SOCIAL EVENTS By Miaa Susan I den. THE TURN OP THE TIDE. anchor chains . Speak of the current setting to the Slack water, and a night bereft of And , '0ut foreyer , stars; A bitter wind blows in from out the Betorethe unsown silent years. Q&rki I Behind And I go seaward with the turning Invlo)ftble Bnd, owned wlth nor t,de- - I ing light, iw -I1.K.: A.1.-" ki,i . ' 1 The 8ecret. dreaming fairyland of the night, ' . ! The fragrance of salt . marsh, the 1 Innocuiant vManAr I - - . Of waves upon the rocks these - s- things have been Mrs. J. B. Blasett and children Blood of my Wood, bone of my bone tava 8on t Winston-Salem, since birth. s I I Miss Anna Blair and Mildred 8te The dear loved faces that have . filled phenson, of Monroe, are visiting Youth Charles W. Kennedy, in the American. Hornaday,. Minstrel prflmuaneeViv.n by eev-j r, and Mrs- eral ."darkles" of exceptional talent. H my years, The voices I would know across the world These will remain, and one by one be numbered " With those that vanish from the kindly shore. r New lands, new faces, yes! it may be .. peace; , But never again the old familiar greeting, . The homely word, the honest smile that lights- , i . The worn and" furrowed face with ; . ' h'oliness. Day after day sails vanish into silence, And we who linger wonder and are still . Then In the night the call, Insistent, - low, Offering the heart nor Joy nor grief. But keen-edged as a sword that shears away The treasure of the dear remember ed years, v The rhythmic clap of halyards on the mast Sounds from the darkness, straining Mrs. J. A. Bivens. MI'S. R, .L Lindsay and daughter, MIbs Louise, are visiting at the home of Capt. T. B. Terrell. Midshipman George P. Ashe, of Annapolis, is spending a few days in the city with his father. Mrs., J. W. Cates and Mrs. W. T. Gates, of Burlington, have returned to Greensboro, after vlsltrig in the city. " ' i - . Miss Lila Poteat, of Wilmington, 8 the guest of Miss Ida Poteat, at Meredith College, during the Teach ers' Assembly, . - . Miss Sudle Whitman, of Durham, and Miss Nell Stephenson, of Dunn, are the guests of Miss Lizzie Ter rell, during the Teachers' Assembly. Miss Bessie King, who has been teaching at Weldon, is spending a lew days in the city with her father, Mr. D. M. King, and is attending the Teachers' Assemlby,, YOU TRADE HERE? Trust us to take care your Drug Store wants and. we will never disappoint you. Make this your Drug Store. KING-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY THE QUALITY DRUGSTORE". Telephones 95. " PrBfriiid Mrs, C. L, of Durham, are vlstln Mr, .t. ft. htorttidhofiti. an W&ai Uaraait 'l'hi r knnearln? at. tt colored street. j aiideville house in the northi"1 8ec- tlon of the city and their ente,"tln Tlie friends of Mr, and Mrs, Wll- ment was enjoyed. I llam Branch will regret to leflrti I Aft leKnt luncheon was served b.v that thaif , little son, James Lee, Js MrY im Turkey, the caterer. Pre. ti Ifa11v Ml. 1 4Mn4 41' Mlitinpr. Mr Pwcv ' VJ k, , Wells', president of the Aerie and THK HKKTCHINft CLASS I mftsler Of feremonles, delivered an addrofiS, Its made a fine talk and To Meet at tlie'fHurfio at Peace Innti- was coilgftlated by those present, tufce at 8 Tomorrow' Afwioon. ! He has been president of the Aerie The sketching class, planned 'r ''or scarcely two months, but during by the Art Department of the Wo- that time flfteen or twarity new mem man's Club, of which Mrs. Jacques bers faflr been added After the Busbee In chairman, win meet to-1 supper there were seval delightful morrow afternoon promptly at three 'solos rendered by .if . Prank W. o'clock at the studio at Peace insttt- Banks, soloist at UK Bijou theatre, tutc. . and Mr. Harry Morgan, soloist at , All the members of the Woman's the Grand theatre. Both singers Club, who m Interested are Invited wTe enthusiastically applauded. Mr. to join, I Morgan rendered a song he composed in charge of the beginners, er during the afternoon entitled "Eagle those who have had no Instruction in . lta," which struck a responsive sketchlhgi will be Miss Mamie chord In the hearts of members of Orlea-s. of Atlanta, fchllfl Mr. .Tacmiea '. the order. The merry party separat- Busbee will be In chafge at those 1 ed In the "we small" hours, every- who have already some knowledge Of . one present having spent a most ae- sketehlng. Mr. Busbee will make a llglufH' tiwe.- short talk before beginning and it is necessary for all to be present promptly at three o'clock. llanquct for Raleigh figlui. A banquet was given at the Wil mington High school auditorium last night by the High Schcol football team In honor of the, membors of the Raleigh High school football team, who, won . the contest on -.the grid Iron' there, yesterday afternoon. The event was one of the most elaborate and enjoyable affairs of the season In high school circlet, Reception Tills Afternoon. This afternoon from three till six In the reception rooms of the muni cipal building, the Woman's Club of Raleigh, will give an informal re ception in honor of the Teacheri' Assembly, ' Doll and Apron Sale, Circle No. 6, of Edenton Street church, will hold a fancy apron and Largest Yet In BcUiog (Continued From Page One.) the common schools received in many counties and deplored the fact that the "average wage of a teacher in this state is fess than' J200 a year. Mr. Coon, proud of his profession' as- a teacher, deplored the fat .taaM book- agents,.' lawyers and others were members- of the assembly be cause they paid their dues and long ed for the time when teachers would be so proud, that they would not tol erate outsiders, as is the case with lawveri. doctors and editors. He wanted a revolution in the school system so that uniformity would be established throughout the state, as the constitution directs, and so that great results be accomplished in this generation , Governor UiMHn. Governor Kltchin, vhO eloquently ireedl!...8alf at'g8?ffcRe6Se'8i enough to reply to some of the critl- Stop that Cough Try our White Pine Compound (menthalated) with Tar PRESCRIPTION A SPECIALTY. THE HENRY T. HICKS COMPANY. (UPTOWN STORE) ... . . Phones 107. store, Monday, December 4th . Farmcr.hlti'lt'klnnil. (Special to The Times.) Wilmington, Dec. 1 Many friends of the groom In this city were pleas- anly surprised at the announcement of .the marriage of Mr. George L. Farmer, of Wilmington, and Miss Elizabeth Strickland, of Wilson. The wedding was celebrated In that town Tuesday. Mr. Farmer and his bride reached the city last evening and pro ceeded to the groom's residence, 19th Street and Berry Avenue, Carolina Place, where they will be at home to their friends." The groom Is em ployed in the offices of the Atlantic Coast Line at this point. He and his bride will receive the hearty con gratulations of many friends and will have best wishes for a long and hap py wedded life. . . . . ' ' Pl.KASAXT SOCIAL AFFAIR'". nml ne Arle Io1k TToIri : Banquet Good Time for All. (Special to The Times.) Wilmington, NY C, Dec. 1. of the most pleasant social affairs ever given by Carolina Aerie, Xo. 1171, fraternal order of Eagles, was held last night in the assembly rooms on North, Front street Only 4 few guests, outside of the member, of the order, were invited to be present, and the affair proved to be most de lightful. The banquet and ' social commenced at, 11 p. m., with' a! fine lE now have on display the first arrival of the season of new fall Suits, Coats, Waists and Skirts ihich we are showing at very - interesting prices. We sell thflehrated Gossard Corset. They lace in front arid are recommended by physicians. Prices range from $3.50 to $8.50. We have the C. B. A la Spirite Corset at prices from 50 cents to $3.50. ;-""rr'; : : ' , V ;" ' , ; ;. '':' i P. N. Corsets from 50 cents to $2.50. TTO. A. PAMTO CO. Ladies Furnishings and Novelties. 131 Fayetteville St Next to Masonic Temple, ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. clems of Mr. Coon. Much of what the president had said was good, the governor declared, and he also de clared that honest criticism 'was help ful. Then he pointed to the older former superintendents lfl the audi ence fthd asked them if there had been much Change in the past few years. He asked Hon .Tohn C. Scar borough and Hon. C. H. Mtane, the only two living former superinten dents, and -.their, heads bowed In ac- knowlednemfint of the progress made. Governor -Kltchin said the greatest need-, jylth Hip schools and colleges wa;tmoney, and that we were doing nrtrfhty well -with what we bad. lie Irtiplorpd President. Coon to lie? of good chew to be optimistic and look forward. Ho paid a tribute to Mr. .lovner's administration that brought forth hearty applause. In Introducing the speaker, 1.vr- nor Kltehlii reviewed briefly tu great.-deeds' of Mr.i Clark, who was once tin! youngest college president in Afflcrl"!t, ho has solidified the Jiemocral lo pary a 11 (I dime more than any other mad to fflako It the power it Is today. ' He did not refer to the speaker as a Mlssourian, but as "Hon. Champ Clark, of the United states of America." The audience was enthusiastic and Governor Kltchin and Mr. Clark re ceived an ovation. The audience rose en masse to ahow its appreciation of these two flgnrea. Mr. Clark's Address. . - Mr,. Clark'a, address was bright and optimistic. Preluding his subject with a few remarks as to his pleasure In being In Raleigh, paying a tribute to Thomas H. Behtoh and others dear to North Carolinians, he launched forth into a review of the achieve ments of the United States. He be gan with 1776, and showed the won derful development of this nation. As the result of this republic, twenty-six other republics are in exist ence: Mexico will get over her troubles, as the United States sur vived hers; China Is responding to the message of 1776, and in five years the Douma will remain in St. Petersburg. He foresaw great things for the United States and the world. Mr. Clark left at one o'clock this morning for Washington. HARRINGTON-BAGGKTT. (Special to The Times.) Scotland Neck, Dec. 1 One of the prettiest marriages witnessed in Scotland Neck In a long time was solemnized In the Baptist church on Wednesday evening, November twen ty-ninth, when Miss Mattle Virginia Baggett became the bride of Mr. Claude Alonso Harrington, of Gaines ville, Ga. It had been announced but a few days that this popular young lady was to become a bride, and much interest was manifested In the event. The rostrum of the church had been beautifully decorated for the occasion, being banked .with a pro fusion of ferns, cedar and potted plants, intermingled with autumn roses. While the .congregation was assembling Mrs.. James Allen Pitt man played beautifully "Bridal Morn" and "Apple Blossoms." . Promptly at the appointed hour, six o'clock, the large church organ pealed forth the strains of Mendels sohn's wedding march, announcing to the eager congregation, the ju&v&l of the bridal party. . Flrtt entered the- ushers, . Messrs, Featuring E vening Dresses '"'- ".'''.'"."-;'.''.'..'- ' '.'''-' .'"" ' '.:'";' '''.'' ' Coats and Capes at Cut Prices As we advised-Thanksgiving,, today -and tomorrow we will have special barga'i ns. Wondefulh' attractive will be the price-cutting or i all Eveni ng Dresses, Capes and Coats for the i)c:ct fev : days. Some Net, Messaline, Satin, Cropemedia, Dresses that are now offered at f rt iu o:?i-fourth to one-third off the regular prices. Very inviting prices adoi.ii all the better dresses for the younger girls and .down to the. children. Warning: Be quick. ., , ii 305 FAYE3VEVILLE STREET, Raleigh, N. 0. David Franklin Bryant, sfanlev Butts. Charles Llnood Staten, and Roland James, v being followed by little Miss Martha I Vjach er Madry and Master William Pow ers and little Miss Elsie May Va ugh an and Master William Newell. I Sext came little Miss Katherine ShloMs bnarlng a beautiful band of go'M, With which the couple plighted tin sir troth. Following the ring bean jr came the bride, who was .beautifully costumed with trimmingB of lace and", crystals, and cairying a bouquet of white carnations and fern, accoi.i panied by her maid of honor. Miss. Nettie Norfleet Bell, who was charm ingly attired in a suit of 'Champaign, messallne, also carrying a bouquet, of white carnations and fern. Thcs sroom with his best man, Mr. Loul a Lester Cherry, entered from th e right wing of the church, all formi- I Herbt.' c I Ing ; a circle before the altar, where . .' .. .... J r T I 1 .n i o veifuu usuttr leumuaa powers tht bride's pastor, in a simple but bea utlful ceremony took the vows that H made them husband and' wife The party retired in reverse order whlli i Mrs. Pittman played Barthol mew' s grand march. During th9 ceren; ony Mendelssohn's was played softly. lmn ediately after the marriage the brl dal party hurried to the resi dence C f Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peter son, on Roanoke street, the home of the bridv '. where hasty preparations were mad e to leave on the 7:28 train for Rlchm ond, where the happy couple wih' spend several days be fore continuing their bridal tour, to several points In Florida. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Baggett, of Aulander, but ht s made her home In Scotland Neck for several years, be ing a popular saleslady for Mr. J. W. Madry. Since she has made her home here, she has made many friends who wish for her much Joy and happiness through life. The groom is a popular traveling man, and made his headquarters In Scotland Neck several months last year. He Is very popular with his friends, a man of much energy and integrity, and while he is not so well known among the people here as his bride, yet .he has many friends in this community who heartily con gratulate him upon winning the heart and hand of so charming a young lady. Many useful and valuable bridal presents were received from friends here and elsewhere, which attested the popularity of th hapuy young, couple. Speaker Ctfark Is an Optimist SO ARE WE To prove it we have just bought one of the largest lot of nn 1 fUl n ever brought to Raleigh the lot consists of all the newest shapes in BALOUR, VELVET AND BROADCLOTH HATS These Hats are the kind that are selling for $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $8.50 We have priced them $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 This is your chance get busy and get after them "WOOLLCO TTS' OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. 9 .:,''-i.?V-.'i-';v"

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