THE RALEIOn DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1011. HAD NARROW ESCAPE Walter Scott Knocked Down By Street Car MARKETS BY WIRE Bbnx beh IR YOU DIDN'T : .1 T LOOK AT STOCKS COTTON GRAIN PROVISIONS wood . I ran Park want a ride incidentally YESTERDAY I am sure you will on Sunday, and .i . look at these beautifully lots. On Monday, December 4, at 11 a. m. We are going tosell LOTS 45 and one-third as many Farms. This will be a Public Auction Where you make the price. This land is out of the owners hand, for they have consigned it to us. Be' with us on the Monday Free Trolly ride. Terms very favorable. AMERICAN REALTY AND AUCTION CO., Raleigh, N. C. D. F. FORT, JR., Local Manager. For All the News From Everywhere, all the time read The Raleigh Daily Times. . New York Stock Letter. New York, Dec. 1 The opening was lower and during the , first two hours there was a dribbling, liquida tion which has been" going on for some time influenced by the ap proach of congress and the presi dent's message dealing with trusts. This liquidation wbb not important however and in the last hour pur chases of traders and some moderate buying for a turn caused the mar ket to recover about all of its earlier losses and to close with but trifling net changes for the day. Northern : Pacific was weak early and the liquidation in this stock wax ouite persistent. Among the active Issues ReaiTlng was also weak. Steel on the other hand resisted pressure very well. Louisville &' Nashville was a littto heavy but in the late trading rallies were quite general. Call money was 6 per cent and this was treated bv traders as a bear factor. It is doubt ful however, whether the rise in money will . continue long. In the last few minutes a little pressure caused prices to sag off. Closing Stock Quotations Anaconda Mining Co.. V. .. 3 S Vi Atchison .... , . . . . . . . .10.", Amor. Smelting and Refining. 72 Atlantic Coast Line . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . Baltimore and Ohio . . . . Chesapeake and Ohio. . . . Krie . ..- .... '.;, . . , : . . . Great Northern, pfd. . ...... Interborough R. T., pfd Missouri, Kansas and Texas Missouri Pacific . . ; . , New York Central . . . . . Norfolk and Western. Northern Pacific . . . v . . Ontario and'estern Pennsylvania . .'..'. . . . Louisville and Nashville. . ... Rock Island . . . . .. .. . . . Reading . V ' . . . . ". . , Southern Pacific . . . . , . . Southern Railway. . . . . . . Southern Railway, pfd. . . ... St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . , I'nion Pacific, pfd. . . . . United States Steel . , : . .. . Virginia-Carolina Chemical . . .135 . . 77 V4 .102 .'. 77 . 31 Vi . 1 26 .176 . 30 . 7sy4 .105 V8 .108V4 .116 . 40 .122 .154 .26 .149 .1111 . 29 .71 .110 .172 .82 .53 Chicago Grain. Chicago, Dec, 1. Wheat cables came strong and notwithstanding northwest receipts the market ha-t ruled strong and higher after an early period of heaviness. Tae buy ing has been led by commission houses and several large shorts re ported covering. There is no spe-, cial news. -, I Corn steady, very little pressure' to sell. Buying largely by shorts in1 December on account of good weath-j er not maretriany increasing conn try; offerings. Oats ruled firm all .morning. Com mission houses good buyers. i-rovisions openen neavy and re mained weak and dull with offerings and '.few sales by brokers,! thought to represent packers. '-.;. New York Cotton. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec. , . 9.08 9.09 8.97 8.98 Jan. . . 8.84 S.S4 S.67 8.67 Feb. . .v.-'- 8.72 Melt. . V 8.90 8.91 8.73 8.74 April. '. ..Vi. ;,'..'- 8.7.7 May . . 8.95 8.93 8. SO 8.81 June 8.85 July .- . 9.01 9.02 8.88 S.89 Aug. . ; 9.05 . ... . . ... 8.93 Sep. 9.0X 8.97 Oct. i .9.12 .V.. V... 9.04 Nov. . . 9.13 : 9.19 9.13 9.05 Liverpool Cotton. , Wheat Open. Hish. Low. Dec. , . .93 ' .93 May . . .99V4 .99', .99'2 July . . .94 Vh ,!i4 '' .94 Corn' . - Dec. . ,V 63 '4 Jl . ; , .':'. May . . .K4 .U, .64 July . . .64 Vi 64'i .64 Oats ' Dec, . . .4 7 .47 .4 7. May , , .49 .19 .49 . July . . .46 .4 il . .46 Pork Jan. . .1 6.1 0 16.111 16.05 :May . .16.63 ". 1CJ15 . 1 6 50 Laid V . : -. Jan. . 9,25 !i.25 9.22 May , . 9.50 . ... 9.50 9.45 '- Ribs V Jan. . . 8.45 x.45 s.::." May , , 8,72 8:72 ", 8.67 SAFE STOLEN' Liverpool, Dec. 1. Liverpool due to 3 lower. ' Friday's cable opened quiet and steady at to 4 points decline from Wednesday, 12:15 market was qiet at a net de cline of 3 to 4 from Wednesday, Spot quiet, at 3 decline from Wed'- nesday. Middling upland,: 5.08. Sales, 5,000, including 4,000 Ameri can. 'Imports. 37.000. including 6,000 American. Robbers Tuke Safe From Store and Itatter Joor 1ovi Lucuteil in Alley. (Special to The Times.) - Elizabeth City, Dec. 1 Mr. Tom Williams, the Polndexter street mer- chant had a rather shocking surprise awaiting him yesterday mornin when he went down to his place of business to look around to see if everything was all right. The .sur prise was of , such a nature that it caused him to pinch himself, rub his eyes and look again. Wednesday afternoon at thf close of business for the day, Mr.! Williams locked his iron Bafe, Yesterday morning when he went to-his safe, or rather to the place where t had been, he discovered that it was gone altogether, After he recovered from his surprise, he began an investiga' tlon and soon discovered that tho back door had been forced open He began to follow the tracks and to search for his safe up an alle In the rear of the store and found it several hundred feot away with the hinges and combination battered jp, done by the burglars in an attempt, to Bet. into it. The safe withstood the at tacks of the burglars and Its con tents are safe. Mr. Williams him self cannot get into it until the -loo r is cut out. The safe is a heavy one weighing twelve or fifteen hundred pounds, and the mystery is, bow did they manage to get It nut of the store. : ' Decern ber . . . . December-Janury January-February February-March . . March-April . . V April-May '. . . V May-June . . V. June-July . . July-August . . August-September September-October 4.S8 4.87 4.88 4.90 4.91 4.93 4.95 4.97 4.99 4.98 4.98 WINTER 1911 AND 1912 A VEEY EEMAEKABLE STOCK OF VERY REMARKABLE Suits and Overcoats Remarkable because of their superior quality, artistic stvle marked individual ity and excellent workmanship. - 1 Garments that possess the very acme of distinctiveness that fit with -'all the grace of the most expressive tailored-to-order clothes. Many of the visitors to this store this season have told us we fitted and suited them better than they had been suited elsewhere, and for less money. Have you ever inspected the "vitals" of a Berwanger' garment? There's where the superiority of our Clothes is most manifest Doesn't take an expert to see thai the best quality -of materials is used, to see the hand-Avork ' on the interlinings which gives life to a garment and makes it hold it's shape. Go into the details of making as closely as you choose. The more discriin - inating you are, the more you will appreciate licrwangcr clothes. At 15 up. c?0etSprioeS.BER.WANGER. tS11 Ultimatum Rejected. (Continued From Page One.) turn just quarter of hour before the expiration of the ultimatum. Meanwhile large but Silent crowds thronged around the precincts of the parliament house waiting for the verdict of the deputies. St. Petersburg, Dec. 1 In conse quence of the rejection by the Per sian National Council of the Russian demands, Russia has ordered her troops, now concentrated at Resht, capital of the Persian province of Ghelan, 16 miles from Enzeli on the Caspian Sea, to advance on Teheran - Father Confers. Washington, Dec. 1. Shuster's father conferred with the atntn dp. X',. 1 D,n I iplartment officials today regarding savannah, Dec. 1 Turpentine the position of his son. The officials riant Aff t . o i-k i a a I ... i n m i -t k Mi 74. nusin, nrm, lype aecimea to maKe any statement as t & G. 6.20, a 6.25. to the nature of the conversation. Persian Society ApiK-als to I'liited States. Washington, Dec. 1 President Taft was appealed to today by Per sian's American Education Society to use the good offices of the United States to prevent war between Rus sia and Persia. The society also ad dressed letters of appeal to the sen ate and house and to Andrew Car negie asking the letter's heip as a friend of world peace. Whs Laying Jirick When Car Struck Him and Itan Over llim .1. L. Strickland Made Assistant Secre tary of 1V M. C. A XeSr Had Head Heat Vp. (Special to The Times.); . Wilmington, Dec. 1 Mr. Walter Scott, an expert bricklayer in the em ployment of the Southern Paving & Construction Company, which con cern holds a number of contracts for street paving here, had a narrow escape from being: killed yesterday when he was knocked down by a street car at the intersection of Filth and Princess streets. His head , was badly tut ''and lacerated by the force of the blow. Those who witnessed the .'accident stated that his escape from a horriblfe death seemed almost miraculous. Mr. Scott was carried to his home on Surry street and it is hoped that he Will be well enough to leave bis residence within a (lay or two, '. , The incident occurred in the neigh borhood' mentioned about 8:15 a. in Mr. Scott and a number of other men in the employ of the Construc tion Company had started to do some work as a preliminary to the -laying of. 'vitrified bricks on Princess from Fourth to Sixth streets. He is very deaf and evidently did not hear an apprqaciiing eastijotmu street car, which had left the junction at Front and Princess 'streets a few niomenls before.. : The local . M. C. A. officers stated yesterday that. Mr. J. I.. Strickland, a native of North Caro lina who lately has been connecte.1 with the Baltimore Association, has been made assistant secretary of the local organization. He is expeted to arrive tomorrow to enter upon his new duties. He succeeds Mr. M. O. Alexander who has been made as sistant pastor of the First Baptist church, and comes highly reconi mended for the position to which he has been elected. He will be given a cordial welcome to this citv. Joseph Pinckney, a negro man was carried to the police station yester day morning shortly before 10 o'clock suffering with a badly battered head and he was locked up charged with the larceny of a gun. The man was arrested at the corner of Front and Harnett street by Officer J. H Davis. , rium me .-statement ot tacts as filed at police headquarters it seems that Mr. C. H. Turley, Sr., had bor rowed a gun from a friend. Mr. Turley say Pinckney with the weapon and feeling sure that it was the one borrowed, he went up to inspect the gun. it is stated that Pinckney re sisiea me enort of Mr. Turley to examine i..e gun and also when th white gentleman attempted to vrest it from his grasp. Mr. Turley finally succeeded in getting the gun away from the negro. He was so incensed at the alleged attempt at theft that before he thought he had pounded the darky over the head with the weapon, the force of the blow bend ng the barrel. However, the negro 'OOIV.KI FOR HALF was struck on the wrong part of the anatomy for serious harm to befall nim and with the exception of a so ere cut he seemed none the worse for his experience. D utuseour Qassifled Classified Ads. are published at the rate of One Cent a Word for each insertion, strictly cash in advance. Xo Ads. accepted by tele. phone, although messengers will be sent for them on request. No insertion will he lven for less than JO cents. HELP WANTED. stk,vk ihmm for hrxt ap. . ply to Smith's Fruit Store. GIRLS WANTED Martin Hosiery 12-1 :'.t Mill wants help; experienced or In- - ' . . experienced: wages paid while K KKY UTT1-E 4." has a meaning learning. 9-2 t. t. 8.-L r. all its own. MAXTF.H AT OXCK A good lum- THK liI,IM(ilf I-'I.OItAL CO ber sawer; for circle sawmill. W. corner l.tuie and Sea well Avenue, G. Moss & Co., Wendell, N. C. hii.s the finest Chrysanthemums In 11-27-tf ,.- the city at reduced prices. Call W'AXTKD rWomen and girls to 2-1 make men's underwear; work light pav a VISIT TO THE RAI.KIGIT and clean; good wages paid whtle P,orll (.Q an(, ,. vou & learning. Address A. W. Chapin. c"munis and Carnations at re- - Supt. lelrose Knitting Mill. Ral- -" duced prices. Green houses cor- elgh-N- C" 11-25-tf ner Seawell Avenue and Lane ; street; on car line. Phone 399. FOR SALE. at FOR SALE 1 liae lented Mo.- Van ' VJ , .... , .,, v- . can he obtained from local agent de a, Spring (and will tu.insh ,ou at , ,,olk eDt- with water at a reasonable price. .,4os . A. I-. Foster. C. C. Phone S 5 -1 -K. ' " ' - .- : I'.XTKA SELECT OVSTERS, 50 Cts. FOR SALERull terrier dog: fine al ' D" ArUlur'8- guard. . .502 Tllden Si. Phone " ' " '--' '.-'-' v ) r i. ' . , . . ii.. 500 Ul'SHEIiS OF APPLES. 25c a peck of fine flavor and pure apple cider, any quantity supplied; sat isfaction guaranteed. l:Jl Ea:-t Martin St., JOti East Martin St. W. P, Matthews, the cider an. ll-27-l ',' FOR RENT. -Appiy at once. .Northside Woonyard. Hoth lihones. 1-2 "-!! t had; ducks, read black ducks, pig birds, rabbits and W. T. Sadler's stall. ::o. head ducks, skin ducks, o'))ossums at C. C. phone 12-1-lt ALL KIXDS OF GI N AM) BICVCLK work done and guaranteed by J. G. Chamblee, 111 S. Wilmington St. ll-22-25t POSITIONS WANTED. l AlAi THIXK you know 'what 4 5 means, hut you don't, and you wont until next week.; WAXTED -Position bv exiieripnced lady stenographer. Address "S:e nograplier," care Even in i; Times. 12-1 2t . XAIiEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Quoted by Barbe tt Co.) Good middling ... . . . . . S Strict middling. . .. .. ..8-11-16 Middling ... . .... .... ..8' Receipts. . . . .. , . .,300 bales MISCELLANEOUS. "Will he revealed next week. Wntcli for it. ; DOX'T WORRV Get J. M. Buffalo. 204 E. Martin St., to crate your furniture and china for shipping. C. C. Phone SfiS-M. 1 1-27-29-12 WAXTED One waiter heli er in Bake Shop. , aid A. & M, College and one Apply Stew I 2-1 It 1 nt Province of Hanover lias some 7,- 000 miles of country highways bord ered with fruit trees, the profit of which is appropriated toward the up keep of the road 8. These roads, which are commonplace to the native resident, are the delight of the Am erican tourist, who often wonders why. roadsides in the-lTnited States are not thus planted to fruit. itters Made A New Man Of Him. "Ivraa Buffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, "and my 1 iver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE SO CTS. AT ALL DRUG 8T0RES. FRESH FISH received dailv. Finp oysters a specialty. Solid meas ure guaranteed. W. I). Kins. :i:)5 S, Wilmington St., (.'. C. Phone 215. 12-1-lt 500 -Ml SH ELS OF APPLES. 25c a peck, fine flavor and pure apple cider, any quantity supplied; sat isfaction guaranteed. 131 East Martin St., -.106 East Martin St. W. P. Matthews, the cider man. ll-27-6t Full-Count Gifts at Discount Prices It Is acknowledged fact that we are ainidy able to care for your giving ability for the ap proaching season. We. had rather have your trade now at. 90 cents on the dollar. It is best lor you: . It's a real .saving. The discount will close soon. Make yonr se lections early. TheJ.D.RigganCo., J. T. ALDERMAN, Mgr.'-'-' Nv..t22, Fayettcville Street LOOK -Nice,, fresh lettuce, celerv. spinach,, salisfry carrotts, snap bean;, egg plants, in fact, any thing you want in the fruit, vege table or game line at W. T, Sad ler's stall. C: C. ph.yie i; : o. . 12-1-lt V DR. N. L COINER - Practice limited to diseases of the Rectum and Genito urinary ; Organs. vv t .,. 806-7 Shepherd building. ,. v " 1 ' DUBBARD BROS S CO COTTON MERCHANTS HMOTer Square, N. r. Members ' New Tork Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange New Pork Produce Market. Associate Members Liverpool Cottoe Association Orders solicited for the purchase and ale of Cotton and Cotton Reed OH for future delivery. Special attention and iluerai lertue ? given for consignments of Bpol Cotton for delivery, , Corresbondence ihYn4. ' CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Not the least important is looking after your Pantry Sup plies. Get your material for Cake baking now. Our store is well stocked with Fancy : .. Groceries and all seasonable goods. Xew goods arriving daily. . :'-'.' V VISIT OUl STORE. or Itione I's Your Order. MS Either 'Phone. 28 H. J JOHNSON (Sutxessor to l. T, JoIiumiu Hon.) 18 East Hargett Struet, Raleigh, N.Cy BILL It is my duty not only to be thankful, but to see that I have plenty to be thankful for.. Get Insurance from the Tar Heel Insurance Company and you will have plenty to be thankful for. Get Wise. M(J THE TAU HEEL COMPANY. Accident Health P. Glass Liability Fire. : Musonic T.'mple. Ask Mc. He's on the job." . Uotli Phones, INSURANCE.

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