W The R-sjJoitfh DaJly Times December !. Taylor Lcvc IlectrocEled 4 LOCAL BRIEFS. ' i IP FURNITURE OF CHAR ACTER 'I hat not only measures up .Ki Ihc evading demands of 'the niosl critical, but. awak ens new desires in those who have, perhaps, allowed thd" !o it (,ire!es in the ' ma ft- u t loiMc Fui-iii.ini'. 121 E.Mmiw St RALEIGH. N.C. a r1 I liliV . 6& 3 99 en 11 annum I The -Thanksgiving s'-ason of sjootl cheer demands that every man look his best in keejiin with the festive spirit of the day. Benjamin Overcoats Benjamin Suits Benjamin Evening Suits are the accepted American standard of authentic style. They are the highest type of ready-to-wear, garments it is possible to produce a perfect com bination of the best English and American Fash ions. . Benjamin Clothes are tailored with the same regard for distinctive STYLE as is exercised by the most exclusive tailors of Bond Street. London . and .Fifth Avenue,' New York.. Whiting E. Martin St roe-. Norton, Raleigh, N. C C3ATS $12.50 $15.00 $18 00 $20.00 and on up 4'V ir,r A l H.L' , I ...... XJf!!-' The Hou ot Kupinlwiriier 'FT- - SUITS $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 "S and up Chicago Pre-eminently Qualified This assurance "hounds" efery wearer of our Clothing. Whether It be a "Full Dress" occasion on a week spent at the old home, the acme of feeling Is piesent. , We are showing gome exceedingly smalt suits at $20.00. J. ROSENGARTEN CO. Best in Ready-mades." (Continued From Page One.) G. Nichols, of the News ' and Ob server, J. W. Peeble's, " Bedford Brown, E. V. Wllkie, J,M). Plummer, C. A. Peed, Jr., W. J. Johnson, W T. Dearen, J. W. Jenks, and C. B. Taylor, of the Dally Times. Bible Sent Home. Just before leaving his cell, Love gave to his splrtual advisors, Revs. J. E. King and P. IJ. DeBerry, Bible with instructions to send tt home. It contained a letter to his parents. On the fly sheet was writ ten, "Taylor Love, bom .Nov. 26 year 1883, age 28." As the guards took him from the cell he turned and spoke to the other condemned men, saying: "Good-bye boys, I am going home." Last Message. ; This morning in his cell . he dic tated the following to his spiritual advisors, which was written: "I feel that 1 had a fair trial and 1 have nothing against anyone, bnd 1 want an to rorgive me ror tne qeea mat i have done, for 1 know that I am at peace with God. I am going to piy Father. This Bible and letter please send to my father and .when I get home 1 want to be carried to the church. I have been .treated very kindly and 1 wish to thank all for thyr kindness. I am very grateful to my lawyers for what they have done for me and hope to meet them In Heaven, for there is where I am going and when my sermon is preached I want them to use as text the 14th chapter of St. John, the first, second and third verses. Please warn all young men against drink Inn ami fast women for these things will shorten their lives. 1 want every one to he kind to my dear little ones that I leave behind and also to my wife and help her. My best love to Col. S. A. Jones for all he has done for me and 1 hope to meet him in heaven. Tell father, mother, sister ninl .brother to pray ami meet me in Heaven, for that's where I am going to meet niy mother." Hon. Gi B, Pattersotjj, of Maxton was a visitor in tiie ciry toaay. ASSEMBLY XOTKS. The teachers are glad to come to Itainigh, and come in contact with the Kaioisrh people, but many of the teac.iers feel that a city is not the place for . the 'meeting of 'the -assem bly. The teichers like to mingle freely with each other, but they find t.ipy can not do this very well in the enjv They find that when they are loused in one great big hotel there is very much more fellowship. A county superintendent from one ol tiie eastern counties, said that he l ad to. keep his eye on his neighbor ing superintendents. They want to blow too much, he said. After every meeting of superintendents this east ern man said that the men began to say t.iat they had to see some one or more of the state officials on very m port ant business.' It was wonder ful, he said', how much important business many of them have. A tamiliar figure at "all the as sembly meetings in the past has been Rruce Craven. He has1 been quite a ve wire, and many of his friends miss him. He ha.-t quit teaching and one into law. Superintendent Robert E. Ranson, of the Troy schools, is here with his whole teaching force. The school board at Troy paid the expenses of the teachers to the assembly. 'APT. ItOKGRT AVI.VSTOX .NOT SKRIOI SI.Y HURT. Mr. R. VV. Winston, Jr.. who was njured yesterday in the football game between Carolina and Virginia s not in a serious condition. Imme diately after the accident Judge Win ston got in telephone communication with Richmond and ascertained that his son was not seriously hurt. vMr. Winston is captain of the University team.. Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy t'a-eir tine results. Constipation and indi gestion vanish and fine appetite re- urns. They regulate stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength nd energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25c at King-Crowell Drug Co. : Church of the flood Shepherd. There was a large congregation resent at the church of the Good Shepherd yesterday to celebrate the day, and a beautiful musical service was rendered by a large vested choir. The Rev. Samuel H. Han ft, of Duke, was present In the church and assisted In the service. The Rev. Dr. Pittenger preached the sermon from the words "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of light with whom Is so variableness; neither shadow of turn ing." James 1:17. , There was a generous offering for the Thompson Orphanage and after the service portions were sent to those who needed additions to their Thanksgiving fare. Solictor C. L. Abcrnathy of Beaufort was a' business visitor in the city today. Mr. A. T. Hill of Washington, D. C, spent the week in Raleigh with friends. He is connected with the treasury department' Mr. William B. Duncan, a stu dent at Trinity College, arrived in the city today to spend a few days with his father, Mr. E. C. Duncan. Mr.t F, L. Moore, general man ager of the Durham Sun, was in the city today en route from Norfolk where be attended the football game between . . & M. and V. P. I. PERSOXALS. Supt. R. N-. Nisbet, of Union coun ty, had to return home yesterday on account of Illness. .."Neal A. Ranson, superintendent ff the Waxhaw . graded schools, is at tending the teachers' assembly. - SPELLS THAT mm UN DAYS RingirnliT Lady Makes a Statement Thut Deserves Prompt Invest! K (tit Ion by lOvery- Woman In Tbi Country. Ringgold, -Mrs. Clarissa Black, of this )l:u', nays: '! .suf fered so from womanly troubles Unit I could not stand nil niy feel Ion'; nt a lime.'". ' I had pains in my rit'lit si ilo. and in my baoli, ' anil I would lake sir); spells at times iliat la-sled eight or ten: days v': . ..'.':'. Tho doctor treated me, but I fail ed to obtain relief, and, I tried var ious other remedies without benefi.. it seemed 1 .was--growing worse. At last, I commenced using Car- dui,, the woman's ionic, and before the first bottle was trone, I felt bet ter. ' - By continuing i;s use for awhile, I am now entirely cured. I am in better-health than 1 have been in a lonir lime. 1 am feeline just fine. : I am graceful for what Caidui has done for me and v.'ish every poor, suffering woman would take Ciirdui, and be well airain." If you suffer from any of the troubles so common to weal; women, what reason could there be for your not giving t'ardui at aai?t a fair trial? . -.. For more than fifty years, Cardui has been used with, entire satisfae- ion, by thoii)ands of weal; and ail ing women. It wiir surely help yon. too. '.' . ':. N. B. Write to: Ladles' Advis- ry Dept., Chattanooga Medicine o., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special fnstructions, and 64-page book, Home Treatment for Womn," nt in nlnin wranper. on request. Just a little QuMer y'SUTJKe ever; makes the onarch the typewriter of efffciena Light Touch . Monarch Ma chines make, possible a stroke that Is just a little quicker than is possible with any other Tyiiewriter. , With very stroke a little quicker, more work, can be done In the same time. Hence, more, ' business, more profit. ' .;. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Monarch Machines - may be purchased on the Monthly Pay ment Plan. f Send for Litera ture. Learn the many reasons for Monareh Superiority. BOYLAW-PEAKCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO I BOfLAM-PEAfeCE fcO I SOLE CITY AGENTS FOR THE CEL1UIATEJ) KABO CORHKTH. After Thanksgiving Comos Christmas Before "entering into the exploitation of specially designed gift goods or squaring buJselves for the big holiday trade, we would preft r to effect A MID SASON CLEARANCE SALE in the S iit Section, in a manner, and at such prices 'as will be bound to attract attention and lorce buying. Misses and Children's School Coats Misses Box Coats and Norfolk' Jafkets, Blue Serges, Cheviots and Venetian Cloth. Colors Red, Tan and (iVov. Afjos 10 to 1() vear J and regularlv jmeed sf'd'.OO, t(.r0, .7.00, 7..r)(), ifS.'OO and $f).0O. Choice of the lot $4.98 Jaunty Reefer Jackets, for littlo gills. Red, Blue, Tan, with Sailor Emblems Eagles, . Stars, Oos.s-Fiars airl Shields that denote rank. Tliree. Ftrnr, live, six, seve eight vears ad worth $ 1.00 to !)..r)0. While- they last . . . . : . ." . . . . . .JJ $5 00 Separate Skirts at $2.98 Just one hundred and me Skirts in 1 he fount, the. pi-ice will ixi pay for the Material alone. All-Wool Storm Serges,, Panama Cbth, Kreneh, liatiste, Diago nals. Voile, Messaline, Satin, llojt Sarliing, and a few fancy stries and niixtures. This season's iiun-hases uiih a,M its varying styles to. he sold at a ; -ent-priee-that knows no merey-Skirls that wore .f l.M, si.OO, 7..r)M, S.O, 10.) and 12.r0, all huu.-hed on one rack, where you can see, feel, in'd e.xaniine the texture, the .style, the. workmanship and pick out "just what you want, for the one price ... ' "$2 98 Ladies' Long Rain Coats. About a dozen left of these Ladies Rubberized Rain Coats Bayadere or .Wide Diagonal Cloili, "Rubber lined. Colors Bin?, Ci-ey and Tan. Clearing !'ri- " $4.98 hi i BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY BRASS GOODS Vte are offering some special bargains in Brass Goods this week. Candle Sticks, And irons, Jardinieres, Fern Dishes, Hanging Baskets, Wall Vases, Pedestals, Umbrella Stands, Book Racks, Ink Wells, Paper Knives, Letter Racks, Desk Clocks, Calendars, Etc. ELLINGTONS ART STORE, RALEIGH, N. O. A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Daily Times Will .Work Wonders for Your ; .Business. SEVERAL RELIABLE MAKES Player Pianos for Yuletide presents we offer at $300.00 F. O. B. Factories. Mail ord ers only, and good to December 10th. ' 88 Note Players. J. W. OOLLINGS WORTH, Mgr. raleigh; n. c. louisburq, n. c. A Dreadful Wound , from a knife, gun, tin caq, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck- IaiTh Arnlm Sftlvfi to nrevent blood poison or gangrene. Its the quickest, ! surest healer for all such wounds as 1 also for burns, bolla, sores, skin eruptiona. eczema, chapped - hand,' 'corns or piles. 25c at King-Crowell Drug Co .. , . I and Durham Book Stationeiyponip'y, DVRHAM, N. C. 4 4 Gentlemen We are certainly selling some "classy Overcoats and Suits" at ; Don't Overlook the fact that there is "some class' to our GLOVE stock, pressWalking; Riding and Mving Glovw CROSS (8Ls LINEHN 0. "REMEMBER OUR CLOTHES FIT." y )vii ',-;-.- V;.--..," ' ;" "fT; ..:'i';::,.V.,v'i.' .a-::.:,,:.'?: f '-a'-'"'-;: -iv v -;i