THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1911. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. GraM Tlieattire SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF ROSE ROYALS' WONDERFUL STATUE HORSE. CHESTERFIELD. Considered One of the best Acts in .Vaudeville now Making a Triumphant Tour of the Larger Cit ies of the South, Preparatory to Filling an Engagement Over the Keith & Proctor Circuit. Grand Theatre Week October 30th. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. THE ALMO Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En tire Change of Programme Daily. A BOY OF THE REVOLUTION. A War I'lrtiirt'. (JimkI, Clour l'lionjNiiliy. A FAIR EXCHANGE A JMrtiiresqiio Oow-'ily-iM-amii -of Mt'xlrn.., A PASSING FANCY TIip Slry of An I'nfoiinlit huel. A Siirjjrou'H sini-li ... R'lv-cn Duty and Hatred.' ARONSOX & BROWNE Managers. Will Chase With. Tennessee Across the Checkerboard team is strong and it will be (lie heaviest panic to be played here tins season, anil In tart it in next to the last gamo. A. K- Al.'a line ti) Sat urilav will probably be as tollowu, Seiiert anI I ( oii.i:;i: m:vs. Satnrdav Allonioon Klcven l-roni Volunteer State Will Chase Across the ( lieckerlioai'd With Kurnicr Klcveii- liohei'tsnn Our ot (.'ttine A. mill M. Mne-l'ii .Strong. Football, yes again Saturday af ternoon. The University . ol leu nessea' will make a trip to the Wide Awake City to play the husky bunch i of Farmers. This game with Tennessee will ue Nothing Succeeds Like Cir culation." and Nearly Every body Reads The . Ralfiich Daily .Times - -ZjiiM!' CAI'T. T.l, STAI roiiK, Qwirterhni U. one Of the first that" t.liey have played out of tne S. I. A, A. Thev are sup posed to play colleges onlv in llio association but ihe Tennessee l.?l- Iowa are nome lo so beyond t lie i rules this tall and play A. &.M. Tn m la W0M r. LOXXIl IH W, Ta-kh. I'hillips, ends, llui'tt ami Dunn tackles, Floyd and S.vkes Hoards Mclver center, Cap. Stuftonl iiuarter- back, Spencer and Anthony halt hacks anil Cool lull bark. KobertRon is sick anil will not be able to plav in the -name at least that is the way. things stand at, thu present inonieiit. He Is made of iron and von cannot always tell what an iron man will do. Harris who was Hurt in I lit Rame W fkii Bids fair to be the most select residential section around Raleigh. About 50 lots are now ready for sale, as HIGH CLASS PROPERTY ONLY. Na ture has made no prettier place, and the lots are the largest ever offered. They join the Country Club and the trol ly line. Prices reasonable, and terms favorable. Select your lots early. Our Automobile is ready to take you at any time. We want you to "look." ' ' f Phone, write or call on Realty Loan S Trust Company, 313 Fayetteville Street or D. F. FORT, JR., 15 West Hargett St , SALES AGENTS. m ini s!:iri.:iny Kilit l.iul. last Thursday is hack on the field and there Is a r.ooil chance that he will be in the name.. It is hard to tell who will pl-.iy as there are two back fields and Conch Green may work several ot the six men. A new man on ike varsity squad is Hasael. He hails irom Warren ton high school, -phiying on that snappy prep team last year. lie Is not a very heavy man but he has the malum; oj a ..(rood hack and H handling hlnifelt well. Coach Green asked lor new men, as some ot the old nicii on the squad were unable to keep the pace. Sev eral new men were out this aftrnoon and. they will he stalled 'Tn on the scrub team. Scrimniamng has been MclVDU, ( Vnter. going on every nlternoon, Friday the team will indulge in signal practice but there is pretty apt to be a scrim mage between the two scrub teams. The Tennessee team will arrive in th city Friday night and they will stay until Sunday, Saturday night they and the Farmer team will he the guests of the management of the Academy to see Beverly. They will occupy boxes. , October .Number of .South Atlantic yimrterly Just Out Several ( 011 tribiitions by Imminent Writers. (Special to The Times.) Durham, Oct. 27. The October number ol the South Atlantic Quar terly has just some from the press. This number completes the tenth volume ot ihe Quarterly, and pre sents an interesting and varied la-' bio ot contents. The leading article is another one of the series on Lee hv Mr, Gamaliel Bradford, 'Jr., This article is entitled ' Lee Alter the War," and gives a most attractive account ot Lee's service in healing the wounds ol the nation after the great conflict. Mr. Bradford .is go-1 ing to publish a book on made , up ot the series of articles which have appeared during the last year in the soulli Atlantic Quarterly and Atlantic Montalv. President William I'. Few, ol.Tr; nitv College, contributes a th.Might- lul essay on Force and Rigiit In the Government ot the World. This na per is characierised hv distiiictuiii of style as well as closely reasoned thought. Prut. Koy Temple House, who has recentlv been spending a year in Gennaiiv as an exchange teacher in one ot the leading Prussian high schools, discii-:sed in his article Pro- bell of Slate Religious Instruction in Germany. The dilliculty in the wav ol religious instruction in the state schools ol that county is clear ly set forth. Dr. Klnier James .Bailey, of Cor nell Cniveisitv, contributes an in terpretation ol one of the poems ol George Meredith, which has up to tills lime been something ot a puz zle to the literary critics. Dr. -.Bailey 1; the author ot a volume on the life and works of Meredith and is especially well qiialifled to Inter pret his poetry. Prof. D. Y. Thorns, of the- I'nl versltv of Arkansas, has for his sub loct a historical article on the Free Negro in Florida Before lsC'i. 1 1 o has recently uad from the Carnegie Foundation much valuable informa tion in regard to the conditions ot the---class of the. free negro in Flor' da during slavery time.. Prol. John Bauer, of Cornell I in versitv, contributes a valuable dis ce sioti of the recent, decision of the New Vork Stale Court ot Anneals on the. q nest ion ; . of ' Com cen sat ion lor linuries to Employes. His suh lec, I Workmen's Compensation and tiie Law, and his article takes issue witn the decision ol t ie New York Court. Prol. William Thomas Paprade, ot Trinitv College, contributes one ot the most timely articles in the mini her. Hi ; subject is the New Amendment . to the. English Consti tution. Dr. Luprade relates the events leading up to the change m the powers ol the house of lords, whereby in the future the lords must vield to the will of the En glish people as expressed by the house ol -conimons. The last article is a chapter on military history hv Mr. George M. Wilson, whose 'subject' is Butlers Relations with Grant and the Army ol the James, Mr. Wilson shows Butlers incapacity as a commander as evidenced by the failure of his campaign against Richmond. This article also throws some interest ing light on the way in which But ler was able to influence Grant and the authorities in Washington to re tain him in command. What is said ol ins influence over Grant is espe cially interesting. The number is concluded with book reviews hv Professors W. H. Wannamaker. W. K. Bovd, A, M. Webb, W. T. Laprade and W. H. Glasson. pulling oft several pretty plays, out the Juniors outweighed and out kicked them. During the entire game the ball see sawed from one end of the field to the other. At. no time however was either goal in danger. The line-up was as follows: . Juniors: Ilidgen, c; Axley, r. g.; Vann, r. t.; Phillips, r. e.; Sisk, 1. g. : Hoover, Storey, 1. t.; Bagwell, Rights, 1. e.; Stokes, q.; ("aid well, 1. h.; Carnngton, f.; Burch, r. h. Freshmen: Carr, Foust, c. ; Fount, Fuller, r. g. ; Kiser, r. t.; Mebane, r. e.; Barker, Lindeau, 1. g. ; Michael. I. t.; Mannng, Mclver, I. e.; More head, qi; Spencer, 1. h.; Guthrie, f.; Lusby, r. h. ..Umpire, Lawson; referee, Dickie Belden. Time quarters 8 minutes. Oak Ridge Institute Club met. ami 'elected officers: L. M. Price, presi dent; D. J, Walker, vice jiresldeni; S. Wade Barbour, secreturv and L, L. Abernathv, treasurer. I I'XIVKKSITV m:vs. Xortli Carolinii Historical Society Meets Intci-Class Football Game. .(Special to The Times.) Chapel Hill, N. ('., Oct. 2S The North - Carolina.. Historical Society liietMomlav night ami reorgnnueu. Dr. Hamilton who presided briefly outlined the history of the society since its organization in issi, nna added that hitherto the society had not been doing the work which the state demanded of It. He asked tor the earnest support of every mem ber, and judging Irom the members present about thirty - there is rea son to believe that the work of the society will be more satisfactory. Short papers dealing principally vith North Carolina history will be read at each monthly meeting. The fol lowing officers were elected tor .Iho year: President, Dr. II. M. Wag staff; vice president, J. H. Rand; secretary, C. K. Burgess. The Chemical Society also met on Monday night and the following In structive papers were read "The New Method for Determining Nitrotcs in Water" by Dr. C. II. llerty; "Report ot the commission of Investigate Faults in Platinum. Ware" by J. S. Jeffries," The New Indication for Volumetric Determination" by J. T. Dobbin. All these papers were very Interesting and instructive. The Chemical Society is being much more fully attended this year than here tofore, and better work is expected to be accomplished, i The class football season opened with a close game between the juniors and the freshmen resulting in a tie 0 to 0. The contest was in teresting throughout as both teams were pretty evenly matched. The freshmen showed good team work. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited la Tbia Savings Bank M)fc ftk Will 8m Tom With Two Hundred Dollars . Ahead Owe Tear Froai Today. Ion Will Spend It If Yon Do No deport it. Try Saving Your Momey. Money to Loan on Approved Collateral. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. Merchants National Bank I Fayetteville Street ... .. .. . .. . ... Raleigh, N. C. Respect i'i illy solicits your patronage. We have hotli (Viirnnci-cialaTKlSaviiisDcpartiTionts. Our deposits arc now over -Thirteen Hundred Thousand (1,.0.000.)0) Dollars. 4 Tuterest paid in Savings .Department.. 4 Certificates of Deposit issued. I'V O. IH'NTAN", Iresldent. WM.-H. .VI1Jj1AMSON,- V.I'. AV, II. DIIAKK, Jit., Cashier. W. h tthKV, 2nd V. 1. K. ,). Ill NSIIALK, Asst. Cash. ,C3 .HALVES je A GOOD THING TO CATCH THAT J LOOSE CHANGE r OP YOL'KS. Gommercial National , Bank, Raleigh, N. C. Ii. S. Jerman, Pres. E. B. Crow, Cash. Chaa. E. Johnson, President. F. H. Brlgge, Cashier. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKINGF. An Honorable Record For Nearly Half a Century. COME BACK w Is Ok A. HEN an aeroplane leaves the ground and soars high in the air It must come back sometime. w HEN a man wears one ot our custom tailored suits and wears It for a season, he'll come back for a new one when he's raady. 0 A SATISFIED customer always comes back and that's why we always endeavor to successfully tailor our garments so that we can feel that a man who is once a patron is always a patron. w E could fill a book telling you about the hundreds ot styles and ideas we have for Autumn and Winter but we're not authors, we'rs tailors and can talk it over personally with you to a much better advantage for both of us. C. HINTOW, NORTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAILOR. Secoad Floor Merchants National Bank Building.