Friday, The R.aJeigh DJly Tirines October 27. iy Stove Store 1 We arc now adding two extra floors, covering (5,000 feet ol floor space, ami are showing Stoves and Ranges of every description in great varictv and .price' We set vour Stove up complete m your home. Xo extra charg; for tli is service, THIS PAR TICULAR STORE PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE. 121 E.Martin St; RALEIG H ;NT.t.5 The After-Fair Soiled Linen. No doubt it's unusuallv ''dirty,"1 -.therefore it need,s tlie. very best attention. Our machines- for this class ol' work are not to he equalled in- Raleigh. Phone us. OAK CITY STEAK LAUNDRY, 117 West Uurctt Street. it u:iar, v. e. Both 'Phones 87. IffiM FAIR CLOSES Was Splendid Success In Every Particular Kine Concert (veil Last Xiirlit in Auditorium lfrof. McKui-y lk livers Address to About 2,.0 People Today Last of Vatr. DVSPEPSIA-PROOF. How Any Menl Can lie Thoroughly Knjoycd by Any Stomach. 9uea up WINTER JiOF ' WIPE AW AM-: PEOPLE IX THE SI.KKP Ills- . 1KSS. . All . kl . ils of old. Mattresses made over. FEATHER I!K1 S .MA OK INTO MATTHESSKS. Feather Be !s.'.;;n;i Pi.llov'.-i : v. aslied and medical--d.. Fir t claws 'work guaranteed.- Work calied for a :d .ael!e:-ed the same da v. ... Blessed with splendid weather the negro s!atc fair, which elo-ed to- day, was a splendid succors and furnisned inspiration for the thou1 anils ot visitors who came, from every part of the State to view the handiwork and achievements of members ot their race. Excursion trains brought many hundreds of people here. The best ot order was maintained on grounds and the colored visitors did .not give the lightest trouble to the Kaleigh of cers. - I'he concert in the auditorium :i. t night was attended by 2, 500 persons, nearlv ;oo ot whom were i:ite. Col. ,1. II. doling was mas ter of ceremonies, and I'rol. R. 'J. MeKarv ot Lexington delivered the I dress. Real inclodv featured the music id the large audience had every' reason to applaud the musicians. The program was creditable to tile artists who took part. During the evening Col. Young referred to the good leelins that obtained between the two races In Raleigh.- and said that the colored people. -were gratified at being giv en the. use-ot the -auditorium,' The address of Prol. McRarv was whole some and showed thought and preparation. Marshall Dies In the Chair cjUMME ilDE TPIE EUP.3EA MATTJIES3 CO. ('. ('. I'bone l:W.' 1 ;:"t"iT address Xo. McDovclI Stn-et. , Oar 2!) S. An Old Mattress We Made Over. AiS'Mit ill .dladly Call, Show on Samples. HOTEL LENOX BUFFALO, N. Y. 'Ik I I B,n ..! VXiTM A Conveniently locafr-d In most beniitiful part of lUiffulo, tlie ideal Hummer city. Houtbern faimllea And The Lvuox a delightful stopping place. KlUOPEAN PLAN. ft.50 Per Day and Up. 8peial Weekly Monthly Rates. ""SPKC1AL A Pnbllc toxicab will brine you to Hotel Lenox in five minute. We will pay the bill. No extra charge, in hotel ruteH. Write fr "(initio of IliilTftlo and Niagara Kalis". It will m acnt with our cOiiiplimentA. O. A. MI.VKIt. Manauer. "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation," andNearly Every body Reads The Raleigh Daily Times. 0v ercoa Low Medium and Ifi(jh Priced Garments The cool jiioniings are reminders that something a little colder. is to fol low. Prepare for cold in the time of warm. You will find any and every style that is to be used by the best dressers this winter in our rich assortment of Overcoats. We want an opportunity to show these to you. (Continued From Page One:) the bodv was prepared and taken in charge bv his relatives. I'rom al i en ( 'utility. The following men were here to witness th? execution from Warren I count v: Messrs. T. R. Flacknall, K h. (ireen, W. C. Faug. Ed. t'etar, ,T. K. Moselev, J. R. Pendergrasv. ,Wiltv Prtdgen. Ben Tharrington, l John. Davis and G. W. Heiinett. Death Paper Signed. The twelve men who signed -the Dyspepsia Tablets legal papers, as required bv lav.-, were as follows: fessrs. W. C. Faga, J. W. Manguin. F.. F.. Rrittoil. C. B. Tavlor, R. S. McGeachv, Ceorte Bennett. F. L. (Ireen. T. R. Blacknall. Kdvvard Peacock, R. O. Peebles, . ".V. T. Hodge, Krnest Raines. Spent Onirt Night. Norval Marshall rpent a very quiet night, last niglit. Ouard Steadmau, who kept the death watch said he slept well all night. He woke up one time during the night and asked for a couple ot matches to smoke a cigarette. lie had nothing what ever to sav, regarding his death. This morning when his breakfast war carried to h mi, lie said he cared for nothing to eat, and told the guard that he was prepared to go, that he knew ho must pav the penally and was ready. His Crime. Norval Marshall committed' a crime upon the person of Mrs. Joseph C'hoplin Saturday September H, about noon at a spring'to which she went to get water. He treat ened her with a gun and overpowered her. Mrs. ('hoplin knew the negro and as soon as she gave the alarm, father, with two or three neighbors, white and colored, approached his home, not to arrest, him, but to watch that he did not. get away while the sheriff was 'phoned to. Upon the approach of the woman's fathe-, the negro shot him with bird shot in the face and chest and again with the other barrel in the hip and side. When the sheriff came the negro used his gun again and strategy was; used on the part of the officers. The brother and brother-ln-Hw of' the negro made a friendly aporoacli while the sheriff and posse seeming ly disappeared Costs You Nothing to Try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Men, as a rule, are first discover ed by their enemies. Their antag onists turn on the searchlight, and the proof of merit will lie In being able to stand the flash. It was only In this way that Mr. White ever knew that dvspesia was one of Mr. Black's worst enemies, j Sitting face t6 face at a two-by-four table, he handed his afflicted friend the bill of fare: Oyster Cocktail. Stuffed Olives. : Boston Clam Chowder. Strained Gumbo. Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms. Roast Reef Hash. Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut. Lobster a In Newbnrg. , Baked Pork and Beans. Combination Crab Salad. Hot Mince Pie. Pineapple. Fritters. Mr. White ordered a ' little of each." Mr. Dyspepsia Black order ed crackers and a glas of milk. "I had such a big brenklasl this morn ing," he said. "that I 11 Just takel bite to keep vou company." But j Mr; White could not be deceived: I am afraid you can't stand the gleam, Mr. Black. hv don't you iv you have dvsiiepsia and be done with It? You'll alwavs have that hungry look anyhow as long as you have dyspepsia. Now listen. My stomach was m just as bad condi tion as yours at one time. But now can eat anvthmg, at anv tnr.e. For instance, tins clam chowder or sir loin sleak or even the lobster would he lust as welcome lo niv stomach as vour crackers ami mill;. ou dont' realize how this dvsiiepsia business is robbing vou of vour spi rit ot vour energv and ability to think qnicklv. I can t help notice it. You haven't the cheer and so ciability vou had three mouths ago. Now I II tell vou what to do." and thereat the cueerful -Mr. lute took a vial from his pocket anil extracted a wee tablet. "There there is a tablet that contains an ingredient, one grain of which digests 3.000 gra. lis of food. For even the worst dvsneptic it's the -onlv thing that I real iv gives relief. -The reason' is it relieves the stomach of nearly all the work it has to do. di-'ests every thing in the stomach and stimulates the gastric juice. I can t get along them. Thev are Stuart s You ran ;. get them anvwhere on earth for 30c. a package." Yes It is 'true.' Stuart s Dvspepsia Tablets ubsoltltelv Mop heartburn, nausea, indigestion, dyspepsia of the worst tvpe, sour stomach, bloaty feeling and all eructations and irri tation; and' freshen and Invigorate the stomach. They cheer you up, and make you get all the good there is in your food. You will forget vou ever had a stomach to worry you. Send us vou name and address, todav and we will at once send you bv mail a sample package free. Ad dress F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bids., Marshall, Mich. I EC Lmwmh- B0YLAN-PEARCE CO B0YLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. Cool Crisp Mornings Call for Heavier Raiment. The fields are hanging white with the fleecy staple; the forests changes color, while variegated leaves strew the fields with a carpet of myriad hues; all betoking the early approach of a predicted bleak and dreary winter season. Against such conditions you can amply fortify yourselves at this store so far as stylish, comfortable, cozy wearing apparel goes. WARM WINTER COATS. - : Funeral of Mr. I'pcliurch. The funeral -of. Mr. John R. Cp ehurch, who died at his home on South Swam street yesterday, was held this afternoon at 3:30 from the residence, and was conducted by Or- T. W. O Kelly, pastor of the First Baptist church. Many Iriends of Mr- I'pchurch were present to pav a last respect to his memory... Foley kidney Pills. Supply Just the ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. Specially prepared for backache, headache, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary irregularities. Klng Crowell Drug Co. Glance These Over: The best proof that the New York Sunday World is the best Magazine Newspaper for you to order in ad vance and to read is that It has a circulation In New. York City greater Thev enter"-1 the than the Sunday Herald. Times, Sun J. ROSENGARTEN CO. "Best in Ready-mades." house and overpowered the negro, while the posse rushed in. This course was taken to prevent blood shed and the killing of the negro in the home of his father, who is a te spected colored man and land owner He was quietly carried to town and placed in jail. He was given a speedy trial, before Judge Justice, and sentenred to electrocution. Never Out of Work. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness Into strength, languor Into energy, brain fag Into mental power; curing Con stipation) Headache, Chills, Dyspep sia, Malaria. Only 25c. at Klng Crowell Drug Co. Mr. Lester F. Butler went to Greensboro yesterday to attend the meeting of editors of weekly and seml-weeklv newspapers for the purpose of agreeing upon uniform advertising rates for foreign business. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO 0UININF.. Loolt for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Pure a Cold In One Pay. 25c. Tribune and Press COMBINED. In Its Magazine Section next Sunday will be: "Society Women Who Wear Trousers." "Peculiar Names In the City Directory,"-. Girls Prominent in Get-Rlch-Quick Games," "The First New Yorker," The Source of Charles Dickens's Characters," "Important Changes on Broadway," "Hallowe en Facts," "Exercising." &C, &c. Don t fail to order next Sunday's Nev York World in advance. There will be a meeting of the Merchants' Association in their rooms tonight. . ' MUSIC Wanted: Pupils for day and night class on Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Piano, especially. Very reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Music and Books free of charge. No extra charge for going to. house; ilso would like to get young ladles to take up orchestra muslo. Reason able price and good pay when cap able. Apply to PROF. J. LEVIN, 188 BT, Ml ly These foi dreii in ('loth. "Worsteds. Women, .Misses and Chil Kersev and doublel'ace Caracul, Fur and .Russian Vony Skin. Mot a .material, -weave .nor fashionable style missing. Coats for Stdiool yii-N . . . .$3.00 to $12.00 Coais for Younr T,;Miies. .$6.00 to $25.00 Cats for SwcH Dresst i's $15.00 to $85.00 NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS, DRESSES AND SKIRTS. In Women's Kcady-to-wear apparel, this season's display will surprise and delight even those who know our .reputation for showing none but the newest styles and best values brought out from New York. Tailor-made Soils in colors, make-up; and materials, are what you might expect to see, even in the more pretentious stores of a northern city. The.-, prices range from. . . . . . .......815.00 to $85.00 Dresses for day and evenin"' wear of line Wo ileus. Silks, Satins. .Chiffons. Crepe I)e Chenes, trimmed with Nets, Fringes and Laces at prices that run all Ihe way from. ... . . ... .$10.00 to $65.00 Separate Skirts of Knglish Novelty Suiting, Iri.-h and Scotch Mixtures, wide, ami narrow wale Serges and Plain Cloths hv vrradual rise from $1.98 to $18.50 KNIT GOODS IN STRONG DEMAND. Sweaters,- Avialioii Caps and Motor 1 loods White, Plain Odors and White, -anti-colors will' borders in line contrast ami bold relief,.' Prices any 50c. to $8.50. liiPlf III OYIAN-PEARCE COMPANY Raleigh Office Upstairs, next door to Grand Theatre. (Qvor Weather's Art Store.) Come In and hear tho new Records Victor and Edison. See tho now Victor Hornless at J15.00. H. A. GASKINS, Italelgh and Durham, . C. JXO K. CUKKL, Mgr. "Nothing Succeeds Like Cir culation," andNearly Every body Reads The. Raleigh Dailv TimM. PIANOS AT K o o n c e Bros . HARGETT STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. STARR PIANOS, TRA YSSER PIANOS, RICH MOND PIANOS, REMINGTON PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS. We now have on display- one of the most beautiful STARR PIANOS that is made, the price is only tfoOO.OO and the (juaiity, tone and construction, you will find to be all you can want in a line Piano. Other Starr Pianos up to $ 1,000. Terms to suit. J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH, Mgr. AT KOONCE BROS., RALEIGH, N. C. MANHATTAN SHIRTS ' : Beautiful range of Patterns for Fall-Winter. CR.QSS LINEHAN CO, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS.

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