4 ' f-"j V" V L: 4 - i Monday, Docember 4. m : op f f VM i ... ' ""l rto II I 208 FURNITURE OF CHAR ACTER That not only measures up lo Ihe exacting demands of. ihe most, critical, but awak ens new desires in those who liiivc, perhaps.-allowed llicii! lo n'l'uw careless in the mm ! i' m' Hii!i! !"!! !-n is! : i i !'. 121 E. Martin 5t. RALEIGH. N.C. C. E. MADORY NOW PASTOR Glad Hand of Welcome Ex tended New Pastor of Tabernacle Last Night CASCARETS CUREiA BILIOUS HEADACHE Gently Bat Thoroughly Clean Your Liver, Stomach and Bowels and - You Feel Great by Morning. You're bilious, you have a throb bing spnaation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin' is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips are parch ed. No wonder you feel ugly, mean and ill tempered. Your system is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need is a cleansing up Inside. Don't continue being a bil- tim. Mr. N. B. Broughton acted "is master of ceremonies. The services '"Rev. Charles E. Maddry was form ally InRtflllpri ns rtARtnr nf the Tnhri. nacle Baptist church last night be-; lo,us to yourself and those fore one of the largest crowds that 'ho love you and (lon 1 rGSort ,0 evpr n9HhlP,l in th mr n..HitnH.- narsn Physics that Irritate and in- r 1 1 i . i ... . . . I der of the stomach, liver and iriles- began with an anthem by choir. """11' ,u" 1'K'V y which was followed by the singing ,ng wlth ntle, - thorough discards of hvmn. HOT. the entiro concrcr.i-. w"rK wnno ..u Me-p. . , . .i ...in I rrnt imj.i i mm your tn nnis' win ' keep you and th cntiro fiimily fril ling good for mi.ii' hs. Children love to take Cascarets, tiei juisp they taste q.iod tind never gripo or sicken. tion joining in heartily. Rev. High C. Moore read, us the scripture lesson, passages from the 122, 126 and 123 Psalms, which were very appropriate for the oc casion. This was followed by another hymn, the congregation joining in, and prayer by Uev. A. M. Simms. A beautiful anthem was rendered bv about him and for l heir glad band of welcome, he said Ii ' '.wan glad to be here, to do great and glorious BOYLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO BOIUN-PURCE CO, FiRE INSURANCE The strongest ' American and Home Companies arc represented in our office. Our policits are .correctly r written, and our customers are guaranteed a fair '.'settlement., in; ciise of loss. The Parker-Hunter Really Co. Selling Agents Cameron Turk Property. 162 Boys Sails received on Thanksgiving day. These are drummers' sam ples and houghl nl ;t sacri li. Xow is tiie time Tor you lo save Xnias money by get ting one of these Suits for your boy. All we ask is COME AND SEE We want to 'show you we are thankful lo you For your business and friendship by .yiving you some bit? values jusl at this time. All sizes and styles. C. R. BOONE, DE LUXE CLOTHIER. 226 Fayetteville St. NEXT TO IOC. STORE COATS $12 50 $15.00 $1800 $20.00 and on up SUITS $10.00 W $12.50 5 VJtT rCj- $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 and up Chicago Pre-eminently Qualified ..." 'r i '. This assurance "hounds" every wearer of our Clothing. Whether it be a "Full Dress" occasion on a week spent at the old home, the acme of feeling is present. We are showing some exceedingly smalt suits at $20. 00. J. ROSENGARTEN CO. "Best in Beady-mades." the choir. Miss Moon of Meredith work for the Master. lie spoka of College taking the solo part. North Carolina's : place in the r? .Mr. X. R. Broughton then took , Jigious and political life of the south charge of the meeting and imro- and nation, and Kali igh being the duced the men who gave the various ' capital must take the lead. Men of welcomes 'to the new pastor. Alt', A,: Thompson. On behalf of the business interests of the city Mr. Alt'. A. Thompson gave a most hearty welcome to Key. Charles E, ', Maddry. He declared that the business people appreciate the efforts of this church and gladly wel comed its new pastor. This is the educational center, moral center an.1 home city of die state. Faithful ser vice has been done for the city of Raleigh in every fight for the morals of the city. He declared that every man will be at his elbow in any and all of his labors. Like the children of Israel held up the hands of Moses while the great battle was being won by the Israelites, he could count tip on his people holding up his hands in the time of battle, You have here a Sunday school that is without a superior in the south, whose lead ers know how to work. Mr. Thomp son emphasized the fact that all the Christian people of the city are unit ed wnen lurtliering - Christ s cause among us. So on behalf of the busi ness men and of the First Preshy terian church, of which he is a mem ber, a most hearty welcome was ex tended.:. Kcv. l.h ingston Jolinson. On behalf of the Baptists of the city Mr. Maddry was welcomed by Rev, Livingston Johnson. He said peculiar relations existed between himself and the new pastor. At his request Mr. Maddry was given a mis sion station In Greensboro six yjars ago and on account his untiring ef forts, Forrest Avenue Church was built and today it has something over 250 members. He told of the woik done by Mr. Maddry in Greensboro and in Statesville, A most hearty welcome he extended him on behalf of the Baptists of Raleigh, the home of Baptist activities; here is Meredith College and near here is Wake For est College. A day of promise is at hand for the churches here.. He went into the struggles undergone by the different churches of this city. He congratulated the church in securing such a man as its pastor. He must anchor here in the state of the long leaf pine, best state the sun shines u pon. X. 11. Hroughton. On behalf of the Sunday school, Mr. N, B. Broughton extended a cor dial welcome. He said it was talked abroad that this church had a mark on the wall by which it measured its pastors and when Mr, Massey came here he reached the mark standing 6 foot 2 1-2 inches, he was followed by Mr. Moncrief who went beyond the mark measuring 6 foot 3 inches. Now comes Mr. Maddry who eclipses all by measuring 6 foot 4 inches. Mr. Broughton gave a brief his tory of the church and its struggles, from its small beginning out on Swain street and culminating in the present handBome structure, on Har gett street. He gave some figures, showing 4,500 people in the city in Sunday schools while there are 6500 out Of Sunday schools, giving a good work ing basis along these lines. It. V SI I n tit s. ' -. I On behalf of the church, Mr. H. N. Simms, chairman of the board of all denominations are fast getting to gether on religious matters. He de clared that first of all we must be loyal to Jesus Christ, second loyal to our individual church. Very briefly he told of a few plans he had 4nd would call upon the church and Sun day school to stand behind him in his labors. The closing hymn was sung by the congregation aud the benediction was pronounced by Mr. MciMry, IN THE POLICE COURT, i A sentence of three months "out yotuler " was Imposed hy Judge Wat son Saturday afiernoon upon Net tie youngvtherwli-eliiiuwn'as "Coun try .Sis,'.'-' to' -the oflicers and other; familiar with the resorts of "Deep lasf," She was adjudged guilty ot the crime of selling whiskey, taougii many ot other charges are alleged to lie hanging over her head. . "She's got me charged wrong," replied1 George Cross, a rolored man. When faced; with the charge of sell ing whiskey to Sylvia -.Card well; but she apieared before t'.ie desk and declared tiiat she must have been drunk when she said lie sold it to her," for he is n t the right man. With those conditions, his honor aad no other course to pursue, hut to discharge the defendant. For stealing some cigars from Mr. L. li. Pegram, several montiis ago, Anthony Winecrolt, an old colored man, was before the court. During the month of December, 1910, old Anthony was in the employ of Mr. Pegram, who conducted a cigar store on. Martin street. During (hat period of time the darkey was em ployed several boxes of cigars were taken. These cigars were identified by the fact that .ie had the exclus ive sale of them here. Peter Jeffry came into iiossesslon of two boxes of these cigars hy purchasing them from Dcedhani Turner Alien Mit chell bought a box of these cigars from Peter Jeffry, paying him fhe small pittance )f ?l. 60 for the box. Deedham Turner swore to the state ment that he got the cigars from Anthony, the defendant. In an hon est, straight forward way, Anthony declared his innocence, that he nev- ed had any dealings with Turner. With his hand raised the old man exclaimed, "And Judge the two men i could prove my innocence by, one is sleeping in the heart of the carta, the other is now in Norfolk, enjoy ing his pleasures and I am now left unable to prove that I am Innocent, but my word." Has been for the past eleven years employed by Messrs. J. .1. Bernard, William Saw yer, Claude and Kd. Barbee and others. ' , , '.'.jf'..; Mr. William C. Harris appeared for the old man, and, made a strong tight for him voluntarily. After reviewing the evidence, his honor found probable cause and bound An thony over under a ?50 bond. A Charming . Woman Is one who Is lovely In face, form, mind and temper. But Its hard for a woman to be charming without health. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipa- Hpafntiu finnlrn . Ha .nlaAiraA tha board, e'hoir. hnva anH BM nH mm, tIon nd lcidney Poison BhOW In pim- and women of the congregation at the new pastor's command, to go anywhere, anytime that he should call. He said that the new pastor was welcomed Into places of business, of fices, stores, banks, homes and every where; even Into our own hearts. joys and sorrows and Into our en tire life. Just as Mr. Simms closed Rev. A. M. Simms Btepped forward and an nounced that a marriage was to take place. The bride had been a widow a few months, had been married about ten times, but needed another husband. "Here and now," he de clared, "I pronounce the new pastor and this church man and wife." . i C. E. Madry Responds. Very feelingly Mr. Maddry thanked the men for their kind expressions pies, blotches, skin eruptions and wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends They regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify tbe blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion and perfect health. Try them; 60c at King-Crowell Drug Co. Most people try to be good on the installment plan. , Christmas Buying Has Begun Gift Goods are Going. 'Myriads of Handkerchiefs greet your fivst gae as ynu enter the store. All varieties of dainty, stylish Neekwear so much in favor at this moment. Jabots, .-Coat Sets, handsome round Lace Collars, new Neckwear, Sailor Triangle Scarfs, - Windsor ..Ties and Four-in-hands, fashionable Scarfs for evening wear. New, charming effects in line Scarf Silks, beautiful colorings and rich floral combinations. WARM WINTER FURS. Furs feel line on a frosty morning and the winter has .just begun. This is a great Fur season, every piece being new. We offer nothing but the newest in style. La:!ics sets and single pieces, .Misses an-1 Children's Furs in full' as sortment.. ..Already buying has started lor gift purposes. La lies sets l i'oui. , . ........ . , . .... ..... . . , . . .... .$10.00 to $100.00 iisses sets from .......'.'............................$ 5.00 to 20.00 Children's sets .... ... 1.00 to 10.00 $2.98 SKIRTS SET THE TOWN AGOG. The hi" sale of Skins slarted wilh a little more than a hundred. Skirt val ues all the way from $1.98 to $12.50 are included, in this sale. The styles, while all are good, only a few are a little off, as might be expected, but. in the main they are just right for the general trade that lignres to save. Until Wed nesday you can buy vour choice of all the Skirts at . ... . . . . . . . ... ... , . .$2.98 BLANKETS AND COMFORTABLES. We are ready for you with any kind, quantitv or qualitv desired. Velvety Ulankets -TayCrey and White, onlv,'. , . . ... . .'. . ... .. . . . . , . .$2.00 Colden Uule, line Wool lilankets ' ' $3.50 lolsteu Blankets in warm Plaids . . , . . . . . . . . ...... . . .... . . . , , .$4.00 to $5.00 .Other line: Wool Ulankets ..... .... ............ ... ... ; . . .$7.00 to $9.50 Dixie Comforts for cradles .$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Silkoline covered,. Cotton filled, for double size beds ...... . . .$2.00 and $2.50 Snowdrift Comforts.. . , , . ... . . ...... . . . . ........ . ..... ... . . . . .... . . .$3.00 Maishes laminaied Cotton 'Down Comforts ....... . ....... ... .... . . . . .$3.50 Down Contforls, Satin covered for single beds..... ...... ........ ..$4.98 Down Cp'inforts for double size beds . . , . . . . . . , . . ...... . .$6.00 to $10.00 Silk Covered Down Quilts $12.50 to $15.00 Lambs Wool, Silk covered 'Quilts . . . , . . . . ... ..... $20.00 REMNANT SALE OF DRESS GOODS. Two. hundred or more pieces, two to eight yard lengths, enough for Waists, Skirts or Dresses in some of 1 he pieces. When you reflect, the wide variety, this means, can you doubt the possibility of finding just what you want? All tacked together, measured and ticketed, with the quantity and price marked. All colors and black.- - Original prices 50c. to $2.00 . per yard ; hence all are good BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY Chesapeake & Ohio Ity. Schedule tubjtci to change without notice SCENIC ROUTB TO THE WEST. THREE FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAJt SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Lionlo ville, Cincinnati, Chicago' aad St. Louie. A.M. Lt. Norfolk Lv. Richmond Lv. Lynchburg Ar. Charlottesville Kt. Louisville T. ClBClniiti Ar. Chicago Ar. St Louie :00 P.M. 2:00 4:30 D:10 : A.M. 11:00 A.M. 8:15 P.M. 6:00 :15 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 6:35 1:10 A.M. 9:00 P.M. 5:55 1:16 P.M 4:M P.U 11:00 P.M 7:ti P.M. 6:00 A.M. 7:10 7:17 Only one night between Raleigh, Cin cinnati, Chicago and St. Loula. Direct connection for all point weal and northwest Quickest and beet rout. The line to the celebrated retort 1 Virginia. For descriptive matter, schedule an Pullman reservation, addrera W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., Richmond, Vav JNO. D. POTT3, nAr.l Pa.iunBnr AM The Whole Family Reads The Ral eigh Daily Timet). SEVERAL RELIABLE MAKES OF - Player Pianos for "fyiletide presents we offer at $300.00 F. O. B. Factories. Mail ord ers only, and good to Deeehtber 10th. 88 Note Players. J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH, Mgr. RALEIGH, N. C. LOUISBURG, N. C. 1 DReN.LCOlfflt Practice limited to disease of the Rectum end Genito urinary Organe. . 306-7 Shepherd Building. Y OU SEE we know the Styles Men and Young Men appreciate. Have studied it for years, and we have learned to buy Clothes that the' most fastidious like. Just good Style, good Goods, good Tailoring, and a satisfied customer. WE DON'T THINK THAT YOU CAN AFFORD NOT TO SEE OUR $20 and $2250 Suits and Overcoats CROSS (SL LINEHAN CO, THE CLOTHIERS. IPO! 1 -..-c f.-:."i- v ':(; ;".i:;t?. A - .':.;t' : "' iv, 1' i i'-r;.,,,... 'v' -' t 'v? ''1- ' 'r--v- f ' ' ; S. t;..': ?' r-'1 '.i.'.'-j I

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