Hiri'ii witmr TVi! vv1 . , e:r.i. 'HIE ItALEIGH DAILY tflMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBEK 28, 111. s OCIAL EVENTS By Miss Susan Iden. DESIRE. X want to be strong with the strength . of men . ( Who are strong In the sense of right; '. . X want to lift eong with the songs of men Who sing of the truth, of the light. I want to be rich with the wealth of men Who are poor in each sense but . this ' . That they love their wives anil thoy guard their homes And they lean to a little one s , I . kiss. - . . The slightest, blade (if grass proves God; the' . human eve. the suul. - Bentztown Hard. Assisting tbo clas.s will Louise Paulson. Miss ktliol Kitdunor and Mr. J. P. Brawlev. . - . . Rev. Dr. A. Af Simms will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist. Tabernacle at both morning and ovt-ivme service tomorrow. . Mrs. R. T. Unfiles and Master Ernest Wvche. who have been visa ing Mrs. A. J. Feild. have rt-t itvtx'd to Greensboro. To Render esper Service. ,-' The Choral . Class of. Peace histi-.i tnte will render a vesper service at the Presbyterian church Siiiulav. at ternoou at 4:30 o clock, i The members of the I- irst 1'rosl.iv terlan church will give a retention Monday. October auth. from s-:;;ii to 10 o clock to the Assistant . Pastor. Rev. Mr. Hemphill and. his bride. All the members of the church are urged to attend. ".. Among the visitors to Kaleigh is Dr. John J. Mills of Pleasant Vallev. Dutchess countv, V. . lie will spend the winter in this section wun his family, to escape the rigors ot a New 'iork winter, lie. spent ore winter at Sunt i.tield and verv great ly likes the orth Carolina -climate and people. .-. . Oivcii-.Ioyner. The following invitation has been issued: Mr. Thomas .Toynei ;' invites you to be present at the marriage of his daughter i Bessie Durham to Mr. Joseph Oscar Green, on Weduesday evening. .November i the fifteenth. X. nineteen hundred and eleven f at halt after nine o clock Y" Baptist Church . i 1 rankllnton, Jsortli Carolina. Hard Hinton. chairman of the com mittee in charge. The hour of the exhibit will be from 11 a. m. to a p.. in. The pub lic cordially invited to attend. . - Music Department. 1 ho first meeting for the season of the music department of the Wo man's Club was held yesterday after noon in St. Mary's auditorium. Rich ard Wagner and his 'works is the general subject; under study by the club this season. . The meeting yes terday afternoon was most interesting.- The following- program was ren dered: " Sketch of Wagner's Life, and I lis Influence en the Opera . ,I iss. : .!a r I lia A l,io n d., . Sketch . . with . I! Wagner's Karlie.-t with the women and to solve the problem Ho said the New Haven road would next season uso new chilled steel wheels to save onlv one half inch, nnd that cars would settle nn UTtrlmrt.. nfl.it I1iai V....I 1....... I ed heavily a few Times. The women proved that the steps are now about nineteen to twentv one inches' high, and. they demand steps not any higher than ordinary stair-steps. The trolley, managers regard the two-step Car as hazardous to people getting off., ImC will fake action at once. Hamord liisuatrh to .nv York American. TO Ml SI lilt Ol T Till: Ml 1 !' -ltz Mi Keen";, "I; llollc-aiidcl-' "Loliengi'.in . ;;.l''t'iedennia I'scii I.lllcev .-nn! M 1. .vSpini) ilj;;v ' (.."in IfolloaiiiU i t I.ail:e 'Sai.t.a's ItalWul laeiicler i Mrs, jor ."ICveni;: '.'!:. ( I:-.!, Aria. r'J niie 1' : t ; J - :" "S .'. :m . grin y'-Si'"- i ih.:ki. I '- ' Oyer; ' I i.-r .:". I- II ill 11 a a-er i;. Iiiiiiii ' ' ' !.; !i;:i -. '.I. .11-1 . upC''- '. , K! Cl-Ci-il:;..;. ' '. I Flc-geH. i-e j; i . .v.-, i Hi api. Wiiim T I I'rederick, R;-. Williams. I eoa r.i niont. Arniv. in charge of . -yin automobile true- -., an hiitlalioM ol Army i-ni. l ainpi'd Hear. l-n:(lerick ii Saw I Ins Animal K eiive )u Armv. il l., Oil. ('apt. A. fil' tin- Q u a rt er in nster's nl thi' I'liitei) Smiles Hid I IH Oll - ; i iioi- ir Mii; ''-!'. .plat '.fwiei'. ' 1 .(ill! -it- then Cull, ni 'I'ocliir. Ulin.lJ, Ti.e i:i;iih: am t.itiioM i:i:n itv Mr. and Mr lain I-1-) en e ( in nl' Hi, i ! 1 . (i r i ii, i in i.i.-'.i nliM .I'll veiitiLilly: .11 :n. - 1 III' I'l'i : i ii ; Willi:! n -lie . to he service or loti ilia kt's st s!ii;..i .t ini 'l'liiienls u it h iiinpa living a iaoi'i's Avliie'i iasr iiighi. ii '!! () I lcl, in Ule- o il THE ADVERTISING RAHSli Weekly Newspaper Men Meet and Adopt Advertising Rate . I. I udei wood. f (ireciisljoro Pn-ti-i'it. ( hiiirniiin and li'ster hut-1 li-r, Serretury ol ( .iiiiniiltee l-,lks lit Homo to ' fiiViied (ineMts 111- ...". . .... i virv l.iantci! Vis. .luck IJHIge way. !pecial 10 The limes.) Greensboro. Oct. I'V A column tee tt'iM'eseiiting .the.' Association (if nnd Semi-Week I.V N'c-wpa- ly pi is or .oi tb ( aroliiui ti .-.lay , afternoon ami oi foreign udvert.isiiii the raits of various State- have nol been, has led t,i much tu ;n i nu t here ys aiiopted . 1 ale .'' '-. lie' etul'(n-i ia:"-r.s of tht . itiiilorni. ni-;; It i and 1 1 a i has hut i ri!' ai in al uii i..ri:e .1 In1 c, en nia.ic uitli t riiclvs. ',ir u : 1 1 1 pi olahly las; -i.r, and inickrt nl dif ivot,!d !. -.-sie I tn l'..id I i o i lie Aiiiiy re(i:ire- ' In I i ! S Whit- .a'uf. Mil "- i i Sji.'l . . Si ot! i ii (1 Mi's. Dan lord Who' were, reciv! ington.. .have ri briday - trip , ;ni hearty coiigra friends. They . lanford Kitniiin M r. Taylor, is c.i liios; pop'!: "' y charming young to tae . SOCKT V hig a must ;.ta young lady. Daiiliii'd I:. -T-ivli'i-l.i idal I nn mid atulaf Ktii. :o 'I"::. .Times, r am!.-:arr;-' Ml . e. re n;s -.'vitit ni-i- : Tayh In Was r. pract ii al it " 'til ll villi! a cams; a ..-', rami out a( riiss ;i st i li.v v... cut . liiii-il iy '.' si ;. i li. tl:e ded al ui (oYiilit. in: i us;. in;. W uill a -rion e -tei'd lliams believes ol e' t he ;.-Vi'tiiy ,.: roliU'ins. in a ay a rternoon in if tlie trucks- a :i lie i ni pirted i' Hill ea'd- if 1 head. h of ground" mail IIS. i .1 -;w! v. hii ii Ih lieVed. that. tile uiiilii a li'i't.-d ; w ill pin nn ironl'li'. .Anot.itr in'i 'H.iliii! ' w ill lie . ''hi.-'dl iiiouili. The (oiuli'-irc-ol A . I. I iiilei u od nl I ii:u I'lUroit. .cliuiriMa n : ler. irf tht" Italeigh ('ani Oliver, Iteidnville . Hc iev I iair. antord l-;xpn-s. lif-'i'ii-st. ot l lie ' slielb' v ! Ucgihning toinon inv lioiis lor delivery :,,.il' S liere will be chaniicil I w iiidon s will not: be din a 1 all and people v ho'si' li'vered-. by. carriers cati'i liiail mi Sunday, in:!e . l'o and ia email pii' "III; ! en! ill-''. In- 'I": I CI Idle! t!ii in ; '( t ' .'S.ffl I . llili I, i : Coming - Bargains Our Mr H.Kaplan is expected to return from New York Monday. The indications are that he will be followed by an unusually attrac tive display of rcady-to-put on garrcor.ts These were bought exceedingly low; you are to have access to the ben I if. Further announcement will he made Tuesday : lilaad.'.;-: t he regvil ; : aada y , 'ii.-i .;! (ii( l :.i'ii Siiiidav aaail is .tie ol '. get heii t lley ri ii ;i .11. it '!'' -I id" at d ' I'S Ihe i I- 1( '.tlKr-; ads - plod- in,i nh ,i,:- :d:;v- ol. a fi o; at lie cotiau '."fi " '.; Will a to" II, nri'l lie oi i Y . i: -I I d 111 I ' - ! ni. HOIilil.i: "SivlliTS WIN. Connecticut i roller ( ;irs Will !'. I ii i ()- I Willi .Lower' ."t"'K, OLD SILVKIt KAHlltrt'. Will 1ms Held Here t W Cek Mr. Alired Jones Coming. The Raleigh Circle of Colonel Dames will have an exhibit of old silver at the home of Airs. William J. Andrews. JOS east North street, next week, the day to be announced later. Mrs. James Sprunt. of W il mington, president of the North Carolina Society of Colonial Dames, will be present Mr. E. Alired Jones, ot London. England, the finest, judge of old sil ver in the world, will- examine" tin specimens shown. The most inter esting pieces will be photographed and these will later appear in a handsome work that he will get out on the eld silver ol the thirteen orig inal colonies. Persons who have silver prior id 1825 are Invited to "exhibit on iliat occasion and will kindlv notirv Mrs-. W. J. Andrews or Miss Mai'v ' M',1 s ) r n n i : ' .del Two steps', a -diiii'bie riiiin; n opi'ii - l oll-;' cars, i-r i-un, irti factory . 1 ; : t ii ill of The step- p'l'oi'li'in. i-rac: ica ill isi d I.y Gel i :-.,'. .Vlaaau'-r of 1 he ("iiti neci ! .-ii:' 'uill (ipi'rali's all i iie trol i"y state. This wa:.'t!ie. r-.i ly hearing Pefoi-e i lie . . ti f i'it ics comiiVissioii -. : Ic was, a: victory for who at I oi.id:d . !,(.!! I T. Stei-lliig and a ; log from "...Bridgeport,' wlu'i v. eil by expert ;es.'iuaiii; physicians. " . Dr. An-d (.. t'ooU, : brad of tiie Aiiieri.i irii , Society, said bis patieni. better lea t hey. w.al kei t hey put ii ,! reinetniiiiis ? liganie'iils nl' the knt'O In car. lie lia.l no .-I'lprov; si;ii'ts .or liigb-bei.ilel sin The women, kovevoF, they niusr wear vhal wii .. Letters from :, v,"iiti h i ii . i h e a Vive lialilic voni i'!i i . .lolin -.at itui ot ed SI U( H I OK Ti l AM S (,I I!M. Vl.livlaiid (at- lleallb I lepail men! lit Have accine nils Aii.ilv.ed. ;Ha It!iii(i'( M i . . ). ; 'IV. ,: cover :ie'!i, r the . iiiiiisiia! nn f!i-ea I-:, of- letamfs in 'his illy a nil . t be coun ty is' due; to iiai'iire ; .vaccine; Dr. MarshallV't'i ir". ;,f . ih( S'ati-' Depari -r.K'lit of , l lvallii. lias ' oJiTaiueil some aniisd. .i'"is I'rom' one: o," I.:.- ; lisi cians -who- M'.' i iua'i-i! t.!:c -ckjl'lrci w.ho' ii.r tal-.-i.'.n 'tiie diva.f jock.ia w; and is hai-ing ii i est .-ii in., his'.ial-iira-'orv. . .',..-. ; .-" T'Sip-lv an 'oat l'i'i :i!. i : Kii'us;:a:l .. iuy the least.'' said i r." Vyit e ' tiKlav; "Aiid wliilc vc don't irimw - that .it was, eaiiseil by ith,. ' vayt iiK',. never theless to ;' -iirid ' so I'-.-i".-. cas- s o sooii . after -i.iie cliildi'i.-i'i. were acci 'lat'il y i :!i ii iis ohta ineil -f rota. t !u saUie.'piacc' makes. 'its-' s'tipii-i.ms.'; - i:a'y'; - gi.v n. ..n-.h-rsi . i lia t t in? cui; u'iv C e;,'i i"..,, ! wilt ; ;-ei,;, I.ty Atiow"' v -i i. Iiri'i -a wi ,k Xviiet h.-v it ;-oii-taineiltiieV I lie ; t.i a nas bacilli." .i , Or. Yin' says "tiie . -pi'.ence': of ihe tetiiuus g.-r-ni in t!;c vi,;iis from '.vhtcli. t .i'r; seiaim 'js liiade is not: un usual, but liiti! .-.it. is usually 'e.ii'tiro- S'Mtilay. ttiglit to .Miia iiHirnia. I :' they, are expecting important let-'-s.' they may go i(. :. posio:t:ci- .' S;,i irday. desi'i ilie ihe,' ! 'ti( r i'lid h iie ten cents' ni nav lor" its delivery and it will l- delivered ni i !Vei r: homes on Su nda'-v ;. .Mail wi ' 1 li'e p'nt in boxes.; ;,s .:, .here.;. H'ore, i, lough mi account oi i:ie fact, that the atiiiiber of clerks is . ,i .Iowa ii ' :!! not: be. ptlt in 'U- l-.i, s us iU'on'tiy as, heretofore. . -Tciiiorrow after.n..i-ii; .: a'clock the Lutherans , vj if Celt-lirate . nt I .in ltit::i ii .Imtnaniie the centennial of I K. . Waltbei l.a-tiieran ciHircb . States. Kev; f'redt d -lit of '!:. ( (illeg. !';j il of Dr. Wait In fidilr. s.s;,. An inter has been arranged. I he (I'reerisboi'o was at- home last iiiiiiiired invited , g whom came from the" event , rnvitatii sued to n. on; than ad(li'ias!i' to the f:im: ai.P of LI tion ot" tio' .e '. att.rai ' ere.;' till'-. Iv ir. t tiie iUT 11 I l'l' .-. !'.:. of. Dr. oi' . ' t i.e I'aiie'l p:-M- iutuseii a aai.e ike ..program oi;asi'iii. of c' . ;, s to sev.'c.i! xo.ipe ;,.' of towiis for een is- t'l'.- Ti ly ri'lliM ! J.etni'o t he seni ;r. i .s-. (died to 1 1 ti.; sirians. -, - Aiikiis i Lii (i (jiki.s- en i:r aities-e ( latin Thev ere Lin ed J mm Home by Two Italians. ( larksliilifi. W. Va.. Oct S . ),.. t, .Hartford, ciaring that lirey had been lured- n tin hopeilical I West :. Virginia , with promises of ob s nlv. a.1 y, did j taining eniiihiymeiit as .waitresses at I tjiah . when. iliKlii'i' wages, only to lie locked un and mem iarc ed. rooms.. from t ii niidnigi; on : both st a tiered iniother I man was '-a v. i (lancing was large number. Sfrveil b Hi,. In Oil i I ford terday a iu -rri.ii way Hi aiUhaw solute divorce. tot s iiad n ini) peoplt iili.cs of the h ! ts her . mi ' giK'-ts resii' ' ively :. decor :-0il Willi 1:,! evening util ii 203-205 FA YETTEVILLE STREET. . . BOTH PHONES 185 ; - J Mil BAND WILL I i i attract; lions appear:! evening mo lis ', I Ti.:-' an ify eve oaiy iti points'. ' gli hou M.'.'i: in :i lie I' d ' mcii was sit. iii orchestra' v ic v.-ception ball a (h:ii.-e ball. Th.- ' II appointed one a i-ani ipate.l in. by . It. I : I'shnients w. I ill. : '. ': S'i; crior -; Court . y uv ivirs. Mary Kid was granted an : iniin the bond, trail) :u'.;l t i for oil the iiii on a 'ho'bbie cor: womei lainiiig df t he iinin iilg. lo 'lift, tight .skii-i-Ut:.-e and also of the bir .!anai.'0i' I'iiikIci ford i company was anxious. h oWi'il fiiat in v.i'viit'r v.. r ' i read, rfco of !:av ,igii '; to ' t.he' .1 .a.. lv..,!. id 'hat. Iiis co-oi ei-a (c WE PLEASE YOU Everv-effort is made to pli;ase .von. Wo have tiie goods.' , V e give-the service. J'hone 3'tnir wants. : Teleplionos !).". KUta-CROWELL DRUG COMPAi?r 'HK OUAIJTT Old i, HTOR fr LISTtN LADY ! I We have been working for some time on a preparation lor your face. We have it about completed, and will in a few days offer it for sale. It is great. The face and hands cannot chapp after using this preparation. "Ask us about it" TOE WAKE DRUG STORE, I at tiie -point: of revolvers held prison ers Anna Wilson and Sarah "Scliulh I mer,. jiret.ty. young girls of "('anion. Ohio, today '' caused the arrest and imprisonment of .lames Eluiicli and Onios . Doniinick, Italians, of Meadow iii'ook. Bel ore I nited Mates ( oin in issloner .Moore, the prisoners are. accused "f volat ing f he tiat i"i--il , white slavery act and they ;:! to bp examined oy : I". ( amp. a Jus tin's afternoon lined acli and sentenced i" months each in concealed weapons. him tomorrow-, tire of the petn the men ifi'iiu them, to . serve jail for carry it: IMil'OKT OF fV.lC. Itoard ol Inquiry onipletes Ks A (irk at Annapolis. Annauolis. Md.. Oct. 2H The board of investigation appointed to iii(iiire into the hazing of one or more midshipnient in the presence of two young women laHt Sundav has inatrimony cvisting .. between her and . .lacob A. Kidgewav. bettor l.rown at '.bii.e Uidgcwa- :. lor seveial seasons a baseball pitcher in the -Carolina Association. -Auss llradshaw, who is . the . -attrai -i ive daiighit-r ol Attorney-, and .Mrs. ;. . bradsha w: .married Itiduewiiv win-n he was- "via the tlreeiisiiory ii am, and while she was still in her teens. They lived together three of four Hecks, after which ho left l he . city.. I.,ast summer he . was on the (ire. aville . team of . this leagiie...Tliis was the eighth .div.iivr lo l.'(c granted , liy Superior '.,'uitirt l'CI'o tiiis l(!,. In tae dislrn t court of the , I 'nited Stales .yesterday afternoon, Judge lloyd signed an order adjudg ing ( haliners . 1' iirr. ol Ciiarlolte. bankrupt upon his own petition. Ihe bankrupt is a dealer in terra cotta piiung aaiid plumbers special ties. Mis liabilities are listed at $:!.,, oil and his assets at fl.iiOU. lie maki's no iipidication (or excmiitions other than Ins wearing npuarel. Maxwell and Keerans, of Charlotte, me attorneys' tor the petitioner. ( nurlie hams and hdlas Smith, two bovs under the care of the has bait soine net ah) v good His t his : ;. ear., but . in gotia I' in- progress: bio king:, .to--i lie rice, a, the aiidituriutn one next . week of the world-:';,, nited, St rites yiariae, llaiid. tbUiici.'iiicut. .will 'deeply gfa: ;.; b.vcr of good niiisic, not K.'.i. igh but ill all nearby duly once.: has this liand in,-. ired lie i -0. and .ihie-e w Iii. !i, -..;,! .: w ..loli-rfciiv pie' niiisir have iii ver f. rgottea i'. ; It. may truly he .-aid ;lia:.a visit of the batid to a city thus far from -Washington, is the event of a lii'e-time. - , ; ;. Tiie ph.'l i.-' to have the conceit in !!ab'igh's splendid anditbriuni. which f is given, such bigir jiraiso by i v. r ' on ; who has i c a wiiirn iis will's. i:nd the, nccoijVtics 'fit w bich, k iv so fa it i i jess ill a t ' h e . 1 1! aco is a .delighl to per to rn ic is c.rd io h.-arei's aliiie; Thi Marine Hand is concluding a six weeks', totir of tire soutii. wjiicli w.a's laiiiii' " I'j' largely at 'ihe reipicst of soiiili'-rii senators; tunl repi-eseria-liyes in congress. president.; Tal't h:iving also great ly intei'este.l liiiii solf nnd having advoi ai( d this con yoi ; .our, which-covers I In- capitiils a nd towns and "which has been a sue- r At the Churches Tomorrow r r.aptiM riilK'i'imclc t orin r 1 ' r soii and llargett streets. Service?.. 1:1 a :n . and 7;::u p. in. I ir. A. Vi. Si:i;:,,s will preiich at I 1 -.. in. sundav Sciioo! . :i 1 ., a in :. Hroug.iion. , superinteiidi.nt. I'raver lueeting Wednesday,: 7 : ;!(l p. ui.. . it'''--: Wednesday; (All Saints' l'a,i Divine service wit. i celebra tion . of Holy Kiicharist. II a. m. j Kveniiig prayer, 1 1! a. m. Kree laii. in . in strain first W. )'K( oa ; ;;Th( 7 : v" p; Sin tlii.t l tony ellt. a I aiuisi !! will Sovi'i'eig 111... I he . s! Hainns." I",!.. W. .1 1 I i ( i : :'.ii . p. in. ( liiircb preach I'as'.or i ii I I i in ity ,01' Maui" .: iject. will. be:;"'l'i:i S'itiday Schooj at . l'i'feM. sirierin liieetiiig . yVcdiie-- ;i o clock, I- ridav. seats, t ordml mvl :ers and visitors to ci-ss to he reiiietnbeied.- M itch that passes for real wisdom is nothing hut nonsense, . SWEET SLUMBER I (ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW.) i completed its work and is preparing North ( aiolina ( hildern b Home So ils report to the superintendent. It : doty,, grew tired ot the lack ol ex is understood uiiofficiullv. but from . citement at their (piarters on C licr a reliable sourre. that the board has I'J' street and last night tried to secured the facts in the case bevond , escape from the home. They car question, including the names of the nert". blankets .with them and spent guilty midshipmen and of the young -'ae night in the woods. This ni'.rn women who were the spectators 1 1 n K they were hungry and went to Mrs. White. I liable to Sleep How She lii-oiigbf ;a(i Natural .sleep. Trl! I The Information' of the board is that it was clearly a case of hazing, though not particularly severe in It self, The fact that It was commu ted In the ..presence of the voting women, however, is conceded toimake the case a verv grave one. rOKillKI) f p.. A IJfl.iLKT. Richmond, Va., Oct. 28 During a violent coughing speU yesterday Jacob S. Hechler cougTied up a bul let, with which he was shot three years ago. the home of Mr. J. T. Wade, where they asked and were given a good hrenktnst. Mr. Wade detained tneni until ofticeers cnnie and took them in charge. Thev were returned to the care or Mrs. Dclancy, who has charge or the home. The boys are only 12 yeatH of age and are in Oreenaboro pending the time when they will be placed In the home of some good family in the State. Auction sale, WiMlneMlay, Nov, 1st, part of valmible Y. M. V. A. lt and , I two bouses, opposite (,'apltol. Sale The man who fired the shot, Ro'yall takes place on premises at. noon, P. Ellyson,' la' now serving a 4-ycar ; " ' ' . sentence on the public! road for nia-i The minds of women should llcious shootingr. ' " ' t clean. They change them to often, sent in plain wrapper, on request. (i istonia.. .. ('.-.Mrs. Kllen While, ol this city, savs: "1 sufTered for several ears, .with wouialilv troubles. I could not. rest, at night 1 began taking Cardui. the wo manls tonic, and before 1 bad lln isiicd one bottle. 1 could sleep well It .lust acted like a charm. Since taking ( ardui. I have been in better health than lor 10 vc-ir-i It is the best medicine I ever used It did me more good than the doc tors. I can certanlv recommend Cardui ta all suffering women, for I have been greatly benefited by its use It will build them up. Cardui has been worth its weight in gold to me. for now 1 am well and heart v. -. No matter how long-standing the trouble. Cardui Will help. It is a tonic remedy. It is prepared for women, to bring relief from woman ly ailments. It. helpg sleeplessness, one of the niobl common symptoms of nervous breakdown. It helps build nerves and system. . Made from strictly vegetable In gredients, It has no ill-effects on any organ of the body, but acts nat urally, gently, and safely. You can rely on Cardui. It will do for your what it haa done lor thousands of others. It will Jhelp you. Try it. N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advis ory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine I Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., tor Special' 64-page book, for Women," : I nveltev ille street liaplist bni'cli (or. liivettevllU- and south sts.. Kev. !. 11. Kinu. pastor. Services. 1 1 a. in., and 7 : t f. ii. in Sunday School, '':::o a. nt:,, .1. T . l'ulirn, siiperinlcndoiit. Prayer lueeting oil W'edn.'s.iav niglit. It.; V. I'. I'.. I'i i da'y niglit. - . -.:. ; ' .' .-. I li'.li'Cb ol I be (.ood slieitlici'd - : key. I. .VI ck. , liitenger 11. I), re.c ; lor, Tweiitieth v SiiiiiTay after Tri nity. Sunday School- at. ; : l r, a: m.. Francis A. Cpx, superintendent. Ser i yii'e aiid : sernion at - 1 T a, in., and X p. m. Wednesday. All Saints' Uav. Service and nolv . communion at I tl o clock. Service on 1' i idav at five o'clock,: The; seats are all free and rangers, alld Visitors- are cordially invited. ,. . : St. Saviour ( "Impel ((.lenvvood) Kev. .1. H. Swann. priest in charge. Twentieth ; Sunday, . after. Trinity. Holy i-oiii in tinioh, 7 : !iu. a. in. Sun day School. Morning pra vel um! sermon I 1 o clock, Xlght ser vice and scrnioii, o'clock. Seats all free: everybody invited. In -1st (Inirrli - Rev. .Milton. :. Barber.: rector: key. .!: IT, Swann. iissislaiit. I w enl let h Sunday liter I Mint v. . Holy communion 7:::u a in. ( ti'otaorhood requested (o com municate at ' this service. ) . Sunday School. .9:4-j a. m. Divine service and sermon at II o'clock.' libo iiislructiou, 4:;;i) p. ni. Kvening prayer, 5: Oil o'clock. Veel;-dav ser- afteiul all; services. - I I (l. nloii Slice! Moll, ,js( ('liiiii-h j Key. Harry Al. Nortli, pastor.. Ser i. vices toniorpw- at ! l ia, m.- and 7; :' p. in Sermon at both hours hv the pastor..-. sundav "School-'. 'nt !i :;ii M iu., Joseph. (!.; Brown, superinten detn. Kpwortb league meets Mondav night. IreiMhing at 7:::i) o'clock every night during tae week and the public are cordially invited to at tend the., protracted services to be commenced at 7::;n o clock Sunday evening,' ; - , ." Central Methodist Corner I'er soti and .Morgan streets. Kev. A. Jl U'iicox, pastor. Services, at 11 a. in., and 7:. id p. m. Sermon subjects. I hi.-.- (.!ory of Jesus. ' and True Wit dci.i." Sunday School at !i :,",((., k. lv l-rincp. superintendent. K) worih League Monday night and prayer meeting Wednesday night. isitors cordially welcomed to all ser ices. Ilillslioro Street ( Ii r I s t I n n ( .lurch-Sundtiv -School. 9:hj a. nr. (. 11. Stephenson. .-"Superintendent. Kegular church service. II a. m I.. I-. Johnson, pastor. Junior Christian - Kndeavor: :) p. ni. Mlsa Annie hord. .superintendent.. Sen'or Christ inn Endeavor regular meet ing, tu-id p. in. Church service, (t.ul p, m, AH are cordiallv invited to all services. l.utlieran--Services in the cham ber ot . commerce rooms over the Hunter-Rand Co. store. Favettevillo st reef. Sunday niorning at eleven o clock.- The subject tor the dav will be The Kelormation. Ottering will lie made for Home Missions. All are welcome. Being wise in business doosn t mean a man can t be a fool in every thing else. I Instructions, and be "Home Treatment OffWiththeLowCuts The big show of Regals in progress at $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5 Not because, we snv that 'it 1 sa. better Shoe; our customers sav so. The wearer us alwavs the best ,.)u(lo;t? ot Shoe qu.-ilitv. ; ,o man who has experi enced that "at sight" comfort dares to experiment. They ARK better than the rest at the price. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, FlTKXISHIGS VOtl MUX. Fayettevllle Street, lUIelgh, N. C. 1 t-'fi tf J.. '( 7 1 WHi ,