MARKETS STOCKS COTTON New tork Cotton Letter. New York, Oct. 27. A very un favorable weather predict ion check ed the decline which set into to ward the close yesterday. .After earlv weakness tuis a, ni., Liverpool rallied on bad weather reports and the local market opened 9 10 1 Hurt higher. Over nmiit sellniM, orders (piicklv broke prices to the cloning figures of last night. Dur ing the afternoon leading local hears 'heroine rather aggressive.- and were credited with wiling .hilly ". 0(10 hales, but the offerings were well absorbed and the market lat'r firmed up on covering tor over the weel( end, and support Lroin old snorts, to gel her with a moderate demand irom. one ol last year's bull leaders. If Hie predicted wentner materializes in western belt it will stop nil further development oi plant, and there seems to he some grounds lor apprehension that trop ical storm will reach the southern part of belt.' Meanwhile the state of affairs abroad 'although we un derstand that China cancellation:.-, have not. been the factor in Liver pool : tliat hexrs claim the activity of our own government .again.' the trusts and generally unsetiled trade conditions does not encourage increased estimates ol requirements. It has .become a question ol whther the south can continue to hold m the face of further accumulations, when the present' demand from spot shorts has been supplied. Open. High. Low. Close. Oct ! 11 fl.K) 9.10 .1 Nov. . . .... . .... .... ' Dee ! L'S 9. Ill 0.20 !.:' Ian . 14 fl.17 !.():! H.10 Teh . 'IK - ' 1". Men. - . .2 9.2 S 9.15 .23 n -'s M,i 'i ;s y ",s 4 2". '14 .Ine ' ".7 ,hilv . !.42 t !.i:: fl.-f- !'-41 Aug. . . .... .... .... Sep ' 11 Market closed very steady. Liverpool ottoii. Liverpool. Oct. 27 Hue 4 Vj Hi 5 H, lower; opened easv, 0 to S lower. Quiet, stead v. 1 2! 1 .")- 5. points lower. Spot Quiet, unchanged. Middling Upland, 5-17. Sales. 5. (100; American. 3.(10(1. Imports, 27, (100 of which 2;!. Ono American. October . . . . . . .... ... 5.3 October-November . . .. . 4.55 November-December . . . . 1.9.1 December-.lainiarv . . . . . . 4.94 .laniiarv-r-Vbriuiry .. .. .. 4.95 Pehriiarv-Mai'ch . . . . . . 4.9S March-April ......... . . 4.50 April-Mav . . . .'. . . . . .'. . 5.02 Mav-.lune. . ...... 5.04 M .hine-.Inlv .... . . .. ... . -.. 5.00 July-August.. . . .. .. .. 5.07 Vj August-September.. .. .. 5.05'a RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Quoted by Barbee & Co.) Good middling . . . ... 8 Strict midding. . '.'-.. . . 8.11-16 Middling. . . . . . . . . - 8V4" New York Stork Letter. New York, Oct. 27 All interest centered in steel this morning and on enormous transaction the stock opened from 5;? 1-2 to 55. Willi brief and feeble rallies the stock on enormous liquidation coming from all over the world sold down to 50. At that level good support came in and It gradually steadied. In the late trading covering by -shorts caused It to rally 2 5-8 from market of course was affected by Steel bu the railroad list as a rule held fairly well. The Industrials were more affected and smelters was . especially weak. It was said a suit by the government would soon be instituted against It, The trading Is extremely confused over the outlook- The news of institution of suit against United States Steel was of course known and therefore all the llquidatlo came at once. Rarely has any stock been submitted to such a pressure, as was Steel during the first hour. " Canadian Pacific stood out in bold relief by failing to de rline at all and closed at a slight net advance of the day. Closing Stork Quotations. American Car & Foundry. . . . 46 Anaconda Mining Co. . . . . . . 33 Atchison . . .. .. .. ...... ..105 Amer. Smelt. & Refining . . fil Atlantic Const Line ..125 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. . . 711 Baltimore & Ohio ...... . . 96 New York Central .... . . ..103 Chesapeake & Ohio. . . . . . . . 71 Rrie . . . . .... . . . . ... . . 30 Great Northern pfd. .... . . 122 Missouri, Kansas & Texas. . . . 30 Missouri Pacific . . . . . . . . 39 Norfolk & Western .. .. ..107 Northern Pacific . . . . . . ..115 Pennsylvania . . .... .-. ..121 Louisville & Nashville . . . .147 Rock Island 24 Reading 137 Southern Pacific .. . . ..108 Southern Railway. . ... . .. 28 Southern Railway pfd.. . .. . . 69 St. Paul . . .... . . . . . . . .106 Union Pacific .. .. .. .. ..ISO United States Steel . . . . . . . . 52 Virginia-Carolina Chemical '. 46 - BY WIRE GRAIN PROVISIONS Chicago Gram. Chicago, Oct. 27-W heat heavv receipts jndifterent foreign advices and weakness in stock market gave us weaker opening that soon ran in to a liquidating market. Some stop orders. Market now steady looks us it weak longs out. Corn shows effect of heavy selling by big longs. This corn has gone in to weaker hands and with fine weather now prevailing think mar ket, will sell lower. Oats Followed corn but met com mission house biiving on dip. Provisions Weak on general di: precision in everything- else and forced selling of October ribs. Wheat Open. High. Close. Dec. . ... 1.00 1 .00 .'.IX 4 Mav . . 1.115 :V',- I .(15 7h, .liilv . . .!I9 .99 .97 . . .04 'M .o i .:. Mav . . Mi .l.i; .5. .Ink . . .(it; , .i;o .t;.. 'S, Oats . 1 . . . 1 7 1 .47'!. .4 7 Mav . . .V.k .49 .49'i lnh It. ', h. t, it,', I 'oi k Ian. . . 1 ." 1 :,.so i.yi;2 Mav . . 1 5.X7 . 15. s7 1 5.77 Lard .Ian. . . s.97 s.97 X.flO .Mav . . 9.15 9.15 9.05 Itibs .Ian. . . X.I 2 S.I 5 S.05 Mav . X.27 X 27 8.22 Hubbard's Cotton Letter. New York. Oct. 27 Cables this morning were stronger than. due. owing to the appearance of a cold wave in the west, winch brought snow into the Panhandle:. On the Improvement here, however, 1he south again sold, and there, was not the same demand Irom our short in terest as .earlv in the week Aupar- entlv that interest is much reduced:' and without the support afforded hv ihe retirement of short contracts the Irost news appears to tall rather flat. No marked improvement has' been reported in the 'spot situation,! and while there will be enough trade! buying to hold prices steady around ! 9 cents, there is still suthcient hedge! selling to check the advance. Naval Stores. Savannah, (ia., Oct. 27. Turpen tine Firm 40 3-4 Uf 47. Itosin Firm, tvpe F. and (5.. fi.dO. (Special to The Times.) Henderson, Oct. 27 Mr, B. J Rowland, connected with the Wat- j kins Hardware Company came near loosing his lite yesterday afternoon I about five o clock while attempting to test three kegs of detective pow der, which was damaged by water. He succeeded in opening two ot them hut the third and last one irom concussion of the hammer ignited and all exploded, setting his clothes I on (Ire and severely burning his bod v and limbs. While his suflerings are intense his condition is not con sidered dangerous. I(;S AT Dl'NX. oiiiih; Lad Arrdienlally Kills lliin sell I'liilsbing Touches Item); Pill on Opera House Many Houses (I'oiii);' I p. Dunn. Oct . 27. Mr. Cliatiiain I West, of Sampson rountv, lost his j 4-vear-old son last week hv a very union unate accident. He sent his little son to the house to get his gun and on his return another one ot the children accompanied t:ie lit tle bov; the children stopped to plav j with the gun and in some wav it ) was discharged, killing the little child instantly. The finishing touches are being I put on the new opera house and It will soon be in saapo for the use of the public. The seats are being put In, the curtain and scenery have ar rived and the contractors will turn it over to the city fathers some time this week. Messrs. Wilson A Town send have a play billed for October 31st, and "(Jraustark" will have the honor o theing the first play to appear on the stage ot the new opera house, which has not been named so far. ' The .sound of the builder's ham mer grxs merrily on in Dunn and Ihe houses that are being built will do credit to a much larger (own. The following gentlemen are build ing nice homes and when they are all completed will add much to Ihe looks of the town: Messrs. AV. D. Turnago. Aster Barnes, J. A. Bla lock and C. B. Aycock. Others are considering plans and specifications tor new homes. Sir. Hellen AVIth Times. Mr. George B. Hellen of Grifton, N. C., has accepted a position In the business office of The-Times. ... The Battle to Be Swift (Continued From Page One.) advantage ot the earlier opening ot foreign exchanges. The word ot sharp decline in Lon don caused no surprise this morning. Traders prepared tor II vol v dav when the stock exchange opened at 10 o'clock. Fear ot unexpected develop ments was dispelled hv tne length ot time traders had to digest the news, and because ot the tact that rumors ol government s intention had long prevailed. Wall Street's opinion this morning was the corporation woud fight the governments suit. It is believed case will be decided speedilv. Con fusion On Stork Market. New York, Oct. 27 Stock ex change Moor was a scene ol confus ion. Long before the trading began 1 lie traders jammed about the post at which the Steel stocks are traded in. Orders to sell stock poured in over night Irom owners in everv part of the country, who were alarmed over the dissolution suit. W ithin the ilrst lltteen minutes 97,500 shares were traded in. First price ol ".:! was the low point. II rallied a point At no time did it reach last iuonth:s low figure, 51. The general market was upset by excited trading tu Steel seem iiies. Three Judges Will Sit. Trenton, Oct. 27.- Three judges and not one as orierinallv reported will sit in .''judgment upon the -government s suit against toe l imed States Steel Corporation, n -was an nounced here. 'I iiev are (Jeore (?rav. ot -Wilmington. Del : Joseph Dullington, ol Pittsburg Pa.; and William M. I. aiming, ol Trenton, (lie same tribunal winch rlecentlv crowned wuli success the govern ment fight against ihe so-called powder trust suit. - STItOXU TALK OK 111!. WHITTFI). delivered Before Colored Baptist 1. durational and Missionary Con vention Dr. A. W. Pegnes Klert rd President. (Special to The Times.) Fayettevllle, Oct. 27 "As leaders of the people we should feel a very deep sense ol gratitude, whether i.i some humble country parish or in some great citv cathedral with tower ing walls and pires piercing the vaulted skies. Ours is an exalted place and we should let no oppor tunity pass ns of following in the walks of the lowly Nazarene, of being good and ot 'going about doing good,' " aid Dr. Wlntted, president ot the Colored Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention of North Carolina, in emphasizing the neces sity ot the ministry being speedily prepared to meet the needs of the masses ot the colored race in making his annual address. Continuing he exclaimed, North Carolina when compared with the other states in Its educational facilities and work, is to be congratulated. Your secre tary reported to you the last annual session the successful operation of 23 econdury Baptist schools for this state, with a property valuation of $2HO.ooO. Considering our en vironments and opportunities we should teel greatly encouraged, tor while we feel a deVp sense ot grati tude to our white brethren who have so noblv contributed to us, as wa blazed the way "through the dense forest, the time is not far distant, when we must relv altogether upon our own resources, tor our own edu cation and developments." Dr. A. W. Pegties, superintendent of the State Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution was elected unanimously president of the convention. Strong resolutions were passed endorsing the administration of Dr. Whltted. Dr. A. M. Moore of Durham 'made a strong plea for the laymen move ment among his race and created much enthusiasm. rOl'HT STOPS' A I'l'XKKAL, Controversy Over Place of Burial Causes Halt in Services. Buffnlo, N Y., Oct. 27 A con stable armed with an order from the city 'court today-stopped a funeral service and carried awav a body around which the mourners had ns senibled and over which the minis ter had just begun services. The tuneral so suddenly Interrupted was that of F.dward Hopper, and was be ing held from the home of his brother Lewis, In Dole street. The court order was granted on the petition of Mrs. Laura Hopper, the widow. The proceedings arose over a difference of opinion between the wife and brother regarding the cemetery in which the body Bhould be buried. Under the law It is declar ed ,the wife has prior right over oth ers to her husband's bodv. Weather Conditions Improved. Key West, Fla., Oct. 27 Weather conditions have improved. The center of the tropical storm passed to the westward with no damage to the city or shipping. A steamer ir rlnving, the Knights Key reported a rough passage. Mrs. McKee Will Take Stand. Opelousas, La., Oct. 27 Mrs. Zoe Runge McRee, began her fight for acquittal on the charge of murdering Allen Garlend, a Tulane student. Mrs. McRee Is prepared to take the stand and tell why she shot her young neighbor. The defense is the "unwritten low." . . . DEMOCRATS WILL WIN Republican Newspapers Ad mit They Ought to Wia All They Have to Do is to Organize and Pull Together Audits lc Sbwii'h Ileport Itoiii Indiana The Altliich Plan Oilier Wash ington dosslp. Washington, Oct. 27 - 'I be demo crats, according to even republican newspapers, ought to win in 1912. All thev have to do is :o organize and pull together 'I he. republican partv can not defeat the deniocraltr candidate for the presidency. '1 lie only possible thing that can prevent the election of a demorrahc president. In tin? democrats themselves. The opportunity is here, and Irom all parts of the count rv reports are rearhlnir beadiiuar.ers ihat the dem ocrats realize it and are .already, lay ing ' plans .for a. campaign ihat will result in the democrats sweepiuu the conntrv in 1 91 i. There seems to be no wav lor the republicans to avoid detent it the democrats get together and work,, as thev .aw now starting out to uo. If Mr. .Tuft is re-noniinaicil the insnr- 1 gents will slash him. and it senator LaFolh'tle is nominated- the old guard", .will slash linn. I The Philadelphia North American, re-inbliraii. sent its ..Washington cor respondent. Angus .McSween to In diana to report lmpartiallv on condi- itlons there. This is a part of the report he sent back to his paper: I Indiana is hopelessly lost to Pres ident Taft and the republicans. From no indications is n possible .o reason that thev will be as strong as thev were in the last eleel ion. -when thev lost everv congressional district but one, and control ol the -legislature. Since then the rapid develop ment' ol progressive republican sen timent into an open hostility to the Taft administration, and the reac tionary policies which lie advocates, make it obvious that wi h Tatt as the republican candidate-again, the vote .against him in this t-tate will be over . whelming." I A canvas of Green countv. Inwa, made bv mail, may be accepted as a thermometer showing how the politi cal wind is blowing in that secnon. One hundred and twenty .letters were -sent, nut to republicans onlv. and ninetv-seven answers were received. Some of the questions presented 'and the answers received are as lollows: If Tatt should be nominated, will you support him ? Yes. 1 ; no. ( I ; blank. 12. I Do vou approve ot the Pavm-Ald-ru li bill? . Yes.-12: no. -Kk j Do you 'approve of Tilt t s action in the Unllinger mutter? -Yes. 2; no, 91..- Do vou iipnrove of the. attack of Dr. Uilev? Yes, ;',; no. SI. Do you .approve of Taft. s veto of the woolen, schedule as passed bv the last congress.' Yes, 18; no, 70. I Do you believe i he Tatt adminis tration lavors the tanner and laborer or the trust? - Farmers, t: trusts. -5s. I Fx-Senator Aldrlch. chairman- of the national - monetary- commission, has revised his proposed scheme, lor financial, .-legislation. But In the main, the Aldrich plan. '.'which would 'place the publics credit under con- Itrol ot Wall street, is unchanged. Nobody can read this plan in de tail without realizing that it is a cen tral bank ot issue that he proposes. The government had one experience with a central government bank. It. was manner bv politicians and oper ated lor their benefit, bringing on panics and bank lailures. Realizing the hostility to a central government bunk. Mr. Aldrich gives his scheme the title, ' National Re serve Association.' It. is practically a central government bank under a different name. The" Depart ment of Agriculture frequently Issues a small pamphlet, telling of the outcome of suits filed by the department against violators of the pure food laws. One of these i pamphlets. No. 110.1, tells of a New I York concern having plead guiltv to .using arsenic' m the manufacture of a food product known as "Light Shade Rgg Color.' The food poison ing firm was fined $5. Pamphlet No. 1100 tells of a concern pleading guilty 1o foisting upon the public a food product consisting in part of ' dirt nnd eggshells" and "a filthv, ' decomposed. - and putrid animal sub stance.' This manufacturer was fined $10. Now Ihat. these stagger ling blows have been struck, Is it not likely that other food dopers will cease administering arsenic and "putrid animal matter" In food pro ducts? Yes. It Is not! i "The high tariff benefits nobodv I inn ine .sugar- irusi. were it not for the sugar tariff this package would cost (wo cents a pound less Urge your congressman to repeal the tar iff on sugar. ' i This is not an extract from a po litical speech. It is a statement of fact by Pittsburg grocers to their cus tomers to show the latter who Is not to blame for the robberv charges on sugar. The quoted paragraph Is printed on the paper bags in which the grocers put up sugar. The effect of the inscription on a 25-pound bag Is significant. It means that the tar iff has cost fifty cents on that one purchase President Taft again defies any- I ; Men's anj Boy's Fall Apparel h, years c,.e by rid hing-nn Jg ami .II.IiW-hHHiK v.cre regarded as trades. Today tl.ry can Irt considered nothing short ot science, ; We l..m. ,..ool(.ssed n.lh the rn s. nd , et. mu. e Us. v, es(al,l,sl,n.ent. this stole ha been noted for Ihe general ami ,c.ilccrxcell,...ce for its ....railing progrcss.vcness in la (,lolng the iiiosl authentic- styles ami for For this reason, season alter well-dressed in the rorrert clothes Our present nutlulrital ive si, cting ol styles is truly elu a ml in me cm. run, .... the very best productions of the- m re putable makers, forming mi csseniblage of stjle ideas which inert die desires and requirements ol all limine, ol men. And in everv garment there ai xlomiimiil (he highest phases of line tailoring, together Willi tlione little knacks mid graces which dele lone chai a ler and iiiiliviclualit j . 1 MEN'S SUITS, $12.50 TO 7.50. m n m em BOY'S KNICKERBOCKER SUITS $2.50 TO $10. one to name a single monopoly that ought ,o be condemned- as a viola tion of the' -anti-trust law ., which could'' not be reached under the de cisions ot -the 'supreme court..-' In other words, the president infers that every Illegal : monopoly "could" lie reached, prosecuted, broken up and the . tru lit v trust " magnates - sent to jail, 1 Then why doesn't he "reach' (heiii? The. republicans have . ..had complete' charge '.of the 'prosecuting machinery ol the government sixieen yea)'!-, .'and- now; wlien they are about to get out of power, declare the mo nopolies .."could '.'he reached. The beet trust, ihe sugar trust, the steel trust and a dozen "other: monopolies have not been reached." and nearly everyone agrees with the president ihat thev "could ' lie reached it pros ecuted in good laith. But all of these concerns are big contributors lo republican '.-campaign funds and a great. -many persons believe that this Is one ot the reasons whv. although, thev could be reached. I hut thev haven t been. DIWKIt TO K It.t Mi IttKI P-. (loveriior ( rotbers and ( oninii-simi. i'i' deorge Invited lo . Attend. Pliilanelphia, Oct. 7 Marvland residents ot Philadelphia have com pleted . arrangements tor a complin mentary banquet to Frank Bake:, the Talbot county bov,. -who bv Ins home runs at critical stages oi th? game has -brought three victories ti! the Philadelphia- Athletics. Charles Merzog. oi the New York (.lanlst whose batting has been a redeeming ' feature ot the uphill fight 'of ie Craws bovs, will also be a guest ot ! the Quaker Citv .Marvlanders. asihe, too, is a .Maryland bov, both Bald more and liidgewav having chums upon linn. The dinner will he held upon one oi cue uignis iniiueuiateiv succeu- ing the concluding games ot tiiej worlds series, probably Frida oi Saturday. Applications have ily ready been received for .i0(l p.ato (lovernor Crofbers has received an urgent invitation to attend as . t)e( guest ol tlie Marvlanders. Stain, Automobile Coniinissioner .lolin '.. (leorge, who is known as. the fatlT ot semi-proiessionai nasenati on fie Kastern Shore, lias also been mvltt-d. Marvlanders comprise many of Jho most widely known business urn. bankers and brokers in Philadelphia and the affair will partake ot (the nature of a reunion ot hundred; ol scions ot the Old Line State. Hie dining room ot the Walton -wil be decorated with the Maryland cdors and white -elephant, pennants. John S. K. Pardee, fiofi Frnlklin Bank Building, formerly pnlillsher of the Kastern Ledger, is chami'in ot the committee.:. The other mem bers follow: M. K. Usllton, X! K. Kckman. .1. Hector McNeal, K. Teh ster, Klliott, Weslev Honey, .lohu I. Coiilbourne. V. K. Sutton, J. UAv son Walls.. Jennings Hood. Till: M.t(T.tKl..tM CASH. (.,il is Going to Maci-'aiiancl, Wle In III .lull ill Newark. ) New ork, Oct. 27 Miss Florenae Bromlev, the "woman" in the M( Farland case, is coming from Phil: delplna to Allison MacFarland In jail, awaiting trial on the charge ofl murdering his wile. This statement was made by Attorneys for both the prosecution and the deferiso. Thti girl was MacFarland's stenographer, His delense will be based on the con tention that his wife committed sui cide after discovering the relation between him and the girl. tl.lOVt STl'UltS fJKTS FIIKKDOM. Sentence Commuted Ily President Taft to Kvpire Inimediatelv, Washington, Oct. 27.--The Presi dent has commuted to expire Imme diately the nineteen months' sen tence upou Levi Stuhbs, convicted of "moonshining" at New Bern, N. C. He Is serving sentence In At lanta. HONEY TO LEND In Wake County Only. On Either Real or PersOMal Security. Booms 18-19 Fallen Building, City. tli'trlmtili(y ol lis gariiK-nts. us,,,,, this store becomes llie mcrc i i tile period. T& ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ANGER. - . win !l . ; . : ; : - every timeyou use our; Xiassipeai H tic - Rubber tired Babcock buggy, good top. jierfect condi tion. Also Hunabout buggy, um brella top. rubber tired carriage. M. 10. Rogers. -415 .8. Person St., Phone HKM-M. 1(1-26-21" I h;mshi:i k( for kuxt-- lurnace heat and modern con veniences .419 -.-Fayettevllle St. Reference rcauircd. One block from P. O. 10-25-tf I'DIt SAI.K -I. "ill cords wood, two miles irom. town, at $1.00 per cord, Address C. A. Richardson, Mgr. Realty Loan and Trust Co. 1 il-2'i-tl. I'OK IJKNT' Large, : comlortable fiirulslied trout room; bath; good location.' Address W., Box o71. . i o-2ti-;;t I'H'O (IK.NTI.KMKX would like to engage room and board in rehneu I'amilv. Reference.' K. H. S., care Times.. 10-26-2L WANTKI) Position as bookkeeper, prefer to stay in Raleigh, can fur nish good reference. Address 112 care Times. : 10-2G-2t I'Oll Good, new house equipped with modern conveni ences, nicely located. Apply to M., care Times. 10-2 C-2L tl TOMOBLE DE.VLEKS wanted In .Raleigh and other cities of North Carolina to handle veil-known and widely used car. No boys or loafers desired, but want to get in touch with substantial business men able to get results. Address "Auto," care Times. 10-20-31" WANTED A reliable man to take the school census of Raleigh township. Apply ot once to O. Rosenthal, Secy. 10-2G-.H WtNTKI) A good white man for rlennini? an d wresslnff establish ment. Address "Pressing," care Times. SPI'.ClAIi HOOKKKKPIMJ WORK wanted to do evenings by exiien cncecl accountant. Address Book, care Times. , ' 10-27-11 MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT r FLOUR. &V rh. 24 !b Bag... .. ..$1.25 Fresh Pork Sausage 18c. 11). Frankfort Sausage,... 1.3c. lb. Hens and Young Chickens. Fresh Country Eggs. Our Goods and Service Will Please Vou. We Give CASH 1)IS COUNT CHECKS. Phone Us Your Orders. 28 Either 'Phone 28 H. J. JOHNSON (Successor to P. T. Johnson Son.) 16 East Hargutt Sticct, Ualeiijh, N. C. be ot those, men who wimi i . . Si ,OST Junior Order pin with (5. C. 1). engraved. Liberal reward will be paid lor same if, left at this office. . 10-27-lt ' I HAVE TWO LARGE KOOMS TO rent. Heat, water and all con veniences, two bolcks from busi ness center. Men preferred. Phone or call on D. F. Fort, Jr., . Real Estate and Insurance. : iu-27-::t VI. Ii KINKS OF FRESH FISH RE- ceived daily. Large bunches, 15 ets. Your patronage solicited. W. I). King, 335 S. Wilmington St., C. C. Phone 215. 10-27-lt" ALIj PORK SAUSAGE today and tomorrow. T. L. McCullers & Co. 10-21-tf. WAXTEI) Automobiles. I will ex change Brush Runabout; In good order, and a new piano for good, light, 5-passenger car or larger power Runabout. J. W. Hollings worth, Louisburg, N. C. 10-25-5t A Wait Ad. In The Raleigh Dally Times Will Work Wonder for Your Business. SATURDAY SPECIAL COAL HODS, 10c. TheJ.D.Riggan Co., J. T. AliDERMAN, Mgr. 182 FyettevlUe Street. HUBBARD BROS SCO COTTOV MERCHANTS ' Hanover Square, M. Y. MeinlM'rs i " New York Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New Pork Produce Market. Associate JJcmbers Liverpool Cotton Association. Orders solicited for the purchase and sale of Cotton and Cotton Seed Oil for future delivery. Special attention and liberal terms given for consignments ot Bpot Cotton for delivery. 1 Correspondence Invited. - ,