THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER J, MIL:. ft: '- wef!;':,v j J 'J u-vy .x(itiiiR m.iniont m (I..- I enusj Im ,.( , 1K.t l. XI all uno pi,,, ,.,1 ,,( . W p'.i . on Tii nUs.x , , l. llnul .imo oi tin- lout It ill ,.ii. M.-un- fi n I. l IViiii- Iw.i..h. Is r.Mlii.inK i.usnio,! lrail piss. M.-irc- iio tii.n- to toss tl o pipkin t- his end. as , ,rsii:t . I JMrris'. (.,.I.t. ) ,.:... pnss. ( h .mpakn, ( l.lV t il.t la. l;!.-, Ims bi-okvn tliroui;!, tin- IVni, .line i.n-1 is U-y.i.g naU Jlrrw. 1M10 is t.foiMllnB himself nill. a stiai-l.t arm. SJo.ctr I .- loivou to ti - to skiH Kvirl.V (lolt ,!, oin: ll), li. (! fonvaiil toss fuils. . ..." T BLEWETTS FAILS Plant Will Be In Operation By Febrnary 1. Kuinish :t'J.OO( Honsppjwi-r Sill station at Method About Com. ; pli'teil Transmission l.iiifs of i'oiiipany Will Cover (iri-at Sec- ' iou . 1 It Avas not a gi'eat wliilo ao that, t.litce hyriro-clertrlc. plants iii North li'Plina stoo) incotiiiK'to with aJ versily liaiiKini; over tlii'tn. antl with no man able to say Hint thev wonlil he hroiiBiit into iisi. Those were the hitney, on the ' upper Vadkin: lihMVitfs Kails., on the lower Vad- lun. and Uiickhorn Fulls, on the per cape tear. Tliete uunits came Ini lilncs at i!,0i0 voliK: Is Ktoppe I up lint to veils, and oe.4 out ol tiio plant to the Biili.-tt ttricn ot Met :iod In Halelsh suburb lit 1 (10, -(too. volts 11 wiik, ohsv to look lar olonp; the line of Htool towers mil II lui;h hill.; cut on' the view. Tils line runs S! inilcs northensUvanl. Mr. Kra nk ('. Abliotl. n well-ltnown I'Viert, wno lias the construction wcrl: In cliai-Re, explained all the details to PieslJent Charles 10. Johnson of Lie ( arolinn Power A Aght ( oinpanv and the writer, anil expressed a great deal of. satisfaction at the tact that February 1st the power will he put on to rtalelRh the work at the Falls bnini? about Da per cent, completed. The power-house include verv ciniipleio work shops and a section lor.tae stor.tue batteries. lOver since the work on dam bouun, Mav 1st. it has never stopped bv dav or by niKiit excejit on Sundays. The great number oi men employed at was 1.0(H) in the 0 hours, I le, Ill (Hie il.iv load:; hilve Imt:i V lien, oil l lie parly ot about, i-. 011 ,( S (1k are interested m plalil po there. us tn n li as i,i (in I'CCiMVl'll. I)t!i Ol Dcteinlici'. bp. nlicrs iroiu lioi .1 hicilBO. etc.. - who i f is lilewitr,, FallM tnev will no don .SRlXJll COURT URfV! Crowded Docket Faces Jude Alirn In Durham (Hie nl the liljijj'i'ttt ( ases Is Itur joubIis 1i voice Suit, and It. Is Waving Wurni 1 be ( niiillimise (Question Anlil I i Accident.vl SI not inn. (Special to T.;c Durham. N. t'., i?c, u lar December- uiui un- one ll,m t but now there are about Nun. Ro- lo pass, and t:ie Carolina l'ower it ! eiu ly there were, pul on i;i;t : Ufiht Company entered -thtt .-field wc(kf,. -.etc... that many negroes with- three suhildiarv cotujianies, having' been dropped. 'Hie writer, completed the l!iiclwiorn plaiit, put ! cuiious to know what value was stio power into Kaleiuli and other j I'b'ced on nesro labor compared Places, and is now Bivini; the linalwl11' 'bat ol white, leade special m ;louches to the great Iilewitt's Kails ' !"". and wa ; told thai since the plant, w hich is to be in operation I Swedes put on the work done had i iioup.i tup iioi'iic; . these rtvenl. con;;;ist:i)ii made ko .-because ot'tiu her ol wallers recenily about Kebruarv 1st, about !)0 per cent, of the total construction beniK complete.' -- T he power-house of the Ulewitt s 1 alls plant, of our utones al)ov tliw waee-l pits, is of concrete, steel vlwaius. and brick. '1 here are seven ofc.the wheel pits, and turbines are lieiiiR installed in nil except uie most southerly one, where the space is left-vacant tor later installation. The turbines develop troni .".ant) to j. 7UI) kilowatts each. '1 .ie dinie.i ions of the power-house are J7e" M) leet. the upper purt is set apart lor the iitRli tension: the lower sec tion, above the pits lor the low ten won. The power comes in Ironi the increased 20 per cent. As a matter of act. Italians were , desired, but could not be obtained. Thev are considered superior lor this outside construction. .. . .V) less than a quarter ol a nnl lion ctilnc yards ol earth was exca vated tor the torebav and twice tnat amount lor the tailracc. Into the dam ;ias j;oiie TO.Oim) cubic yards ol concrete, as well as great tjuaiuitie; ot hindcrstones, irregular pieces of itiamte taken troni a quarrv yards Ironi the .southern end of the daiu. It requires an enormous uiaoiint ol niaterial to keep tbniBS gnniB, and over ,i, 000 carloads have already been brought over troni Pee AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Ed rrSteatre MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. DEEANO AND GOODWIN Oil on, Crazy Couple: MAY HENDRICKS SniBi"!? Comedienne, MUSICAL BEAHAMS Comedy Musical Act, , COMING LAST HALF OF WEEK .Mozart Duo in Operatic .Selections. 'fkE ALM Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En "tiTQ Change of Programme Daily. HER INSPIRATION . A ('h;rmin Ijihiii liliii of Love und Ajiibitloii, THE COWBOY'S BRIDE AM rat em K(niantir Drama. THE CARROT 'CATERPILLAR , , Kducntional. - .-... .. A WEDDING IN BAVARIA ... Tratclogue. -...- I; tkop. iiEvix'S onctiissTRA. lie ol the opinion tinit a ereat deal bus been dour, and (lone very well, too. 'I beUlewitt s tails plain will tar nish liL'.OOO horsepower, which, lis stated, will be sent Into the Method substation ti hundred thousand volts. Into that station will so the .power- from thickhoni Knits and thill lrom Milburnte, on the Nense river, six mile:-, oust ot Ilalemli. The .Inner Is known us a woi-weiithcr plant, and In proper stages ol the river turnisbes about S0O horseoower. AH uiese powers, iiic.hioiuh i.ihl oi toe court opened lieiv this auxiliary steamf-plant at Kalemli. art;. hulKe Oliver H Ml"1 beitiR tied In at Method. nub- 1 saii-ilor Sim Cit'ils p station Is Do per1 cent., completed. I docet At lllewitt s Kails there lire tivo iMimslornicr i.tiills, clOBcd hi. out at the Met. lod substation tne nlr Bets ul. these, tlnu-e beniK a Irunslornier h.iuse . ol steel cotiHiruclioil. Wil li J roof (it corruBnti'd steel iind with sides partiallv hncktd up but til the niain open, so as to let the air Set at the immense transioraieis. which will nso be water-cooled, Lie water - being inkon iroiu a ..(renin nejrbv, a storage reservoir of con siderable size liavuiK bocti construct ed to insure it 8iliplv, The steel towers, on which tile t rltnsmts sion wires, whicli lire of copper, tbree-jilv are broriBbt in, : are troni b to i)0 leet in heiBlil. and are ot uiiiiorni type. 'I ne pviwer noes out lrom I he Mct.iod Kubsiation at t". 000 volts and tliu It bocs to Uur-' ham. at miles awav, the line to which ii-almost -completed, the work bavins begun ai lae Duinani end, and to Henderson. :;() miles away, the line to which is complete. I he wires are to no lo (iohlsboro: turn-' ins? -southward at. helma. ii --point midway between UaleiB:i and Oolds boro. and tiding bv Dunn lo l-uvette-villo, where the line I com Back horn Kails delivers ;12,(I0U volts. troll) what, has been said m this article an idea will be Riven ol tbej area this company will cover wita it ; transmission system. einbiaciiiB an important, section in South Car olina and all the reachable parts ol. the territory in North-Carolina .east ot Durham. At Duruani the com pany is to deliver a iiiiiiimuiii ol I 2. Otit) horse-power. Its lino to tiold.s boro is not yet const .ructed, but is siirv(!i!d and Ibe riBliI ol wav se cured. I' red A. Olds in Manulac- t it rem' Itccord. I lilies. I ; I.- I he reg ol criminal iiiorning - witn uresidiiin:, and uM'cutliiB the l.t crowded. Iiiivr been . rclit. hum- Ki'.le ' lint a made no . n rtorations. slraiine as it seemed. It is a ter rible wound. - but . he has lnany cbances lor recovery.. .Mr. Jloiiroe came here to content in -the declamation tourney Friday C'venniB. and was lliscoe s represen tative. He spent the lime with Ins sister. Mrs.-. William (agio, tie is now at the hospital. , At t. :is term ol cour;. u - ui.Hioil will -lie- made bv the d.-'eii.-ct hi tue I'lirroiiBhs divorce (as - in have de tinue charges made asHimsl Individ uals - muled ul ill tue ; in ' I :v ; ii t ol Mr. Iliirt'ouuiv iisaiiiSi .his. Liui roiiKliB.. -Tue coiuplaiiil nieniious one man as co-respoiiiioul. and( sa s ' others, Put there is no indication (is. to who i lie --ot her , are. r:Hte are all. sorts ol. stories -.cimulallllR-- 1,111 are ;ues:-wori. The dolenso. com posed ot : Maniung and Kverett .. ior the: deleitdiint and duthrie . and (lUlhrie (U'tentc lor the cor-respon-denl, will ask Judge Allen to -make an order that the. -names ot un known individuals- be tarnished litem in order to proceed. I hey de clared t.uit tlici-c cannot.-he -a real answer: until they, have found out who the others tvre. . 'the county eoimnis jionel-s are meeting todnv in regular routiai.' and will be licre tomorrow and next. day. perhaps taking . up -the of matter again. 'J ue main cllor in the courtboiife at. everv torn in nussioncrs were law that staved the county courthouse ts to do something line failed because the road the coin niet bv some new olf action. (jreat LODGE Or SOKltOW Dliiliuui I Iks Held Itcanliitil 31cm oiial K.verciscs. . (Special to '1 he 'I iiikih.) Duiiiain, N. t., Dec. tin' a ti ll tiai-- tdiis' iiKMiional exercises took place yesterday ulteruoon in toe Academy ot Music before an audi ence of 1,500 people. Hev. Dr. Cleveland Hall, of tbo Kplscopal church ot DanviPIo, de Ivcred the address, a verv admirable one it was. The general opinion is that it was the proloundest ot all the addresses: delivered here on a similar occasion since the Kilts or ganized themselves. During the past vear there have been turce deaths, David It. Burch, John, J..-. Riley and William Hubert blater. This is the largest toll that death has yet exacted, but the metn berslnp has very greatly grown and the ratio is probably not larger than usual. The music wns made by the Klks' quartet, by the picked choir of the city, and by the Durham orchestra. tlesldes the address of Mr. Hall, the eulogies were delivered ty three members of the lodge. Henrv 10. Neeman spoke of the life of David U. Httrch; Postmaster J.A.tilles of John .1. Riley; aud J. K. Pegram of Hubert b later. division arose us to ne proiier -place to locate the cnuri house, 'there win one strong, ('lenient that favored placing K. nil the I'an-ish warehouse silo and the oilier wanted it on Maiigum properiv on t liapt l Mill street, the results ot Ibis factional difference .was lo slop the coiirt bouse allogel ner. Probably Cm strongest ot all divisions was that element (nut nppoicd the court bou -c altogei n'v. - .. . this, niein.iiii', ei set. lor liua: (il'IKilOlt O.V .POLITICS oung Allornev Savs lentil District Is Safely Democratic. (Siieclal to The Times.) . , (ireensboro. -X. C. Dec. Owen (iudgor, of Asheville, a nieinber ol the law hrni ot Havnes cfe Cittdger, ot that place, and one ot the promi nent voting members of the Asae ville bur, was a visitor in Greensboro vesterdav. Mr. (lodger, inci dentally fs an old newspaper man. having lor several years been con nected with the tiazettc-News ol Asheville. . conducted . Congressman J. M. (Hulger s noit.ical campaign in the lentil di. lnct last, -vear: and won a signal victory over former Con- I gresiMiuin John O. Grant. Mr. dod ger knows Liiincomue county, anil the tenth district like a boo!;, and it is practically certain tliat no will next vear conduct Mr. Cudgel-s campaign, since it is practically con ceded that Mr. (ludger -will . be. re nominated., without opposition. . Jn ' .-coiiverKation with . newspaper moil. Air. tiitdger s.ild that the tenth -district- was in good -condition p-)li-ti. alh. and t.iat while it. is always a light in that- '.mountain section with the Kepuhlicair;. be telt satlslied that Congressman liiidger would be re-elected wnen nominated. Asked Mr. Cudger s O'liionein next veur Owen Gudger smilingly -replied that, he thought John .Grant would secure the nomi nation and as:iiu lead the light tor the .Republicans. .-..'. Air. .Gudger said tnat it . was the fveneral tinderstaiiding an the district tnat Air. Cirant " is . now, .' in the sucks and at work m an effort to secure nomination next year lie said thiil" while he was satishud Congressman Ciiidger would be re elect ::d ill the same tune Ibis was no season lor ihe Democrats to become over-conlideni : tnat it is a well rec (ignied lacl in -the: tenth that John (.rant is n lo.t niulabli! foe. and that. It. Will lake Itgiilingin the ml ore: -as ii hi'S i it f .ie past lor Ihe Democrats to supremacy- in the lenlh.. . A ked u hill lie Ibouglil ahoul pol ilics in ISuiicoiiiniv Air. (iiulger said Ill-it ihe I ieinoer;i Is . were in j:ood .hiipe- in- I. uit i oiinl v . but i liat tlie .l!"Piil)ip'aiis were pasrefctve n.'ol seltleiiient . ol I II ( ti r, Mi "m I Wright and I he Pni-risb liHines ill-:; mat I or. .. I IH. Ill, Y. Wults all !irch:!ist; site. .en cm. I U. II. Oppose Their t hat next year it i'ard- tight tor liiiimliiiu their Ulll.J(.:l'il y. would tiike another the Deiuoi-rnls to present .haiolsiMii tilled to politioii Hoik Will St ion' Slai-I alter you take Dr. Kings New I, lie Pillu .nwl 1mi'II ii I,.1..-I unii.,- t'.ii. , . ,.,t, I,.., , .) ....... V...J.J i..i asking the hoard, to locate the court-: lino, results. ..Constipation and indi house on the chapel Hill street lot. j gestion -vanish and hue appetite ro ll is said to he I In; only paper sub-: turns. Ihcv regulate stomach, liver nutted in a long time taal. turnisbes and bowels and impart new strength Catarrh is an excessive secretion, accompanied with chronic inflamma tion, from the mucous membrane. Hood's barsaparilla acts on the niu cou membrane through the blood, reduces Inflammation, establishes healthy action, and . radically cures all caws of cUrrh, , a platform lor all oi. these big men to. stand upon;-, (ioticrul Carr has obligated biniscll to cat all of the brick and mortar that go into the courtnoiise on the Pnrrish site and he will lunch on the plumbing and interior material. The Hill-an-Dale goli. links batte been opened hevond West Durham and everv good attertioon taere are plavers on the course. 'ibis ground was pot into shape for the purpose of playing golt by John Sprunt Hill, Ksq., who has turned it over to the public free of charge until the clubhouse at 'the West End Land Company's develop ment has been finished. The first playing was done on It Thanksgiving afternoon. The sport gives promise of becoming an excitement, not to say a rage, soon. Will Monroe, the young man who was so seriously hurt baturday af ternoon in an accident at East Dur ham, spent a good night and pi'om Ibcs to recover. i . Young Monroe was accidentally shot that afternoon when, being handed a gun by young Tommy Hall with whom ho was preparing, to hunt, Thy entire load. catcr?d the unit energy to the whole svstem. 'Irv them. Only 2."c at. King-Crowell Drug Co. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited in This Savings Bank Each Week Will See You With Two Hundred Dollar Ahead One Year From Today. You Will Spend it If Yon Do Xot Deposit it. Try Saving Your Money. Money to Loan on Approved Collateral. Money Deposited Today Will draw interest as of December 1st. Our Bank will be open from 5 to 9 o'clock this evening. Merchants National Bank Of Raleigh, N. C. STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. E. C. DUNCAN,' Trest. W. It. DRAKE, JR., Casliie. ' T iff mm. Clias. E. Johnson, President. F. H. Briggs, Cashier. 3igi) Saving and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable, Record For Nearly Half a Century, Send Us Your Clothes Wo wash with the jrroat.ost.caro and do not injure tlio most clclicato J'al)i'ic Your bundle! will ho c-aro-fully cared for th rcuurh the cut ire process and re turned' to you satisfactorily clone. Let our wa.n'on call. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 117 Went Hargett Street. RALEIGH, N. O. Both T.odhi 87. Raleigh Iron Works Company Grate Bars and Castings, Sash Weights. lavonte furnishings for Christmas Festivities It's none foo early to talk Furnishings to the fellows who keep iu the fore. Aside from the v alue of our store as the conspicuously popular place t purchase your ji'if! articles of Furnisli .inirs, wc aic pi'e-eiiiiiicnt ly. in llu- lead with those lliiims which lend 1o make the youns fel lows at tire complete. for any and all occasions. I'iirht now '.we-a-ro'showiMfr. some ..beautiful patterns in (shorl bosom) winter. fShirts at sl.OD. Ties well, the Superba line is, strictly a leader. . , - EDGAR . BROUGHTON, FURNISniNGS FOR MEN. !M0 Favettcvlllo Street. Ralelitli, N. C. MECHANICS SAYINGS BANK: THE PIANO TO BUY There are but few Pianos which are inado jut aa good as It Is possible to make them. They sell at, high prices. Some medium-grade Pianos at medium prices, are good. Many cheap Pianos are clear at any price. We cll only such instruments as we can guarantee safely and satisfactorily. We charge nothing for valuable, conscientious ad vice. We keep everything iitniiilly found in a lli-Ht class Music Store. Como in and examine our stock.. A wurni. welcome awuitti you. r- DARNELL & THOMAS. - . Raleigh, N. C. - 0

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