f51 THE RALEIGH DAILY TTMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, lt SOCIAL EVENTS By Miss Susan I den. THH GAME. If it's a game, then let us get In it! - If it's a game, let's endeavor to win it! . Life as it must be, that is the 1 word; Life as1 it must be- blithe as a . bird ' Vp witiv the morning and out let us go, Ilrave for the battle and strong for the foe! If it's a game, then we want to take liart! If it's a game, let us play wilh our heart! Plunge In it, strongly, u hand if you will In its toil and its strife and its song and its thrill: A sword in its struggle, if st niggle we must, And a brave battle, men, to the heights or the dust! If it's a game, not a minute to lose! If it's a game, but one purpose to choose! Off with the doubting and on with the flame Of soul and of heart in the heat of the game, Taking our chances like sportsmen ... of life, Not a whit weakened with wounds of the strife! If it's a game, then it's our game for ever Avaunt with the fear and awake to endeavor! Plunge in it, lunge in it, up to the hilt, The dastard who dallies, lot his be 4 he guilt! Thus 1111181 we face it, thus must we know The game with our grit, its blow with our blow! From The Baltimore Sun. Miss Winona Massey, of Clayton, spent last night in the city. . .Misses Kvie Jones and Cleo Adams, of Gary, spent yesterday in the city. Miss Ada Bright," of New Hill, spent last night in the city with friends. Mrs. Charles Anderson and little daughter Alber, have returned from Kenly where they visited Mrs. An- She Stoops to Conquer OLIVKR i()lil)SMITIi Presented I'nder the Auspices of ST. IAKK'S CIKCIitt OK KIX('S i.r;im:its At The ACADEMY OF MUSIC ltiilcigh, X. ("., KKIDAY NICiHT, XOV. 1!4, 1011. H f.W O'CLOCK. SentH On Sale At WAKE DRUG STORE lleservcd Scuts. . . . ." mid .. (ieiieral Admission.. .- WE PLEASE YOU Every effort is made to please you. We have the goods. We give the service. Thone your wants. Telephones 95. KING CROWELL THE Ql'AI.ITY Tine Man Wfiiii Haa-dl-tto-Fil-Fcett POOL & CROCKER, "WE FIT THE FEET" 105 Fayetteville Street, ... ... . . Raleigh, N. C. derson's father, Mr. L. B. Richard son. Mrs. M. A. Edwards will arrive in the city this afternoon to visit Mrs. J. II. Kobbins. Mrs. Vance Weil, of floldsboro, spent yesterday in the city, returning from Rockingham. i Dr. and Mrs. N. M. McUae, of Lit tleton, spent yesterday In the city on their way to Fayetteville. Miss Nina Richardson, of Pine Ilidgo Farm, spent yesterday in the city, going to Holly Springs. Macon Green Hunter, a tine Utile boy. arrived last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hunter. ': ', Miss Helen Briggs has gone to New York to visit her brother, Thos. II. Erlggs, at Columbia University . Friends of Mrs. Joseph H. Sears will learn with regret that she is ill at her residence on Kast Hargett street. -- : Mrs. Cieorgo (irinios Station, of Macon, Oa., is visiting her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. O. T. Moore, on Hall fax street. Mrs. J. S. Atkinson, of the Olivia Raney Library, has gone to Durham to attend the state convention of librarians. The Twentieth Cenlury Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock with Miss Dickinson at Mere dith College. Mis. J. W. Halford, of Chalybeate Springs, passed through, the city to day en route to visit relatives in Sa vannah, Ga. Mrs. C D. Holland, of Washing ton, D. C, who lias been spending the past month with relatives, left for homo yesterday. Miss Jennie Coffin, librarian at Olivia Raney Library, left today for Durham to attend the state conven tion of librarians. The Fidelis class, Dorcas class, Class 23 and B. B. B. Class of the Tabernacle Sunday school will give a reception in the Sunday school this evening from eight to eleven. Miss Bertha Rosenthal is in Dur ham attending the sessions of the state convention of librarians. She Is treasurer of the association. . Miss Evelyn V. Woods, who has spent the past year abroad, will ar- PEACE-ST. MARY'S COXCERT KKRIKS." LOUISE BARNOLT, Prima Dona Contralto. St. Mary's Auditorium TIII RSDAY, XOV. 2:1,. 1011. Tickets for ffale at King-Crow-cll Drug Store $1.30, $1.00 and 73 cents. DRUG COMPANY DRl'CJ STORK. Put ou a P. & C. Shoe and experience a new sense of "Shoe comfort" and re lief from foot troubles. We will see that you get the size you ought to have. Price $100 Any Style. How to Get Rid of Pimples, Quick Stuart's Calcium Wafers Act Quickly on Kvery Variety of Skin Troubles I Trial I'wkuKP Went Free to Prove It. Sometimes peonle write us that! they had used creams and lotions forjture for 1)j8 nlodel8 of men and wo- years wiuioiu euect, yet auer nve or "Stuart's Calcium AVafers Are Simply (fraud for Pimples and all Skin Eruptions." six days of Stuart's Calcium Wafers their complexions, were perfectly clear. : . It's easy to understand why. Creams and lotions only get at the surface, while Stuart's Calcium Wa fers go right into the blood, attack- ing the impurities that cause skin diseases. You'll never have a good complexion without pure blood. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain no poisonous drug of any kind. They are perfectly harmless and can be taken with absolute freedom. But they work almost like magic. Cal cium Sulphide, their principal ingre dient, is the greatest blood-cleanser known to science. '-' No matter how had your skin may be, Stuart's , Calcium Wafers will quickly work wonders with it. It's good-bye to blackheads, pimples, acne, boils, rash, eczema and a dirty "filled-up" complexion. A trial pack age to prove this fact will be sent free if you will send your name and address to F; A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Bids., Marshall, Mich. Then you can get the regular size package at any drug store at .111 cents a box. rive today to visit Mrs. Charles V. Harris, before going to her home in Jacksonville, Fla. : Will Meet With Mrs. Mann. St. Luke's Circle will meet with Mrs. AV'. B. Mann on New Bern ave nue tomorrow afternoon at four Woman's Chili. The Art Department of the Wo man's Club will have a culled meet ing ".tomorrow afternoon at A o'clock. All who are interested in basket-muk-iug are invited to come. Xo charge for club members. Mfs. Hiinprlin in Jvvtremis. ',... The condition of Mrs. (i. W. San derlin who is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Briggs, 217 West Edenton street is reported worse today. All her children. Misses Georgia and Rosalie Sanderlin, Jlr. and Mrs; V. W. Reed of Washing ton, D. C, are here, also her brother Mr. Council Wooten of LaC.range. ... Meeting of Five Hundred (Tub. Mrs. K. L. Stevens was hostess to the Five Hundred Club Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The mem bers of the club present were: Mrs. Alf. Williams. Mrs. F .M. Harper, Mrs. H, E. Litchford, Mrs. Palmer .Terman. Mrs. WV R. Crawford,'. Mrs. W. S. Wilson, Mrs. R. Y. Mcpherson, Mrs. W. A. Withers. Mrs. R. M. Al bright, Mrs. ..'Ellas Carr. The num ber was Increased by several charm ing guests Mrs; M. B. Shipp. Mrs. McKlmmon, of Canada; Mrs. C. A. Johnson and Mrs. Wagan, of Flor ida. A most spirited game of Five Hun dred was enjoyed, after which the guests lingered long over the dainty and delicious refreshments served in several courses. All present were In the best of spirits except for the thought of Mrs. Stevens leaving the club and the city so soon. ; . . AXXIAL KKCKPTIOX. Biological Society of A. & M. College Satunlay Xlglit. The following invitation has been received: "The Biological Society of the North Carolina Agricultural and Me chanical College cordially invites you to be present at its annual re ception to be given November twenty fifth, nineteen hundred and eleven, eight to ten p. m." . ' "She St os to Conquer." The play "She Stoops to Con-quer"-which will be presented at the Academy of Music tomorrow night by lofcal talent, under the di rection of Miss Phelps of Meredith College, promises to be one of the most popular events of the mid winter season. ; Much interest la being manifested by the schools, and social circles In the presentation of this fine old clas sic of Oliver Goldsmith's and It will be by all odda one of the Important dramatic events of the season. There 1b nothing more refreshing 2 tlian good, wholeflOlili1 fitfhictiyy and "She Stoops to Conquer" Is it whole some, honest, human play, possessing the qualities that have never failed to please., -Samuel Jolittsoil, Gold smith's friend and autocrat of the age, said: "I know of no comedy -fat many years that has so much ex hilarated an audience." Goldsmith touched nothing that he : did not adorn, and In comedy he discarded the well known theatrical types of i. , ,nen, ..ghe stoons to Conquer" wotl r .... . - ... . . . .. an unqiiaiiiiea success on us ursr pro duction fn 1773 and is to this day one of the most popular comedies on the English stage. I The opening scene shows an old fashioned English house -the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle, the lat ter being a genuine ."country snob" who, aspiring to the fashions of Lon don, says she is tired of "such old fashioned trumpery," and thinks they should take a trip to town now Rtid then to "rub off the rust a little.", - The second scene Is an Alehouse Room, in which Tony Lumpkin and his fellows make merry .with song, Tony singing "The Three Pigeons;" a song often sung by Goldsmith him self. ; ; The following scenes occur in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle, i with the exception of a "garden: scene" when, under cover of dark-1 ness, Mrs. Hardcastle mistakes her husband; for a highwayman, and, earnestly pleads for the life of her son Tony. The cast is one of unusual merit, carefully selected from our city's most talented players. The leading roieg are as follows: Mrs. Hardcastle .Miss Flora .Creech:. : ''. ' Miss Hardcastle Miss Ilaskins. Miss Neville Mrs. John A. Fer rell. : ' Maid Miss Sallie Oldham. Mr. Hardcastle Dr. S. R, Horton. Sir Charles Marlow .Mr. E. E. Culbreth. - ' Young Marlow (his son) Dr. L-. O. Morris. Hastings Mr. C. F. Kirkpatrick. Tony Lumpkin Mr. Will Heller. Diggory Andrew Crinkley. Servants, etc Samuel Telfair, Jr., and William H. Rogers. The play is given under the auspices of St. Luke's Circle of King's Daughters, and is for the benefit of St. Luke's Home a cause that is dear to the hearts of all. Prices 75 and 50 cents. Genera) admission 25 cents. Seats on sale at Wake Drug Store. .. . I.OI ISE HAHNOLT, COXTIiAl.TO I'eace-St.Mar.v'n Concert Series, Miss Bnrnolt's' '''"programme''', for the song recital this evening is a most interest ing ' one, including among other numbers Von KyUen's "Sclimied-Schmerz," her vivid inter pretation of 'which has sent the .Mon treal audiences wild with ..enthusiasm! Schumann's "Mii.-isbaum" is also one of the .'-numbers, iind the .-programme calls for all of Miss Barnolt's dra matic powers us well as the rich quality of her voice. . .. The recital will begin at X: 1... - IKOQCOIS ;kkmax Cf.l ll Will Give Their Kejfuljir 'Autumn (ei'inan Xevt Monday Xight, (Special to The Times.) Scotland Neck, Nov. 21 The Iro-' quois German Club will give their regular autumn german at Madry's hall on next Monday night. Manager Wt H. Kitchin tells your correspon dent that the arrangements are about all completed and the mem bers of the cluli expect one of the most successful germans ever given by this popular organization Many visiting young people will be pres ent and participate in the festivities. Neat and attractive dance cards have been prepared for the occasion and each one engaged in the dance will be presented with one of these souvenirs. A woman would rather have a tailor one day a year than a dress maker every week. Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy Ever Used Stops Even Whooping Cough Quickly. , A Family Supply for 50c. Money Refunded If It Falls. If some one in your family has an ohsti nste. deep-seated loush even whoopins couch which tins yielded slowly to treat ment, buy n ..TO-cent. bottle of Pinex snd wntch that courIi vanish. If it fails, money bnck promptly, and without arenment. A 50-cent bottle of I'inex, when mixpd with home-made susnr syrup, makes n full pint a fmiiily supply-- of the most effect ive cough remedy I list money can buy, nt a 'saving of $1'. (lives instant relief and will usually wipe out a bad cough in -4 hours or less. Easily prepared in five minutes directions in package. . I'inex Cough Syrup has a pleasant taste children take it willingly. It stimulates the appetite and is slightly laxative both eood features. Splendid for croup, hoarseness, throat tickle, incipient lung tr.mhles. and a prompt, successful rem edy for wlioopins cough. Pinex is a snecial and highly concen trated compound ot Norway White Pine extract, and is rich in guaiaol and other elements which are so healing to the membranes. Simply mix it with sugnr syrup or il rained honey. In a pint bottle, and it is ready for use. I'sed in more homes in the 1'. S. and Canada than any other cough remedy. I Pinex lias often been imitated, but never successfully, for nothing else will produce the same results. The genuine is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money refunded. Certificate of guar antee ia wrapped in each package. Your druggist has Pinex or will get it for you. If not, send to The I'inex Co,, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, . . , it . . Infants, Children and Junior Sizes Ranging in Price from $1:75 to $15.00 Plush, ("aricol. Velvet, licavskin. Zil... hue ;inl IMiUvlotli. Any slvle you want. High or low cut .narrow or wide collar cl'hvU ,!aii-y or ex tremely plain. We intend to dispose' of these lty the last of-Merenilier, It's a !itf un dertaking, i)iit we liave put tlie prices down on ihc alt ra--l i c borderline. From the tiniest si" for the infant 1o size 17 for Hie junior ane. Prices from 1.7") ttlo.OO. ' w . .: . . 305 FAYETTEVILLE oa AN ALLEGED BANKER Declaring that he is connected with one of the banks at Lexington, a nice looking young fellow, giving his name as M. II. I'eucork, is to day spending his hours behind' the bars in the station house. The charge against him is larceny. Yesterday afternoon an overcoat belonging to Mr. 'John Hoberts was taken lroni It. V.. Lewis' pool room, and immediately an ollleer was noli lied. Later on I'eacock returned to the pool room and was pointed out to Officer Barbour as the one sus pected of taking the overcoat. 1 lie ollleer -approached him and told linn he wanted , to go to his room and make a search for (lie coat, but he stout lv protested. Finally. he agreed and informed the ollleer that he was stopping in the citv with :i personal friend of Ins, who is boarding at? a certain hoarding house in the city. The otlicer carried him to the boarding house and was there told that lie onlv got his meals there but roomed at another place, the street number of the rooming place being luniished the officer. He carried his prisoner on to the room, hut on get ting into the room he found the elec tric lights were cut oil down stairs, so the officer went down stairs and turned on the switch. When he got back to the room upstairs he found his man sitting on the bed with the covering nicely turned back. After searching the room the officer asked to look on the bed and was refused. Not to be outdone he torced his man off and there spied a sleeve of the coat under the quilt. Pulling it out, the officer found he had the coat that answered every description and be ing unable to account for its being there Peacock was arrested and car ried to the station house where ho spent the night, and today. Whether he is connected with a Lexington bank, as he says is not known, lie will be gixen a hearing this afternoon before Judge W'atson. 1. .M'CUXF.KS CASK I'Olt THIS Al TKItXOON The mandamus case of Dr. McCul lers aeainst the board of county commissioners is expected to come un before Judge H. B. Peebles late this afternoon or tonight. Judge Peebles is expected to arrive in the city from Lilllngton, where ho is holding Harnett court. THItKK KNTKRTAINMKXTS FOR SCHOOL PritPOSKS An entertainment will be given at Wilder's Grove schoolhotiso tonight, for the benefit of the school. Touior rnw nlnht entertainments will be clven at both Garner and Cardenas At Garner a "fair" will be held and at Cardenas an oyster supper will be provided. Thanksgiving Charity. PersonB feeling that they will not bo able to provide for themselves a Thanksgiving basket will please ap nly at tho Associated Charities of lice leaving their names and ad dresses before November 27th. The names will be subject to the approval of the committee. MRS. JOHN E. RAT, Chairman ' R. S. STEPHENSON, Superintendent Meeting of Merchant' Association There will be a meeting of the Merchants' Association In their rooms Frldav night November 24th at eight Q'loki C(0)AT STREET, New Enterprises Carolina Insurance Agency oni pany. ot Greensboro; lo deal in. real estate: to lend money, .etc.,.. and to write insurance: authorized 'capital.. mi. all of which is paid in by Panl"'W. SiheiKk. G. S. Kerbnson, Jr.',' and Lawrence .1. Duffy; Industrial Development Company, of Charlolte; authorized capital, $2ri,(i0(i, with $2,.."i-.i0 paid in by W. S Alexander. Wv S. Lee, O. .1. Thies, Arthur .1. Draper, Z. V. Taylor. Tahor Supply Company, of Tabor, Columbus county; merchandise, tim ber 'and real estate;, .'authorized capi tal. IftMl.lHMl, with $17,000 paid in liv .1. A lirown, of Chadbourn and C. C 1'ridgen. .1. P. Mill and others. Lancaster t'otlon Ginning Com pany, of Forest Citv." authorized cap ital, -'Hill, with $70 paid in bv A. I Lancaster. W. T. Toms. C. M. Holr land. C. 13. Ilairlll and others. WValili tl'ii hraus is never so big as the liiiig suys it is.. ' Makes your hair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus trous and Abundant After a Dandenne Hair Cleanse Iindcrine is to the hair what fresh shower of i-.-iin and sunshine are to vegetation. It pocs ' right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimula ting and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong and beautiful. It at once imparts a sparkling brilliancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few weeks' use will cause new hair to sprout all over the scalp. Vse it every day for a short time, after which, two or three times a week will be sufficient to complete whatever growth you desire. Immediately after applying- a little Dan derine all dandruff will disappear, all itching .of the scalp will cease and there will be no more loose or falling hair, If ynu wish to double the beauty of your hair in ten minutes surely try this nuns-ten a cloth with a little Dandenne and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments your hair will be wavy, Huffy and abundant and possess an incomparable soft ness, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Tf yoti care for beautiful, snft hair and lots, of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine' from-any -drug store or toilet counter-A real surprise awaits you. 0-P-E-N S-U-N-D-A-Y. PHONE US YOUR WANTS. THE HENRY T. HICKS COMPANY. (UPTOWN STORE), ,., ,., ,., , Phones 107. THE WAKE DRUG STORE, ' Phoaes 228. . ' . ; . NUNNALLY S CANDIES. Raleigh, N. C. LOCAL BRIEFS. -The lire alarm was turned in from the' Slate Hospital today but the alarm proved to be talse. -Mr. Nell A. Spence has returned from bis hunting grounds on Capo Fear river and bagged his usual num ber of wild turkey. Adjutant General R. L. Leinsler and ('apt Andrew J. Dougherty left today for Morehead City ou an in spection of Camp Glenn. Mr. Ernest Martin left today on. a business trip to Philadelphia and New York. While gone he will take in the Army-Navy football game Sat urday. fc Rev. E. S. Crosland, pastor or Calvary Moravian church, at "Winston-Salem, preached an Interesting sermon to the old soldiers at the home last night. tT :' 1 -1