I Associated Service Vol. LXX. No. 124. Weather COLD WAVE. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1911. LAST EDITION PEICE FIVE CEHt3c Ooxible thei Number of Paid Subscribers iri l C- . BEATTIE CONFESSES TO MURDER OF WIFE w . " KILLED HIS WIFE Left Written Confession That He Was Guilty of the Crime of Murdering' His Wife CONFESSfilJRDERER CALMLY WENT TO DEATH i m'.eiiiiied Man Went to Clmir l sunken Solemn Scene -in Death Chamhor everything Moved Pre cisely and There Was No Delay in 11 .-paring ior me I. nil n-o- noiiiiccd Dead One .Minute After (lie Shock Was Applied Some, of Hi. Witnesses Ghastly Pale Aftei the Ordeal Story ot the Crime $' ISKATTI K ox i'i:ssi :s. luclimoinl. n.. Nov. 21 Henry (lay I ton (tie. Jr.. before his death in the electric chair conlessed to the murder ot his wile as follows: "J. Henry Clay Keattie Jr.. desirous of standing right be fore God and man. do on this the 2:Jrd day of November. 101 1, eonicss my guilt ot the i rime charged against me. Much that avis published enn criiuiig the details was not trite, i.nt the nniiil fact. without Hie harrowing cii-chminI incrs r0. mums. : I-r this art Ion. I nm truly Sony. and. hciici nig that I fin at peace with ol and am s(ron to p:tss into his presi'iicc. this statement Is made."' Heat tip made the above state, nient to Lev. Itcitpimm Dennis and the lieiitlie family coii-.cnt-ed for it to lie junde pi'.hlic. finhntoiid. Nov. z 1-1 he Kcaltie con reunion was followed by I lie fol lowing statement bv the attending ministers: -"Tina statement was 'signed In the presence of the two ministers and ,ts the only statement that can uiul will be made public bv theni. Mr. H. attic desired to thank the many friends tor kind letters and expres- Rions of Interest anil the public tor : whatever svmpathv was lelt or ex pressed. '' In Dentil handier. kichmond. Nov. -llenrv (.-lay lieattio. Jr.. v;in electrocuted mi the state prison tins morning at 7:2... One minute alter the shuck he was ..pronounced dead. In a torrential downpour of rain the twelve witnesses to the execution toiled through the murk and down and it i hill to the penitentiary, through the gates of steel bars to the 'chamber waere P.eattie was to offer Ins atonement. . There wagr.no con MORSE MAY BE CRAPED A PARDON Washington. D. C Nov 2-1 IF there are. no legal ohiections. ( buries W. Morse, the New York banker, now serving fifteen years in the At lanta penitentiary, will be removed within a few davs to a point near At- lanta and placed under the observa tion of i phvslcrans. to deierniine whothen bus .. physical condition Is such that he should lie granted a pardon by President faff. Attorney Geneml Wlckershani 1s busy looking Into the legal aspects of such removal. It was said the matter would be taken up at today s cabinet meeting. Morse is not elig ible for parole, but if his health is - found as bud as VVIckersliani him- self understands it fb be, ho probab ly will be given a pardon. President Taft later directed the warden ot the Atlanta penitentiary to transfer Morse to the United States Army Hospial at. Ft. McPher son. near Atlanta where ho will re main under federal authority and.be given medical treatment) versation. Tile witnesses were seat ed. sx abreast, be lore the chair 1 hey Minified their feet uneasily, and when one leaned .forward to speak to another his action was received with frowns. Major Woods with two de puty wardens, addressed the witness eg, going throtign t lie formaline demanded by law. Then with his two men trooping behind, he passed into the buihling where Beattie awaited tiie summons The warden s voice could planilv be heard reading to the doomed -man the summons, which seemed to the witnesses Interminable. In reulitv tne compliance with tne law occu pied only a hnel moment. Then witli Beattie between them the depu l.v wardens began tlleir progress to ward the chair onlv a few feet awav When the procession followed bv hupt. woods, sfui'ted. a signal was given which plunged the death chain her into darkness, save for a single light immediately over the chair This was so nooded that it .mtlined the chair in a circle ot blazing radi mice, so intense that the remainder of the room seemed in utter dart ness. Tae witnesses scarcely could see each other. Thero was no delav in preparing for the end. Ueattie took Iiih place the prison surgeon md electricians adjusted the straps halt a dozen clamps were (uicklv thrown into place and llie-snap can idjusted and the men stopped back liaising his hand, the warden gave the signal for the electric current to be turned on. and instantly lleattie s (Continued on Page Seven.) MANY BLOWN TO DEATH Terrific Explosion and Fire Spreads Death IT.ii tytluce Are Known In l.e Drart as hi'Siilt ol I'.vplnsiiiii in liixe pool Mill l ire followed ftvplo m.ii. Imperiling Kit Mmk.'i,. I.iveri.oo:. Nov. '-1 A terr lioiler explosion wrecked the Miliiiv Oil C'p.l.e Mills here loilay!- Thii'tv hree . y.'orkers are , -k.no.w.rii t" ', h'av been l(il!ed and upwards til' a linn Ireil injured. I he t orce ol I he ex losiofi was so :eiiiiii' ilint tin' roof of the great mill was Mown olf. while 'the walls split and criimhbd. Onlliurst ol flame followed. Neariv 400 woikers were engaged in tlir liuuding at the nine. The bodies ot those in or near the boner .room were liomblv mangled, whip of them being thrown into s reels, to gether with bricks and debris The men .could be se'iii a:, everv window, with the fire raging behind tiiem. Iranticallv appcnling for rt'.sciie. to i si-: iJi i:-i'iti;sf:i: i:ks Navy Aviatoi's Will lie i';(Uipped With Them. ashington. Nov. 21. Navv avia tors' who operate the h vdro-aeropla:ie with winch it is expected everv Am erican ImttleshiptHocri will bo ec,ui- pei will wear a lite-preserver in vented 'especially- lor their u-e. Exinjriments : to perfect the pre server are now being-conducted at the navy aviation headquarters at Annapolis by l.ient. John Kodgers. ovne ol t:io navv fliers. The affair is very similar to the baseball (ar cher s breast protector and is at tached in the same manner. Tne straps, winch go around the . neck and waist to keep the apparatus on. will be rubber tubes, and when the preserver is In use tnese straps, as well as the whole piece;' will be- in flated. T.ns would keep a man alloat at least. until assistance could ,reac.i him. l-'AVOIt TA FT IX WASIIIXtiTO.V Progressives in 1'iicific toast S(a(e Stand by President. Tacoina. Wash.. Nov. 21. Whfle progressive-! in the .larger W ashing ton counties and many of their lead ers openly favor President. Tatt. de claring thnt Washington Republicans will give hhn' their almost ununi nioUB support, ninnr progrossives op pose the efforts which are being made to Induce Governor Hay to call an extra session of the legisla ture to pass a law permitting, a di rect primary on presidential candi dates, (iovernor Hav nun decided 1o bold public lieui'lngs at la:oina .ou m . . - -ifp?.;$t,' RTOPllwP'' .'iScAA!m'-5ft,V iVJjf mm hi:1V t i.w !M: V! iii;. .11:.. I;lcctrnciit;'i i't iiichiiionil. a l lns Morning' I-"i ite Mm !. Decenibey (h ,' to : 'letenni! (jucsiion. Itegula the procrci.siv liolding Govoi iiiteiu!i:n of. i: iH.r--.Jfii.:. ().;- llVOUl!' (. 1 ra !;ei(.i( n !ie;i !i'd the !' '1 1.1 g' a here 1 ; i s I l'tf.lil,, favor-ii lJn and : ss ion cla ! r.iiiir'-'t ho. :' Jegtslatiire. W I t'll ON 'II l Hi 111 Mate to Itc'iill ( Mis,'! ule .I'JiiiuM 1 II-.oll-. -'. WiiU.im Wal-1- ileiil; of -: Aveigh.f-s , iiia!'i:"irnt('(l a s. I;-: - of i:ii I'titei' '!'. Hend'-,-. .'of l.ii.t. r wli.) ; his slate a no tf on and after "print"; of bili rsey miist cou- : irarkco Ti cutoii. Nov. l- t ron, state- iip'firtnle.i .Old nleaiou'es, today crttsade ur:iiinst tin? ditrweight '-prliii " 1' iii-. out In ail packer 11 their produci in tice to the elieci tin tiuar.v-1 .next everv tor sold i:i "N'f.v .) tain "it's". net weight en the wriipper. Walilron aiiiiounci'S that everv viola- tion of lb.' order will be lojlowml by niiiiiediate prosecution. (i II s el.t(! i ( . I '" !.;': V Vt bil -Smith'.-' ri ri'l iiicct : f'" I .iii'.iWm, -Nov ,'-'. 2 .vf.ti'ii ami i.it'1- l-IIC" hot Ti llOVi'- lv to pi-oininciii in .ii' infiit. we:.' :;i'iil.'i "! resiiec't i '. . oi'!, in .kill in Tuesihiy' foi'tniglir. an'd ; II snlashing' window nionstrut inns. . l-ocly-bve lei!: lokio. Nov. J o In -i-.m-ni. .hi panose foundered de off strove!- Hiiriisame Shims l'lovico in a storm,, today. u crew ol sixty I' o'.'tv-five men oi t perished. NO VERDICT YET Ifi TAR PARTY CASE Lincoln ( enter. kas. . .ov. 24 - Judge drover siimmonea the Jury in the -tar party.' caau tor a confer ence tins -morning tind- was told no agreement had been reached. . He admonished them that, (hey must re turn to their deliberations alter the bruakfast respite. Uiej-ourt said he might keep the jury together till tomorrow. Three (jmleSM'il Sentenced. The throe conies.:. d inrmliiMV ol the "tar partv." Ifi (i. ( lark, .lav 1'itzwater and Watson scran. on. ere sentenced to a year each in jail bv Judge drover today. T he jury is not vet reachud a verdict in thi other three just . "trle'd. " a.ses of the Small Town liiiriilnv. Sarajevo. Russia. Nov. 24 Ihe small town of isoko. t;eventeen miles from here. Is burning. Three hundred hoiiRes arc already In ntilief.. Mbiiy peoplo are destitute. CO'D W. i Ft'j.L f I igh Fasy Th;s Af erncon ijiiv ! emoerai Vi'lit 1 il M M fin iii.rc.ni K-.i Sevciiil (lav- iii Noi'ihue i md I Last ivc ; i- ill rl - :i.ruiilC Weal lie' t I'lll n.. il' - v Q ; : x.iv. . u i. i: ttxia.y issu.ed i.ngii for. .SihiIIi-i-;"i'n ami ( en : aa and Hoiill! i i and Northern 111- I--.I1 1 H vr;ii i- r - biVi (Oi'l MIM' ertl Vli-.niniii. tral North i. Ci'roWua, : -I'loiUl'.l. (YtiijiH very lov. ed last ni eigh this : iron te.ini g'llt.'i! nfte-r n.t? ii irthwest.. ..w.lteri r.' . res were report -;i. wave struck lial i.oi,.jieatiii.a". by a Tev v -iM iated Pres ; dis ii'-i its apiiroacti. Kar Hi" 'local wesitiii'i' liii i '. of lice. Vif lb" ' . :ui'.; It is not, be niiiiutcs toe natch Il.tlHOlllH'i lir 'in t'he da; reiVir--notified I proiicli of t he lieved l.iat ail' occur on the c l.v that '.the. v verv cold .many ? '." A day oi culd anyway, "i' reuu is lookiii) tureWill fall f mo;-ning, and would' do well anil water, piin luiisual htorhis. w ill ta.-t , and il is iinli,,;e on; ler will- conliiiuc -.l-'iij ;'"'." ' - t . ,i . of :' unseasonable v lint the weat.icr bu l,.r. Tiie lemiieia cveral degrees bet ore i : ret ill housekeeper in look after flowers jt m:iis to dktkoit That City Selected as Place ol Ncl Meetiiui l Hankers. New Orleans. Nov. 24 D.-lroit to wns selected as I lie meet ing place of the 11112 coiivcntioii of the Ameri ca tr Bankers A: sociation. The time v ill be named by the executive council at the spring meet i:ig. I5Vki:i: TO PKISON. New York. Nov. -t - William -I. Cunini'iia. a. Nasiivil.!.- baiuvr and head of tiie s'.s!;!iel!iie.(l CaniOgie Trust Company iini't', : - :njy coh ided of the "-theft" of'.'f ' i'"" J'roni the IVust fund held In :').' ( iirnegi.' (mipiiny. was sentenced lo'tav t'xan iiidelerml na:e'terin in tin- . tute prison ot lour years, eiglit inonitis to eigni years, eight niontlui. Two Tobacco 1' ii ins. Trenton. N. .1.. Nov. 2 1 - As pan of tiie plan lor dissolution-of the o callod tobacco .trust..- aitlcies were filed with the secretary of ntnte to day for the incorporation of P. Lor- rilard ' -Com pan y. 'capital $2l,4 tiii.itit) iiid for I deceit aiul ft' vers Tobacco Coiupaiiv, capital t:iti.si.itt.ant). FRENCH DIED TODAY Paid Sentence of Death In Electric Ctar For Ci!r;e of KILLED ETHEL SNIUR I test IiiiIi::ii to lie I .li'i t I "ii'iiled in the stiite-"nr Aoi-tlr Carolina. -I'-fid ilie I'ciiuilv ToilaV at the state - Prison to satislv tl'.c iii'i'kcn I. aw Wcin to His lienlli (aim ami (on;.i"s((i .iiiil V.a'cbed ( arelullv Ilie Straus as Ib.v Were P.uckled Aroiiial Mini (iiiiuiltiitlii'i' lakes I'm'!' II.. u-e. Ross I'reucli, the lniliii.il boy,, paid I l.e ue-.iii peur, lty - i bis in ii rn in gal. the stair prison in ; " , in-' . . cU'cli-ic ciiiiiiv .Abu;ft:' sixty. i '; ! br-:voii-'the 'rain anil wind a-.i.d . mt:.! . :o '.viniess the ai'fair. iiai'k ai..1 i)'.. .i:.. . tic elec troeul ion v. as . -iiitprer'sivif lii- its soieiiruiiy, ( !at licreil aroinui flic cliuir in- t'lfr' i cvi'Ciii ion. 'room were easier i'ai-i. Va i't-i n;t ! i ? -tlio , Ii rs.r i f. I i;o 111 'nil Of ilil li.i! 'il in tliis '. ,. Af exactly' .1 o : " 1. I ivovd was glVi'ii l, j. y,:!'i!i':i Salv ii'Kl !lio giant, (iyii 'ino. hviaii-: to '. wll.'ir. ',-; Tii'", was 'li'ai hv'.yMy . . m 1 1 1 1 v ' i'-iri'lu'?1;- .acvoiUr 1 ; i j iiil; arivcci-y. of su.ii. t j'i'.o;- T!:.i iii':;i . s :- 1 1 as -i iii-iicil mi at i 0 ; i'::-..:nnl "ilistau1 ly i he i u i'iity-four 'i.'t k' -bulbs !;ii;ra if .ie'.'f tivly., showiiiR i tic ('iii'i'i'iif to. lie i'l .-"perfecl (.I'-l'-r. At i '.' : : iVsecoml. ifs't was 'iiui.de.. -., uiideiHiK il M:i.ir Kilters. Siiiipic ' il i',-. i o guards aiul fol-lov.-eil "Ivy' Ills t,.;rFl 'nil .ac! ;s(.r;, -Ue.yV ,. iC. .'iviiiv pastor: of ; Aiuhrose Kpis ebphll .pji-.i.rch,- volorcd and liev. S.M. ! ,-: .'y:..':i;;-'i;i !'i :!, I -i.'i;' .-'."' i'reili'h ;'vil 1 o--vi::non i-o-iUi ai l o : :!:, '.-.'.. I'-, i-fi-c; 1 1 ' -I-,; i in ; "(' cotniiosoil . 't he .1- -iLlliMi, :- 10 lil ' .iilM'I'oai'iil'ii l.ili- .' :.-'.!: iiaii Joe'; "liis : N','i. i!r"ss.'il in. . ii -s'iiii: ; 's.vo:-ki!u; :: i. .-;'. 1 1 !.i t ;i r'ii.Sl. scii i... !:o iia vd ly: ioiik :-(l' liic r : 1 1 i -! ) 1 ( il 1 1 ! v, ilia 'i , v . for ' his '".long ; :'N -:-y ..Ifi'.i'r.'hadl :b.';-o- catv and li'.a.l a.yed. . iViwle -ill" ;'l riips Were jie ;:: ; -bii kloil on hiar ',n wan bcl ;lie .i---.'tVf:-'iite:i'l'ly do.: 'i.oir worli. , l lo :-'i !:i';l caiS'f II i 1 I'Vvry IlloVi'lVii'lli Mii'lo -by - ,.;flu '10 'viiiliilits iinti! l ive iy, .!.-!( .-!;:v.i)i was :..l;.' 'i'.l .over his eyes. ;.;:'.: . t il; !!. hi- .ln-yiaiV to:i'!i:iiit l!u pi;iy !;.'s ..t-aiig-bi. 'inn' li :.-;s s'iirit.iiil ad visors. . W'liilo (l.i'.y read the scrip i.ire (o- hiiii, . a nii .efjiii ifiiHcd bis soul io his .Malicr ii-- iiiurniio-ed low and : i'lis.t'iict , iiinl a-' probably knew ..ins! V iiiit ' ji" y. as': In I .ering in lirdken ' kii.v.-n'sii'. ','' KVerythjiig -rea-';!; -;, . -.tJi'e siiiliai . was i-.iven li.v fir. T . v! . Joi-iiiin. and W'ar (letl Sale i;;!i -il i lie . i- cr iit '. .1::-! t that sliot IS-oi oils .into flu- young fellow's boily. . Install' lytliei'i' "us t liat cus'o.iiia i ; . -. coiit racl iiui, of flic iiiilscli'S, I lo'; rays and legs d.rn' wing t ig.'t . ii ill II i;' :;i'i':ii';il I lie hi straps would . bri'iii':.- as . ili.'.v creaked . anil su'iiiiii'ii . iiud, r I1,.- I'.i'A '-I'l'nl liiiril.'ii. Back to , rti, for a uioineiit. thecur rent linivt'il, tlieii back to tlio liniit fiiid j ilt olT. . As ;!'(' iiiairs body -relaxed iind sank limp into the 'chair. i( uian's it hail been taken to sat -is!'y..ilii.'.lirok('U iaw. . ' To -be'.c'ertaiii' 'of. death a, second curreiii w as. turneil oil at l a :;!!, and (CoiititHied on I'li-ge' Seven. ) M GIRL BURSTS ISTO TEARS AT TRIAL New lork. Nov. 24 Lillian tira- biim. the show girl, who with Kthcl ( onrud. is chnruod with- attempting to kill W. If. Stokes, jiiilliotiaire liorseiiijiii last .1 uiie, burst into tears in the court todav when stokes de clared on the stand that he had re fused to give her $ao(l. because he was married 'and thu incident mif iit he misinterpreted. ' Miss ('onrail coiiit'orted her bv words and caresses but t lie trial. was niiiiitcrrupled. Stok&i testified that be met the (..raliam girl In littlii and gave her money on several occasions. I.ijter. the ttrahant girl had it veil in his Aiisonian hotel here... He gave er money to go to Paris. W hen he saw her in May hist he said she was seeking a position on the stage anl wanted ifMiO. linden's railway ailmiiiislratioil i.as .-organised canteens for the sup ply lit mndcvntp prices of. noii:il.'(iiol- I Ic 'drinl.il to (lie workers, D lt,:w OF Elti'CE Business of Uho Conference Is Pro gressing 8:itl Everytliing; Is Well h KaiJ THE WW FRF4CHERS I yv.ily. second Uiicstjon Ciiiiipletcd eslciMav anil the ( luirJicters of All-, the Irenciicrs in (lie Con ler- ence ere Passed Day llegan Willi tiiotlier iicaiilijul Devotion al Set-vice Sessions Arc Well At IciKied. Iiiuiy People ol the t ity Aviiilnig I iieinsclves nl the l'rlvi legc I lass lor Admission on J i nil I i-d.-iy. I i!y Susan . iil-'ii. ) K insi on, Nov. . "2 i . s-Tho- ..opening of ,i i:e a h:i:l . day's wssion . of the Xonii. Ca'ro.lina .Mc'lmdist Conference iii -"the'. Queen's si .ct Methodist cli ii-'--Ii -at :.ii;:iii this inoriiing found II:e liiis.itu-ss (if thy conference well in tiiiiiil. .--The ' t weaiy-sccond ques tion was completed (m Thursday, the c.l'.avaci evs (if sill the members. in the i'-'on'feretiee .passing and their reports being uiv-'ii. I bese were all good, sliowin:,' in ucli. 'progress in all lines (' c'liireb v.ovk. Tiie (lii y, .began Witli another: beau t ifi'.i (i.-votioiifil si'i'viee, t "no singing liie old -fiiniiiiar gospels hymns v.-ii lioui music, anil, the - readin'r o! the. si-rijirure and a sliort, . earnest i 'iontinued on Page Two.) STATE 6A!I WARDEN Constable D. R. ByruTi Is Appoukd ii' I'd!- ( iiioc 1 iisiiik i:ed and Diitirs ol ('li ce Vi ill tic Discharged W ith I i. Iclii v U ill ( (intiiiiie. (o Act as . ( ; n-.t::'i!e i.ali igh on nslim. It i.i i.ow i i. i li,. i ,;-;i. sla'e gaiile y. ar,l.. ,.). y. y.''. ' " y!iyi; -("'..Hist ii i-y. ! i, il, iiy'rtiiii - rer..-i'-e'(! .iiisy. Vi'l ti-i.ii is:-ion' ' 'lyorli . (;;ov;.erior K il -i : j ; . i-oUij y;is gallic w ii'rileh : aiul ii'- yia.i f.v oi l. :jn. us this otfieer. He s:;ri;cj-.i! ice.' 1-lte ;.fo;!:i: f.,, l'pi:!iur!h. pM.- held. i:,:s ci lice for many years. Mr. !!.. i 'i in will wdrf: u.iiier i ,;o direi'l ion (ifj'ti'o .Hl.;i!.e Audubon. So ciety and i). w'H lie Ivi-y (iiity- 'jii see thai, tin': Ha..':, game la) s are en forced. . To:;' will, do '".Hi iii duty 'il'-' n ! '... the man have no lieiihl. r I : i.i,il;i anil, foes "w ill soare niikefnl - h is ii,iii)s if j liev nre' cangJu iifiatinii rye 'giiiue la ivs of -l nis Ktij I x; . Mr.- If. rii in tool, tll(; (Villi, of oliice today . ocli'ie (.'erl: ii!' Ilie Superior C-eii-f .,!! u-.l M ;;. I ; ;'. ni ii...Miis lioiiil oi" i i f.'i: . Ic v. ii oalia-ie to act 'as coHM.iiile of jJaleiuJi low nsuip, tlio inlililioiiiil aiul ies cf -,i'im. Wiirilen iioi itirei'i-eriitg -.with I liaf ' -wi-irky.-:'.-T.ie hoii.or . ,'i'iie to; Mr. i'.yi'iiin iin- olieiied a in I unsoMaiii . a Mil w as iii r .r.,t-.ih I'.ni of his feaiiei.ess a nil illletf ; -i'i a-' an ( : I'll. ile iuis been ions: able since 1 PoTi . aiul lie iias ilicasMreit 'Mo " 'fully-, -to:' - tlicy I'.'ijii:' o 'tieiils of i tie Ofiirc. .. .Mr, (! ruin, pos xs:e:: ;iiiliiy and eoura!,. and he will d! charge iiis. new (iiiiies vcitll f r f -1 .'': IWO I'.OVS I'll i; TO DM ATI! .'.rolliei and His l aibcv llillieil in l-.iloi-l In Smother I billies. Kail iiuore. Nov. . 21 -Two children Were .'burned..- to . d'"ai'ii here: as tlio result; . of a ilesire Hu 'heir part to play w iib tiny Ainu heiy child and Jiis iii:li.r were liuiiieil on the hands iiiid' 'in ' . The it 'a.i are .Joseph Duff,' 2 ears mid lolwai-.l Sullivan. 4 years old. The iii.ii'f.VI are Ivnniiett Duff, 2 years (.Id, 'ami Ariiitfr 1. Duff, fafliei' of -. tl'ii'- T'iaH' boys! In tiie iiluu'iice of t lie niotlieV and while.-I lie' father wns asleep, the Duff children took a shovelful of "hot c.als from a kitchen' range and dump ed them oi- ,i (able. ... Tiie tablecloth c:' light lire inul the thirties ignite.i t he chihirens clolhing, falally burning Joseph Dub. Ilie lather was burned in trying to save the children. The Sullivan child was lelt alone bv his mother, lie found a box ot ii'.-uches. and lighting one of them, sot fire to hie-.- clothes. He was fatally burned belore his mother ciiul. I reach him. 01 WILL DECIDE SOOII Judge Peebles to Render Opinion Next Wednesday In Case of Dr. IHcCullers WAS ANSWER 'A SHAM? .fudge Says Idea of Chairman John sou Not. Having Knowledge- of W hat County Hoard of Health 1)1(1 Is liidiculous Six Philactelphlit Lawyers ( ould Not Have Confus! Issue More, He Tells Lawyers .May Kiid Long Controversy. Alter hearing discussions in the case of Dr. J. J. I.. McCnllers against; the board of county commissioners for the possession ot the office of county superintendent of health. Judge R. -B. Peebles left Raleigh to day with the promise that he would rive his judgment next Wednesday. Jud!1e p.-rnlpT .'"."imt b-nwever. that the election of Dr .Jccttliein Sf jiteeiijer: P.iJt by tiie y-".rty hoartf of heiiirh ..as v,-. ..i and said ttvat he would - hold that the a!inoInt.ment Ty Dr. Wv S. Ttankiu secretary to ' i. i state board of he.-utli. waB not vauti.- In the course of the hearing today his nonor told counsel for the ds- lendants that ho was of the opinion that their answer U the complaint ol Dr. McCulIers was a sham of the first water, and he thought it highly improbable that a member of tiie- board of health could be entirely ig norant of the actions of that body. -Messrs. Beekwith and Simms. for Chairman Johnson and the commis sioners, had refused to answer much of the complaint, because they al leged that thev di;- or -"' ouffl cieut knowledge o; 1 no a .oils u' ..it health board to ft - an :!r.lon. was tills- Hint the ju.i i'e !noiighr -"-as n mere .''sham, and .ne.' iv.preHseii bin oninion uccordinglv. Contusion Worse Confounded. It von gentlemen. - . remarked . Judge Peebles todav. " had got about ax p.iilailel.ihia lawvers to help you. you could not have, got the tiling in more--contusion than It is. Heierring to Mr. Johnson s answer, the,, indue Mud: l he idea of Inn Kit huving sulheient knowledge to ;r'i a brief is' ''ridiculous," -.--.and tnriiin? ito co nisei asked, "Don't you' '.'cie v.' .lol'.nsoii believed it was so'.'" Must Have Documents. Judge - Peebles took a batch of (loeiinient wit a him and reiiuested the rittornevR to lot-ward1 the rest to- rvig'it... He w ill make up his mind be i v ecu now and Wednesday as to whether Dr McCulIers was legally p lecled bv I lie county board of healtih .-uid il be holds that the doctor was legally elected the svstctn of fees will li.kewise lie valid. Mr, Ileckwitn. cotl I' lideil tyint the board of county com inissioners: iind not Ikkmi regularly notitieil ol anc election by the lMard of iiealih and -that the commission er; bail elected a registered physician' to do lhe 'work of county health of ficer rind that there was no-. vacancy,- May I aid Long Litigation. The order of Judge Peebles next ("liiesdiiv is expected to bring to nn end a matter that nas been in dis pute since last May. and has been, (Continued on Pago Four.)- WRECK OE SOUTHERN PASSENGER TRAINS .Scotland. Ua.. Nov. .24 Southern passenger train No. 14. bound from Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville, collided head-on with, an extra train i at 4 :.n;i o clock this morning. liilli.it; Kmttneer Brantley and one express messenger and badly injur ing Kngineer Itabv and Haggage Master Anchors apd an express mes senger mid ti reman ol No. 14. sev eral passengers were badly injured. , Aiistrinii Steaiiier Wieckel. A iennu. Nov. 21 The Austrian steamer Koiiniania was wrecked to day near Itovlngno. It is reported that sixty persons drowned. A Slerco swept the coast of the Adriatic for three davs. causing much dtmage to shipping. Will Increase Legation Guard. Peking. Nov. 24 A meeting of the ministers of foreign powers, de cided It advisable to Increase the la gat Ion guards. 4

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