"7 1 THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1911. It mThisTradeMark On ycur ntw stove or range you are assured stove satisfaction for the rest of your days. We new have in stock the most com plete line of stoves ever carried in Raleigh. The price will be sure to please you, and as for quality, there is none better. JOHN ANGIFR IS DEAD Rheumatism Death Came Unexpectedly la Manhattan Hotel ent to Xew for Sciatica Ituililer Hiul .Men lit Much rk n lie Tronlril itiul Hemorrhoid A l'iliHiK id', Hi; Hull lo Ninth Carolina Development His Mle Story. Is A Constitutional Disease. It manifests Itself in local mhos and pains;, inflamed joints and Btlff mus cles, but It cannot be cured by local applications. It requires cons titutlonal treatment, and the best Is a course of the great blood purifying and tonic medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla which corrects the acid condition of the blood and builds up tin- system. Get It today in usunl liquid form or chocolated Ublets called Sarsatabs. Agents Pictorial Review Patterns Thompson's ( !lo r-lif I inn; ami Nt'iim Vuiilei'lios ;iik1 .NiajHira-nuidc (ilovcs. Corsets; Wli 1 fi ll t'. Mlttoll 1 nt-c Kid (ilow. $2-50. all colors and lilack and 27-incli Minliroidcry Flouncing, 50c. Special fof this week, 39c. i.vincii J loiiiicint!;, zyc; iait( nintcli. Xew stock of Knit Sea rfs. at ion Caps, Knit Skirts, Newport Sweaters. Is an.l A ialoon to Fascinators, Avi- To(iies and HUNTER-RAND COMP'Y Half the House Devoted to Shoes. of CORAL IS IX r'l l.l. FASHION' DON'T WAIT. . lllltlLll lJ ajUlliJ UcplatinK Old Sheffield. HAIiKKill. X. C CORAL NECKLACES, LONG CORAL CHAINS, CAMEOS, PENDANTS, RINGS, BROOCHES. Selection Packages Sent on Memorandum. Construction Castings. Wc arc equipped to do this class of work with dispatch. In stock Sash, Weights,-. Iron and Steel Bars;, Pipe Fit tin;;.". Ralcifih Iron Works Company Harlot ami West Streets, . , .. . . v. . . . Raleigh, N. O. 198 "4 Will protect -your Children from getting wet. Just received a shipment of Children's liiihher Coats. Sizes from ( to 11. The very t hing for those Rainy, Cool days. The very thing that will cost you $.'1.00 or $ 1.00 any time ,anyvvhere, hut owing to a special purchase, we will sell these Watei'-prpof Raini Coats any size you desire from G to I t, at onlv l.fS. . ,-V J-..- . We have added some very SPECIAL NUM BERS IN COAT SUITS)ositively the very latest models. The price will surprise you. Ladies' Furnishing Co. C. C. 'Phone 1M. 8. O. GLASS, Prop. 11.1 E. Harnett St. WE WILL SAVE DOLLARS FOR YOU. (Special to The Times.) Durham. Oct. 2X. Cpl. .lolin An gler's dealh yesterday nfiernoiin in Manhatlen hotel, New York City, coming with such n midden and shocking unexpectedness-,, has been the one discussion Blnco it became. Generally known. There wan nobody outside his im mediate family who could have known anything of iiis condition In (licHlniK .'Hi v such danger- an death, lie was Been here the lasl lime, scarcely more than a week ami and wenl Iroin Durham to New York, lie riffered much with Kclatica. Two day:; ago lie must have been worst lie eommiiiiicaled with his brother- in-law, Mr. 11. . N. Duke, and indicat en ins intention to be operated tip- on for hemorrhoid. Mr. Duke asked that he defer this until Mr. Duke could get lo New York. The sup position was tnat ne became worst tind hail to lie treated quickly, but. It now Is thought that he experi enced a collapse and died belore be ing taken anywhere for treatment Mr. Ajigicr was born October IS IS!)!, and was therefore nine days more than ."1 1 years of ane. With the exception of a few years in Tennessee, and a few at Cary. he spent in whole lite here and was educated at Wake Forest and the Stale University; In early lite he married Miss l.ida Duke, of Tennes see. He went into the -mercantile business with his filter, 'Squire M A. Angier, and later became inter ested especially in timbered lands At the time nt ins cleatu lie was secretary and treasurer ot the Nim rod Development Company In the mountains of Western North Caro lina, and was president of the Flori da-North Carolina Lumber. Com pany. He is also the president of the Cary Lumber Company, and olticer in the Wayne Company, Wayne county. lie lias given il great deal time to the Florida development and tins has kept him away from Durham a great deal. Last wecli when he went away lie hud returned Irom a trip, lie never looked bet tor. lie was the very likeness of health ,of tremendous physical strength and energy and being member, of a family ot notable longevity, his death was hardly to be believed. For hours yesterday his friends tried to find some defin ite news that contradicted the rum or t hut spread so rapidly. Nobody could see how it could be true. If aptcars that Mr. Angier sulfer ed neuralgia ot the heart. That. has been olfered as the explanation. iVIl of the information thus far re ceived would tend to show that he had not undergone the operation. Mr. Angier waa a man of such in tensity in all that he did, that, he could live in no community without leaving his impression upon It. He was ot more recent years a promi nent figure in local politics and since Mr. Hryan assumed the leader ship ot tae democracy, Mr. Angier has been a Republican. Upon tree ilver and free trade, he parted company with the democracy and became a disciple of protection and the gold standard wing of the domi nant party, lie was never intoler ant, when 1 11 tense. Me was broad in his views and though his conver sion to the party that he had so long opposed took place when the Internal workings of parties were different and a change of opinion the cause of abuse, It has always been said of him that he was never alfroiited for his change of views and preserved all of his old friends. lie was liberal even in his in- tensenesK, and had the largest will ingness to give to his opponent a square (leal, lie had great facility of speech and spoke with power. The - state prohibition law had no stronger champion and he took up the aide that gave him least chance for preferment. Mr. Angier was a great friend of Kx-(iovcrnor Aycock, and has often said that he believed himself to have been the first advoeato of Ay cock for governor. And long after the two stood on opposite sides, he Ever Take the Pledge ? ft was formerly customary for the habitual drinker to rake the pledge regularly, some, times once a year, and sometimes in every fit of remorse that followed his debauches, and then Break it. But now it is gradually dawning on vtha world that pledges do not stop drunkenness. The nervous system of the habitual drinker is diseased and he must have treatment that will eure his condition. If Orrine does not benefit after a trial, your money will be re funded. ORRINE costs but $1 a box. Call at our atore and get a free booklet. We'll gladly tell you all About this meritorious remedy tor the liquor habit, Henry T. Hicks Co., Cor. Fayette'ville and Morgan Sts. . and , ' Tiuker llullriing Pharmacy, Cor. Ftiyettevllle and Martin Sts., Raleigh, N. C. ' expressed I lie greatest -admiration lor his iriend and wished to see him made United States Senator. He admired (!en. Julian S. C;irr. and .was one of those who favored the I honoring ol this .distinguished man la:'t year by putting up no opposi tion to li i in . Ol more recent years he has not been in perfect harmonv with hi!) purlv hut he never was hosr.ed.- Tiie breadth ol his mind thai made Inn tolerant of every view, kept him Irom -blind partlsaniihip. lie was good nalured and loved coiiipanlom-hip. Me did Ins host a! everything and in I lie chiiii-li. Me morial Met aodist, where nc hel l Ins membership,, ho was of i'hariiH eris tic onciTv and was no hall wav man in his opinions. This one (lung in hi i nature made him liked by every body. lie will he deeply missed., .lie had a hold upon the alfeclious of iiu'm and his acquaintances was so large that his death will come as a sad ness all over the State. His latter years had been his best business years, and he was attaining his de sires. In a tew more days his home in West ..Durham was to have been i ompleted. He had added much to it and made it one ol the hand somest residences in West Durham. Death plays his family and Ins ideals hard. He leaves wife, three daughters, Mrs. H. M. Stokes and "Mrs. H. C, SatterlW Id. of Petersburg, and Mrs. V. A. Mine, of -Aberdeen-; three sons, .Messrs. Sam and .loan Angier. of Durham, and Malvern, of Iling ba in .school, being there at the time of t.ie lather's death. He leaves also a brother, William Angier, ol Cioorgia, and two sisters, Mrs. I?. N. Duke and Mrs. A. II. Stokes, of this city. The - body- left New York - this morning at 12:IJ0 and will be brought lo Apex this alternoon at (:30, coming irom there to Durham on a special train run In- the Dur ham and Southern. No tiineral ar rangeinents have been made yet. The great event at Trinity Col lege today is mo ten mi lu relav race which began at two o'clock mis al ternoon live miles in t lie country, ending tit the college flag pole. . The race is being ran by forty young--men, ten each from ln class es, l liey win start at a point on thn Mineral Springs road and run into the city, jusi half Lie actual distance. Kach team will run a mile, will carrv a message starting at the first mile and the purpose is to deliver it first to the judges at the polo. With ilie forty racers, there go out thirty pidges, three at each mile. The race last year was won hv Lie present sophomore class and it is in as good shape to win again as it was that time. The ".print in fasl. The teams come into town and through it, going around the "l Durham community and returning to the pole after having skirted ev ery point of .importance.. A hand some trophy, the silver cup, and the leathc pennant w ill be the winners'. Never Out of Work. The biinlcst little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill iu a sugar-coaled globule of health, that changes weakness Into strength, languor into energy, brain fag Into mental power; curing Con stipation, Headache, ('hills, Dyiipep sla, Miliaria. Duly lific. at King Crowell Drug Co. l!l(i(ii;ST Ol' ALL IILKVITOKS. Seven 'Million Itiisbcls at the Head of the (ireat Lakes of Canadian Northern at Port Alt bur. Chicago, Oct. 2N...--Tho report ot Consul General .lohiv K. Jones, at Winnipeg, which has alarmed the Chicago Hoard of -Trade, shows tiie astounding rate at which, grain crops of the norm west are being diverted to Canadian elevators, houses of enormous canacit.y de signed to meet the big demand caus ed by the increasing crops of Cana da's western provinces. His report was brought out by an announce ment that the Canadian Northwest Railway will shortly increase the shortage plant of its elevators at Port Arthur. "The Canadian Northern elevators at Port Arthur are already the largest in tlio world and have a to tal storage capacity of 7.000,000 bushels," said Consul General Jones in his special report to Washington. "They consist of an original struc ture and two annexes. The receiv ing capacity is 40 cars, shipping ca pacity, 120 cars, and cleaning capa city, 15 cars per hour. Kach house has 80 circular tanks and 63 inter- ' mediate spaces, and the grain stor age construction is of fireproof tile, j "The Canadian Northern Railway handled iu 1910, 32 per cent, of Western Canada's crop. This shows a 12 per cent. Increase in five years as compared with '1905, when the company onlv handled 20 per cent. This year Lie Canadian Northern expects to handle 10 per cent, ot the yield. "Jn Manitoba, there Is an oloral or capacity ol 22. 000, 000 b".shelH, i an i'Toaso of 772,(010 bushels over the year liHIN. The number o! ele vators; erected in Saskatchewan in 1 limit was 2I!I, while (he storne.o ca pacity was increased from 17. .MM,, to 21.2711, 11(10 bushels. In Alberta, the elevalor capacity has almost. doubled, it being at present K.r.Oil. 100 bushels as against L0!I2. Kill bushels in IflOS. In the Western Provinces, west of Winnipeg, .there arc. approximately 1.7(ii elevators in active operation, Willi a storage ca pacity of .1 l,2:i l.flon bushels, an m- croUHM of 11,1117,110 bushels; "It is probable that a yearly In crease of storage capacity will be pari ol the elevator program for a considerable time henceforward. ' Foley Kidney Pills. Supply Just to build up, the natural and bladder. the Ingredients needed .strengthen and restore action of the kidnevs Specially prepared lor backache, headache, nervoiisnei rheumatism ami all kidney, bladder and urinary Irregularities. King Crowell Drug Co. Iv 'IT I NO MAX III XT. Nc-;to llelics Police, Hill I'iiuillv Hides Let ween Walls ami Is Pull ed tint. Atlaiila. Oct. 2X- Not since the Atlanta riots has this city S"en so many guns and pistols iu broad dav-ligh(, as were brought into play late yesterday altei non to capture lien Wood, a negro employee ol the lluckovc Cotton Mill, who shot two companions and then barricaded himself in a house, heavily armed, to defy arrest. . It was out on University avenue, near the -outskirts, of the city. The whole neighborhood was aroused. A riot call was turned in, and in addition to the cordon of blue-coats armed with revolvers and repealing rilles, the men of the neighborhood gathered armed in every iniagine ahle wav. One man had an old army Title wnh a ruslly 'bayonet on the end. Another had a scythe blade, and he was foremost in the advance. When the house, was surrounded Chief fteacers ol the city force. In stead of asking lor volunteers, smashed the frotif door down him self and . marched in alone. Tin negro was inside,, .and "got the drop on him. "Ccl out or I'll kill you." said the 110e.ro, with his gun leveled and Chief Jioavers '.hacked out slow ly, seeing no use to waste human lilo with the house surrounded. Then thev yelled to the m-gor that, if, he .didn't come out within live .miniitos tiiey ; would .riddle ; the house with bullets. The nian -.nMile didn't make a sound. Alter the Ine minutes passed: instead of beginning to tire, which would have been dan gerous to the neighbors, t he ol beers again reecoilred. Finally tour or five together rushed .-the Iront door. OUT OF THE GLOOM. Many a (il'innv Countenance in Ral eigh Now Mshtcns With Happi ness.. A bad back makes you gloomy. Con't be - happy with continued backache. The aches and paniii of a bad back Are mostly due to nick kidneys. I man's Kidney PilJa me for sick kidneys. They have inaue many a happy home in Haleigli. Head what a grateful citizen sava: Mrs. V. W. Hudson, ! 1 1 New Bern avenue, I'lileigb, N. .'., says: "I bad a distressing kidney .weakness-and siiflered terribly Irom back ache and pains through my loins. I rested poorly and in the morning when I got up Lwas tired and lan guid. Doan's Kidney Pills we 10 so highly . recommended that I tin-ally got. a box from the Uobbilt-Wynne Drug Company and began their use. Thev drove awav 111 v aches and pains and I am now free from these symp toms of kidney complaint." ( Stale ment given in January, 1!)08.) A Willing Corroboration. On December 2, 1910, Mrs. Hudson was interviewed and she said: "1 am pleased to verify my former endorse ment of Doan's Kidney Pills. I use their remedy occasionally when my kidneys bother me and I always re ceive relief. You may continue to publish my statement." For sale by all dealers. Prlc B0 cents. Foster-Milburn 1 Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. 1 Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Eletri !! c-"Ou JN,llr(!,i t.:1 ee .' ekiutf.ii !-? t fie 4urifrt ,Tued e I tutt m. ton KiDNEY, LIVEfl AN1" STOMACH TBOUBLf it V ih tw owTilicioe evw y ' ovei drugKUi'a ctuoiei r This time thev were not met. .Iu fuel,' the. negro-could not. be lound anywhere. With pislols in their haudif tiie men ransacked the Iioiim; from cellar .tti gari'et, linnlly. seiul ing a man up into the scan, be tween the ceiling and the rool. I. Milam ol. 1 lie fily force was iln ol'licer. . lie .-.'found a crevice in Hie wall, and called to Ol'liccrs. lUiiiis Hodgers of the county, force. Tlicy logelher found Hie negro lying oil his back and manav.ed lo 'get 'the .drop on him, . .-They dragged lilm. lo Lie. Ugln., and , t he : ni(i:;l , ex"it iic lnaii-hunl v Alh'lila has seen I'nr ;i year came to a.'-bloodless', close.; A Medicine that ;ics Conlid Is Foley's Money nnd-'lar Compound. MrsT. .1. Adams, f22 N". Kansas ave , Columbus, la, r. w.ni's; "For a number or years iiiy childi'en have bee'n subject to -rouglis an, colds. I le-ed Foley's llonev and 'lar t'oni p.innil ami found Ibal il cured llien coughs and colds. So I keep it in I he house ail the liine." Loliise suli-. slllutes. ; K nig Crow ell Drug Co. I, lick. "Well, I'm convinced that It's an l wind Hint blows good to nobody." Wbui has caused you to arrive ad ion r present opinion?". .- t "V011 know lite Tlillingers?" I "You mean Horace Itillinger. j who r n:ly got so badly squee-.;eil in t :o .stock market?" j "Yes. Yon sen, we lived next door (o I lie, Hillingers lor a number 'of years. Sini e t liey h'lve lot their money si m! been -eoinpelieii iii fine ! 1 1 a t heir iinlomohll.es!. -and (lisciiargei most 01 their ijervai'ils: a'nd in other v.-nvB - gel along on as lilth! as jios sible, in v wile has- lound that wo r:m li-,.' on much less 1 .mil it uieily coi.'l. us,"---: Ch iciigo Herald. . . for- ftecord- FRANK B, SIMPSON, Architect KALEIGtt, - - If. C. & ;.eW rH e.,WV M - :: Ol ran- Warm Floors and Healthy Children Make Happy Homes There is no better way for you to avoid worry and expense than by insuring your children's health. Warm floors in the home, which is the children's play house in winter, are assured when using Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater. The steel base and body construction allows the heat to be radiated to the floor keeping it warm during the coldest weather. Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater The Cleanest Easiest to Care For Burns Soft Coal, Lignite, Hard Coal, Crushed Coke, Wood and Cobs. Users of coal must remember that the ordinary heater is a big care to operate. That its smoke and ashes entail dust ing, curtain washing and carpet sweeping. Think then of the ease of operation and the cleanliness of Cole's Hot Blast. Cole's Hot Blast has a guaranteed smoke-proof feed door open the feed door and the current of air draws the smoke directly across the top of stove to the stove pipe away from the opening. Contrast this simple, cleanly feed with the side door in an ordinary heater. The side door used on other 6toves permits escape of dirty smoke, unpleasant gas and accumulated soot drops from it. If you overfill a side door stove, coal falls to the floor. - And note this, you cannot make a side door heater air-tight an everlasting advantage in favor of Cole's Hot Blast which is air-tight and guaranteed to remain so always. No fires to build the fire is never out in this remarkable heater from fall until taken down in the spring. Better select one today surely it is the heater you need v Hauler With a Repu tation. 104 I I Caiolna Harnwara Company RALEIGH, N. C. Mm $12.00 and Upward According to Slz and Stylt goal emi eo&L Atithracitc and Bituminous .-Steam-, and Domestic Grades. Buy now for your winter's requirements. '''" TnnrcAT o 2Jvi liNJVJiN X ; (Johnson (g). Raldjgii,N.G. J II Georgian Terrace ATLANTA, OA. THE KEW mum COLLAR SOUTHERN HOTEL OI'KNS OCTOBER 1ST Tb nwnt :rm-cptirn of ;i hnti!, snpert- m. thn FxcppHnnnl rt1sn rdar in UtT nC 11a' d'f 'iiifiti -lis. inJ fiiirpj"i with pvcry kimn fy-'ility Titr Crttnfort unti nonvrni'-tu of lis Siif-is. Kxc.-Hrtiil rr itijtnit'nii for f..i.ius who wish tnmc!ikf tivir'niiin'nt null sJ'.wion'tu the ..iipor ur. ity at CLjOj Iujc all thai ia inosi un in i.ouv) hf, urJfi nn. irf. l l VMMOI S RK KH H KOOMS IVINTiR OARlrl-:NS. KN.I..SH t Ol NdINC KOOM5 SIMMKK IKKltACK OA KHUN AND WIN' IVAIU-OK BU.UAKO ItOOM liltll.l. MVS-. Ki I I.I.KVT criSiNK ANI SKH VICB Th Tiioat modcrTi i.ot-l of AmTini, where iferin p. M'Jinrrront and rom furt fan' he oblmuod at popular pfivr.. OPEN A1X VEAR. CE.NTK AI..1.Y LOCA Zt . .-' f- ATLANTA, (iH)K(.,A. 'v WHF.N 151 NEW YORK top "t t'.c M'St and moxi pifertly equipped hoil 'L ii ffi"',sit nTtropol.(i. ?0U.?3 UP " WNTF.RiiJe. TT SOMHEH ;ID ft iu tW.ViVtVX WI.DK AWAKK I'I'OIM.K IN THK SliKKI lU'H - 1XKSS. AH ki ids of old Mattresses mado ovur. KKATHKIf I1KDH MADK 1XTO MATTItKSSKS. Feather Re Is. and Pillows washed and medl rated.. , Kir.it ('hiss work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered tiie fame day. THE EUREKA MATTRESS CO. (''. C. riione 132. Knctory udilress Xo. :52( S, McDowell Street, An Old Mattress We Mailo Over. . Our Agent M ill Gladly Call, Show You Samples.