Thursday, The R-edeigh -Daily Times October 26. Big Stove Store VVJT vr i j . l l.,t,n mono TNi rjMfl!. sPtiWf irTf! fillip We arc now adding two extra floors, covering (5,000 feet of Moor space, and are showing Stoves and Ranges of every description in great variety and price. YVe set your Stove np ' complete in your home. No extra charge for this service. THIS PAR TICULAR STORE PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE. '..iiy M'ryiiiiiHiiiiii 111 ' 7 J. I Constable, Justice of the Peace and Game Warden Was Olio of llcst Known 1 iti.ens cil County Dies Result of Stroke of l'aiulysls at Fair (J rounds Lust Tliurs(ln,v- Funeral Tomorrow. .121 E. Martin St RALEIGH:NX'.f The After-Fair Soiled Linen. No doubt it 's uiiusiiallv "dii'ly," therefore ' it needs the er k aiitnlnn. Our uuu hint s for this class of work are not to be. equalled in b'aleigli. Phone us. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 117 West Harnett Street. HALLUJH, . V, Hofli 'I'lmnes 87. THE HIGHEST TYl'K OK ItEADY.TO.WEAR CLOTHES IX THE WORI.ll 17 .' -. : f ..."SnWIJ.. 'fStl'iriV. - ffti 6 1 !. . llr if ill Wi iSft: IS ' CopyritfM 1310 '''' :, ' ..v.-:."' . (Made in New York) ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS. Your Emly Inspection of These Cleverly . Made Clothes is Respectfully Suggested. THE HOME OF OOOI) CLOTHES. WE WISH TO BUY We Avish to buy live small tenements, renting from $4.00 to 5.00. Reasonable cash prices paid for property that will smt customers. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. 0U.ED UP t cross SUMMER sioe . WIHE AWAKE PEOPLE IX THE SLEEP Bl8 : IX ESS. All kinds of old Mattresses made over. FEATHER HEPS MADE IXTO MATTRESSES. Feather BoJs and Pillows washed and medi cated.. class work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered the same day. THE EUREKA MATTRESS CO. C. C. Phone 132. Factory address No. 320 S. An Old Mattress We McDowell Street. Made Over. Our Agent Will Gladly Call, Show You Samples. Mr. John K. I pchureh, one ot tae be.;t known men In Wake county. and for inunv years a constable, jus tice ot the peace and slate game warden, died at his home, 2U3 South Swain street, this morning at .3:30 the result ot paralysis. He was stricken at the tair grounds last Thursdav afternoon, was earned home and never lett Ins bed. He was born near M.irnsville, Kebru arv 21. 1x51 and was thereiare. nearly sixty-two years ot age. - Mr. I pclnirc:i was an active man, possessed a strong personality and leadilv won Ineuds. Kor twenty years he was constable ot Ilaleigti township and eighteen years ago was terribly wounded in attempting to arrest .lohn Allen Johnson, a white man. Johnson tired a bullet into Mr. I prhurch s lelt side, near heart, and the deceased never unite recovered from the wound. He iad .suffered from rheumatism at in tervals betore and since the wound ing. '..;.. . Mr. 1 .-pchureh was aiip.inite:! state ganiH warden several years hko and ! lield tills -position until tlire' years j ano.. when the letislature iract ical-1 Iv abolished, the olllce. Kor i lie ;usl vears he liail been a jus- me ol Ine peace unit was one ol t,ie lipst in the eounlv. lie win not a member oi any se cret order. He was first a member ol the First Baptist church, but later removed his membership to i lie. Tabernacle:.. The funeral will he conducted from the residence to morrow afternoon tit !:;.10 by Dr. I. V . O Kellv, piistoi' of the First liap tesl church. Internient will follow in the city eeinelerv. Mr. I pchureh was twice married the hist time to Miss Melissa Hag- well. From that union three chil dren survive. Mrs. W. U. Heale. il minglon: Mr. Ira I pchureh, Ameri-ci!--, (ia.: and Mrs. J. U. Angel. Ma con. (!a. .Mr. 1 pchureh s second It.'AS, DYSPEPSIA A.l - IXDKJKSTIOX VANISH; Diiipeiisin Settles Your t'uset Stom-1 Ki ll and Ends All Indigestion in I Five Minutes. You can eat anything your stom ach craves without tear of indiges tion or dyspepsia or that your food will ferment or sour on your stom ach. If. you will take a little Dlapep- sin occasionally. Your meals will - taste good, and anything you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach -pas,- which causes belching, dizziness, a feeling ot fullness after eating nausea, lit digestion (like a lump of lead in stomach), biliousness, heartburn, water brash, pain in stomach and in testines or other svniptonis. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this ef fective remedy is used. Diapepsin really does all the' work ot a healthy stomach. It digests vour meals when vour stomach can t. A. single dose will digest all the. food von ear, and leave nothing to lertncnt or sour and upset tlie stomach. tiet a large 50-cciit case ot I'upes Diapepsin. from ' vour . druggist and 'start taking now, and in a little ! while you will actually brag about EOYLAN-PEARCE CO I B0YLAN-KEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. your healthy, strong stomach, lor yon then can eat. anything and ev erything you want without the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle ol unii'iritv and gas that is in your stomach and intes tines is going to he earned away without, the lire ol laxatives or any other assistance. Should you at tiiis moment be suf fering from indigest ion or anv stom ach, , you can siirelv get re lief v il li i ii five in in in INTEREST IS GREAT Interest continues unabated m the training school tor suiidav- school workers being held tins week at the Baptist Tabernacle and each evening the siiDjects are made nior? interest ing than those preceding, l tie course will be closed Fridav evening, when certificates will be awarded those who pass the examination. The at- wife was Miss Kmnia Wicker, who tendance last night was larger then loiiowing cinuireii, sui-- ,at any session tins week. I lie pro- witli the following children vives: Mrs. . Lee- Howard. Norlina; Mr. K. :l . I pciinrch. Miss Lottie l'p church and Master Pearson I'P chui'eli . Kaleigh. He is also sur vived Uv the following brothers and Miss sister: Messrs. llliatn n. aim l :. .r ' 1'pcliurch. Morrlsvllle: J. 15. Ill-church,- Carv: L. M. I pchureh. Sil ver Springs Kla.: Pat 1 pchureh. Apex: and Mrs. Chess Morgan, New Hill. pallbearers will be Messrs. .1. J. Bernard. Armistead Jones. 13. P Mavnnrd Hart M. Galium. E. M. Bledsoe, .1. H. Sears. K. O. Pool and .1. ('. L. Harris. gram for this evennu: is as follows: 4 : 0 0-4 : 4 a- Dewii lunal .'exercises led bv Uev. H. C . Moore. I 4 4"i-"i JU I ic Cradle Roll, Frost. . 5 : 20-tK00 "The Teachers Funda menial '-principles..' ltev. J. T. Watts. . ti : oo-fi.: 50-s Lunch. .. l:")O-7:00 Devotional.' ": iiu-7:;10 Open conference, con ducted bv Prol. Middleton. 7:30-8:lfi "The Art of Illustrat ing," Kev. Harvev Beauchamp. :lS-8:4.WThe Jewish Religion in the Time ot Christ, ' Rev. L. IC. .M. Freeman. WSOX COl .VTY MAN IS (JKAXTKD PAHDON. .'Governor Kttchin today granted a conditional pardon to Dark Rollins, convicted in Anson county in April. Ill 10. of selling liquor and sentenced to twelve months on the roads. The governor in his rensons for granting the pardon says: "A strong application for the par don of this prisoner last March was presented Since then those in charge of the prosecution'.: and who opposed pardon have witnrlrawn their opposi tion' and now join in the application lor cletnencv. The trial judge and the solicitor ask that the sentence he reduced bv a pardon. A majority of the jurv and a great many good citi zens join in the request for clemen cy. I therefore pardon prisoner on condition that he remain law abid ing and of good behavior." MEET DEATH TOMORROW- ' IX THE ELECTRIC CHAIR. ATter exposure, and when you feci a cold coming on, take Foley s Honey and Tar Compound. It checks and relieves. I se no substitute. The genuine in a yellow package al ways. King-Crowell Drug Co. Norval Marshall, the negro w'io committed a ciminal assault on Mrs. Joseph Choplia in Warren conn-! ty September 1C, will be electro cuted in the penitentiary tomorrow. Everything for the execution was got in readiness and there will be little to do tomorrow except to ad- j just the prisoner in the chair and turn on the current. A number of i spectators will be present to witness the execution. liOOK FOR THE PROOF BE HIND THE PROMISE. LOOK FOR THE TRl'TH HE. IIIXD THE TALK. That s what you ladies will do, and that s what we invite you to do. ' Seeing Is believ ing." Placing your orders with us is a money-saving method to you, as we guaran tee you first-class work and fit. All Suits and Skirts are tail ored in our own work room. Remember before elsewhere, call on buying Sniderman & Snyder, 417 FaycttevUle Street James C. Dahlman "Cowboy" Mayor of Omaha, "Throws the Laria," Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman started his career as a cowboy and Is at pres ent mayor of Omaha, and has the following record, Sheriff of Dawes Co., Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Na tional Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years, and In 1910 Candidate for Governor of Ne braska. Writing to Foley & Co., Chicago, he says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great deal of relief go I cheerfully recommend them." Yours truly, (Signed) James C. Dahlman. King-Crowell Drg Co. Most of us are charitable when is comes to giving away other peo ple's money. FRANK B. SIMPSON, Architect RALEIGH, - - N. C. MUSIC Wanted: Pupils for day and night class on Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Piano, especially. Very reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed Music and Books free of charge. No extra charge for going to house; ilso would like to get young ladles to take up orchestra music Reason able price and good pay whan cap able." v Apply to i , prop. j. leviit, 928 W. JONES 8T. Cool Crisp Mornings Call for Heavier Raiment. The fields are hanging white with the fleecy staple; the forests changes Color, while variegated leaves strew the fields with a carpet of myriad hues; all betoking the early approach of a predicted bleak and dreary winter season. Against such conditions you can amply fortify yourselves at this store so far as stylish, comfortable, c zy wearing apparel goes. WARM WINTER COATS. These for Women, Misses and Chil dren in Cloth, Kersey and lonl)lefa'e Worsteds, ( ';il';i cnl. ; Fur a n:l Russian Pony Skin. Not a material, weave nor, fashionable stvle missing. Coats Cor Si-liooi gii V. . .$3.00 to $12.00 Coats for Youn La'lies: .$6.00 to $25.00 "oats foK Swell ! );vs: v. $15.00 to $85.00 NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS, DRESSES AND SKIRTS. In Women's Ifeady-to-wear apparel, this season's '-.display will surprise- and delight ('Veil those who know our reputation for showing none hut the newest styles and 'best values brought out from New York. Tailor-made Suits he colors, make-up and materials, are what'ynu niiglit expect to see. even in 1he more pretentious stores of a northern eitv. The prices range from '. .$15.00 to $85.00 Dresses for day and evening wear of tine Woolens, Silks. -Satins, Chiffons, Crepe l)e Chenes, trimmed with Nets', Fringes and I' prices that run all the way from. . $10.00 to $65.00 Separate Skirts ol' English Novelty Suiting, Irish : and: Scotch Mixtures, wide and narrow wah' Serges and Plain Cloths In' gradual rise from ':'-- $4.98 to $18.50 KNIT GOODS IN STRONG DEMAND. Sweaters, Aviation Caps and Motor Hoods White, Plain Colors and White, and colors with borders in tine 'contrast and bold relief, Prices any where . . . . . .... . 50c. to $8.50. " ' il:; BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY - -aHi i. '.: Raleigh Office Upstairs, next door to Grand Theatre. (Over Weather's : Art Store.) Come In and hear the new Records Victor and Edison. See the new Victor Hornless at $15.00. fl A GASKINS Rjileigh and Durham, X. C. JNO R. CREEL, Mgr. SllliXlCZClMMHHSBHBHBaSSBHaiHHB "Nothing Succeeds Like Cir culation," andNearly Every body Reads The. Raleigh Dailv Tim AT Koonce Bros. HARGETT STrtEET, RALEIGH, N. C. STARR PIANOS, TRA YSSER PIANOS, RICH MOND PIANOS, REMINGTON PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS. We now have on display- one of the most beautiful STARR PIANOS that is made, the price is only $500.00 and the quality, tone and construction, you will find to be all you can want in a fine Piano. Other Stan- Pianos up to $1,000. Terms to suit. J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH, Mgr. AT KOONCE BROS., RALEIGH, N. C. CROSS m. LIN EH AN CO., "The Clothiers." Special Suit Values $20.00 Special Overcoat Values. $18.50 Big Stock of English "Fuzywuzy" Hats, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 CR.OSS CSL LINEHAN CO. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS LEADERS OP FASHION FOR MEN. 9a