' THE JIALEIGII DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911. V WITH TAFT Discusses Current Topics In An Authorized luteniew ticsiuent Sap He Still Holds the Sentiments Expressed iu Jilg Wi.' nonu Speech", Though Would Clothe ' Them In Different Phraseology. Tariff Rttfurfion Program. New York, Doc. 1. In the current issue of Tins Outlook -there appear tin article entitled "President Taft's1 Own view,- an- 'Authorized Interview," in wh(eh the President discusses cur rent topics witll an interviewer, as follows,, iu part; "Speaking of the tariff Issues, Mr. President, if you .could begin your administration again, would yon re peat your Winona speech tomor row?" the interviewer akcd. , "In phraseology, no: in effect, yes." Had I known as, much then ns 1 do now, I Hhould have realized that There are some things one cannot leave to be taken for granted. I dictated that speech to a stenogra pher on the cars between two sta tions, and glanced through it only enough to straighten its grammar; it was sent out by the press with correspondingly little ceremony, so that the-papers received it in all sorts of shapes. If I had prepared it two or three weeks before and re vised it deliberately, as I ought to have done, I should have clarified several passages. And, particularly ft i I tin Hj 1 : W ct":rt room. Mis. I'etluck Laurence, the head mid ii-Jiit, of the ncnit su!ViH,'ette Hot in LoikIoii, who was ncntenred to wrvr- a month in jail on the clr'iP of -jtwanKiiig the police mid tflltqil-lfl ill ,!..... ,1.. . nl.nl I 1 . . . . ... ioliii III 1.14- IC1-1UJ IIIUIK'I! ClinillM llDVA IthonnrAll t T. . as... f n.. ..n ' ' V , , of Uieii- duties. The sentence was where 1 proclaim the Payne tariff act Il0;,v IlKs,f, b thp Hlc ; tive, would have been a better de scription than the superlative; for, whatever its short comings, the act still contains less to be criticised than its predecessors, and It did, as a whole, revise the existing schedules downward. "I had no fault to find with either Democrats or Insurgents for trying to reduce any dutle- more directly oppressive to the con sinner ihnu big ones. ' Mr. President, nera is your tariff board. You have been sharply oriti- j could get, with the fullest-appreel cised for making It up of men-who are not tariff experts." And that is true; they are not. they chose- " ' n;,rl ,cen aiijiointniK a hoard of What I object to is disturbing the.,ariff M'frts I could not have got businessof the. country today, when along with less than .twenty-five, In' order (o do justice to nl! branches of the subject. What I undertook to do was to nia.(c up a board of trained uicre is noming uetter man guess "nork to proceed upon, and then dis turbing It afresh six montiis later when the best available Information investigutorSi capable .-of. .managing .a is before us. I do not join in the .'""'"" sn inquiry- into cos.3 or pro- charge of . Inconsistency against the 1,;ctlon ad -of analyzing its ele- Democratj for compromising wlthIi "le"r ' I'ii'si, Mr. MacVeagii wrote small measure to the existing tariff, wulc:i, notwitiistandlng all' its faults, is a revenue-producer. There is a good deal more thai can be said for that act. It gave us: a maximum and minimum tariff proviso which I deem ,-of the highest importance, and which tendel to increa.e our foreign trade substantially.- It gave free trade witii the Philippine, whleii has made the islands more prosperous than ever in, their hiBtory, without injury to any American IndiiKtiy. it gave author ity that I ured to create and appoint a tariff . board, which,, though not the commistiou J nought Is doing a most uselul work: and1 it imposed a corporation tsx,- on winch 1 had set my iieart, but which at (lines I des paired of getting' through." "Now that you linye launched your project lor a conKtlliUlonal iinieiid- iiient, jou prohiblv iiavc in mind some particular fcu ot general In come tax to recommend to congress v hen it in treiv lo act?" "In a way, yes. I believe, mi principle, Ih a general income lux. The only good arguments, against It are Uil it is inqiilt-itorial, aiid that it oflers a temptation to penury. Hut I would not resort to the ordinary income tax except in an emergency like war, when 1 .would nave it grad uated, so that, tiles'? citizens w'.io had at stake should hoar :i correspondi'ig lv lare Rhnre of the bunion nl1 tlio common-defense. In time of hpnoo I I would avoid temptations . to nerjurv and would confine t!e government to taxes that do not involve such inquisitorial methods In their col lection." "Mr. President, 1 suppose you have noticed Mr. Bryan's comments on your appointment of Chief Justice White?" "All that 1 ;:ave to say about, my judicial .appontmcnts is that 1 have regarded my duty In respect to them a--, the most sacred with. which I am charged, and that. I have spared no effort to secure for the supreme court, and other courts the best men I a tion of the fact that the federal court, constitute the chief bulwark courts, and especially the supreme the Institutions of civil liberty; creak ed by the constitution." "Now, Mr. President, soniethin of the tuture. What do you nu Ul Five Minnt's Sometimes Makes A Big MU r nee II on Are Sullri iiig the Toi-turcH of Indicestn li ulid Have to Wait I n til M'inculie ItuDH to the Diiln httii'o tnr u Itov ol Stuart's Dyspepsia Ta'ileU. Tree Trial Pnckaae. rue ins.ant reilei aiiorued' poor overburdened Htouiachs lv the use ol a Stuart's: Uvspopsia Taulet should i be a reason lor constantly Keeping a box on lmir.1 ut home and at tho i ollice as v. ell. . B1 i Merchants National Bank Of Raleigh, N. C. .-.Will give your business; the earcful ' sort of at tention tliat you are looking for. "We have a eap able oi'anization, an eliitritsnt eleri;al force, anil our aim is to give as perfect service as--possible in every department. : I Merchants National Bank, r STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. E. C. DUNCAN, Prcst. W. B. DUAKf:, JH., Cashier. rtu Stornech Welcomoc Quick Relief, A SU'.art's Tablet not only aids di Follette on the wool schedule in-, friends in uu i.uv wool gcneuuiu in-1 Btead of standing .by their own fig-i ures. If tney could not get all the j asKing eacii to economists considered leading universities jive me a list of the by them best be i eduction they asked for, they were quite justified In taking what they could get. My chief criticism on equipped for the task in hand.- Pro fessor Emery's name was on alb the lists and at the top of half of them that they were willing to send to nie I'oard-. . Page coino from the Univer- legislatlon bo crude and ill-digested sitv of .Virginia: -Sander-j is an au that they must have known, if they thority on agriculture; Reynolds, in had paused to think, that 1 could not interpreting and enforcing the tariff porsibly approve it." I laws for four years, had presumably "Is you tariff reduction program learned the ins and outs ot that based on the theory that it will business; and Howard. I regarded as bring about a corresponding reduc-I tlle best southern representative in tion In the cost of living?" ' I think that thut effect is greatly over estimated. My chier objection to a needlessly high tariff is that it nourishes monopoly. It holds forth a constant temptation to the forum- people would, that the present pros tion or little trusts, which often are perity of the treasury is due in no congress in my dav. These nieu nude no pretense of being tariff experts they employ all the expert 'help they need. i luii.v realize, and l wish our AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS cafire THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. SUMMER LIN & McMULLIN, In the Playlet ot Life, Beliind the Scenes A WOMAN'S WAY. , JIMMY GREEN, Eccentric Comedian. In THE JUGGLING JOHNS, Juggling and Acrobatic Feats. THE ALM Ealeigh's Exclusive. Motion Picture Show. An En . k 1 : -tire.jChane of Programme Daily. V BUILDING THE NEW LINE. A Very Ititerestliig Story of IlHlIroart Construction in the Went, ,r:, ',: HIS EXONERATION, A Western Story of Lov and Strife. Cliock Full of Action With a " . Prety hvo Romance. . OiINa THE HIGH SIGN TO WOMANHATERS A Comedy In Colors. ( ' ' AFRICAN SHARP-SHOOTERS:" ' " vl -,- , ' Descriptive. ' PROF. LEVIN'S ORCHESTRA. pose treating as your 'calendar unfinished' business' for the rest your term?" in tlie domestic field, I suppose reductions in t:ie woolen and cotton schedules, and possiblv in the metal schedule ol the tariff, will go to th top of the calendar. These will founded, as far as my recommenda tions are concerned, on the report o the tariff board. , I have heard it in- ginirated that congress will not heed the siigg;tions of an executive board As to that I have fio means of judg ing in advance. What I shall do I to put the whole thing up to con gress, and leave tho members to set tle with their constituents if they preter not. to act. In the house the Democratic majority have alway professed taemsclvej ready to accept any reductions they can get, and am going to take them at their word in good faith. Where the Insurgents will stand I am not prophet enough even to surmise. 'For another thing, we ought to obtain some legislation which will enable Alaska to develop without in fringing on our board policy of con servation. Then tuere is tae ques tion of ratifying the peace treaties with, England and France, and the fiix-al treaties with Honduras and Nicaragua, which in their way are peace treaties also, as their purpose Is to remove one of the most prolific causes of war. ' I assume that you know that It has been widely hinted that your lour was the opening of your cam paign for re-election? ' 'Certainly, an Is tho case with all administration much of what I have done since i have been in office has had some political color put upon it by tboso who were inclined to be critical. The truth Is, however, that political considerations have not weighed heavily with me. I have led to do in each case what, seemed lo me the wisest thing, regardless of its effects upon my own future. In deed, in more than one instance I have been perfectly conscious whose bad blood wuld be stirred by some act of mine or some refusal to act. The circumstance that the same per sons who hall me, after one appll cation of equal justice, as a far-see ing conservative : patriot, denounce me after the next as an unreasoning radical, does not greatly disturb my equanimity. I set that down a3 all in a day's work.' "I am grateful for the honors tho people have 'given me. I do not ex, pect to deny the satisfaction I should feel if, after casting up the totals pro and con, and striking a balance, they should decide that my first term had been fruitful enough of good to war rant their enlisting me for another. Any man would be proud of such, a verdict. But I have not been willing, nor shall I be, to purchase it at the sacrifice of my freedom to do my duty as I see it. My happiness It not dependent on holding any office; and I shall go back to private life with no heartburnings If the people, after an . unprejudiced review of' my ad hiTfilstration, conclude that someone can serve them to their greater ad vantage." . n Only One "BUOMO QUININE" , That is LAXATIVE - BROMO QUININE. Look for the. signature of E. W. GROVE.1 tJsod the Wortt over w vilte a yoifl in, yno yay. guo, Kestion but it actually does the di gesting liself. In other words it fur nishes exactly the same elements for tins -digestion of food as tlie natural juices of tho stomach. The stomach. t'lcrefoie, is not called upon to do anv of the work excent to churn the juices furnished by the tablet and then -push the digested food along into the intestines whera it will be still further digested and the strength taken u;i by the blood to be carried to Lhe nr.'.srle: and nerves of the bodv. ko oy taking a .Hrwfs Dyspepsia i Tablet after a -men I you give the stomach the rest. I needs in which to mend Itso'f and .j.t.w-well again. And you absolutely prevent -the sour-1 ing of any lood, tl:o formation of ' any poisonous gases.- .bel-hhig, foul brent h or cons-.ipation. Stuarts Dvs::e')Bia .'Tablets have done more tor bumanitv and have caused more rejoicing i :an unv other one agency t.'Mi can bi- named- h, ei" diigg.st p.cr v.lur" sells and perooiiiiilv recommends Stuart's Dyspeisiu Tablets. ..The price is -"0 cents per box II you first wish to try them a sample.. package will be sent if you -vi i e to F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stiiurt LMdg., Marshall,-Mich. F. II. IJriggs, Cashier. I and Trust Co. Clias. E. Johnson, President. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stamls For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Ilonorable Record For Nearly Half a Century. J Send Us Your Clothes We wash with the greatest care and do not injure the most dclieate fabric. Your bundle will be care fully cared for through the entire process and re turned to you satisfactorily done. Let our wagon call. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 117 West Hargett Street. RALEIGH, N. O. Both 'Phones 87. . .?.;?! : care -'- various : i7. : ting nir or a rti:i0t -have a i m o thirgT u!::r hold tt' Will rod: :v of the i :.). ) i of t. a rrr nro the envoi'?;? ever.. are tw ct:""--- . T I V I A.: k 1.10. i-.v. ravi-t, v, i;!i a little t :i T!-i;Tibi- cf pans of h il aM Wit:i tightly fit- '-. r.-.-:cver 1 bake bread I 'v rn.v ot';r reason i c. I p'ru to cno!: other 1 :.i -.i a i -t he oven will i -- ij al1 fjtjh'ps v I! in .in ovfn as on- top I i .: nod buhrg in plenry "i put m the oven in ?.e's-t 'P'otntoes. how- b-' ti.U procesrs. Ex- aleigii Iron Works Company Grate Bars and Castings, Sash Weights. (T TrlOS.B CROWDtR PRESIDENT Wm. B.Grimes VICE PRtSIDENT W.W.Vass CASHIER W.T.Wrenn TELLER VWStf Interest COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY FOUR DOLLARS Deposited in Tills Savings Bank Each Week Will See Yon With Two Hundred Dollars Ahead One Year From Today. Yon will Spend It if Yon Do Not ... "J, ' ' Deposit It. Try Saving Yonr Money. Money to Loan on Approved .. Collateral. There Are No "Ifs" . With Regal's Shoes With a pronounced longer life than any other shoe tin f lic market at the price, plus the quarter size fea i tiro and tlie very latest patterns in all stylish leath ers, equals a shoe unexcelled by its competitors. This is no idle talk. If you are not intimately ac quainted with Regal Shoes, le us -give you the names of some fellows who are. $3.50, $1.00, $1.30 and $-".00. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, FITKNISIIINGS FOR ME.V. 201) FayettevlUe Street, Raleigh, N. O. AVYTH1VQ IN PRINTING. Phone 284 " H<4jEast Hargett Street. - - Hilciiieut 1 VQlunleer S.tate Life insur ance Company,.: Chatta l ( ; npoga, Tenn. CoiidilioU ,I)ece"her 31,' aa Sliou-u' by Statement Flletl. Amount of c. t-'tal paid tip in cash. $100,(1110.(10. .Amount of'ledKor assets December 31st of prevloue year, : $706,886.87. income from policyholders, $'inr,8!)r.4 2; miscellaneous, $49, 022.20. Total, $504,917.02. Dishursementa to policyholders, $1 13,591.53; miscellaneous, $180, C15.SC. Total, $296,206.89. BiiKincss written during year number of policies, 2,188. Amount, $3,714,886. Business in force at end of year number of policies, 8,319. Amount, $14,392,965. ASSETS. " Mortgage loans on real estate.. .. .... .. $503,300.00" Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other collateral .. . . 55,368.63 Loans made to policy holders on this com pany's policies assign ed as collateral .. . . 125,432.36 Premium notes on poli cies in force (of which $2,289.38 is for first year's premiums) 23,553.52 Value ofbonds andstocks 120,671.00 Cash in company's office 450.00 Deposited in trust com panies and banks not on interest. ...... . 9,359.62 Deposited in trust com- panies and banks on interest. . . . . . . . . 65,009.89 Interest and rents due " accrued.. .. 12,807.48 Premiums unpaid . . ... 41,988.65 All other assets, as de tailed In statement .. 10,452.58 Total. . . . . . .: . .$970,393.73 Less assets not ad mitted . . .... 11,577.17 MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. The ' Whole Family Read The Ral- elgh Dully Times, To Possess a Fine Piano is a Compliment v TO YOUR OOOD TASTE AND ,IU)GMEXT. : It is really Interesting to observe the many SHONINGER PIANOS. Sold to relatives, and friends of former purchasers. This must ' mean, something to you and is very gratifying to us. We are not alone in our surety that Shonlngers are the greatest Piano values obtainable. , . : See our fine line of Talking Machines, Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Sheet Music and everything elseiusually kept in a first class, , Mualc Store. . .. - . 1 - . ) Some good values in used Pianos this week that will prove much more satisfactory than cheap new ones. Prices and terms reasonable. -.- , .-. ,.' . . . - - DARNELL THOMAS. ' "' . Raleigh, N. a )-" -. , - . ' Total admitted as sets . . . . . . . .$958,816.56 LIAUIIilTIKS. Net reserve, as comput ed ... . .. .. .. ..$764,260.00 Present value of amounts not yet due on supple mentary contracts, etc. Liability on policies can celled and not includ ed in "net reserve," etc. ., . . .... . , ... Unearned interest and rent paid In advance Dividends due policy holders .. .. .. . . Commissions due to agents, etc. . ....... Salaries, etc. . . .. . . . , . Medical examiners' fees All other liabilities as detailed in statements Capital paid up in cash 100,000.00 Unassigned funds (sur plus) .. .. .. .. ... 62,913.62 8,000.00 10,500.00 3,351.17 904.20 2,035.88 882.95 1,080.00 4,888.74 Total liabilities. ..$958,816.56 President, Z. C. Patten. Secretary, W. H. Gould. Treasurer, W. A. Sadd. Actuary, V. H. Gould. Home Office, : James Building, Chattanooga, Tenn. Attorney for Service, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Business Manager for North Car olina, J. J. Rogers, Raleigh. State , of North Carolina, Insuranco Department, Raleigh, September 5, 1911. I, James R. Young, Insuranco Commissioner, do hereby . certify tnat the above Is a true and corroct abstract of ho statement of the Vol unteer State Life Insurance company of Chattanooga, Tenn., filed with this department, showing the condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1910. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. J. R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. NOTICE OF BANKRUPT SALE. In re Percy B. Flaming, bankrupt. On Saturday, the second day of December, 1911, at twelve o'clock, M., at the county courthouse door of Wake county, In the.clty of Raleigh, N. C, I will offer for iale at public auction to the highest -bidder, for cash, the following personal proper ty belonging to the estate of Percy B. Fleming, benkrupt, to-wlt: One horse, one surrey, one buggy, one wagon and harness, one watch, two guns, and a large lot ot, household and kitchen furniture, consisting of carpets, tables, chairs, beds, parlor and ' bedroom furniture, etc., etc., etc. ., ,;,-: ,i .- -1 , Terms of sale, cash' " i, ) J. J. BERNARD, Trustee. 1 Raleigh, N, C. No. , 1911. v The creditors; ot, Percy B,;, Fleia- lni, bankrupt, are Hereby .noUned of the above sale on the second dy ot December, 1911s. 'j" a v P.GRRIN BUBBEB, Refer, il-8-t.d., - , :