T THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, TUESDxYY, OCTOBER 3, 19U. ONE POUND TALCUM POWDER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS rT EThis an elegant antiseptic toilet powder, put up in efce sprinkle-top wu and perfumed with yialets- Fine tar the nursery . . KING-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY. WHS QUALITT DRUG STORBi SOCIAL EVENTS By Miss Susan Iden. ALL TOUR STOMACH TROUBLES VANISH. LOVK'S WK.YTHKK. (From the New York Sun.) When we were young, my Hear And you had such a wealth oj;olden hair, I UBed to deem In young love's blissful dream The golden days must fair. But now that we are old, And on your brow 1 see those tresses blest.'",. . All silver gray, From gold, 1 turn away, And deem the gray days best! i -: When there is ram. my Heart, I hold the torrents close, and know no fears. Tbey but repeat The story old and sweet Of our commingled tears. And when the clouds come hv And color my. ways with hues night No doubts of woe Are ever mine I know Where I shall find the light. of The forecast of my days ever find within your dear pent; Or cloud or sun So long as we are one, My heart, am I content! JOHN IIENDRICK BAXOS eyes Miss Ella Harris has returned from Southport. Mrs. J. B. Kennv and son, of Ureensboro, are visiting Mrs. C. (. Crow. . ... Ex-Judge and Mrs. W. A. Mont gomery have arrived from Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. L, J. l'leot left today for a visit to Oxford. Mrs. J.. J. Young, of Clayton, was in the illy today. Jlrs. June Turner left today visit Mrs. Kdgorton at Selma to Miss Maude N'owell. of Sun ford, arrived today to visit .Miss Lou Riley. Miss Madeline fiitchm. of Wilson, who has been visiting at Peace In stitute, returned home todav. Miss Ruth Howell, of Ahoskle, iimo In from Durham todav to visit her .siler. Mis. (). I'. Keiinedv. Mrs. W. S.: Bailev,: of Littleton, was in the city today going to Kuightdale, to visit her daughter: Miss Lucy Hope, of Covington, Va who has been visting her a-.int, Mrs V.I. Johnson, returned home to dav. Mrs. II. I., story and son -Master Laiikford. of .. TMonton, passed through the city, todav going to Wake Forest. Mrs. T. A. Mnrrltt ' and Mrs. J. W Daughtry. of Kockv Mount.: returned home today titter visitim.' Mr! I M Proctor. . . -.-..- Mr. nnd'Mrs.' .Hen--M. Moore have returned to the citv after an absence of several weeks .visiting Montreal. Quebec, Toronto and the principal are at st reel . home 4m The Flexsole lryitioxr yoiir self just as easy asyouroJshoe northern cities. They at :!ln South Dawson Yesterday afternoon 1'rof and Mrs. A. ,T. Unrwlrk and little son. K-illian left for Newton, where Mr. Rarwick w'll ongasie i;i the practice of law. Their departure from the city is deeply regretted and , they were accompanied to the station bv a large crowd of friends. '-.Monthly Meeting W. C, T. I", The regular monthly meeting c," the W. C. T. C. will be held at the home of Mrs. .1. A. Saunders, Hovlan Heights, Wednesday, 4:00 p. ni. A nut attendance is desired. 'lease Lnng or send second ciiiitribiif inn f if the Y. M C- A TIIK WOMAYS C 1.115. I list VeWin; of ( lul) I5:isincs So slon Thursday Afternoon. i ne n.rsi . meeting ol. the woman s Club since the summer vacation will be the regular business nieetln on .-inursnav a tcrnoon at t'mir lock. An '.-especially- lame attend is earnestly requested, ';""'. Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn tanil Dys. jM-psia Go and You Feel Fine in Five Minutes. Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers in the United States, England and Canada take Pape's Diapepsin, and realize not only immediate, but lasting re lief. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach i five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't fit comfortably , or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of Indiges tion. (Jet from your Pharmacist a 50 cent ease of I'ape s Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon us you can. There will bo no sour risings, no 1( Idling of undigested food mixed 'villi acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, tullncss or heavy feeling in the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating Head- i aches, Dizziness or Intestinal grilling- ' Tins will all go, and, besides, there, will be no sour food left over in i the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. I I'ape s Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, hecaus? it . takes hold of vour food and digests I It just the same as if vour stomach i wasn't, there. Relief in five .minutes from all stomach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fiO-cent cases contain more than suilielent to thoroughly cure almost any case of Dyspepsia Indigestion or any other stomach disorder. Attack Has Began on City (Continued. From Page One.) J regarding this -Has, been made 'bV'tJfV royal government, whuh is jesting upon the logic ot events. It'cannot speak of mediation or negotiations until rurlioy recognizes the occupa tion or Tripol. bv. Italv." Japan' .Ventral, v T kio. Oct. ,!. Japan has Issued a declaration ot strict neutrality In the ltalo-Tiirkisii war- Mercy Shown Five Convicts. koi.um; mi:.ic.x iwikhf.k 1 .30 FLEXSOLE If your feet burn or are tender a Florsheim "Natural Shape1' "Flexsole" will be a new experience tor you in absolute foot comfort. Step in today. $6.00 lljiinlit.s ( loss llu. Rid Grande Fed eral -Government Will Aid (he Iianger. Houston, Texas, (let. -3 President Tart has assured (lov. Colquitt of ieas that the lulled States govern ment will co-operate with the state authorities in patrolling the Mexi can border. To this end the Tea ranger toree will be recruited t!) about 'SO men and ihe entire border of Texas and Mexico along the Rio (rande will be patrolled 'Ihe situation 'In Mexico and alonf the. border is again threatening oc ci'pai ion - by -American troops of the horde- territory. I'pou the removal of the troops thin summer bandit bands from Mexico are devastating 'he (order country arain and cross ing at times into Texas to continii. tnei;- aids. : : Cond'tiona in Mexico are unstable ! POOL ' - & CROCKER i Raleigfi, N. C. "; -i J Finely Tailored Suits and Coats The making of a high grade, perlectly tailored garment Is both the foundation and the keystone of our business. We believe that a garment of original design and reliable fabrics, conforming to fash ion's tendencies is the strong est argument that cnn'be placed before the ladies of Raleigh and vicinity. Your early inspection is es pecially invited. . Sniderman & Snyder, " 417 FayeUevUle Street. arii .msatistactory. The election October .1" meant' little toward a res-1 toiation of peace. The entire north- i ern country is embroiled and it is I believed that small revolutionary parties will still resist to new gov ernment and that thev will be es pecially active in the northern Mex ican states. hen President Ta ft was In Kan sas on his present sw ing around the I circle ' i,ov. .Colquitt "placed before i him the status of the situation In I .Mexico and .pointed. out the need of immediate action. Federal, troops in the border are ol little value, be cause they luck '.authority to make Tresis. , Thti slate ranger' force, is so empowered, bin as as patrol is n iederal mailer the iiovemtir of Texas believed the I nil,', 1 states govern ment shoud bear the matter of..tl;e l eavy expense eniaili'd. ' :t ;s to this end that Preside if la'i (ssiired co-operation. 1 lie rangi-r- force will be lutmediafely- re-; fruited . and thrown out along the border. These ranters will be for the interests and lives;.- but should the interior condiiions m Mexico be come more embroiled- it. is possible the; federal troops will again be c'all- d. upon to do border, d .;'.;.' and hold t hemsel yes oil t lie. line fur eiiei'ircu" w oik. While it: is too early to predict, ul- limate intervein ion by the . V'nited Mutes, in .Mexican altairs and i lie pos- ( sible. establish iuent of a .pro'.ecto rate the sit uat ion is already 'enough to 'command the attention of t'ae fed eral nuihonties. Citizens of 'icxas 'an not be expected to endure with paueuee anv procrastination in deal ing witli border troubles. 1 h" led era'l government, ".must -prosed the border or the people must take the matter in hand themselves. This would be., embarrass! h g,' Considering the present -uncertainty ot Mexican conditions, but so urgent is the situ ation that no lelav can be brooked by the constantly harrassed border citizens. .. (Continued From Page. One.) from Iliincombe ic-.:nty roads to I! u i he j.iil. , harles Perry. Durham county, ..May term, 1!H1; crime, selling luiiior, sentence, six months on , roads.." Reasons for pardon Pris oner has contracted erysipelas since his imprisonment.- The siipenntend end of health, the trial Judge, the solicitor and the two attorneys who were employed privately to prose cute, on account of his health recom mend pardon. I theretnre pardon prisoner on condition that be rema n law abiding and ot good behavior. I James McKinney, -Mitchell county. Mav term. 1907, crime murder see oml degree, sentence, Id years stale's prison. - Reasons for commutation- -In this case the tial nidge asked mo to review the case in the lieht of certain evidence not belore the jury. 'Ihe doctor who aitcnded the deceased makes nl hdavit that he was on his way to court as a witness in the case when he was severely hurt after bonrdTng the train, could not go to court, and was tinder another doctor's care. lie states that d ceased told him that lie did not want prisoner prosecuted, tnat he had thrown three rocks at prisoner be fore prisoner cut him. :''This evidence it it had been belore the : jury would have had weight in sustain m prisoners plea of sell deiense. The solictor and ly attorney who aided the solicitor recommend pardon, as do many other citizens. In view of these fact:-- 1 commute prisoners sentence to live., years Mothers- -and other ladies This is a dariiiii!? needle --a relio of -autixiuity. 1 Perhaps nouie of yon can remember when this little article was of-common, frequent use. Like the spinning wheel, tallow candle and the old t.lae coach, it has been supplanted by something much better. Not long ago darning was a part of mother's domcslic duties. LVi iay was just as much darning day as Holiday was wash day and Tuesday ironing day. Now-a-tlays every day is IJuster Urown day. Mother has entered the leisure class because ihe a li: tie family wears Bus ter l.rowus. Pa and Ma and Sis and l.uster all wear Busier- Browns and all pay 2") cents a paii buy less, pay less and mother's .'long :-ir.-;v (pail, ini'. She now keens her darnimr needle in the parlor .under a dass, alo Ihe wax (lowers. Busier Brown Hose Seamless, flerman Bool) T o e. Reinforced loot they with liiroughoui. Shaped like ihe foot. Mercerized. AH color,-- lor Men, V.'oiivm an Children. Four pair .fl.OO. ((iiaraideed four monihs. 203 205 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. m BOTH PHONES 485 Fads 6s Fashions vii.stxv-.vr cow i:Tiox. ( it v "uncil Divided. Atlanta. Oct. ;! The citv council of Atlanta is divided on the question of . whether or not children should be whipped in the public schools. Al derman Van l)vke and others, trongly opposed to it, have Intro iluced a resolution to abolish cor poral punishment . entirely, the reso lution has been debuted, but no con clusion has vet been reached. It is not considered likely however that whipping will be entirely abolished. ( ouncll and the board of education have already decreed that there must be no more cruel or unreasonable whlpuiiigs, and that any teachers gulltv of cruelty will he promptly dismissed. MOTIIKIt PIMUVXS HKK HAIIK. . ather nl the Time I'lnylni; tlie Or--;nii in it ( lunch. nrockton. Mass., Oct. 11 After drowning her daughter, Helen, two vears of age ,in a hath tub, Mrs. Morence Hrldgwood was discovered by neighbors todav as she was try ing to end her own life by inhaling illuminating gas at her home. Mrs. Brldgwood is twenty-four. Physicians who examined her at the lolice station pronounced her insane, and she will be taken to the Taun ton Insane Hospital tomorrow, Her husband, fired- Brldgwood. was at tending his duties as organist, at Trinity Episcopal church In .Stongh ton at the time of the tragedy. Asks 'Convent ion Xol to lin'oise linn lor President . Trenton, X... -'.T., .Ort. i7 Covernor Woodrow 'Wilson. di.-enssi.ng the platform 10 he uuo; r.i ... at tod.i denipcrafh- state ..ebiiven-t jon. said ;.li( delegate's should do . , not liing that would look 'like' giving him a boos lor the- prc-idenii..; noMiinatior. The sMivcriior exprrss-d doubt as to the good taKt." of the iO.r.lfonn piai iiig ei'her li iiusrK o;- l;i:-t : -winter legislature'." Wilson' said anv exnre sions of '."praise 'for' .iii's adniinislr: lion should conie Croiii the people. Hoke .-niilli In Another Hole. Auaii'a. (,a... Oct.- -Hoke, Miiilh has heroine .a hhicf.sniith. lis -well a governor and I niied Ht.i es . sena- ".or. .. lii'. iiei aliU' ai.ilititeU ..Willi the international union of brav.nv men i of the forge- when; he Was elected an honorary inoniiiei of., their, organ iza. nun li v tii.- on( -imon nssenmleii in Atlanta.' .Their mMoii followed an address delivered by (lie governoi It 'family names preserve tainily hisfories, as some smdcnls aver, it is probable tnat -seven or eight "gen era; ions a;:o, or oven turlher back some of Hoke, .nuitlrs ' anee.itois were' literally, smiths'. . Thev may have been blacksmiths, or goldsmith or silversmiths, oi" armorers, hut smiths they cerlamly were, and this circumstance adds an In l crest to .-t In most recent honor which has been con I erred on Iloke Sini.h b-- the blacksmiths'-union. Governor Smith is -probably the first ot lits fainilv foi- a century or more io whom the old trade has come hack even as an hon oi.irv title, for his immediate ances tors, have all .piir.uued the .more stud ions irolcssions: A, woman may he a perfect ladv while gnawing corn off the cob, but she .certainly docsn t look It- Stops a Cough Quickly Even Whooping Cough A Whole Pint of the Qulokest, Surest Cough Remsdy for 60o. Money Refunded If It Fail. Hebrews Celebrate. Atftfiita, Ga.,'- Oct. 3 The He brews of Atlanta, has just finished celebrating the festival of Yom Klp- pur hr'a sri'6i off'servles In the 16- caV tvnagbgueft hlell lasted tareugh out al lor .Veffterda-Rud long Into the night. This is the greatest festival f the Jewish year, an.d follows close. upon tlio New Year lestlvlUes. If yon have an obstinate, dop seated oougli, which refuses to be oiurd, get a 50 oent bottle of P.lm',iuix It with honin- niddn Riigfir syrup mid start tnkinu it. In side of 4 hours your con (rh will be gone, or very nmrly so. Even whooping-cough is (iiiioklv oonuuered in this way. i A 60-oent but tin of ,lnex,wh,n mixed with nume-niauo sugar syrup, gives you a pint a family supply of the Uomt cough remedy tluit. inoiii-v could buv, at a clear saving of $2. Very easy to prepare full uirtrouoiiB in package. l'tnex soothes and hmls the Inflamed membranes with remarkable rapidity. It tlmulnts the appetite, is slicitlT laxa tive, and has a pleiwant taau-chlldren take It willingly. Splendid for oroup, asthma, bronchitis, throat tickle, chest paiim, etc., and a tlmruugbly siiuoessful remeov lor incipient lung trouoles. l'ine is a Hueuial ana hixhly coneen- tmted compound of Norway White Pine extract, rich In gualacol and other hen pi he elements. It has often been Imiti though never suocesHfully, for nothing else wlllprod ure the ga me results, himply mix wnn siiKiir Bvrup or stminea honey, in a plot bottle, and it 1s rendy for line. Anyone who tries Pinax will quickly nnuerstand why it is used. In more homes In the U. 8. and Canada than any other Mlllirh MIllBflv. rPhA imii.ilriM lacrtiKmnfjiArf to give, absolute sat intact loa or money re-1 of yellow chiffon and a shorter ' " pMIRHKUi lull, ui iipinv has t'lueAor willnet it foryoii. If not, send1 W ine -u)us vo., t. ttnofiuiJ. New York, Oct. 1 he latest nu- poriatioiis Irom Paris make it clear beyond a doubt mat greater 'fullness in skirt-! is the latest dutim ol the rulers ol lasliion. Ot course,, the enange is bv no means midden. I hero is merely a gradual transition, but it is nt i iceahle even to the inex penenced ee. To-be sure, tne av rage Irock is -straight in line, but here and there one .-fees the double skirt.' the triple 'skirt, the skirt of tinv Hills, and t.iis note ol fullness becomes more insistent as the season advances; '- --. " , Ihe !ront lashion de if.ners of Pans are beginning to bring, our models in w.nch iiillness has a de cided place. .Narrow flounces are seen on the hems ol liocks ia.sbioned ot riiiflon and gauzes. The straignt wide .icin and the hand ot satin finishing, skirts has claimed tile at- tiou ot lasliionable women lor so loi;:;- a time . tnat a cllange ol this I :-l linmeiliaielv calls attention to! u.-ell. - :'"-. There will an ioubtc.i'y lit, an et I icit" on tne i art ol tne more nro- .u's ;ive lashion makers to . widMi he skirts very iK-rceptihh': but tins s not likely I,) be taken up, at lean lui i.ii;? t ae early . seasoii. .' J-'rills of ah m loiiiics and narrow laces -will io to ' give--new siiiri.s tile desirea liilliK s. et even these ;i re soil enoughi to hang perfectly straight, hut give-a 'delightful trou-frou effect wit.ioiit actually widening to anv creep! Ihle degree the general lines. A dainty model ot flounced silk muslin had a group of lace lriils et close to tne hem. The bodice is almost entirely of lace, with taree norlapmg frills of lace forming a mini ettect. A sash and girdle ol o:t peach-pink satin completed tins simple but handsome costume. Width is also introduced in some cases bv his. urn? .Hie sivirt nn llw suln li-nni list to hem and inserting an ln- veitcd point of some contrasting ma terial or trimming. Pleats that lap under and only ure noticeable when io wearer walks are another way if obtaining the new line of full ness. Ihe coats of very short hip length seem fo have gone entirely out ol fashion, which will be gratilying to many women who found those coats exceedingly unbecoming. The belief hat too new :Coat3 would bo more closely fitted seems lo have been without any loundalion, however. There Is a slight curving in ot front, and side lines on some of the new models, and there' are, ol course, certain belted and girdled models which nrc loosely held In, but the average coat keeps Us loose, straight lines and its snortened waist line in the back, an effect usually obtained by clever cutting and handling of the side sections and various seams. That the kimono sleeve has every intention of surviving the change of iseasons is evident.. Even among the best of the imported models one llnds it, and the domestic models un hesitatingly confess allegiances to it. hut long sleeves are a feature( of some of the most sueceasful frock and blouse models, and it seems safe to prophesy that the ultra-modish wo man of the winter will choose long sieves for her daytime frock. One of the best models seen, a black cloth stunningly embroidered in blue and dull yellow . of a sul phur tone, had a long, close sleeve of black chiffon with a little finish of embroidery under the chiffon where it fell over the band, and with a fold fold veiling the very top ot the sleeve and disappearing under the embroidered cloth at the armhole. Other models snowed lae upper part of the sleeve-' slightly full and join ing . a long, close cufl or an upper sleeve wnli close under sleeve. A chic velvet Irock ol line .stripe in green ami black had its sleeve down as tar as the ebow in the velvet and oomlortahlv loose though not fulled, .lusi above the elbow it belled a very Iittlennd was eoniiniied bv fine black net lor a depth ol poninns lour hi des. Tne net was drawn into ft close hand ot t.ie velvet, which Head ed what mav be called a long, close cult formed bv two sections of net separated bv a band of velvet. The trill lulling over tne hand is a tent u re ot the newest and most modish lingerie blouses, long sleveed ot course, and ninnv ot.ier blouses and bodices as well. This leeling lor ihe long sleeve is as vet routined to imported ; models, and among the cheaper -costume. -blouses and lrocks one seldom sees a long sleeve, but there will probably be a change later if the foreign inlluence makes itselt clearly tell, and the long sleeve is ence more accepted by toe lashion . able lolk. Among tiie ' handsome material employed in tne most recent models I imported from Paris superb brocades and velvets are conspicuous. A verv large number of the most beautiful I brocades have geld In '.combination wit.i color, the gold being more or less in evidence, according to the de sign. Sometimes one is but consci ous ot a gleaning thread here and there or o la ceneral .shimmer ol the background upon which the design l ; woven. Sometimes the gold is more boldly handled. There are ondertul c.iirt'ous and nioitssolines in color over whose surlace fun grace ful designs nclirely in gold. These in vivid color are stunning under shadowy veiling ot plain diapnan.nis material, but the .French designers do not iiesitale to use even the most gorgeous ot the brocades unveiled and in combination with plain mono tone material or lace. Now neckwear, keeping pace with other revivals, asserts itscdf In short, broad, planed frills of blnck, white and gray niousseline do soio, This trill, exactly like those of long ago, is divided into unequal portions, the narrower lelt lor the top by a ribbon twisted through the middle and then usd to tie it together In front or at the back, as one prefers. Al taough llie.so frills soon loose their Iroslines'i and beauty, they are be coming and add lust the amount of warmth necessary with the prevail ing fashion of iinhned guitnpes and stock "collars. They are 'especially welcome to the women, who still cling to the round, collarless neck. Occasional y one sees these plaited frills tied with long velvet ribbons I .int reach below the waist line, hhort-necked . boas of block ostrich feathers are smartly tied with a be- ilie ribbon rosette matching in color the parasol or the feathers on the hat. Rica, royal blue is particularly desirable in thii connection. There - Is nothing prettier; than hemstitched white 'marquisette for collars and cults. For winter gowns and- blouses it is charming, and is seen on nianv new models. One can make a set in an hour or two at home. The cost is insignificant and the effect c.iarmlng. For tnose ill mourning white marquisette acces sories are very pretty on blouses of chiffon-or crepe, or on serge lrocks. The craze for t lie Tarn o bhantor Hat is at its height. One example has a large, full crown of draped blacv velvet, mounted over a brim or band ot sum; lur, the brim be ing quite broad at tne lett side and at the back, and vanhaing altogeth er at the right side. A full black eigrette is erected - at the center tront, headed with a cabochon of gold braid from which gold fringe is suspended. Eveiet designs in laces arc expect ed to be one of t.ie strongest lea lures of the coming winter lashlons. FLORENCE FAIRBANKS. Come to Our Store for That Heater Let us prove to you that the one RIGHT way, the most eco nomical and healthful way to heat any house large or small Is by the FAVORITE WAY. They have spent over sixty years-climbing towards perfec tion In stove and range mak ing, and we think they have now reached pretty close to the mark that's why we han dle the Favorite Line HARD war? c y AVK IIAVK MOVKI) TO V2T Kuwt Murt in Street. It Costs You Nothing To visit oiiv storcr You do not have to buy. We just love to show you over our pretty store, and to show you the prettiest and most complete line of Toilet Artieles. in this grand old state. ' "COME AGAIN." (You will.) . joe: WAKE DRUG STORE, ' rilOJfKS NO. 228, W1DR..A-WAKR RME'GI. Y . ."' ' -' '.- - '. , " ' ' .' .. . V .

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