THE RALEIGTI DAILY TIMES, MOXdXT, DEOEMBEft 3,' 1011. MARKETS BY WIRE STOCKS COTTON GRAIN PROVISIONS ElkV Lodge of Sorrow (Continued Prom Page One.) . , ' J-CtttiOIl IB 111 Blinn Owen, af the piano, sang "Oh, e0mradeshlp. T)rv Those Tr " Thura ni aN .. . to be a true, loyal Elk and the I speaker said a few words about the order they loved. No man lives to himself and the highest type of civil ization is that of cooperation and Dry Those violin solo Crafts. 'The Lord is My Light" was beau , New York Cotton Letter. New York, Dec. 4. The voting to day on the proposal to establish a laird revision qf differences resulted In a vote of 199 to 6 in. favor of tiie proposition. As we understand this proposed revison of the by-laws idoes not take affect untl January, 1913. The estimate of Miss titles' placing the crop at 14,945,000 bales, exclusive of linters was about and off the report of the National tiln ners' association Indicating 12, 900, 000 bales ginned to December 1st, estimating the crop at 15,400,000 bales excluding linters, .was follow ed by heavy covering, and after an unsettled opening tlje market firmed up on realizing of shorts, moderate trade buying, demond from reaction ists and reports of steadier 'southern spot .markets. The highest prices ol day were reached in me laU hour, when the market sold 9 to 13 points above Saturday's closing. Southern spot markets officially reported were unchanged to 1-16 cents higher and private advices from south indicated a little pressure to sell. The weath er was very cold over Sunday, iii- tohugh clear, and low temperatures usually have a paralyzing effect on marketing operations in the south. Open. High. Low. Close. 9.12 8.85 A Reverie by Miss ,embel.B nn(j pleasure in comrade- ' ohln nninfnrt nnH nvmi.uttii' IV,,. Ilia . ..nnn...l.. I ln .. n .....1,.. ..t. .,, .. . " , . bu i i uw nig,., ii m nil iimi-r ui cuamy tifully sung by Miss Leonomie Du-' (,,.i,, i ii., .. .... .. H cnllU.o- h ..I -,J .1 o...H. .......ft -dv . . TOi"b "J I'll, uunu auu 1UUIB. the large locals who bought week, rne news or day so lar has beautiful and Impressive in their last; The lodge ceremonies were verv , - favored the bears and they have pounded (he market on all little ral lies. Minneapolis reports mills good buyers. Corn Weak and lower. Commis sion houses were rather free sellers and buyers, holding off. There Is quite a little December liquidation. Country sellinf futures and offering cash more freely. Sample '-markets, to lower. ; I Oats Oulla nd lower with corn solemnity. The members sang: "Great Ruler of the Universe, All-seeing and benign. Look down upon and bless our work, And be all glory Thine! Oh, hear our prayers for th' honored ' -'dead, While bearing in our minds' The memories graven on each heart. - For "Auld Lang Syne." The secretary, J, F. Jordan then called the roll of the honored dead. As each of these names were slowly country selling very little. Provisions Lower on selling by called three times the lighted electric packers. Pressure from oral bears bulbs above each black draped chair and scattered liquidation. The heavv went out one by one. Those whose KIk is never forgotten. As long as he lives up to his obligation the bund of an Elk claims him wherever he roams and when he dies his name is commemorated on the memorial tab let. So as Elks, believing in Cod, honoring their fellowinen' they come together on these days. The lodge ceremonies 'closed with the singing of; We've finished our labor, the parting has come, And each of our brothers now goes to his home, And, our voices '.blending, '.'we now will depart '.'.. In perfect love, giving note from the heart. stock of product the chief depressing names were on the memorial tablet Eafn duty accomplished. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Arpll May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov": 8.99 8.69 8.94 8.67 8.74 . .A 8. SO 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.12 8.91 8.99 8.80 9. OS 9.21 9.12 8.90 9.07 9.10 8.84 8.84 8.90 8.93 8.97 9.01 9.06 9.11 9.14 9.20 9.21 Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, Dec. 4. Liverpool due 1 lower on December; 2 lower on January; 5 lower on March: 4 low er on May. Opened steady, 1 to 2 lower. 12:15 quiet, to 1 lower. Spot cotton fair business do ing; 2 lower. Middling uplands, 5.ld. Sales, 8,000; American, 7, 000. Imports, 10,000: . 4.000 Am erican.: factor. Wheat- Dee. .May July May July Outs Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lnrd Jan. May Ribs Jan. .May- Open. High. Low. -;" W .9.-. V4 .94 .9!)V2 1.0(1 .99 94 .IM .91 ..:!14 .::V4 .62-'5i .04 '8 .64 - .63 .64 Vi .64 1,4 .(ip,78 .47 Vi .47 .47 .49 .49 .4 6' .4 6'4' .4 6 15.97 15.97 15.70 16.40 , 16.45 16.45 9.12 9.12 9,05 S.42 9.4 2 9.25 8.25 8.25 8.22 8.60 8.65. N 8.47 of the lodge are: Robert Lee Williamson, April 21, 1906. William Augustus Slunkel, Decem ber 6, 1906. Samuel Earl Maxwell, December. 30, 1906. William Heury King, April 2,, 1907. Howard Clark Thomas, April 29, 1907.' Joel King Marshall, August 2'.', 1907. Julian Valenconrt Perkins, Septem ber 11, 1909. Solomon Ludlow Blrdsong, March 5, 1910. Oiles Edgar Leach, March 1, 1911. Oh, each brother' content , thus may we ever friendship ce ment; May charity, justice, -and brotherly love At last lend us all to the Grand Lodge above. Make Appeal Higher Cou Hubbard's Cotton letter. New York, Dec. 4 The continent continues to buy cotton freelv in Liverpool and as that market re mains at. the widest differences of me year over .New York, not a little of the buying overflows into this market. The south whs nsrnln a (Continued From Page One.) constitution forbids the holding of two offices by one man at the same lime. If the act had provided that 1). T. Johnson, James I. Johnson and .. V. .lucid sliould constitute tie . Charles Burton Crowell, August ti, board of health for .-Wake' - county 1911. I their acceptance of said oilico would Each officer-told what his duty have rendered vacant tne otiice of was on this memorial occasion. The I chairman of the hoard of eounty sign of grief was glen and the lodge commissioners, office ol mayor of was led in prayer by the chaplain, I Kaleigh, and offices of superintend Rev. R. S. Stephenson. The Address. The Elks were fortunate in having Hon. Francis D. Wilson, of the Wil son Lodge, 840, to deliver the ad dress. He was introduced by Mr. W. S. Wilson. It was a beautiful ad- enl of public schools for Wake coim ty. The general assembly - seems to have linked the ottices ol superin tendent ol the bourd ol health for Wake county with the other three o itice a, and made them 'inseparable and lor that reason I taink and hold that section 9 of public laws ol December ;. . , December-January January-February February-March. . March-April .... April-May May-June. . ... June-July , . . . . . July-August . August-September September-October October-November seller here early on a large crop es- M.88 ,t0 tribute ,f love and poetry 1911, chapter 62. is ..nconstiiutional iiimiie i rum rne National Ginncrs' Association, together with a forecast of heavy ginning figures for the per iod. A local statistician made her annual estimate of 14.900 bales (ex clusive or linters), which brought which he paid to the memory of the I departed Elks. He prayed that the lamp of love in the hearts of the members and the flowers of friendship in their hearts might be as bright as when 4.83 H 4. S3 4.85 4.86 4.88 some local selling, but on the whol they took the hands of the absent. tiie foreign demand absorbed this I brothers and loved them. selling easily, and while, dull in the afternoon, the market 'was steady. The annual estimate of the acrlcnl- 4.90 ,urI department Is to be issued a 4.93 ""in iuiia,v an" we siiould na- 4 .as '"rally expect a steady market nend- 4 96 ing its - Publication. AVhile our do- j or. """i Binnnurs are not vet heavv 495 bu'rs ahea". Europe appears will- and in addition 4.93 XAIiEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Quoted by Barbec Co.) Good middling, 8 11-1 Cc. Strict middling, 8c. Middling, 8 'Ac. Receipts. . . . ;. '.-; . . .. . .50 bales ting to take cotton steadilv on tlil i oasis, wnieh affords the market much needed support. "Life is a journey in the shadows of the valley," declared the speaker. There Is no family whose hearth stone, death has not darkened. No man can look on the face of the dead without turning his thoughts inward to conscience. Today we have a special sorrow mourn for the broth- and void. "5. I find that, the facts stated in section 11 of tiie answer to lie true 1 notu that ur. K. s. s;.eVens is not n usurper, but is in the office of superintendent of health lor Wake under color of title and is a de laclo ollicer and cannot be. ousted without a day in court, and hence I hold tat mandamus 1j not the proper reinedv una i mereiore aismrss tnese pro (codings at the costs of the plaintiil to be taxed by the clerk. "This, December .i, 191V." Lawmakers at Work (Continued From Page One.) Naval Stores, t ner new senators, from Georgia and startie mankind. .uauic, were sworn into office. f?hflrlfa Pllffla nt Svannah, Decc. 4 -Tu. pentlne i , . Tv l Z V. was Arm, 47 to 47 1-2. Z' ' "8 "Zaluel:l Rosin firm- tvne Ft a 97 i 9 r i 1 uB(Jay, uecem- Komn nrm, type F( 6.27 1-2, G, tier 12, to nermit Vlee-Prem,!,, Sherman to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sherman's mother in mien rn Xew Vork Stock Letter. Senator Banklev's motion the ,in !v - - . .... nour or era the world over, whose light has gone out. The roll of the dead for the lear is large and will be found in many climes. There is a great dif ference in men, they differ like th9 siars uiner in glory, sometimes a light goes out that wo do not miss. Other lights there are shining in the azure fields, whose going out would 6.27 1-2 to 6.32 1-2. "The fate of most men is a few fleeting years of toil then oblivion. Others rise to greater heights and shine among their fellows. Between these two types of mankind the torches are lighted on our altar of memory. We recall the faces of those we love, one genial, a very boy, an- oiner now gentle, when sorrow tew l oik, Dec. 4. The oneninc "our 01 meeting was fixed at ?. urn a .,..!, l . 1 n'pln.1r Ttin . ..... j , , .... I , . Ji p cuanees unim- - " " -ujouriieu until brooded over the home of those he fuiiuui. i ire was a sugni aeciine lumunun. early and traders tried to break the market, but prices reacted very lit tie and showed a tendency (o cover. Scores or Hills Introduced. Washington, D. C, Dec. 4 Scores nl" kill., i .. The nrinelnul etivitv .au in u7.i, resouiuons were intro- issneR : (luced in the house, includ issues. The preferred and the bonds have been strong, while the common has been under pressure all day. The general impression was' b:it the president's message would con tain nothing new and would be with out effect on the market. More in nro- posed repeal of the Sherman anti trust and Canadian reciprocity laws. Wunts Littleton Impeached. Washington, Dec. 4. A netitlon for the impeachmnt and expulsion from the house of representative of Martin W. Littleton, of New York, terest was shown In the Had ley re- lVM Presented to Speaker Clark by port, which It is Is understood, would oecrery Henry B be given to congress at the end of ilIUI"lru8C league. the week. loved. Another loved the beautiful and the good and of another he lived Sot his fellow man. All have passed from the semi darkness of this life to the glory beyond. "This hour has Its lesson," de clared the speaker, "No man can tell the uncertain issues of life and death. Today the tide swells high and strong, tomorrow it turns. Man who would know life in its real meaning must live in deeds. "There is an existence beyond the present life, where all will be made Call money ruled at 5 per cent.. In -the early afternoon extreme dullness prevailed but in the late trading the market again stiffened up and as h rule the beBt prices of the day were made last half hour. Ycjoaliig Stork Quotations. American Cotton Oil. . . . . . 38 Atchison ... .. .. .. .. ..106 Anier. Smelt, and Refining . . 73 Atlantic Coast Line. .. .. ..137U Brooklyn Rapid Transit .... 77 . Baltimore & Ohio . . . . " '; . ..102 New York Central . . ... . . . 106 Chesapeake Ohio 74 Erie ... . . . . ., . , . .; ... 31 ureal rvunaeru prar .... .ISYVs Missouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . 40 Norfolk & Western. . . . . . . .'108 Northern Paclfk: .... ,.-..118 Pennsylvania .. . . . . , . . ..123 Louisville & Nashville . . . .134 Rock island .. .. .. .. .. ,.25 Reading .. .. .. .. .. .. ..150 Southern Pacific . ..... .... 1 12 Southern Railway , 30 Southern Railway pfd. 71 St. Paul .. ............ 110 ITdion Pacific .. .. ..174 United States Steel. . , . . . , , 63 Bond Election Fight (Continued From Page One.) ment has not "taken" with the other element of theel ty, the vehicle as yet not having been called into ser vice once. All of Thanksgiving it stood waiting, but never a call. Tim police were confident Hhat it would begin service Saturday night, but not one drunk, who usually gets In the way of the police Saturday, wac in evidence. Chief Iseley says thev an seem "Buy" of the new wagon. but once they find how easy It rides business will be better. The pur chase -of the automobile patrol has caused an Increase of 60 cents in the cost of all cases in municipal court. No win was left by the late Levi M. Scott, and hiB grandson, L. Scott Reynolds, has qualified as adminis trator. Mr. Reynolds, with his sis ter, Miss Marie Reynolds, are the principal heirs to the eetare, which is estimated to be worth $150,000. Up to four years ago a' will was In l" Clear,) We will know not only what makes the stars shine but all the wonders of the universe win be open to us Gathering of Baptists 1 (Continued From Page One.) ing the past year Dr. T. W. O'Kelley iias come to t lie pastorate ol the First church; Kev. C. E. Maddry to the Tabernacle:-Kev. F. D. King to Fayelteville Street church: Rev. V D. Poe to West Raleigh church wiiue mot tiiu church retains its old pastor Kev. K. S. Stephenson. There is a membership of about 000 in the five Baptist churches of this city and all are bodies of live workers, with , pastors who take n high, stand among the ministers of the city. Delegates have been elect ed from all churc:ies to the con vention, and Tuesday will find them joining the throng of delegates from all over the state headed toward Winston. Host of Convention. The sessions of the convention will be held in Brown . Memorial church, at the corner of Fourth and Spring streets. l'he present. Brown ..-Memorial church is an outgrowth of the old Brond Street Baptist church, which worshipped in the little building on Bread street, a short distance from the present new stroture. Broad street church was organiz ed in 1889 and for many years was a mission, that is the church was not self-supporting and had to be Wl NTER 1911 AH D 1912 A VERY REMARKABLE STOCK OF VERY REMARKABLE S u its and O ve rc oats Rt'inarkahlc because of their su"n'or ipialii y. iiriisiic styje inarked .. individual-', iiy and excellent workmanship. : (larnienls iliat ixissess the very ac:i!e of ind i'ei!ess--ti:;'1 lil with all the frace of tiie nio,t exclusive tai!ired-to-oi'(ler clnrhes. r Many of the store's patrons have iuH u,-. ihal n;ir 'lui lies th;ss a.-on ai'e perfect. Have you ovov inspected 1 lie " vitals" of a I'ei'waiiii'M' pu'iiient ? There's where the superiority of Our ( 'iotlies is iii'ist nianil'est. Do-sii'l take an expert to see that the )e?t quality of materials is used, to see t he haiu!-work on the interlinings which gives, life to a garment and makes it hoi 1 it "s shajie. ; : ( io into the details of niakinti' as closely a;", you choose. 'I'iic more diserini .' inating you are, the more you will ajiju'cciai e rcrv;u! '-lothes. At r'15 up. ;i Stocks for the Holidays aie complete now. l) i your shopping early to avoid . the usual rush. If the Xuias comes from Derwaniici-'s it will he i lie more iif-coptablc' S.BER.W AN GE R . Cloeice is i it hi being completed. It was dedi-j en led with impressive ceremonies Inst . Sunday, being' finished utier years of of toil and sacrifice. Ii is one of the handsomest cunrch build ings in uie state, ami all Winston is Kindly .welcoming, tiie Baptist hosts : within their; d.or this week. ' j I'aslor.s' ( 'oiu'ei-ence. 'l'he conlereilie of the pastors throughout the siate (onvenes 10 nighl i ml will continue through to morrow with the following pro gram : .Monday. 7: SO Sermon -.1. II. i Foster, 1). O., Wiliiiington. .. C. j .. .Monday, :u.- i ne : i-jvaiif-'eiistK note in tiie (lospel-T. W; O'Kelley, I). 1)., Kaleigh, N. C. .Tuesday, 9::',0 Kxposition of llcb. (i:4-0 Jesse B. Weatherspoon. Oxford, . C. The Pastor and -C. E. Maddry, Absentee Church King, Raleigh. Tuesday, 10: SO' Church. Finances- Kaleigh. N, C. Tuesday, 11:15 Members- F. D. -. C . Tuesday. 11:45 The Preacher as Prophet W. I.. Poteat, Wake For est, N. f. Tuesday, 2 ::',() The Preacher From l he l.avinan's Viewnoint .1. Clifford, Dunn. N. t". Tuesday, ;:: 15 Preaching the Baptist Message C. K. 'I'a lor, Wake Forest, X. t'. Tue-'day, 4 : 00 Southern Baptists is a World Force Dr. W. O. Car ver, Louisville, Kv. I ues tay. 4:1 Klect ion of offi cers tor ensuing'', vear and miscel nieoiis business. CliiiulVeur ( liuiged Willi Minder. Chicago. 111., Dec. 4. William (1. liiilleiiherger, chaulleur. recenlly discharged by Kdniund Kaiiffnian, was today churned with the imirder of .Mrs. Kaiilfinan. who was shot and Hied Saturday nighi near her. nomo by a niaii who stopped, from an au- toniohile and iield up her husband and herself. (inttenlierger nrotest- d his innocence. File In IVnitenlim-y. Hiintsvill(. Texas, Dec. 4 Flames broke out in the stale penitentiary buildings and spread to all parts of town. Two hundred' convicts, 'occu pying- cells, were removed without loss of HI'c! " friends for whom we mourn today but hope to meet them in some star that shines from eternity to eternity. "Death comes equally to us all and makes all equal when it comes. The ashes of an oak do not tell what kind of tree it was, so the dust of man is silent. He lived, he died, the stones tell us. Generations pass, the stone turns gray, man sleeps on. This is life. "A proper view of death may abate many of our passions. Some men style Death the King of Terror, yet can he bo called a Destroyer, who gives the eternal? "Let us so live that death will be the resting day, the conquering day, the reaping day, the trans-planting day and the robing day." tne address was rich In poetry Discount Sale ON ALL TO Y S I JUL 1 - : , ."' .....",.;' '."'"'.- "..' ' - ,, ' Classilied Ad", are published at the rate of One Cent a Word for each insertion, strictly cash in advance. Xo Ads. accepted by tele- phone, although messengers will lie weni for them n request. No 0 insertion will be given for less th in 10 rents, 9 HELP WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. WAXTF.D Helper in bake shop: no experience necessary. (!ood . chance to learn tr.'.dc. - , M)ly Steward A. & M. Colic;;,.. ' 12-4 ill ' :' WANTKI) Women and girls to make men's underwear; work light and clean; good wages paid while learning. Address A. W.-.Chapin, Supt. Melrose Knitting Mill, Hal-1 eigh, X. C. 11-25-tf M.VCKFUKL STKAK. XF.F.DS XO cletinlng. C D. Arthur. 12-4 3t MAI.I.KST IIIIU.I-: () F.AIITH . jios'iige stamp size;, ten .. cents; po.itiiKe two cents. Carolina Nov- eli.v Co., Greensboro, X. C. Of ' WAXTKD -llen to. learn the barber trade. Here is an oif'-r t.'iai. in-. eludes Idols 'with tuition. A nieth-.l )d I hat saves years ol 'apprentice-! ship.. Positions waiting in city or, country shops. Write Moler liar her College, Atlanta. C.a. 1 L'-L,-i;f .:":'.... W.WTKD Carrier boys. Apply at Circulation Department Tiie Tillies 1 L'- ! t . r. Ill VOl 11 l'HKSH FISH AND line Oysters of W. D. King, where yon can get the best to be had, C. (', phone 21 .. 12-4 It WATtU Hi;iAIIX(J is done at Blake's,.-. Wallers Bldg. on-----WiK nungton St. 1 2-2-4 Tin-: i;k;;i;st ovstkks ix hal- elght ""(;. hi- qnar;. C. D. Ar thur. . " .12-4 :!f . AVhile : you have room - to look and plenty ol stock from which to make selections, pur chase your Christinas Girts for your friends, at reduction of 1 0 per cent. The J.D.Riggan Co., J. T. ALOEKMAX, Mgr. Xo. 122, Fayetteville Street naalatnJ Kir if 1m tn f . .i-. I f I 1 ! . 1 "5 bHng baCk. Ue ot the Baptist State Convention. But during those years it is a notable fact that the little mission church In West End managed to .secure some of the, ablest preachers in the state for pastors men who have now be come towers of strength in the de nomination of the state and south. For instance, there was a young preacher, Len G. Broughton, who is now the world-famous Baptist di vine, of Atlanta; and he was suc ceeded immediately in the pastorate here by Rev. Hight C. Moore, who la at present the able editor of the Biblical Recorder. ; '; I By the advise and' cb-operatlon of Dr. Browu, nineteen members of the First Baptist church obtained their letters from that organization and Now rirloano Cnfo and beautiful thoughts expressed in JD7 electeJ K"v-f H' Purne11 the New Pork Produce Market, the language Gov, Winston has so " , 1a8'or and ,nt a Bma11 8aar5 - Associate Member. Liverpool Cottoa weJl at command. , which the members raised them- A8BOCatIon. selves, so lar as they 1 were able. iv.j , , ,, , . i"ium mr me pursuant) una ha rpnt w aiini'illa.l l. ,n . . . FOR RENT. AM. KIXDS Or fil'X AXI HICYCl.K work done and guaranteed by J. G. Chamblee, 111 S. Wilmington St. ll-22-25t Till; IIIOST OVSTKKS 1 KAI.F.IGH for. I he price. 4 He. per. quart. C. I). A ti.ur. . 12-4 3t MODKKXI.V I i i;isi!i:i for 1 it'll t 'housekeeping-,- $: M Smith KOOMS M .-.or. I'lilt VI AKT OVSTKKS '.00... .M. I are extra select. C. D. Arthur 12-4 11 12-1 ;u M)M KOI! I1K.VT Private liimilv. Good - location-: in iilcrn eonven lences. Phone C. c. :i I l-K. - I 2-4-K-ll. Kl KX1SHKI) KOC.'M for rem. :j 17 South Harrington ht.; near In ion Depot. I 2-2-21 HUBBARD BROS & CO COTTON MERCHANTS Haaover Square, N. Y. Member KflW Vftffc Ctxttnn ITrAliniiM organized the Broad Strent chur.. h . t, . NTOKAGK UOOM I'OK KKXT- pl.v to Smith s' Fruit Store. 12-1 lit AP FOR SALE. The Kiilogy, sale of Cotton'and Cotton Seed Oil for future delivery. I while the rest was supplied by the Mr. W. S. Wilson, of the Raleigh etate mission board. existence, but Mr. Scott at that time I Lodge delivered a beautiful eulogy Among its pastors have been, he destroyed it. ' Jto Giles Edgar Leach and Charles sides Kev. .1. H. Purnell. the follow. The local council United Comnier-1 Burton Crowell, the members who Ing ministers: Len O. Broughton. clal Travelerg have announced plans! died this year. As (true Joyal mem- H. C. Moore, G. V. Tllley, J. A. for a very elaborate banquet during t bers and personal friends he wan Garrett, n K. Mason ami it niiit Lower cables; heavy northwest re- the Christmas holidays and Gov. W. I deeply touched by their loss and pastor. Rev. G. T. Lumpkin. The . .... . "I Z ceipts and better Argentine advices W. Kltchin will be invited to be ' paid them a beautiful tribute. ' new building was begun under the A"e HOie D aiXlliy KeadS. gave na 1 later opening and has present and deliver an address. There is no higher tribute than pastorate of Rev. B. K.i Mason, and The Raleigh Daily Times. I OK SALK I have rented the Mor deeai Siirings and will iiirmsh von with water at :i reasonable price. A. I.. Foster, V. V.. Phone S4.ri-1' 12-2-2t" LOST AND FOUND. I.Os'l - Small ladies size gold watch, .open lace, hack plain, with init ials lv. It, s. on it. wi;h chatelaine at actied pin, initials 011 it also, between Krtenton Street Metho dist church and Mrs. W: K. Stlnson's residence. Rewind if returned to 'I lines.. 1 2-4 1 1 OK SALK Several good second hand ruhhcr-tired buggies, .lohn W. Evans' Sou. Italeigli, X: C. 12-1 .".t" HUt SAI.K Hull Terrier Dog; line guard, "ill 2 Tildon Street. Phone S27F. .12-4 U C1ij'Bgo Grain ami Provisions. Ctlcagov' HI..' Dec. 4t -Wftieitt 'OK SALK Drv Pine Wood. Ilal- Speulal atteution and iluarai ierm eigh Creanierv, Raleigh, N (' Cip given for consignment of Spot ' .'Hal Oitv. phone HOOF. 12-1 6t Co 1 ton for delivery 1 fliirrominnrtennA lnit l t!it SALK Frciih Milch Cow. -' ' J Three more coning 111 Iresh nexi week, said to lie four to five gallon cows. Hnleigh phone. A Dugln s farm. , 12-4 It. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Not the least important is looking niter your Pantry Sup plies, (let your material for Cake baking now. Our store is well stocked with Fancy .Groceries'' and' all seasonable goods. New goods arriving riailv. VISIT OI K STORE, or Phone I s Your Order. Kither 'Phone. 88 JOHNSON (.successor to I). T. Johnson 8o.) 1 Hurirett Rtror. Ralelirti. N. O. H A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Daily Times Will Work Wonders for Your Business.

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