TITE RALEIGH DAILY TIMEs! ' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1911. 12 I Raleigh Jbilg limes Published Every Afternoon .(Except Sunday), by TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. JOHN A. PARK, President. J. B. CLARK....... Managing Editor 8. H. FARABEE ...CMOT Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATESt (By Mall) Dully i ll r, a B Mo. $3.50 $1.25 $ .75 i SUBSCRIPTION RATESs (By Carler) 1 Yr. Mo. S Mo. 1 Mo, 1 Wk. $5.00 2.50 $1.25 .45 $ .10 All subacriptlOM most tM paid In advance. No attention will be paid to anony mous contributions and no communi cations to the editor will bo printed except over the name of the writer. Munuscrlps offered for publication will be returned If unavailable, but tampB should be sent with the manuscript for that purpose. All communications Intended for this newspaper, should be addressed to THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES. Publication Office THE TIMES B IF 1 Ij U 1 N 0 , 12-14 East llargett btrtet, Raleigh, N. C. ASSOCIATED PRI'-SS. Entered at the postofflce at Ral eigh, N. C, as second-class matter. MAKK I'F.OCI.K I, VI (.11. The llmington Mar. noluu editorial paragraph in this . -pa pel a lew days ago, comes back w ith the , assertion thai the republican ...party docs keep its promises. W e quote ' from ; The Stii The Raleig Tunes observes: . -- I lie president 'expressed surprise in his Denver .speech that the American 'People. 'do not believe in the sincer ity ot republican, promises.' ' There need be no occasion tor surprise, .since the republican partv does not keep its promises." The -president and 'Hie Times are both mistaken, 1 Irom different angles. As a matter ot fact, the people do believe in the sincerity .of the republican party's promises to special interests, and thev are satisfied it does keep its promises of profits to its protection! beneficiaries who are awlullv juicy in -the. days of fat Irving. hat the (!. O. P. blunderliiis wants is ' plen ty ot time, to carry out its prom iscs to the people, soniefbing like 1 .000 years -!!!! Years to 'make I -promises, and one year to carry them out"; to the junk heap. The President and bis party made, knowing people laugh up their sleeves. The people do believe, as assert ed bv the Mar, that the republi cans : keep their ' promises ' to the i special interests, and that is tiu reason Ihev doubt, the sincerity of Mr. Tatt and others when thev are ' i making promises to the people. As we said, there i:i no occasion for j the - President's surprise. Rather are the people surprised at the gall( of a Hepulilican who expects them to believe. TH 10 Ni;V AI DITOIUI M. Raleigh is, and of right, ought to be proud of her new municipal build-J ing and -auditorium Indeed, everv citizen of Hie slain that has seen It claims ;t personal interest and i pride in it. bei use of its location at,0Mr ow guests. '1 he fair is theirs the state capital. I'eople from other "H much as ours, for it is a state in states sav it is the most complete titution. Let us make them feel building ol the kind they have seen. Outside and inside the building Is architecturally complete. , Viewed Irom the outside it. is splendid in ap pearance. On the inside It is ar ranged in all its parts in the best. possible way for advantage in the uses to which it is to bo put. Tho ' any other fair, large or small, but citv offices are well arranged and uy reason of its commanding ln tho auditorium is a model. The seat-! luence the state talr is the greatest in' caiiacity is 5,400, and every seat of them all and has come to be re is a good one. Starting from the' denized as one of the four great spacious floor every row of scats is fairs of the south, raised above the one In front of it The management has done Its and the stage is in full view from best this year and is anxious for the every seat, with no pillars or posts public to see the fruit of Its labors, anvwhere to obstruct. There is nOjThe bill of fare is a great one. The difficulty about hearing, even In the ( exhibits are fine, as befits the pro farthest seats, so perfect are the ac ducts of North Carolina soil and coustlc properties. There are no(the output, of North Carolina mnnu long stairs to climb and the entrance factories. The best, of the poultry 'doors, both to the lobby and the aud - itoiHimare so plentiful us to make congestion impossible. This splendid auditorium will be opened to the public next week. With the thousands of visitors In the city from all sections ot the state who are anxious to see the building and judge of 'its capacity, the time selected lor a formal opening is most auspicious one. 1 he dedica tion of the building occurs on Tues day evening, October 17. The exer cises will begin at S: JO o'clock. These exercises will be most Inter eating. The program will be tound in another part of this paper. On Wednesday evening the North Caro lina Concert will lie given and on Wednesday evening the Gland Con cert hv Victor's Venetian, band. The program lor three evenings'' exer cises is a grand one in every respect. as befits t he occasion. Kaleigh. in building tins auditor ium, .'has wrought, well. It speaks both, lor her enterprise and for The fact that she is put ting emphasis on Hie right things Its completion and dedication mark- an epoch in ! Kaleigh s lite. UK (.KKAT 1'AIH. Next week Is a great week lor Ral eigh, and lor this section of the slate in . particular and lor all the stati' in general. It is the occasion ot the littv-tirst gathering tor the Civat State Fair. For more than half a century this institution has been the occasion ot the greatest nn- i 'mtal event in North Carolina.' lie- ginning in what is by 'comparison I with-.now. a small way, each recur- ,1'in year has lound the fair a little hoUvr ,,,-., the. ' one preceding it. Uii . -rowt Ii has been steady, its claims ,., the affections of the petiole of Nm.,h c"i-i i-cil inai has been constant and reward in good and increasing meas ure, until now the people conic to it .Maiiv people who never leave home on anv oilier occasion make the su- .i etne effort ot the year and come to I the lair Tbe busy man lavs aside work ' at home and comes an d joins the throng. The manulncturer. .the tanner, the cattle raiser and the stockman are here, each with his own product. And then there comes ja throng ot .-people representing -.the (amusement world, for the vast crowd .must be entertained, ted, too, and 'ho ready, lunch, counters are always ' in evidence lie .Monday things will have ''""-,(t . a.-lively attitude at the fair groundii and Tuesday morning the gates will be officially opened to the public and the great fair, the great est of them all, will be in progress. Let us all hope for a week of good I weather and that every other cir Iciitn.s.aiice will lie propitious. And ' may no untoward event mar the oc l anion. I; is. and should be, a week lot good cheer. Let. us spend as possible:-- There will be much there of liinrft'ent aniusement and more for instructive sight-seeing., than can be encompassed in one, two, three davs, or a whole week. There will he , tnoiisaiid.-i o visitors m town, many "H- fo' " ,lil-v ",-11 nme. hundreds 'S'rtPIing with triends in t he city, l',,f 11,1 "'.. w,l, lv" ''ere treat everybody who do not live hero as that the city is theirs also, while they are here Indeed, It is, for it is their capital as much as ours, but we as the custodians of It, shall have the pleasure of playing host. Seriously and truly, the Great -State Fair is a great enterprise So 'yard, the cattle and stock farm are'growth, and these cause expansion there The best possible amuse- , , , , ,. , , nienTs. both free ami paid, have been selected. The exhibits from out of the state show the best that ti,0 brain and brawn ot other sections can originate and execute. There is something tor everybody; and while; no one person can see it all, every aone can see as much as he can see, and no one need tall to have his till of pleasure and saustartion. There Is something lor the ions-minded. The wonderful sor- ' pro - ducts ol a great state are shown in.) the The great .natural 'resources migliti industrial work... These are air shown. Then .there will he rei. tr win ne. anil rigui t iiu.v ougiil 10 lie. a easonol' good cheer, and of good .. ,. ,. . , , ' fellowship. And up town, too, (here will lie soiiiei lung worth while every night.: 'I lie great week is upon us. May wc and all of our visitors eniov it to the fullest. The Henderson field l.euf is quite prosperous und is going to put in smithing that can happen to her. Not entirely new outfit ind tvpe, prt complete. 'I he tiold Leal is one ot the best country papers and Us news paper ti'iends throughout the state are glad ot its prosperity.'.. The pa per states that its subscription list is now more than three tunes whal it was six months ago. and that it has also employed a .substantial, adver tising increase in tiie same time. This is u remarkable showing and is a strong indication that the Hender son and Vance, countv people.. 'know ii good thing when they see it. Press Comment. Franklin's Lost 1'artv. Since the swallowing up ot a large portion of the Franklin Arctic ex- pedition that went out to ' discover the North Pole in the forties, follow-; ed bv as nianv as thirty-six relief levitrwtitiMMu 1 1, ., t i.t .. i ,w..i , tion ol the death of the leader and others, but that could not account for the fate ot a verv large number rf ti-in t,,uti i-iw. L.t.,,.,.,,1 ,, it,ad of Captain 'Crosier from Kin- ". HIV. .1 .11, 111.11 II llllll LU.3 Willianisland toward the Hudson Uuv .!,.. . ",i l'. iij u.uiii ,,.-,ici, ii,.; Ollivillll ur,m"wi ...w ...... -, of mvsterv has covered the men lost the shrieks ot anguish and despair in the frozen north. i that turned France into an inferno Now comes the strange story of! Rut sanity, and (Jod returned to the finding ot a t ribe ot light-corn- get her. plexioned and beard-growing Kskl-! There was many ghastly graves 11108, and the theory advanced by Mr.Jto close up, many gaping wounds tonotioe g hereby given "that an elec Stetanson, an Arctic explorer con-i heal, many hitter woes to ameliorate tj0l). wjlI ,)p hcW the City of Ral nected with the national museum of in the wrecked nation, for God, "ho.pj on Tuesdav October 31st, 1011, history, that, the odd Eskimos are in fact- descendants of. the Franklin expedition.--. While the theory is tentatively ad - vnnced its probability i sustaincl son must tic written out ior ineiu in. TllL, polls-will be open from sun by similar (acts in relation of the their own ..blood.- rise to sunset. The respcclivo poll admtxtnre of peoples In (he past. ThivJ Alas! Many far more learned, far ng phices for said election together American continent probablv owed its wiser than they reiuse to read from wjh ropiStrara and judges will bo Hrst population to stranded wander- the open page of life that Ood can as-- follows': ers and there is little doubt bu that not be abolished. First Ward, first division, 11 N the hardv Vikings visiled its s'lores -.The Czar sometimes may be abol-1 w.,,cr8v. 8(orc. Registrar. C H long before the time of Columbus, ished and happy the people that Wiggins. Judges M. 0. Jones and Innumerable facts in relation to tho can set up in his stead as a goein K 0. N,.,0: propogatioii of the race through ac- nient. ot good order and Jubtiie.. upon First Ward, serond division, C W. cidental' happenings could be ci"ii which Cod may smile. Whiles store. Registrar, L. S.-Mi ami those who are fascinated bv t he 1 Churches may be abolished or de- ijK0. Judges Melvin Andrews and search for the lost tribes of Israel cay, priests may be abolished or dm- m. O. Lee. are ardent in their belief that the regarded, creeds and rituals may bo second Ward. first division, Rrilish Isles were populated from abolished or forgotten, but Cod (an names' store. Registrtir, N L this source. Then why could no', no more be abolished by manifesto Usiriictt. Judges A. i. Fleming and some Franklin men have survived of men than can the steady .match Jonn T. )oaf and become domiciled among the of time or the eternal circling oT , SocoikI Ward, second division, kindlv Kskimos with the result of tho stars be stopped by a puny cry ( ja(c-B Ktnre. Registrar, Henry passing their Caucasian type and their American names down the line. --Baltimore American. Applies to Wilmington. The Raleigh Times is urging an Industrial campaign for the Capital sviiko (t smell and completel.v de Citv. since Raleigh will have at its range the whole system li"n eiiter- dispnsition electric power that may bo soon utilized for industr.al M.cti articles siiouta never ne uxca Four(ll -War() flntt division, Capl purposes Sas the limes- ecept on u sci iptions from icput- ta y R(1(;)str.irj A "With the advent of so much elec- able physicians, as the damage lhe ' (!rf,(jn Jll(lKPS e a Lussi,L,r and trie power, Raleigh should not neg- will do is ten told to the good you j , -(.haI111,on . lect. the opportunity inai presems itself for the starting up Of small manufacturing industries. A city cannot have too many of these in - dustries or too varied an assortment., The materials are here and tho power is here and it will add vastly ouying nan s i atarrn cure ne sure rwilI ,)c now roglstration of nil riual to the prosperity of the city to get yon get the genuine. It is taken )flp(, vo(pr!,i am thp rPKis,,.a( 1()n power and materials together and internally and made In- 'lolotlo, . O.,.' bookg will bo opnn from Saturday, turn raw material into, the finished by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials October 1 4th, at 9:00 a m to Octo product. We need the people that free. ber lifith Inclusive, during which such industries bring, or develop. We Sold by druggists. Pi Ice, 7 Be per - pcri0,i the registrars for each pro need their weekly payrolls. W? bottle. jcinct. as above named, will ho in need the income from the sale of Take Halls Family Tills for con- attendance at their respective places the finished product. The money thus stlpation. :on Saturday October 14th and Sat- put in Circulation would keep things ) urday October 21st, an'd from Ocfo- humming and would add to the pros- EALCl TOR'S NOTICE. (ber 23rd until October 25th in- perlty of every business and of every elusive. citizen. We must have these things Notice is hereby given that I have There may be registration at other for permanent prosperity. The city qualified as Kxecutor upon the estate times by seeing the registrar person is alive afid building Is going on on of W. E. Faison, and all persons In- ally. Challenges may be heard on everv side, but when these new debted to said state will make . Octohr 25th and 27th. buildings are all completed, what prompt payment to me and all per-j This election Is held by order of then? We cannot, keep on putting sons having claims against .said the board of aldermen In persuance on new business blocks forever estate will present them to me on to the Dower given in an act of the unless we keep putting on buildings for Industrial enterprises as well. Af- ter a city reaches a certain stage in Its growth It. has to depend on the - W. W. WIU-SON, addiClon of new industries for furtherjla.w. 6w. Executor. 111 al1 directions." 1 ine argument by our estcomeu Ra,ej . contemnorarv wi ap,,,y ,0 Wilmington. Our citizens should never stop thinking about the Im portance of industrlos, and we should ' .. . . I at once renew our gei-tactorics cam- paign. Wilmington Star, . Fight TuImtchIosik. Kverv nffnrt 1r hinir made to - , out collsum)ti()ni but tho stamp out consumption, but the dreaded disea'se continues, u menace to life and happiness. I. The Plivslcians are doing all they rin tr nli.w.lr ,1,.. ,1 1...,., .... t.ililln flirira - " "v " .are sanitariums and Iresh-air camps established in nearly all of the ' S 1 1110 w ' ",,a'!U0 fu"s In its work. The time must surely come when a remedy will be found lo l"' tuberculosis, but at th. time there is no k....n . in,v well known physician, writing for "The l.at lies I nine- Journal, tells lloiiie .louriial s""' t!1(',s which should be investi- gated und etlorts sliou't he malj ,. ,, "Two-thirds ol my patients are married women. Mosl ol these coma to me nursing a second or third child, when they knew with their first child that (hey had . consump tion.". Not one ol these women seem ed to know that with tuberculosis motherhood is nearly the worst !oiilvjjj, it apt either to take the mot her s own lite, or aggravate me disease, but It leaves the child cradled in the very lap of contagion. This vital fact should be made clear to every woman, maternity should not be imposed upon any woman with tuberculosis or who is predisposed to It. Montgomery Journal. Manifesto Against (iocl. In a little Russian village of , ac rialtic the people have issued a man ifesto abolishing the rule not only of the Czar, but also of the Deity. Poor, ignorant victiniR of a cruel destiny and a still more cruel delu sion ! Blinded by false hope of liberty, they madly strike alike at the source of their misery, and. at tne source of the only true hope. As the blind and furious Sampson tore down, the pillars of the temple uiion lilinsell, so inese poor irenzieo people, wild with their new strength, seek to tear down tne most . sacreo - sanctuary of human justice. The French of the revolution tried the same tiling. I Tlmv tnn ilechirpn don nnonsh- ed and for a long time it indeed seemed that Ills countenance was forever hidden m rivers from the trntiintinoa ntwl In- the ftaims that .... -, - . laughed devilishly from the torture PM'es. and that His ear was closed ontnuf tl-io piiiseK ihf waitings aDdi cannot be abolished, can punisn anil , forgive. The people, of the far Arctic. vtl - 'lage know little ot ntstory. i no ics - in the nark .New uneaiib ,i Democrat lleware of Olntineiits for Catairli Thai Contain Mercury. as tiiercurv will surely destroy the Ing II through the mucous surhice-.. -.. :... c ...v... Catarrh Cure,.. manufactured '.by F. i;neney : lo., loieuo, u., iiiuiii . no mercury, ana is laiien nuernaiiy, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surlaces of the sstem. In or before the 7th day of October, 1912, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. SOUK, GASSY, ri'sKT STOMACH Ilhtil LAT.l). (..(. of-O.der Hlon'-hi Fool -Fine Five Minutes After Tnltlng n Mule Dinjiepsln, The question as to diow long you are going to continue a Biiftcrer from indigestion, Dyspepsia or out-ot-order Siomach Is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking some Dlapep- 8111. if vour stomach is lacking in di- K,,Ktive 'power wliv not help the I stomach to do its work, not with (ll.astjc drugs, but a re-enforcement . .. . or oigesitve agents, sucn as are naturally at work in the stomach. I'eoule with weak Stomachs should take a little Diapepsin occasionally .....i n..,r , ,,,,. i,nirnH. ,ion fooling like a lump of lead , t1(, Htomach. no heartburn. Sour ,,sI,Uh, l,s on Stomal or Dchlnng :,...,,, mil tlibrln hir.:. ness or Hick Stomach, and, beaides, what yon eat will not torment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these svmptoms resulting from a sour, out-of order stomach and dyspepsia are generally relieved In Ine minutes alter taking a little Diapepsin. (lo to your druggist and get a 50 cent rase of rapes Diapepsin now, and you will always go to the table with a heart v appetite, and what you eat will taste good, because your stomach and Intestines will be clean and tresb, and you will know there are not going to be any more bad nights and miserable davs for you. They freshen you and make you feel like life Is worth living. REMAIN TEX YEARS IX REJ AI'ITER UCARKI,. Alton, 111., Oct. I t Miss Alice Mundry, disappointed because her mother forbade her communicating with her fiance, tool; to her bed, vow ing that she would never arise un til all objections had become re moved. Ten years have elapsed since then and not once has .Miss Mundv placed her loot to the floor, and onlv once ,., she. been out doors, and that was when she was lilted, against her will, and carried out on her cot: Now she is unable to arise. To- ; (;,) 1;,,. 0f exercise has weakened ,r physically so that she has prac- j ticallv lost the use of Mind or foot Foley Kidney Tills. Supply Jusi t!ie ingredients needed - ; v,,""v the natural action of the kidneva and bladder. -Specially: prepared tor backache, headache, nervousness, ne umausm aim all kidney, bladder r'liry rregularities. King- - """ - 1' ""b v-o -..NOTICK OF KLIX'TION. I'ursuant to an order of the board Of aldermen ol the city of Kaleigh, 1 for the purpose of deciding the ques- tion of the sale, removal or remodel- iing of the present market house in . ttu, Kai(i (,,,y Mt.tlo. Judges J. S. Cray and J A. Hashlord. Thud Ward, First division, Victor Fire House. Registrar, W. W. lip churcli. Judges, Jno. IC. .'Id vans and C. II. Heine. : Third Ward, second division. Royal Knights Hall. Registrar, At las linker.- Judges, J. 0. Upehurch anfi Gc) S;lva e Vonnh Ward, second division. 'city Lot ' Registrar, U. l. Yates, and Lucius judKM Oris Branch ,,00, NoH(lp t, further ei yen that for )np 1mrpoBO ()f tnis Oi,,0tion there I general assembly of North Carolina,1 session, 1911, H. E. GLENN. Sept. 30th, 1911. City Clerk. 9-30-o.a.w. 4wk8. Merchants National Bank ' Fayettcvillo Street . . . . Raleigh, N. C. IvcsptM'tfully solicits .-your -patronage. We have both Commercial and Savings J)cpartincnts. Our deposits arc now over Tliirtocn .-Hundred. Thousand (.tl,"00 noo.00) 'Dollars.-: 1',-' Fnterest paid in S;n iii!;'.s Dcpartniont. ( Cerl.ittcates.of Dcpti.sit issued. K. C. Kl'NCAX, VM. II. -'WILLIAMSON, V.P. W. IV IT LEV, 2ml V. V. Cha. E. iloluason, President. r'V'.:;:::;f Raleigii Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Standi) For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Kecord For Nearly Half a Century. OUR AIM A. C. HINTON, NOKTII CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAII,OK. Second Floor Merchants National limik ISuililiiig. r? v Carolina Teachers Training School A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy Is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins Sep tember 26, 1911. . . - For catalogue and other Information, address i ROBT. H. WRIGHT, Trident, "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation," and Nearly Every- i . body Reads The Raleigh Daily Times. '3 President. W. II. DRAKE, 311., Cashier. S. J. HINSDALE, Asst. Cash. 39 A GOOD THING ' TO CATCH THAT LOOSE CHANGE OE YOl llS. Gommercial National Bank, Italcigli, X. C. II. S. Jerinaii, Vivs. K, II. ( row, Cash. P. H. Brlggs, Ciuihlcr, Is not to sec how many Suits wc ciin niiiko, hut how good wc cau make them. Wc have, succeeded in proving to - many men that wc do make clothes to lit, and our aim now is to make a new Fall Suit for you. You'll hit the bull's eye in the target of fashion every time if you leave your meas ure todav. Custom Tailored Carments at "Ready-Made" Prices. ASr Greenville, N. O.