rr m JTEE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1911. SOCIAL EVENTS By Mist Susan Iden. tJOMETniE. pometime we will go, we say, Where the old true Iriends await, Hopeful that some happy, day They will meet us at the gate; Future whispers soft and low: "Sometime sometime wo shall go!" ki .1 i Sometime we will speak, we say, Little words we loft unsaid. That may brighten some one's way Some one's way that's dark in stead, Pome kind work to help the weak. Sometime sometime we shall speak. :'-. .' Sometime we will do, we say. Something we have lei t undone Small and petty in its way. Save to some poor burdened one; This we promise fair and true Sometime sometime wo shall ' '-. do.," ' Sometime we will wake and know Opportunity lias (led. Rone the friends of lone ago Needless are the words unsaid. For, as Time computes his sums. Sometimes sometime never comes! The Delineator. Miss Sallie Bailey roturued to her home at Emporia today. Miss Myrtle Rollins, of Asheville, Is visiting Miss Martha Allen. . Mrs. to her Frank B. Uanrev home in Baltimore returned today, Miss Caro Cray and Miss Marv Hull McKimmon lett today tor Now York.'.". . '' Mrs. H. R; ion,ihispn, of Atlanta. arrived today to visit Mrs.:, Kdwnr.il K. Briiton. " THE WOMAN'S CLUB. Mrs. W. N. Ilutt Asheboro, to make the Randolph County Mrs. Henry I.. H:;r who have heeii visitin.i Kmiis. 'returned . Inm.r today. " ' ' has gone :t ri address Fair. : is and so Mrs. f. ' to l.itl'leti. Miss .Nell Mo., alter ; T. V. (i Kt lin, Va. Sijiiarles, of i i-1 1 to 1) liy,- lias goin St. Joseph; '.; and Mrs. to Frank- ind to Corporation Commissioner Mrs. W. T. Lee have .gone. Waynesville. , '. ''; Mrs. P. (1 Klsom and family left this morning for Hendersouvilie, their future home. : There was horn unto .Mr. and Mrs. ii. N. Sunms : today a daughter, weighing ten pounds. . Mr. and Arrs. J. ('. Martin, former ly of Richmond, are making their homo in Raleigh, with Mrs. R. C. Strong, on North Blount street. .' M iss. 'Ala guerite 1 loaua ti-.-.. of forts n.oul h, i er ,;i nt-' 1 borne today . I ii i' 'visiting. -'Miss-.. Jiytii-Ho- Hi it civ a! Si,. , i .,. 'Airs.-, i.l'';t'-.!e.' 'W'ye'i'ii..'-. .if; -.New Vurt. ' Kt'a.'!e.i " over iii' i-.ic-. ei.ly' oil hi r iH-t u rsi: trolii I'll tstioVo: Slit- ,iS' Lhc; KiM'S( of- Airs: '.K:, i- Ua:.e. Mrss, Mii'r; ha; .le:i. . "o; . .Kii.:iiiri. who has bv.'fi 'the. guest''' 0.1 Aliss' .Mar tha. A i l' li. uL iiafeish.. :ii'-iX"-:ij)da;."."l.i-i attend : A!.i s.s '.- Swiriinano.!.- Hoi:Jk-'s house ,iiart ai. ('hiyTini. . Queen -'..'.Mary is said' to 'June tin' General Monthly Business .Meeting Tomorrow Afternoon, The general monthly business meeting of the Woman's Club will be held tomorrow afternoon at tour o clock in the club room. All mem bers are urged to be present. V Kl (3 H T-A I A M S. Young Couple .Min-neil Todav at Cen (rnl Methodist roiMinugc. Rev. A. 1). Wilcox, 'pastor nl Cen tral. Methodist-'' church, liniled ' in marriage a young couple today at the parsonage"' at. t wo o'clock TIiO happy -.pair ."wits. Miss Ruby Adams, the daugh er of Mrs; ii. !l IVrry. of V1 1 east Jlar:.;t:t t street , ami . Al r. VV i 1 li'a'm'V Weight,., of OKI , :f I 'inilivd. tu ; r Hamlet. ".' . l lley were nt'comp iiiivu to ilie pu.. sonage . by a few fvii ruls... The bride wore a coat suit . ami bin of'; navy hi'!.-. ;'..'";',' Air. W rmht has been omnloved in l ho. city as bookkeeper unci ' stenog rapher'..', but. . hi' is re u mi lie. to OM Hundred this afternoon to malic his lionuv ai'conM'anie'i hy his bride, and Ihe best wishes of many iriends. , WITH MRS. A. A. THOMPSON and supper to the. men which follow ed llOIMiOHLIX'S A XI) WITCHES. Also SiM)ks, Jack O'Luiitems ami Fairies at Home of Air. anil Airs. John Hayes Last Night. j Amidst spooks, hobnobllm;. witch es, lanics, jack-o-Ia)iterns and other weird appiirtenancies or Hallowe'en, the guests of Air. and .Mrs. Jno. I'. i Haves spent an evening' of dehght llul pleasure and enjoyment at their home in Cleiiwood lust niuht. : I 'I lie .bouse was attractively dee orated vitb autumn: leaves, ... jm m )i- kins and evergreens, inaking a set t in ii of '.beauty for the happy throng ., that iissetiibliHl., There were appl s to boh. fortunes 't,0 seek, and ttunier ous, yuiitests to bold t In-. al tent Ion of th" . nu:ny. guestsv . ' in . the .'Upple-eatilig';'!' oiliest:,. Aliss j Willie Hoster and Air. T. C. (lault w on t!ie pi i." -a big delirious box of Roysters candy, eatihfi an -apple sus pcniled from a strintv w it Ii "bands ul in a iniaute ami a hall. 1 lie . boobv went to Mr. ('has. , suovonsoii. who lulled to get a lute. Franklin Sherman. Jr., von in the -'children s contest, eatfng two apples !i"for.- any of the other .little' bo, iiml irii Is could eat one. II Coats, Dresses, for Girls and Misses. Our ',l)ii vci'. w lin Iris jnt n'tiinu'tl tiviin New York. iiiivli;is("il ;i ni;iiilci c line ir Coats an I Dn-sscs lor yoiui' H'irls, I rem i 'J to IS years. . 'rile ( mils 1 i;i t ho cxt ra 1 , ' .wide 'uilai's .ami ( 'nffs: of Is I most cosily in, America, and has an ir; dosigued. to ilinN h 1110', SW'i her Mr. It. I., Hicks won hrsl pri e l-.nlei-lai.MMl at .tt.rn..oi, ..ml Kven- ft,r llinllnK ,paf .1,.llvs lh(,. in- Reie.l.es estcday. jeveot a jaek-o-lantern u hile blin i- V rs A A l'hompson uave a most folded and Aliss Florne. Jones -look iei..'liM ul alternoon reception ves- the booby. Air, Hicks prize . wns r. te.-ilay from 4:"!0 to it::3i in honor 'camera with which h'' look pholo- ol' her niece. .Mrs. H. () Uea'ty. of graphs of the guests . . . Sun Francisco and her daughter," Mrs. I Miss Alary Hall as the ..fortune; de .It ou Iliac -Hamilton;.".' of C li a iu' I . t ! liiifi wtidi,' furnisheil a .great .deal llill. This was: followed by an eve'li- Of ainiiseiiient by displiiyint; her, skill iiig reo'eiifion I'roin fi;':;o to 8;!'.i wlien j as a paint- reader. . I'.m le Sain was about thirty or more gent ieliian Wert- iiresent, ..so was Do , I'eep, as .well present, . '' SiipiiOr. was sei'ved alii! us Several pretty little fairies and .both t !.e I'V.'i.iuc and afieriiiHin's . si !.: funny clowns. ,: ,' . t . i-1 : i : ; i : j i 1 1 1 : anordeii : the .aiiess lii'licious hot chocolate was served much pleasure; ..:".. jwi'.a cake. . There was also I'niii, ; 'Ihe; decorati ve eft'ects l lironiilioiit candy und otlur; delicacies to tempt liie liou.ie. M-re especial iy; pretty iiii- ' the appetite. - The v nests .departed din it flinch to the pleasiinof the oc- at a late hour .with, profuse thanks casion. to Air. and Airs. Haves lor the pleas- luiU WE PLEASE YOU Every effort is made to please you. V goods. We give the service. TLouo your &3L Telephones 95. .have t in wants. KDfa-CROWELL DRUG COMPAJHT EHB QUALITY VRVQ 8TOR Benzoin and Almond Lotion ... FOR - THE FACE AND HANDS For sale only at THE WAKE DRUG STORE, Flumes 228. . In tile reception room ;, heaulil'ul white:, i-hrysantlieiiiilins with ferns a lid palins formed t he color scheme of white and green, In the library, where '.'punch was served, yellow -chrysanthemums- were used. In the (lining room red and given' -was' used wit ii ; .'ciianning ef .it. American '.beauty roses . and clesters. of Tokay grapes benig used on the table. " On arriving the lau-sts were met in the ball by Airs. Charles AlcKini .iuoii and; Airs. . JuliatiTiuiherlake. , , Iii t he receiving line were : Al rs. A A. TholiM'Son. .Mrs. II. O. lleatty, of San Francisco;. Airs, do: Roulbac 1 1 amilton. of t'.haiiel H ill : Airs. W. S, Wilson,'. Airs, N'orwood, - of Sail Iran cisco : . Al rs. W . S. West: and Airs. James C Alart.in, bfRiclimiiiid, 'a. Passing ,.i ii to the piiiich rbo.ni Ihe giiests :vorc , greeted ; at tlii door h" Aliss Hal Aloi;s()!i and Airs, J. U Ken icy. The;' punch bowl was . almost" i hnldeii by . viii(s and great clusters jnf I okay grapes. I'liticli v.as served I ii.v Airs, (frahain H. Andrews, Aliss j Annie Root. Aliss Ai ay Montague and Al rs. George Sy me.. . At the ddrmg room door were Airs. V. A. Hoke, and Mrs. Wm.-K. SIudm while the guests. were -received in the dining roojn bv Airs. 15. F. Alonta gue and Aliss Jennie Colfin. Serving l refreshments . ere : Misses - Stisanna Ilusbee, lleisv John Haywood. Anne ! Alclsiinmon. and Kmily : Rose Knov. This beautiful reception made so dolightful by the gracious hospitality of the hostess and the ladies assist ing her will be remembered as one of the pleasopt events of the fall season "as, will the. evening reception ures ol tile evening. i:irxi TAiti.i: 1.1 it. -The fully ( Special to Th" 'liiues. I Scotland Neck, Nov. 1 .. Hound Table "Club was dtdigl: eaiertained liy its pri suletii ," Alary Herbert Snntu. ins. .1 days ago. it being ihe Hilloweeii meeting of tae clilh ., Alis Smith lireslilcd uracetullv ever th mee: ing. : and read a fiaic'r. en be origin a nib customs of . fl lijowe'en and Kleanor Smith - read a seleciion from . Washington : .Irving.. . Airs. I'liigencT. Whitehend discussed 'very entertainingly the . nrrent-. events of t he;' diiy, ' : '" ' It as antiouiic that the' plub was the State 1-Vderai C'ltihs. wiiich was asticaily liy eac.i j After the .hitsiiiess.: session was ' concluded t he guests were invited ! to the .dihiivg rinim... where awaite I them a regular, old-tinie Halloween least. A salad co'irse was served consisting of Waldorf salad in bm red apples, sand witches ami cofloe mid at eacii plate was placed a Hallowe en souvenir.' Tins session ol the club v.as pro nounced one ol Ihe. verv best ever held. Il was inieresring throiiun i n and evtrvoue went awav uai-ini; Aliss Smith; tor the most delig.itlul evenings entertainment. Airs, (iersen Hoftnian most graci ously entertained the Chicane ( lull at her .magnificent home on Alain street some., 'days ago. . After the guests had engaged in several games t this nicotic ' a member o of W'oiiians s received catiiiisi tii "in her. "117E now have on display the first arrival of the season of new faU Suits, teals, Waists and Skirts which we are showing at very interesting prices. We sell the celebrated Gossard Corset. They lace in front and arc recommended by physicians. Prices range from $3.50 to $8 50. We have the C. B. A la Spirite Corset at prices from 50 cents to $3.50. P. N. Corsets from 50 cents to $2.50. TEEOS. A. PARTM CO. Ladies Furnishings and Novelties. 131 Fayetteville St Next to Masonic Temple. ALW;AYS SOMETHING NEW. of interesting ' bridge, they -were served with aii - elegant " lunch of oyster,' sandwiches, pickles and col fee. Those enjoying the hospitality of Airs, Hodman were: . Mrs. (-.-. S. White, Airs, ,I;uT E Bowers, Airs Charles W'. AIheitson, Mrs. C. H. Herring. Al rs. A. 1.. l'urrington, Mrs. I'. W. Kenner. .Miss Maude Ieggeit, Miss lizzie Smith Aliss Marv Wel ti on Smith. Aliss Cornelia Josev, Miss Kleanor Mint h. Some evenimis ago at the elegant home of Air. and .Mrs. W. I.. Har rell. Airs. Harrell entertained a few of her voung Iriends, compllmentrfrv to her guest .Miss .Nell Nelson, wno is visiting her from Halifax. It was entirely an informal affair, but was one of the most delightful so cial events of t.ie season. Aliss Klizahelh Futrell, formerly of the faculty 'Of Meredith College. Ral eigh, delightfully entertained .the guests with several beautiful selec tions on tne piano. After engaging in different amusements those pres ent were served with delicious re freshments by Misses Dorothy Dunn and Idlllan Harrell Dr. R. T. Vann, president of Meredith College. Raleigh, is here as the guest of Air: and Mrs. R. C. Joaey. Dr. Vann was formerly a resident of Scotland Neck, and his friends here are alwavs glad to see him and to welcome him back to his old home. ai reii-lx'wlH. (Special to The Times.) Blounts Creek, N. C, Nov. 1 A very pretty and Impressive ceremony , was the home wedding Wednesday Oct. 25th at high noon when Miss Emma Warren' became the bride of Mr. E. L. Lewis of Sullen, Tenn. 1 Just previous to the entrance of the bridal party several appropriate pieces were rendered by Miss Kath erine Warren, of Edward, N. C. . Then to the strains of Lohen- jnat crra ('.trci!icl' M';ir;iiicc i Tlicy iiii I'l'ilW 1 1 III cs, I'M I ll . ;i;i1 : lend 1 t'aslii(vifa!)lc: t lie 'l'- if l!i. i .. i and He ii.riii(,iit.. H'i'ccn. Iilnc. uitilul mix- d ai jiliniit half 1 lid'' iif. lie dicsscs alt' sjniiiiil ly niu.1, haiiilsiimt'iv lail oi'i'i! an. I in all (icsiralilc s: 'lu I l ulnis. as well as 1 he ili w niixl lll es. 50c, $1.00, $150, $2 00 Tailor-made Meslin Waists lie ilie liisf, 1 weai lliese sntai'tly lailnri ;l y si le waists. Made up with 'rush lai and ( 'lift's w il h . ailach" '. one of Snaji- ,'ket 'IJii-M-liroaihsav liave In en a few 1ic:m';- III While Bnvn an ! lann'e of six. will he sjnif a lit and a i Ilie ra.;'e on Th- i t M'i1 .till! A" I'.led.., X.nv, 'i'(iij)''. A jro 1 s. an l it v ii: In !v ymi eai: el; 'il'U' air! he l he liist one on Fayellev ilie st icet to o n one. $5.00 Value at $3.98 203-205 FAYETTEVILLE! STREET BOTH PHONES 48 j lal chorus the bridal parly match and carried a shower bouquet Lewis left for Washington, 1) C ; 4i linde s roses and lilies of the , New A ork and other northern, points. gnu s bi entered in the lellowinu order: Misses ( arnioss Warren, Kuhv War ren, of W ashmnton. N.. ('.: ltessie Warren and Carlvlc Warren, ol Kd ward. . (.-.. all exii'.usitelv gowned in yellow. ; carr tug- chrvsant hemiims and lerns. Ailer them runic til.' maid of -.honor. Aliss Atha Finch Strickland, of Aloncure. .V C, gow--cd in olive green . niessaline satin, liarrying. yellow ehrysantlK'nuiins. Then entered the bride with hi r father. She wore; a traveling suit pi" blue, with gloves, hat and nil to vallc Aiwa va Sullen, lovelv. she wanlThev iharuiing in her bridal attire. jlenn. She was met at the altar by Ihci The presents were numerous and groom accompanied bv bis best man handsome. Air. I). II. Lewis, of irgiina. j On I he evening preceding the mar- . 'Ihe ceremony was periormed b" : riace an Informal but delightful re- will be at home in alter November 10. Rev. J. II. Knight, of Aurora, X. C. Pesub's the brid:il party there were a number ol. gnosis lroni a distance,- ': After -receiving the heart v. con gratulations . '.und best wishes from their many friends,' Air. and Mrs. ception was tendered the bridal party at .the home of the bride. Punch I was charmingly dispensed by Mi38es j .Margaret. Rush and Ruby Joyner, i alter which delightful refreshments j consist ing of a salad course and I cream and cake were served. ,- . A P. A great lot of all the newest creations in Collars and Jabots. Beautiful lace effects and lots of dainty sheer lawn ones. They are beauties. Prices 25 and 50c. JESS POWDER With American Arbutus odor. This new powder is without doubt the most delicate and lasting that has ever been made. Ask for a sample package free. Put up in large glass jars at 23c. PERCALES, GINGHAMS ...''' .'.'... - -'.'.','(' ..' - f '. :: ."'. .,',: . -....i . :.: ' A new lot of both that are all that you could ask for. Pretty, dainty patterns of the very best grades made. Price 12 l-2c. a yard. WO OLLCOTT OPPOSITE POST OFFICE: . v -tit r , i-iii't'iiit.,1:; i.,-i, '!". ..,,'' I