Princeton., The Harvard "All Stars" will be organized this fall with Fish, Philbtn and other former stars of the grid iron in tho lino-up. Russell Loudenslager of last sea Bon's navy team, will play With the independent team of Lancaster, N. Y., this season. The Georgetown squad will prac tice with the middies at Annapolis In preparation for their game with the . tho Nnvv team last year and saw his men co through the season with out even being scored against, is now commanding a torpedo boat. Kight Scheduled for Tonight, "Knockout" Brown vs. Tommy Ginty, ten rounds, at New. York city. MUCH DISAPPOlXTMXIiT. County Commissioners Refuse to Ac cepi Bonds of Tax Collectors Jail Changes Hands. (Special to The Times.) . Halifax Oct. 3 There was some disappointment here today when the county commissioners refused to ac cept the bonds of the township' tax collectors. The trouble seems to have aiiFon l'roin the fact that no prepara tion had been made for bond greater than last year, whereas, file taxation for the county in the various town ships has been very greatly increas ed, the result being that heavier bonds were required of the collectors for which they today were unpre pared. Of course, the trouble will soon be adjusted and collecting -the taxes lor 1911.-12 will he resumed in order that many of the small tax payers may be gotten to while tliey they have the where-vvithall handy. . The keys of the county jail were '.-.anded over today by Mr. J. A. Whitehead, who for the last three or four years has been a most effi cient officer, to Mr. L. 1 1.. Hale, who some 'ix or eight years ago had the jail in charge. The jail business now is not much ot a iiroperty-paying business, as it was some years ago; there .'.'usually Is net over ten or twelve imprisoned at a time and then near the court icssion some of fiiein, and as soon as sentence is passed on them hustled, are they, off to the county rpads. One of the negro boys who last week escaped from jail here, Wilkiils by name, who time and time again has been in various escapades, was captured by Sheriff J. A. House, in Norfolk last Saturday and -'brought to jail Monday morning. The sheriff got wind of Wilkin's movements and located him, but failed to apprehend the two other negroes who left the jail with him, though he was led to believe that they were some where In Norfolk or Portsmouth, Some of the farmers of the county here Monday stated to your corre spondent that it was the most stren uous harvesting year they had ever experienced, as the cotton oened so much earlier than usual, and before much of it could be gotten out, be cause of the limited amount of labor, the peanuts have to receive attention and time has to be divided with the other crops; so it is not yet time for him to wear his most expansive untile. '.'.." $:0(),0( BOX I) ISSUE. Halifax Commissioners Call Klcction For Good Bonds Bonds Bunicu Class KlerU OKIccrs Revival Ser vices Begin. : (Special to The Times.) Scotland Neck, Oct. 3 The county commissioners were in regular monthly session at Halifax Monday. Besides the usual routine of busi ness, the commissioners passed an order calling an election to be held on November 14th, to vote on the question of issuing $300, 000 county bonds for the purpose of building roads throughout the country. An act was passed by the last gen eral assembly authorizing the board of commissioners of Halifax county to call such an election and upon approval of the voters to issue bonds rot to exceed $300,01)0. Since the adjournment of the legislature the question has been dlBcussed some by the citizens of the county. : Many noted speakers and experts in road building no doubt will be re quested to visit the county and en deavor to enlighten those who may hesitate to vote this large amount of bonds upon the people. The Young Men's Baraca Bible Class of the Baptist Sunday school elected the following officers last Sunday morning to serve the class during the next six months: Prest- dent, Ashby W. Dunn; vice presi- dent, W. O. Lawrence; secretary, Daniel Bryaut; assistant secretary, Claude Paraniore; treasurer, Noah 1 1). Iti van; press reporter, E. J. Proctor; teacher, E. E. Hilliard; hustling cominitteo, J. A. Pittman, V. 15 Jackson, W. A. Walston. I A revival service will be com menced in tho'.. Methodist church i Wednesday evening. The pastor, Rev. J. A. Daily, will conduct the services alone until Monday, when he expects to be assisted by Rev. John I C. Wooten, of Grace church, Wil 1 mlngton, who formerly occupied the chair of Biblical instruction of Trin ity College. Captain Landers' Acquitted. Washington, Oct. 3. Captain Howard L. Landers, coast artillery, Fort Caswell. N. C, is reported, ac quitted of the court martial, ol the charge of wrongfully locking up at the fort a farmer alleged to have been selling watermelons at higher prices than directed by tho officer in charge, ; Senator. Overman . brought the case to the attention of the War Department when the farmer com plained to him. I n u gl iters of the Confederacy. Roanoke, Va., "Oct. 3. An .excel lent program has been prepared for the .'entertainment-" of the many visitors who have assembled 'here' for tile, annual Stale convention of -the I'nited Daughters of t tin Confeder acy. The regular business of the convention will bo taken up '.tomor row 'morning -nnd the sessions will continue until Friday. Piles Quickly Cured At Home Instant "Belief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to Al! in Plain Wrapper. The Pyramid Smile. Many cases of Piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure without further treatment. When it proves its value to you, get more from your druggist at 50c. a box, and be sure you get the kind you ask for. Simply fill out free cou pon below and mail today. Save yourself from the surgeon's knife and Its torture, the doctor and his bills. viw.v, PACKAorc corpox. Pyramid Drug Company,- UfSd Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a sample of Pyramid--Pile' Cure, at once, by mail, Free, in plain wrapper. Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Street City . . . . State Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Railroad of the South Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot" throughout the States of VlR'ilNIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, GliORGIA. Four Famous Trains: "NEW YORK AND FLORIDA . SPKCLVL.". . (Jauary to April.) PliOniDA AND - WK8T INDIAN LIMITKD, PAIiMI'iTTO MM ITKI), COAST LINB KIjORIDA MAIL." Dining Cars a la carte service. All year round through car ser vice from New York to both Port Tampa and Knights Key, connect ing with steamships to and from Havana. For beautifully llliistralTd book lots and copy of. the "Purple Folder" address W. i. CUAItt, T. C. WIIITK, Truffle Man. Gen. Vim. Agent. Wilmington, N. O. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited In This Savings Bank each ffMk WU1 Hm ros Wlta Two Hundred Dollar; Ahead Oao Tar Proni Today. You Will Spend It if Yon Do Not deposit it. Try Saving Your Money. ;' - ''- - -'! ' ' -,:' Money to Loan on Approved Collateral. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. Merchants National Bank Fay etteville Street KALWGH, N. 0. OUR INTEREST QUARTER BEGINS OCTOBEIt FIRST. AVc iiy r; interest, conipoiiiided Quarterly, fake. your deposits on or- liel'oi't Octohei' ord. Both large and sniitll aceounts received and appreciated. Merchants National Bank O. ni'NCAN, ITesldeae. W. H. WILLIAMSON, V-P. W. B. HRAKE, Jr., Gastric. W. J". CTLKV, Sad V.IV H. J. HINSDALE, Ast. Cash. if Clias. K. Johnson, ITcsidcnt. Raleig!) Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record For Nearly Hulf a Century. BANKING - Commercial Savings Certificates Think of What is Back of Your Savings? With capital and surplus. . .... . . . .... . . . . . .$100,000.(X) Stockholders' liability 300,000.00 Total $700,000.00 A new quarter begins Oetober first. Open a Savings account on or before close of business October 3rd, 1911. The Commercial National Bank RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. Accident and Health. Fire. Lite Employers Liability, SURETY BONDS, Plate Glass, Elevator, Steam Boiler, Automobiles. UNITED STATES FID ELITY AXD GUARANTI CO. A. M. MAUPIN, GENERAL Capital City Phono No. m.w Office No. 8 Pullen Building. I RKSrECTFUIiIA SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. COLLEGE LINEN 2.'ic. per pound. COLLEGE I'OST CARDS AM) "PICTURES. Watcrinan'a Ideal Fountain Fens. ' CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES "EveryUiim; For tlio Office." " THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMES E. THIKM, Manager. Times Iliiildin. ... . . . . C. C. ' Phone 844F . . . .Raleigh N. C. Regal Suggestions For Fall They are exactly correct . And when the young man uses K'cgal as his fnuiidat ion, the acme of com fort never topples. Our Fall Fashions are here; smart for young men. .The quarter sizes will give you assurance of that ''at home" feeling, and thus aid in warding off that afternoon fatigue, common to the hustling young fellow. $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, FURNISHINGS FOR MEN. Fnycttevlllo Street . ... ... . ... . . . Raleigh, N. C. 'Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation." andNearly Every- if body Reads The Raleigh Daily Times, j -? F. II. BrlKs, Cashier. INSURANCE. :0