He Jssocfottd Press Service VoLLXX. No. 108. The Weather RAIN. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1911. LAST EDITION PRICE FIVE CENTft Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in R.aleigh of any Other Newspaper Leaders In National Politics Watching tomorrow's Elections With Interest TAKEN AS STRAWS Will lie the Kir t Popular F.vpressioii Since the Mfotinn of a Democratic House Possible lU'ai'iiiu' on Hie Presidential Election of 11)12 Campaigns in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New rk, Kentucky uul One or Two Other States Vice President Sherman One of the He publican Speakers in New Jersey Champ (Murk nml llrvnn in Ken tucky. Washington,' Nov. t. Lenders ol national politics are looking ahead with acute Interest in the state elec tions tomorrow because of their pos sible bearing on the presidential campaign next vear. The elections afford'" the first, opportunity for the first formal popular expression since the bringing together ol the first democratic national house of repre sentatives in sixteen years and the continent-spanning' speech-making tour of President Taft. In Massachusetts Governor Foss, formerly congressman, has led 1he democratic forces. In New Jersev the election is held in the home state of a candidate for the democratic presidential nomination. In New York the issues are local but the state is one always closely scanned by political observers. In Kentucky Representative Qllie James, one of democracy's bulwarks In congress, Is a candidate for United States senator, and William J. Bryan and Champ Clark are campaigning lor him. Vice-President Sherman has taken an active part in New .Jersey's, re publican fight. Speaker Clark has done vigorous campaigning in Ne braska, Tennessee and Kentucky. PKKSIDKN'T I.V CINCINNATI. Is At Home to ote on Tomorrow's Election. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 6 President Taft arrived from Hot Springs today to cast his vote in tomorrow s elec tion He leaves tomorrow night at 1 0 : "0 for a tour of Kentucky and Tennessee. ' Funeral of Kyrle llellew. New York, Nov. 6 A tew per' sonal friends gathered at the Chinch of the Blessed Sacrament to attend the funeral of Kyrle Bellow, the cel ebrated actor. The actor had no relatives in this country. The ser vices were private. The remains were brought here today from Salt J,ake, where Ilellew died Thursday. Progress In McNamaru Case. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 6 Attor neys In the McNamara case began the examination of twenty new ve niremen. The elimination of tales man Seaborn Manning, through Ill ness means an additional delay be fore peremptory challenges can be directed. Young Man Die at. Hospital. Mr J. R. Lewis, ol Uriiuesland, died at Rex Hospital Saturday night of appendicitis and peritonitis at the age of 22 years. He had been in the hospital sixteen days and had undergone an oiveration. The re mains were yesterday shipped to Grimesland for Interment. MORE DOCTORS' BILLS APPROVED BY BOARD Two of the physicians employed by the board of county commission ers, submitted bills at today's meet ingot the board. The account of Dr. L P Sorrell was for $51 and that of Dr Ralph S. Stevens was for 450 AH the commissioners voted to approve the accounts except Mr. Brewer, who voted no. Bills to the amount of $162 have been approved at former meetings. Most of today's bulness was of a routine nature. Friends of Col. John Nichols will be glad to know that his condi tion was Improved today. . fry --a I KvMv'Ky,, .... ' , iiVl.' MM liss Josephine .Mol'lit, a runner tini( was called "Mrs. Tiixis,'' l)ec;iii--e ol her ch'ini ttnit she was mi.iiihmI to Prince Victor of Thiirn and Tnvis, srion ol tlic Anstriiin loyal linns,-, wllo docluretl in London.' where she lias liccn rcM:!nn;, tlml she will coiue to the I'nited States to prosecute the Prim e .tor bigamy declai ins that his recent marriage to .Mrs, Lida Heiinor Mifierald is ille.d, and (lireal ens to sue. the latter for heavy daniasies lot .ilienatnej; the allections l lirr luishand. She will brinn alone villi her a liumile ol letters llml she will prove her nllegnl ions. WENT OVER 10 REBELS Three Chinese Gunboats De sert to the Enemy Chinese (amhoats Put Into Sliaiiu'ni tor Provisions and While I lieie Join (he Kiicmv (linic.se. I eh-, graph Operators on striki ('allies (ainrdcd lV I'-orcian Ma rines and Not -Molested. Shanghai. Nov. ti Iiree i: n'lece gunboats, forniiniv .-part of Admiral Sah Chen Print's Meet, which pin in here vestcrdav lor provisions, went over to the rebels tins iii.tiiinm. The Chinese lelegiapii openuors went on strike, tables lune iml been uioleslod. . h'oreign intiriiies are guarding the cables, but it is be lieved Admiral Sah is hiding here. Clung Kiang, in Kiang tsu province, fell at ;! o'clock this allernoon. '1 lie city is a treotv-jiort with a nomila tion ot a hundred and hliv llioiis- and Hang Chow wan taken lv the rebels yesterday alter a spirited re sistance. Want lOniperor to Alidicate. Shanghai, Nov. ti The first .nignt alter the cainliilal ion ot (Ik; city to the revolutionists passed unevcMii tullv Perloct order was niaintain- ed in Shanghai and the unliving, dis tricts wnirh constitutes a remark able feature ot the government. I.i Ping-Shu is the responsible head ot the new -.administration in the na tive city and suburbs and is now engaged In completing his organi zation. 1 He in formed, the corre spondent that he recognized only the "republic of Han ' and would guarantee order. The only disor derly elements, he said,1 now in China are the former olhcials. icliir supporters and the Manchu troops who would never again be permitted to control. There is reason to believe that the revolutionary sentiment throughout the south Btronglv favors the uncon ditional abdication of the emperor and the establishment, ot. an entirely new regime. nan Shi Kai will be repudiated if he adheres to the Man chus. He might become the head of the government and receive univer sal support if he separated himself from his former alliance. There is, however, a growing suspicion and distrust of Yuan Shi Kai Th present plans for a republic , Continued on Paje rive.) JMtigi wmmmmmm ft 4, "VH VS. vf J m mi New iork.ai tress, who lor some M. MORGAN'S fiUILI It Was He That Organized the Steel Trust Maid That Prosecution ot Slecl Trust Was started to .Ucrt ,r : tcm ioii I-rem I lie I ,l I thai as let No Individual I rust . Militate Has I .ceil Prosecuted hy I lie. t-(uriiev-dclieial Washing-ton Nov-, u. (i--incident - it li t lie - bi'liel' t in) I exisls- in iiuuiy (jiiarteis . "thai lire W'ieiiorslunu suit iigafiifit' tin- steel 1 1-ii sit js. not sin cere, nml tli:il i will. -never be prii: seeiileil in a. n ay I lial w il I worry I lie trust-, is liie. ni'ovviuy conviction that tin- suit, was started to avert atten tion from - the fact, that as yet no individual trust, 'niagnale' lias been priKiCcuivd liv V ickershain . 'I he (liicry: vW"ny not put one guliiy trust magnate in jair.'"-'-.becanie so insislenl . tlml. .At toriicy-tleneral W'ickei'sliani g r e w thoroughly heightened about the record ol inac tivity be has made, and for . that reason, sav those .who -are lamliai Willi the condition ol seun-paiiie that, now prevails in adiininst rat ion circles, lie started.' the steel suit as a stop to those w ho are liuimlieiiilv (lemanding ai'tion uuum.s! tli guilt.v magnates. . The anti-trust "law is a crimnal statute, and provides that those who violate It may be sent to jail, just as a common clti.en may be sent, to jail for carrying oil his neighbors coal. Yet there lists been no men tion. bv Mr. V lekersuam, ot prose cution for J. P. - .'Morgan.' organizer of the trust, and tis gliding spirit. It was in his house that the meeting was held at which it was decided to take over the Tennessee Coal anil Iron Company, .-winch action,, so it has been given out. at. Mr. W cker sham s office constitutes the back bone of the government s case. It was Mr. Morgan wao sent Judge Gary and Mr. Frick to ashinglon to obtain President Roosevelt s con sent to the merger. Therefore, if the government has a case Bgainst the trust, as Mr. Wlckersham s suit would indicate, why hasn't, it a case also against Mr. Morgan? The government has in dicated individuals In connection with the prosecution of the Turpen (Contluued on rage Four.) SANDLEN 1ST DIE :DLC 8!H Governor KitcJjin Naaios Da1 For Execution of Wilming ton Wifc-Murdwr I. A!. ; . Syiullia, the , . Wjlmiavmo wile III ui'denT, Was enin irleij in .vw- I liuiii'vc'r enmity ...iei .TMii"iii e(l In ilie.'iit llie f'.eclrir' elialr'. I-" !-1 J u v . Orl'olier 1 :. - and vho IV.sl his n .ppeal I mi t hi sentence1 of. t li . "Imver -'.cu'uri '. w ill lie eb'C.trocuti'd l''i.iil:iy, I leei'in .S. Covernor Ki.chi-i. this a it er lioiiii . u:tii) in'; I liis.da te: , l ;iie i en j I'eiillils ill tile Cuje Wi'ie leic iyeil !V f lu- '.ten eriior today -froiii I lie .;i pi ;c-i;ie ei.ifi I .. ' v'-V . -.: ; Samllin had left hi.; v ile innl I'e iii, mii -d'., Iitier ' and .shot ! il liii'inai? the pistol on. iiimseir in ;a ellort to commit, wileide, This i i 1 1 1 :nni lie was enovlciei! ':, n,-: ein ein e.1 I.i I' l' i e. - " '-;; ' I In AV Ol' L(il II HI S I I'll. Arc on P.iilsli Sleainer l-,moi:(e .lor Liverpool. L'.ndon. Xov. li- 'i he liritisii sU i,;i)er:. Vli toriaii (lii I hi- v ay I'i'oiii 'lulvesiou to Liverpool, s-m a - ii'e- ies: llli-SWlne that Sll- I ,,l-i.l!'(l ill" . i-.- .v el I hi' ivater-lo: - .1 S' lloc.'l r ;;tcrihc!i I',. Loud.. The l.oud is a th're;' ina:;ted schooner. ..-four li enilre l ton's, of Thonmsf.on. .; M.iMey She sailed l rt) in, Savanna h -tiv.ot.ier ..... i.oc j ISosto'u. Several days hif.-r she w.is j sis.lited by llrlfish steitine;: i;!e:,. ( I. : I li'l'lilreil miles 'oft' Cliarh-sl w aimndoned, '; - '-." Hugh S. Knox to Marrv (Special to'f he Times. 1; .New York. Nov. li. - ! nc el!::a':e meiit of ..Mrs. Ka VV'1'"'1' M''(''u. of this city, to lli-ali S. l-'.i::i. see.ou.d son of t!-.e - i retery ni' s)i.;e. i . an-li.illiii.f-.! .liere". N'o date tv:. WASHINGTON II COfl Appears In Farads York Episode New Hooker Wasliinvtou I'll neinii I Wipiess in ( use .!::nii.t Henry I ltlcli, M.vn Who .Xsaun, il 1 1 1 ill Last M ireli. X'ew Y'ir I . ii. lino T 1 red in coin 1 1 odaj' . witness; . :i;;ajii-1 a white 111:1 11 , u ho ;ilnca.t(jr . a 1 1. -:i 1 1 'i.e. -Hareb, - w hen : he c Vest ihiih' nt' an e '. .-'when' . ririi h 'eliilanl tiriiinihl 11s I . Moore, w l.io ivas nil ributois (11 the Wa-sliiuciiiii app as 1 he" ju'iie i n, Henry .v. VI rid gave ; t he ner.i ii cue '.Ut: found It i 111 in 1 a p.MTfliiem : Inn roemed. li is eon 1 011, of 1 fund .for I IIS1 it lilt ; .Th. :.el .1. he til hi' le,eliipille(ll of TllsKe-'e of w i-1. a aslilneinn js t lie head. Tile sta'ei ingtoii at 1 he. t U that he was re;i rectory in the y nienl bouse, in neurit w ho s as Tnskegee. . V" 1 1 ii-li's defen by- his previnii': found Washiip't t he . .keyholc-ni ground. Ihnn ai Willi wilolll lie I iieiit issued by U e h i: of, fln.' .iissaiilt sriU i lit; t he tenants' (li e. lilillle of the atiarl an effort, to locate a. eiie of I lie officers ni' -f . was fiir.osli:i.rtye. assertions t hat he hi . peeping 1 hrouali the door 1V11 1 1 1 1 A t hat I l)i' woman t Irich) roomed -told him she was annoyed by the negro while passing,'' 1 h rough Die. cor rid nr. After 'driving W asliington out of the (Continued on Page Two, ) EIRE THREATENS WHOLESALE HOUSE A tire threatened the V. 11. King Company s wholesale drug store last night about It) o clock, bur it was extinguished bclore any lica'l wav could be gained. The lire originated about the elevator shatt on the second lloor, the cause being unknown. Some one passing on the oii)osile stile ot the street saw a small blaze and turned in the alarm. The fire was extinguished before the lire companies could arrive, hut streams of water were poured uno the building, llie loss is estimated at abojit $-100. Hie damage coming principally from water. - ' About three years ago this com pany was damaged hy hro. pmln l IfilpH'.: :MM P?':; v1"' . r . - V k A4'4'' WM j.' J ' " , , V . t tini'l.M!): IV Uiii'-r-. :'r uoiitl lane.i:-. ji :aiec. bo is the lirsl air 1 win in I'.inke a ; 1 il' -bv .lei-iei, m,. iri-ni ( it- .AliiiUlte In I'll' I'acilic, reach in.'. !": s.".ileu:i :'.. 11 :". i'a'i' 1 1.. b :i 1 m Sen oi l, .ty .M'plember ! Til:. : .v li -111 a'!. K01I e, lieu .1 iHMate. c el ! I mill s, lica'ing the V'.lM 111 s t'l-i '-',1e!l r 1 eeiint tiv -.tl.',:, 1-OUlltCV. i-ec.i(i 10 I i ! .er! i-nin -v oi'K. ii Pew I re in (. '.;-'.eiv ie n'Uri:! a t "iMili'lee'lls . 1-mi w lien s.l. i.t'Wi'i. tK.,'...ing 'Hi ':l'. FLEW JSCilOSS COUNTRY, A.iaiar Hcd;erj lends Gn Pacific O'ait Marled I'l'cni -New rk.' September. I Tl li nil I I. ' In re'is llie ohm I. elit liis l eal a ,ei nlil-l'i'C.ili- II, n (in, lui.il lv(anie. i.-7i ! II :iii' Tune. 'I.jcj J Min-llt.- ...'.'.".. IM;;a?l"na.;:..r lio-'ivel'S, :riin.i) Denial l!ie.i'i . at. I 0 : -1. Seiileiii.ber -'-. V: li'.ii. ia I (i;. il' ;: i I'll . -by '-'':s' : ,ii. lain-,. I'M i'L'-l illillllles. .- '' l(o i: !' . ' la i'l 'I'll' I.I.' he ei'. f'at ilie-; a a 1 1 . l i Hiakine . feat in ; . .,i r. f. I'. ; ,, ;li is .jraii'-i on.t i da? , laiiilihiv: here l ie lel'i ;ev - Vei l; 'I . I e.cr':s lle;hl' :';:sh,-.tt : .'I n! a I liy'lng'. I iine... 1 - ',1 at 1 : I U. eei-liiek. i tie lly out over .1 1: :. iii.iIm' the ' epLieh; Of a iat ion. : K.erlui-i's :m 1 1 n i.i i'i-il in t he sk y short -ly' alter :: o'ehiek! lie was sighted by teleseiiies ., final the solar "."ob servatory : 011 ' Mount Wilson and lelejilmlie lirouglli '.i.lltHI . 'persons Jo T n.iii.eiit I'.irii I''i; ii.e. al a heieiil nj almiil ."..'Inn '..I . I ! 1 nl :r,-rs In 1 e rt-i I. 1 iy e r I h e 1 i I y for a , few iniuutes. ilu'ii; eireli-d in a, wide sjiiral ami n!ihineii ilon. His laiiifiiu; was a sif.aal fur a rnsli aiul lioile.ers literally was iimhlieil. Kodgers siarteii on the last dash of his flight: from I in lit) i it v , Cal.,-' a little town out in (lie I'esei'i wile his arrival bad interrupted, the only diversion of the year :-l he : funeral dance.- of the . Mojava i mlians. ... . Taking the air at nooti. Koilgers ascended graeetu liv 111 the lace of a 1'0-niile wind until he had rcai.'lied an altitude of leu feel. Then lie set his course direeilv Vest and spark ed bis tuolor . Ui to . it - thirty-mile gait. -: The .flier arrived over Colton at 1:37 p. in. with Ins altitude increas ed to -1,0011 feet ami he kept, this height .-until he neared Pomona, . 2' miles from Pasadena. He remained there until after " .-o'clock, renewing his supply 01 gasoline and relilling the lank of the leaking radiator that brought him near disaster Satur day. Alter leaving Pomona Uodgers kept bis biplane, pointing upward un til bo bad climbed over the highest peaks ol the sierra Mad re fountains. (Continued on Page Two.) ttimes ' , : ' , :nil!'. llie. In,uI previous cross- -i.n Ie !i tiy Hairy . AtwiMiil, who il sialic, : l.::-ri itn'es. KiMlgers re- Ii 'ani!.--! id 1 o. m:ele. at tlie ltiiih GFSENSATIONALKATURF ;7?na Suit Started Against Tide wafer Power Company Crank llerhsi ks lor !SI,"0O( I la uia'.'i's A.'lilisl Iraclioii (0111 i.mv and liUiii's (eueral laii- -i'liii'i" Skeliling. it Ii Malice, Spile ami lil-Will Sloiy ot iiw'. ; . i;".,ii i'ial tn 'l.'lie 'I'inies. '-. ;, .i liii ih on. 'ui . 1'. 1 'oir.phiini as lile'ii ,-MiLii in superior court i'l file. Mill el Vii'. l''rajik l.lerhst against i'.he I i'i,' .v aie,- rower Company. The jia'iii-v i;i "f ra:h"r seii.-.iiiieial nature in 1 h alt riliiili'S as one of the i,iie. '- v I eh taa have led up to i !a.' ;.'i i loir -. through., preliniinary .cir 1 r.e 'ee. s, that iliriiith bickering a.K, I - s-'rife.. h ieii : t he jiliiim iff has had V i i : r i lie .genera.) mahaj-.er of the -tiuVjrauy - thai he believed .lie Was I'-:k -:'i !.!-'. blaeklisle.l hv i!:e said di !es ' i I cell paiiv . I hl Oll'-'h . its gen- ' ivi. 1 iiiaiiaKer,' Iiiiti t luil ;he act lull of saiJ eiiiiipany ihrnii';!! its general uianaj-'.T was : I fie r-'siilt of malice, l ill' I i 1 i eiil'SS, . spite., tl II (I ill will -i'.iv,,ii I tin' pi.iiui . ".The '.plaintiff is' I'l-in-eseHi'sl, hV; Wiliiani. ' J. ;' Del la i ... . :t!?.l John H; Ih'Ilamy A: Sen .!ijili;tiieiit. auainsi .the ilefend-n-:; -1 asked;' li'frt . ieV ..aiieu ilani a '.e., .ir t lev iiu iiuA eiiieni'e annov- i".iie',': Inniiiliaiinii, anil n.et.':',l an ';:: ii.''-ii siistaini'it ..by I . : n . . and second, I'Lir thi- further :siira ni 1 -11,0111) as riini iiiVe ila 111:1 ;:es t'ol' I iie w roilgf 111 tiialieiiius, wilful. atVii iti()ietive eon i net in ;;; nl t'le jilaintiff 011 - the .part of.' i l e ilei'einhiMf. Tlie complaint was received, at ..I le; ni'lire (if the clerk nf gu'pcrkir. fniM'i almm noon and was. I -- 1 oil tile Willi . Mr. V. N. Ila'riss, 1 1 ." f j i it . clerk. The , iTii 1 In i ri t follows the eject ment or I lerhf '.-'from " a Tidewater snlimhaii eat a! W'litlilsville Beach August Vt-li, l;isc. There are twelve snli-eiiv iio'is nf t he eoinplaint. In the . opctiin:: .paragrat'dis it is set forth tlnit. the ilefi'iiilant.: is a corporation, duly chartered and existing accord in c. Jo law. and in ciiRused in operat-ihi;- a ni i I w 1 y . fur the carriage of freight and piissengcrs between the city of A"i 1 in iiif t 011 iitiil- VVrightsville Ib .'ieh. the terminus ol the road be ing on said. righlsville 13eac.li, a slat ion culled Luniina; that the plaint ill was a passenger on the road A (must 27th last, paying regular (Couliuued on Page Six.) i 1 1 AssocUttei jf if : Service E :'.0N APPEAL Is Lending Pint of Liquor Equira llent toISelling It? Appeal From Forsythe County WAS TECHNICALLY GUILTY .Agreement u, Jteturn Value Received al Later Time Makes Seller (.uilty, Saul Judge and Jury SccoiiiI-HmikI Furniture Dealer Ap peals I'i'oiii Sentence for Usury last ol Appeals to he Argued This When appeals from the eleventh district are argued tomorrow an In teresting case from Forsyth county will he presented. George Mitchell was convicted in that county of sell ing liquor and sentenced to twelve months on the roads. The defense contended and proved by witnesses that .Mitchell onlv lent the stale's witness a pint of liquor and that thfa was to be returned the following day. In charging the jurv the Judge asked them to determine whether Mitchell received a money consider ation for the delivery of the liquor, bidding that an agreement made to return value for the liquor was a technical violation of The prohibition law. 'I he jury found MitchelJ guilty, llie supreme court will decide this point. "., Another case from 'Forsyth Is that ol Mate J. .1. Davis, a second hand tunnture dealer, an appeal lioin a conviction of usury. Davis was tound guilty and fined $50 in the recorder h court and the superior court found the same facts and con tinued the judgment in the cltv 'onrt . 'I lie Appeals. The following are the appeals from the eleventh' district: State v. Mitchell.; V: :: State v. Davis. Johnson v. Insurance Co. I'enn v. Insurance Co. Kllett v. Kllett Fii I p K- l.lnvlile v. Power Co. (Appeal of Baltimore Electrical Sup lily" Co. 1 Ibnley-v. Cjtv of Winston Hopper v. Ordwav. Fulp & l.invllle v. Power Co. lAiiiieal of Greensboro Snpplv Co.) TALKS OK HKVOM'TION. ( oii.lviissiiiaii 1 liuclianan lredtiotv Kevolutioii I nless lteniedlal 'Leg islation is I'.nactel. (Special to The Times.) - Chicago. Nov. (i. Revolution, within twentv years unless congress enacts remedial labor legislation was predicted by Congressman, I'lanii liuebanan. of Illinois, speak ing beiore the Chicago Federation ol Labor yesterday. Mr. Buchanan scathingly denounced the Tavlor system ot hibor. which has been urged lor adoption Inthe govern ment navy arils. ;',' llalv Aime.ves Iripoli. I'lnladelphia .Nov. B.- Formal an nouncement that Tripoli has been annexed to Italy, was received bv the Italian consul from the minister of tnri'tgti 11 tt ;n rs at Home. Morni on llultic. Herlin. Nov. b.. A storm Is sweep ing over the lhiltic and North Sea cna.sts. An unknown steamer sank olT (. uxhnven. The crew s fate la unknown. T REPORTED WRECKED , Seaboard passenger train, No. 43, was reported wrecked today south ol Columbia, but enquiries made here elicited the reply that nothing had been heard of it at Seaboard head quarters. It was reported that from: three to five passengers were killed. No. 4.1 passes through Raleigh at S o clock p. 111., and should have reach ed Columbia shortly before 1 o'clock a. ni. No. 0t), from Jacksonville to Richmond, was reported five hours late today. It is due to arrive here at 12.10. Mr. W. E. Smith of Garner wa in the city today. HUM CAS