'5 THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DEpEHBER 4, 1911. ..-1 iv- : i:,;V, VAlDEN-DKnNAM S OCIAL EVENTS By Misa Suian I den. THE COMMON PLACE. (St. Paul Dispatch.) I thank God for the commonplace The joys that garment every day The unremembered, unseen things That keep the common way. The routine sun that all the years Has kept his one unchanging place, Unmurmuring through cloud and mist, A smile upon his face. ...-. Man's lire is like Httle'road That runs beside a cabin door, Feeling its way among tho Mowers That bloom forcvermore. And hedged about by common things That change not us the years run by, - - . The ancient laud ma4&'4CH(l: him on Toward tho homing sky. The heavenly glory docs not hide Kar off in some sequestrcd place The morning's opening door reveals God in the daisy's fuce. Mrs. C. I. Willis has gone to Nor- .folk. , Miss Mary Mitchell has gone to Greensboro. Mrs. W. II. Hughes bus returned from Norfolk. . Mrs. Clyde Turner caino in today from Greensboro. - Missca Kmma and Grace Gill have returned to Laurinburg. Mrs. Kamiic Johnston, of Dover, N. C, returned home today. Mrs. C. AlphoiiKo Smith, from the University of Virginia, arrived today for the Clark-Heck wedding. She will be "the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boushall. Miss Minnie Uroughton has retui'n ed to the city from a visit to New Bern. ; ' Mrs. Kate Hays Fleming, of Ox ford, was In the city today, going to Kinston. ... Miss Onnie Tucker, of Loulsbrug, passed through the city today, going to Lucama. : - Mrs. W. M. Pearson, of liirniing ham, Ala., Is visiting her father, Mr. P. H. Andrews. Miss Marjoile Montague returned today from a visit to Miss Blanche Scott, at Graham. ! Miss Lula Page, of Henderson, Is visiting Mrs. J .S. Wynne on north Wilmington street. Mrs. S. R. Lee, of Sclma, was In tho city today, returning homo from a visit to Zcbulon. Mrs. N. 1... Alcorke. of Uocky Mount, was in the citv today, return ing from Franklinton. Miss Mary . Thompson, who has been visiting Miss Edwlna Uzzell, lias returned to Falls. Mrs. ,1. T. Parham left yesterday afternoon for Gibson, N. C. to visit her daughter, Mrs. Z. L. Gibson. Mrs. Thomas Johns and her daughter,' Miss Luetic.-are visiting Mrs. O. C. Gregory, i Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Manning and children, of South Carolina, and Miss Katherine Horner, of Oxford, left today for Oxford, after visiting Judge and Mrs. It. W. Winston. Jl is. Frederick W. Yaiidcrhllt, who was the host to four hundred newslxtys, messenger hoys and other lads ol ISewpol-t to a Thanksgiving dinner held at the Masonic Hull. The Ix'st Itliode Island turkeys, with everything that goes with tliem was set befoi'e the boys ,alid after leaving the 1'cpaM each one wax presented with a. box of randy. Mrs. Vunder bilt annually treats the boys on Thanksgiving day,. r . YOU TRADE HERE? Trust us to take care of your Drug Store wants and we will never disappoint you. Make this your Drug Store. KING-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY THE QUALITY DRUG STORE. Telephones 95. FREE TO MEN ONLY With every half pound of Prince Albert Tobacco we give you, FREE, one Meerschaum Pipe.' NUMBER LIMITED. Tucker Building Pharmacy. PHONICS 134, Mrs. 7 T. Jones, of Carthage, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Claudius Dockery, has return ed home. - .Miss Mary Webb, of Weldon, who was the guest of Miss Bessie King during the Teachers' Assembly, has returned home. ." . Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Whitson. re turned home today from Weldon, where they spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. R. H. Patterson. Miss Bessie King, who has been at home durin the Teachers' As sembly, has returned to Weldon, whore she is teaching, accompanied by her sister, Miss Myrtle King. Olln Podrida Club. There will lie a meeting 'of the Olla Podrida club wiUi Mrs. W. S. Wilson at 'i : 4 5 Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday Afternoon Club. Airs. .1. S. Wynne will entertnin the Tuesday Afternoon Club at her home on North Wilmington street, Tuesday afternoon at ;!:4". Itiisiiiess Meeting of League, The regular monthly business meeting of the Kdenton Street Ep worth League will.be held this even ing at 7:30 in the le.mue room. Tt is hoped that, all league members will be present. . Hester. Nicholson. Mr. Oka T Hester and Miss Minnie Nicholson were united in marri've Saturday night by Mr. W. IT. Saw yer, deputy register of deeds. Mr. Hester is an energetic and success ful insurance man and the bride is a popular and beautiful young wo man of Burlington. -. Kivei'S-llai'clen Kiigagement. The engagement of Miss Annie Heade Harden to Mr. Mayo R. Riv ers, of Graham. X. C., was announc ed Saturday evening at a delightful dinner given at the Country Club by Mr. and Mrs. John Harden. The marriage is to take place in January. ; STORE CHANGES Repairs and improvements are to be made in our store at an early date, as there will be considerable tearing up from side walk to roof it will be almost impossible to protect all the goods from damage. Our shelves should be cleared by the time work begins. That we may empty the shelves as rapidly as possible, every single article is reduced in price. This clearance sale begins at once. Come with the crowd, and get the benefit TMD. A. IPAIOTM CO. Ladies Furnishings and Novelties. , Next to Masonic Temple.' ALWAY SOMETHING NEfy 131 Fayetteville St. Stir ise .lui-Hge Yesterday Morn r HhroI llfc Couple. A surprise marriage tpok place yesterday morning at nine o'clock at the home of Mrs. Leila D. Jones, on h'outh Person street, w lien her niece, Miss Maude "Emory; Debnam, wa united1 in marriage to Mr. Thomas Ml'Namar Vaiden. The tereni.7tl was performed by Kev. A.'U. Wilcox, vastor of Central Methodist, church, in the presence of a few friends. The bride wow a brown coat suit and hat. They left at 11:30 for a trip to Petersburg, Va., and other points. The bride is the"' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nat.ianlel Debnam, of liagle Hock, and had been visiting her aunt since Thanksgivlug. The groom arriving in the city t.iey de cided to be wed Without further de lay. Mr. Valdcn is formerly of Petersburg, Va., but at present I connected with the Colonial Fine Company, of Eagle Rock. ' MRS. KKKIK M. I.AMHIOItT Xalional Lecturer of the W. C. T. I'. To lie Here Friday, Mrs. Ettle M. Lambert, natlontf lecturer of the W. C. T. C. will de liver an address at a meeting to be held in Central Methodist caurch on December 8th, at 8 o'clock, p. in. Everybody is invited to hear her. She will also hold a meeting for women in the First Baptist . church Sunday school room, on afternoon of t.ie Xth. at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Lam bert is Interesting and forceful In speech, and with her ; diversified talents will please all who may hear her. She has spoken in 22 states, and is thoroughly capable on a vari ety of subjects. She is also prepared to speak, re cite and give chalk talks to schools. You cannot afford to miss hearing so giited a speaker! MRS. ( HAS. K. KSKItlDGK Sister f Mn.. .1. .3. Bernard, of thh City, IHcl ijast Night in Durliam. Friends of Maj. J. .i. Bernard. Of this city, will sympathize with iiim in the death of his .sister, Mrs. Chas. K. Erkridge, of Fort Washington, Md., who was formerly Miss Ber nard, or Durham, N. C. Mrs. Esk ridge passed away last night at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. E. Ber nard in Duriiatn. The funeral will probably be held there tomorrow afternoon, though li has not. been definitely announced. The Skelclilng Class. V ' The sketching class, a branch of the Art Department, of' .the'-. Woman's Club, of whic.i Mrs. .Inclines Bus bee is c, iniriiian, had its first outing Saturday afternoon. All members of the Woman's Club were invited and a good many took advantage of the opportunity offered. There were a number ot rail artists present and some would be artists but all en joyed a deliuht.rul afternoon's work. Sketching from the porch of the studio at Peace Institute some at tractive scenes were found through the grove. At the close of the afternoon there were a number of beautiful sketches to snow. These were ex hibited in the studio, while Mr. Ruth Moore, art teacher at Peace, served delicious hot chocolate and wafers. Mr. Jacques Busbee and Mis .Mamie Orlggs. of the Prang rt School, rendered some valuable as sistance by suggestions and criti cisms. - 1 ' The class will ineeet at Peace again next Saturday afternoon. OBJECT TO MltS. PAXKHl'KST Harvard Refuse Her Hall Kditor Willard Critclses Action of Col- . lege. . :-'. -':- .;- - Cambridge. Dec. 4. Discussing a letter uublislicd In the college dally on the refusal of Harvard Universi ty to allow Mrs. Emellne Pankhurst, the British suffragette leader, to use Sanders Theatre for a lecture, Os wald tiarrlson Willard, editor of the New York Evening Post and a Har vard alumni, bitterly arraigns the action. He asks, "How could Har- avrd be so lacking In courtesy, chiv alry and good taste," and compares the stand of the authorities In this matter to the attitude 0T the uni versiy toward the abollion of slavery. JlltS. BAIMXKTK DEAD M'afi tli" Mother of Mrs. Sherman, Wife of Bm Vice rresldent. Washington, Dec. 14. Just before Vice-President Sherman took the gavel to call the senate to order he received a telegram announcing the death of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Babcock, In Uttca. The vice-president went to Utlca this afternoon. ' 1 II Mc aedl TSe LoopSn9 fflhie Loop The other day J v: is splittin Jviudliii o)d hoards. Tie was lookin on in his docd way and says, '"What's them?" iwi.ntin'hi.s riht front support at the knot holes. 1 says. "Tie, t hears knot holes." Tij-'e looked a long time and then says, "Why ain't 1 hey jf" Knots are had things. .' -Specially had. in the heels and toes of your stock ings (and sox.) '-.! 'yon ever notice " liivler Brown Stockings" the toes? That's not a knot it 's m hop. Ijoopin' tlie Loop is what makes (hem so , smooth and soft. It's a German Loop that lavs so Hat you can't tell it's tliere. Knotless Heels and Toes smooth IJaeks.- (no hard, knotty seams. ; Double feet an "dtojis. soft, siljy finish. For men. women and children, in all Colors . Four pairs for a dollar, guaranteed against darning for four mouths. 305 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, Raleigh, N. C. I WWWIf M WtBWWMIlMTJ 2 OHIO WANTS JIOOSKVEIT Hut Son-in-Law Nick i IMscourag ing AM Attempts to .Make Him Standard Hearer. Washington, Dec. 4. Representa tive Nicholas Longworth. of Dbio, af ter spending a day with Jiis fathtr-In-law, former President Roosevelt, made this announcement oday: "Like all real friends of Mr. '"ioose velt, I am discouraging, and will continue to discourage any effort to make him the republican nominee lor president in the convention of 1912." Mr. Longworth 's statement, vns i.t reply to ChairmKn Brown, of this re publican executive committee of Ohio, who said that state preferve l Roosevelt to Taft or La Poll?tte. JTKMS IX KSTIMATKS One ii .V--.'i.K)0 foi-MiiiiileuaiH'i- of the Tarlfl' Hoard. Washington. Dec. 4. - In the de partment estimates 'submitted tn congress $i'2.r.ooo is asked for niaiii tenancc of the. tariff board for-the coming fiscial year. The house- demo crats who .'ought tlie oreat.ion of the board and .announced their inten tion to carry on tariff revision inde pendent of its; recommendations, it is reportede, are planning an attack upon this appropriation. The usual $25,000 to defra7 the president's traveling expenses Is ask ed. Another appropriation sought Is $4,000 for an oil painting of Presi dent Taft, including frame, to be hung in the white house. . HKEF PACKERS CASE, Supreme Court Took Under CoOsid' cration Application for Stay. Washington, D. C, Doc. i TliS supreme court of the United States took under consideration the appli cation of counsel for tho Chicago beef packers for a stay of their trial in the United States district court at Chicago, on charges of criminally violating the Sherman anti-trust law. Stay and bail was asked until tho court could pass on the constitution ality of the Sherman anti-trust law as a criminal statute. Sooner or later, however, you will discover that your friends do nob think as much of you as you think tney doj ,. ..;) ' . s- WATCH KD THE OPERATION. Young Physician Operated Upon for Appendicitis, Refused Anaesthetic. New Haven, Dec. 4 Dr. Lewis S. Booth, a young attending physician, at a local hospital was dperated upon for appendicitis last night without taking an anaesthetic. He watched tho operation and made suggestions as to how It should be done. Rapid recovery 1$ expected. . ;. . .- - Speaker Clark Is an Optimist SO ARE WE To prove it we have just bought one of the largest lot of mi mi ever brought to Raleigh the lot consists of all the newest shapes in BALOUR, VELVET AND BROADCLOTH HATS These Hats are the kind that are selling for $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $8.50 We have priced them $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 This is your chance get busy and get after them "WOOLLCOTTS" OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.

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