"f jMeigfa Associated j Pros Soviet Associated Press Servlct Vol. LXX. No. 132. The Weather FAIR. RALEIGH, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1911. LAST EDITION FSICE FIVE CENTS. Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in Raleigh of Other Newspaper para GATHERING OFBKIS II PIOI ID BRIBE JURY Fute Details ol the Ailepefl Pict to lofliicicc the Mwm Jury Mil ARRESTS EXPECTED 1 E APPEAL I II ' S Eighty-first Session of State Conven tion Convenes In Winston Tuesday Night BROWN MEMORIAL HOST At Brown Memorial Church in Win- : ston, the Convention Convenes To morrow Night and Continues In "til Sunday Past Year" Has" Wit nessed Enormous t.rowtli of (lie 'liomiiiation Hon. W. C. Dowd : of Charlotte, Is President of tin Convention -Names of CM her Ol fleers Something of Urown Mem orlal Church, Where Sessions Will lie Held. The eighty-first session of the Baptist State Convention will con vene Tuesday night with Drown Memorial church, in Winston-Salem and continue until Sunday. Tin session promises to be one of the best : in the history of the denonn nation in this state. Fully 900 or 1,000 delegates are expected to at tend, and every preparation is he , ing made in, Winston to take care ol everyone who attends. The conven t Ion met in Winston just eleven years ago, and the 'denomination numbered around 17r,000 while members, while this years conven tion will witness a little over 22b 000 ; white members enrolled. At that time the treasurers report showed only $46,667.35 had Been raised, while this year the good sum of $189,000.00 is on the hooks These figures speak well of the ad vancement the denomination ha made. All the various departments of the church hav'c advanced by leaps and bounds. I acre are in this state 1,051 churches, and l.Tiil Sun day schools, having an enrollment of 164,706 pupils. The valuation or the church property in North Caro lina amounts to $3,022,366. Work- In (h the church are something ov er 683 ministers. These figure- are given merely to show the enormous size of the denomination and for Its rapid growth during the past year the following figures are interest ing: Churches organized. 14: new church buildings, 6S: meetings held 250; additions of membership, 4, 386. its a live, hard-working body of consecrated men and women, who live for the saving of other live. The officers of the convention are President. V, C Dowd. ol Char lotte; Vice-president, J.. M. Me Man away, Waynesviller h P. Hohgood, Oxford; James I). Bruner. Murfrees boro, Recording Secretaries: N: 1? Broughton. Raleigh: Clias. E. Brew er, Wake Forest. Treasurer. Walters Durham. Rnl elgh. Auditor, K. II. llriggs, Raleigh. Corresponding .Secretary, Living ston Johnson, Raleigh. Trustees, W. C. Tvree. High Point: C. C. Hrlggs, Waynesville; Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck: C. H Aycock. Raleigh: D. I.. Gore, Wil mington. Iical Churches. The Baptist churches of Raleigh will send to the convention practi cally n new body of preachers. Diu- (Continuod on Page Seven.) DAMAGE DONE BY FIRE AND WATER The home or Mr. Carey A. May nard at 213 N. Harrington street, was badly damaged by fire and wa ter Sunday afternoon between three and four o'clock. The origin of the fire ia unknown; it started in the voor and spread rapidly before the tire department managed to get it under control. Chief Woollcott was on hand quickly and soon had a line of hose in action. There were two sick children in the house at the time, but taese were removed to the homes of neigh bors when the ; tire started. Mr. Maynard, who is foreman ot the hea board Air Line wrecking crew, was t work and did not get home un til the tire had been extinguished. Most of the furniture was moved out and saved from damage by water.-There was $2,000 Insurance on . , , . i . i. in the house ana rurniuire, wnicti win probably cover the loss. in;. iii:m:v jlslm- I list Rapls LAWMAKERS AT WORK Representative Littleton Makes Sensational Speech Congress Ciinvciieil 'IihIhv Little ton's Speech in the House lams" the Feature ot tlie Day- l.itlieloit Bitterly Denounced Marl in hikI Rapped llrvan. Washington, Dec. 4. Poll) houses of the sixty-second congress conven ed at noon, Practically overv nii in- ber of each house was in Ins sent. Die galleries were crowded, hun dreds ol people being unable to not admission. Representative Little-. ton s speech rega r d l n g t h e s t e el trust question Tvas the sensationnl inci dent featuring congress on tne open ing day. There was a 1 lurry m the house just before it was culled loonier, caused by the distribution of copies of a local newspaper which featured the mass meeting at which Repre sentatives: Littleton and oung v. f i attacked by Henrv B. Martin, or I he so-called American Am l-1 r'isi League. A copy was laid on e-i. h members desk. Littleton lmlmnart- ly rushed to the speakers office and. demanded to know bv whai ns-hr these copies were allowed disu-i'.'M-tion in the house. Copies were i'li mediately ordered gal liered up nnd removed lroni the house. in the house ; execul ive 'gallery President Tail s guests were seated and the diplomatic gallerv was '1 filled with card holders lroni tne state department. . A batterv ol cameras was nlaeed in the galleries to take mctures of the opening ol the house. Outsi.! a moving picture machine clicked oM the entrance ol prominent menibe-s to tho capitol. The senate convened at noon. committee was . appointed to notil the president that, congress wus in session. Senators smith.- ol linorgm and Oardner. of Maine, were jv.ivrn it Senator Curtis -was -elected to serve as president pro-tempore till December.-.. The meeting hour was fixed at -' m. daily. Adjournment was.fik- en at 12:17 p. m. till Tuesday at z m. The house convened at noon. A committee was appointed to noiity the president that 'congress was m session. Representtaive 'Littleton, on .i point of personal privilege, answi r?- ed the attacks upon him. c'urgir.g him with being a ' steel trust ally. Kstlmates amounting 'o $7 !",- 834.463 for -tlie fiscal year were sub mitted for the appropriation ot leg islation. The house will continue to nieol. at noon, hive new members were sworn In, William J. Browning, ot New Jersey; W. D. B. Ainey, ot Pennsyl vania; Dan. B. Stephens, of Nebras ka; Joseph Taggart, of Kansas, and Kenneth D. McKellar, of lennessee. The Benate was in session seven teen minutes. A committee consisting of Sena tors' Galltnger and Martin wits ap pointed to notify the president that the senate was In session. Hoke Smith and Obediah IM'.ri (Continued on Page Seven. J . p.kow , liurrll. Winston. ELK'SLODGE OF SORROW Annual Memorial Service Held In the Auditorium Largo -Audience Attended the .Mem orial I-ai'ITinos Address lav Hon I laucis II. insion l'iilii'- bv W . S. W ilsoll. i 1 lie Raleigh' . Lodge No. ol i l-.lks iuel in the auditorium yes tci'dnv ai ;;.oc1ock to hold their ' Lodge' of Sorrow, i ho annual nieiii. I orlul service to '.their .absent, brothers .... 1 1 v as l he Jirst lino' tiie. : public has been fnaliled in such largo nu.m- tn'r.3 to attend tin.' exercises and I hi aiKlilonuin was well filled, the lower floor lind dross idrcles being crowd ed. . The :.KIks in a body occupied the i-i'inip of -swats '-directly, ill . from of. tlie . plai fori'n, which .wn.-i bcaiiti tiillv ileciualed iii iialins. lerns. -, Overlooking the platlorm was a lar I'lt'c I I InvH lM,i-illi tin, .i' head wuli us lirani lung horns stood ten black draped chairs. I hose of the absent -members. Oil the platlorm were:. II. .1. John son. exalted ruler, who was master ol cerep.onies: II. II. Bates, esteemed leading knight ; . A. 1 1. Arrington, es teemed loyal kniiilit: Dr. II. S Stevens, estoeiiied lecturing kniglii : .1. I-'. Jordan, .ei iv!;iry ; .1. I. N'- w s'oni; ti'easur.M-;! Iv. H.M.(-Keo, tylr; .). F'. I lat ch, inner guard ; Rev. ,U. S, Stephenson,: cliniilain ; Hon. Francis 1). Winston,: of the. W'iisoh l.odgi I v. ho deli len.'il the address, and S. Wilson, ol the llaloltvh -Lodge, who delivered I he eulouv. The service was haracteri.ed pv the' most beaut il ul music, the Ral eigh choral-; society adding much .o the occasion, singing two selections: No Shadows ouder ( I loly ity and ' ea. Ken as Die the Roses. ' I t I'll o Rose Maiden I, Mrs. Horace Dowell singing the solo part in the lust chorus. Mr. J. 11. Beaslev, accompanied bv Miss Cruris-, violinist and Mr. R. (Continued on Pat:e Si'Veti.) SUPREME COURT MAY REVIEW A. I. PEAN Washington. I). C Dec. 4--Tho supreme court ol the t lilted Mates took under consideration the appli cation ot the Lent Tobacco Hoard ol Trade of New ork to have that tri bunal review the reorganiza, ion plan ot the American Tobacco Company. A decision is expected Monday. The government opposed Hie motion. COST Oh' f'iOVKKXMUNT. Kstiiiuileil Cost lor the Year $7l:l.N:tl,.ti:t. Washington, 1). C Dee. 4 The estimated cost ol running the gov- eriinienf during the fiscal year is l:!.S34.nt!;i. a saving of $2I.2S:S.- 921 over tlie aiiproprlatlons for 1 ft 1 1 - III1L'. Mils aggregation does; not Include $200. IKIH. -1(13, estimated as the cost of operating the postofuco department, which Is exoected to be self-sustaining. I lie McNiiiniii'iiH Will lie eineiiced I .inn ito. liili U ol I, in lli,. J--i-ccmIioii to Appi-elieiMl oilier I'ec i-)H Involted Will iiitiiiuc I'illiiorcil Ilia! .McaiM.ii:is Hill MaKe a I- ill I ( wiflw o Iieicd that Kiev Alone . are He: sponsible I or die Seric, ot i :iiln. sions (,o ei tiiiielll I'l ebe ;il hi. iliiinapolis. Los. Aliiieh s. Dec. 4 - I' Ui I her ue tails were learned ol an alh-ui'd phr io. inlliieiie,. i li o licN'anuna jiN-y. A sUmh 4 slalemenf is said i In- in ihe liauds ol ii.-(irii'l Aliori,,., l'i-eii-icI.n, in. ul.-. iv Jli-rf: Roll. -i f p Main w il'e of ! in- first-sworn jiiioi-, clirirj; in;' that live hundred dollars w; paid to her by an -asve'tit Xartiaras' ilefense . to in! husliand to secure a -ilisa-. Hi. Air 'llU'jll. not an. iieji'u.ii la t by. juvv f.('".l;is,; )r; llcXaniara, then on trial i'ur fiiiyJi .t:e8'growj.iig out 'of the I.hs. '.Amr. ..W e.iosi(i!i. '.-' '. . " The coi;.-t, ii is said, al-ii has pos session of the agent's stale r.i. Tb" lire) i miliary examination u; liiirr. !., I' ranklin, a detective ol" .V V, -i:-!-1 ' d'-rense, i'oi- lus - alleged a;" niit to bribe deoiKe N. Lock wood, a Miiiie niaii, bj use of four thoi'isaiid '!ol la in: -was scheduled to lake id.-u-e to day, but continuance lor one week, it; was expected would he c .lv d and b;; granted.: . . . Th:' McNainaras vill be sxh en-ed lo.iiiorrow, but t ho work of i.:o--cut ion to ! i'lireheml ol her persons in volved 'will eomkiue as part of the i'ederul, . goyernincnl's. invest igiil ion . More arrests and in did men Is ;u'e lool'ed for, follow in i( the McNaiiiai;!.'' (oiil'itssions. ' ,1. A. Sell in id t., aiifi anil -lljtVid Kaiih'ui. '-ngaitist wtiuni th. ilulictnieiits jiiiiiiiy . were -re turned when the McNaiuarus were liu'icied have not been caiifiired, but iiiloriiia: tion lroni am honi.it ;ve sources w i that arrests will soon be made Prom Ortie 1-;. Mc.Manigril the state obtaiiK'd possession ol inform ation concoruiiin other explosions. It is rumored -i.li.-u Hie McNailuii'Ms will make a i'lill eoii fe!;sion iiii plica' -ing (')-eonsiirnoi's.: .: I eil-i ;. i-rol.e. . " rijdiaiiapols. Dee. .(.. A ivpresenl ative nf one of the employers', ov.ir izations watching; i lie federal; pn die into: the. alleged nation-wide dyiir! nilling 'conspiracy, assorts (hat "no one at all ..informed, believes the Me Namaras were alone, til oporaiion-i that covered one hundred explosions trom coast to coast and cost at: enormous sum ol nionev.' He rmvs those who were astounded bv the pleas ot guilt v o! the McN'ainar.i brothers may soon be further amaz ed. - Accounts lire proceeding witiv nu exainliint ion (il the records and i or respoiidonce oi tin- iiiteriiM-'oiial is- sociation of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, to get ovldein-e ul the exact disposition til' certain I'timls of the. -Association. .According, to infornuttion compiled .by the Nalional I'.rr'clors AssociMtioi one bunilred explosions dirc-iod acainst employers' ol non-11111011 Iron workers occurred between Aiiftus. l!Kir and Deceniher. 1!10,, in liianv states. It is the hnunciiig arrange ments Involved thar the autlioriiies seek to uncover. I'aid Mouev lo .Furor. Los 'Angeles, ( al.. Dec. -1 District At tornev I' reileneks inloruied I lie Associated I'ress lliat Bert If. 1-rankiin. Ihe detective employed nv the McN'anr.tra defense, now . under i rrcst , : cha rged . w i t ii at teni p t i n g ,t o bribe fieo. N'.' l-oclvwond, venireman, witli $ I. i. actually paid In Robert If. ll.'iin,' the lii'sl. sworn .juror hi t be ise; $lt" and., jvroiiiisefl . : $ ,0(in more at the end ol the trial II he. would vole lor ncqiiltlal or cause a disagreement . ot the jury; Call On Stairs .May Kill Her. Laurel. Del., Dec. 4-- Falling down the cellar slairs ol her home. Mrs. John H. W ilson, a rich .widow. i. i ....j i ... i i Ul ltlv lift ief;M ,i nu ill in .inn leccitcu i otlir Injuries that may prove) fatal, i She I fliiearlv sevenlv venrs of ago. but Insists on 'doing her housework. tm llllllWj I I 't, tLEGTIGN RCm Fight For Railrod Bond Elec- lion i bSlChteJ 've-t i-al inn L.-ein"lii ( 1 ,-IIHl seil ( II -.t nt-ilav lor i l:i ii.! Roiiil I il NlI'Mlel'lal l-VHT I'lllCOl I Ol- l.'H I "l )-( (In : dob '.lis. lailroa i i'u e, j,, i liii.U ti-en : I! i .1 is Vila il. Ul to-Af.i : tin Vri; iti' ii vi -s--. l,;i I I'll ' s ill' i.u:ii-:r', H- Iiii: ii . I--Vc- f'lWils1!!! . ! i',lliOi. jy ;:' ii' i u :y or i .1 III- lieees lor. J.-oiiilF. .:.; The Lie. re ri:ie;Vl'li.. - Da's 'hard. 11'.' I oiii.'ri.' a- iiiMiii-ii w i'.fli V. While in Ci-v"-. illlplelllenr lai-riii-ed. h) i hi,;: 'iltr-s'tiK'k. : V- '.'i'lio .'-pi'im-i j; 1 1 ,; nieiiiorial son b e mail" li i-: J. -I was. one ol I hif Hi .ipon such a n iu iK-ii ii I i l l! I r ri li u ' i l heir. .ctisi oiii u: each ' I l.ee i -1 I'l l : in ule by ( i. S. i : of .John Slici'er. paid a liea ut ii -il V. biltiii-'ti'ii. grai.i was ih ken did addve.-s a- '. The aiitolivobil I tii iieil over i .i -K ii 'ii.:'.-' ; !.s:i:i w on . i n ,1 U. ii 1 1 i Tio. .t.oli 1 1 '.nu iiiiii il Ul I'-r'-O ROCKEFELLER FROM STANDARD Oi' New York; Dec.: . I. .I..;.n Rockefeller, resigned . as V pv..-: and director of the Siandard . Oil pany, of New .lersey; J.oini I V ',' bold . was ele.-ti-il pui'.-sideni. Rockefeller's piaco. The Diajoi'lty pi't he officers rectors associated with - Roc in t lie coiitro I 'of 1 lie Stand 111! i:d IVil Compah.v: also r eluded Wi ilia m I ran, William C :"l These Rockefeller, f. .. Ro(:k(l'e!ler M. Vlau-iei Hod ford. 1 i . . t ' Pol i I Drake II. T. and I .-: riiice Killed In Wreck. 'Kent, fi'iio. Pec I Three were killed it tul four injured in a c-ollis-ion J.eiw.'eii two J lVrie Railroad freight trains i-i a fot-.. 'The.. dead are Conductor!-. W'i"i:inl ' r'eurti-nn' ai.d Vanco .Keller and ICuj;:iu.-i;r- MeLcnky: MUM' .v-- , !. II e n t i ill W INSTOV. Meets. A GREAT CRAP GAME Eight N'egroes Arrested In Raid Last Night I W ei I V laviiiii leiTV I one and Did oi ivnow lllliceis Mood iu Room W 'ali long- Hu e Raltle anil Click i hie l-.scapeil. .! liij lie's-" were ip'iliiins ' iiiiii ii "lui'iiral rolling, turning: i he corn. -.So mi' H 'slip crap" but the little ina king merry music While y and eight- of his pais were A-ver tlie floor, intent rn le lleLfO ClllSSK' for llll It -lyil i b lilace ri;i South t nil br. Captain Vt:, ;i:-,i as large and bulky as . ' .J in riie room 'fry ;'a !e-y ii'. Ik rii.ro. tlie players, inte:;t iv I'tiii. riH'Ognizcd liiin. Cap- ,4 , f j , ,.!(.,( Wini inj,f b "-i.-rriceiis f . B. riarboiir; C. nxr. I'l. 1 1.. I'arker'-aiid 'U: : ('. i'tii- i'Ja:ii.i , J,: -aior flushed til.' cot 'l'l'.(:.:.laii:i.i l'.:il off (ho tabl '. rlie . bi'.okc. V I'nriiit lire fell tc j. on.- pbi or" jn in lied On a bigli .:;;;. :i't t ing it and falling hea'vf. ' V-'i'i i bior; 'anot her attempted trtry I i't .1! 11 Ceasie'v t hrouvfl! 1 he V. ii n . 'lis coal-tail, tiiiil the cap ;'.i.i ;i bruised linger, along w ii h JiiiiV.-: oihers '-rail lielier-skel'er. ' uouid. not. staiui. Only fitio i-r i .- -,i;ie. ioi.e"'a rresieit: and placed in i lie i "liiii'vsc w ere Kd Yancey, ivlio :il :ii-iv place; : t'ienrge Dickens; -k I. sl'ie Pa'sclt' ; VV'nr ii ani I'. Hob: I' V I IM-1 III' KAMS cim isi:i:. 1 1 i M ' I iiii I p lor ( ollisioii . Dee. t ' Repairs as a With llcla- I'he auxiliary . :-.!.- ce.-s iu drv do. k at the j iravv van! this week as the :V .collision w ith, the baule ::!'. iii e - iii I he. ;;i v ' yard ie est I'i'day. . Tio V dread r iniini'd I lie- smaller vessel it's ! i ... t.i iin i o it; i v sunk . an I'i'al't,. but.' life, good lurl; of rii a n ; li.-u y was in e.viileiice. si a-' sh'i peii ; ill , ij'Vsluikiiig ; Iii'bitt:ar0 ;was iieing iiilioti to li i''r Ii e v ; liei't 11 t o ii) a k ei r'. , !ie Viial t ieship :;liehigan ill. Carolina s'ror.u tide i.-V: -n'H.t of i ont nit of ilie tiigs iiiik :l steain launch, fi'oiil ..'cl-ew of !ie esi aiieil." stokks is Cu i.itilil ion Mill Regarded as - soniei line Iteiore oncliide I esi i- lees..av lie Is lle mini I . 'S ev: VYui-k, Ih-. I. ' W. '.. K." 1 . .;.. Vh.pi-e iiria'ck of iiciife indi--ti.iii. vl cvi nieii - tae coiilihuiitioii li w le;;t'inpiiir al ,tria.l : if 1 Kthel iiiii.f ' ii'iid l.iliian (inriiain: s'iow is, Vwlio; shot. I: i : i . . last .... siininier, . reporle improved, this inpiii '.. ! lis Von iiii ion iss till serious. 1. a; ..i't1 ivi'i'ks before. he is ahle to io court .and conclude bis t est 1- .moil .-.-.-,' I pioar In Huston ( oiincils ISomoii, Alass : Nov. 4 - For two ho'ii'.l-members df Hosion's city coun i il i -ailed oa'-h oilier liars and crooks. Then ih(.y passed bills appropriating $ 1 i;:i,iiiiii for municipal improve m -i ni.s. 4 Mcib. Case Goes Up On Appeal From Order Jot Judge Peebles Dismissing Matter AN INTERESTING POINT II SupH iue ourt I pholds Siierini- ourt Judge in Ihsinissinn- Action Will Aflect All County Boards of Health in suite Savs Holding Of. lictf as Member of Jloard of Health Molates Constitution in Tins ('use. The case of Dr. J. J. L. McCullers against, the board of county commis sioners over the possession of the office., ot county health officer will be appealed to the supreme court, ihis was the statement today by Mr. H. M. (failing who, with ex-Governor (.. H. Aycock. is appearing for Dr. McCullers in this case. Judge Peebles, as was first announced in ihe 'limes, held the election of Dr. McCullers invalid for the reason that tne county board of health, In his .opinion, 's not a legal body, since the constitution forbids the : holding ot two offices. Judge Peebles construed the county board of health as a separate and corporate bod v. In which event the mayor ol: the coun ty town, the chairman of the board ol county commissioners and the county superintendents of public In st ruction are not qualified to sit. Miould the supreme court hold with Judge 'Peebles, every board of health in the state would be illegal. The opinion of Judge Peebles fol lows: Decision ol Judge Peebles. North Carolina, Wake countv In ' tie Superior: Court. .1. .1, L. McCullers, pjaintlff vs. Thfl ilort.d -ot COujptCuttuiijisw . , and "ot hers." defendant? i-i I Ills cause came on to be heard by tne in'. ..chambers at Raleieh. I linrsdav and J'ridav, November 23 :md Jl, Mill. After hearing com- pliiint. answer, attldavits and argu ment oi counsel on both sides, bv inseni oi both sides. I took the pa pers wit. i me in order to give the manor lunher consideration. Hav- ins ;:iun Hie nntter further consid- r.ilioii. I ri-nder the following judg- men i : . 1 I bud and bold that the plead ing raise no issue ol act requiring tae intervention of a jury and I Iheretore overrule the defendants motion tor a trial bv nirv. To this ruling defendants except. I lind tii at- the facts contained in seciKins one and eight ot com- liliiilit : . both included, are true. ,;.:' i. Ii apiieariiig lroni the com plaint that, the county board ot" health was organized as is required by sen ion ,i chanter 2 ol thp nnh- lic laws of mil. and elected Dr. .1. I. L. .Me(. tillers countv superinten dent ol heallii. that the contingency upon which . s. Rankin as secre- t.iry ol the slate board ol health, was aul.iorized to act. never hanpen- (I. and the apiiointnient of plaiutilf by said Rankin was void. I also find mil hold l li at the said Rankin (lid not li x tlie toes as is directed in sec tion I' o!' said chapter 61.'. V I. Article XIV . section 7 ot state (Continued on Page Seven ) E DESTROYED BY FIRE ( Special to I he l imes. I . I'.iirlinulon N. C. . Dec. 4 The larae Moratn warehouse with priz enes ol Hritisli .American and Con tonial Inbacco Companiei were burned acre this morning, entailing an estimated loss ot twenty thou sand dollars. I he lire was In the business lection and as a precaution aid was tiiimnioneil from (Jreenaboro the tire department from there com ing on a special train. Before their amlval the wind slillted and the blaze was under control. The lire was caused by an oil stove being l nrned over. Rev. v. M. Cilmoru, of LouUburj, spent today In the city, the guest Ot his brother-in-law, Mr. C- B. Taylor, ot Ihe Paily Times staff. He lavea tonight for tho Baptist couventloa l Winston.