A TJATVETOTT DATLY TTMES, FTHPAY, OCTOBER 27, 1011. Saleigh3JfliIg limes Published Every Afternoon. (Except Sunday) by TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, JOHN A. PARK, President. J. K. CLARK,. . . .Managing Editor. 8. H. FARABEE ..City Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (By Mail) Daily .... . 1 Vr. 6 Mo. 3 Mo, $2.50 f.125 f .75 AFTER NOVEMBER 1st: 1 Year. fl Mo. 3 Mo. $1 00 $2.00 $1.00 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (By Carrier) 1 Yr. 0 Mo. 8 Mo. 1 Mo. 1 Vk. 83.00 $2.50 $1.25 4.. 15 $ .10 All subHcrlptlons iiuiNt be paid in advance. Publication Olllce T II 10 T I M H S U U I L 1) I Ml , 12-14 East Harnett Slret t. Raleigh, N. ('. Ml ll!i:K ASSOC!. VIM) I'KliSS. Kntered at the postortico at Ral eigh, V C. as si'coiiii-cl;ii;:i ma 1 1 r. SALOONS AM A MI-IS. There are some several -persons . who' look ."..exception . at o.nr 'remark's about saloons vestordiiv. 'I lien- arc four kinds of saloons in the; Kiu-li.i language, spelled', with t wo . (j's. v:rv. Oanl-I- Websier. Ti:o !h ;,;i i.; a : clous and. elegant apiirtiii.'ii. I'm;- lh--' "'reception of company or for vork-S of art. We liavi'ii': been in i'i iu?d of any saloons of this kind i'nintint'," on Market Mouse . i-iiii:i re. 'I lie second . Ivitid ofsaloou is a reception hall for public entertainments or amusements none of these in the vieinitv called bv that name. 'I lie third is a large public room or parlor, as .1 he saloon ot a steaniKlnp: . e liavi-n t seen aiiy steamboats- navigating around town either. I "!'e tonrth kind ot saloon, ac cording to Webster. Is a drinking :. saloon, whirl) he .iilso calls a .. bar room or a grog-shop. A bar-room is: a place where intoxicants mav be liiirchnsed. and intoxicants include .whiskey, rum, gin, beer (real beer), wine, etc. Now if some one can fuv-ni.-'i any .. better name than SALOON t r the seventeen places in Kalelgli where anvhodv can get a drink any time by paying for it, then we'd, be snail to print the new name. 'Cafe. ' Restaurant, '(hop House.' "Club," "Drug Store," ."Grocery,'' ' Pressing ( lull. ' and a tew other might be selected, but call a spade, a spade and a saloon a saloon. , lialeigli has. too many substantial business men ol integrity and honor and decency to allow the illegal, "'illicit, "-low-down and contemptible sale ot Inpior lo continue in our be loved city milch longer. This is the one sore spot on Raleigh's otherwise beaming countenance --t he one big farce that keeps our police depart ment I mm holding its head up. We olfen learn of the thrilling chase and daring arrest of sortie poor negro who: is caught with a pint of whiskey in his .pocket that lie has bought for somebody else, while the bravo offi cial never even goes within sight, of the place where the stuff is sold bv the barrel nt an enormous proit. There Is. one man in Raleigh who claims to have made $10,000 in one year on the sale of whiskey since the prohibition law went into effect, and his place didn't have the name " saloon" over the door. Our city has been rid of the licensed saloon, the dispensary, the bucket shops and the East Raleigh disgraces, and when our old worn out, unsanitary market house goes, along with the "permissable" blind tigers, then we will have every reason to feel proud of our town. : If the city decides to remodel the market house, It might be: able to buy the old Grimes building, which Is being torn down for the new state building. The material secured in that way would be in keeping with that on which It was so-.! t to make Improvements. Tin; m.!5Ki:t hoi sk. We will state again, briefly, the market house propositions. The first proposition Is tor the sale of the market house and lot and have no market house at all. The inonev realized trom the sale is to go into the city sinking lnnd or into cttv sc curities. If von are in tavor ot this proposition, vote ticket printed ' For sale of the market bouse." The second proposition is for the reinod eling of the market house and pro vides that the citv mav spend not more than $;!."i.(imt in an-attempt lo make the present market modern and sanitary and a little more m conloriiutv with Its siirroumiin 'llckels lor this proposition will bear tho words: For remodeling the market house.". . The third proposition is buy lyn on the block surrounded bv limine ton, Martin. . mount and IPirgcti streets,' n u il erect a new. mart house thereon, I his proposition, ol course., contemplates (be sale ol the P resen' . -market. . hoiiso . property I'lYkc!:! will be print. -d: "For lie reiui.wil of l.'io .-market' lloire.' .- Tin si are, in hj i.-f, I lie tlin'0 prop );;ilious. I i i :i t the .voter. -must, choosi from. The l it - must do w hat is ioo posed in some one . ol. the three, and it is lor the voler to . detennilH whicii ;-. "... . tiii: w liK.ii r iti;orin:i;s. I lie . w rig lit brot tiers, who are nt Kir y I in u k, t ryjng out a now fix In ::. I mac!iiii, arc to be congratulated j'Va: t ' have always maintained a i'-ve! head and: i hat while the have i::a !e nia ny dangerous experiments, l 'ley have- never a.f tempt oft. foolhardy ones: They have, .perhaps, realized mat. i nere were enough , (lungers :in their. ..legitimate -efforts, to perfect t heir : machines .without . . a Item pting dangerous experiments or Mights merely for the purpose, of -thrilling ,ne crowds, or gaining sonip momen tary, notoriety by long distance or pontons llr:;hts: They birve r,o; done these things; but have kept up . the more important, work ol trving to make their, in acliiue more perfect i noir euons ar Kitty I lawk tins week have proven that their efforts arc meeting with ' success. . They , have not reached perfection yet. but liiey have gotten a machine that will 11 y itue a pii'd. mat is go into the air and slay there '..wit-bout power.. Or ville Wright stayed in the air nearly ten minutes, the other, day Willi liis great machine, poised perfocilv still. iti the face of a sale. This machine is different' from the others in that while ;i high wind is dangerous to the oth ers, this one will not flv unless the wind, is blowing. , Speaking of the career- -of : the Wrights it to this time, tile Wash ington Times say : "Throughout . years of the., most rudimentary- experimentation with aerial gliders, Orville. . and . Wilbur t ight managed somehow to keei their bones intact. Thin- had no de sire, ; for the siiectaciilar: - They wanted to learn how lo do the trick and knew thev would never learn it if they broke their -necks at the be- IllliillK. : "So these levej-lveaded brothers. who have demonstrated themselves good business; men,' as well as aerial acrobats, and great inventors, as well as daring experimenters, have man aged, figuratively speaking to Keep their teet on the ground Thev have worked with motors that nowadays would be an Instant invitation to dis aster if employed . bv some of the dare devil young men who do the dips and glides and nerve-racking turns in the air that make the sport thrilling and dangerous. "Nobody is going to learn flving without taking chances. Orville Wright has once been gravelv injur edbut it was not in an attempt to cut any didoes or pull anv smart Aleck tricks. It was not an invited accident, and it was one of the sort that must always be more or less in volved in the business of air naviga tion, i "Another accident to Orville Wright has ended happilv. He had his head with him, maintained the fullest possible control of his ma chine in difficult circumstances, and came out unhurt. It is, of course, a bit of luck; but it is more. It is a result of good manaagement and solid sense, kept! always at the top. It is because they seem so deter mined not to make fools of them selves, to take unnecessary chances, that the Wrights promise to main tain their premiership in the realm of aerial development. They are de. Iterralned to do It better and more safely, not to do It with more thVHla I ban .somebody else can extract trom it." .,,....-.. ' IL ItS IU W IMJJftfU Ulill lilt? V Ihlim I :'.::. ' ."r.-":"",,': world bv announcement, trom Knty Hawk, about tour wars ago. that thev had inadV' a heavier than air machine that would II v. it looks now as it thev were just at the beginning of their successes. Their new -machine is just as marvelous as their first, and as thev succeed in overcom- nig present dithcult ics will become even more wonderful. TIIK WORLD'S SERIES. The gieaiest sportinir -event ot tin1 world has now been wi n leu into his tory. The six baseball games be tween the. Philadelphia--American l.itiuue champions and the New ork Xa tii nia I l.etigiie chain pious alt I tic led inoro iitteir ion. . 'coiiMiioeil more newspaper: .- a e, inrnisncd material for more (1 esc i i iti ve: niirratives tb, In illy ai-hb'tie Vviiif..ev.er before s'aged. If i.-. not ilet rtici ing .from. I he -famous' Ol.wnpic Kxi! t.: t.i say Ilia! they. a, ttH -i eai-ti ing ' tis I lie; Were (til I he v es ot the Athenians, loriiicd bu, :i c h a pi i T in The Hook of Spiu ts i-oni- p'a'red to the events just closeil in New , York and Thifadelpiiia. No other .-athletic event., not: even the classic meets of Oxford and Cam bridge, can begin to conipure with . the : World's series. ; Sixty-live siiecial le'egraph Wires were -operated . from the hall ' parks ver, day: three ('uhan newsptipers look evti ra reports ; . t hi ee ; li u nd red ei ia sport, writers , ai tended the inios: every day over ln7,o;io words"' -were- Hashed . throughout '-'the I "ni ted States detailing t he. gtinies; :iml the. cables to all parts of the .vol Id bore the score-. W'lt.'it better "proof if proof were needed---t6 establish,: the t'tu t that laeliall;.. develop-d .and . nurtured' on Vm.ericatl soil.: is the greatest sport he world ever knew;. Scyertil iiiontbs in we read in the cables how some slanders iiway oi'r: in the Pacific, a f er. being . without. . communication lor months, nuiuired eagerlv, "What Tv Cobb bill ing now?". And .'the world's Series, which cjosed . esfer- lay with I'hiladelnl.ia the Winiier. vas the climax , ot a ereat '.ear in isebaii.; ."; ..'.',-"- :. ::" ": . :. ' ' Of tlte strength of the two teams -Cling for t lie chnmpionsip of the world nothing need be said. ' The world knows.'.. We hail Connie Mack. Inker. Davis. Homier. .'Collins all 'C hail Alctlttiw. Mainewson, Dovlc Devbre -a'l. : Everlasiing life to the gtiine they: plau-d so well! file' state . board of -'health lias madearrangements with the leading uialititaciiirers of diptheria antitoxin to turnish their product to the people of North" Carolina''' at ' prices which lace it within .the. reach of nl). Hi ese pile. are on I v a little more former retail than one-fourth tile price. -. Disl i lbiiting agents have been ap pointed throughout the ate who will carry a comnlete stock. " The state board, is doing a great work in litis placing the antitoxin at a price evel that: almost anyone can reach without hardship. Its efficacy in htheria is generally recognized. Heretofore .its price has been such that il was absolutely impossible for many people 'to obtain it. It is now within the reach ot the great majori ty of our people, but to make it sure that all may get it when needed the board recommends that county and ity health ol finals have their com missioners, or citv councils, pass a esolution to provide antitoxin free to the poor..' .which suggestion should bo carried out bv counties and towns. If the citv attempts to spend $:J5,- 000, or anvthlDg like that on the old market house, it might verv properly be said that she was applying the money to the "sinking" fund. It is an off day that no new build ing is begun In Raleigh, and still the cry is for more. It's better to have no Market at all than to have such an eyesore as .we've got now. i NOT SALTS, OIL OR PILLSBUT CASCARETS o Odd.s How Sick one Stomach; How llaid our llciul Aches or How . HHioiis ( iiscai-els Make you Kocl (,ieat. You men and women who some how can t get feeling right who have an almost dallv headache, coat I ed tongue, loul tfiste and foul breath, dizziness ran t sleep, are bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassv disordered' stom ach or have backache and leel all worn out. . re vou keepinir clean inside with (a. sea re is. or morel v toning a pas sageway everv tew dtus with sails, cathartic pills or castor oil? litis is important. Cascarets work while vou sleep: cleanse and regulate i lie slolnach. re mote the sour, undigested and ler ini'iiling, food and 'foul" gases: take the excess lule Irom Hie liver and carry (nit of the sj s'.en'i till, t he ile composed waste iiiailer and ' poison in t lie intestines iiini bowels. A ( ascaret tonmlii will straighten you ollt by .- morning' a in-cent box Irom any drug stole will keen vour eiil ire . family . feeling good .: for months. Don't forger tint, r'aildreii. Thev love: CiiscareU iH-cause ithtvy taste good - do gooil n- er ,1'lipe Ol sicken, . . - ' '-.' .'.' '-..,; i he property at lite uresciit Market would c Avenue lots, . anil then rear ol the si. like Fifth the odors would be shifted only a block - under ol her people s noses: oil can t get blood our ol a tur- but w't can cel a pnnceiil odor from till,: sorts of : vegetables and things 'most, any time vim pass the Market" I'lie Women's ('liri.-t lan. Temper til:. e Tiiion has the nerve all right, as i - - shown by carrying its national concent ion to Jlilw'tiirU'ee,.': 1 lie .start for new industrial enter prises has been niaile. It is the ruthl lick and I he one t hat tells. . Keep -ft Metropolitan I I'll I has seen r best days.-, and we hei,c it ..will soon have seen its hist tl :i v s. . I alarrli is an excessive secre' kii. iHii.nipaiiHMl with chrome inllantui.t tion. from tlit" mucous meiii.bra.ne. Ileod s Sarsai'tirilla acts on the mu cous tnc. in lira lie through I he blood, reduces:, .'inflammation', establishes healthy action, and radically cures till cases ol -catarrh.. EAKI.Y MORXIXfi I IKE l,cving(on Ice and Fuel I'lant l)e Mrovcd. liclieved lv liicciiiliaiv Itlli-glal s isit I.CMIIgton (,1'occrv ( oiupanv. ( special to The Times. ) Lexington. Oct. 27 Fire earlv Wednesday morning destroyed the plant, ot 'the Lexington Ice and Fuel Co. i owned bv Mr. V. T. Grimes. A pack ol cards and nianv cigarette stubs found around the building gave rise to the idea that the fire was of incendiary origin, but there Is no clue to the "Identity of the gtiiltv man. The loss was about $2.utiu I ally .-covered bv insurance. burglars who broke into the of fices ol the Lexington Grocery Co , the -leading wholesale grocery con cern of this section, last night, rilled the cash register, securing about $ijo. Ordinarily so much money is not left in the register, but this was received too late to he put in the hank. None of the checks ' nor papers were disturbed. The company -.-lias offered a reward of $100 for the., arrest and conviction of the bnrs;!,'i''s. : Midmlit In the Ourkn. and yet sleeiiless Hiram Scranton, of Clay ( Ity, Ills., coughed and coughed. lie was In the mountains on the advice of live doctors, who said he had consumption, but found no help in the climate, and started home. Hearing of Dr. King's New Discovery, he began to use It. "I believe it saved my life," he writes "for it made a new man of me, so that I can now do good work again." For all lung disease, coughs, la grippe, asthma, croup, whooping cough, hay fever, hemorrhages, hoarseness or quinsy, its the best known remedy. Price 60c. and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by King-CnWell Drug. Co. The increased valuation of opium in the imports of China In 1910, com pared with the value of the opium Imported In 1900, accounts for al most exactly one-third of the in crease of about 142,000,000 gold In the total value of Chinese Imports in 1909 The racing drama isn't the only kind that is full of borse play. ill II 6 jv5i Vf,it toilSS , mm II , M 1.IAE CLOTHES. "SPECIAL YELLOW SECOND SHEET PAPER. . ."..(KM) Sliccts at :."'. Per in. :.().)) SliccN at ()"ic. Per in. 1.000 Slieels ;11 T.")c. Pel' ill. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY. I !:? ravetleiille Street. IU l:ast llaigclt Street. C. C. 'IMione !l I-1Y ('. V. Tboiie 81 l-l'V, Do You Know the "Plus" Value of Tailor-Made Garments ? 1 1 x lit. lrif wlicn yon lirsl pul llieni on, ami lit wlii'iivoii we'll' lliein for llie last linie. rl here are some niiirlily n' o o l r c a 1 y-inale cloilics. h'l.il ilit y areir niaile Tor you any. more ..than lliev- are lor ilie oilier fellow. .'.When 'oii step into our store ami are liieas urcil up, you ii'el a franneiil 11 rat is made expressly 1'or you it lits you at every curve and - point." Tin' palterns for lliese "hetter made -clothes'' are on -display. Our prices compare with vcadY made clothes, Iho Ilie lit docs not. ifl-") lo $(). EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, I I liISIII(iS I'OK Ml'.S. Favellcville Slrei t, . . ... . . . . Il.ileleli, . V. U. S. A-r- Itflfc Ml. wtIHy-m f14lM IIIMIM m4rt 'ovitt (g)rmlai ()wmi A A 'A 1 ,;j At )' JJ : -' rr.f. ftvPtj j I ' 11? K-i i9vm fl wlUk th irlnd. Flm flguM, ralDlmaa naptniMV o hoari Monnd, St-hour rmfU. If It nmtla A WH MlUvlalualltilllawliMlKHK, ' Oetober 27, 1011: Fonnnst For Ruleigli nnd vicinity: Rain late tonight and Saturday. For North Carolina: Local rains tonight or Saturday; cooler Saturday in west portion; light to moderate northeast to north winds. ' Weather Conditions: The tropical storm is central this morning west of Havana and Is apparently mov ing into the gulf. Increasing cloudiness is reported over the southern states with rain in Forlda, Georgia and Aatmma. The northwestern high pressure area has moved southeastward, causing freezing conditions eastward over the lake region and southward tg the Texas Panhandle. Snow is falling in southern Kansas and Colorado. At Saint Louie rain is falling with temperature thirty-six. . , WE ARE Hcic to i.Icasc YOU. We .! I', ,ll ' f 4 - iiniii ii'ii iiu il ru,-ii unn'i . COME AND SEE I low well vou will ))( ilcasctl an.l how u'ood Boone, De Luxo Clothes led wlicn you juii llicm on. . licnicinlici' wi' have lull line ol liirnisliiii's, Shoe and I l.'ils. Prices .'mil Montis "iiaraiilcctl. C. R. BOONE, DT3 LUXE CLOTHIER. 226 Fayettt ville Sr. NEXT TO IOC. STORE. J 99 J Department of Agriculture, WEATHER BUREAU WILLIS L MOORE. Ch-t - i sxzr k. ...a r HEATING STOVES THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGES THE TIP TOP DANDY RANGES. Fair Visitors Welcome to Our Store. Thos, II. Briggs p . r .. .. . RALEIGH, TX. 0. The Big Hardware Men. Try Our Flat Work Service Ti'y Our Flat Work Service and see for yourself what a wonderful convenience It is. Send uk your ShecN, Pillow Slips, I'.olsler Cases, Table C'lolhs, Napkins Towels, I'.tc. These uc will wash and iron nnd i ret urn to you all ready for use. They will be washed cleaner and ironed much heller than if done at home or by a wiisher-womaii. Itesides, think of l he work and bother we save you. It costs you very little each week. TKY Ol'U SKHVICI'V People's Steam Laundry. "The Best." I'hone 71. NOTICE Have you Iriisl Martha 'Washington Cinidy, the dil tiiue lloine-iiuide Candy? If you have not, tke n h home with you tonight and your wife will always say, "Itriiifr me u liov of .Martha Washington." oxi.y niK". a rorxi). Fresh shipment just arrived. J. C. BRANTLEY, lHtl'GGIST, Masonic Temple. IMiones No. 1ft " HOTEL RALEIGH" RAIiEIOH, m. o. (A Hoom "Worth WkJI) HOWELL COBB. I